Introduction to the topic: The things that will happen when the Seventh Seal comes to an end

Good evening, beloved friends and brethren present.

May the blessings of the heavenly Father, the Angel of the Covenant, be upon each one of you and upon me, too.

We greet missionary, Dr. Miguel Bermudez Marin, and to Reverend Antônio Lobo and the congregation there in Barueri, Brazil; and to everyone who is gathered in the different countries tonight.

It is a great blessing and privilege for me to address you tonight, Friday, November 20, 2018.

The subject of the Bible study we will have for today is: “THE THINGS THAT WILL HAPPEN WHEN THE SEVENTH SEAL COMES TO AN END.” That is the subject of our Bible study for this occasion.

There are many prophecies relevant to the Last Day, they are things that you must know that will happen at the end of the Seventh Seal.

Therefore, let us hear our Bible study for today, Friday, November 30, 2018: “THE THINGS THAT WILL HAPPEN WHEN THE SEVENTH SEAL COMES TO AN END.”

Proceed with the video, and may God open the Scriptures to us and the understanding to comprehend. Proceed.

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