The mystery of the Trumpet that sounds at the Last Day

Good afternoon, beloved brethren and friends present here in Charcas. It is a great blessing for me to be with you, to greet you and ask God for His blessings upon each one of you.

May the blessings of Jesus Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, be upon each one of you and upon me also; and may He allow us to understand His Program pertaining to this Last Day; and may He open the Scriptures to us, and teach us all these prophetic things that must happen in this end time, and prepare us to be transformed and taken to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in this Last Day. In the Eternal Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.

For this occasion, we have as our subject: “THE MYSTERY OF THE TRUMPET THAT SOUNDS AT THE LAST DAY.”

I want to read the passage of Revelation, chapter 1, verse 10 to 11, where the apostle Saint John tells us:

“I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,

Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last…”

May God bless our hearts with His Word and allow us to understand the mystery of the Trumpet that sounds at the Last Day, of this Great Voice of Trumpet that sounds at this Last Day.

Our beloved Lord Jesus Christ also spoke to us of this Great Voice of Trumpet in different passages; and He says in Matthew, chapter 24, verse 31:

“And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect…”

Here we have again the promise of the Last Trumpet or Great Voice of Trumpet to sound at the Last Day. And now, in Revelation (where we read) it says that this Voice as of a Trumpet said to John: “I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last.”

And who is the Alpha and Omega, who is the first and the last? Our beloved Lord Jesus Christ. It is the Voice of Jesus Christ in the Last Day speaking to His children, speaking to His Church in this end time in which we are living.

Now, we all want to hear that Great Voice of Trumpet in the Lord’s Day, in the Last Day.

Now, what is the Last Day? According to what God says through Saint Peter in his second letter, chapter 3, verse 8, where it says that we cannot ignore what he says here… (let’s read it), it says:

“But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”

Also in Psalm 90, verse 4, the prophet Moses tells us the same thing.

Now, when the Scripture speaks of a day before the Lord or the Lord’s Day, that means a millennium for human beings, that is, a thousand years.

And now, the last days of which the Scripture speaks to us represent or mean three thousand years, which began in the days of Jesus Christ, when He was 4 to 7 years old; and we are still living in the last days, because the last days are: fifth millennium, sixth millennium and seventh millennium.

We find that the apostle Saint Peter himself also spoke to us in his first letter, chapter 1 and verses 18 to 20, where he says:

“Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers;

But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:

Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you…”

The last times, in which the Lamb of God was manifested, who took away the sin of the world on Calvary’s Cross…; notice, He was destined since before the foundation of the world to be manifested here on Earth in human flesh, and to die on Calvary’s Cross; but for what time was He promised to be manifested? For the last times or last days.

In the last times, which are the last days, the Messiah, the Christ, would come and die on Calvary’s Cross, and thus take away the sin of the world. And when a person has heard the preaching of the Gospel, and believes in Jesus Christ as his Savior, and washes his sins in the Blood of the Lamb, what happens? The Spirit of Christ comes to the person, enters into him; and thus the person is born, born into the Kingdom of God; the new birth is operated in the person.

And just as a person to be born in a family he had to be born in that family, now we find that in order for a person to belong to the Family of God, to the Kingdom of God, to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, needs to be born in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; and this is carried out by believing in Christ as our Savior and receiving His Holy Spirit. That is the new birth for the person, of which Christ spoke to Nicodemus in chapter 3 of John, and verse 1 and on.

Now, seeing this mystery of the new birth, where also when the person is born again receives a theophanic spirit, a spirit of the sixth dimension…; and in the Last Day he will receive a physical and eternal and glorious body; and thus the person will be in the image and likeness of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ: with an eternal physical body and with an eternal theophanic body as well, of the sixth dimension. And thus we will live for all eternity with our beloved Lord Jesus Christ, in a young body, which will represent 18 to 21 years of age for all eternity.

Now, those people who will receive this blessing have their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life since before the foundation of the world. And when Christ was destined by God since before the foundation of the world to die, also —in the Lamb’s Book of Life— our names were placed there since before the foundation of the world; and that is why Christ said: “My sheep hear my Voice, and they follow me.”

Now, notice, Christ speaking of His sheep, He said that He would have other sheep that were not of the Hebrew fold. John, chapter 10, verse 14 to 16:

“I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.

As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.

And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold (that is, they are not of the Hebrew fold; they are, therefore, gentiles): them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.”

Now see how Christ says that His sheep will hear His Voice.

And now, Christ died, resurrected and ascended to Heaven, and has not been here on Earth anymore; since He left He has no longer been in a body, in His body of flesh that He had; which, after three days, resurrected and ascended to Heaven.

And now, how would Christ then be on Earth speaking to His sheep, and His sheep listening to His Voice? It would be Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit manifested through His messengers from age to age; and for that we have the diagram1 of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ from age to age, and of His angel messengers from age to age.

And it was through every angel messenger that Jesus Christ manifested Himself in Holy Spirit and spoke to His sheep, spoke to His children; they have heard His Voice in the age in which they have lived and have been placed in the Fold of the Lord, which is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, where the sons and daughters of God have been born again, where they would be placed from age to age.

And now, the first angel messenger was Saint Paul, in whom Jesus Christ was in Holy Spirit speaking to His people, and calling and gathering His sheep from among the gentiles in Asia Minor. And we find that Saint Paul said: “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.”2

And now, see how Christ in Holy Spirit, manifested in Saint Paul, was calling and gathering His sheep of the first age of the gentile Church; Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit was veiled and revealed in and through Saint Paul carrying out the Work pertaining to the first age of the gentile Church.

And so He was successively sending every angel messenger in each age, through whom He veiled and revealed Himself through that angel messenger in each age; and through that angel messenger He spoke to His sheep, He called them; they heard His Voice and were gathered, they were gathered together, in the Fold of the Lord, which is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thus it has happened from age to age during these seven stages or ages of the gentile Church.

And the Age of the Cornerstone arrives for the Last Day, the Age of Divine Love, where Jesus Christ will also be manifested and will be speaking to His sheep, and will be calling them and gathering them into the Fold of the Lord, which is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the Age of the Cornerstone in this Last Day.

And now, through whom will Jesus Christ be speaking in this Last Day with that Great Voice of Trumpet or Last Trumpet? He will be speaking in the Last Day through a man, through a prophet: the prophet messenger for the Age of the Cornerstone and for the Dispensation of the Kingdom.

Through that messenger is that the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ will be hearing the Trumpet that sounds at the Last Day; that Great Voice of Trumpet or Last Trumpet which also appears in Revelation, chapter 4, verse 1, where it says as follows; and I want to read that passage that says as follows:

“After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.”

Now see how this Voice as of a Trumpet, which is the Voice of Christ, promises to make known to us all these things that must happen soon, if we go up where He is.

It says: “Come up hither.” Where are we going to go up to? We are going to go up to the Age of the Cornerstone. And what will He be doing? Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit will be making known to us all these things that must shortly be done, here, in the Age of the Cornerstone, after those that have already happened in these seven stages or ages of the gentile Church.

And now, through whom will He be making known to us all these things that must shortly be done? Through whoever it is, Christ will be speaking to us with that Great Voice of Trumpet, in other words, with that Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom; and with that Message He will be revealing to us all the things that must happen at this Last Day according to the biblical prophecies.

And now let’s see who is this messenger that will be the instrument of Christ in the Last Day, for Christ through that messenger to be speaking to us with that Great Voice of Trumpet, and to be calling us and gathering us in His Mystical Body of believers, in His Fold, in the Age of the Cornerstone and in the Dispensation of the Kingdom.

He promised to make known to us all these things that must shortly be done; and through the messenger that He has for this time, He will be making known to us all these things that must shortly be done.

Let’s see who that prophet messenger is: In Revelation, chapter 22, verse 6, it says:

“And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.”

Who is the Sent One of Jesus Christ to, through that Sent One, through that prophet messenger, make known to us all these things that must shortly be done? That is the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ: The prophet messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ for the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom. That is a dispensational prophet with a dispensational Message, with the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, for the seventh dispensation, which is the last dispensation, for the Dispensation of the Kingdom.

That is why Christ through His Angel Messenger comes with that Great Voice of Trumpet or Last Trumpet, which is the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, making known to us all these things that must happen soon, at the Last Day.

In Revelation, chapter 22, verse 16, Christ also confirms that He has sent His Angel when He says:

“I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches.”

Whom does Jesus say He has sent? His Angel Messenger. It is through His Angel Messenger that —at the Last Day— God’s elect would be hearing the Trumpet that sounds at the Last Day.

Now, did you see how simple everything is? Everything is simple.

Just as Christ spoke through each prophet messenger of each age of the gentile Church, and that Voice was the Trumpet of each age (because the Trumpet is the Voice of Christ); now for the Last Day, for the Age of the Cornerstone, Christ speaks with a Great Voice of Trumpet, in other words, He speaks with a dispensational Message; with the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom He speaks to us all these things that must happen soon, and thus He reveals to us these prophetic mysteries pertaining to this Last Day.

How many of you knew that the last days were the fifth, sixth and seventh millennium? You did not know, but now you do. Why? Because the Voice of Christ, that Great Voice of Trumpet or Last Trumpet, is sounding in this end time; because we are in the Last Day if we add to the calendar the years it is behind; we are already in the seventh millennium, which is the Last Day; and therefore, we are in the first century of the seventh millennium, in other words, we are in the XXI century, which is the first century of the seventh millennium; and this is so, if we take things according to God’s calendar.

But, you see, if we keep using the calendar of human beings, which is delayed, there are only three years left to reach the seventh millennium, and therefore, to reach the XXI century.

So notice where we are in this time in which we are living: we are in the time of the Voice of Jesus Christ speaking to His children, to His sheep, with that Great Voice of Trumpet, with that Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, through His Angel Messenger.

And we find ourselves living on this planet Earth (what for?) to be listening to the Trumpet that sounds at the Last Day, the Voice of Christ; to be listening to the Voice of Christ, which is that Last Trumpet, that Great Voice of Trumpet that sounds in this end time, making known to us all these things that must happen soon.


It is the Voice of Jesus Christ through His Angel Messenger giving us the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, and with that Message revealing to us all these mysteries, all these things that must shortly be done, in the Last Day.

Now, see how we have seen and understood what the last days are: fifth, sixth and seventh millennium. And of those three last days, of those three last millennia, which is the last millennium, the Last Day? The seventh millennium; that is the Lord’s Day, Jehovah’s Day, that is the seventh millennium in which we are already living, if we take the calendar that human beings have and we add to that calendar the years that it is behind.

Now, has God’s calendar fallen behind? The human beings’ calendar is behind, but is God’s calendar behind? I think not. And you? Who will be able to delay God’s calendar? No one.

So, if God’s calendar is not behind, then we are already in the Last Day, in the seventh millennium, in the Lord’s Day; where the Voice of Christ as a Great Voice of Trumpet has to be sounding; it has to be sounding and has to be giving His Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, and has to be making known to us all those things that must shortly be done, in the Last Day. And this has to be done through a human being, through a prophet: “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” (Amos, chapter 3 and verse 7).

And now, also see in Deuteronomy, chapter 18, verse 15 to 19, where the prophet Moses says: “The Lord your God will raise up unto you a prophet like me; him shall ye hear.” And why does he say that we should listen to him, to that prophet? Let’s see… let’s see why: in verse 18 of this same chapter 15 of Deuteronomy it says:

“I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee (that is, a prophet like Moses), and will put my words in his mouth…”

What does God put in the mouth of that prophet? His Words. And what will that man speak? He says:

“…and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.”

What he will be speaking will be the Word of God. The Voice of Jesus Christ will be heard through that prophet.

Notice, when each prophet appeared in the Old Testament, the Voice of God speaking to the Hebrew people was there. We find that in Zechariah, chapter 7 and verse 11 to 12, where it says…, speaking of the Hebrew people, who did not want to hear the Voice of God, it says:

“But they refused to hearken, and pulled away the shoulder, and stopped their ears, that they should not hear.

Yea, they made their hearts as an adamant stone, lest they should hear the law, and the words which the Lord of hosts hath sent in his spirit by the former prophets: therefore came a great wrath from the Lord of hosts.”

Now, through whom did God send His Word? Through His Holy Spirit. Through whom? Through the prophets, the prophets of God. And when they did not want to listen to those prophets, they were not wanting to listen to whom? God.

So see the mystery of the Voice of God speaking to His people always through a man, through a prophet.

See also in Hebrews, chapter 1, verse 1 and on, where Saint Paul says:

“God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets…”

Through whom did God speak to the fathers, to the Hebrew people? Through the prophets.

“…Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son…”

By whom? By Jesus Christ, by the Son.

And when does it say that He has spoken to us? It says: “…in these last days…”; it is saying “in the last days,” and approximately two thousand years have already passed; because the last days had already begun when Christ was already preaching.

And now, it says:

“…whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds…”

Now we can see how God spoke and where God placed His Word: He spoke through His prophets, where He placed His Word in the mouth of those prophets. That is why the prophets of God are the mouth of God for the time in which God sends them, and they proclaim the Message that God has placed in their mouth.

And what about those people who are not interested in hearing the Voice of God through those prophets? It says [Deuteronomy 18:19]:

“…whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.”

In other words, it is the responsibility of every person to listen to the Voice of God in the time in which he is living. And that Voice of God is heard through the prophet messenger that God sends for that time.

The prophet Moses said: “Hear ye him.”

It is not a matter of saying: “But my religion does not teach these things.” So thought the people of Noah’s time, and look at what happened to them.

The Lord Jesus Christ says that the Coming of the Son of Man will be as in the days of Noah: that they didn’t… that they ate and drank, and were married and given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark; and the flood came and took them all away. It says: “And they knew not, until the flood came, and took them all away.”3 What did they not know? They did not know the Voice of God, they did not know the prophet of God; and therefore, they did not receive the Message of God.

And there were religions at that time, there were great religious leaders also; but, notice, they did not want to listen to the Voice of God through the prophet Noah. And the prophet Noah is a dispensational prophet.

See how that generation that did not want to listen to the Voice of God through that prophet Noah, perished when the flood came.

And now, notice how God through the prophet Zechariah says that the Hebrew people did not want to hear the Voice of God through the prophets that God sent to them, and great anger came from God against the Hebrew people.

And now, see how it says:

“…whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.”

In other words, he is responsible before God for that Word that has been spoken for that time; and if he has not received it, he has serious problems before God.

In the book of Acts, chapter 3, verse 18 to 22 (or 23), it says: “And whosoever will not hear what he shall speak in My Name, I will root him out of the people.” He is uprooted from the people of God; and therefore he has no inheritance among the people of God: he loses the right to eternal life.

Now, notice that this is more serious than we can imagine.

And now, seeing that for every age and for every dispensation God has sent a prophet where He has placed His Word, who has spoken all that God has commanded him to speak; let’s see the time in which we live, and let’s see what God will be speaking at this time, and let’s see through whom He will be speaking these things.

It says that through His Angel Messenger is that all these things will be made known. Why? Because in that Angel Messenger of the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom will be the Word of Jesus Christ placed in the mouth of that prophet messenger and in the heart of that prophet messenger. And there will be the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit veiled and revealed speaking to His people, to His Church, through that prophet messenger.

We have come to the time when all these things would be made known to all the sons and daughters of God through the Voice of Jesus Christ, of that Trumpet that sounds at the Last Day; and we have come to the time when the mystery of that Trumpet that sounds at the Last Day has been opened. And we are at the time when that Trumpet —which is the Voice of Christ— is sounding, is speaking to us all these things that must shortly be done; and thus revealing to us all these prophetic mysteries pertaining to this Last Day.

And through that Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is revealed the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, in His Reclaiming Work, to thus obtain the faith, the revelation, to be transformed and raptured in this Last Day, and go to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Heaven, in the House of our heavenly Father.

We have seen what that Trumpet that sounds at the Last Day is: It is the same Trumpet of which Saint Paul speaks in First Thessalonians, chapter 4, verse 13 to 17, where he teaches us that the Lord Himself will descend from Heaven with a Voice of Command, in other words, a Shout (which is the Voice of Command), and with what else? With the Trumpet of God also, and with what else? Let’s see how Saint Paul tells us these things here; he says:

“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

Now we can see the promise of the Coming of Christ with a Shout, with the Voice of the Archangel and with the Trumpet of God. It is the same Trumpet that sounds at the Last Day; it is that Trumpet of God or Great Voice of Trumpet that in the Last Day will be speaking to us and making known to us all these things that must happen soon. That Voice of Trumpet or Great Voice of Trumpet is the Voice of Christ giving us His Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom through His Angel Messenger.

And in the Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, to be listening to the Message of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Gospel of the Kingdom, through the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, is to be listening to the Trumpet that sounds in the Last Day and makes known to us all these things that must shortly be done, in this Last Day; in other words, in this seventh millennium that has begun, if we add to the calendar the years that it is behind.

And now, that same trumpet is the Last Trumpet of which Saint Paul speaks to us in First Corinthians, chapter 15 and verse 50 to 54; that Last Trumpet that precedes the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the transformation of us who are alive.

Let’s see here how Saint Paul tells us about that Trumpet that sounds. He says… Let’s read from verse 49 of First Corinthians, chapter 15:

“And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.”

In other words, just as we have brought the mortal and corruptible body, and a spirit, a spirit in the permissive will of God, a spirit of the world; we will also bring a theophanic spirit from Heaven, from the sixth dimension, and a glorified body; and thus we will be in the image and likeness of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ; and we will be in a young body, which will be representing —for all eternity— from 18 to 21 years. That is the great blessing that Christ has for all His elect, for all His sheep that have heard His Voice in the age they were given to live in; they have heard the Voice of Christ through the messenger of each age.

And now, we continue reading what Saint Paul tells us. He continues saying:

“Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.

Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep (See? It’s a mystery: ‘We will not all sleep,’ that is, we will not all die), but we shall all be changed…”

These “all” of whom he speaks, are the members of the Mystical Body of Christ, who have their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. These are those who have believed in Christ as their Savior and have received His Holy Spirit; and therefore, have been born into the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, have entered the Kingdom of God with eternal life.

And now, these are those who have the promise of being transformed if they are alive; and if they have died, they have the promise of being resurrected in eternal and glorified bodies, to live for all eternity in that eternal body; and thus to be with Jesus Christ reigning in His Kingdom for a thousand years and then for all eternity.

It goes on to say:

“In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound (here you have again that Trumpet, that Trumpet that sounds at the Last Day), and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”

A transformation is coming for our mortal bodies, in order to obtain an immortal, incorruptible and eternal body; to live with Christ as kings and priests for all eternity. It says:

“For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.”

In other words, from then on there will be no more death for the elect of God, because we will already be living with an eternal body. And that is how we will be in the glorious Kingdom of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ, reigning as kings and priests with Jesus Christ our Savior.

Now, notice that before the resurrection that Last Trumpet sounds; and that Trumpet sounds in the Lord’s Day, in Revelation, chapter 1, verse 10 to 11. And the Lord’s Day, which is the seventh millennium, is the Last Day.

And notice how Jesus Christ also spoke of the Last Day in John, chapter 6, verse 40, when He said:

“And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.”

When does Christ say that He will resurrect the believers in Him whose physical bodies have died? He says it will be for the Last Day. And the Last Trumpet, which sounds at the Last Day, notice, it is the Voice of Jesus Christ at the Last Day making known to His Church all these things that must happen soon.

And after the Message of the Last Trumpet or Great Voice of Trumpet has been given, the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, and all the elect of God have been called and gathered, all the sheep of Jesus Christ, then will come the resurrection of all the rest of the Mystical Body of Christ that has departed, which is in Paradise, that their physical bodies have died; and then they will appear to the saints who will be living in this time, they will appear to the elect of God of this time, they will appear in the Age of the Cornerstone with an eternal body, in other words, they will appear to us; and when we see them, we will be transformed, and thus we will obtain our eternal body also.

Now, notice that all this is for the Last Day: The Last Trumpet is for the Last Day, the Voice of Christ resurrecting or to resurrect the dead in Christ is for the Last Day, and the Voice of Christ calling and gathering His elect is for the Last Day also.

The Voice of Christ through His Angel Messenger, in the sounding of this Trumpet of the Last Day, see, is what precedes the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the transformation of us who are alive.

Therefore, no person can be transformed without first hearing that Trumpet that sounds at the Last Day, in other words, without hearing that Great Voice of Trumpet, which is the Gospel of the Kingdom being preached by the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ —that Angel anointed by the Holy Spirit—. Christ veiled and revealed in His Angel Messenger will be speaking to us with that Great Voice of Trumpet and will be revealing to us all these things that must happen soon.

We have seen: “THE MYSTERY OF THE TRUMPET THAT SOUNDS AT THE LAST DAY,” and calls and gathers all the elect of God.

And just as each Trumpet of each age of the gentile Church (which was the Voice of Christ in each age), we find that it sounded through the messenger of each age, Christ spoke through the messenger of each age, in the relevant age to which He sent it and in the relevant territory where that first age was fulfilled; now He speaks to His elect in the Last Day (where?) in the territory relevant to the Age of the Cornerstone and the Dispensation of the Kingdom; to the territory relevant to the Last Day, which is Latin America and the Caribbean.

Christ spoke through His angel messengers: In Asia Minor through Saint Paul, in France through Irenaeus; and then He spoke through Martin, through Columba, through Luther and through Wesley also there in Europe; and then He spoke in North America through the Reverend William Marrion Branham, who was the messenger of the seventh age of the gentile Church and forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ.

And in this Last Day, Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit would speak through His Angel Messenger, where? In Latin America and the Caribbean, which is the territory that was missing from the occident (in other words, from the West), from the American continent, for God to fulfill the promises pertaining to the Last Day; because He already fulfilled the promises pertaining to the seventh age of the gentile Church in the northern part of the American continent, in other words, in North America.

And now, to fulfill the things pertaining to the Last Day and to the Age of the Cornerstone, which is the eighth age, and Dispensation of the Kingdom: Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit passes to Latin America and the Caribbean to speak to us with that Voice of Trumpet and make known to us all these things that must happen soon, in this Last Day, in the midst of the Latin American and Caribbean people, and in the midst of His gentile Church; and thus all the elect of God to be called and gathered.

Now look at the territory where this promise would be fulfilled. This was a mystery that has already been opened to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom. This mystery has been opened in Latin America and the Caribbean for —with that Message revealing these mysteries— all the elect of God to be called and gathered.


And where would the elect who would hear this Trumpet be? Where would they be? In Latin America and the Caribbean. And here we are: In Latin America and the Caribbean, listening to the Trumpet that sounds at the Last Day!

And already THE MYSTERY OF THE TRUMPET THAT SOUNDS AT THE LAST DAY, that mystery has already been opened for us. It is no longer a mystery, but a revelation. It is the revelation of the Voice of Jesus Christ through His Angel Messenger giving us His Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, and with that Message making known to us all these things that must happen in this Last Day.


It has been a great privilege for me to be with you on this occasion, giving testimony of the Trumpet sounding at the Last Day.

May God continue to speak to us with that Last Trumpet, with that Great Voice of Trumpet, which is sounding in this Last Day; and he who has ears to hear, may he hear what the Holy Spirit says to the churches in this Last Day through that Last Trumpet or Great Voice of Trumpet, through His Angel Messenger, in Latin America and the Caribbean; and may we all be soon transformed and raptured, and taken to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

Thank you very much for your kind attention, and may you all continue having a day or evening filled with the blessings of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ.

I leave with you Reverend Miguel Bermudez Marin to continue and finish our part this evening, giving thanks to Jesus Christ.

Then we will be in Matehuala, at 6:30 in the evening, and there we will be speaking on the topic: “THE MYSTERY OF THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST WITH HIS ANGELS AT THE LAST DAY.”

Well, may God continue to bless you, may God keep you; and with us Reverend Miguel Bermudez Marin.

God bless you.


1 The diagram of the pyramid can be seen on the last page of the message SPN62-1014M “The stature of a perfect man” /

2 Galatians 2:20

3 Matthew 24:39

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