The Mystery of the Rapture of the Elect

Good afternoon, beloved friends and brethren present here in Candelaria. It is a great blessing to be with you on this occasion, to share some moments around the Word of God with you, and to see the Divine Program, and to see in which part of the Divine Program we are living at this end time.

For this reason, I want to read in Saint John chapter 14, verse 1 and on, where Christ tells us, while He is praying He says… or speaking, He says to His disciples:

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

May God bless His Word in our hearts, and allow us to understand It.


In this passage that we have read, we have the promise of Christ here, of His Second Coming:

“…And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again…

That is His Second Coming.

…And receive you unto myself…

Why “unto Myself”? Because He comes to get His Church, which is His mystical Body of believers. And just as the wife is part of the husband, she is flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones; likewise, the Bride of Christ is part of Christ, and She is flesh of His flesh and blood of His Blood and bone of His bones.

And now, notice how Christ makes the promise here.

Now, how will we go to the House of our Heavenly Father? Which is the way to follow? It says:

And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.

Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Now notice which is the way that these people will follow, whom Christ comes to seek and take to the House of our Heavenly Father: they will be in the Way of Jesus Christ, because Christ is the Way, Christ is the Truth, and Christ is the Life (Eternal Life).

Outside of Christ, the person is not in the Way, nor the Eternal Life, nor the Truth. He can be in anything but the Truth; he can be in any way but the Divine Way; he can be in anything but the Eternal Life.

Christ said in Saint John chapter 6, verses 39 to 40:

And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.

And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.

Now, whom will our beloved Lord Jesus Christ raise up at the Last Day? Those who have believed in Jesus Christ, who are in the Way, in the Truth, and in the Eternal Life, for they have received Eternal Life through our beloved Lord Jesus Christ.

These people have become part of the mystical Body of Christ, because they have believed in Christ as their Savior, washed away their sins in the Blood of Jesus Christ, and received His Holy Spirit; and therefore, they have been born in the mystical Body of Christ, they have been born again; and now they have a theophanic body of the sixth dimension, meaning, a theophanic spirit; and Eternal Life has already started to be manifested in them.

They already have Eternal Life, because they have believed in Christ and washed away their sins in the Blood of Jesus Christ, and received His Holy Spirit; and now they have Eternal Life.

And now, these people have the promise that, if they die, they will be raised at the Last Day.

Now notice, two thousand years have passed since Christ, and the resurrection of the dead in Christ hasn’t happened yet, but it is promised for the Last Day, which is the seventh millennium. And we who are alive and have received Christ as our Savior, and have received His Holy Spirit: we have come into the mystical Body of Christ; and therefore, we have the promise that if we remain alive until the dead in Christ rise: when we see them, we will be changed.1

And now, notice how from age to age the elect of each age have been called and gathered together: by the Word of Christ through the messenger of each age, in whom Christ in Holy Spirit has been manifested from age to age. They have departed in the age in which they were given to live, but they will rise at the Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone and in the Dispensation of the Kingdom, in the seventh millennium, in other words, at the Last Day.

If we add to the calendar the years it is behind, then we are already in the seventh millennium; therefore, we are at the Last Day.

Therefore, at any moment, the dead in Christ will rise, and we who are alive will be changed; because this promise is for the Last Day, for the time when the Last Trumpet or Great Voice of Trumpet will be sounding, and will be calling and gathering the elect of the Last Day, and will be preparing them to be changed and raptured.

They will be put where? In the Age of the Cornerstone, which is the age represented in the number eight; and eight represents infinity [∞] and also eternity.

And we have been called and gathered here, with the Message of the Great Voice of Trumpet, because Christ said:

And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect.2

Where? The elect of the Last Day are gathered here in the Age of the Cornerstone and in the Dispensation of the Kingdom, through the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, to be changed and raptured at this Last Day.

Now, if one of our own goes beforehand to the sixth dimension, to Paradise, there is no problem: he will come back to our age and to our dispensation in an eternal and glorious body; and then he will tell us: “I have come back. I am back here, but in an eternal body.”

If he or she were elderly, they will come back in a young body, and say: “Now this one definitely won’t get old; now this one is definitely for all eternity.” And thank God that the eternal body is for all eternity, and the body that had to die, well, it is temporary, it is not the eternal body.

So notice, first we receive the temporary body, the one that is for a certain period of time; and later on, at the Last Day, we will receive the eternal body, to live for all eternity. It will never get old, it will never get sick, and it will never die; and it will never suffer either, we will never suffer when we are in that eternal body.

Now, notice how the promise of the rapture of the elect is for the Last Day, for the seventh millennium, for the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom. That is why the dead in Christ are going to rise at this Last Day, meaning, in the seventh millennium.

And if we add to the calendar the years it is behind, we are already in the seventh millennium; if we don’t add to the calendar the years it is behind, then there are only three years left to reach the year 2000 and go into 2001, and for the seventh millennium to begin.

But, could God’s calendar have fallen behind? I don’t think so, do you? Well, if it hasn’t fallen behind, then before God we are already where? In the seventh millennium, in other words, at the Last Day.

Therefore, God must be fulfilling His promises pertaining to the Last Day: He must be calling and gathering His elect at the Last Day—as He has promised—and He must be placing us in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, and preparing us to be changed and raptured; He must be preparing us, making known to us all these things which must shortly be done, at this Last Day, at this end time.

That is why the Voice of Christ in Revelation chapter 1, verses 10 to 11, John the Apostle says, when he was on the Lord’s Day and heard that Great Voice as of a trumpet… John said:

I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day…

Which Day was he on? On the Lord’s Day, which is the seventh millennium to human beings; for one day before the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day, says Second Peter chapter 3, verse 8, and Psalm 90, verse 4.

And now, notice that John is here on the Lord’s Day, and he says:

…And heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet…

What did he hear there? He heard a Great Voice as of a trumpet. Not a literal trumpet, but a Voice, the Voice of a person, of a Man; but It was as of a trumpet: a mighty Voice.

Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last.

And who is the Alpha and Omega? Who is the first and the last? Our beloved Lord Jesus Christ. It is the Voice of Jesus Christ at the Last Day speaking a dispensational Message, a Great Voice of Trumpet; and calling and gathering all of God’s elect with that Message; calling and gathering all His elect with the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, which revolves around the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, in His Claiming Work.

The Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom for the Dispensation of the Kingdom, notice, revolves around the Second Coming of Christ. That is the core of the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom.

There are people who ask themselves: “What will be contained in the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, for the seventh millennium, to be preached in the seventh millennium?” Well, notice, what it contains is the revelation of the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, in His Claiming Work; and every Divine Promise for the seventh millennium will revolve around the Second Coming of Christ.

Now, notice how, just like in the Gospel of Grace we find that the First Coming of Christ as Lamb of God was carried out, and that is the core of the Message of the Gospel of Grace; and now, notice how the core of the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom is the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, in His Claiming Work.

And with that Message, Christ calls His elect at the Last Day, in the seventh millennium, and in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom; and with that Message, He makes known to us all these things which must shortly be done, in the seventh millennium, all these things which must shortly be done in the Dispensation of the Kingdom and in the Age of the Cornerstone.

And now, notice how in Revelation chapter 4, the promise is:

Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

Where will we go up? We must go up to the Age of the Cornerstone; just like those of past ages went up to the age in which they were given to live, and they heard the Voice of Christ through the messenger of each age.

And now, in order to hear the things which must shortly be done in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, in the seventh millennium, we go up to the Age of the Cornerstone, which is the Age of Love Divine, and there, we hear the Voice of Jesus Christ through His Angel-Messenger, making known to us all these things which must shortly come to pass. That’s why: “Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter,” Christ tells us with that Voice of Trumpet.

And in Revelation chapter 22, verse 6, He is showing us here the things which must shortly be done through His Angel-Messenger. It says:

And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.

Whom does He send to show these things? His Angel-Messenger, to show these things to God’s elect, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom.

And now, notice how the Voice of Christ, that Great Voice of Trumpet or Last Trumpet which all of God’s elect will hear in order to be called, gathered, and prepared to be changed and raptured, notice how this Voice makes known to us all these things which must shortly be done. And we find this Voice in the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ; because Christ will be manifested in His Angel at the Last Day, speaking to us all these things which must shortly be done.

Christ in Holy Spirit in His Angel-Messenger makes known to us all these things which must shortly be done; and that is how we hear the Voice of Christ, that Last Trumpet or Great Voice of Trumpet, and we are called, gathered, and prepared to be changed at this Last Day.

No one who is alive at this end time can be changed or raptured without first hearing the Great Voice of Trumpet, in other words, the Voice of Christ through His Angel-Messenger, making known to us all these things which must shortly be done. And the dead in Christ cannot be raised before the Voice of Christ through His Angel-Messenger makes known all these things which must shortly be done; because first the Last Trumpet sounds, which is the Voice of Christ through His Angel-Messenger, speaking to His Church at this Last Day.

And now, the saints who have departed and who are in Paradise, are hearing what is being spoken at this Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom; so, they know what is happening here on Earth.

And now, notice, those who will be raised in eternal bodies, and will be here with us for thirty to forty days, and then will be raptured together with us when we have the new body too: all those people who will rise are the members of the mystical Body of Christ; they are the people who have come to this Earth and have believed in Christ as their Savior, and have washed away their sins in the Blood of the Lamb, and have received His Holy Spirit; and therefore, they have been born again, and thus, they have come into the mystical Body of Christ. Those people have their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

And we who will be changed while we are alive also have our names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, and we would be hearing the Great Voice of Trumpet or Last Trumpet, meaning, the Voice of Christ through His Angel-Messenger, making known to us all these things which must shortly be done.

For no one can be changed (if he is alive), and obtain the eternal body and then be raptured, without first hearing the Last Trumpet, which is the Message of Christ through His Angel-Messenger.

So, we can see the Divine Program pertaining to our time, and we can see who are the ones that will be raptured at the Last Day: they are the ones who heard the Voice of Christ, each one in their age, in the age in which they were given to live.

The ones of the age of Saint Paul, the first age, heard the Voice of Christ through Saint Paul; the ones of the second age heard It through Irenaeus… The ones of the first age, in Asia Minor; the ones of the second age, in Europe: Irenaeus was in the territory of France; and so on, we find the different messengers of the different ages.

For example, for the third age, Martin was in Hungary and covered… and France too. Then Columba was in Ireland and Scotland; the elect were there (the majority of them), and they heard the Voice of Christ through this messenger. Then the ones of the fifth age were in Germany, and they heard the Voice of Christ through Luther. Then the ones of the sixth age—the majority of them—were in England, and they heard the Voice of Christ through John Wesley. And the ones of the seventh age were in North America, and they heard the Voice of Christ through Rev. William Marrion Branham.

Most of the elect have always been where the messenger of each age has been.

And now, where will the elect of the Last Day be (who will hear the Voice of Christ through His Angel-Messenger, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom)? In Latin America and the Caribbean. And they are the ones who have the promise of hearing the Voice of Christ and being changed at the Last Day. But if any of our own goes to Paradise beforehand, he will come back to our age. So, he will be visiting Paradise, but he will come back to our age and to our territory in an eternal body.

And when we see the dead in Christ raised, we who are alive will be changed, and we will all have the eternal body, and the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ will be complete, in eternal bodies, standing here on Earth; and She will be here on Earth for thirty to forty days, in that new body, in that eternal body.

And after that time—where great things will take place, where Christ has great things in His Program to carry out here on Earth—then we will go from here to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, to the House of our Heavenly Father.

We have seen what the rapture of God’s elect is: it’s the rapture or transfer of all those who have been part of this mystical Body of believers, which is the Church of Jesus Christ, from the first ones, counting the apostles and then Saint Paul and his group, and then each messenger and his group, and then the Angel of Jesus Christ and his group over here; all of them obtaining an eternal body. And after obtaining that eternal body, after spending thirty to forty days here, where we will be in that new body and great things will be carried out… because we will no longer have limitations, and we will be in the image and likeness of Jesus Christ.

If with one Person: Jesus Christ, a perfect Man here on Earth, all of Israel was shaken, how will it be with millions of human beings in the image and likeness of Jesus Christ? Thirty or forty days is enough for what is going to happen, for the whole world to be shaken.

Now notice, then we will leave from here to the House of our Heavenly Father, to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, where they are waiting for us to have that Feast of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

Now, we have already seen THE MYSTERY OF THE RAPTURE OF THE ELECT. The mystery of the rapture of the elect is the rapture of all the members of the mystical Body of Christ, who, at the Last Day—those who have departed—will rise in eternal bodies, and we who are alive will be changed.

This is for the Last Day or seventh millennium, where we will all be hearing the Great Voice of Trumpet or Last Trumpet, which is the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, through the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, in whom Christ would be manifested in Holy Spirit speaking to His people, to His Church, and calling and gathering all of His elect in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom.


We will be raptured in eternal bodies, in the image and likeness of Jesus Christ, and we will go to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb; while mankind will be going through the Divine Judgments of the Great Tribulation on this Earth.

Now, no one can be changed and raptured because he has been or because he is a good person or something like that; it is because he belongs to the mystical Body of the Lord Jesus Christ, he has believed in Christ as his Savior, washed away his sins in the Blood of the Lamb, and received the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus Christ; and therefore, he is born again and he is part of this mystical Body of believers, represented here, in this diagram.3

And now, notice, every person belongs—every person who belongs to the mystical Body of Christ belongs to one of these ages, and is under the ministry of one of these messengers of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Now, the ones of the first age will be able to say: “I will rise in the resurrection, together with the Apostle Saint Paul;” and that’s right; because they won’t rise with another angel-messenger. And each one will be able to say the same.

But none of them could say that they would be changed in their time (at the time in which they lived), together with the angel-messenger of their age, because that was for the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom. So, we who will be alive and see the dead in Christ raised when they rise: will be changed.

And now, we are waiting for our transformation; and at any moment, the dead in Christ will come back in eternal bodies; they will rise and we will see them; so, they will visit us.

And do you know what they said to our Brother Branham when he was there? Before our Brother Branham departed, we find that he went on a visit to Paradise, God took him; he saw the saints of his age, who had believed in the Gospel of Christ through the ministry of our Brother Branham, and they came to him; they came to him and hugged him and they were glad that he was there.4

Notice, there were more people there in Paradise who rejoiced because he was there, than people who were on Earth that rejoiced because Brother Branham was here on Earth; because it’s always one’s own people who rejoice because one is with them; and he already had millions there, he said.

So notice, they spoke with him and said: “We are going to go back to Earth with you. Now, here we neither eat, nor drink, nor sleep, nor get tired; but we will go back to Earth, we will take up bodies and we will go back to Earth, and then we will eat.”5

Now notice, this is Biblical, because when our Lord Jesus Christ rose, they didn’t believe that Jesus Christ had risen, and He tells them: “Do you have anything to eat around here?” They looked for a piece of fish and a piece of honeycomb, and He ate before them.6

And now, the dead in Christ, well, when they come back in eternal bodies, they will also eat. We are their (what is it called?) hosts, they are our guests here in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Well, who in Germany is going to receive the ones of the fifth age? They aren’t even expecting them. And who in Asia Minor is going to receive Saint Paul and his people? They aren’t even expecting them over there; and so forth. Who is expecting the angel-messenger of each age in the territory where God sent him? They don’t even know that they are coming back.

But we in Latin America are expecting Saint Paul, we are expecting Irenaeus, we are expecting Martin, we are expecting Columba, we are expecting Luther, we are expecting Wesley, we are expecting our Brother Branham, and we are expecting the apostles of Jesus Christ.

Because the promise is that they will come back to Earth in eternal bodies. And who will they come back to? To the rest of the mystical Body of Christ that will be alive here on Earth, who have the promise to be changed and raptured. In other words, the part of the Body that pertains to these past ages comes back to Earth, to the Head (because wherever the Head is, that is where the body must be).

And notice where they will be coming back to. And from here, well, they will be able to travel to other nations, they will be able to go and visit some of their family members, the ones that… those would be the ones of the last age, the seventh age, who still have family members left; and so on. And maybe, those of other ages can go and visit their great-great-great-great-great grandchildren or so; but will they remember that in their ancestry there was someone who received Christ as their Savior and who died, and who would rise at the Last Day?

So, at this time, great things will be happening. But notice, Christ will have control over everything from the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom; because the body can’t do what it wants to do, but what the head orders the body.

Notice, the body of each of you doesn’t do what it wants to; if it did what it wanted to do, well, you know something? Something would be wrong with that body.

That is the problem that some people have, whose hand or head you see doing things they shouldn’t be doing, why? Because they are not submitted to their head; there is something wrong with them in terms of the signal they are receiving from their brain.

For example, if you see that you are given a cup to take, and you are supposed to take that cup, and instead of stretching your hand out towards the cup, you stretch it out in another direction, that hand isn’t working right, your brain is not… or, your hand is not obeying your brain, it is disconnected from the correct brain signals.

Now, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is subject to Christ, who is the Head; and Christ, the Head, would be where at the Last Day? Well, in the Age of the Cornerstone, which is the Age of the Head, just as He was in each of the past ages.

And now, at the Last Day, notice how Christ would be in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, in which territory? Well, in Latin America and the Caribbean, which is the territory that has the promise and blessing of the Voice of Christ as a Great Voice of Trumpet calling and gathering His elect.

And the surprise and good news for the Latin American and Caribbean people is that, just as the first age of the Church was filled with people from Asia Minor, and the second age was filled with people who lived in Europe, there in the area of France (the majority of them)… and likewise, each age was filled with people who lived in the territory where each age was fulfilled and where God sent the messenger (the majority were from that territory).

And now, notice, what will the Age of the Cornerstone, the Age of the Holy of Holies of the spiritual Temple of Christ, be filled with? Latin American and Caribbean people! That is the great blessing that God has in Latin America and the Caribbean; and that is why He is calling and gathering His Latin American and Caribbean elect, and where is He putting them? In the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom; and thus, the most important stage of the mystical Body of Christ is being filled.

And when the number of those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life is complete, to form the Age of the Cornerstone, then comes the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the transformation of us who are alive.


We have seen the mystery of the people who will be raptured at this Last Day, whom, if they died, will be raised in eternal bodies, for they belong to the mystical Body of Christ; and if we are alive, well, we will be changed.

Everyone must have belonged where? To the mystical Body of Jesus Christ, represented in this diagram. And those who belonged to the stage before Saint Paul, well, they belonged to the stage of Saint Peter and the other apostles, who are down here, in this small line.

Well, we have seen the mystery of those who will be raptured at the Last Day. We have seen that they are the ones who are part of the mystical Body of Christ, of past ages and also of our time; and they all have their names written, where? In the Lamb’s Book of Life.

And the rapture of the Two Anointed Ones, let’s leave that pending, because that is a mystery that—although we already know who the Two Anointed Ones are (they are Moses and Elijah), we will leave it alone for now; because what we have heard on this occasion is enough for us. For each one of you, and I, are in the rapture of the elect; we are all there, because we belong to the mystical Body of Jesus Christ.

And the promise is that, if we are alive, we will be changed when the dead in Christ rise at this Last Day, at the Last Trumpet, in other words, when the Last Trumpet, the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, sounds; and the Last Trumpet is already sounding, and It is calling and gathering God’s elect.

Once this stage of the gathering of God’s elect finishes, the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the transformation for us who are alive must come.

It has been a great privilege to be with you, speaking to you about: “THE MYSTERY OF THE RAPTURE OF THE ELECT,” the elect of God, the firstborn of God.

May God bless you, may God keep you. Thank you very much for your kind attention. And onward, persevering in Christ, hearing His Word, and being prepared to be changed and raptured, and to go to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

May God bless you and keep you, and thank you very much for your kind attention.

I leave Rev. Miguel Bermúdez Marín with us again to continue and conclude our participation on this occasion; to then continue our journey, our trip, to the next place, which is Juárez station. And how far away is that? Two and a half hours? Three hours, they’re telling me over there; let’s say… three and a half? Three and a half hours… if it’s raining, well, the trip takes longer, because you can’t go as fast, travel as fast, the way you do when it’s not raining, so let’s say three to four hours… three and a half to four hours; and we will be in Juárez station for the next service.

May God bless you and keep you, and thank you very much for your kind attention.

And, be ready! To be what? Changed and raptured soon.

May God bless you and keep you all.


1 1 Corinthians 15:51-53; 1 Thessalonians 4:15

2 Matthew 24:31

3 The pyramid diagram can be seen at the following link:

4 The Revelation Of The Seven Seals, “The Fifth Seal,” pages 366-367, paragraphs 382-387

5 The Revelation Of The Seven Seals, “The Fifth Seal,” page 368, paragraph 409

6 Luke 24:36-43

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