The Mystery of the Ark of the Covenant and Its Content

Good evening beloved friends and brethren present, radio listeners and television viewers. It is a great privilege to be with you on this occasion, to share some moments of fellowship around the Word of God, and to see our subject for tonight: “THE MYSTERY OF THE ARK OF THE COVENANT AND ITS CONTENT,” which we will see tonight.

Therefore, let’s read in the Book of Exodus, chapter 25, verses 16 to 22, where it says… and also verse 10; it says:

And they shall make an ark of shittim wood: two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof.

And thou shalt overlay it with pure gold, within and without shalt thou overlay it, and shalt make upon it a crown of gold round about.

And thou shalt cast four rings of gold for it, and put them in the four corners thereof; and two rings shall be in the one side of it, and two rings in the other side of it.

And thou shalt make staves of shittim wood, and overlay them with gold.

And thou shalt put the staves into the rings by the sides of the ark, that the ark may be borne with them.

The staves shall be in the rings of the ark: they shall not be taken from it.

And thou shalt put into the ark the testimony which I shall give thee.

And thou shalt make a mercy seat of pure gold: two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof.

And thou shalt make two cherubims of gold, of beaten work shalt thou make them, in the two ends of the mercy seat.

And make one cherub on the one end, and the other cherub on the other end: even of the mercy seat shall ye make the cherubims on the two ends thereof.

And the cherubims shall stretch forth their wings on high, covering the mercy seat with their wings, and their faces shall look one to another; toward the mercy seat shall the faces of the cherubims be.

And thou shalt put the mercy seat above upon the ark; and in the ark thou shalt put the testimony that I shall give thee.

And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony, of all things which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel.


The ark of the covenant was the first thing made by Moses; and then, later on, the tabernacle was built.

Moses received the design, the pattern from God (from Heaven); in other words, he received the pattern of the temple he would build, and he had also received the pattern of the ark of the covenant he would build.

And now, Saint Paul the Apostle, in his Letter to the Hebrews, teaches us that both the tabernacle and the content of that temple is a type and figure of the heavenly things. In chapter 9 of his Letter to the Hebrews, Saint Paul the Apostle tells us [verse 1]:

Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary.

For there was a tabernacle made; the first, wherein was the candlestick, and the table, and the shewbread; which is called the sanctuary.

And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all;

Which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant;

And over it the cherubims of glory shadowing the mercyseat; of which we cannot now speak particularly.

Here Saint Paul the Apostle shows us what the tabernacle that God commanded Moses to build was like, and he shows us the holy place and the holy of holies.

And Christ, notice, we find that He has been building a Temple called “His Church” in the Scripture. And that Temple must be built according to the temple or tabernacle Moses built and the temple King Solomon built; because they built those temples according to the pattern of the one that is in Heaven, in other words, according to the Temple which is in Heaven.

And that is why we find that the tabernacle Moses built and the temple Solomon built had an outer court, a holy place, and a holy of holies.

The most important place in the temple is the holy of holies, where the ark of the covenant is found; and inside the ark of the covenant are the tables of the Law, Aaron’s rod that budded, and it also has the golden pot or vessel where the manna is; a manna that was put there, (which did not corrupt) because it was in the Presence of God, because God was above the ark of the covenant, because that is God’s dwelling place.

And in that tabernacle built by Moses and the temple built by Solomon, God was reflecting the things that are in Heaven; because God is in Heaven, in the Holy of Holies, between the two cherubims that are there in Heaven. And He reflected all of that in the tabernacle Moses built and the temple Solomon built.

But now, notice, Christ said that the temple that was in Jerusalem would be destroyed, and there would not be left one stone upon another that would not be thrown down.1

Also Christ, speaking of that temple, said: “Behold, a greater than the temple is here.”2 And He also said: “Behold, a greater than Solomon is here.”3

Why was He greater than Solomon? Solomon had built the temple for God there in Jerusalem; but now Jesus Christ, One greater than Solomon, the Son of David, who would come, the Messiah: who would build a Temple for God; but what kind of a temple? A temple for all eternity, for a habitation of God in Spirit for all eternity.

And now, notice, Jesus as a Temple of God was also here on Earth. The human Temple of God at that moment, at that time, was who? Jesus, because God dwelt there in all His fullness.

And now, we find that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, has been building a Temple for God. In Ephesians chapter 2, verse 10, it says:

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

And then, it goes on to say:

Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands;

That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:

But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.

For he is our peace, who hath made both,” (meaning, Hebrews and Gentiles), “one…

Of both peoples, now He is making one people; and those people are the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, that is the heavenly Israel.

…Hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;

Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace…

A new man. That is why Christ spoke to Nicodemus about the new birth: because Christ would be making, creating, a new man. For Christ is the beginning of the Creation of God,4 of that new Creation in which Christ would be creating new people, new men and women, men and women who would be born again upon believing in Christ as our Savior, and washing away our sins in the Blood of Christ, and receiving His Holy Spirit; and thus, we would be born into the Kingdom of God, and thus, enter into the Kingdom of God, into that mystical Body of believers called the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

That is a Temple that God will have to dwell in for all eternity. Jesus Christ is the One who is building that Temple, that new race, a new race through the second Adam, which is Jesus Christ; a new race with Eternal Life, which receives the theophanic spirit of the sixth dimension upon believing in Christ and washing away their sins in the Blood of Christ, and they receive the Spirit of Christ; and at the Last Day, those who have already departed will receive the eternal body, they will rise in that eternal body, and we who are alive will be changed.

Now, notice how Saint Paul the Apostle goes on to say here:

…For to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace;

And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby:

And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh.

For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.

Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God…

[We are] members of the Household of God because through the new birth by Christ, we have been born as sons and daughters of God in the Kingdom of God; through the second Adam, through Jesus Christ.

And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;

In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord,” here we have a new Temple that is growing, it says:

In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.

God will dwell in the members of the mystical Body of Christ, meaning, in every person who has believed in Christ as his Savior, and has washed away his sins in the Blood of Christ, and has received His Holy Spirit; God will dwell in those people in all His fullness. And that will be when that spiritual Temple of Christ is completed, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the Temple that will be present during the millennium and for all eternity as a habitation of God in all His fullness.

That is why, notice, the Hebrew people lost their temple in the year 70, and they have not been able to build a new temple to worship God and in which to offer the atoning blood for the reconciliation of the Hebrew people to God.

But there is no problem: Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Tender Plant that would sprout from the Root of David,5 notice, would build a new Temple for God; not a temple of literal stones, but rather, a Temple of living stones, of human beings; and that is why it will be an eternal Temple, for God to dwell in for all eternity.

Therefore, temples will no longer be needed there in Jerusalem to worship God, because God will have His temple there, His Church, His mystical Body of believers, which is God’s Temple, for God to dwell in all His fullness in the millennium and for all eternity.

That is why when we search in the Book of Revelation, in chapter 21 and chapter 22, it says that there will be no temple there; there won’t be an earthly temple like the ones there were in Jerusalem in past times.

And now, we can see that the Temple that Christ is building is His Church, which grows from age to age, in the construction that is being carried out; a construction that our beloved Lord Jesus Christ is carrying out in His manifestation on this Earth from age to age, through His messengers of each stage.

We have a diagram which was used by Rev. William Branham when he was preaching about the subject: “The Stature Of A Perfect Man;”6 and in this diagram he shows us both the individual and the mystical Body of Christ.

And notice, it grows from age to age:

• It starts in the stage of the apostles, and then it continues to go up.

• And here we are in the first age among the Gentiles, which was the one Saint Paul was sent to, and which was fulfilled in Asia Minor. It grew there, it grew in its first stage.

• Then came the second stage or age, which was fulfilled in France, where God sent Irenaeus; and the Temple of the Lord grew a little more.

It grows from age to age, what for? To be a holy Temple in the Lord.

• And now, when we reached the third age, it was also fulfilled in Europe (in Europe, in Ireland and Scotland), where God sent Martin. And in that stage, the Temple of God grew more in Its construction by Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit manifested through those messengers, in whom Christ was manifested in Holy Spirit and was carrying out the Work of the construction of His spiritual Temple, calling human beings; and He has been building His spiritual Temple out of those human beings as living stones.

• Then the Work of Christ continued in the fourth stage, where He sent Columba;

• and then It continued to the fifth stage and sixth stage, which were also fulfilled in Europe; and there we can see that the Temple of the Lord Jesus Christ has been growing from age to age.

• Then, in North America, He sent Rev. William Branham, and the Temple of the Lord grew more there; and He used Rev. William Branham, and through him, He called the living stones that would become part of that spiritual Temple in the seventh Gentile Church age.

• And then, to crown or cap the construction of His spiritual Temple, of His Church, Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit goes to Latin America and the Caribbean; and through His Angel-Messenger, He calls the Latin American and Caribbean living stones that will form the Age of the Cornerstone, the Holy of Holies of the spiritual Temple of Christ; for God’s dedication of that spiritual Temple to come, and for God to dwell in all His fullness in that spiritual Temple.

And where was the candlestick or lampstand in the temple Solomon built and in the temple Moses built? It was in the holy place; and that pertains to the seven stages or ages of the Gentile Church; which was already fulfilled, because the seven stages or ages pertain to the Holy Place.

And now, when Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit goes to Latin America and the Caribbean, in the construction of His Temple, He goes to the stage of the Holy of Holies. Out of Latin American and Caribbean people, Jesus Christ is building the Holy of Holies of His spiritual Temple; and in that Holy of Holies is where the Ark of the Covenant will be in the spiritual Temple of Christ, just as it was in the holy of holies in the tabernacle Moses built and just as it was in the holy of holies of the temple Solomon built; and just as it is in the Holy of Holies of the Temple which is in Heaven.

That is why at the end time, the Second Coming of Christ is to be manifested, where? In the Holy of Holies of His spiritual Temple.

And that is why in Revelation chapter 5, when He takes the Book out of the right hand of Him who sits on the Throne, and opens It in Heaven, then in Revelation chapter 10, verse 1 and on, He comes down from Heaven clothed with a cloud, and with His face as the sun and the rainbow upon His head; and He comes with a little Book open in His hand: with that little Book of the Seven Seals that was sealed, and He opened It in Heaven and then brings It to Earth.

And that little Book that no man could take in Heaven and no man could read in Heaven, we find that Jesus Christ took It, opened It in Heaven, and then He brings It to Earth and gives It to a man. All this takes place in the spiritual Temple of Jesus Christ, because that little Book is in Heaven, in the Temple of God that is in Heaven, there in the Holy of Holies, in the right hand of the One who is seated on the Throne; therefore, that little Book cannot go to another part of the spiritual Temple of Christ, but to the Holy of Holies.

That Book is meant to be in the Holy of Holies; and that Holy of Holies of the spiritual Temple of Christ is made up of human beings, just like the rest of the mystical Body of Christ.

And now, that little Book which was opened in Heaven is brought to Earth to be put in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, and for that little Book to be eaten, so that the mystical Body of Christ may be restored to Eternal Life in an eternal body.

Now notice, when Moses puts the tables of the Law in the holy of holies, inside the ark of the covenant, what is he doing? Well, he is representing what is in Heaven: the Title Deed, the little Book of the Seven Seals, which is in Heaven, (where?) in the Holy of Holies, in the right hand of Him who sits on the Throne. Notice that this Book is for the One who sits on the Throne there in Heaven, in the Holy of Holies.

And that is why the tables of the Law were put in the holy of holies inside the ark of the covenant: because they are representing the Title Deed that is in Heaven, in the Holy of Holies, in the right hand of Him who sits upon the Throne.

And now, look at another very important thing that appears in the holy of holies. Moses says:

And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all;

Which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna…

Where was the manna? It was inside the ark of the covenant, in a golden pot or vessel.

And now, notice what Christ tells us here in Revelation chapter 2, verse 17:

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna.

And now, where are we going to find the hidden Manna? Where are we going to search for It (if the temple that Solomon built isn’t there anymore and neither is the temple that Moses built)? And now, where are we going to find the ark of the covenant? Because inside the ark of the covenant is where the hidden manna was, where it was kept, and no one could see it except the high priest, he was the only one who entered the holy of holies once a year: on the tenth day of the seventh month, when he would bring the blood of the goat of the sin offering for the reconciliation of the Hebrew people to God.

Now notice how important the hidden Manna is. And now Christ offers It to the Overcomer.

Now we have to find the temple where that hidden manna is. If we look for It in the temple of Moses, it is not there anymore, if we look for It in the temple of Solomon, it is not there anymore either. Where will we look for that hidden manna? We have to look for it in a temple.

That is the Temple of the Lord Jesus Christ, that is the mystical Body of Christ, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; that is the new Temple, a Temple for all eternity, for God to dwell in Holy Spirit in all His fullness.

That is what Saint Paul told us, that we are being built a holy Temple unto the Lord for an habitation of God through the Spirit; in Spirit in all His fullness.

And now, in which part of the spiritual Temple of Christ are we going to find the hidden Manna? In the Holy of Holies of His spiritual Temple, in the Ark of the Covenant.

And now we have to find the Holy of Holies of the spiritual Temple of Christ materialized in human beings.

The first age was built out of human beings, out of people from Asia Minor, and so on; then the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth parts: out of human beings from Europe; the seventh stage: out of human beings there in North America.

And now, the stage of the Cornerstone Age, which is the stage pertaining to the Holy of Holies of the spiritual Temple of Christ: out of Latin American and Caribbean people.

That is the part of the spiritual Temple of Christ that is materialized in human beings at this end time, and that is where the part of the Holy of Holies of the tabernacle Moses built, and the temple Solomon built, and the Temple which is in Heaven, becomes flesh in human beings, in the members of the mystical Body of Christ; because the Temple which is in Heaven, notice, was represented in the tabernacle that Moses built and the temple that Solomon built; the different parts of the Temple which is in Heaven were represented in those temples.

And now the representation of the Temple which is in Heaven is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; therefore, everything that is in Heaven is materialized, made flesh, in the members of the mystical Body of Christ; its different stages pertain to the different parts of the Temple which is in Heaven.

And at the Last Day, the Holy of Holies of the Temple which is in Heaven pertains to the Latin American and Caribbean territory, the part to be materialized in human flesh in Latin American and Caribbean [human] beings. And everything that is in Heaven must become a reality in human beings here on Earth.

That is why after that little Book sealed with Seven Seals is opened in Heaven It is brought by Christ to Earth; where? To His Church. To which part of the Temple? To the Holy of Holies of His spiritual Temple; because It comes from the Holy of Holies of the Temple which is in Heaven: from the right hand of Him who sits on the Throne, Christ takes It from there, opens It in Heaven and brings It to Earth.

Now notice the important part that has been given to Latin America and the Caribbean. And what was in the ark of the covenant back then, among the Hebrew people, is what will be materialized in human beings at the Last Day, in Latin America and the Caribbean, in the stage of the Age of the Cornerstone, which is the stage of the Holy of Holies of the spiritual Temple of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ.

Now, we have seen that as individuals, we are a human temple, just like Christ, Jesus Christ, was the human Temple of God, where God dwelt in all His fullness.

And now God dwells in us in the firstfruits of the Spirit; but at the Last Day, the dead in Christ will rise and we who are alive will be changed; and God will dwell in each one of us as individuals in all His fullness (just as He dwelt in our beloved Lord Jesus Christ), and thus, we will be in the image and likeness of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ.

And as a mystical Body of believers, as part of the mystical Body of believers, we find that we also have the blessing of the Holy of Holies of the spiritual Temple of Christ, for God to dwell in all His fullness in His Church at the Last Day, in the Age of the Holy of Holies of His spiritual Temple.

The manifestation of God in all His fullness, promised for the Last Day, pertains to Latin America and the Caribbean, where God in all His fullness will be manifested among His Church in His last manifestation: through His Angel-Messenger making known to us all these things which must shortly come to pass, and carrying out the Work pertaining to the end time: the Claiming Work over everything He redeemed with His precious Blood.

All of this pertains to the Holy of Holies of the spiritual Temple of Christ. And each one of you, and me, belong to which part of the Temple? To the Holy of Holies of the spiritual Temple of Christ, to see all these things becoming a reality in human beings, and to eat of the hidden Manna, which is in the Holy of Holies of the spiritual Temple of Christ.

And what is the hidden Manna? “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God;”7 out of the mouth of God, which is always the prophet that God has on Earth; “Surely the Lord God will do nothing without first revealing His secrets to His servants, the prophets;” and where God puts His Word is in the mouth of His prophets: “The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken,” God says through the Prophet Moses; “and I will put My words in his mouth; and he shall speak all that I shall command him. And whosoever will not hear which he shall speak in My Name, I will require it of him.”

Where does God put His Word? In the mouth of the prophet that He sends. “And the Lord God will do nothing without first revealing His secrets to His servants, the prophets,” says Amos chapter 3, verse 7. And Deuteronomy chapter 18, verses 15 to 19, was the passage that I quoted you, in which Moses said: “The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken.”

Because when God sends a prophet to Earth among His people, that is the instrument of God, the mouth of God; through that instrument, the Word of God comes to the people. And through the mouth of God, from the messenger of God for the Last Day, for the Age of the Cornerstone, for the Age of the Holy of Holies of the spiritual Temple of Christ, the hidden Manna will come, the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom will come, which is the Message that was hidden from human beings in other ages and other dispensations.

And what does the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom contain? The Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom is the Message of the Dispensation of the Kingdom, in other words, of the seventh dispensation; and that is why It is brought by a dispensational Prophet, which is the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ. And It contains the Divine Revelation of the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords in His Claiming Work, so that all human beings can eat of that hidden Manna, eat of the Divine Revelation of the Second Coming of Christ; a revelation that had never been made known to God’s sons and daughters before.

Therefore, that revelation, that spiritual Food, had never been eaten by human beings before; it was kept for God’s sons and daughters, who would live in the Holy of Holies of the spiritual Temple of Christ; for that Manna is in the Holy of Holies of the spiritual Temple of Christ, and It is given to God’s sons and daughters.

And now, notice how that hidden Manna comes to the people at the Last Day. Where will that Manna be found? In the Ark of the Covenant, that is where that Manna for the people of God will come from.

Just as we are all a temple of God as human beings by believing in Christ as our Savior, washing away our sins in the Blood of Christ, and receiving His Holy Spirit; so is the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And notice, God was manifested in the holy of holies, upon the mercy seat, between the two cherubims of gold. The two cherubims of gold there, in the holy of holies, above the ark of the covenant, represent the ministries of the Last Day, which are the ministries of Moses and Elijah in the Holy of Holies of the spiritual Temple of Christ, in other words, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, in Latin America and the Caribbean.

And among those two ministries, the glory of Jesus Christ, the glory of God, will be manifested at the Last Day; and all of that is upon the Ark of the Covenant, upon the Mercy Seat which is on the Ark of the Covenant.

In other words, all the Work pertaining to the Last Day, in the Holy of Holies of the spiritual Temple of Christ, notice, is carried out from the Ark of the Covenant; from the Ark of the Covenant, between the Two Cherubims of Gold, which are on the Mercy Seat. In other words, it is a Divine Work that He carries out among His Church at the Last Day, in the stage of the Cornerstone Age and Dispensation of the Kingdom, meaning, in the stage of the Holy of Holies of the spiritual Temple of Jesus Christ, where He will be materializing everything that is in Heaven at this Last Day. Everything that is in Heaven will be materialized here on Earth in human beings.

Now, notice, when I see you, believers in Christ as our Savior, who have washed away your sins in the Blood of Christ and have received His Holy Spirit, and have received the Word of God for our time, for our age, the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, what am I seeing? I am seeing the Holy of Holies of the spiritual Temple of Christ!

And now, at the Last Day we will all be seeing everything that is in the spiritual Temple of Christ, everything that is in the Holy of Holies of the spiritual Temple of Christ. We will be seeing the Two Cherubims. And by seeing the Two Cherubims of Gold, which are upon the Ark of the Covenant, what will we be seeing? Well, we will be seeing the ministries of Moses and Elijah manifested by the Holy Spirit through His Angel-Messenger; that is what it means to see the Two Cherubims of Gold above the Mercy Seat.

And notice, the whole mystery of the Last Day is there, in the Holy of Holies, and it is manifested in the Ark of the Testimony, the Ark of the Covenant. And the Presence of God, the Presence of Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit, is manifested in the Holy of Holies, on the Ark of the Covenant, above the Mercy Seat, between the Two Cherubims of Gold, in other words, among the ministries of His Angels: the ministries of Moses and Elijah manifested in human flesh in His Angel-Messenger, and the ministry of Jesus also manifested in His Angel-Messenger; in other words, it is a Divine manifestation, a manifestation of Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit in His spiritual Temple, in His Church, at this Last Day.

And notice that all the things that are there, are representing the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Age of the Cornerstone, at this Last Day, in Latin America and the Caribbean. That is why Latin America and the Caribbean, along with its inhabitants, has the greatest blessing of all times, that any nation has ever had.

We are living at the time in which God is materializing with human beings the Holy of Holies of His Temple which is in Heaven; that is why Latin America and the Caribbean has the greatest blessing that any nation or any continent has ever had in its history.

The Hebrew people had the temple there that Solomon built, and they had a great blessing. And now Latin America and the Caribbean has the Holy of Holies of the spiritual Temple of Jesus Christ; that is why it has a great blessing in its territory, and that is why it has the opportunity to enter into the glorious Millennial Kingdom of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ.

Out of love for those who form the mystical Body of Christ in the Age of the Cornerstone, in the stage of the Holy of Holies of the spiritual Temple of Christ, God grants His blessing, He extends His blessing, to the Latin American and Caribbean people; and therefore, Latin America and the Caribbean, along with its inhabitants, is the continent that has the greatest future of all the nations that exist on Earth, together with the Hebrew people.

And this raises our faith, and our hope, and our motivation, to fight in this life trusting that God will work for the good of the Latin American and Caribbean people, and He will materialize the blessings promised for the Last Day among the Latin American and Caribbean people.

Do you know something? Latin America and the Caribbean, together with the Hebrew people, are the only places that have someone who prays for them before the Lord Jesus Christ; just like in the first age Saint Paul prayed for his first age and for the territory of Asia Minor, and likewise, every angel-messenger in his time; and just as North America had someone to pray for it: the seventh angel-messenger, Rev. William Branham; but he has already gone.

And now only Latin America and the Caribbean is left, and Israel; to whom Christ sends His Angel-Messenger, who will ask Jesus Christ for His mercy and blessings so that Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the Hebrew people, enter into the glorious Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ; and all of this is contained in the mystery and secret of the Ark of the Covenant and Its content for this Last Day.

Now, we have reached the most glorious time of all times, where Christ is manifested in the Holy of Holies of His spiritual Temple, He is building His Temple. Which part of the Temple? The last part, the part of the Holy of Holies and all the things that are inside the Holy of Holies.

In other words, He builds the Holy of Holies with all the things that the holy of holies contains. And when I say “with all the things,” [that means]: Aaron’s rod, the manna hidden in the golden pot; what else? the golden censer, the cherubims; the tables of the Law materialized at the Last Day, bringing us His Word contained in the Book sealed with Seven Seals, which is opened in Heaven and put (where?) in the Holy of Holies of His spiritual Temple; Christ puts It there, in the Ark of the Covenant.

And all the things contained in the Holy of Holies (including the ark of the covenant), all those things are materialized in human flesh at the Last Day, so that God’s elect—just as God told the Hebrew people when they were going to cross over to the promised land, He told them: “Go after the ark, because you don’t know this way. The priests will bear the ark of the covenant; and when they put their feet in the water, the Jordan will part; and you will go in after the ark, keeping the space that I give you, that I command you.”8

That is what they did, and they went into the promised land. The Jordan parted when the priests who carried the ark stepped into the waters of Jordan (whose banks were overflowing, because during the summertime, which is the harvest time, the waters would rise); and notice, during the harvest time was when the waters of the Jordan rose, and when the Hebrew people had to go into the promised land, and Jordan had to open up; and Jordan represents death.9

That is why at the end time, we find that death will be like Jordan: overflowing, and it will be trying to destroy everything it finds in its path.

In Revelation chapter 6, verses 7 to 8, we find death shown here; it says:

And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Death will be manifested in human flesh; it will be the devil manifested in human flesh in all his fullness in the man of sin, in the antichrist, in the beast; and that is for this end time. And not only will he be bringing spiritual death but also physical death upon many peoples, nations, and tongues.

The antichrist, the man of sin, the beast, in whom the devil will be manifested, incarnated, at the end time, will try to destroy the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. But notice, we find that at the end time death will open up as the Jordan opened up.

Christ says: “I have the keys of hell and of death.”10 And that is why He will raise the dead in Christ, they will come out of death, death will open up, they will appear in eternal bodies; and we who are alive will be changed without seeing death, when we see the dead in Christ raised, once they rise. They have not risen yet, but they will rise soon.

And then we will go with Christ to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Heaven, and we will spend three and a half years in that great Feast of the Marriage of the Lamb, while the Earth will be going through the three and a half years of Great Tribulation, where the Divine Judgments will be falling upon the Gentile kingdom.

After those three and a half years end, at the end of those years, we find that the antichrist will cease to exist, and the devil will be bound for a thousand years, to make way for the glorious Millennial Kingdom of Christ.

Now notice everything that will happen.

And we will return with Christ after the Great Tribulation, to reign with Christ a thousand years and then for all eternity.

Now we can see the Divine Program that He will be carrying out at this end time, and that is why it is so important to know THE MYSTERY OF THE ARK OF THE COVENANT AND ITS CONTENT; because everything Christ will be doing at this end time pertains to the Holy of Holies and to the content of the Ark of the Covenant; and everything that is in the Holy of Holies and its content, will be made flesh, materialized in human flesh, in human beings.

And here on Earth Christ will have His instrument, His messenger, His veil of flesh, through which He will be speaking to us at this Last Day. And out of the mouth of Christ, meaning, the Messenger of Christ, will come the sharp two-edged Sword, which is the Word of God.

When the people are seeing the Word of God pertaining to the Last Day, to the Age of the Cornerstone, when they are seeing and hearing the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, what will they be seeing? The Sword that comes out of the mouth of Christ; the Sword, the Word of Christ, coming out of His Messenger, who is the mouth of Christ at the Last Day.

Now, notice how these mysteries of the Kingdom of God contained in the Book of Revelation are opened to us at this Last Day; and how at the Last Day, the greatest mysteries would be hidden in the Ark of the Covenant.

There, on the mercy seat, is the Shekinah (back in the Old Testament); which, in the spiritual Temple of Christ, is the Second Coming of Christ to His spiritual Temple, to the Holy of Holies, resting on the Mercy Seat, between the Two Cherubims of Gold; that is, among the ministries of Moses and Elijah.

Now, we have come this far tonight, time has flown by. Tomorrow we will continue to see all these things that are in the Holy of Holies, when we are speaking about “THE MYSTERY OF THE TWO CHERUBIMS OF GOLD AND THE TWO CHERUBIMS OF OLIVE WOOD,” which are in the holy of holies of the temple Moses built and the temple King Solomon built.

And we will be seeing the wisdom contained in Solomon’s temple, which is the Wisdom of God, which was put in King Solomon to make a temple that would represent the Temple which is in Heaven; therefore, each thing that is in Solomon’s temple represents something from the Temple which is in Heaven, and therefore, represents people in the spiritual Temple of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ.

The Ark of the Covenant, two thousand years ago, notice, when Jesus Christ was on Earth, was representing the First Coming of Christ. And at the Last Day, we will have the Second Coming of Christ manifested in His spiritual Temple, in the Holy of Holies; in other words, we will have the Ark of the Covenant. And there, in the Second Coming of Christ, will be all the blessings of Christ for all of us at this Last Day, in Latin America and the Caribbean.


Two thousand years ago, it was the First Coming of Christ and all the content of the First Coming of Christ as the Lamb of God taking away the sin of the world.

Notice that the blood for the redemption, the blood of atonement, was put (where?) on the mercy seat that was above the ark of the covenant. And at the Last Day, we will have the Ark of the Covenant put (where?) in the Holy of Holies of the spiritual Temple of Christ; in other words, we will have the Second Coming of Christ manifested among His Church. And that is the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ, that is THE MYSTERY OF THE ARK OF THE COVENANT AND ITS CONTENT, everything that the Second Coming of Christ contains.

Everything that the Second Coming of Christ contains is everything that the Ark of the Covenant contains.

Notice, what was inside the ark of the covenant? The golden pot with the hidden Manna; and the hidden Manna, which is the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, comes where? In the Ark of the Covenant of the Second Coming of Christ.

Aaron’s rod that budded, notice, we find that this spoke of the ministry of Aaron and the tribe of Levi; of the ministry in the Temple of God. And now Aaron’s rod is representing the ministry according to the Order of Melchizedek; because the Scripture says that those of the Order of Melchizedek are kings and priests with Christ.

Now, notice Aaron’s rod that budded, representing the ministry of Christ and His Church, which is the ministry according to the Order of Melchizedek, just as Christ is King and Priest according to the Order of Melchizedek, every member of the mystical Body of Christ is king—or, they are kings and priests of that Order. And that is why we will reign with Christ a thousand years in the Millennial Kingdom of Christ, and then for all eternity; because it is a priesthood for all eternity with Christ, and it is a Kingdom for all eternity with Christ, as kings and priests with our beloved Lord Jesus Christ.

It has been a great privilege to be with you tonight, testifying to you about: “THE MYSTERY OF THE ARK OF THE COVENANT AND ITS CONTENT.”

May the blessings contained in the Ark of the Covenant be upon each one of you and also upon me; and soon may we all be changed and raptured and taken to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb at this end time. In the Eternal Name of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.

I will leave Rev. Miguel Bermúdez Marín again to give you the addresses and phone numbers you can contact to obtain literature completely free of charge, with conferences like this one, to obtain greater knowledge of the whole Divine Program pertaining to this end time, and thus, to obtain the blessings of Jesus Christ promised for this end time.

He will also be announcing to you the place we will be tomorrow morning, and then in the afternoon, in conferences like this one, where we will have the subject: “THE MYSTERY OF THE TWO CHERUBIMS OF GOLD AND THE TWO CHERUBIMS OF OLIVE WOOD.”

That is what we will be speaking about tomorrow morning at “La Pirámide,” in the neighborhood Villa Bermúdez, on Kilómetro 6, Old Road to Cochabamba (at the last stop on bus line 76). Now I’ve read to you what I had here.

So, let’s leave Rev. Miguel Bermúdez Marín to continue with you, beloved friends present, radio listeners, and television viewers.

And may God bless you all, and have a good evening.


1 Matthew 24:2; Mark 13:2; Luke 21:6

2 Matthew 12:6

3 Matthew 12:42

4 Revelation 3:14

5 Isaiah 53:2

6 The pyramid diagram can be downloaded at the following link:

7 Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4; Luke 4:4

8 Joshua 3:3-4

9 Joshua 3:15-17

10 Revelation 1:18

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