The Revival Brought by the Revelation

Good morning, beloved friends and brethren present here in Cancun, in Mexico. May the blessings of Jesus Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, be upon each one of you and also upon me, and may He allow us to understand His Word pertaining to this Last Day. In the Eternal Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.

Saint Paul the Apostle says in His Letter to the Romans, chapter 1, verse 17… Let’s start a bit before that; verses 15 to 17, says:

So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

Saint Paul quotes this from Habakkuk, who, in chapter 2, verse 4, tells us that: “The just shall live by faith.” Also in Galatians chapter 3, verse 11, and Hebrews chapter 10 verse 38, Saint Paul tells us that: “The just shall live by faith.”

From age to age and from dispensation to dispensation, through the Word that God has promised for each age and for each dispensation, by that Word being fulfilled, we find that God has quickened that Word, He has brought It to Life, He has brought It to fulfillment; and that is the revealed Word for that age or for that dispensation.

And through that Divine Revelation that comes to that age or to that dispensation, which is the fulfillment of what God promised for that age or that dispensation (which has become a reality), people have received from God that Divine Revelation of what God is fulfilling at that time, and that brings a spiritual awakening directly to the person’s soul.

That is where the stimulation of the revealed Word comes to the person, that is where the person has the Wine; the new Wine pertaining to that age or to that dispensation. That is where the person has the stimulation, a stimulation caused by the Divine Revelation of the Word fulfilled for that age or that dispensation.

And that is the Word that all of God’s sons and daughters hear at that time, and that is the Word that they receive. And since faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word…1 What Word? The promised Word for that age or for that dispensation.

When [people] hear that Word being preached, the preached Word of what God promised for that age or for that dispensation, that is when that Word reaches the soul of God’s elect, and they are awakened to Eternal Life; those souls of God are quickened by that preached Word, that Word which preaches and announces what God is fulfilling at that time. And that is how faith comes by hearing the promised Word for each age and each dispensation.

And that is how God’s elect in each age and in each dispensation are quickened: by hearing the Word of God promised for that age or for that dispensation. And they are awakened (spiritually speaking) there in the depths of their souls, and It brings an awakening, a revival, directly to the soul of every child of God. In other words, the one who wakes up, notice, is the individual, which is the soul that is inside that veil of flesh, inside that body.

And now, notice what God tells us, through the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ, let’s see here on page 262… This starts from page 260 as well. Let’s read a bit here on page 260 of the Book The Revelation Of The Seven Seals, it says:

306 And wine symbolizes stimulation of revelation.”

And further down, it says:

308 When the Truth of a promised Word of God has been truly revealed to His saints that’s filled with Oil, they all get stimulated. Wine is a stimulation. Glory! I feel It right now. Stimulated with joy, shouts! See? And, when It does, It has the same effect upon them that—that wine does upon a natural man. Because, when the revelation has been given, of a Truth of God, and the true believer filled with Oil, and the revelation is revealed, the stimulation becomes so great that He makes him behave hisself un-normally.

And now, let’s read a little bit more here, regarding the case of the Samaritan woman; page two hundred… also page 261, let’s read a little bit here [The Revelation Of The Seven Seals]:

314 So, you see, wine represents stimulation of revelation. And when the Holy Ghost fell, and they seen the Fire of God fall upon them, my, that begin to stimulate them. And the first thing you know, they got so stimulated till the people actually thought they were drunk, but they were stimulated by the revelation. By God’s…Here it is! God’s vindicated revelation, made plain to them, they was happy about It. God promised it. Here it was revealed to them, and vindicated to them. Amen! Here was a man (Peter) standing there, saying, This is That! This is It!’” (in other words, this is that which the Prophet Joel said). “And there It was, being a vindicated by the same sign that we have today. There is—there is stimulation by revelation. See? And, now, they really had It then.

And now, page 261 says:

317 When I see that God promised to do a certain thing in this day, when He promised to break off these Seals in this last day! And you don’t know the joy, the glory, when I seen Him reveal this, stand there and watch it happen!

It goes on to say:

[317] And know that I’ll take any person, to charge: He never did say one thing to us but what happened that way. And then to see the joy that’s in my heart, when I see His promise for this last days, as He promised to do it. And here I see it vindicated and made perfectly right.

Now let’s read the case of the Samaritan woman, where it says:

321 And, then…

Let’s read here so that we get to the case of the Samaritan woman. It says:

320 Now, the Bible said, ‘If there be one among you, who claims to be spiritual or a prophet, if he says these things and it don’t come to pass, then don’t pay no attention to him. Don’t fear him, at all. Don’t fear that man. But if he says it and it comes to pass; that’s Me, you see. I, I’m in that. That proves what it’s Me,’” (in other words, that proves it’s God).

321 And, then, that little Samaritan woman. When the Scripture said that this Messiah would do these things, and here He stood and did it just exactly what the Scripture said. She said, ‘There He is. Come, see a Man! Isn’t that exactly the thing that the Scripture said would happen?’ See, she got stimulated by revelation. Is that right? [Congregation says, ‘Amen.’—Ed.] She become a stimulated by revelation, when it was vindicated. See? That’s right. She knowed that there was…

322 ‘We know that Messiah is a coming, Who is called the Christ. And when He comes, He will do these things.’ She seen it. And He said, ‘I am He.’

323 Then the stimulation started. And away she went, shouting, and down through the city. She left her old waterpot, and went down there, and said to the men, ‘Come, see!’”

Now, notice how through the promised Word made a reality, made flesh in the Person of Jesus, that woman was stimulated. She had the revelation of the promised Word for that age fulfilled there in front of her.

And through that revealed Word, through the revelation that was there, the Divine Revelation of the promise of the Coming of the Messiah in human flesh, that woman was stimulated by receiving that revelation, by receiving the knowledge of the fulfillment of the Messianic promise before her; a promise that all the priests and the high priest had spoken about, which she knew of. She knew that Messianic promise, and she knew that when the Messiah would come He would do those things that Jesus was doing. And Jesus tells her: “Well, I am He. I that speak unto thee am He.”2 She was stimulated.

Now, notice that God has promised something for each age, God has made a promise for each age: He has promised to send a messenger for each age, and in that messenger we find that the Coming of Christ to each age has been fulfilled, in the portion relevant to each age. And when the people saw the messenger of each age and received his Message: they were stimulated.

They were hearing the vindicated Word of God for each age, through the messenger of each age: the fulfilled Word of each age coming through the messenger of each age; and the people [were] being stimulated by receiving, by seeing that vindicated Word in each age, in the messenger of each age.

And now, notice how from age to age that Word has come, being vindicated from age to age, and that has been Christ manifested in each age, in the position relevant to each age; He is the One who has carried out the Work and He is the One who has revealed Himself each time.

And now, notice that Christ manifested each time (vindicating, confirming what He promised and thus fulfilling it), we find that He has brought the spiritual awakening of each stage, of each age.

And now, at the Last Day, we have a very great, very important promise, on page 243 of the Book The Revelation Of The Seven Seals, which says:

182 Now that’s what’s the reason today, that, the—the revivals that we’re supposed to have,” (notice), “we have denominational revivals. We haven’t had a real stirring. No, no, no. No, sir. Don’t think we got revivals. We haven’t. Oh, they’ve got millions and millions and millions of church members, but not a revival nowhere. No. No.

183 The—the Bride hasn’t had a revival yet. See? There’s been no revival there, no manifestation of God to stir the Bride yet. See? We’re looking for it now. It’ll take those seven unknown Thunders back there, to wake Her up again, see. Yeah. He’ll send it. He promised it.

What brings the revival, the awakening to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ at the Last Day? The Thunders. What the Thunders speak, what the Thunders reveal, that is what brings the awakening, the revival, to God’s elect at the Last Day; that is what the Wine brings, the new Wine, that is what brings the new stimulation to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ at the Last Day.

Now, it is very important to know what those Thunders contain.

Now, notice that on page 148 of the Book The Revelation Of The Seven Seals, our Brother Branham also tells us:

[258] Oh, my! Seven Thunders of Revelation! May He show the Bride how to prepare for the great translation faith!

What will the Thunders show? What the Church needs, what the Bride to prepare Herself to obtain the rapturing faith.

And now, let’s have a look, let’s see here, page 123 of the Book The Revelation Of The Seven Seals, says:

75 And then there is coming forth seven mysterious Thunders that’s not even written at all. That’s right. And I believe that, through those Seven Thunders, will be revealed in the last days in order to get the Bride together for rapturing faith. Because, what we got right now, we—we wouldn’t be able to do it. There is something. We’ve got to step farther. We, we can’t have enough faith for Divine healing, hardly. We’ve got to have enough faith to be changed, in a moment, and be swept up out of this earth. And we’ll find that, after a while, the Lord willing, find where It’s written.”

And now, let’s see what the Seven Thunders of Revelation chapter 10 have to make known at the Last Day.

Let’s look in the Book The Revelation Of The Seven Seals, let’s see what it tells us about the Seven Thunders and what that produces for the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. On Page 561 of the Book The Seals, our Brother Branham says:

391 Now, now, do you notice? On the opening of this Seventh Seal, it’s also in a threefold mystery. This one, I have…will speak and have spoke, that it is the mystery of the Seven Thunders. The Seven Thunders in Heaven will unfold this mystery. It’ll be right at the Coming of Christ, because Christ said no one knew when He would return.

Now, which is the mystery of the Seven Thunders? The Second Coming of Christ, it is the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ. This is the mystery that will give God’s elect the faith for the rapture.

The mystery of the Seven Thunders, what the Seven Thunders speak, is the mystery of the Seventh Seal; in other words, the Voice of Christ crying as when a lion roars, and by speaking to His Church, they speak to Her, they reveal to Her: His Coming.

And the revelation of the Second Coming of Christ being given to the Church of Jesus Christ at the Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, is what produces the awakening for Her, the revival of the Last Day; that is what brings Her the new Wine, that is what brings Her the stimulation of the Last Day: the new Wine, the awakening, the revival, there in the depths of our souls.

Now, notice how we obtain the awakening, the revival at the Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom. There is nothing else with which to produce the revival of the Last Day, there is nothing else to be stimulated by, except the Revelation of the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords in His Claiming Work.

And the elect at the Last Day will be seeing every Divine Promise relevant to the Second Coming of Christ being fulfilled, and that will give them the stimulation, the awakening, the revival that one needs to have in his soul, and the faith, the revelation, to be changed and raptured at this Last Day.

The promise is that the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ will be well stimulated, She will be stimulated well by the Divine Revelation, because the new Wine (or Wine) represents the stimulation that comes through the revealed Word, through the revelation; through the revelation of the promised Word of God for the time in which the person is living.

And now we have reached the end time, the time in which the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Age of the Cornerstone will be well stimulated through the revelation of the promised Word of God for the Last Day, through the revelation of the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords in His Claiming Work.

And that is how the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ at the Last Day will see the promised Word for the Last Day, the promised Word of the Second Coming of Christ for the Last Day; She will see that Word fulfilled and She will have the stimulation that is required at the Last Day to be changed and raptured; because She will have the revelation, and by having the revelation She will have the stimulation that comes through the revelation at this Last Day. And that is how at this Last Day we will have in our soul the revival that Christ has promised to send to His Church, which is produced by the Seven Thunders of Revelation chapter 10.

And what do the Seven Thunders reveal? What do they speak? They reveal the mystery of the Seventh Seal, the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ.

Just as Christ came, from age to age, to each age of His Church through the messenger of each age, at the Last Day He would come to His people, to His Church, through His Angel-Messenger; and just as that caused the stimulation, brought the revival to each elect of God in each age, at the Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone, it will bring the relevant revival, the relevant awakening that we all need in order to be changed and raptured at this Last Day.

We have seen this mystery of: “THE REVIVAL BROUGHT BY THE REVELATION.” 

Now, we have seen that this is what Christ has promised for each one of you and for me too.

There is no revival, and there will be no revival, and there has been no revival, except through the Word revealed by God for the age in which each revival came; outside of that, the rest was religiosity and religious sectarianism.

But the true revival was obtained by God’s sons and daughters, who received the Divine Revelation of God’s Program pertaining to the time in which they lived, and who were stimulated by that Divine Revelation; they received God’s stimulation, the Divine stimulation, and thus, they received the revival or the awakening promised for that age in which they lived. And that is how it is in our time too.

And throughout the Scripture and what was said by the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ, we have already seen what would cause the revival or the awakening of God’s elect at the Last Day: It would be the Voice of Christ crying as when a lion roars, and speaking to us, revealing to us the mystery of the Seventh Seal, the mystery of His Coming at the Last Day, of His Coming to the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, veiled and revealed in His Angel-Messenger, speaking to us through His Angel-Messenger all these things which must shortly come to pass; and thus, giving us His revelation, the revelation of the Seventh Seal, the revelation of the Second Coming of Christ; and thus, producing the new Wine in us, producing that stimulation in us, that revival, that awakening that He promised for His Church, for His elect that would be living at the Last Day, meaning, in the seventh millennium.

It has been a great privilege to be with you on this occasion, testifying to you about: “THE REVIVAL BROUGHT BY THE REVELATION.”

Notice how revivals have come to each age and to each dispensation.

Notice how the elect of each age and of each dispensation have had the stimulation, they have been stimulated through God’s revelation pertaining to the age in which they lived.

And where are God’s elect who, at the Last Day, would be stimulated with the new Wine, with the revelation of the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings, and Lord of Lords? Here we are!

Here we are, there is a group in Cancun; and in all of Latin America and the Caribbean we are stimulated by the revelation that the Seven Thunders of Revelation are giving us: the revelation of the Seventh Seal, the revelation of the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords in His Claiming Work.

That is the revelation that would bring the stimulation, the revival in the soul of each one of us at this Last Day. And we have the revelation, and we also have (what?) the stimulation that this revelation has caused in our souls.

And we make known this revelation to all human beings, so that they also have that stimulation, that revival there in the depths of their souls, and they receive the blessings of Christ at this Last Day; and so that they are prepared to be changed and raptured at this Last Day.

THE REVIVAL BROUGHT BY THE REVELATION,” by the revelation of the Seven Thunders, which is the revelation of the Second Coming of Christ; the revelation of the Seventh Seal, which the Seven Thunders of Revelation chapter 10 bring us; which the Voice of Christ brings us through His Angel-Messenger as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords in His Claiming Work.

May the blessings of Jesus Christ, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the King of kings and Lord of lords, crying as when a lion roars, be spoken upon us all and be materialized upon each one of us; and soon may we be changed, and may we all be taken to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. In the Eternal Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.

May God continue to bless you all, may God keep you.

And I will leave Rev. Miguel Bermúdez Marín with us again to conclude, and thus, to thank Jesus Christ for the stimulation through the revelation of His Word which makes known to us the mystery of His Coming at this Last Day.

May God bless you, may God keep you. And thank you very much for your kind attention.

God bless you.


1 Romans 10:17

2 John 4:5-26

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