Good evening, fellow ministers in the mystical Body of Christ, in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a great blessing to be with you on this occasion, to share some moments of fellowship with you around the Word of God and His Program pertaining to this end time.
For this reason, let’s read in Hebrews chapter 1, verse 1 to 3, where it says:
“God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high:
Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.”
May God bless our souls with His Word and allow us to understand It.
In this Scripture that we read, it tells us that:
“God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds.”
Now, Christ is the Heir of all Creation, and through Him God created all things. And in the Book, the Gospel according to Saint John, it tells us: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Let’s read it here directly, it says:
[John 1:1] “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
In him was life; and the life was the light of men.”
Then, from verses 9 to 10, it says:
“That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.”
Now notice, the world, the whole universe, all of Creation, was made by the Word. Then, it goes on to say:
“He came unto his own,” (meaning, unto the Hebrew people), “and his own received him not.
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”
Now, here the Gospel according to Saint John shows us that Christ is the Word that was with God and was God, and He was made flesh and dwelt among the human race, among the Hebrew people.
This is the mystery that Saint Paul speaks about in Colossians chapter 2, where he tells us, in chapter 2 of *Colossians, verses 2 to 3:
“That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;
In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”
And now, the mystery of God the Father, and of Christ, is the mystery of God the Father in and with the Word.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,” (meaning, God in Christ).
And through Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, the Angel of the Lord, God created all things.
In Zechariah chapter 7, verses 11 to 12, it says:
“But they refused to hearken, and pulled away the shoulder, and stopped their ears, that they should not hear.
Yea, they made their hearts as an adamant stone, lest they should hear the law, and the words which the Lord of hosts hath sent in his spirit by the former prophets: therefore came a great wrath from the Lord of hosts.”
God was angry with the people who didn’t want to hear His Voice: the Voice of God by His Holy Spirit through the prophets. Through human flesh, God was speaking by His Holy Spirit.
And the Holy Spirit, the Angel of the Covenant, the Angel of the Lord, notice, is the One who gave Moses the laws on Mount Sinai. That is why the Scripture says the law was given by the commission of angels1: the Angel of the Lord, the Angel of the Covenant, who is Christ in His heavenly body; the Angel of the Lord whom God sent to lead the Hebrew people, in whom was the Name of God, according to Exodus chapter 23, verses 20 to 23: “Behold, I send an Angel before thee…” Exodus chapter 23, says:
“Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.
Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him.” (Where was the Name of God? In His Angel.)
“But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries.
For mine Angel shall go before thee.”
Now, notice, just like a person’s name is in his body, likewise, the Name of God was in God’s heavenly body; and then, when He was made flesh, Jesus said: “I have come in My Father’s Name.”2 The Name of God was in Jesus.
That is also why, just like each person’s name is in his body, later on, when the person dies, the name stays in the person.
Notice, when our Brother Branham went to Paradise, what did they call him? “Brother Branham.” And what did he call his first wife and the second wife he had? He called the first one Hope, and he called the second Meda. See? And they were in heavenly bodies.3
And a heavenly body is a spiritual body, it is the person’s spirit; and the person’s spirit is a body from another dimension, similar to our body but from another dimension, and it is young; such is the body of God’s elect, the spiritual body. It is the same type of body that angels have: a heavenly body.
Now, we find that before coming to Earth in human flesh, Christ had His heavenly body. That is why He could say: “Before Abraham was, I am.”4 For a man like Christ to say that, to the religious leaders of that time what He was saying was something crazy, something inconceivable to the human mind; but it was the truth.
And the truth, even if it can’t be understood by the human mind, is still the truth; and therefore, what Christ said was nothing but the truth. And now, we all know that He was telling the truth.
He also said: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”5 And notice, the Word that was with God, the Scripture says: “In him was life; and the life was the light of men.”
Now, seeing that the Word that was with God and was God, through whom God made all things…:
In Genesis chapter 1, verse 1, it says: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
Now, in Revelation chapter 3, verse 14, it says: “The beginning of the creation of God,” referring to Christ.
Just like when God created the human race here in the physical dimension, He put a man on Earth… who, before putting him on this Earth in a body of flesh, He had already previously put him a heavenly body in Heaven, in the sixth dimension; but from there, notice, he was manifested on Earth; but even when he was in the heavenly body, he had dominion over the animals, fowls, and fish.
In the same way that God led the Hebrew people through the wilderness in a Pillar of Fire, in a Light, Adam led the animals; because in the heavenly body, we find that the person with and in the heavenly body can manifest himself in the form of a light, “because God makes His angels spirits, and His ministers a flame of fire.”6
And that is why that Flame of Fire, that Pillar of Fire that appeared to Moses was none other than Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, who appeared to Moses; and the Scripture says: “And the Angel of the Lord appeared to Moses.”7 See?
We also find that on other occasions, Moses saw Him, for example, walking with His back to him, and He was a Man.8 Manoah also saw Him, and He was a Man, and Manoah’s wife as well.9 And other people saw Him, such as Joshua, with a sword in His hand.10 And who else saw Him? David; David, with a sword in His hand, bringing judgment upon Jerusalem.11 And many others, such as Jacob,12 saw Christ, the Angel of the Lord.
That Angel will be manifested at the Last Day, and the Hebrew people will see Him and hold on to Him, in the manifestation of the Angel of the Lord, of the Angel who appeared to Jacob and blessed him. And in order for God’s blessing to come upon the Hebrew people, it must be by God through His Angel, the Angel of the Lord, in the last manifestation.
Now, the Angel of the Lord was the One who clothed Himself in human flesh to carry out the Work of Redemption on Calvary’s Cross. That is what was promised by God in Isaiah chapter 40, verse 3 and on, where it tells us the following, and let’s read it so we can have a clear picture; it says:
“The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.
Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain:
And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.”
And when the Glory of the Lord was revealed: it was manifested in human flesh, in the veil of flesh called Jesus; the Glory of God was manifested there, the Angel of the Covenant was there, the Pillar of Fire was there, inside that veil of flesh, which is why God’s Glory was there.
And the Father was there, God the Father, inside a veil of flesh, inside His Son.
That is the mystery of God: God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—manifested in a veil of flesh, in the Person of Jesus. That is the fullness of God dwelling in Jesus; and that is the mystery of God.
Just like your mystery and mine, as human beings, is that we are a living soul, but we have a spiritual body called a spirit, and we have a physical body of flesh.
And the mystery of what a human being is – is that he is a soul, spirit, and body. See? That is the mystery of each human being.
And the mystery of God is that God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And therefore, He was made flesh and dwelt among the Hebrew people, and the fullness of God was there. The fullness of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, was there in a veil of flesh called Jesus; that is why Jesus was made Lord and Christ,13 that is why we call Jesus: Lord Jesus Christ; and therefore, that is the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. There lies the mystery of God.
Now, God, and from God, came the Son, Christ, He came forth from Him; that is why Christ says: “I came forth from God, I came forth from the Father, and return to the Father.”14
Now, Christ in the form of the Pillar of Fire came forth from God, from the Father; and inside that Pillar of Fire we find a Man, who is the Angel of the Covenant; but what is seen is a Pillar of Fire; but if the One who speaks allows Himself to be seen as a Person, a Man comes forth speaking from there, from that Light: the same Man who spoke there in the garden of Eden, and who also spoke to create the Heavens and the Earth; and God is in that Man.
And now, we find that this Man has the anointing, that Light, that Pillar of Fire.
And now, we find that through that Man: Jesus in His heavenly body, which is the Christ, we find that God created the Heavens and the Earth; He created them by Him and for whom? For Him; because all of Creation belongs to God: to God in—to God as a living soul, the eternal living soul: God the Father; to God as a heavenly body; and to God as a physical body already glorified.
That is why Christ said: “He shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you.” He said: “All things that are mine—all things that the Father has are Mine,” (see?) “therefore said I: He shall take of Mine, and shall show it unto you.”15
God, who is the Judge of all, has now given judgment to the Son. “And the Father judges no man, but has committed all judgment unto the Son.” That is around chapter 5, verse 21 to 22 of Saint John. That is why on Judgment Day God will judge mankind, but it will be through Jesus Christ, His Son; because He gave all judgment to the Son.
Just like when you, a living soul, are going to do something (you as a living soul), you don’t take it as a living soul, instead you take it through your veil of flesh, which is the body. See?
And God through Christ, His veil of flesh, will judge mankind. And it is through Jesus Christ, the Son of God, that God has created the Heavens and the Earth.
And that is how God began His Creation, by creating a heavenly body for Himself. And then, later on, He would create a body of flesh for Himself, which He created in Mary’s womb, and it was called Jesus, and who is the Second Adam, and who was adopted and was glorified, and therefore, lives for all eternity.
Now, since the first Adam sinned against God, the Work of Creation stopped there; and there was a gap between Adam and Jesus; but despite that, notice, God through His Angel, the Angel of the Lord, created a people: the Hebrew people, an earthly people.
But since the human race had sinned, they were not an eternal people, rather, He created a mortal people, in other words, a people made up of mortals. But Christ restores the Program of Creation, and He restores to Eternal Life all those who are written in Heaven, in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
That is why, notice, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the patriarchs, and the believers among the Hebrew people; Joshua, and also the believing people who remained steadfast in the Word, the prophets, and all of them; and also Adam, because he was forgiven, and Eve as well; and also Abel, Seth, Enoch, Noah, and all those believing people; and also the rest of the believing people; notice, when Christ died on Calvary’s Cross and resurrected: they resurrected with Christ, and came into eternity; and therefore, they came into the Program of Eternal Life. They came into that Program that had been started and was stopped because of sin, and there was a gap; but when the Second Adam comes, He comes to continue the Work of Creation.
And now, we find that through the death of Christ sin is taken away, as John the Baptist said: “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world;”16 and therefore, when He carried out the Work of Redemption of Calvary’s Cross, then the Work of Creation continued.
And God through Christ, through the Spirit of Christ, notice, is creating a new race with Eternal Life, just as Adam received the heavenly body first and then the physical body; and Christ, notice, [received] the heavenly body first and then the physical body, which—after He died and resurrected—rose glorified, to never die again.
And now, all those written in Heaven, in the Lamb’s Book of Life, who were predestined to come into the Program of Divine Creation for Eternal Life, now come into that Program.
The ones of the old Testament came in: when Christ resurrected, they resurrected with Him. And now, those who still hadn’t been manifested on Earth come into the Program of Eternal Life, into the Program of Creation in Eternal Life: by receiving Christ as their only and sufficient Savior, repented of their sins, Christ forgives them and with His Blood cleanses them from all sin, they are baptized in water in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and Christ baptizes them with the Holy Spirit and Fire, and they obtain the new birth. Those souls of God obtain the heavenly body, and they now have Eternal Life in the Program of Creation in Eternal Life.
And now, just as Christ had His heavenly body before having His body of flesh, now we have the heavenly eternal body of the sixth dimension; and we still need the physical body, which He will give us soon.
He has been doing all of that and will do it by His creative Word being spoken, the creative Word promised for our time, just like He worked by the creative Word promised for each time.
And that is why it is so important for the Word promised for each age to be left pure, without adding to It or taking away from It, so that It may accomplish what God sent It for. Adam and Eve added to It and took away from It, and what did they bring forth? Mortal children.
Now, we have to leave the Word pure so that It brings forth sons and daughters of God; so that Christ continues to reproduce Himself in sons and daughters of God through the creative Word being spoken by Christ in Holy Spirit in each age, through the messenger of each age.
That Word brought forth sons and daughters of God in each age, and thus, they obtained the new birth, and they were born as sons and daughters of God in the Kingdom of God, which is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; that Kingdom is in the spiritual realm.
Just like Adam was in the spiritual realm when God gave him the heavenly body; and he made him male and female;17 and then he gave him a physical body of flesh, taken out of the dust of the ground, and he was still male and female.18
And notice, we find that from God came forth that heavenly body, came forth the Pillar of Fire, and there in the Pillar of Fire is the heavenly body; and then He gave it a body of flesh, He created a body of flesh, notice, God through His Spirit; that is why He would be called the Son of God.
Notice how He came: God through His Spirit, God through the Angel of the Covenant, who is Christ in His heavenly body, overshadowed the virgin Mary, and the virgin conceived; because God created in Mary’s womb a cell of life, which multiplied, and thus, the body of Jesus was formed. It was the Work of the Holy Spirit in the Program of a new race with Eternal Life, of a new Creation; and therefore, He has continued that Work of Creation.
And Christ is the beginning of the Creation of God, and Christ is also the One who began that whole Creation of God; but Christ came forth from God, therefore, He is the Son of God; He came from God.
Now, we find that everything depends on the Word of God, the Word that was with God, the Word, which and through which God spoke all things into existence; the Word, Christ, the Son of God, the Word of God, who was made flesh and dwelt among the Hebrew people.
And now, God through Christ, the Word, is carrying out a new Creation; which He is carrying out—in which He is carrying out the creation of a new heavenly race with Eternal Life; and He is creating a Church, which is the heavenly Israel, and which are the people who will be in the image and likeness of Jesus Christ our Savior.
We already have the image, which is the heavenly body. And all those who will have the glorified physical body are the ones who first obtain the heavenly body, first those heavenly bodies are born in the spiritual world.
First, they obtain that heavenly body, that image of God (the image of God is Christ in His heavenly body); and we obtain a heavenly body just like God’s heavenly body, just like Christ in His heavenly body; and then we will receive a glorified physical body just like the glorified physical body of Jesus Christ; and thus, we will be in His image and in His likeness.
Now, Christ said the Father is greater than Him;19 but all the things of the Father, Christ says: “They are…” Christ said: “All things that the Father has are Mine, therefore said I: He shall take of Mine, and shall show it unto you.”
Now, everything we have physically as individuals (although everything belongs to God, and therefore, belongs to Christ), in terms of us as individuals, notice, everything we have belongs to our soul, to us as living souls; but we have given it: the physical part to the body; and the spiritual part (notice, reading, writing, all knowledge) we have given it to the spirit, to the spiritual body; because with the spiritual body, we love our family members, our friends, and so on. Now, that is brotherly love.
Now, we love God with our heart, with our soul, with Love Divine.
Now, since everything depends on the Word of God, everything God does in each age and in each generation and in each dispensation, He does it through His Word. Therefore, the Word must come, be manifested, be revealed.
But how does the Word come? Every Word and every revelation of the Word has come and must now come through human flesh. That Word must become flesh, because wherever the Word is, It will be veiled in flesh. There is no other way.
That is why Amos says: “Surely the Lord God will do nothing without first revealing His secrets to His servants the prophets.” Amos chapter 3, verse 7. And in Deuteronomy chapter 18, verses 15 to 19, it says that God puts His Word in the mouth of the prophet that He sends.
Therefore, the Word comes to the prophet-messenger that God has for that time first; and then that prophet, anointed with the Holy Spirit (in plain words: the Holy Spirit in him), begins to speak that Word.
The prophet is the veil of flesh where the Word is made flesh, and through which the Word is expressed, is made known, that Word is revealed.
In every age and in every dispensation, when the people of God have been waiting for God to give them the revelation for that time, God has given it to a prophet; and the prophet has given it to the people. That is the Divine Order. There is no other way for that to happen.
Notice what Rev. William Branham said; on page 124, paragraph 1105, he says [Quotations] [64-0614M – “The Unveiling Of God,” page 21]:
1105 – “[130] Wherever the Word is, It’s veiled.
131 Moses had the Word. Now remember, after the Word was made manifest, Moses was Moses again. See? But while that Word was in him to be give out, he was God; well, he wasn’t Moses no more. He had the Word of the Lord for that age. Nothing could touch him till that was over; (…) he had the Word. And he was the Word to them.”
He was the Word to the people, because the Word was veiled in him, and the Word came through Moses; It came from God to Moses, and from Moses to the people.
The Angel of the Covenant, the Angel of the Lord, in the Pillar of Fire, was veiled in the Prophet Moses; and there, in Moses, the Pillar of Fire was veiled in human flesh, with the Word to be revealed to the people. He was anointed with the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, wherever Moses went, the Pillar of Fire went as well. And the Hebrew people who had Moses, well, they had the Pillar of Fire, they had the Angel of the Covenant, the Angel of the Lord.
The Word of God for each age is the creative Word of God, for God to create in His Program what He predestinated to create.
He has promised to have sons and daughters, but by Divine Creation: through the creative Word being spoken by the Holy Spirit through the messenger of each age. That is the order for the creative Work of God among the Church of Jesus Christ; therefore, everything depends (on what?) the Word.
That is why the Word, which is the two-edged Sword, is the One that cuts out each son and daughter of God, each person as a son and daughter of God; It cuts out those stones and puts them in the spiritual Temple of Christ, as sons and daughters of God.
“God is able of these stones to raise up children,”20 John the Baptist said. And God’s sons and daughters are typified in living stones; like Christ, the Son of God, who the Scripture also says is the Stone cut out without hands,21 He is the Cornerstone, He is the Stone that the builders rejected.22
And He was typified in the rock or stone that Moses smote with his rod, and it gave water to the people.23 And the second rock that he smote24 also typifies Christ, who is the Rock that followed the Hebrew people. That is why Christ, the Rock, the Angel of the Covenant, said: “I will be upon the Rock.” See?
Now, these are mysteries of the Kingdom of God, of the spiritual world, of the invisible world, and they are materialized here on Earth.
Therefore, everything depends on the Word of God, on the Word, the Word that was with God and was God.
And His Word, His Message, by manifesting Himself in a veil of flesh, He puts It (His Message) there; and from that veil of flesh the Holy Spirit brings It to the people, because that messenger speaks anointed and inspired by the Holy Spirit; and therefore, it’s the Holy Spirit speaking through a man.
That is why Christ told His disciples that when they were imprisoned, and brought before judges or councils or kings, to not think of what they would say, because the Holy Spirit would put words in their mouths, that is, It would speak through them; to not think of what they would say, because it would be whom? God, the Holy Spirit, speaking through them.25
Now, we have the promise at the Last Day that the Word will be made flesh again. And that is a great mystery, because Rev. William Branham said: “When this Holy Spirit that we have becomes incarnate to us, the One that’s in our midst now in the form of the Holy Ghost, becomes incarnate to us, in the Person of Jesus Christ, we’ll crown Him King of kings,” and Lord of lords.26
See? What the Hebrew people didn’t do when Christ entered in His triumphal entry, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ will do at the Last Day.
Now, you know something? That in His First Coming He didn’t come as King; but He also had to typify His Second Coming as well. And we won’t explain too much about that.
That is why He said: “You shall not see Me henceforth,” until when? Chapter 21… no, chapter 21 or 22 of Saint Matthew (I’ll tell you the passage now)… Chapter 21… Let’s see if we are right, otherwise… The 23rd, verses 37 to 39, says:
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!
Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.
For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.”
And that is for His Second Coming. That is for His Second Coming.
Now, let’s leave that alone there, so that the Program that He has for the fulfillment of that promise is not interrupted.
Now, everything God has done, He has done it through His Word, the Word; everything God has done, He has done it through Christ in Holy Spirit, in His heavenly body. And everything He is doing, He is doing it the same way.
And even the things that God did when Jesus was in His body of flesh here on Earth, God did them through His Spirit, which is the Word that was with God, through His heavenly body; and God through His heavenly body was the One who worked through Jesus.
That is why Jesus said: “I do nothing of Myself, but the Father who dwells in Me, He does the works.”27 He also said: “I speak nothing of Myself.”28 Therefore, those weren’t the words of Jesus, but of the One who was in Him: of the Father, of God the Father, through the Word, through the Angel of the Lord, the Angel of the Covenant, through the Holy Spirit in Jesus.
And everything God has done among the Church of Jesus Christ has been done through the Word, which is the Word, who is Christ in His heavenly body, who is Christ in Holy Spirit among His Church.
And everything He is doing in our time is the same way.
And the Word that He gave in the past was the Word of the Father through His Holy Spirit, through the Word, through the Angel of the Covenant. And the Word that He is giving in our time is the Word of the Father through the Word that was with God and was God, through Christ in His heavenly Body.
That is the creative Word of God to create the last part of the new race of the mystical Body of Christ, and then give us the glorified physical body.
Therefore, just like He, through His Word (the Gospel of Christ, which revolves around the First Coming of Christ in His Work of Redemption), has been calling and gathering His elect, and carrying out a new Creation, creating a new race in the spiritual world, in the sixth dimension… so that once that creation stage or phase in the spiritual world is finished, He may then create the physical part, which will be the eternal, immortal, and glorified physical bodies, just like the glorified body of Jesus Christ our Savior; to thus be eternal like Jesus Christ, and be in His image and in His likeness.
That is why we can neither take away from nor add to the Word of Christ, because it is the Word of the Father given through Christ in His heavenly Body, given through Christ in Holy Spirit in the midst of His Church from age to age, through the messenger of each age. And everything depends on the Word of God.
Now, He has been given us that Former Rain of the Gospel of Grace, which revolves around the First Coming of Christ, and which brings forth that new Creation in the sixth dimension, in the spiritual world.
But at the end time we have the promise that He will give us the Former Rain and also the Latter Rain: both Rains. In other words, He will give us the revealed Word of the Gospel of Christ, which revolves around the First Coming of Christ, and He will also give us the revealed Word of the Gospel of the Kingdom, which revolves around the Second Coming of Christ.
The creative Word to obtain the glorified physical body is the creative Word of the Gospel of the Kingdom, which is the creative Word that Christ will speak (God through Christ, through the Angel of the Covenant) through the instrument He will have at this end time.
And the elect will see where that Creative Word will be, and they will hear the Voice of Christ, the Good Shepherd, through the veil of flesh He will have at this end time. They know His Voice.
They will not hear another Voice except the Voice of Christ, the Son of man, the Son of God, speaking to us the creative Word of the Gospel of Grace and the creative Word of the Gospel of the Kingdom, in the Divine Revelation relevant to this end time, in the age relevant to this time, which is the Age of the Cornerstone.
And the group of elect of this end time will be the only group that will have the revelation of the Former Rain: the revelation of the First Coming of Christ and His Work of Redemption on the Calvary’s Cross; and the revelation of the Second Coming of Christ in His Claiming Work; a revelation that the people of God of past ages didn’t have, they only had the prophecies.
But only the group of elect of this end time will have the Divine Revelation of the whole Divine Program pertaining to the Second Coming of Christ.
And with those two Rains, the group of elect of the Last Day will not only obtain the spiritual transformation, where we obtain the heavenly body, but we will also obtain the physical transformation, where we will obtain the glorified physical body.
That is why everything depends on the Word of God; and therefore, everything depends on Christ, the Word, which, from stage to stage, becomes flesh in the messenger of each age temporarily; but at the Last Day He will become flesh, and remain with that veil of flesh, and change him, and adopt him in His Kingdom.
Just as the Father spoke by the prophets, through His Holy Spirit, through the Angel of the Covenant, and then He was made flesh; and He glorified that veil of flesh, and He sat on the right hand of God in the heavenly Kingdom, on the Throne of God.
And Christ will adopt the last messenger He will have, which will be a dispensational messenger; and he will be the one who, in every sense of the Word and of the promise, will sit with Christ on His Throne.
Just as the Angel of the Lord was the One who sat with the Father on His Throne, the Angel of Christ will be the one who will sit with Christ on His Throne.
God spoke by different prophets through His Holy Spirit, but then He spoke through Jesus, in whom God was in all His fullness.
And Christ, through His Holy Spirit, has spoken through His different messengers, the apostles and the seven angel-messengers; but then He will be speaking through His Angel, the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and through that Angel, He will give us all the revealed Word pertaining to this end time; and He will adopt Him… Through that Angel He will call the last elect who belong to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; and then He will call the Hebrew people too.
Because the Word of God promised for this end time will be through that Angel, and the Word will be incarnate in him; the Word will be made flesh at the Last Day.
Therefore, that will be the Holy Spirit, as Rev. William Branham said:
“[302] When this Holy Spirit that we have becomes incarnate to us, the One that’s in our midst now in the form of the Holy Ghost, becomes incarnate to us, in the Person of Jesus Christ, we’ll crown Him King of kings,” and Lord of lords.
This is from page 154, of the Book of The Revelation Of The Seven Seals.
And page 168 [paragraph 402] says that when the devil is cast out of Heaven and comes down to Earth, he will become incarnate in a man, that is, in the antichrist. It says: “And the Holy Spirit goes up and comes down in carnate men.”
So, the promise is that the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, will be on Earth in a veil of flesh. The same One who has manifested Himself through the apostles and through the different angel-messengers, and had a temporary veil of flesh in each age, at the Last Day, He will have a veil of flesh, and He will adopt that instrument He will have; and then we will have the fulfillment of what He promised.
He will adopt Him; and that is when the adoption of all the children of God will begin; and the adoption is the redemption of the body, our transformation.
So, everything depends on the Word of God, because the Word of God is the creative Word.
That is why Rev. William Branham said that the Third Pull is the Word. He said: “The Third Pull is speaking the Word.”29
That’s why when he saw in the Vision, the Tent Vision, and everything that was happening there, notice, people were coming to the altar and receiving Christ with their hands lifted up to Heaven; and all of that is a Work of the creative Word of God.
And then the things that happened in the little room; which was not a public show, therefore, no one knew how it happened;30 but it is a creative Work of God, therefore, it is a Work of the creative Word of God.
When he gave us a sample of the mighty hand of God, and of what the Third Pull will be, he showed five great manifestations of God through him; and on all five of those occasions, he had to speak the Word.31 See? But it was not a human word, it was the creative Word of God in the mouth of a man.
Therefore, that is the mystery that God’s elect will be seeing manifested in the Age of the Cornerstone, and God creating, bringing to existence, what has been promised to the Church of the Last Day. Therefore, there are great blessings from God; but everything depends (on what?) on the Word of God.
God will be speaking, because through His Spirit, through Christ in Holy Spirit, God will be speaking through human flesh, and He will be creating, making a reality everything that is promised for our time.
And that is the Divine Promise that the Bride-Church of Jesus Christ has been waiting for the whole time: for God to vindicate His promised Word, what He has promised for our time, that He make a reality.
And that promised Word, that promise for this hour, is the one that will make a reality, fulfill, all of God’s promises made to the Church of Jesus Christ for this end time, and to the Hebrew people.
Under the fulfillment of what God has promised for our time the creative Word will be spoken; and God will be creating, making a reality, everything He has promised for our time.
Therefore, everything depends on what? On the Word of God; that It be revealed, that It be spoken; and for that, it must become incarnate in a man at this end time.
The Word must come incarnate, because the Word, and through the Word, God carries out His Work of Creation; and He must be manifested through human flesh at the Last Day. So, everything depends on the Word of God.
That is why just like in past ages the Divine Revelation came to the messenger of each age, and the messenger spoke it, and God created what He had in His Program for that age, He made it a reality, and He called and gathered the elect of that age, that is also how it is for our time.
There is no other Word by which God can call and gather His elect, and carry out that creation of this end time, but by the Word pertaining to our time, veiled and revealed through human flesh; because wherever the Word for each age or dispensation may be, It will be veiled; and It will be revealed through the veil of flesh in which It is veiled.
No other person will be able to speak that Word and fulfill what God has promised, because It won’t be veiled in any other person in order to be revealed; only in the messenger relevant to each time is the promised Word for each age veiled and revealed.
When the people have been waiting for the revelation of something for that time, they have to understand that this Word must be veiled in order to then be revealed to the people through a veil of flesh. That is the Divine Order, and God is not going to change that order because someone interprets things differently.
Therefore, He has continued to work the same way at all times. And everything depended on the Word of God, and everything depends on the Word of God, and everything will depend on the Word of God.
By the Word of God being spoken, the great miracles and wonders take place, just as they took place in past times; and petitions were granted, and petitions will be granted as well.
Rev. William Branham on one occasion said something very important, which we have to understand so that we know how God will be working at this end time. Let’s see if I can find it here to read it to you, because it is a very important passage. Let’s see… If not, I… I will quote it to you…
On one occasion, Rev. William Branham, referring to laying hands on the sick, said that he was trying to remove that from among the people; in other words, that they should not depend on laying hands on the sick; meaning that they should not depend on him laying his hands on them, but instead listen to the Spoken Word and believe with all their heart.
I don’t have this quickly on hand, but sometime I will get that for you so that you have it, and thus, you can have a greater understanding of how everything should be for the Gentiles.
The Jews asked (Jesus) to lay hands on them; but the Roman said: “Speak the Word, and my servant will be healed.”32
So, just by the Word being spoken, the person should hold on to that Word with the mighty hand of faith. And no matter what circumstances and problems he has: he should continue holding on, like Jacob held on; believe with all your heart that, just as it was spoken, it will become a reality that way.
Even if at first it seems like it won’t, like things are getting worse, don’t think they are getting worse; think that what was spoken is being done.
1038 – “[178] I’ve always tried to get you away from that tradition, always of laying hands on like the Jews did. Jairus said, ‘Come lay Your hands on my daughter and she’ll live.’ The Roman said, ‘Just speak the word,’ that was the Gentile way of believing it.”
And this was preached on November 29, 1963, in the message is called “The Super Sign” [page 24]. And that is the way it will be fulfilled when the Tent Vision is being fulfilled in all its fullness. It won’t be any other way.
That is why those who came out of the little room healed were asked: “How did it happen?” And they said: “I don’t know. All I know is that it happened.”
Why? Because it wasn’t a matter of laying hands on them; because if they would have laid their hands on them, they would have said: “Well, he laid his hands on me, he prayed, and I was healed.”
But in this case, to keep it a secret, notice, everything will be taken into account; because Christ says: “When you pray, enter into your secret closet, and pray to your Father who sees you in secret; and He will reward you openly.”33
And the Angel said to Rev. William Branham that there was not going to be what? That this stage would not be impersonated, like the First and Second Pulls fulfilled in Rev. William Branham were impersonated, imitated: they imitated it. They imitated it and caused Rev. William Branham a lot of trouble.
But from what we see there, the one in whom the Word will be made flesh at the Last Day, in whom that promise will be fulfilled, will take all the precautions; and he won’t be making a public show, rather, he will know how and what he should speak; and Christ through His Spirit will put in his mouth what he should speak.
And he will know some things. And, surely, when he does that, most likely, no one is going to hear what he is going to speak, probably; so that they don’t imitate. They will probably not hear what he is going to speak. Even if later on they hear his voice speaking, but in that little part, let’s say, he will turn off the microphone so that no one hears; and it is not known if the very person he will speak over will hear.
Remember that when he spoke Divine healing for Sister Branham, Sister Braham didn’t hear anything; she was in another place.
So, there is a mystery there.
But don’t worry, whoever needs to know the mystery that he will be operating there, will know it. And he will not reveal it to anyone, so that no one imitates it; so that not even his own partners in the ministry imitate; that is, he will protect them by not letting them know that mystery. It won’t be because he doesn’t want to, but to protect his fellow ministers.
Notice, when Rev. William Branham made known to the ministers how he… everything the Angel told him, exactly as it was, he actually harmed them;34 He did more harm than good to them and to the Work of the Lord, and to Rev. William Branham himself; but God had mercy on him.
We don’t criticize him, instead, we say: in his ignorance on that part, not knowing the negative consequences he would cause, but because he loved them all, he also wanted them to know so that they could also fish.
And notice, they fished, but to put them in their own vessels: in their own baskets and their own religious sects; and God’s purpose is that the catch of fish be put in the Kingdom of Christ, in the mystical Body of Christ.
Well, let’s leave that there.
We love everyone, and we want everyone to benefit according to the Divine Program; and that is why we work in the Divine Program, without adding to or taking away from the Word of God: may the Word of God remain pure for our time, so that the revival of Christ remains in the midst of His Church.
When they take away from It or add to It, the revival dies, and the Spirit leaves from among those people, It goes to another place.
Well, the Spirit has gone from age to age: It went from the Hebrew people to Asia Minor, from Asia Minor to Europe, from Europe to North America, and now It has gone to Latin America and the Caribbean. And we have held on to Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, and we are not going to let Him go until He blesses us with the transformation of our bodies!
And since everything depends on the Word of God, we are going to watch Him: Christ, the Holy Spirit, speaking; because there, in the things that He will be speaking to us, will be what we need for our transformation.
So, we are going to watch Him there, in what is spoken on every occasion, because everything depends on the Word. And the Word must be spoken so that It can be materialized, so that It can become a reality, so that what God has promised is fulfilled.
It has been a great blessing and privilege to be with you on this occasion, testifying to you about our subject: “EVERYTHING DEPENDS ON THE WORD OF GOD;” because that is the creative Word of God. God doesn’t create unless it’s through His creative Word.
May the blessings of Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, be upon all of you and also upon me. And may He continue to speak His Word to us, and give us by His creative spoken Word everything that we need to hear and believe, so that It is materialized in our lives. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.
Well, it has been a great blessing and privilege to be with you on this occasion, testifying to you about our subject: “EVERYTHING DEPENDS ON THE WORD OF GOD.”
Pray a lot for tomorrow’s service, God willing, where we expect great blessings from God; and where we expect Christ to call many people who will be present there listening to the Word of God; because everything depends on the Word of God. That is why He commanded to preach, to speak the Word, for God’s elect to be called and gathered; and in our time too.
[Matthew 24:31] “And He will send His Angels with a Great Sound of Trumpet, and they will gather together His elect.”
See? Because everything depends on the Word of God. That Great Sound of Trumpet is the Word of God.
Well, we will see each other tomorrow, God willing, in tomorrow’s service (When? Tomorrow is…) Friday, God willing. When there are services like this, in the morning, it seems like it’s Sunday.
But to us, for us as individuals in the mystical Body of Christ, in the Age of the Cornerstone, for us it is Sunday, spiritual Sunday, in a Sunday Age. That is why it is an eternal age, an age that will not end, because it will not be denominationalized.
It is the Eternal Age of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, where the Word is also an eternal Word, which we will neither add to nor take away from, so that It stays pure, and the revival remains among us; and God materializes everything He has promised for all of us and for the Church as a mystical Body of believers.
Well, may God bless you and keep you; and I will leave Rev. Miguel Bermúdez Marín with us again to continue.
God bless you, and have a good evening, everyone.
1 Acts 7:53; Galatians 3:19
2 John 5:43
3 The Revelation Of The Seven Seals, “The Sixth Seal,” page 437, paragraphs 465-468
4 John 8:58
5 John 14:6
6 Psalm 104:4, Hebrews 1:7
7 Exodus 3:2
8 Exodus 33:18-23
9 Judges 13:1-20
10 Joshua 5:13-15
11 1 Chronicles 21:15-30
12 Genesis 32:24-30
13 Acts 2:36
14 John 16:28
15 John 16:13-15
16 John 1:29
17 Genesis 1:27
18 Genesis 2:7
19 John 14:28
20 Matthew 3:9; Luke 3:8
21 Daniel 2:34-45
22 Psalm 118:22; Acts 4:11; Ephesians 2:20; 1 Peter 2:4-8
23 Exodus 17:1-6
24 Numbers 20:2-13
25 Mark 13:9-11; Luke 21:10-15
26 The Revelation Of The Seven Seals, “The First Seal,” page 154, paragraph 302
27 John 14:10
28 John 8:28
29 Quotations, page 135, paragraph 1206: 64-0823M – “Questions And Answers #1,” page 34, paragraphs 157-158
30 Quotations, page 13, paragraph 98: Full Gospel Business Men’s Voice Magazine, Vol. IV, No. 2, March 1956, pages 11-14; Quotations, page 14, paragraph 103: 56-0408A – “What Is A Vision?” pages 16-17, paragraphs 101-109; Quotations, page 39, paragraph 321: 56-0219 – “Being Led Of The Holy Spirit,” pages 2, 6, 7-9, paragraphs 4-5, 16, 20-26; Quotations, page 10-B, end of paragraph 87: Herald Of Faith Magazine, “William Branham’s Latest Vision,” Feb. 1956, pages 5-6
31 Compilation of excerpts The Introduction of the Second Coming of Christ to His Church: Sister Meda Branham’s healing: pages 290-295, paragraphs 71-136 (64-0120 – “His Unfailing Words Of Promise,” pages 10-17, paragraphs 71-136); He stops the storm: pages 281-284, paragraphs 86-122 (63-1110E – “He That Is In You,” pages 20-24, paragraphs 86-122); Resurrection of the little fish: pages 235-238, paragraphs 130-157 (57-0623 – “Believe From The Heart,” pages 17-20, paragraphs 130-157); The creation of squirrels: pages 238-245, paragraphs 33-52 (59-1123 – “Speak To This Mountain,” pages 15-24, paragraphs 33-52); The salvation of Hattie Wright’s sons: pages 250-252, paragraphs 170-188 (60-0417M “Go, Tell,” pages 26-28, paragraphs 170-188)
32 Matthew 8:5-8; Luke 7:1-7
33 Matthew 6:6
34 Quotations, page 14, paragraph 103: Full Gospel Business Men’s Voice Magazine, Vol. IV, No. 2, March 1956, pages 11-14