Good morning, beloved friends and brethren present. It is a great privilege to be with you here in Venado, place which Bermudez and I visited in nineteen seventy… when, Miguel? 1971; and 27 years later we are here again. We had also come some… also from 1 to 3 years here.
And it is of great blessing for me to be here in Venado, San Luis Potosi again, to share with you some moments of fellowship around the Word of God under the subject: “THE LIGHT OF THE SEVENTH SEAL.”
For which I want to read in John, chapter 8, and also Revelation, chapter 8. Let us see here: John, chapter 8, verse 12 and on, says:
“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
The Pharisees therefore said unto him, Thou bearest record of thyself; thy record is not true.
Jesus answered and said unto them, Though I bear record of myself, yet my record is true: for I know whence I came, and whither I go; but ye cannot tell whence I come, and whither I go.
Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man.
And yet if I judge, my judgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent me.
It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true.
I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me.
Then said they unto him, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also.”
May God bless our souls with His Word and allow us to understand It.
Christ identifies Himself as the Light of the world in this passage we have read, because the Light is always the manifestation of the Word relevant to each age or dispensation. There is no Light except by the Word of God relevant to each age or each dispensation.
The forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ said in the book of Quotations, page 120, verse 10651:
“He was the a-vindicated Light of that day. See? But there’s more Word to be a-vindicated. He’s got to vindicate more Word. And when the last Word is vindicated, is vindicated, rather, then death is swallowed up in victory, and the dead in Christ shall rise, the Millennium will set in.”
Here we have the promise of more Light for the Last Day, where that Light, that Word that will be vindicated, by being vindicated it will be the Light of the world for the human race for the glorious seventh millennium and Millennial Kingdom.
Notice, the promised Word of the Coming of the Messiah two thousand years ago, by that promise being fulfilled in human flesh in the person of Jesus, what was it? The Light of the world. And he who followed that Word made flesh was following the Light of the world; because the Word made flesh, fulfilled, for each age or for each dispensation, is the Light of that age or of that dispensation.
And the Scripture tells us: “In the beginning was the Word (that is, the Word), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.” (John, chapter 1, verse 1 and on).
And verse 14 says: “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”
Now, notice how the Word became flesh and came to be (what?) the Light of the world. He said2: “ I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of life.” And notice how Christ, the Word, the Light of the life, being manifested is the Light of every human being.
Now, notice here what the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ tells us3:
“And this evening Light… Of course, the great Light will come when Jesus Himself will be manifested here on earth, or up in the Heavens, taking away His Bride, and then the Millennium will set in. But we’ve got one of the most dreadful times to go through, that ever laid before human beings.”
Now, notice how the great Light that will come will be the Coming of the Lord; and that is the Word, more Word that must be vindicated, in other words, fulfilled in human flesh. And when the last Word is vindicated or fulfilled in human flesh, then the resurrection of the dead will come, and the transformation for us who are alive; and that last Word, which has to be vindicated, confirmed, manifested in human flesh, is the Second Coming of Christ.
Now, we need to understand this mystery, because if we do not understand this mystery…, out brother Branham said that everything would be so simple, that if we are not watchful, we will miss it and we will not even realize the fulfillment of the Seventh Seal, in other words, the fulfillment of the Second Coming of Christ; because the Seventh Seal is the Second Coming of Christ.
Revelation, chapter 8, verse 1, says the following; I want to read it:
“And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.”
Now, notice, that mystery contained in the Seventh Seal is the Second Coming of Christ; and brother Branham, the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ, says…, let us see what he says on page 119 of the book of Quotations in Spanish, verse 10584:
“I may be building a platform for somebody else to step on. I may be taken before that time. /But I do believe, that we are so close, that I would never die with old age (in other words, ‘I will not die of old age’). Yet, at fifty-four (54) years old I’ll never die with old age, until He’s here. See?”
Until who is here? Until the Seventh Seal, Christ in His Second Coming, is here; in other words, until Christ is here fulfilling His Coming, fulfilling the Seventh Seal.
“Unless I’m shot, killed, or something other, some way killed, just old age wouldn’t kill me, until He’s come, (that is: ‘I will not die of old age until He is here’).”
Nowadays, our brother Branham, who was born in 1909, would be 89 years old today. By that age, the majority of human beings have departed. There are few people who live past 70 years old. Those who reach the age of 80 years ⏤the Scripture says⏤ are the strongest5.
And now, he says he will not die with old age until He is here. Now, notice what he says next:
“Just old age wouldn’t kill me, until He’s come… I may not do it, but this Message will introduce Jesus Christ to the world.”
Therefore, this Message of our brother Branham, with which he foreran the Second Coming of Christ, will be present, testifying what the Second Coming of Christ is on this planet Earth, at the Last Day. Therefore, the one forerun will use what the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ said in order to show the people what the Coming of the Lord, the Seventh Seal being fulfilled, was promised to be.
Now, let us turn to what the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ said the Second Coming of Christ would be; because as the forerunner said, that is how it must be. Notice, he says:
“For, ‘As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming, so is the Message to forerun the second Coming.’ And John said, ‘Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.’ See? So, it’s, it paralleled it in every way. And I know it will (he knows it will be that way).”
Now, what is the Coming of the Lord? What was he forerunning as the Coming of Christ? He said that he was forerunning the Coming of the Word.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.”
John, chapter 1, verse 1 and on. And verse 14 says:
“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.”
And now, when the Word was made flesh, the First Coming of Christ was fulfilled.
Now, what is the Seventh Seal? Let us see this mystery here, of both the Seventh Seal and the Coming of the Lord, because they are both the same thing.
On page 469 of the book of The Seals in Spanish, the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ said…, referring to this cloud, that appeared in the Arizona skies on February 28, 1963, which is a mysterious cloud according to science, because it appeared 26 miles high, with a size of 30 miles6 wide; in other words, it was a giant cloud at a height where clouds cannot be formed, because there is no moisture there.
Now notice, if we rotate it clockwise, this cloud forms the face of the Lord.
And now, let us see what the mystery of this cloud really is. On page 469 of the book of The Seals in Spanish, the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ, our beloved brother Branham, says7:
“And did you notice? ‘That one Angel,’ I said, ‘in there, was a strange Angel.’ He looked more to me than any of the rest of Them. You remember that? They were in a constellation; three on a side, and one on top. And the one right next to me here, counting from the left to the right, would have been the seventh Angel. He was brighter, meant more to me than the rest of Them. You remember? I said, ‘He had His chest out, like that, and was flying eastward’ (you remember) ‘like that.’ I said, ‘It picked me up; lifted me up.’ You remember that?
Here It is, the one with the Seventh Seal, the thing that I’ve wondered all my life. Amen! Them other Seals meant a lot to me, of course, but, oh, you don’t know what This has meant.”
Who has the Seventh Seal? The Angel who was different from the rest, who is found in this cloud, who lifted brother Branham and placed him in this cloud, too. They were all there in their theophanic bodies, because the seven angel messengers of the seven gentile Church ages were there (including our brother Branham), and there was another Angel who was different from the rest. That Angel who was different from the rest was the One with the Seventh Seal.
Now, we have seen that the Seventh Seal is that Angel, out of the eight angels who are in that cloud, because the seven angels of the seven gentile Church ages are there, and another Angel who is different from the rest. And which is the mystery of the Seventh Seal? The mystery of the Seventh Seal is the mystery of that Angel who was different from the rest.
And now, notice how the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ says that Seventh Seal will come, which is the Coming of the Lord, the Coming of that Angel who was different from the rest. Page 472 of the book of The Seals, says:
“Notice now, for the end-of-time Message, this Seal, (in other words, the Seventh), After all, He has revealed all the six Seals, but He don’t say nothing about the Seventh. And the end-time Seal, when It starts, will be absolutely a total secret, according to the Bible, before knowing That. And remember, Revelation 10:1-7, 1 to 7, chapter 10:1 to 7, ‘At the end of the seventh angel’s Message, all the mysteries of God would be known.’ We’re at the end time, the opening of the Seventh Seal.
Now, how did I know? The other day, last Sunday, a week ago today, when I was preaching on ‘Be humble! Be humble! Remember, God deals in little things.’ I didn’t realize what it really was talking about. And now I see it. It is in such a humble way! You would think that something like that would be revealed to the Vatican or…But It comes just like John the Baptist. It comes like the birth of our Lord, in a stable. Glory to God! So help me, the hour is at hand! Amen! We’re here. Oh, my!”
How does the Seventh Seal come, in other words, the Second Coming of Christ being fulfilled? It comes just like John the Baptist came and It comes like the birth of our Lord there in Bethlehem of Judea in a stable. It comes like John the Baptist because the Seventh Seal, which is the Coming of the Son of Man, comes with His Angels; and His Angels are the ministries of Moses and Elijah, the Two Olive Trees. And since It comes with the ministries of His Angels, It comes with Moses (who is one of the Olive Trees) and comes with Elijah (who is the other Olive Tree); and Elijah coming with the Son of Man at the Last Day, that is the ministry of Elijah in its fifth manifestation.
That is how the Seventh Seal comes: It comes just like John the Baptist and It comes like the birth of Jesus; because the Seventh Seal comes, the Coming of the Son of Man with His Angels at the Last Day.
And now, notice that everything will be in such a simple way, in such a humble way, that if we are not watchful, we will miss the fulfillment of the Second Coming of Christ with His Angels at the Last Day.
And now, what is the Coming of Elijah to preach to the Hebrew people? On page 399 of the book of The Seals in Spanish, he is asked question 11 about the Elijah who will preach to the Hebrews, which will be one of the Two Olive Trees, it will be the fifth manifestation of the ministry of Elijah on Earth; they ask him8:
“Is the Elijah, who comes to preach to the Jews, the real man who lived on the earth, in the days of Ahab, or will he be the spirit of Elijah in some other man?
(The answer was):
I’m inclined to believe that it will be anointed men, of their spirit. (Of which time? Of this time, anointed of that spirit)<em>; because, see, he says, when Elijah was caught up, and Elisha encountered the sons of the prophets, they said: ‘Does not… on Elisha? Does not the spirit of Elijah rest on Elisha?’ See, ‘the spirit of Elijah.’ And he done just like Elijah did.”
May God help all His children at this end time, so that at this end time, we can see the ministry of Elijah, which was manifested in Elijah the Tishbite, then in Elisha, then in John the Baptist for the third occasion, then in reverend William Branham for the fourth occasion; may God allow us to see the ministry of Elijah for the fifth time at this Last Day: in a man of this end time. That is the promise: “I’m inclined to believe that it will be anointed men, of their spirit.”
Because the Spirit of God will be in that man manifesting the ministry of Elijah for the fifth time, just as the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, was in reverend William Branham, manifesting the spirit of Elijah for the fourth time.
And He was in John the Baptist; who the Archangel Gabriel said would be filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother’s womb, and he manifested the ministry of Elijah for the third time.
That is also how it happened in Elisha: it was the Spirit of God manifested in Elisha the one that anointed him with the ministry of Elijah in its second manifestation in a double portion.
When the sons of the prophets saw Elisha doing the same thing Elijah had done (in other words, parting the Jordan and passing on dry ground) they said: “The spirit of Elijah doth rest on Elisha.”
May God allow all the sons and daughters of God to see Elijah for the fifth time opening the Seventh Seal. Just as we saw him opening the six Seals of Revelation, may we see him manifested again at the Last Day, opening the Seventh Seal, which is the Seal that was yet to be opened.
And now, when we see him, we are be able to say: “The spirit of Elijah has rested upon a man of this time,” and we are able to identify him.
It will not be Elijah the Tishbite, the one who lived hundreds or thousands of years ago, rather, it will be a man of this time, anointed with that spirit, because he will have the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit, who will operate in him the ministry of Elijah for the fifth time.
And now, why does brother Branham speak about Elijah and about Moses as well? Because he is the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ, of the Coming of the Son of Man; and the Son of Man comes (with who?) with His Angels, and His Angels are Moses and Elijah. Therefore, he must speak about Jesus, Moses and Elijah, because He is forerunning the Coming of the Son of Man with His Angels.
And now, who will Moses be and who will Elijah be? In the message of The Seals, page 301 to 302, it says9:
“Now, now, notice now. And then according to the time that God was going to deliver the antediluvian world, He sent the eagle (remember, an eagle represents a prophet; that eagle was who? Noah) And time He was going to deliver Israel, He sent the eagle. Do you believe that the time, even on John, on the Isle of Patmos, this Message was so perfect that He couldn’t trust It with an Angel? You know, an angel is a messenger. But do you know the messenger was a prophet? You believe that? Let’s prove it. Revelation 22, let’s see if it was a eagle. Yeah. See, he was a… Sure, he was an angel, he’s the messenger, but it was a prophet that revealed this whole Book of Revelation to him. /Watch what John seen here.
‘…I John saw these things, and heard them… And when I… heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which showed these things, which showed me these things.’
‘Then said he to me, See thou do it not:…’ (No true prophet would be worshipped, or messenger of any kind, see. That’s to God alone). ‘Then said he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them that keep the sayings of this book: worship God.’
Revelation 22:8-9
See? Now, the Book was so important, that, It is the Word of God. Now watch. And when the Word of God is brought forth, It’s got to be brought by the prophet, because that’s who the Word of God comes to.”
When the people are waiting for the revelation from God, they must be waiting for God to send a prophet then, because a prophet is the one who the revelation of God comes to and through that prophet is that the revelation comes to the people of God.
No one can say: “I have the revelation of God, Christ has given me the revelation of such mystery (for example, the Seventh Seal).” Why? Because the revelation must come to a prophet.
And the revelation, notice, of the previous six Seals, came to the seventh angel messenger, the prophet sent by God with the ministry of Elijah for the fourth occasion. And in order for the revelation of the Seventh Seal to come, it must come through a prophet as well; and there is only one prophet promised for the Last Day, and out of all the prophets God would send to the human race, he is the last prophet promised in the Bible. And by saying that he is the last prophet, that entails the fulfillment of countless prophecies that refer to the Last Day.
He is the prophet of the last dispensation, in other words, the Dispensation of the Kingdom, and he is the prophet with the last Message of God, with the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, and he is the prophet of the Age of the Cornerstone, the messenger of the Age of the Cornerstone, and he is that Angel of Jesus Christ who gave John the revelation of Revelation.
Notice, he came showing John all the things that were going to happen; because that is what the prophets of God do: they receive the revelation of the things that will happen and then they give it to the people of God. That is why, notice, he comes revealing the things that will happen, he comes prophesying the things that will come to pass.
That is why the Scripture identifies the book of Revelation as the prophetic book, which by being read and its content kept, he that reads it and hears it, and keeps it, is blessed. Why? Because It is a prophetic book. Revelation, chapter 1, verses 1 to 3, says:
“The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John (and we have seen who that Angel is: he is a prophet, reverend William Branham says),
Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.”
Notice, blessed is he that reads and they that hear the words of this prophecy, because this is a prophetic book; this book contains the prophecies of all the things that will come to pass, and every prophecy relevant to the Last Day and the days of the Dispensation of Grace are contained in this book; all those prophecies are condensed or summarized here in this book of Revelation.
That is why it says: “He that has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches,” because the Holy Spirit would be speaking from age to age through the angel messengers of each age; and for those who lived in the time of that age, to hear the angel messenger in each age was to hear the Holy Spirit, who was manifested in the angel messenger of each age. And we find that all of this was happening at the Last Day.
The first age was fulfilled in Asia Minor, where the Holy Spirit was speaking to His people, to His Church; He was testifying of the things that had to be made known at that time, which were made known by Saint Paul; and to hear Saint Paul was to hear the Holy Spirit (the One who was in him) making known all those things relevant to that first age. Saint Paul said10: “Nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.”
And now, to hear one of the angel messengers in the age in which they were sent was to hear the Holy Spirit in that age, because Christ said in John, chapter 10, that He would be speaking. John, chapter 10, verses 14 to 16, says:
“I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.
As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.”
How will His sheep hear the Voice of Christ, the Voice of the Good Shepherd, if Christ died, resurrected and ascended to Heaven and sat at the right hand of God? How is He going to call His Sheep, His children now? Through His manifestation in Holy Spirit in the angel messenger of each age; through each angel messenger, He was speaking and He was calling and gathering together His Sheep in each age.
That is why the first age was fulfilled in Asia Minor, and its messenger was Saint Paul; the second was fulfilled in France, and its messenger was Irenaeus; the third was fulfilled in France and Hungary, and its messenger was Martin; the fourth was fulfilled in Ireland and Scotland, and its messenger was Columba; the fifth was fulfilled in Germany, and its messenger was Luther; the sixth was fulfilled in England, and its messenger was Wesley; the seventh was fulfilled in North America, and its messenger was Reverend William Branham.
And now, where is the Age of the Cornerstone fulfilled and who is its messenger? The Age of the Cornerstone is fulfilled in Latin America and the Caribbean, and its messenger is the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is a prophet and who is the last prophet of God, the prophet of the Dispensation of the Kingdom, with the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom.
This prophet messenger is the one who comes with the ministry of Elijah for the fifth time and the ministry of Moses for the second time, and the ministry of Jesus for the second time; because the Son of Man comes with His Angels, as Jesus says in Matthew, chapter 16, verses 27 to 28; and wherever the fulfillment of the Coming of the Son of Man is, the fulfillment of the Coming of His Angels will also be there, meaning the coming of Elijah for the fifth time and Moses for the second time.
And now, notice that the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ is a prophet who will be here on Earth for the end time testifying to us at all these things which must shortly be done; he would be here at the end time, for the Age of the Cornerstone, to make known to all the sons and daughters of God all these things which must shortly come to pass, at this end time.
Our brother Branham, the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ, referring to Moses, on page 326 of the book of The Seals in Spanish, says11:
“Moses will be the same person. Now, and we find out, in Revelation 22:8, the same thing.”
Moses will be the same person, and we find the same thing where? In Revelation, chapter 22, verse 8. And what is it that we find in Revelation 22, verse 8? Who do we find there? We find the Angel of Jesus there. It says:
“And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things.”
There we have Moses: “Moses will be the same person. Now, and we find out, in Revelation 22:8, the same thing.” And in Revelation 22, verse 8, the one who appears is the Angel of Jesus; that is Moses in his second manifestation and it is also Elijah in his fifth manifestation.
And now, what will the Coming of the Son of Man be? What will the Coming of the Mighty Angel who descends from Heaven in Revelation, chapter 10 be, and the Coming of the white horse Rider of Revelation, chapter 19?; because we find the Second Coming of Christ in both passages.
Notice what the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ tells us what the Coming of the Angel of Revelation, chapter 10 will be. Page 57 of the book of The Seals in Spanish, says the following (let us see)12:
“…I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow… upon his head,…’
If you notice, that’s Christ, see. Cause, He, in the Old Testament, was called the Angel of the Covenant. And He is directly coming to the Jews now, for the Church is finished. See? All right.
‘… and his face… as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:’
You remember that Angel in Revelation 1? Same thing. Angel is a ‘messenger.’ And He’s the Messenger to Israel. See? The Church has been raptured, see, now, or fixing to be raptured. He comes for His Church…”
Now, notice that the Angel Messenger to Israel comes for His Church first, before going to the Hebrew people. He is the Angel of the Covenant, the Angel of the Lord, descending from Heaven clothed with a cloud, who is Christ in Spirit; it is Christ in His theophanic body, descending from Heaven, He is that Angel who was different from the rest, who was in this cloud, who has the Seventh Seal; and the Seventh Seal is the Coming of the Lord.
And now, notice, this is the Angel who forms the white wig, the white hair of the Lord. With the ministry of this Angel who was different from the rest, the white hair of the Lord, that type and figure, that symbolism is fulfilled at this Last Day in the Coming of that Angel who was different from the rest.
Now, how will that Angel come? How will the Seventh Seal come? Notice that He comes for the Hebrew people, He comes for Israel, because He is the Messenger to Israel, He is the Angel of the Covenant; but the Church of Jesus Christ is about to be raptured, she has reached the end, therefore, He comes for His Church. The Hebrew people will see the Angel of the Covenant, the Angel of the Lord in the midst of the Church of Jesus Christ, and say: “This is the One we have been waiting for.”
And now, how will He come? He comes as the Messenger to Israel, but He comes for His gentile Church. And now, He also comes as the white horse Rider of Revelation, chapter 19.
On page 134 of The Seals, the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ says13:
“Notice! And when this Holy Spirit that we have becomes incarnate to us, the One that’s in our midst now in the form of the Holy Ghost, becomes incarnate to us, in the Person of Jesus Christ, we’ll crown Him King of kings.”
And now, let us see this mystery. On page 277 of the book The Seals, while he is praying, brother Branham says14:
“May the Holy Spirit come down now, the white-horse Rider, while His Spirit, Spirit of Christ, in the face of antichrist, and call His Own.”
Now, who is the white horse Rider of Revelation 19? It is the Holy Spirit, Christ in Holy Spirit.
And now, how will the white horse Rider of Revelation 19 come at the Last Day? It says that the Holy Spirit will come incarnate, that is what we read on page 134 of The Seals. And now, on page 303 of the book The Seals, it says:
“But when our Lord appears here on earth, He’ll be riding on a snow-white horse. And He’ll be completely, fully, the Emmanuel, the Word of God incarnate in a Man.”
The Word will come incarnate in a man; the Word, the Holy Spirit will come incarnate in a man; and that will be the Coming of the white horse Rider of Revelation 19; that will be the Coming of the Son of Man with His Angels.
Now, on page 166 of the book of Quotations in Spanish…
We ask ourselves: “From where will Christ, the Word, come incarnate in a man at this end time? From which territory?” Let us see. On page 166 of the book of Quotations, verse 1485 (which is a passage of the message “God’s Only Provided Place Of Worship,” page 1 and 2). Now, it says15:
“Now, there’s… I was… getting pretty old, and I thought, ‘Will I… Will there be another revival, I’ll see another time?’”
In other words, “Will there be another revival, another awakening, like these that emerged from age to age when God sent the messenger of each age, where there was an awakening, and God called and gathered together His elect?” Now: “Will there be another awakening, another revival?” It says:
“‘…I’ll see another time?’ And just remember, from the west (which is the territory of the West), will come a white horse rider (where will that Rider on that white horse come from? From the territory of the West, in other words, from the West). We’ll ride this trail again. That’s right. Soon as we get ready. It’s a promise, you see.”
And where is that promise found? It is found in Revelation, chapter 19, which is the Coming of Christ on a snow white horse; and the Coming of that white horse Rider is the Word incarnate in a man; and that Rider on that white horse, on the white horse of the pure Word of God, comes from the West.
And now, we find here that the Coming of the Word incarnate in a man will be from the West; the Word will come in a man from the West, the Word, the Word incarnate in a man.
And now, as the man anointed of the spirit of Elijah in its fourth manifestation, our brother Branham, says: “We’ll ride this trail again,” meaning that Elijah, the ministry of Elijah, will ride the ministerial trail for a fifth time. And now, who does he ride the ministerial trail with? With that Rider who comes on that white horse, which is the Word incarnate in a man.
Wherever the Word is, the Word incarnate, wherever the Word is incarnate in a man of this end time and from the West (because he has to be a westerner), that is also where the ministry of Elijah will be for the fifth time, riding its ministerial trail for the fifth time; and that is also where the ministry of Moses will be, walking or riding its ministerial trial for the second time.
The Two Olive Trees will be there, with whom? With the Son of Man, with Christ, with the Word, the Angel of the Covenant, the Angel of the Lord, with the Angel who was different from the rest, coming in human flesh in a man of this end time from and in the West.
Now, we can see that in the West, God already fulfilled the seventh age of the gentile Church, in the northern part of the West. That is, the West is the American Continent, including the Caribbean; and the American Continent consists of North America, Central America, South America and the Caribbean; and in North America, He already fulfilled the seventh gentile Church age, and He manifested the ministry of Elijah for the fourth time in the seventh angel messenger.
And now, He moves from North America to Latin America and the Caribbean, just as He moved from Asia Minor to Europe, and from Europe He moved to North America. Notice, every time He moved from one place to another, He moved in the angel messenger of each age. And now we can see that He has moved from North America to Latin America and the Caribbean.
And just as the Message of the Gospel of the Grace came from the Hebrews to the gentiles…: it passed from the land of Israel to Asia Minor, and from Asia Minor to Europe, and from Europe to North America, and from North America to Latin America and the Caribbean.
And now, notice, the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ said something very important that we cannot overlook, because we have a great revelation here of things that will be happening at this end time. On page 12-A of the book of Quotations, verse 115, it says16:
“And you believe that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, that I’m here to make known His works and His ways. I been very reluctant on these things, the fifteen, sixteen years I been on the field. But there’s an hour coming now when something is fixing to take place. The Message will go to another nation, another people. But while we are in the Presence of His Holy Being…The Church in America, I believe, is just about called out. She’s finished, She’s washed, She’s ready, the real Church.”
And now, he says the Message will go to another people and to another nation. Just as it passed on: from the Hebrew people, it passed on to Asia Minor; from Asia Minor, it passed on to Europe, or to the Europeans, and from Europe it passed on to North America; and now, from North America, it has passed on to Latin America and the Caribbean.
And now, notice how the Word, the Word incarnate in a man, the white horse Rider of Revelation 19 will come from the West; and the ministry of Jesus manifested for the second time, the ministry of Elijah manifested for the fifth time and the ministry of Moses for the second time will come manifested there; because God does not have two major prophets at the same time, but He can have a prophet anointed with two or three major ministries at the same time. He had Elisha, who came with a double portion of the spirit that was in Elijah; that was Elisha’s petition.
And now, notice what the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ says on page 474 and 475 [The Seals], he says:
“I don’t know who is going to… what’s going to take place.”
He is referring to the Seventh Seal here, and remember that the Seventh Seal is the Angel who was different from the rest.
In order for the Seventh Seal to be fulfilled on Earth, that Angel ⏤who was different from the rest⏤ must come veiled, manifested in human flesh, because He is the Word, and He must be made flesh so that the Seventh Seal may be fulfilled here on Earth; and that is the Coming of the white horse Rider of Revelation 19, which is the Coming of Christ.
And now, he says:
“I don’t know who is going to… what’s going to take place. I do not know. I just know that those Seven Thunders holds that mystery. The Heavens was quiet.”
Where is the content of the Seven Seals? In the Seven Thunders. The Seven Thunders are the ones that reveal the mystery of the Seventh Seal, the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ.
And what are the Seven Thunders? Well, the Voice of the Angel who descends from Heaven, crying out as when a lion roars, and seven thunders uttering their voices. It is the Voice of Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, the Angel of the Lord, coming in human flesh at the Last Day and speaking to His Church all these things which must shortly come to pass, and thus, revealing to Her the mystery of His Coming to His Church in the Age of the Cornerstone.
Just as He came from age to age in the messenger of each age, now He reveals to His Church His Coming to the Age of the Cornerstone, in human flesh, in His Angel Messenger of the Last Day; and that will be the Coming of the white horse Rider of Revelation 19, and that will be the Coming of the Mighty Angel who descends from Heaven, and that will be the Coming of the Angel who was different from the rest; because it is the same Angel, the Christ Himself, the same Angel of the Covenant, it is Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit coming to His Church at the Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone, to call Her and gather Her at this end time.
Those seven thunders of Revelation, chapter 10, are the Voice of Christ speaking to His Church and revealing to Her the greatest mystery of all, which is the mystery of His Coming to His Church in the Age of the Cornerstone; because He comes for His Church, and He comes in the Age of the Cornerstone; and He comes in human flesh in His Angel Messenger at this end time: He comes in the Messenger to Israel; and first, He reveals Himself in the midst of His Church to make known all these things which must shortly come to pass.
And that is why our brother Branham was the forerunner of the One who will come manifested in human flesh at the Last Day; he is the forerunner of the Angel who was different from the rest, who comes in human flesh in a man of this end time, and who comes (where?) in the West, meaning, in the American Continent.
And the American Continent consists of North America, Central America, South America and the Caribbean; and the seventh age of the gentile Church was already fulfilled in North America and God sent His seventh angel messenger of the seventh gentile Church age; and now, only Latin America and the Caribbean are left for Christ to fulfill His Coming as the white horse Rider of Revelation 19, to fulfill His Coming in human flesh in His Angel Messenger of the Age of the Cornerstone in Latin America and the Caribbean; and that will be the white horse Rider of Revelation 19 coming from the West to give Her the last revival, awakening, promised to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
On page 254 of the book The Seals in Spanish, notice what the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ says. And on page 212… let us read page 21217:
“Now that’s what’s the reason today, that, the revivals that we’re supposed to have, we have denominational revivals. We haven’t had a real stirring. No, no, no. No, sir. Don’t think we got revivals. We haven’t. Oh, they’ve got millions and millions and millions of church members, but not a revival nowhere. No. No. The Bride hasn’t had a revival yet. See? There’s been no revival there, no manifestation of God to stir the Bride yet. See? We’re looking for it now. It’ll take those seven unknown Thunders back there, to wake Her up again, see. Yeah. He’ll send it. He promised it.”
What gives the Church of Jesus Christ the last revival? The seven thunders of Revelation, chapter 10, which is the Voice of Christ crying out as when a lion roars and seven thunders uttering their voices. It is the Voice of Christ in His Coming, it is the Voice of the Mighty Angel who descends from Heaven coming to Earth, coming in human flesh in His Angel Messenger, and speaking to us through His Angel Messenger all these things that must happen soon, at this end time.
Now, notice, he goes on to say:
“I just know that those Seven Thunders holds that mystery. The Heavens was quiet. Everybody understand?
It may be time, it may be the hour now, that this great person that we’re expecting to rise on the scene may arise on the scene. Maybe this ministry, that I have tried to take people back to the Word (of God), has laid a foundation; and if it has, I’ll be leaving you, for good.”
The fulfilment of the Coming of Christ will have as a foundation the Message of the forerunner of His Coming: Reverend William Branham.
“And if it has, I’ll be leaving you, for good. There won’t be two of us here the same time. See? (in other words, the forerunner and the forerun will not be here at the same time; but he says). If it is, (in other words: ‘If they are both here at the same time’) he’ll increase (Who is he referring to? A person), I’ll decrease. I don’t know. But I have been privileged, by God, to look and see what It was, see, see unfold to that much.”
And now, let us see what he says about the time when the Seventh Seal will be opened, the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ. Page 482 and 483 says:
“Now, we have, in the completion here now, by the grace of God, all the mysteries of the six Seals that’s been sealed up, and we understand and know here that the Seventh Seal is not to be known to the public.
Now, His Coming, at the hour of His Coming, when the destruction of the earth, you know. He said there, ‘What will be the sign of the coming of the end of the world?’ In Matthew 24, there where they asked Him that question. He went down to that. He told about Israel being gathered as a nation, in the 31st verse, of Matthew 24:31. But then He started off on parables, see. Then you see the… (saying):
‘Learn a parable of the fig tree. When you see it putting forth its buds, why, you know spring is nigh. And then when you see this coming to pass, then know the time is nigh,’
Matthew 24:32 to 33
See, Israel gathering in its own homeland. But, you notice, He omitted the revelation of this Seventh Seal. And here, when the Seventh Seal, when He opened It, He also omitted It again, see. So we see that It is a complete mystery, therefore the hour is not yet for the mystery to be known. Therefore, we’re this far, and the rest of It will be known right around about the time that Jesus appears on earth again, for His Bride.”
Now, when does he say that this mystery of the Seventh Seal will be made known? When Jesus appears on Earth again to take His Bride. And how does He appear? He appears as the Mighty Angel who descends from Heaven. And He is the Messenger to Israel, but He comes for His gentile Church, to take Her to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb; He comes to call Her, gather Her and give Her the faith to be changed and raptured at this end time; He comes speaking to His Church as when a lion roars, and the Seven Thunders utter their voices and reveal the mystery of the Seventh Seal, they reveal the mystery of His Coming, they reveal the mystery of the Coming of the Angel who was different from the rest, who is found in this cloud.
And now, notice when the Seventh Seal would be revealed to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Seventh Seal, which is the Second Coming of Christ.
And now, we can see that the mystery of the Seventh Seal is the mystery of this Angel who was different from the rest, because that Angel is Christ coming at the Last Day; and the sign of His Coming appeared there in heaven. That is the sign of the Son of Man in heaven, it is the sign of the Coming of Christ with His Angels at the end time; and there we find that what was fulfilled in heaven, is fulfilled here on Earth at the Last Day.
Just as there was a sign in heaven for the First Coming of Christ, and it was the Star of Bethlehem (as the Star of Bethlehem is referred to)…, which testified that the Messiah was already on Earth, that it was the time for the Coming of the Messiah; and likewise, this sign in heaven testifies the time of the Coming of the Messiah, of the Coming of the Angel who was different from the rest, who is found in that cloud.
And just as the seven angel messengers of the seven ages had to come in human flesh in order to be manifested and have their ministries here on Earth… And in order for this Angel who was different from the rest to have his ministry here on Earth, the ministry of Jesus, the ministry of Elijah and the ministry of Moses manifested here on Earth, He has to come in human flesh; because those ministries have to be manifested in human flesh to bring forth the benefits for the Church of Jesus Christ: to call the elect of God with the Great Voice of Trumpet of the Gospel of the Kingdom (which revolves around the Second Coming of Christ), and to gather them and give them the faith, the revelation to be changed and raptured at this end time.
Now, notice how this mystery of the Coming of the Angel who was different from the rest, which is the Coming of the Mighty Angel who descends from Heaven and also the Coming of the white horse Rider of Revelation 19, is the Word incarnate in a man of this time in which we are living.
Our brother Branham said: “Everything will be so simple (everything will be manifested in simplicity, in humility), that if we are not watchful, we will miss it, and we will not even see it.” He says [Seals, page 472]:
“It is in such a humble way! You would think that something like that (like this one) would be revealed to the Vatican or… But It comes just like John the Baptist. It comes like the birth of our Lord, in a stable.”
Now, we can see how our brother Branham says that the Coming and fulfillment of the Seventh Seal will be, how the Coming of the Lord will be: It will be just like John the Baptist came and like the birth of Jesus there in a stable.
Now, all of us who have been born in Christ have been born in Bethlehem, because Christ is our Bethlehem. Bethlehem means the ‘house of the bread of God,’ and Christ is the House of the Bread of God. And since the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is the Body of Christ, she is also our Bethlehem, as a Mystical Body of believers.
And now, in Christ will be born… the Angel Messenger of Jesus Christ will be born again by believing in Christ as his Savior and receiving the cleansing of his sins, and receiving the Holy Spirit; and thus, he will obtain the new birth, he will have been born (where?) in Christ, therefore, he will have been born in the Kingdom of God and thus, he will have been born in our Bethlehem, in Bethlehem. And Christ will be manifested at the Last Day through that son of God, as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, as the King of kings and Lord of lords in His Reclaiming Work.
Christ will be manifested as the Son of Man and Son of David, and He will be manifesting the ministries of Jesus, Elijah and Moses in that veil of flesh called the Angel of Jesus Christ; but that Angel Messenger is not Jesus Christ, nor Moses, nor Elijah: he is a man of this time in whom the Holy Spirit, Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, will be manifesting the ministries of Moses, Jesus and Elijah at this end time, in the fulfilment of the Coming of the Son of Man with His Angels.
When God spoke about Elijah’s coming to forerun the First Coming of Christ, when it was fulfilled, it was a man of the time of Jesus anointed with that ministry, and it was John the Baptist. That is why the veil of flesh did not have to be named Elijah</em>; the Angel told them to name him John, but his ministry was the ministry of Elijah; therefore, Elijah was on Earth (that was his ministry), but in a man – another man who was a man of that time, named John the Baptist.
Notice how the ministry of Elijah has been changing veils of flesh. From Elijah the Tishbite, it changed to the veil of flesh named Elisha, and from the veil of flesh named Elisha to the veil of flesh named John the Baptist, and from the veil of flesh called John the Baptist to the veil of flesh named William Marrion Branham in its fourth manifestation; and from the veil of flesh of William Branham it would change to the veil of flesh of the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ at the Last Day, that will be a man of this time, in whom the ministry of Elijah will be for the fifth time and the ministry of Moses for the second time, and the ministry of Christ, of Jesus, for the second time as well.
Therefore, what Elijah started by opening the Seals (and he opened six Seals) will be continued by Elijah in his fifth manifestation: opening the Seventh Seal to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ and giving her the revival of the Last Day through the Seven Thunders of Revelation, chapter 10; which is the Voice of Christ telling her all these things that must happen soon, revealing the mystery of the Seventh Seal, and thus, giving her the faith, the revelation of the rapture, which is the revelation of the Second Coming of Christ.
Just as the revelation for salvation is the revelation of the First Coming of Christ as the Lamb of God taking away the sin of the world on Calvary’s Cross in His Work of Redemption, just like the faith to be changed and raptured and to obtain the new body is the faith, the revelation of the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, as the King of kings and Lord of lords in His Reclaiming Work; and that is the revelation that Christ ⏤coming at the Last Day in human flesh in His Angel Messenger⏤ will be giving to us, will be speaking to us through His Angel Messenger, through that dispensational prophet of the seventh dispensation.
It is the first occasion that Christ sends a dispensational prophet to His Church, therefore, he is a greater prophet than the seven angel messengers.
That is why the manifestation of Christ in His Angel Messenger is the greatest manifestation of Jesus Christ in His angel messengers in the midst of His gentile Church; and then, He will reveal Himself to the Hebrew people.
Now, we can see this mystery of THE LIGHT OF THE SEVENTH SEAL.
The Seventh Seal is the Angel who was different from the rest, and by coming in human flesh manifested in the Angel of Jesus Christ, He will be the Light of all humanity for the glorious seventh millennium and throughout eternity; because He was the Light of the world two thousand years ago, when He came in human flesh in that young carpenter named Jesus of Nazareth.
And now, for the Last Day, He continues to be the Light of the world: He is the Light of the world in the glorious Millennial Kingdom in His Coming as the Lion of Tribe of Judah, as the King of kings and Lord of lords in His Reclaiming Work.
“For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea,” says Habakkuk, chapter 2, verse 14; and also Isaiah, chapter 11, verse 9. They will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God manifested in the Second Coming of Christ, in the Coming of the Angel who was different from the rest, in the Coming of the Holy Spirit, which is the Angel of the Covenant, the Angel of the Lord coming in human flesh in His Angel Messenger at the Last Day.
That is the Coming of the Word incarnate in a man, that is the Coming of the white horse Rider of Revelation 19, coming in the West in a man of this end time.
With the manifestation of the Seventh Seal in human flesh, the manifestation of the Mighty Angel, the Angel who was different from the rest and the white horse Rider of Revelation 19, the Word coming, the Word incarnate in a man, we have the Light of the Seventh Seal, the Light of the Angel who was different from the rest, manifested at the Last Day.
That is the Light for the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ at the Last Day and It is also the Light of the Hebrew people at the Last Day.
And now the promise of Isaiah, chapter 60, will be fulfilled unto the Hebrew people, where it says the following:
“Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.”
It is the glory of the Lord manifested in the Coming of the Son of Man with His Angels, it is the glory of the Lord manifested in the Coming of the Word incarnate in a man of this end time, which the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Through the Angel of Jesus Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, Jesus Christ, will be manifested in Holy Spirit making known to us all the things which must come shortly come to pass, at this end time.
That is why on Mount Transfiguration, His face shone like the sun, and His garments were white as the light or shining as the light, and appeared on each side of the Lord: Moses on one side and Elijah on the other. That is the order of the Coming of the Kingdom of God: it is the Coming of the Son of Man with His Angels, which are the ministries of Moses and Elijah for this end time.
That is why the prophet Malachi, in chapter 4, verse 2, says:
“But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings.”
In other words, the Second Coming of Christ is like the rising sun, and therefore, He is the Light of the whole world; He is the Light of every human being who lives on this planet Earth at this end time and throughout the entire Millennial Kingdom.
And now, notice why in Revelation, chapter 1, the Son of Man also appears with His face or countenance as the sun. Revelation, chapter 1, verse 16, says the following:
“And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.”
And Revelation, chapter 10, verse 1 and on, says:
“And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:
And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth,
And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.”
Now, notice, the Mighty Angel who descends from Heaven comes down with the little Book open in his hand, the Book of the Seven Seals, and He descends with His face as the sun because He is the Light of the Seventh Seal, He is the Light for every human being who lives on this planet Earth.
We find in the Scripture, that God will be shining. Notice how the Hebrew people proclaims God. It says in Isaiah, chapter 2, verse 1, it says the following:
“The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.”
And it continues mentioning everything he saw. It says:
“And it shall come to pass in the last days (When? At the last times), that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it (that is for the Last Day, in other words, for the seventh millennium).
And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.”
Remember that everything will be controlled from the land of Israel. The Millennial Government of Christ, that Kingdom will be governed from the land of Israel. The Throne of Christ will be in Jerusalem.
“And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the Lord.”
The Hebrew people will walk in the Light of the Lord in the fulfillment of the Coming of the Messiah, in the fulfillment of the Coming of the Angel who was different from the rest, from Revelation, chapter 10, verse 1 and on; and Revelation, chapter 19, verse 11 and on, which is the Coming of the white horse Rider of Revelation 19.
It also says in chapter 42 of Isaiah, verse 6, the following way; and let us read what it says there, it says:
“I the Lord have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles.”
And chapter 49, verse 6, says [Isaiah]:
“And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.”
In chapter 58 and verse 8 to 10 says the following [Isaiah]:
“Then shall thy light break forth as the morning…”
How will the Light break forth for Israel? As the morning, in other words, the morning light. “But unto those who fear My Name will the Sun of righteousness arise.” That is the Light of the morning, the morning Light.
“Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy reward.
Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am. If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke, the putting forth of the finger, and speaking vanity…”
And in chapter 60 of Isaiah, verse 19, it says:
“The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory.
Thy sun shall no more go down (Who is our Sun? Christ, the Lord), neither shall thy moon withdraw itself: for the Lord shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended.”
And now, let us go on to Psalm 4, verse 6, where God says:
“There be many that say, Who will shew us any good?
Lord, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us.”
Psalm 36, verse 9, says the following way:
“For with thee is the fountain of life:
in thy light shall we see light.”
How can it be possible that we see light in the light? We will have light, knowledge, through what? With the Light of God manifested in His Coming. The Light of His Coming will be what gives us light in all the promises of God, light to understand all things, what gives us light in the promises, in the prophecies.
Christ coming as the Light of the world enlightens us and fills all of our being with light and understanding; and that is how we will see…, in the Light of His Coming, we will see Him as the Light of the Seventh Seal manifested at this end time.
In Psalm 89, verse 15, let us see what it says there; it says:
“Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound:
they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance.”
And notice that in Matthew, chapter 17, on Mount Transfiguration, His face did shine as the sun, and they saw His face enlightening, shining as the sun there; and in Revelation, chapter 1, verse 15 and 16, we find the Son of Man’s face shining as the sun; and in Revelation, chapter 10, verse 1, we also find His face shining as the sun; and in Malachi, chapter 4, we find the Second Coming of Christ rising as the sun; it says:
“But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts.”
Now, how does He come? He comes as the rising sun; that is the Second Coming of Christ; “with healing in his wings,” His wings are Moses and Elijah, the ministries of Moses and Elijah; that is why on Mount Transfiguration, they appeared on each side, and Jesus appeared with His face shining as the sun.
The sun is the king of the stars; and Jesus Christ, the Sun of Righteousness, the Light of the world, is the King of kings and Lord of lords.
See what His face as the sun means? It is Christ in His Second Coming with Moses and Elijah, as the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Also, when it refers to Christ as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and as the root of David, he is referring to Christ as the King of kings and Lord of lords; because the lion is the king of the animals, and Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Now we can see these mysteries relevant to the Second Coming of Christ; and we can see how, for this end time, Christ will be shining as the King of kings and Lord of lords, and He will be enlightening the soul and the understanding of all the children of God; and the Earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, because He will be shining upon us with His face as the sun and He will be enlightening our soul and our understanding so that we may comprehend the entire Divine Program relevant to this end time.
And that is how humanity will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea: it will be filled with the knowledge of the Second Coming of Christ with His Angels at this Last Day; humanity will be filled with the knowledge of the Coming of the Word incarnate in a man at this end time, the Coming of the Word, the Word, in His Angel Messenger at this end time.
That is why John the apostle tried to worship the Angel of Jesus Christ on two occasions, because he saw in him the manifestation of Jesus Christ in the different visions where the Coming of the Lord was shown.
We can see that the Angel told him not to do it, not to worship him, because he was a servant along with John and his brothers; he told him to worship God.
Notice, John tried to worship him when he saw that manifestation of Christ in him, but the Angel told him not to do it because he is a prophet messenger, who comes at the Last Day manifesting Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, manifesting the Angel who was different from the rest, manifesting the white horse Rider of Revelation 19.
Now we have seen the mystery of the Seventh Seal, we have seen the mystery of the Angel who was different from the rest.
His Coming in human flesh at the Last Day, in the Angel of Jesus Christ is the opening of the Seventh Seal in terms of its fulfillment; and that mystery being opened to the children of God is the Seventh Seal being opened in terms of the meaning of the Seventh Seal, that mystery being opened to all the sons and daughters of God; and it is the Voice of Christ, that Voice of the Seven Thunders (which is also the Final Trumpet or the Great Voice of Trumpet), which contains the mystery of the Seventh Seal, the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ.
The Great Light that will come will be when Jesus Christ Himself is manifested here on Earth, in other words, the Word incarnate in a man; that is the Light, the Great Light promised to come; because the Great Light promised to come is the Coming of the Lord with His Angels at the Last Day, and that is the Coming of the Angel of the Covenant, the Angel of the Lord, of Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit coming in human flesh in His Angel Messenger.
That is the Word, the Word coming again at the Last Day as It came two thousand years ago: the Word came incarnate in a man, the Word came incarnate in a man, in a simple man from Nazareth named Jesus; and that was the First Coming of Christ. And for the Last Day, the Word will come in human flesh again, according to Revelation, chapter 19; that will be the Word incarnate in a man of this end time, which is the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And now, the mystery of the Seventh Seal has been opened, has been revealed to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ at this end time by the Angel who was different from the rest, coming at the Last Day in the Angel of Jesus Christ and manifesting Himself in human flesh through that Angel Messenger of Jesus Christ.
May all the sons and daughters of God who saw the six Seals being opened by Elijah in his fourth manifestation, in whom the Spirit of Christ was manifested, also see him opening the Seventh Seal at this end time, where Elijah will be manifested in human flesh for the fifth time: That ministry will be manifested in human flesh at the Last Day in the Angel of Jesus Christ, and the ministry of Jesus will also be manifested for the second time in that same veil of flesh, as well as the ministry of Moses for the second time.
May God allow all the children of God to see the return of Elijah in his fourth manifestation, opening the Seventh Seal to the sons and daughters of God; because all revelation must come to the Church of Jesus Christ through a prophet; and that is the prophet of the Dispensation of the Kingdom with the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom; and that manifestation of Christ in him is the Light of the Seventh Seal for all the human beings.
And this is in Latin America and the Caribbean, which is the part of the territory of the West, the territory…, of the American Continent, which had not yet had a manifestation of Christ in one of the stages or ages of the gentile Church; but it would have the most important age, which is the eternal Age of the Cornerstone, the age to which the Church of Jesus Christ goes up to at the Last Day; and that is the Golden Age of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In this age, the Age of the Cornerstone, the Golden Age, is where the Church of Jesus Christ is found at this end time to hear all these things which must shortly come to pass, and for God to fulfill all these things which must shortly come to pass, to fulfill them at this time, in the Age of the Cornerstone and the Dispensation of the Kingdom, where a new dispensation is intertwined: the Dispensation of the Kingdom.
There is no Light if not through the Word, the Word in each age, in the fulfillment of the promised Word for each age. And now, in the fulfillment of the Word promised to the Church of Jesus Christ in the Age of the Cornerstone, we have the Light of the Seventh Seal, the Light of the Angel who was different from the rest, coming in human flesh at the Last Day, and having His ministry in a perfect age: the Age of the Cornerstone, where He calls and gathers together His elect and reveals this mystery to them, the greatest mystery of all, as well as all the other mysteries that revolve around the Second Coming of Christ.
It has been a great privilege to be with you on this occasion, testifying to you about THE LIGHT OF THE SEVENTH SEAL, where all the sons and daughters of God will see the Light of the Seventh Seal manifested, that Light manifested in human flesh at the Last Day in the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
May the blessings of Jesus Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, the Light of the Seventh Seal, be upon each one of you and upon myself as well, and may He fully enlighten our soul and all of our mind, all of our understanding, so that we may understand all these biblical promises, all these prophecies relevant to this end time; and soon, may we all be changed and raptured and taken to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Heaven, along with the dead in Christ who will resurrect in eternal bodies. In the Eternal Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.
Thank you very much for your kind attention, beloved friends and brethren present, and those who have seen or will be seeing this conference on video: may God bless you greatly, may God keep you, and thank you very much for your kind attention.
And onward, walking in the Light of the Seventh Seal at this Last Day. I walk in the Light of the Seventh Seal at this end time, because I am seeing the Light of the Seventh Seal manifested at this end time.
And where are the ones who, at this Last Day, would see the Light of the Seventh Seal and walk in the Light of His face at this end time? Here we are, in Latin America and the Caribbean. There is a group here in Venado, San Luis Potosi, and in different parts of Mexico, and in the different parts of the Latin American and Caribbean nations.
May God bless you and keep you, and thank you very much for your kind attention.
I will leave reverend Miguel Bermudez Marin with us again to continue and conclude our participation on this occasion, thanking Christ for THE LIGHT OF THE SEVENTH SEAL.
May God bless you and keep you all.
1 Shalom – January 12, 1964 –
2 John 8:12
3 Christ is revealed in His own Word – August 22, 1965m –
4 Look away to Jesus – December 29, 1963e –
5 Psalm 90:10
6 26 miles = 41.8 km; 30 miles = 48.3 km
7 The Seventh Seal – March 24, 1963e –
8 Questions and answers on the Seals – March 24, 1963m –
9 The Fifth Seal – March 22, 1963 –
10 Galatians 2:20
11 The Fifth Seal – March 22, 1963 –
12 The breach between the Seven Church Ages and the Seven Seals – March 17, 1963e –
13 The First Seal – March 18, 1963 –
14 The Fourth Seal – March 21, 1963 –
15 God’s only provided place of worship – November 28, 1965m –
16 Accepting God’s provided way at the end time – January 15, 1963 –
17 The Third Seal – March 20, 1963 –