Greetings to Ministers: The House of God

Good afternoon, fellow ministers in the ministry in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom. It is a great blessing to be with you on this occasion, here in Torreón, to share some moments of ministerial fellowship around the Word of God, and thus, to have ministerial fellowship with each other within the House of God, the spiritual Temple of Christ; and thus, to also see how things are in the Program of God and how things are in the House of God in our time.

Saint Paul tells us in his Letter to the Hebrews, chapter 3, verse 1 to 6, he says:

Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus;

Who was faithful to him that appointed him, as also Moses was faithful in all his house.

For this man was counted worthy of more glory than Moses, inasmuch as he who hath builded the house hath more honour than the house.

For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God.

And Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after;

But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.”

May God bless our hearts with His Word and allow us to obtain a greater understanding of His Word.

We have seen that the House of God or House of the Lord Jesus Christ is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ made up of the born-again believers in Christ, who have received His Spirit and in whom the new birth has taken place.

And now, in that House is where we are ministers of Jesus Christ, to provide for God’s elect with the spiritual Food of the Word of God.

We have seen that Christ tells us that in the House of God, the House of the Lord, He has put faithful and wise servants; for each stage or for each age, He has put a faithful and wise servant, and we have seen that a group of ministers have been working with that faithful and wise servant, in each age.

Because just as God puts—or a man can put a person in charge of the administration of all the food in that house, all the things in that house, meaning, the administration of that house, we find that other people, who have been put alongside that administrator, have to work with that person. And that work that the administrator carries out in that house, we find that he does it along with the work that he does together with the people who are working with him in that house; but that person is the one who is in charge, he is the one responsible for that house and for the food in that house always being there in due season for everyone who lives in that house. And that is how it is in the House of God.

And now, seeing that the House of God is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, and God has put a faithful and wise servant in each stage or age, we have seen who they have been during the seven stages or ages of the Gentile Church: for the first age, it was Saint Paul; for the second, Irenaeus; for the third, Martin; for the fourth, Columba; for the fifth, Luther; for the sixth, Wesley; and for the [seventh], William Marrion Branham; and then for the eighth, for the Age of the Cornerstone, the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And now, we have seen that we are not working in the first age, in the stage of the first angel-messenger; nor in the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, or seventh age, but in the Age of the Cornerstone.

And we have seen that there is a lot of work in the House of God, because the most important part is being built, which is the Most Holy Place. In the pyramid there in Egypt, it would be called the king’s chamber.

And notice that this is the main room in the House; and we have seen that this is where we are working in the mystical Body of Christ, with all our soul, with all our understanding, and working in good faith.

Don’t ever say that you don’t care if some brother or brethren stumble because of something you do, because that wouldn’t be working in good faith, nor working with Love Divine; because we love our beloved brethren who receive the Word and we want the best for them. And we must always work according to the Divine Order to be carried out in the House of God.

And notice how Jesus Christ has always been in the House of God from age to age; because “unless the Lord builds the House” (what happens?), “the builders labor in vain.”1

Notice how in the House of God under the Dispensation of Law, back then, we find the Old Testament prophets laboring in It; and we find that there were many builders laboring in the Dispensation of Law.

But notice, when Jesus came, what did the builders do? “The stone which the builders disallowed.”2 Who rejected Jesus? Those builders, religious leaders of the Hebrew religion, such as the high priest, and the majority of the priests of the Hebrew religion, and the majority of the priests and scholars of the Sanhedrin Council, who were all great scholars, with their doctorates in theology; because it couldn’t be just anyone, it had to be a person who was very educated religiously.

And now, notice, those builders, notice, were building, but they were building a house on their own; they were actually building a religion on their own, a denomination. But notice, when God came to put the Cornerstone, they said: “No, not that One; that One doesn’t fit here among us.”

Well, It didn’t fit among the house they were building, but in the House of God, that was the Stone that had to be put at that time; just like at the Last Day there is a Stone from the Mountain, not cut out.

Now, notice, It is a Stone cut out without hands; cut out from the Mountain, but not cut out by hands; because Christ, through the ministry of each time, is the One who cuts out those stones, living stones, and puts them in His House.

And now, notice, a Stone not cut out by hands, but by the hand of God: It is the Stone that comes out from the Mountain of God, and in the ministry of the Last Day; which King Nebuchadnezzar saw and which the Prophet Daniel interpreted for him; and notice, that is the One that fulfills—the Stone that fulfills the Second Coming of Christ.

Notice how the white Stone with the new Name appears there (where?) in the House of God, on the Mountain of God; and It is cut out by the hand of God, the way all living stones that form part of that House of God are cut out.

The House of God is that Mountain where a Stone: the Cornerstone, is cut out and put in that House, notice, to have the ministry of the Cornerstone. And It is the Stone that the builders rejected two thousand years ago, and at the Last Day, Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, would come manifested in human flesh again through His Angel Messenger, to be the Cornerstone again, the Chief Cornerstone of that House, with that Stone being put (where?) in the House of God.

And that is the Stone that will bring God’s great blessings for all the children of God, for all the House of God.

Without that Stone, the House is not complete, without that Stone, the House isn’t a perfect House; without that Stone, we find that we can’t say that the House of God is complete, because that is the Stone that will have the ministry of the Last Day. It is the Stone that will have the ministry of the Age of the Cornerstone, therefore, it has to be the ministry of the Cornerstone, of the Stone cut out without hands.

And now, notice, He came two thousand years ago in the earthly Israel, and at the Last Day He would come in the heavenly Israel.

And now, notice that we have all been put in that House for God’s elect to be given the Food in due season, the Food that the faithful and wise servant of our age receives from God for all of God’s sons and daughters in the House of God.

And thus, notice, the last Food or last Supper in the House of God, notice which age it falls in: in our age. And notice how this Supper or Food becomes the spiritual Food of the Word of God; “for man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”3

The Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God: the Gospel of the Kingdom, with which testimony is given of all these things that must shortly come to pass; and all these things are opened with that Word, so that all of God’s sons and daughters are fed at this end time.

Now, notice that there is famine in all the Earth, but there is spiritual Food (where?) in the House of God; among the Gentiles, in the House of God, there is spiritual Food.

Just like there was physical, literal food in the widow’s house, because Elijah was there in his first manifestation; and by the spoken Word of Elijah, the food in that house was multiplied.4

And now, notice, when everyone thought that no more spiritual Food would come to God’s children in the House of God, because we thought the last spiritual Food was the one of the seventh age, notice, there was a special spiritual Food that was hidden: the hidden Manna, or represented in the hidden manna, for God’s children in the House of God, in the Age of the Cornerstone, which is the Age of the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Jesus Christ.

And now, all the ministers in the House of God are placed there to work by giving the portion of that spiritual Food.

Like in the multiplication of the loaves and fishes on two occasions,5 when Jesus multiplied the food by His spoken Word to feed those hungry multitudes, where there were five thousand people on one occasion: men, not including children and women; and on the other occasion there were about four thousand people, not including children and women. If we count the children and women, perhaps the number would have reached about ten thousand people; because where there is a man, sometimes there are one, two, three, four, and up to five children, and there must be a woman there too (if he is married) for him to have those children.

So, we could think there were about ten thousand people. And a service of Christ with ten thousand people, that isn’t a very large number; because there are preachers, there are evangelists, who gather about fifty thousand people or a hundred thousand people, and even more than that; famous evangelists, famous preachers, notice, they achieve that nowadays.

Now, why should we be surprised if Jesus had ten thousand people, including children and women, and men too?

Now, the miracle was that He fed them literal food produced, created, by the spoken Word of Christ.

Now, I ask you: What is more difficult, or what is easier: to produce literal food or spiritual Food by the spoken Word? Do you know something? Producing literal food can be done at any time, and especially during mealtimes, when there is hunger; but producing spiritual Food—that spiritual Food can only come from age to age.

And by the Word spoken, through the messenger of each age, comes that spiritual Food.

And at the Last Day, notice…

We find that there were only a few loaves and a few fish, in other words, very little [earthly] food, and one person or two people could eat that and the entire multitude would be left without food; but by a miracle of Christ, by taking those loaves and fish and multiplying them into food for the people, that is how they could feed that multitude of five thousand people on one occasion and four thousand people on another occasion, not including children and women.

And now, when there was nothing left but a little bit of Food (like with the widow, and like among the people who followed Jesus: a small child with a few loaves and a few fish), Jesus comes in and to a new age, takes that Food that was there (that a child had), He takes It, multiplies It, and there is abundant Food for the entire Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom; and that is the time when there is the most spiritual Food for all the children of God.

And now, notice, there is so much that there will still be some left for the Millennial Kingdom, for thousands or millions of people who will live in the glorious Millennial Kingdom; for the Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord,6 in other words, it will be filled with the knowledge of the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords coming to His Church in the Age of the Cornerstone, and veiling Himself and revealing Himself through His Angel-Messenger, and manifesting Himself and making known to us all these things which must shortly come to pass.

In other words, mankind will be filled with the knowledge of what Christ is doing at this end time, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom (where?) in His Temple; because the promise is that the Lord shall come to His Temple, it says: “[He] shall suddenly come to his temple.”7

And now, in the Psalms, and also in Habakkuk, chapter 2, verse 14, it says: “And the Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.” And in Habakkuk, chapter 2, verse 20, it says:

But the Lord is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.”

Because no one else has anything to say, no one has anything to say, no one knows anything about the Message pertaining to the Age of the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ; none of those who have remained from the past ages know anything; therefore, they have no message for the people, they have no message for the Age of the Cornerstone, and they have no Message for the Millennial Kingdom of Christ, they have no message for the seventh millennium.

But since God is the One who has always spoken in His House, because He is the One who is in charge in His House; so, He does have something to say to His Household, to His children, at the Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone; and He speaks that through His Messenger in the Age of the Cornerstone.

… let all the earth keep silence before Him.”

What for? So that everyone hears what God has to say through His Angel-Messenger in His House. And the words: “Hear ye Him,” are also fulfilled there.8

We are in the most glorious time of all times. And for this reason, let’s take the Message everywhere, so that everyone knows what God is speaking in His House; because He is in His House, in His Church, in the Most Holy Place of His Temple, just like He is in the Most Holy Place of His Temple in Heaven.

And now, the representation of the Temple which is in Heaven is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; and the representation of the Most Holy Place of the Temple which is in Heaven is the Age of the Cornerstone.

And now, notice how we take to people all the things that God speaks from His Temple in Heaven, and then He conveys them to His Temple here on Earth, His Church, and reveals them through His Angel-Messenger; and we take that Message.

And that is how the Voice of God is heard in all the Earth, to be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord; in other words, to be filled with the knowledge of the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords in His Claiming Work, veiling Himself and revealing Himself through His Angel-Messenger at this Last Day. And all of this is taking place (where?) in the Temple of God, which is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And now, notice how all the things that will come to pass on Earth also move in the Temple which is in Heaven and move in the spiritual Temple of Jesus Christ, which is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And now, notice how the seven stages or ages of the Gentile Church pertain to what? To the Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ, and they are the representation of the Holy Place of the Temple which is in Heaven.

And the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Age of the Cornerstone pertains to the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ, and the Most Holy Place of the Temple which is in Heaven represents or is represented in that Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ.

And now, notice how the seven stages or ages of the Gentile Church are represented in the sixth dimension; and the Age of the Cornerstone is represented (where?) in the seventh dimension.

Now, notice all these things, and notice how we are living in the greatest and most glorious time of all times.

Our beloved brethren are in Paradise, in the sixth dimension, those who have departed; we are still here.

But since our age is the one that represents the Most Holy Place of the Temple which is in Heaven, where God is, and where He appears in Revelation chapter 5, sitting on His Throne with a little Book closed in His hand; notice, to our age, to the Age of the Cornerstone, pertains the Coming of Christ with the little Book open in His hand, to put It (where?) in the Most Holy Place of His spiritual Temple; because He goes from the Holy Place of the Temple which is in Heaven to the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Jesus Christ.

And there, notice, goes that Book open, at the Last Day, so that there and from there, God may carry out the Work pertaining to our time; where even the dead in Christ would receive the benefits of the Work of Christ, for they will be raised in eternal bodies and return to Earth, to this dimension.

And now, we can see how we have been put in the House of God, in the most important part of the House of God: the Most Holy Place, to be fed with that Word and to be taking that Word to all people, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean, where the majority of God’s elect are, who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, to form the Age of the Cornerstone, the Age of the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ.

And now, notice why when we take the Message and people hear It or read It, a miracle happens in people’s lives; their understanding is opened and they say: “This I can really understand. This is what I was waiting for. I understand it, I am understanding it,” and he is understanding things he didn’t understand before. Why? Because we are living in Latin America and the Caribbean, in the part of the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ, where we are being given to eat the hidden Manna, the Word, the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, which reveals the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ.

This means that the Word, Christ, is our spiritual Food; and He comes feeding us today as the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, coming directly to our souls.

He is the Bread of Life,9 and He is also the Master of His House. And He is the One who sends His messengers from age to age, and comes manifested in Holy Spirit in each of His messengers from age to age, until we reach the Age of the Last Day, the Age of the Cornerstone, where He comes manifested in His Angel-Messenger, and where He makes a change of age, He makes a change of dispensation, He makes a change of territory as well.

He changed, just like He changed from Asia Minor to Europe, and from Europe to North America, He changes from North America to Latin America and the Caribbean.

And a change of people too: He changed from people of Asia Minor to European, and from European to North American – and from Europeans to North Americans, and from North Americans to what? To Latin American and Caribbean people.

And just like He spoke in the language of each territory in the past through the messenger of each age, He speaks in the main language of the Latin American and Caribbean people.

And He speaks as the Lion of the tribe of Judah; and that is why when He speaks as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, when He cries out as when a lion roars, the Seven Thunders utter Their Voices and reveal the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ, the mystery of the Seventh Seal, the mystery of the Angel who was different from the rest.

Just as the mystery of each angel of each age was the manifestation of Christ in each angel-messenger, speaking through each angel-messenger, and calling and gathering His elect of each age.

For He said: “I am the Good Shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known of Mine, as the Father knows Me, even so know I the Father.” And He also said: “And other sheep I have, which are not of this Fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear My Voice; and there shall be one Fold, and one Shepherd.”10

In each age, notice, the Voice of Christ has been (where?) in the angel-messenger of each age; and through the angel-messenger of each age, through the Message he has preached, the Voice of God has been heard; because that Message has been the Voice of Christ for the people, calling His sheep, speaking directly to their soul, and gathering them into the Fold of Christ, which is His Church.

And now we have seen in which stage the sheep of Christ were gathered through the ministry of each angel-messenger.

And now, in which stage do the sheep of Christ have to be gathered at this end time? Well, in the stage of the Cornerstone Age, through the call of Christ through His Angel-Messenger, which is the call of the Great Voice of Trumpet; and that is how the sheep of Christ hear the Voice of Christ at this Last Day.

And just like there were ministers working in each age with the messenger of each age, there are also ministers at this time in the House of God; which, just like among the Hebrew people: the ministers, the priests, notice, were not ministering there inside the house the whole year, instead, some were to do it one month and others were to do it another month, and so on, according to the order that—which they belonged to.

Well, and according to the order of Saint Paul, according to the order of the first age, well, those who ministered in the House of God with the angel-messenger, notice, were the ones who were with Saint Paul.

Each minister of Christ has been given to minister according to the time and to the order of his…

Let’s see, here in Saint Luke is where it tells us, speaking about Zacharias the Priest, it says… Chapter 1, verse… let’s see: “There was in the days of Herod…” Verse 5 and on, of the 1st chapter of Saint Luke.

There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia,” (see? he bore the name of his course, the course of Abia [Abijah]), “and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth.

And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless.

And they had no child, because that Elisabeth was barren, and they both were now well stricken in years.

And it came to pass, that while he executed the priest’s office before God in the order of his course,

According to the custom of the priest’s office, his lot was to burn incense when he went into the temple of the Lord.”

Now, notice, according to the course to which he belonged, which was the course of whom? Of Abia [Abijah]. In other words, each course was named after someone, surely the head of that course.

And now, notice, for each stage or age of the Gentile Church, we have the course or the order of the course of the first age, which was whose course? Saint Paul’s; and there were many executing the ministry at that time, because it’s according to the time and course to which they belonged that they were given to come to Earth in human flesh and be in the ministry in the House of God.

But now, notice, as the days and weeks and months of the year passed among the Hebrew people, that change of course in the priesthood took place; and that is how all the courses ordained to minister in the House of God ministered. And that is how it has been happening in the spiritual House of God, which is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And now, notice how all of them come from the Priesthood of Melchizedek; but notice, of that Priesthood of Melchizedek, we find that there are different leaders.

Just as we find that there were also different courses that came out of Aaron, who was the high priest, who had sons, and we find that his sons had more sons; and from there, notice, came different courses in the priesthood.

There were also different courses in the priesthood that were to minister at the appointed time in—during the year; in other words, they couldn’t minister at any time of the year, but rather, at the relevant time. But notice that the high priest ministered all year, and once a year in the most holy place.

And now, notice, Christ, who is the High Priest after the Order of Melchizedek, has been manifesting Himself, has been ministering from age to age in the House of God; but He has had seven angel-messengers for the seven stages or ages of the Gentile Church. And we have seen how people have ministered in the House of God.

And now we are given to be in the Most Holy Place of the House of God.

And now, we have the Message for us to take, which has been printed, is on video, on magnetic tape, and so on, so that it reaches all of God’s elect pure, and they are fed in their souls with the pure Word of God, so that no one takes away from nor adds to that Word of God.

And this way, receiving a Word represented in the hidden Manna, just like the manna didn’t spoil when it was in the most holy place, neither does that Word. And whoever eats It has promises to be changed and raptured.

Now, if anyone from our age departs, well, he will come back in an incorruptible body with all the saints who will rise; and he will be a witness of the resurrection, because he is someone we already know; but the majority will continue to live to be changed at this Last Day.

It is the only age that has the promise of transformation for those who are in it; for those who are in that age, notice, there is a promise of transformation; for those who were in past ages, there is a promise to be resurrected in incorruptible bodies.

And now, we as ministers in the House of God: let’s work with Love Divine, especially being the Age of Love Divine; and let’s always be helping all our beloved brethren whom God has called and put in our age and in our dispensation.

Don’t get angry with them; just as you don’t like it when brethren get angry with you, well, don’t get angry with them either, and this way we teach them not to be angry; but if they see us angry, then they will also get angry on many occasions.

Now, notice, by correcting ourselves, the rest will correct themselves upon seeing the one who is corrected; in other words, it is easier to deal with ourselves, and automatically the rest will also get in order. Because we are in the Age of Love Divine, for Love Divine to be manifested in us, from the depths of our souls.

And always supplying the spiritual Food to all the brethren. Notice that the purpose of recording the Message is that It reaches all the brethren, so that they are fed, and we can all be changed at this Last Day.

Without that Food, there will be no transformation; just like without the Word of God given to [Abraham], the transformation could not come in order for Abraham to be rejuvenated and Sarah to be rejuvenated as well, to have the promised son.

Also notice how in the Age of the Cornerstone we have…

Notice, in the most holy place, they would put the manna and it wouldn’t spoil, it was always good. They put Aaron’s rod, and that one had a change: it budded, it put forth leaves, and it yielded fruit too, (and did it ripen too, Miguel?); so, a whole process took place.

And now, we have been put in the Age of the Cornerstone, in the Most Holy Place, and now we have a rejuvenated Church.

A rejuvenated Church is the One that would have in Her midst the fulfillment of the Coming of the promised Son; just like Sarah was rejuvenated so that she could have the promised son, and Abraham was also rejuvenated.

And now, notice, there is always a process in the Divine Program.

Notice, from age to age Christ has been manifested in each angel-messenger. But we find that as time goes on, it’s as if people think or look at Christ and His Program as something that is already old; but in the Age of the Cornerstone, everything looks rejuvenated: a rejuvenated Church, just like Sarah was rejuvenated; a rejuvenated Christ; a spiritually rejuvenated people, with the promised Son; and soon we will have a rejuvenated body too, a new body.

And the dead in Christ (some of whom were perhaps fifty, seventy-five, or a hundred years old, or more, when they died, plus the years they have been in Paradise, and many of them, their bodies have been in the dust for hundreds of years), notice, at the Last Day, when they rise in eternal bodies they will have a rejuvenated body too; because our age, the Age of the Cornerstone, the Age of the Most Holy Place, is an age of youth, everything is rejuvenated there.

And now, notice where we stand as ministers ministering in the House of God.

Because God has put in His Church, in His House: apostles, prophets, evangelists, and teachers, in His House;11 that is, as ministries; and over those ministries, in each age He has put a messenger, in whom we find that in some ages even all five ministries were manifested in that messenger, like in Saint Paul and in our Brother Branham, and also in other messengers of God. But some of those ministries weren’t present in some, like in Luther: the ministry of a prophet wasn’t in him because he was a reformer.

Now, for the Age of the Cornerstone, all the ministries will also be manifested for the blessing of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, Christ will be operating them through His Angel-Messenger; and thus, He will carry out His Work pertaining to the Most Holy Place of His spiritual Temple.

And the mystical Body of Christ of our time and also of the past ages will be blessed by that Work; because His Work is the Work of the Lion of the tribe of Judah, of King of kings and Lord of lords in His Claiming Work.

That is where He claims everything He redeemed with His precious Blood, and including the Throne of David, to sit on the Throne of David, and including all the inheritance that belongs to Him and that belongs to us; because we are heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ Jesus our Lord.12

And He can’t make that claim as Lamb, but as Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords in His Claiming Work, manifesting His power. And that is why He comes with power and glory, as the Scripture says; it says that the Son of man will come in the Kingdom of His Father with power and glory.13

And that is why He comes (with what?) with the Title Deed, because It gives Him the right to everything He redeemed, which is written there in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

In other words, the Title Deed says who all of creation belongs to, and who is the heir, and who are the heirs with that Firstborn Son who died to pay the price of Redemption there on Calvary’s Cross.

So, notice where we are working: we are working in the mystical Body of Christ, in the House of God, in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And just like Moses was faithful in all the House of God,14 and Christ has been faithful in all the House of God, and the seven angel-messengers were faithful in all the House of God; and the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ is also promised to be faithful, that is why he is the Faithful and Wise Servant, and that is why the words he speaks are faithful and true.15

Let’s all be faithful in the House of God as children in the House of God, working hand in hand for the whole Divine Purpose of this end time in the House of God, working hand in hand with Christ in His last manifestation, and the victory is ours.

Notice, no one else has the promise of victory at the Last Day, only the elect of our time. For the dead in Christ there will be victory with the resurrection, but their time to be here on Earth in the mortal body already ended; so, the last ones left are the elect of this end time.

As it was with Elijah, who said: “I’m the only one left;”16 and at the Last Day, only Elijah will be left again. And with Elijah, a small number of the Hebrew people were left;17 and at the Last Day, with Elijah the elected group from among the Gentiles and the elected group from the Hebrew people will be left.

And with Elijah also comes Moses and comes Jesus, because those are the ones who are promised to come at the Last Day.

Now notice, this was a puzzle for… even for the theologians, this promise of the coming of Elijah and of the coming of Moses, which are the Two Olive Trees, and of the Coming of Jesus.

So people, preachers, and Bible readers, perhaps would sometimes put Jesus over here, Moses over there, and other times they might show them or think that they would be together in a service on some occasions; but notice, they would be together in every service, because their ministries would be together at the Last Day in the manifestation of the Son of man with His Angels, in the veil of flesh where the Son of man would be with His Angels, in other words, with the ministries of Moses and Elijah and Jesus.

See how simple it is? But this couldn’t be understood during the seven ages of the Gentile Church, it had to be understood at this end time, which would be the time when this mystery of the Coming of the Lord, of the Coming of the Son of man with His Angels, would be opened, which is the opening of the Seventh Seal in terms of Its fulfillment; which is—notice, the Seventh Seal is the Coming of the Lord.

And now, notice that when It was opened in Heaven It caused silence in Heaven, but when It is manifested, opened on Earth, what It does is call and gather all of God’s elect, It reveals to them this mystery; and thus, It gathers them and puts them in the House of God, in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Now, notice how that mystery would be opened at the Last Day, opened in terms of its fulfillment and opened in terms of that mystery being made known to all people.

We are in the greatest and most glorious time of all times. And as ministers in the House of God, we have been given the best time of all times.

No minister in the past was able to understand the things that even children can understand in this time; and not even the angel-messengers of past ages were able to understand the things pertaining to the Last Day.

Saint Paul, referring to them, said: “Of which we cannot now speak particularly.”18 He was speaking about the things of the most holy place, in other words, referring to the most holy place, to the things that were there in the tabernacle of Moses and the temple of Solomon; but mainly in the tabernacle of Moses, which Saint Paul the Apostle refers to there in Hebrews chapter 9.

Well, we have seen where we stand, and we have seen that we are blessed ministers in the House of God, and that we have the spiritual Food to give to the people.

And Christ told His disciples: “They need not depart.”19 “They don’t need to go to another age,” (we would say here); “they don’t need to go with those who have still stayed in the age of Luther or in the Wesleyan age, or in the Pentecostal age, or in the gap between the Laodicean Age and the Age of the Cornerstone; they don’t need to go eat over there, to search for food over there; give ye them to eat.”

Christ said that they…: “Go make all the people sit down,” (by what?) “by fifties.”20 And fifty is jubilee, it is Pentecost.

Everyone put in fifties, may everyone be put in the Year of Jubilee; not in another age, but in the Age of the Cornerstone, which is represented in the year of jubilee.

And go, take the Message, put the people this way; you can open a place over here, put them in order so that they receive the Food there; put another group in another place, establish it properly, take them the Food there, so that they have the Food there, and so on; and they shouldn’t fight with each other while eating.

You know that sometimes when children are eating at the table, sometimes they fight with each other, and well, that isn’t right.

So be mature people too, everyone eating in the House of God the spiritual Food of the Word of God relevant to our time; without arguments and without trying to add other food, meaning, other food that is not what has been given to be eaten in our age, which Christ gives to His Messenger and His Messenger gives to the people.

So, it is very important to understand these things so that all of God’s elect are well fed in the House of God.

The only Food that will produce our transformation at the Last Day is the Food of our age, which is the Message of the Seven Thunders, which reveals the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ. That is the Message, the Food, that gives the faith to be changed and raptured. That is the Food that at the Last Day the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ would be eating, that is the Food which the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ would have at this end time and which the members of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ would eat.

Well, we have seen these things this way, briefly, and we have seen that we have been given the best part of the Divine Program.

We are in the age that everyone desired to live in. This is the Golden Age of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. It started at the bottom, it has been going up, and it’s at the peak.

And whenever we say that someone has reached the peak (the peak of his life, the peak of his ministry, the peak of his career, or any business has reached its peak), well, he has reached the maximum, he is at the greatest height; and that is how the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is at this Last Day: It is in the Golden Age.

And that is why the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ at this time is parallel to the time of King David and King Solomon; and that is why the Throne of David will be restored with Christ on His Throne, ruling over the Hebrew people. Because just like they were in the golden age of the Hebrew people back then, now we have reached the Golden Age of the spiritual Israel. And that is why the Throne of David will be operating in the Dispensation of the Kingdom, in the seventh millennium.

And that is why Christ comes as King of kings and Lord of lords, He comes as Son of man and Son of David; because we are (where?) in the Golden Age of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the Age of the Throne of the Lord in His Church, to then sit on the Throne of David and reign over the Hebrew people.

Now, remember that the spiritual Temple of Christ is made up of human beings.

When the candlestick is mentioned, what is that referring to? To human beings who make up the seven stages or ages of the Gentile Church; but they were typified in that golden candlestick with its seven lamps and its seven wicks dipped in oil, those seven wicks burning and giving light in and through each lamp in the Holy Place of the Temple of God.

Notice how everything has been fulfilled in human beings. That is also how it is for the Most Holy Place: with human beings, all these things will be fulfilled at this end time.

And let’s leave that there, because if we get into that, speaking in more detail… Paul said: “We can’t speak particularly.” Since we are in the stage in which we can speak in detail, we have been speaking in detail; but right now we won’t say many details that are there, which must be fulfilled in the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ.

Notice how when the Coming of Christ was fulfilled, the First Coming of Christ, It was the Coming of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of Israel, the Angel of the Covenant coming, the One who is sitting on the Throne in Heaven coming in His human Throne; and then, His human Throne, when He ascended to Heaven, sat on the Throne which is in Heaven.

Because, notice, no one can sit there on the Throne which is in Heaven except the One who represents that Throne here on Earth, and that was Jesus. See?

Well, Christ said in Revelation 3:21:

To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne.”

He will be representing the Throne of Christ here on Earth. That is why he will sit on His Throne, and that is why Christ says:

[Revelation 2:26] “… to him will I give power over the nations:

and he shall rule them with a rod of iron.

And so on, we find that all those promises that were partially fulfilled in the seven ages through the messengers of each age will then be fulfilled in all their fullness in the Overcomer, in the One who will sit with Christ on His Throne.

Well, Miguel, which is the passage where it said: “Unless the Lord builds His House…”? In… [Psalm] 127. Notice, and the Lord, Jesus Christ, is building His House today, just as He has been doing in each age (127:1).

And unless the Lord, unless Jesus Christ builds the Most Holy Place, which is the last part of His House, the most important part, all the religious groups labor in vain; they are not building anything, they are just building their own religious sects.

But the House of God, Jesus Christ is the One who builds It from age to age, from stage to stage, in His manifestation through each angel-messenger; and the group of ministers of each age, and then all the elect of each age and in each age, united with that messenger. And now, notice how the House of Jesus Christ is built.

Well, let’s leave that there.

We have already spoken some things that were only ordained to be spoken and to be understood at this time. They were spoken in other times, but they were spoken prophetically, without those things being understood in their fullness. They had a partial, superficial understanding about those prophecies that would be fully opened at the Last Day.

Well, let’s leave Miguel here to continue.

May God bless you, may God keep you.

And we will see each other again in the next service, for those who will be there, or in the general service, because you will continue, right, Miguel? What time is the next service?

Well, may God bless you and keep you.

And I will leave Miguel with you.

God bless you, Roberto.


1 Psalm 127:1

2 1 Peter 2:7

3 Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4; Luke 4:4

4 1 Kings 17:8-16

5 Feeding of the five thousand: Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-13 / Feeding of the four thousand: Matthew 15:32-38; Mark 8:1-9

6 Habakkuk 2:14

7 Malachi 3:1

8 Matthew 17:5; Mark 9:7; Luke 9:35

9 John 6:35, 6:48, 6:51

10 John 10:14-16

11 Ephesians 4:11-12

12 Romans 8:17

13 Matthew 24:30; Mark 13:26; Luke 21:27

14 Numbers 12:7; Hebrews 3:5

15 Revelation 22:6

16 1 Kings 19:10

17 1 Kings 19:18

18 Hebrews 9:3-5

19 Matthew 14:15-16

20 Mark 6:39-40; Luke 9:14

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