The greater mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven

Good morning, beloved friends and brethren present. It is a great blessing for me to be with you on this occasion, to share some moments of spiritual fellowship around the Word of God and His Program pertaining to this time in which we are living.

Our subject for this occasion, announced in the program, is: “THE GREATER MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.”

About that greater mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven, we are going to see what Christ tells us, and we will see the different Scriptures that speak of that mystery.

In Matthew, chapter 24, verse 1 to 3, it says as follows:

“And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.

And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?”

In this same passage, Christ continues speaking, and when we reach the part of the signs of the end of the world and the sign of His Coming, in verse 27, from then on He says:

“For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.

Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.”

May God bless our souls with His Word and allow us to understand It.

Our subject, as I told you, is: “THE GREATEST MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.”

The greatest mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven is the Coming of the Lord. The Coming of the Lord has two parts: The First Coming of Christ was fulfilled two thousand years ago, and the Second Coming of Christ is promised to be fulfilled at the Last Day.

And now, in order to understand what the Second Coming of Christ will be, it is necessary to know what the First Coming of Christ was. That is why it will be the people who will have believed in the First Coming of Christ, who will then have the opportunity to see the fulfillment of the Second Coming of Christ; and it is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, which for two thousand years has been waiting for the Second Coming of Christ.

Now, what was the First Coming of Christ? According to the prophecies of Isaiah, chapter 40 and verse 3 and on, notice what the First Coming of Christ was; it says:

“The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord…”

To whom would this voice crying in the wilderness be preparing the way? And this voice crying in the wilderness was John the Baptist. To whom would this voice be preparing the way? It says:

“Prepare ye the way (for whom?) of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway (for whom?) for our God.

Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain:

And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.

The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field:

The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: because the spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it: surely the people is grass.

The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.

O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!”

Who would this voice crying in the wilderness be presenting? It says here: “Behold your God!” This is the one to whom the forerunner of the First Coming of Christ, John the Baptist, would be preparing the way for: He would be preparing the way for the God of Israel, who would come in human flesh; that would be the Messiah, the Anointed One, and anointed man with the fullness of the God of Israel, where the God of Israel would be dwelling with His theophanic body within that body of flesh.

“Behold, the Lord God will come with strong hand (Who would come? The Lord God), and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.

He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.”

Now, notice, who would come? To whom would that Voice in the wilderness be preparing the way, which was John the Baptist? He would be preparing the way to the God of Israel, to the Lord of the Old Testament, to the Angel of the Covenant. The same thing the prophet Malachi tells us, in chapter 3, where he says:

“Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me…”

Who is sending His messenger? The God of Israel. And he will prepare the way before whom? The God of Israel, who will come in human flesh.

“…and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple…”

Now, who was this who prepared the way for Him? It was John the Baptist.

“…and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in…”

Who would come? The Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Angel of the Covenant, the Angel of the Lord, who delivered the Hebrew people from bondage there in Egypt.

That is why when they said to Jesus: “Show us the Father, and it is enough for us,” He said…, He said to Philip: “Have I been with you so long, Philip, and yet you have not known me? Do you not know that I am in the Father and the Father is in me (or vice versa), and he who has seen me has seen the Father?”1

Now, notice that in John, chapter 1, verse 18, it says:

“No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.”

Now, see how the invisible God would become visible through human flesh in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. And who would be within that veil of flesh? It would be the Word who was with God and is God. It says… John, chapter 1, verse 1 and on, it says:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

The same was in the beginning with God.

All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.”

And now, in this same chapter 1 of John, verse 14 says:

“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us…”

Who became flesh? The Word that was with God and the Word that was God. That is why Jesus could say: “The Father and I are one”2; that is, because the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Angel of the Covenant, which is God Himself in His theophanic body, would also come in a physical body; and God would be there with His theophanic body within the body of flesh. And that is why Jesus said: “The Father who dwells in me.”3 See? Because He was dwelling in human flesh in the person of Jesus.

And that is why the prophet Isaiah, in chapter 7, verse 14, said: “For, behold, the Lord Himself will give you a sign. He shall give you a sign.” And what would that sign be? “The virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and His name shall be called (what?) Emmanuel,” which translated means (what?): God with us.4 God coming with His theophanic body, from which He created the whole universe, and now coming in a body of flesh, as the Lamb of God, to carry out the Work of Redemption on Calvary’s Cross.

The First Coming of Christ was a mystery.

Many people were waiting for the Coming of the Messiah so that He would sit on the Throne of David and begin His reign at the time of His First Coming, because the Hebrew people did not clearly understand the mystery of the Coming of the Lord; and since in the Old Testament it speaks of the Coming of the Lord and does not clearly separate the First and Second Coming of Christ, they thought (for the most part) that the Coming of the Lord was only one, and that when He came He would establish all that it says there about the Coming of the Messiah; but they did not understand that the Coming of the Messiah had two parts.

The Coming of the Angel of the Covenant, of the Angel of the Lord, would have (what?) two parts: The first part came… In the first part He would manifest Himself how? As the Lamb of God, to take away the sin of the world through the death of the veil of flesh that He would have here on Earth; which had a name, had the name of redemption, which was Jesus.

Where was that name written? It was in the veil of flesh born in Bethlehem of Judea and raised in Nazareth. And through that veil of flesh, the Almighty God would take all our sins and His physical body die on Calvary’s Cross.

All that was in the Program of God, in the Mind of God, to be manifested at that time, in which the last days had already begun with the beginning of the fifth millennium; because the ministry of the Messiah in His First Coming was fulfilled at the beginning of the fifth millennium; in other words, in the first century of the fifth millennium the Messiah was on Earth, and from the 20th to the 30th year of the first century of the fifth millennium, Christ fulfilled His ministry, and thus carried out His Work as the Lamb of God taking away the sin of the world on Calvary’s Cross.

But notice, before carrying out that Work He was here on Earth, He was on Earth for 29 and a half years. In other words, the First Coming of Christ had a time span of 33 years on Earth; and He had a beginning, which was when His physical body began Mary’s womb, and when He was born in Bethlehem of Judea; and then He had an end here on Earth, as far as His earthly life and His ministry here on Earth: When He died on Calvary’s Cross, and resurrected, and ascended to Heaven.

And then, He has been carrying out the ministry of High Priest according to the Order of Melchizedek in Heaven, there in the Temple of God in Heaven, in the Most Holy Place of the Temple of God in Heaven.

And since a sacrifice of a small animal could not be offered there, which is not perfect… Those sacrifices were for the temple that was on Earth, which Solomon built, and which was restored on different occasions: they destroyed it, and they came back and made a reconstruction, or they made a new temple, or a reconstruction of the temple perhaps; and as for its external appearance it would have some other things, in other words, certain appearance; but in itself it was the same temple, with outer court, holy place and most holy place.

And before that, they had the tabernacle that Moses built according to the design that God showed him in Heaven.

Now, you see, the tabernacle that Moses built and the temple that was in Jerusalem, which many times was destroyed and then rebuilt, represented (what?) the Temple that is in Heaven.

And that is why the things that were carried out in that temple were very significant in the presence of God; because the representation of the Temple that is in Heaven was on Earth in the midst of the Hebrew people. And that is why it is called “the temple of God”; and that is why God said that He would dwell in His temple, in that temple that would be built, and would place His Name there. And notice that that temple could not be built just anywhere, but in Jerusalem.

And now, notice, God dwelt where? In that temple, in the most holy place of that temple, upon the ark of the covenant, upon the mercy seat, in the midst of the two golden cherubim; and from there God manifested Himself and spoke to Moses there in the Old Testament, in the tabernacle that Moses built.

And then we find that in the temple built by Solomon, and built or rebuilt at other times by other people, we find that God was in the midst of the two golden cherubim on the mercy seat, or upon the mercy seat, there in the most holy place; because in Heaven, in the Temple that is in Heaven, God is in the Most Holy Place, on His Throne. Which is represented in the most holy place, where the ark of the covenant is: Over the ark of the covenant is the mercy seat, which is the lid, the cover of the ark of the covenant, and there are two golden cherubim, one opposite the other, and in the midst of those two golden cherubim was the light of the Shekinah, the Pillar of Fire was manifested there.

That was the Light that gave light in the most holy place; they had no other things there to give light, as the Scripture tells us, for God did not tell Moses to place a candlestick or candelabrum there; the presence of God was there.

And it was a small place, it was a place that was about twenty cubits wide, and it was ten cubits high. And we also find that it had… it was square, it was the smallest place in the temple; but it was the place where God was. So it was great, not because of the size, but because of the one who was there; and the one who was there is the greatest of all: The Creator of Heaven and Earth. What made it great —that place— was the presence of God.

Now, notice how it was there…, everything that is in Heaven was represented there. And God coming in the Pillar of Fire and entering into that temple, and dwelling in the most holy place, shows us His Coming to the Hebrew people; first in His First Coming; and then, for the Last Day, He shows us there His Second Coming by coming to His Temple, which is His Church, and entering into the Most Holy Place of His spiritual Temple, where He calls and gathers all His elect.

And it is upon the mercy seat where we find that God was; and in Heaven, Christ as the Lamb of God and as High Priest, has been there in the Most Holy Place, making intercession for all His elect from stage to stage. He has been in the Place of Intercession, which in the temple was the mercy seat over the ark of the covenant.

And now, in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, Christ coming in His Second Coming, He comes to His Temple and places Himself on the Mercy Seat, in the midst of the Two golden Cherubim, in the Last Day, in His Second Coming. And He comes with a name that no one understands, placed on His garment.

And now, we can see that this is the New Name of the Lord Jesus Christ for His Second Coming, in other words, for the second part of the Coming of the Lord. The first part was fulfilled as the Lamb of God two thousand years ago, coming to the Hebrew people, which is the earthly Israel, and in His Second Coming He comes to the heavenly Israel, which is His Church.

Both peoples are also represented in the tabernacle built by Moses and the temple built by Solomon; and that is why we find that the same thing that happens coming to the temple of Solomon and coming to the temple of Moses, is what happens coming to the Hebrew people as the Temple of God, as the House of God, and then coming to the gentile Church as the House of God.

And now, if the First Coming of Christ was a mystery…, although it was not announced as a completely hidden mystery, but it had been prophesied about the First Coming of Christ, the place where He would be born: Bethlehem of Judea; it had also been prophesied that He would be born through a virgin, therefore, it would be through divine creation, without the intervention of a man; and a number of things had been announced that would be fulfilled in the Messiah. For example, it was also announced that He would be a Nazarene; and so on, we find that it was also announced that He would be in the midst of the Hebrew people.

But as to the Second Coming of Christ, throughout the Scriptures we do not find any Scripture that speaks clearly of the nation, the country, the city, the exact place where the Second Coming of Christ will be fulfilled. Although all that is in the types and figures, and biblical prophecies and parables of the Lord Jesus Christ, and of the apostles, and of the prophets of the Old Testament, and of the prophet messenger of the seventh age of the gentile Church and forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ; he was God’s instrument to give more light about the Second Coming of Christ, because he was the prophet closest to the Second Coming of Christ.

But this is the greatest mystery of all the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven; it is the mystery contained in the Seventh Seal, it is the mystery of the Seventh Seal: The Second Coming of Christ; and when this mystery was opened in Heaven there was silence for about half an hour.

Of this mystery, Jesus Christ Himself speaking tells us… Let’s see in Mark, let’s see if that is where He speaks certain things. He says… let’s read beginning on verse 24, from there on He says [chapter 13]:

“But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light,

And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken.

And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.

And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.

Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near…”

The fig tree represents the Hebrew people; and “summer is near,” that is “the Kingdom of God is near.” That is why we always have to, when we read the prophecy, look for that same prophecy in other places and see how God shows it in other places.

For example, this prophecy is shown in Matthew 24 and in Luke, chapter 21. Let’s see how God shows it through the prophet, or through Luke, it says [verse 27]:

“And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption (because our redemption is what?) draweth nigh.”

In other words, “your transformation,” because it is the redemption of the body that Christ will carry out in this Last Day at His Second Coming.

And when the sign of the Son of Man is seen in heaven, that is, when the Coming of the Lord is seen in heaven, He says:

“And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.”

Now, the Coming of the Lord is seen in heaven in a cloud, which then has to materialize on Earth in human flesh.

Now, notice:

“And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”

It is time to wake up, to be awake standing before the Son of Man, to be ready, prepared, because our redemption, that is, our transformation and the resurrection of the dead in Christ, is what? Close. He goes on to say:

“And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees…”

The fig tree is Israel, and the other trees are the other nations. And spiritually, Israel is also the fig tree, and the other trees are the other religious groups; and we also find the different stages of the Church of the Lord.

Now…, He says:

“When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand.”

Now, notice the explanation He gives:

“So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the (what?) kingdom of God is nigh at hand.”

Do you see what it means: “summer is now nigh at hand”? The Kingdom of God is at hand. It is in summer time that (what?) the harvest takes place; and it is at the Coming of the Kingdom of God, and at the Coming of the Son of Man in His Kingdom, that all the elect of God are called and gathered.

And it is the time of the end of the world, because it is at the end of the world that the Son of Man will send His Angels (what for?) to carry out the wheat harvest, according to the parable of the wheat and the tares.5

See how in the parables Christ showed the Coming of the Son of Man, and also showed the Coming of His Angels, and also showed the gathering of the elect, which is the wheat of God, the children of the Kingdom; and how with a Message, the Message of the Great Voice of Trumpet, which is the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, all the elect of God would be called and gathered in this Last Day.

And now, notice how Christ speaks to us of these things that must happen in the Last Day. And now He says:

“Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.”

On February 28, 1963 this mysterious cloud appeared in the sky, which was taken in pictures and was studied scientifically; and they declared that it was a mysterious cloud, because it appeared 26 miles6 high, with a size of 30 miles wide by 50 miles long7; a giant and mysterious cloud, because at the height where it appeared there is no humidity to form clouds, nor are there airplanes flying at that height, a mysterious cloud. And Jesus Christ spoke of a mysterious cloud that would appear, where the Son of Man would be present.

And now, when this cloud appeared in heaven, Reverend William Marrion Branham was hunting in the mountains of Tucson, Arizona, and he says that he was taken to that cloud. And he says that he saw seven angels there; and if he counts himself, then there would be eight angels in that cloud.

Now, what does he say about that cloud and those that were there? It says on page 469 of the book of The Seals, it says:8

275 And did you notice? ‘That one Angel,’ I said, ‘in there, was a strange Angel.’ He looked more to me than any of the rest of Them. You remember that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] They were in a constellation; three on a side, and one on top (here we have it; this is the constellation of angels that he saw). And the one right next to me here, counting from the left to the right, would have been the seventh Angel. He was brighter, meant more to me than the rest of Them. You remember? I said, ‘He had His chest out, like that, and was flying eastward’ (you remember) ‘like that.’ I said, ‘It picked me up; lifted me up.’ You remember that? [“Amen.”]

276 Here It is, the one with the Seventh Seal…”

Who was the one with the Seventh Seal? This Angel who was very different from the others, who has his wings spread out flying; and these other angels are the seven angel messengers of the seven ages of the gentile Church; but this is the Angel who was very different from the others.

If we turn this picture to the right, we will have here in front of us, formed by this cloud of angels, we will have the face of the Lord Jesus Christ. And the seven angels of the seven ages form the beard of the Lord, and the Angel that was different from the others forms the white hair of the Lord.

Remember that those are the types and figures, but see what the beard of the Lord means: The beard of the Lord are the seven angel messengers of the seven ages; and the white hair of the Lord is this Angel who was very different from the others.

And just as for the fulfillment of the symbolism of the beard of the Lord to be fulfilled, each angel messenger of each age had to come in human flesh and have his ministry here on Earth, and thus the type and figure of the beard of the Lord was formed or fulfilled.

And to fulfill the type and figure of the white hair of the Lord, this Angel, who was different from the rest, has to come in human flesh on the Last Day and have His ministry here on Earth.

That is the Angel that has the Seventh Seal; and with His Coming to Earth in human flesh, having His ministry, He will be fulfilling on Earth (what?) the Seventh Seal. The Seventh Seal will then be open on Earth as to its fulfillment, and as to the revelation of the Seventh Seal to be made known to the sons and daughters of God, that revelation will also be open to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; because the same Angel who was different from the rest, through human flesh will be having His ministry in the Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, in the Most Holy Place of His spiritual Temple; because it is there where He comes in the Last Day and it is there where He opens the mystery of His Coming.

The mystery of the Coming of this Angel who was very different from the others is the mystery of the Seventh Seal; and that is why He comes in the Last Day in human flesh, manifested as Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, in His Reclaiming Work.

And now, let’s continue reading here. It says:

276 Here It is…”

This was, you see, the one who raised him up; because that is type and figure of the catching away of the elect of God, which will be under the ministry of whom? Of that Angel Messenger who was very different from the rest.

276 Here It is, the one with the Seventh Seal, the thing that I’ve wondered all my life. Amen! Them other Seals meant a lot to me, of course, but, oh, you don’t know what This has meant, for one time in life!”

And now, continuing on page 483 and 484, at the end it says:9

405 Another thing, I want you to notice what taken place. And if you’re listening to the tape, of the What Time Is It, Sir?, you will notice that one Angel was very notable to me. The rest of Them just was seemed ordinarily. But this Angel was a noted Angel. He was to my left, in the constellation in the form of a pyramid.

406 And, remember, it was in the pyramid, where the mysterious white Rock was not written on. And the Angels took me into that pyramid of Themselves…”

See? He was taken to where those angels were; and when we have this picture and we look, we can see that there are eight angels: the seven angels of the seven ages and the Angel who was different from the rest.

[406] …the mysteries of God known only to Them.”

Therefore, the mysteries of God that have not been revealed in the past ages, to be revealed in the end time in which we live, it is only through one of them that that revelation can come: through the Angel who was very different from the others is that the revelation of the Coming of Christ can come, the Coming of the Angel of the Covenant, the Coming of this Angel who was different from the rest.

And with the Coming of this Angel in the Last Day to His Church, is that the mystery of the Seventh Seal is opened in the midst of the Church of the Lord, and is made known to all members of the Mystical Body of Christ in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom.

This mystery that caused silence in Heaven when it was opened in Heaven, now, notice, it is revealed to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ by this same Angel that has the Seventh Seal; which in the Last Day comes in human flesh in His Angel Messenger, to manifest to His Church all those things that must happen soon, and to reveal to her the greatest mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven, which is the Coming of the Lord for the Last Day, the Second Coming of Christ.

Look at what Christ said about the Coming of the Son of Man for the Last Day. He says… let’s see, He says [Matthew 24:36]:

“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.”

And now, see that this mystery was so great that no one knew when the day and hour would be. Why? Because God hid it so that no one could interrupt the fulfillment of the mystery of that Seventh Seal in the end time. But we have seen that it would be for the Last Day, according to the prophecies that are in the Old Testament and in the New Testament, but those prophecies were not open to the public.

Those mysteries were enclosed there in different prophecies, in prophetic parables, and so on; and in types and figures, where God used characters like Joseph, Jacob’s sons, there is the First and Second Coming of Christ. But that mystery was not open and therefore could not be understood.

See, the Second Coming of Christ is with His New Name; and see the Second Coming of Christ represented in Joseph with a new name, which he received when he ascended to the throne there, to be second in the kingdom, in the empire of the pharaoh10; he received a new name with which he was among the gentiles; and when his brothers saw him, they saw him with that new name and did not know that he was Joseph.11

And now, see how he had a gentile wife. And Christ, see how He has a gentile Church, which is the Wife, the Bride of the Lamb; and see how He has had children through His Church, which are the elect of God from age to age.

See how all those types and figures have been fulfilled; and for the Last Day we have the promise that Christ will come with a New Name, the New Name that He received when He ascended victoriously to Heaven and sat on the Throne of God.

And now, see how the mystery of the Seventh Seal, the greatest mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven, is the Second Coming of Christ; and it is His Coming with a New Name.

And His Coming, the Coming (of whom?) of the Angel of the Covenant, the same One that came two thousand years ago in human flesh, the same One that was manifested in and with the prophets of the Old Testament in the portion relevant to each stage, the same One that delivered the Hebrew people through the prophet Moses, then came in human flesh in all His fullness in Jesus of Nazareth.

That was the veil of flesh, the garment for the fulfillment of the First Coming of Christ, the fulfillment of the Coming of the Angel of the Covenant in all His fullness as the Lamb of God, taking away the sin of the world through the Sacrifice of His own body there on Calvary’s Cross.

And for the Last Day He will have a new garment, for the Last Day He will come manifested, and He will come to His Church, which is His Temple, it is the heavenly Israel, the spiritual Israel, just as He came in His First Coming to the earthly Israel.

See how all these things are parallel, and how for the Last Day He will have on His garment and on His thigh written this name: King of kings and Lord of Lords. He is coming how? He is coming as King of kings and Lord of lords.

Now, King of kings and Lord of lords is not a name; therefore, the name He will have at His Coming will represent: King of kings, Lord of Lords, Lion of the tribe of Judah, bright and Morning Star.

In other words, in that Name are contained all the titles relevant to the Second Coming of Christ. Therein is contained the title: Son of Man, Son of David, Son of Abraham, and all these titles will be contained in His Coming at the Last Day.

Just as, you see, in His First Coming were contained all those titles also: Son of David; Son of Man: prophet, because the title of Son of Man is the title of prophet; and Son of David, because He is the one who will sit on the Throne of David, the heir to the Throne of David; Son of Abraham, because He is the seed that God told Abraham that he would have: The Messiah would come through the descendants of Abraham, as a son of Abraham.

And all those titles that were fulfilled in Him, notice, when He moves to the gentiles, He remains with all those titles; and He passes the Birthright Blessing to the gentiles, which had been in Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, in Joseph and his sons, all that Birthright Blessing, He passes to His gentile Church.

And the blessing of the promise He passes it to His gentile Church; and the elect obtain the new birth, where they obtain the Spirit of Christ, and thus they obtain a theophanic body; to then, in the Last Day, obtain an eternal and glorious physical body that He has promised us.

And now, see how also the promise that Abraham will be the father of generations is fulfilled through whom? Through Jesus Christ; because through Jesus Christ, among the gentile nations, would be those who would believe in Christ as their Savior, and they will be the people who will live eternally; among which are, in the first place or forefront, the firstborn of God; and then the rest of the people who are written in the Book of Life, in the section of the Book of Life, which will enter into eternal life after the Millennial Kingdom and Final Judgment.

Now, see how from among the gentiles God would have a very great harvest. And where God had said: “You are not my people,”12 then in the New Testament it says that in those places or in that place where God said: “You are not my people,” it would say that… it would say: “Children of God,” God would have children in those places, sons and daughters of God, firstborn of God written in Heaven, in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Now, see where God would have those who have their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life; although He also had from among the Hebrew people.

And now, we can see all these things that He has done in the past and what He has promised for this Last Day. And He has promised us the revelation, both as to His fulfillment and the revelation as to making known to us this mystery: “THE GREATER MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN,” which is the Second Coming of Christ as Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords in His Reclaiming Work, the Angel of the Covenant, the Angel of the Lord coming veiled in human flesh in the Angel Messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ.

That is the mystery of the Coming of the Son of Man, of the Coming of the Son of Man with His Angels, of the Coming of the Lord as Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, in His Reclaiming Work.

That is the mystery of the Coming of this Angel who was very different from the rest, the Coming of this Angel to this Earth and to this earthly dimension, to be visible in His manifestation by means of His manifestation through the veil of flesh that He will have in this Last Day, which is His Angel Messenger.

We have seen the mystery of the Seventh Seal, which is the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords in His Reclaiming Work. That is THE GREATER MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.

And is that mystery so simple? While it was not revealed, it looked very difficult, it looked very complicated, but it looks very simple when it is revealed; because the fulfillment of the Seventh Seal would be in simplicity, the fulfillment of the Coming of the Angel that was very different from the others.

And the sign of the Son of Man was seen in heaven, in 1963, to then be manifested on Earth in human flesh in His Angel Messenger, and to have the ministry relevant to the Last Day, and the elect of God to be called and gathered at the Last Day. At His Coming He brings the ministries of Moses and Elijah, and of Jesus, the three great ministries promised for the Last Day, for the manifestation of THE GREATER MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.

We have seen: “THE GREATER MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN,” and we have seen it in this simple form, just as it was said that the fulfillment of this mystery would be, of the greater mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ told us, bringing to a close the series of the study of The Seven Seals, he told us after bringing all the revelation, he says: “When I preached ‘God in simplicity’ I did not know (in other words, I did not understand, in other words, I did not fully understand) what that subject meant.”

And then, after bringing all those conferences, then he sees all that Program, then he says about the Coming of the Lord, that it will be in such simplicity that if we do not watch it will pass over us, because it will be in simplicity. See, on page 472 he says:13

304 Notice now, for the end-of-time Message, this Seal.”

What is the Message of the end of time? The Seventh Seal, and what is the Seventh Seal? The Second Coming of Christ; in other words, the Message of the Second Coming of Christ is the Message of the end of time, of the Last Day.

“After all, He—He has revealed all the six Seals, but He don’t say nothing about the Seventh (but He does not say anything of which one? Of the Seventh Seal). And the end-time Seal, when It starts, will be absolutely a total secret, according to the Bible…”

In other words, when it begins. And when did the Seventh Seal begin? Let’s compare it with the First Coming of Christ, because the Seventh Seal is the Second Coming of Christ.

And now, when the First Coming of Christ began, notice, it was a secret to the great wise men, it was a secret to the Hebrew people; and His Coming was fulfilled by being born in Bethlehem of Judea. But that remained a secret until Jesus began His ministry, and we still find that many did not understand that mystery of the First Coming of Christ.

But when His ministry ended, we find that this secret, which only the apostles and those who believed in Jesus Christ knew, then began to be preached throughout the land of Israel, starting from Jerusalem, and throughout the whole world, the mystery of the First Coming of Christ.

And now, the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ, he says: “When it begins it will be completely a secret.”

Now, the First Coming of Christ began when? When the body where the First Coming of Christ would be fulfilled was in Mary’s womb, the mystery of the First Coming of Christ began there; because in the mystery of the First Coming of Christ a virgin would conceive, that virgin was there; therefore, that mystery began there, in that virgin’s womb, to be fulfilled, but it remained a secret until Jesus began His ministry.

And now, the mystery of the Seventh Seal when it begins is a secret; and the veil of flesh, when it is born here on Earth, in which the Seventh Seal will be manifested, the Angel that was different from the rest will be manifested, because which will be the veil of flesh in whom that mystery will be fulfilled is a secret; until the Seventh Seal is fulfilled in him, the Angel of the Covenant, the Angel that was different from the others comes, is manifested through him; and that mystery is already open as to its fulfillment, and it is revealed to the elect of God.

But it is still a mystery to the rest of the world, it is still closed to the rest of the world, but open to the elect of God; because it is open to the elect of the Age of the Cornerstone, but it is not open to the whole world, because they are not within the Age of the Cornerstone; therefore, the Second Coming of Christ is still a mystery to the world and to every person who is outside the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom.

He goes on to say, see, he says:

“…when It starts (the Seventh Seal)…”

[304] And the end-time Seal, when It starts (that is, when it begins), will be absolutely a total secret, according to the Bible, before knowing That. And remember, Revelation 10:1-7, 1 to 7, chapter 10:1 to 7, ‘At the end of the seventh angel’s Message, all the mysteries of God would be known.’ We’re at the end time, the opening of the Seventh Seal.

305 Now, how did I know? The other day, last Sunday, a week ago today, when I was preaching on ‘Be humble! Be humble! Remember, God deals in little things.’ I didn’t realize what it really was talking about. And now I see it (see?). It is in such a humble way! You would think that something like that would be revealed to the Vatican or… But It comes just like John the Baptist. It comes like the birth of our Lord, in a stable.”

See? How does it begin? With the birth. How did the First Coming of Christ begin? With the birth of the veil of flesh where the First Coming of Christ would be fulfilled. Look how the mystery of the Seventh Seal begins to move here on Earth. And look, it says:

“Glory to God! So help me, the hour is at hand! Amen! We’re here. Oh, my!

306 Now do you see it, the Truth of God’s vision, the seven Angels bringing me from the west? They were coming from the west, coming back east, bringing here for this Message tonight. Oh, my!

307 Now, the Voice of that great thunder, and the mission that was brought here, has been revealed, that It… and proven that It was of God. Just think now. I knew not these Seals, and they been revealed this week. Did anybody think of that, of those seven Angels being This, being the Message that was coming forth, them Angels bringing me back here for That? See?

308 Remember, the seventh Messenger was… The seven Messengers was… The noted One to me, the seventh Angel, It seemed more to me than any. Now, see, they were standing like this. Now, we just want you to notice. And I was standing here…”

Well, there we can see the mystery of the Seventh Seal. And it says: “It shall be as John the Baptist and as the birth of Jesus,” in other words, as the birth of John and as the birth of Jesus; in other words, the Seventh Seal begins like that, then it continues through the different stages, until it reaches the end.

And now, see how it also says that this Angel was very different from the others, it also says that this Angel was more… he says:

“…the seventh Angel, It seemed more to me than any.”

It was different, for he was not a messenger of age but of dispensation; and a dispensational messenger is greater than one of age.

And notice, if it was important to receive the messenger of each age to have the revelation of God for the age in which God sent each messenger, and to be placed in the Mystical Body of Christ, so also: how much more for the Last Day, to be placed in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom.

It is necessary to receive the Angel who was very different from the rest, manifested in human flesh, and receive His Message, in order to receive the revelation of God relevant to the Last Day; because every revelation for each stage of the Church of Jesus Christ has to come through the messenger of each stage.

Thus it came in the first stage or age through Saint Paul; for the second age, through Irenaeus; for the third, through Martin; for the fourth, through Columba; for the fifth, through Luther; for the sixth, through Wesley; and for the seventh, through the Reverend William Marrion Branham; and for the eighth, through the Angel Lord Jesus Christ.

So, just as each angel was received by the group of his age: in the Last Day, the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ is received by the elect of God at the Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone.

And where were those of the first age who received Saint Paul? In Asia Minor. And where were those who received the five angel messengers relevant to the five stages: second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth stage of the Church of Jesus Christ? They were in Europe, they were mostly Europeans. And where were those who received the seventh angel messenger of the seventh age of the gentile Church? They were mostly in North America.

And where are the elect of God who would receive the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Age of the Cornerstone, where are they? Here we are, in Latin America and the Caribbean!, where THE GREATER MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN would be manifested, would be fulfilled and would be made known to the elect of God in the age, in the stage of the Cornerstone.

The stage of the Age of the Cornerstone, where a new dispensation is opened, the Dispensation of the Kingdom; and all the elect of God are called and gathered by means of the Voice of Jesus Christ through His Angel Messenger; calling us with that Great Voice of Trumpet, in other words, with the Trumpet of the Gospel of the Kingdom, and gathering us in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom; and revealing to us all these things that were promised for this end time, and thus revealing to us THE GREATER MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, the mystery of the Seventh Seal, the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, in His Reclaiming Work.

That is the Coming of the Angel that was very different from the rest; coming in the Last Day in human flesh in the Angel Messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Angel that was very different from the others coming in His Angel Messenger. His Angel Messenger is the veil of flesh that would be in the Last Day to be the instrument of Christ, where Christ would be manifested in the Last Day as Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords in His Reclaiming Work.

As simple as that? Yes, as simple as that! Because that is God in simplicity.

The veil of flesh is not the great one, the great one is Jesus Christ, the one who comes manifested in His veil of flesh, in His Angel Messenger. Therefore, the glory and worship is for whom? For our beloved Lord Jesus Christ.

That is why the Angel, when John wanted to worship him, forbade him; he did not accept it (the worship), and said to him: “Worship God. For I am your fellow servant, and with your brethren the prophets. Worship God.”14 Why? Christ said: “For such worshipers the Father seeks to worship Him,”15 because the Father would be worshiped (how?) in spirit and in truth. True worshipers would worship the Father how? In spirit and in truth.

We have seen on this occasion: “THE GREATER MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.”

May God bless each one of you here present, and the viewers; may God bless the mighty men and women of the Son of David, and may God bless the Lion cubs, the children, and the young ones, and the adults, and the elderly too. And may Jesus Christ our Lord soon transform our bodies, and take us to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb as He has promised. In the Eternal Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.

Thank you very much for your kind attention, and I leave again with us Reverend Pedro to continue and finish our part. Our brother Bermudez could not be with us this morning, because he has been very busy there working and he has not yet arrived, he has not arrived yet.

So I ask you to excuse him; and he will be with us here some other time. He already, after he was riding in the car with me, he was telling me all the work he had there and that he would have to leave undone, because it is work of the Work and preparation of all the activities; therefore, he told me if he could stay, and I told him: “Well, that is alright.” And here, then, our brother Pedro has been in charge of the part that Miguel does.

So may God bless Bermudez there, and continue to use him greatly. God has placed by my side our brother Bermudez, who is a great blessing for all the people of God in Latin America and the Caribbean, and he is a person who is always working.

Pray much for Miguel, so that God may bless him greatly and use him more and more each day, and give him more strength and encouragement each day, to continue working more and more in the Work of Jesus Christ in this Last Day.

And each one of you, to each one of you, may God bless you greatly and use you greatly in His Work in this Last Day; for after receiving salvation, the great blessing for us is then to work in the Work of Jesus Christ our beloved Savior.

Work with divine love, with all your heart and without limitations, because your work in the Lord is not in vain16; it is a work for eternal life; and those who receive the benefit of your work are sealed for what? For eternal life.

He who sows, that is, he who harvests, reaps to eternal life,17 for he reaps what? Sons and daughters of God, wheat, which is (for what?) unto eternal life.

Well, may God continue to bless you, may God keep you. And again Reverend Pedro, here with you.


1 John 14:8-11

2 John 10:30

3 John 14:10

4 Matthew 1:23

5 Matthew 13:24-30

6 26 miles (height) = 41.8 km (23.8 mi)

7 30 miles (wide) x 50 miles (long) = 48.3 km (wide) x 80.46 km (long)

8 The Seals in English, page 558, paragraphs 275-276

9 The Seals in English, page 576, paragraphs 405-406

10 Genesis 41:37-45

11 Genesis 42:7

12 Hosea 1:10

13 The Seals in English, page 562, paragraph 304

14 Revelation 19:10, 22:8-9

15 John 4:23-24

16 1 Corinthians 15:58

17 Galatians 6:8

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