The mystery of Mount Transfiguration

Good evening, beloved friends and brethren present, and viewers. May the blessings of Jesus Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, be upon each of you and upon me also.

Tonight I want to read in Matthew, chapter 17, verse 1 and on, where God speaks to us and shows us here in His Word this vision of Mount Transfiguration. Six days before, Jesus Christ had been speaking about the Coming of the Son of Man; and now, notice here, in Matthew chapter 17, verse 1 and on, it says:

“And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart,

And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.

And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him.

Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias.

While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.

And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their face, and were sore afraid.

And Jesus came and touched them, and said, Arise, and be not afraid.

And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only.

And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead.”

May God bless our souls with His Word, and allow us to understand the vision of Mount Transfiguration tonight.


We find, in this biblical passage, here we find a very important vision in relation to the Divine Program pertaining to the Coming of the Kingdom of God.

We find that in this passage Christ is showing His disciples the Coming of the Kingdom of God. And notice how in this passage, this great vision contains everything that will be manifested in the Last Day in the Coming of the Kingdom of God, where the Son of Man will be seen coming in His Kingdom, in the Kingdom of the Father, with power and glory.

• We find that here on Mount Transfiguration, the face of the Lord shines like the sun.

We find this mystery of the Lord’s face shining like the sun in different places of the Scripture. In the Gospels it says: “And His face shone like the sun” [Matthew]. In Luke it tells us: “And His face became another”; Luke, chapter 9, verse 29, telling us of all that happened there in the vision of Mount Transfiguration. And in Revelation, chapter 1, also shows us the face of the Lord as the sun.

See here, chapter 1 of the book of Revelation, verse 16, where the Son of Man appears, one of the things, of the attributes, shown here, is the face of the Lord as the sun. It says:

“And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.”

And in Revelation, chapter 10, here we find Christ again, the Mighty Angel that descends from Heaven, with His face also as the sun, it says:

“And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:

And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth,

And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.”

Now, see Christ here, the Mighty Angel, descending from Heaven with His face like the sun.

And now, what is the mystery of the face of the Lord as the sun?

Notice, also in Malachi, chapter 4, verse 2, it tells us:

“But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.”

Here we find the Coming of Christ as the rising sun, shining. It says: “…with healing in his wings (or health).”

And now, on Mount Transfiguration we find, in the vision of the Coming of the Kingdom of God with power and glory, where the Son of Man appears coming in His Kingdom with Moses and Elijah, we find that His face is like the sun.

Those symbolisms that are found there —His face like the sun—, we find that it represents the Coming of Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords, and Judge of all the Earth.

And notice how, for the Last Day, Christ will be with His face like the sun, with His eyes like a flame of fire, with His hair as white as wool, as it appears in the book of Revelation, chapter 1; and all these attributes that are seen in the Son of Man will be being fulfilled. And this is how Christ will be seen in the manifestation of these attributes in His manifestation of the Last Day.

And now, look how the promise of the Second Coming of Christ is like the sun, with His face like the sun or like the rising sun: because the sun is the king star, and the Second Coming of Christ is as King of kings and Lord of lords, and Judge of all the Earth.

It tells us in the book of Numbers, chapter 6, verses 22 to 27, saying:

“And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,

Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, On this wise ye shall bless the children of Israel, saying unto them,

The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:

The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:

The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel, and I will bless them.”


“And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel, and I will bless them.”

This is when the Lord makes His face shine upon the Hebrew people, and has mercy upon the Hebrew people.

And now, notice how in the manifestation of Christ, of the Angel of the Lord with His face like the sun, it is that after manifesting Himself in the midst of His Church, then He will manifest Himself to the Hebrew people with His face like the sun, in other words, as the Sun of Righteousness shining.

In chapter 31 and verse 16 of Psalms, it says here… let’s see… We will read a little before: verse 14 and on, it says, of Psalm 31:

“But I trusted in thee, O Lord: I said, Thou art my God.

My times are in thy hand: deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me.

Make thy face to shine upon thy servant: save me for thy mercies’ sake.”

Now, notice how in the Psalms it speaks of the face of the Lord shining, it is shining like the sun.

And now, for the Hebrew people, the Angel of the Lord, the Angel of the Covenant, comes in the Last Day with His face shining like the sun; in other words, He comes as King of kings and Lord of lords; for the sun is the king star, and Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords.

And He comes as King of kings and Lord of lords in the Last Day, to shine in His Coming upon the Hebrew people; and the Hebrew people shall know the Second Coming of Christ shining like the sun, in the manifestation of Jesus Christ in the Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom.

For it is in the Dispensation of the Kingdom where Christ shines as the sun, so as to enlighten the understanding of the elect of God from among the gentiles first, and then from the midst of the Hebrew people; so that the Hebrew people may obtain the knowledge of the Second Coming of Christ, and obtain the blessings that Christ has for the Hebrew people in His Second Coming. So it is also for the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In Psalm 80, verse 1 to 3, it says:

“Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, thou that leadest Joseph like a flock; thou that dwellest between the cherubims, shine forth.

Before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh stir up thy strength…”

Those are, notice, Benjamin, Joseph’s brother by blood; and Ephraim and Manasseh, Joseph’s sons; it says:

“…and come and save us.

Turn us again, O God…”

Here is the prayer for the restoration of the Hebrew people, and for the salvation of the Hebrew people.

“…and cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved.”

And “the Deliverer will come from Zion, who will take away ungodliness from Jacob.”1

Now see how God will work with the Hebrew people in the Last Day: that is, by making His face shine upon the Hebrew people.

In verse 7 the psalmist tells us [Psalm 80]:

“Turn us again, O God of hosts, and cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved.”

And in verse 19 of the same chapter 80, it tells us:

“Turn us again, O Lord God of hosts, cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved.”

See how in three places in this same Psalm it tells us the way Israel will be saved: by the face of the Lord shining upon the Hebrew people.

This is at the Coming of the Son of Man, as Son of Man and Son of David, where the type and figure of the face of the Lord as the sun will be fulfilled under the ministry of Christ through His Angel Messenger in the Last Day.

And there will be the Angels of the Lord, in the Coming of the Son of Man, as Christ says in Matthew, chapter 16, verse 27 to 28:

“For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.

Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.”

Now, notice how here the promise of the Coming of the Son of Man with His Angels coming in His Kingdom is prophesied by Christ; and then, in the next chapter, He shows them the Coming of the Son of Man in His Kingdom with His face shining like the sun.

And then in Revelation we find Him, in chapter 1 and chapter 10, with His face like the sun; in other words, coming as King of kings and Lord of lords, and Judge of all the Earth, in His final manifestation, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom; where He manifests Himself through His Angel Messenger, and all those types and figures become a reality.

• And a sharp two-edged Sword comes out of His mouth. That sharp Sword is the Word of God, it is the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom coming from Christ, coming out of His mouth.

• The mouth of God has always been the prophets of God, where He has placed His Word, the two-edged Sword.

And now, just as the mouth of God were the prophets of God in the Old Testament, and then Jesus, and then the seven angel messengers; for the Last Day the mouth of God, the mouth of Jesus Christ will be His Angel Messenger, the instrument that He will have on Earth.

Therefore, the two-edged Sword will be going forth from the mouth of the messenger, which is the Word of Christ for the Last Day, that is, the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, which is the Message for the seventh millennium, which will be under the Dispensation of the Kingdom; dispensation that opens in the seventh millennium through the manifestation of Christ through His Angel Messenger in this end time.

And this is how the people of God will be seeing the manifestation of Jesus Christ with His face like the sun; and for the Last Day is that Jesus Christ is with His face – He will be with His face shining upon His gentile Church, and then He will shine upon the Hebrew people.

Shining with His face like the sun, illuminating us with all the divine revelation relevant to a new dispensational day, the Dispensation of the Kingdom, and to a new millennial day, which is the seventh millennium; for whenever the sun rises or is born, it rises or is born on a new day and rises in the morning: “And to them that fear My Name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise, and in His Wings shall bring salvation.”

The Sun of Righteousness, we have seen that it is Christ, He said: “I am the light of the world.2 The same Lord who is the Sun of Righteousness in the Old Testament, is the same Jesus Christ in the New Testament.

And now, the request of: “Make Thy face shine upon me,” as the psalmist said, and also said to make His face shine upon the people; now, for the Last Day, that is the Second Coming of Christ with His Angels, shining in His Coming through His final manifestation through His Angel Messenger.

And that is where we will be seeing His face like the sun, shining and illuminating our understanding, our soul and our whole being, to be able to understand all these things that must happen soon, in this Last Day.

And that is where we will be seeing, in that manifestation of Christ as the Sun shining, we will be seeing the ministries of Moses and Elijah, which are the ministries of the Angels of the Son of Man for the Last Day, and to be manifested for the Last Day here on Earth; just as there was the manifestation of the ministries of the seven angels of the Lord Jesus Christ in the seven stages or ages of the gentile Church.

And so for the Last Day there will be the manifestation of the ministries of Moses and Elijah, which are the Two Olive Trees of Revelation, chapter 10, verse 3 and on, and Zechariah, chapter 4, where the Two Olive Trees appear, which are the Two Anointed Ones that stand before the presence of God.

And now, we have seen them on Mount Transfiguration, because Christ is showing His disciples there, and all His Church that will live on this Earth, the order of the Second Coming of Christ: with His Angels, as He promised; and His Angels are the ministries of Moses and Elijah for the Last Day.

And now, those ministries will be manifested on Earth in the Last Day through human flesh. The ministry of Elijah has already been manifested on four previous occasions:

· First in Elijah the Tishbite,

· then in Elisha, second time;

· the third time in John the Baptist,

· for the fourth time in the Reverend William Marrion Branham,

· and for the fifth time as one of the Two Olive Trees.

And the ministry of Moses is promised to be manifested in the Last Day as the other of the Two Olive Trees.

And the ministry of Jesus is promised to be manifested on Earth in the Last Day.

Those three great ministries will be manifested on Earth in the Last Day, at the Coming of the Son of Man as the Sun of Righteousness shining forth and enlightening our understanding.

Those three ministries will be manifested in the instrument of Christ, through whom Christ will be fulfilling those promises. And God never has two greater ministries at the same time in one age or in one dispensation; in other words, He does not have two messengers for the same age, nor does He have two dispensational prophets for the same dispensation.

And now, He cannot have two prophets for the same age, as messengers for that age, and be the messenger of that age – those two prophets be the messengers of that age; but He can have two ministries of prophets, at the same time manifested in the same human body.

The case is found in Elisha, who came with a double portion of the spirit and power that was in Elijah. We also find that in Jesus Christ was not only the ministry of Moses and Elijah, but all the ministries of all the prophets of God. “For out of His fullness (says John, chapter 1 [verse 16]) we have all received, and grace for grace.”

And notice, Saint Peter tells us in one of his letters: First Peter, chapter 1, verse 10 and on, he says:

“Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you:

Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify (what Spirit was with them? The Spirit of Christ), when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.

Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into.”

Now, see that the Spirit of Christ was in the Old Testament prophets, and then He was in Jesus in all His fullness. And in Jesus was the one who had given the ministries and operated the ministries of the Old Testament prophets; therefore, in Jesus were all the ministries, He was the fullness of the Divinity manifested corporally.

And now, notice, for the time of Jesus, when He asked: “Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?”, some would say:

“Well, some say that you are John the Baptist who has resurrected, and that is why they work these miracles in you and through you. Others say that you are one of the prophets, that is, one of the prophets who has resurrected.”

And Jesus asks: “And who do you say that the Son of Man is?” Peter said to Him: “You, you are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”3

Now, see that in Jesus were all the ministries, because He is the fullness of the Divinity manifested, the Divinity in human flesh.

And now, notice that for the Last Day we have the promise of the Coming of Elijah for the fifth time, of Moses for the second time and of Jesus for the second time.

These ministries will be manifested by Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit through His Angel Messenger; and Jesus Christ will be as Judge of all the Earth, and as Lion of the tribe of Judah, and as the Sun of Righteousness manifested, shining, and thus illuminating our understanding there in the soul and in our whole being, to be able to understand all these things that must shortly be done, which are made known through Jesus Christ through His Angel Messenger.

Revelation, chapter 4, verse 1, Christ says there:

“Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.”

And in Revelation 22, verse 6, it tells us:

“And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.”

Now, through His Angel Messenger is that Christ makes known to His Church all these things that must shortly be done.

And now, notice how Christ with His face like the Sun, and out of His mouth a Sword, for the Last Day will be manifested as the white horse Rider of Revelation, chapter 19.

And what is Revelation, chapter 19, verse 11 to 21?

On page 277 of the book of The Seals, the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ says, praying says:4

[391] …may the Holy Spirit come down now, the white-horse Rider, while His Spirit, Spirit of Christ, in the face of antichrist, and call His Own.”

In other words, for the calling, the white horse Rider of Revelation is required, which is Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit.

And now, for the fulfillment of His Coming in the Last Day to Earth in the midst of His Church, look what will be happening. On page 256 of the book of The Seals in Spanish, the Reverend William Marrion Branham, forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ, tells us:5

196 But when our Lord appears here on earth, He’ll be riding on a snow-white horse. And He’ll be completely, fully, the Emmanuel, the Word of God incarnate in a Man.”

In order to receive the white horse Rider of Revelation, chapter 19…, which is the one that comes with that sharp two-edged Sword, He is the one whose face is like the sun, and He is the one whose eyes are as a flame of fire, and He is the one whose feet are like burnished brass, and He is the same one of Revelation, chapter 10; which comes in a cloud and then is manifested on Earth; and when He had cried… He cried as when a lion roars, and when He had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.

And the faith for the rapture, to be called and gathered and changed, where is it? In the Thunders of Revelation, chapter 10. Therefore, the Coming of the white horse Rider of Revelation is required, which is the same Mighty Angel that descends from Heaven in Revelation, chapter 10, wrapped in a cloud.

And His Coming is required in order to hear His Voice making known to us the things that must happen soon; and thus giving us the revelation or rapturing faith, which is the revelation of the Second Coming of Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords, as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, and also as the Sun of Righteousness.

Both symbols: the lion and the sun, are (both) symbols of kings. The sun is the king star and the lion is the king of animals; and Jesus Christ is the King of kings and is also the Lion of the tribe of Judah, King of kings and Lord of lords.

And now, His Coming in the Last Day in and to His Church, will be fulfilling all these symbols that are seen in the Son of Man: in Revelation, chapter 1; and Revelation, chapter 10; and Revelation, chapter 19; and Revelation, chapter 14, verse 16 to 20. And other places, both in the book of Revelation and the Gospels, and of the prophecies of the Old Testament.

And now, in order to see the Coming of Christ as the Sun of Righteousness, to see His face as the sun, notice, it is required for Christ to come in the Last Day in and to the Age of the Cornerstone, and to open a new dispensation, and to reveal Himself through His Angel Messenger in a new age: The Age of the Cornerstone, and in a new dispensation: The Dispensation of the Kingdom; and thus enlighten our understanding and fill us with the knowledge of His Coming as King of kings and Lord of lords, as the Sun of Righteousness shining, and illuminating our soul and our whole being.

And now, see how this mystery of His face like the sun is the Coming of Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords, manifested through His Angel Messenger.

And now, see how the mystery of Mount Transfiguration contains the Second Coming of Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords with His Angels. And His Angels were presented there, and they were Moses and Elijah; because for the Last Day the ministries of Moses and Elijah will be manifested here on Earth in the midst of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Now, for anyone who thinks that the ministries of Moses and Elijah will not be manifested in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, my question is: Is it or is it not the tabernacle built by Moses and the temple built by Solomon, a type and figure of the Church of Jesus Christ? Of course it is!

And the holy place of the tabernacle built by Moses and the temple built by Solomon, is it not the place that represents the seven stages or ages of the gentile Church? Of course it is!

And in those seven stages, the ministries that were there manifested were the ministries of the seven angel messengers, where the Spirit of Christ was manifested. And in the seventh angel messenger of the seventh age of the gentile Church was the ministry of Elijah manifested for the fourth time, but not as one of the Two Olive Trees.

Now see how the ministry of Elijah is found in the House of God:

· It was found in the Outer Court, in Elijah the Tishbite manifested, in Elisha and in John the Baptist.

· But now, in the Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ, we find the ministry of Elijah manifested for the fourth time in the Reverend William Marrion Branham, who is the seventh angel messenger of the seventh age of the gentile Church.

· And for the Last Day, for the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ, the ministry of Elijah will be there again.

Look how it is happening, it is being manifested in the Temple of God:

· First in the Outer Court he had three manifestations: in Elijah the Tishbite, in Elisha and in John the Baptist;

· then in the Holy Place: he went to the Holy Place and had a manifestation in the Reverend William Marrion Branham;

· and then it goes to the Most Holy Place, which is the Age of the Cornerstone, where it has its fifth manifestation.

And see how the ministry of Moses was in the Holy Place, and then it goes to the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Jesus Christ.

And the ministry of Jesus, the ministry of the Angel of the Covenant:

· It was manifested in the Outer Court of the House of God, which corresponds from the time of Adam until the time of Jesus;

· and then, the Holy Place corresponds: from the time of Jesus until the seventh angel messenger;

· and then the Most Holy Place: it corresponds to this end time in which we are living.

And now, see how the ministry of the Angel of the Covenant, the Angel of the Lord, was manifested:

· In the place of the Outer Court during the Old Testament (and then moved to the Holy Place…). During the time also, of Jesus’ ministry, it was still in the Outer Court.

· Then, in the seven stages or ages of the gentile Church, we find the ministry of Jesus where? In the Holy Place, manifested through the seven angel messengers of the seven ages of the gentile Church.

Because the ministry of Christ operates or ministers, both in the Outer Court and in the Holy Place, as well as in the Most Holy Place, because the High Priest has no limitations to minister.

· And now, the ministry of Christ passes to the Most Holy Place, the most important place of His spiritual Temple; and it passes with the ministries also of Moses for the second time and of Elijah for the fifth time.

That is why they appear there, in the most holy place, over the mercy seat, two cherubim of gold, made, built of the same piece of gold with which the mercy seat was built, which was over the ark of the covenant; where the glory of God was manifested there over the mercy seat, in the midst of the two cherubim of gold.

Then, we find that King Solomon also built two cherubim of olive wood, and overlaid them with gold, and set them also in the most holy place.

Why? Because the ministries of Moses and Elijah would be in the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ in the Last Day. Those are the Angels with whom the Son of Man comes in glory in the Last Day, to dwell in His Church, in the Most Holy Place of that spiritual Temple.

And now we see the mystery that was shown in the vision of Mount Transfiguration.


There, see how Christ is showing all that will be manifested at the Coming of the Son of Man with His Angels in the Last Day.

And that mountain represents the Mystical Body of Christ. That is the Mount of God, the Temple of God, the House of God, which has, notice:

· Holy Place, which was built during the seven gentile Church ages;

· and it also has a Most Holy Place, which is the Age of the Cornerstone, which is being built in Latin America and the Caribbean, with Latin American and Caribbean people.

And now, we find ourselves in the time where what was seen on Mount Transfiguration would be fulfilled in the midst of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in this Last Day, in the seventh millennium, according to the biblical promise.

And a group of people would be on Earth, living in the territory where Mount Transfiguration will become a reality; in other words, what was seen on Mount Transfiguration will be fulfilled.

And people will be seeing the coming of Moses for the second time, the coming of Elijah for the fifth time, and the coming of Jesus for the second time.

They will be seeing these three great ministries manifested in the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and thus they will be seeing the face of the Lord shining like the sun.

They will be seeing Him shining like the sun, as King of kings and Lord of lords; and giving us Light, spiritual light, to our soul; and thus giving us knowledge of all these things that must shortly be done; enlightening our understanding, and thus opening to us all these Scriptures; because the Light of Christ manifested in the Last Day will be enlightening all those Scriptures that pertain to this Last Day; and as they are enlightened we will see them face to face, and we will see them in such a way that we will say: “Now I can really understand what this means.”

To be seeing the face of the Son of Man shining like the sun, is to be seeing the Coming of Christ in the Last Day in His Angel Messenger, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, manifested as King of kings and Lord of lords, as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as the Sun of Righteousness shining in this end time.

Do you see how simple the whole Divine Program is when Christ fulfills His promises?

Well said the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ that it would be in simplicity, it would be all so simple that if we were not watchful it would pass over us.6


It is the Coming of the Son of Man with His Angels, His Coming being manifested with His Angels through His Angel Messenger.

[196] …when our Lord appears here on earth, He’ll be riding on a snow-white horse. And He’ll be completely, fully, the Emmanuel, the Word of God incarnate in a Man.”

Finding the veil of flesh we will find the manifestation of Christ, the manifestation of the white horse Rider of Revelation; and we will find Him shining like the sun, and we will find Him with that Sword coming out of His mouth; and we will find the fulfillment of all those symbols that were seen in the Son of Man.

On this occasion we have seen: “THE MYSTERY OF MOUNT TRANSFIGURATION.”

It is the Coming of the Son of Man in His Kingdom, so as to fulfill His promises and do His Reclaiming Work, so as to reclaim His Throne, the Throne of David, and sit upon the Throne of David, and reign for a thousand years and then for all eternity.

And for the elect: His Coming is to call His elect with the Message of the Great Voice of Trumpet, to gather us and prepare us to be transformed and raptured and go to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

No person can be transformed and raptured without first seeing the fulfillment of what was seen on Mount Transfiguration: The Coming of the Son of Man with His Angels, that is, the Second Coming of Christ, manifesting Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit through His Angel Messenger, the ministries of Moses for the second time, of Elijah for the fifth time and of Jesus for the second time. And that is the Coming of the Son of Man with His Angels, that is the Coming of Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit, veiled and revealed in human flesh in His Angel Messenger in the Last Day.

It has been a great privilege to be with you giving testimony of: “THE MYSTERY OF MOUNT TRANSFIGURATION.”

May Jesus Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, shine, may His face shine upon all of us, and may Jesus Christ bless us, and may we all soon be transformed and taken to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

Thank you very much for your kind attention and have a very good evening.

With us again Reverend Miguel Bermudez Marin to continue and finish this evening.

May God continue to bless you all.


1 Romans 11:26

2 John 8:12

3 Matthew 16:13-16

4 The Seals in English, page 327

5 The Seals in English, page 303

6 The Seals: “God hiding Himself in simplicity…,” pages 19-20, paragraphs 113-114; “The First Seal,” page 130, paragraph 109; “The Second Seal,” page 180, paragraph 27; “The Third Seal,” page 234, paragraph 51; page 236, paragraph 61; “The Fourth Seal,” page 312, paragraph 269; “Questions and Answers”, page 492, paragraph 265; “The Seventh Seal,” page 535, paragraph 88; page 562, paragraph 305

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