The mystery of the gathering of the elect

Good afternoon, beloved friends and brethren present. It is a blessing for me to be with you in Guadalajara, to share with you a few moments of spiritual fellowship around the Word of God and His Program relevant to this Last Day.

For that I want to read in the book or Gospel according to Matthew, chapter 24, verse 30 to 31:

“And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.”

May God bless our hearts with His Word and allow us to understand It.

Our topic for this occasion is: “THE MYSTERY OF THE GATHERING OF THE ELECT.”

When God speaks to us here of the elect, notice, Jesus Christ is speaking of a group of people who since before the foundation of the world are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, who would come to this planet Earth to live, and would receive Christ as their Savior —each one in the time they were allotted to live—.

And so that we can better understand who God’s elect are and how they would be manifested on Earth, we have the diagram that the Reverend William Marrion Branham made and used in the messages “The Stature of a Perfect Man,”1 and also The Seven Church Ages, and perhaps in other conferences he also used this diagram or made reference to this diagram.2

And now, see how the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ with its seven stages or ages among the gentiles, appears in this diagram in the form of a pyramid, and these seven stages or ages appear here among the gentiles, among the gentile people, and the seven angel messengers of the seven ages also appear here.

The seven churches of Asia Minor that were chosen by God in the book of Revelation to represent the different stages of the gentile Church or the Church of Jesus Christ among the gentiles, we find that these seven churches, which were type and figure of the Church of Jesus Christ in its seven stages, were: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.

These seven churches actually existed in Asia Minor; and they were chosen by God, because the characteristics that these seven churches had represented the things that would be in the seven stages of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ among the gentiles.

Now, we also find the virtues that were manifested in those seven ages of the gentile Church:

· For the first age: Faith.

· For the second: Virtue.

· For the third: Science.

· For the fourth: Temperance.

· For the fifth: Patience.

· For the sixth: Fear of God.

· For the seventh: Brotherly love.

And the messengers were:

· Saint Paul, for the first age.

· Irenaeus, for the second age.

· Martin, for the third age.

· Columba, for the fourth age.

· Luther, for the fifth age.

· Wesley, for the sixth age.

· And William Marrion Branham, for the seventh age.

Jesus Christ was manifested in them, speaking through them to His children, to those who have their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, and He also spoke to the rest of the world, all the things that God wanted to speak in each of the ages of the gentile Church.

And now, see how through these seven stages Christ was calling and gathering His elect relevant to these seven stages of the gentile Church.

But for the Last Day, we find that Jesus Christ Himself tells us, in chapter 24 of Matthew that we have read, and verse 30 and on, He says:

“And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.”

Now, see how we have the promise of the ministry of the Angels of Jesus Christ to call and gather His elect in the end time.

For the time the sign of the Son of Man appears in heaven, from then on the ministries of the Angels of the Lord must begin at some point, to call and gather the elect of God.

And now, notice, for the seven ages or stages of the gentile Church, He sent each of these seven angel messengers; but then, for the Age of the Cornerstone, the ministry of the Angels of the Lord, which are the ministries of Moses and Elijah, would be present on Earth calling and gathering the elect of God in a new age and a new dispensation.

And now, just as Christ was manifested in every angel messenger, for the Age of the Cornerstone He would have an Angel Messenger through whom He would manifest Himself; and He would place those ministries, the ministries of Moses and Elijah, in that Angel Messenger; and through that Angel Messenger He would call and gather His elect in the Last Day.

And just as there was a territory for each age of the gentile Church, where each age was manifested, and where the messenger of each age was, and where God called the elect of each age…

• For example, for the first age: The first age was fulfilled in Asia Minor, and it was there that God placed Saint Paul, the messenger of the first age of the gentile Church. From there it spread, then, of course, to other places, to other nations, but God’s center of operations for that first age was Asia Minor.

• Then we find that for the second age, the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit, moved to Europe, and sent Irenaeus (where, Miguel? France?) to France; and there in Europe He called and gathered the elect of the second gentile Church age; and God’s center of operations for that second age was (which one?) France, and most of God’s elect were in that area. From there, Christ, through Irenaeus, worked what was relevant to the second stage or age of the gentile Church.

See how in Europe these manifestations of Jesus Christ began, where He would call and gather the elect of the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth ages in different European territories.

• Now, we find that for the third age Christ manifested Himself through Martin (where, Miguel?) in Hungary; and from Hungary also, He also went to France, too; in other words, He covered… look, He made the contact of France and Hungary.

And now, notice how God called and gathered His elect through the ministry of Christ through Martin, the third angel messenger of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

• Then He went on to the fourth stage, where He sent Columba; and through Columba He manifested Himself, and called and gathered the elect of that fourth age (where?) in Ireland and Scotland (He covered those places).

• And then He passed on to Germany, where He sent Martin Luther, and He manifested Himself through Martin Luther, and called and gathered the elect of that fifth age.

• And then He went on to the sixth age, where He sent John Wesley; and, through John Wesley, Christ in the Holy Spirit manifested Himself, and called and gathered the elect of that sixth age there in England, and from England He moved through different European nations; and we find that the center of operations of Christ through the messenger Wesley was England.

• And then He moved to North America: Jesus Christ flew in Holy Spirit to North America, where He sent the Reverend William Marrion Branham for the seventh stage or age of the gentile Church; and through him He manifested Himself and called and gathered the elect of that seventh age or stage of the gentile Church.

And we find that after those seven manifestations of Christ through His angel messengers of the seven ages…, which are represented in the seven stars that are at the right hand of the Son of Man, and they are also the seven manifestations of the Holy Spirit called: The seven spirits of God that travel throughout the Earth, or seven eyes of God, or seven lamps that are before the presence of God, or the Throne of God.3

We find that after those seven manifestations in the seven angel messengers and in the seven ages of the gentile Church, Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit has flown to Latin America and the Caribbean, to call and gather the elect of the Last Day, of the seventh dispensation: The Dispensation of the Kingdom, and of the Age of the Cornerstone, represented in the 8—because 8 represents infinity and also eternity.

And now we move on to the Age of the Cornerstone, up here, which is the Age of Divine Love, which is fulfilled (where?) in Latin America and the Caribbean.

And that is why the call of the Great Voice of Trumpet or Last Trumpet, which is the Voice of Christ calling and gathering His elect through His Angel Messenger, is heard in Latin America and the Caribbean, making known to us all these things that must shortly be done; as it tells us in Revelation, chapter 1, verse 10. It says Revelation, chapter 1, verse 10 to 11:

“I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,

Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last…”

Who is the Alpha and Omega? Who is the first and the last? Our beloved Lord Jesus Christ.

And look how Christ speaks in the Lord’s Day, in the seventh millennium, in the Last Day: He speaks with a Great Voice as of a trumpet. It is the Voice of Christ speaking to His Church through His Angel Messenger.

And now, notice how in Revelation, chapter 4, that same Voice of Trumpet or Great Voice of Trumpet, tells us: “Come up hither.” Where are we going to go up to? We are going up to the Age of the Cornerstone.

If we were living in Paul’s time, we would have to go up to the first age; but if we were living in the second age, we would have to go up to Irenaeus’ age: the second age; or if we were living in the third age: we would go up to the third age; and so on. Depending on the time in which the children of God would be living, it would be the age to which the children of God would go up to; because in that age would be Christ in Holy Spirit manifested through the messenger of that age, speaking to His people, and calling and gathering His elect in that age.

And now, see how He was in the Reverend William Marrion Branham speaking; but after he left, now, where has Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit gone to? To the Age of the Cornerstone, to speak through His Angel Messenger all things that must be spoken in the Last Day.

That is why Revelation says, chapter 4, verse 1:

“After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.”

Now, notice, the Voice of Christ asks us to go up where He is for Him to make known to us all these things that must shortly be done, all these things that must happen after those that have already happened in the seven stages or ages of the gentile Church.

And now, through whom will Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit will be making known to us all these things? Well, through His Angel Messenger, just as He did in each age of His gentile Church during these two thousand years that have already passed.

Now, notice in Revelation, chapter 22, verse 6, what it says here. It says:

“And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.”

What will He show us through His servant, through His Angel? He will show us all things “which must shortly be done”: the same things that Christ said in Revelation, chapter 4, that He would make known to us.

And now, we can see that it is through His Angel Messenger that the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ would know all these things that must happen soon; because that Angel Messenger is the instrument of Christ for the Last Day, He is the instrument of Christ for the Age of the Cornerstone and dispensation of the Kingdom; and He places him where? Well, in Latin America and the Caribbean, which is the territory where the Age of the Cornerstone would be fulfilled, and where the Holy Spirit would fly to in the Last Day to manifest Himself and speak to us all these things that must happen soon; speaking them through whom? Through His Angel Messenger.

And now, where would the elect of the Last Day be? Well, in Latin America and the Caribbean; and that is where they would hear the call of Christ, calling us, gathering us and making known to us all these things that must shortly be done. That is why the call of Christ for the Age of the Cornerstone comes in the main language of the Latin Americans, which is Spanish.

And now, we can see how the Voice of Christ, which is also the Voice of the Seven Thunders of Revelation, chapter 10, the Voice of Christ crying as when a lion roars… In other words, in the manifestation of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, in His Reclaiming Work, notice how the Voice of Christ speaks to us as when a lion roars; because He comes as the Lion of the tribe of Judah.

It is the first occasion in which Christ manifests Himself as a Lion, because in His First Coming He manifested Himself as the Lamb of God.

And now, it is also the first time that Christ manifests Himself through a dispensational Angel Messenger in the midst of His Church.

In other words, never before had He manifested Himself through a dispensational Angel Messenger in His Church; because look, none of the apostles was a dispensational messenger, neither Saint Peter nor the other apostles; and neither Saint Paul was a dispensational messenger, nor Irenaeus, nor Martin, nor Columba, nor Luther, nor Wesley, nor William Marrion Branham either.

Although they were, Saint Paul and the Reverend William Marrion Branham, two powerful prophets where we find things done by Christ, that can only be compared to the ministries of Moses and Elijah, and also Joshua and Samuel, and prophets like that, of that caliber, and Jesus Christ.

But you see, with all that, neither Saint Paul, nor William Marrion Branham, nor any of the seven angel messengers, was a dispensational prophet.

But, for the Last Day, Christ would have a dispensational prophet called the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, through whom He would manifest Himself and make known to us all these things that must shortly be done. With what? With that Great Voice of Trumpet, which is the Trumpet of the Gospel of the Kingdom proclaiming the mystery of the Seventh Seal; in other words, opening the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, in His Reclaiming Work.

Now, notice, for each age Christ came through His angel messenger of each age, but in a portion, He came in the portion relevant to each age; it was Christ coming from age to age, and calling and gathering His people. But now, for the Age of the Cornerstone, Christ also comes: He comes in His Angel Messenger, manifested as Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords.

And notice, He comes placing there and operating there the ministries of Moses for the second time, of Elijah for the fifth time and of Jesus for the second time. And He is revealing the mystery of His Coming in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, in the midst of the Latin American and the Caribbean people.

And that is the mystery contained in the Seventh Seal, that is the mystery contained in the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom; in other words, the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom revolves around the mystery of the Coming of Christ as Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, in His Reclaiming Work.

And with the revelation of that mystery, that revelation being proclaimed, that mystery being proclaimed, that mystery being made known to the human beings, the elect will hear the Voice of Christ, the Message of Christ, through His Angel Messenger; and thus they are called and are gathered, gathered together, in the Age of the Cornerstone, in the Last Day; and they are placed in a new dispensation: The Dispensation of the Kingdom; and thus they are prepared to be transformed and raptured in this Last Day.

Because the faith for the rapture is produced by the Seven Thunders; and the Seven Thunders of Revelation 10 are nothing less than the Voice of Christ as Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, revealing to us, opening to us the Seventh Seal, in other words, opening to us the Second Coming of Christ as Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, in His Reclaiming Work.

And now, see also the territory where all this would occur.

The seven stages of the gentile Church correspond, in the typology of the temple built by Moses and the one built by Solomon, correspond to the holy place of the temple of Moses and the temple of Solomon. And those territories where those ages were fulfilled, you see, these territories were in the Holy Place manifested – or correspond to the manifestation of the Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ.

But for the manifestation of the Last Day in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, in the typology of the Temple, it corresponds to the Most Holy Place of the temple of Moses and the temple of Solomon; because Christ is building a Temple, and the seven ages of the gentile Church are the Holy Place of that Temple; and the Most Holy Place of that Temple is the Age of the Cornerstone.

And see how Christ has been building that Temple with human beings, with living stones.

And now, with living stones, with human beings, He builds the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, which is the Age of the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Jesus Christ.

And now, look at the great blessing that God has placed in Latin America and the Caribbean. And anyone can say: “But, how can it be that the greatest, the most important thing, He has placed it among the Latin American and Caribbean people?”

You see, He was over there in Asia Minor, in Europe and in North America, where people (mostly) are tall and white, and they look very pretty, people look very pretty, very elegant, and they are people who have studied a lot.

And now, for Latin America and the Caribbean, notice, people are mostly brown-skinned, cinnamon-skinned; and if we mix all the colors of the people, what we get is coffee with milk, that is, what we get is the color cinnamon-skinned.

How can it be that God had the greatest thing for Latin America and the Caribbean? Look, when God manifested for each age the part of each age, the people of that territory did not understand it; only the elect of the age heard the Voice of Christ through the messenger through whom Christ was manifested. So, if they did not receive the messenger and his Message for the time in which they lived, let them not claim anything now!, because for this time what God has for the Latin American and Caribbean people is in the Temple of Jesus Christ.

So look at the place that Christ has for the elect Latin American and Caribbean people in this end time; and within that place Latin American and Caribbean people will enter.

To the Holy Place, well, they entered…, they entered, of the Hebrew people there, they also entered from Asia Minor, Europe and North America. But in order to enter the Most Holy Place, you have to pass through that veil; and with that veil there, people cannot pass through because they will stumble. Only God’s elect will pass through.

One must pass through the veil. There is no other way to pass into the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ. As there was no other way to pass into the most holy place of the tabernacle that Moses built and the temple that Solomon built; it was through (what?) the veil. And it is through the veil of the Second Coming of Christ in the Last Day that one must pass.

Just as to receive salvation: it is by accepting Christ as our Savior and receiving His Holy Spirit; you see, through the veil where the First Coming of Christ was fulfilled.

Now, notice that in past times they stumbled with the veil of flesh that was there to pass into the Holy Place; and if they stumbled with the veil of flesh that was there to pass into the Holy Place, how will it be to pass into the Most Holy Place? Well, if they could not pass into the Holy Place, how shall it be for the Most Holy Place?, for in the Holy Place there is room for more people. So many are called, but few are chosen.4

See how we find that throughout the ages the call has arisen; but see, there are many who have received Christ as their Savior. That is Christianity in general or the Christian religion: many called, but few chosen for each age of the gentile Church; many called, many professing Christians, but few chosen written in the Lamb’s Book of Life since before the foundation of the world.

And for the Last Day, just as they were in the territory where God sent His angel messenger (each one in his age and in his territory), now in the Last Day we are in Latin America and the Caribbean, where Christ is calling and gathering His elect in His Church, in His Mystical Body of believers, in the Age of the Cornerstone, which is the Age of the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Jesus Christ.

Just as the Most Holy Place was in the Western, that is, in the west, there, of the temple built by Solomon and the one built by Moses; now in the Temple of Jesus Christ, which is His Church… Notice, it began in the Middle East, in the midst of the Hebrew people, then in Asia Minor, then it went to Europe, from Europe it went to North America, and from North America to Latin America and the Caribbean.

And now where do we find ourselves? In the West.

Now, the occident, which is the West, has: North America, Central America, South America and the Caribbean; and the seventh age of the gentile Church was already fulfilled in North America, therefore, this is a territory that produced the fruit it had to produce.

And just as after the fruit is obtained in the field, in a person’s farm: then the straw is collected to be burned, everything is cleaned, and everything is plowed again, and everything is turned upside down for another harvest, later on, at another time, where it is necessary to sow and harvest in that territory.

So after the ministry of the seventh angel messenger in North America, what awaits North America —as well as the other nations where the seven ages of the gentile Church were fulfilled— is what the farmer does when he has already finished the work and the fruit has been harvested in that territory: everything is turned upside down to start all over again.

And during the Millennial Kingdom we will begin again; therefore, before, during the great tribulation, everything will be upside down in all those nations where the seven ages of the gentile Church were fulfilled; but Latin America and the Caribbean, because it has in the present the age of the present…

The other nations or continents where the seven ages of the gentile Church were fulfilled have in the past… In other words, the Work of God that Christ carried out in those places is in what time? Past time; but in the present time there is only Latin America and the Caribbean, and soon there will be the Hebrew people.

So look at how, in the Divine Program, Latin America is before God, before the presence of God, how? In the present tense; therefore, the future of Latin America and the Caribbean is the best of all the gentile nations. And it will be full, the Millennial Kingdom, of Latin American and Caribbean people, although many people cannot understand or believe it.

Latin America and the Caribbean has the majority of God’s elect of the Last Day, of the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom. We would say, 90%, to not say one hundred percent; so that they do not say that we want to keep everything and with all the blessing of God. But if they do not take advantage and receive the Word in other nations and continents, then we will automatically keep the rest of the percent that we have left free there, so they will not say that we are… that we want to keep all the blessings of God. There you have 10%; and if you do not take advantage of it soon, we are going to fill that 10%; even if it is with newborn children. So for us there is no problem.

Now, look at how God’s blessing has fallen on us on this Last Day. We can say as the Scripture says: “The lines have fallen to us in pleasant places, and great is the inheritance that is ours.”5

Look, the lines of the House of God, which are placed on the ground… you know, those of you who have seen… How many have seen a tent set up? You know, the lines that tie the tent on the sides, they bury, they immerse with a sledgehammer, a rod or a piece of metal there; and from there they tie a rope, a cord; so that it is well tied and the wind does not carry away that tarp, that tent.

And now, look where God is tying the lines that correspond to the West, well, He has to tie them in the West. And the lines have fallen to us in pleasant places, and great is the inheritance that is ours, the part of the lines that would be tied in the west, see.

So, Miguel!: Extend those lines well, may they reach Patagonia!, may they reach the end of the Latin American and Caribbean continent, and all the islands that belong to the Latin American and Caribbean continent, so that the House of God may be well tied on the western side.

And each messenger, well, has already tied up well the part relevant to his territory. It is up to us to tie those lines well; because soon comes the dedication to God, for the dwelling of God in all His fullness; and no wind contrary to God and His Program can, nor should, affect that House of God. No rope should be broken, no stake should be pulled up; but those ropes be well tied, those lines, in those stakes that have been placed deep, deep in the earth – deep in the earth.

So the Message must be deep in the soul, in the heart, of the Latin American and Caribbean people. The whole territory, as God said to Abraham: “All that the sole of your foot shall tread upon…,”6 but He also spoke to him (right, Miguel?) of what he saw, of what he looked at: everything he saw… everything his eyes saw.7

And now, let us look at all Latin America and the Caribbean with all its islands and islets.

God also said to him:

— “Look up to the sky, Abraham; look at all those stars. What do you see up there?”

— “What I see is a multitude of stars up there.”

— “Then count them, if you can count them.”8

Oh! Even the scientists, with all the telescopes they have, and they still have not been able to count them. Sometimes, for example, the scientists of fifty or a hundred years ago could say: “There are so many millions,” but then the other scientists come, and they say: “They did not even get half of them.”

You see, so this is the seed of Abraham.9 And the seed of Abraham, greater is through the promised Word: through the promised Son, through Christ, notice, nations would be formed.

And now, we have the Hebrew nation, which comes through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the patriarchs; but we have the elect from among the gentiles; and also the rest of the gentiles who have their names written in the Book of Life, who in the different ages also believed in Christ, and will live forever, although they will not be in the Millennial Kingdom; but after the Millennial Kingdom they will enter into eternal life, because they were a blessing, a help to the elect of God in each of those stages or ages of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; and those who lived before were also a help and blessing to the Hebrew people.

And now, notice how the people who have lived on this planet Earth, we find that many have their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life: those are the firstborn of God, who are called and gathered (each one in his age) through the manifestation of Christ in Holy Spirit through the angel messenger of each age: giving the Message of their age, they are called with that Message.

Christ said in John, chapter 10, verse 14 to 16:

“I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.

As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.

And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold (in other words, they are not Hebrews): them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.”

“They shall hear my voice.” And they have been hearing His Voice through the angel messenger of every age; and they have been placed (where?) in the Fold of the Lord, which is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is represented here in this diagram.

And now, how will the sheep of Christ of the Last Day hear the Voice of Christ? Through His Angel Messenger; and they will be placed in the Age of the Cornerstone and in the Dispensation of the Kingdom. And just as they were in each territory when God sent the angel messenger and heard the Voice of Christ, they would be in the territory relevant to the Last Day, the sheep of the Last Day, and they would hear the Voice of Christ through His Angel Messenger.

And where are those sheep that would hear the Voice of Christ in this Last Day? Well, here we are! In Latin America and the Caribbean, listening to the Voice of the Good Shepherd, and being placed in the Fold of the Lord; that is, in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the Age of the Cornerstone and in the Dispensation of the Kingdom; and thus we are being prepared to be transformed and raptured in this Last Day.

We have seen how the calling and gathering of the elect from age to age is.

And now, we have seen how the gathering of the elect of God would be in this Last Day, where Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit would be manifesting the ministries of Moses, Elijah and Jesus; and through those ministries He would be giving us His Word, the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom; and thus He would be calling and gathering the elect in this Last Day.

And here we are. We have been called and we have been gathered, we have been placed in the Age of the Cornerstone, and we are waiting for our transformation. And those who are yet to be called and gathered, well, we are taking the Message everywhere, to the Latin American and the Caribbean people, so that those who are of God: hear the Voice of God. “For My sheep hear My Voice and follow me,”10 says our beloved Lord Jesus Christ. And He also says: “He who is of God, hears the Voice of God.”11

And where are the elect of the Last Day, who would hear that Voice? Here we are! In Latin America and the Caribbean. Latin America and the Caribbean is full of God’s elect, of those who would hear the Voice of Christ in this Last Day through His Angel Messenger, to be called and gathered in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, and to be prepared to be transformed and raptured in this Last Day.

It has been a privilege for me to be with you testifying to you of: “THE MYSTERY OF THE GATHERING OF THE ELECT.”

The gathering of the elect of the Last Day is taking place in this Last Day, just as the gathering of the elect of every age took place.

Thank you very much for your kind attention, beloved friends and brethren present here in Guadalajara, Mexico.

May the blessings of Jesus Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, be upon each one of you and upon me as well; and may we all soon be transformed and taken to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Heaven, in the House of our heavenly Father.

May God bless you and keep you all. In the Eternal Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.

With us again Reverend Miguel Bermudez Marin to continue and finish our part this afternoon; and then we will go to the capital, the Federal District, Mexico City, where we will arrive today, to continue the tour tomorrow.

Well, may God continue to bless you, may God keep you; and may you continue having an afternoon filled with the blessings of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.

With us, Miguel.


1 ENG62-1014M “The Stature of a Perfect Man”

3 Revelation 1:20, 1:4, 4:5, 5:6; Zechariah 4:10

4 Matthew 20:16, 22:14

5 Psalm 16:6

6 Deuteronomy 11:24

7 Genesis 13:14-17

8 Genesis 15:5

9 Genesis 17:5-6

10 John 10:27

11 John 8:47

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