Good morning, beloved friends and brethren present. It is a great privilege for me to be with you in this dedication of this place for the glory of Christ; so that people who want to be fed with the Food of the Word of God relevant to this Last Day may gather here; and thus Christ gathers His elect here, in order to make known to them all these things relevant to this Last Day, and be prepared to be transformed and raptured.
The subject of which Miguel was speaking to us is: “THE MYSTERY OF THE GLORY OF GOD MANIFESTED IN HIS TEMPLE.”
That is a mystery that back in the Old Testament was manifested; and that temple that Moses made, and the one that Solomon made, is type and figure of the Temple that is in Heaven, and it is type and figure of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the Temple of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It says in Exodus, chapter 40, verse 33 to 38:
“And he reared up the court round about the tabernacle and the altar, and set up the hanging of the court gate. So Moses finished the work.
Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.
And Moses was not able to enter into the tent of the congregation, because the cloud abode thereon, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.
And when the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle, the children of Israel went onward in all their journeys:
But if the cloud were not taken up, then they journeyed not till the day that it was taken up.
For the cloud of the Lord was upon the tabernacle by day, and fire was on it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout all their journeys.”
May God bless our souls with His Word and allow us to understand It.
In this tabernacle that Moses raised for God, according to the design that God gave him, we find that —being type and figure of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ and of the Temple that is in Heaven— that place was filled with the glory of God; and God in that Pillar of Fire, in the light of the Shekinah, entered the temple and dwelt in the most holy place of that temple, of that tabernacle; He dwelt upon the mercy seat, which was over the ark of the covenant; and on the mercy seat were the two golden cherubim.
And these golden cherubim, you see, have a very important meaning both in the Temple that is in Heaven and in the Temple of the Lord Jesus Christ: In the Temple that is in Heaven they represent Gabriel and Michael.
And now, notice how in the tabernacle that Moses built and the temple that Solomon built there were these two golden cherubim upon the mercy seat; and then in the temple that Solomon built there were built, in addition, two giant cherubim of olive wood covered with gold. And see how all that was happening in the tabernacle that Moses built and the temple that Solomon built, was giving testimony of what is in Heaven and also of what Christ would have in His Temple here on Earth.
So notice the mystery of the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ in the tabernacle that Moses built, in the temple that Solomon built and in the Temple that is in Heaven; and all that to be manifested in the Temple of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is His Church, in this Last Day.
We have seen how Christ has been building His Church from age to age until reaching this end time; and Jesus Christ has been in His Temple, in His Church, from age to age, in Holy Spirit, manifested through His angel messengers; and through each angel messenger we have seen the Spirit of Christ in His House, His Church.
And in this Last Day He arrives at the most important part of His House, which He builds with human beings, the part of the Most Holy Place; and He builds it with human beings from Latin America and the Caribbean, as He built the Holy Place with human beings from Asia Minor, Europe and North America.
And now, notice also that there were also people from there of the Hebrew people at that time of Saint Peter and the other apostles, who belong to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; therefore, they belong to that Holy Place of the Temple of the Lord.
But now, in this Last Day, the part of the Temple of the Lord is the Most Holy Place, where He is working; and when that Place is completely built, the Temple of the Lord Jesus Christ will be dedicated to God, for God to dwell in Holy Spirit in all His fullness; and that is the Temple that will be in the Millennium and for all eternity.
Now, we have seen that the glory of Jesus Christ, the glory of God, will enter the Most Holy Place of His Temple; and He will be there manifested in all His fullness upon the Mercy Seat, in the midst of the two golden cherubim, which are type and figure of the ministries of Moses and Elijah, of the ministries of the Two Olive Trees in the Last Day.
See, there they were, in the temple that Solomon made, the two olive trees there covered with gold; because the ministry of the Two Olive Trees, the ministry of Moses and Elijah, will be the manifestation of God through human flesh, through those two ministries that will be in the veil of flesh called the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the Last Day.
And in the midst of those ministries manifested in the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ will be the ministry of Jesus manifested; and the glory of God, the glory of Jesus Christ, will be manifested in all His fullness in the Last Day in His Church, in the Most Holy Place of His spiritual Temple, which is the Age of the Cornerstone.
And that is why Christ in this Last Day is in Latin America and the Caribbean: Building the Most Holy Place of His spiritual Temple: for the manifestation of the glory of God, the glory of Jesus Christ in His Temple in all His fullness.
See how God is preparing all things for that full manifestation of God, where the things that have been promised to be manifested in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, will be carried out, will be fulfilled; and thus the glory of God will be manifested in all His fullness in the spiritual Temple of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is His Church.
So notice how Christ is working in this Last Day and how —through His Angel Messenger— Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit is manifesting Himself, and is calling and gathering His elect with the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, which is the Message of the Great Voice of Trumpet, so that when all the elect are already in the House of God, a manifestation will come in all the fullness of God. It will be for a short time, but God will shake this world as He has never done so before; and then we will go to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
Now we can see the trajectory of the construction of the spiritual Temple of Christ; we can see how it has been moving from age to age and from messenger to messenger; and we can see in which age that manifestation of the fullness of God will come; and we can see through whom that manifestation of the Spirit of God in all His fullness will come; and we can see which is the Message that would be in this Last Day, in the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Jesus Christ; and we can also see the people that would be there.
And where are those people? Here they are, in Latin America and the Caribbean, being called and gathered, and being placed in the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ. And it is with them that Christ is building that Most Holy Place, to have His final manifestation in all His fullness in the Most Holy Place of His spiritual Temple.
See that the Work of Christ for this Last Day is the Work relevant to the Most Holy Place, where He builds His Most Holy Place, and where He will manifest Himself in all His fullness. And through the instrument that He uses for the construction of that Most Holy Place (since it is Christ who builds His Temple, always using messengers), and through the same messenger that He will use for the construction of the Most Holy Place, is the messenger through whom He will also manifest Himself in all His fullness.
And there will be —for that moment— Jesus Christ, in the dedication of that Temple to God for the dwelling of God in all His fullness; there Jesus Christ will be through His Angel Messenger dedicating that Temple to God for the dwelling of God in Spirit in all His fullness, just as Moses dedicated the temple to God and just as Solomon dedicated the temple to God.
And now, there will be Christ, the ministry of Jesus Christ, and the ministry of Moses and Elijah, present there, for the dedication of that Temple to God.
Now, we can see where we are in the Temple of God, in the spiritual Temple of Jesus Christ in this Last Day. And now we can see how the glory of God is promised to be manifested in the Last Day in all its fullness. And see how it goes in a progressive way until the last thing that is promised to be fulfilled in the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Jesus Christ is fulfilled.
And now, aware of where we are, we can see why God has sent us to Latin America and the Caribbean: To be Latin American and Caribbean people; and even if we go to other nations and other continents, we will still be Latin American and Caribbean people, and wherever God’s elect of the Last Day are, the Message will reach them; but most of them are in Latin America and the Caribbean.
And then, when we find in other nations and continents people who receive the Message, then they speak to us in Spanish and we ask them: “But where did you learn Spanish?” They say: “It’s because my dad (or my mom, or my grandfather) is from Latin America, or the Caribbean.”
Do you see how the seed of God for the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, and for the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ, the majority would be Latin American and Caribbean? We would say, 90%, so they don’t say that we are selfish and want it all for ourselves; but if people from other continents don’t enter, then we will take 9% more, and it will be 99%.
And if when the dead in Christ are resurrected and we who are alive are transformed, if we don’t see anyone from another continent or from another nation that belongs to our age, then we will say: “Well, one hundred percent [100%] would be Latin American and Caribbean.” But we are still going to leave 10%, so that they don’t say that we haven’t even left a little place for other people from other nations.
Well, there you have it, you have 10% for the moment; but if they don’t receive the Message, that 10% opportunity will also be taken by Latin American and Caribbean people, and the Age of the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Jesus Christ will be filled with Latin American and Caribbean people one hundred percent.
So, you see, that is the place where the glory of God, the glory of Jesus Christ, is promised to be manifested in all His fullness in the Last Day, in the dedication of that spiritual Temple of Christ to God, for the dwelling of God in Spirit in all His fullness; where Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit will be dwelling in all His fullness in His Angel Messenger and in the members of the Mystical Body of Christ of the Age of the Cornerstone.
And then also, you see, He will be manifested in the saints of the past ages with their messengers of the past ages; but the blessing is for the elect of the Age of the Cornerstone; and it is through them that Christ will shake this world in this end time, under the ministry of Jesus Christ through His Angel Messenger.
And now, we find that that is why —through His Angel Messenger— Christ, who had promised to make known these things that were to happen, saying with that Voice of Trumpet in Revelation, chapter 4: “Come up hither, and I will show thee the things which must shortly come to pass after these things,” then we find the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ making known all these things in Revelation, chapter 22 and verse 6. It is because, through him, Jesus Christ would be manifested in the Last Day making known to us all these things that must shortly be done, in the Last Day.
That is why Jesus says in Revelation 22, verse 16: “I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches.”
Now, we have seen the Divine Program relevant to our time and we have seen the form in which He is carrying it out; and He will not change this form which He established to use in the Last Day. And in that same form will be that the Message will go to the Hebrew people; because there is no other age nor is there another dispensation, nor is there another people, nor is there another messenger for the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom.
It is in that age, the Age of the Most Holy Place, the Age of the Cornerstone, in the Dispensation of the Kingdom, with the Latin American and Caribbean people that make up that age, that the mystery of the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, the glory of God, will be seen manifested in His Temple in the Last Day.
Now see the great blessing that Jesus Christ had ordained, predestined, for Latin America and the Caribbean; and it is not yet manifested in all its fullness, all that God has for Latin America and the Caribbean is not yet manifested; rather He has begun to fulfill what He has in and for Latin American and Caribbean people; but there is still more blessing from God for Latin American and Caribbean people.
And when we are at that stage when the dead in Christ will be resurrected and we will be transformed, we will see what many blessings God will be pouring upon Latin America and the Caribbean for those days. He has already begun to pour out His blessings for Latin America and the Caribbean, but there are still more blessings that will be poured out in that time span of 30 to 40 days that we will be here already transformed, with the new body that He has promised for each one of us.
It says that the House of God will be filled with the glory of the Lord; and through the prophet Isaiah, in chapter 60, verse 7, it says: “…and I will glorify the house of my glory.”
So see how we have the promise to be glorified, and to be in a glorified body, and to be in the image and likeness of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ; and we will have a glorified body and we will be like our beloved Lord Jesus Christ, and there will be the complete House of God, with all the saints of past ages and with those of the Last Day, most of whom are Latin American and Caribbean people.
Well, we have seen how Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit is in His House from age to age visiting His people, and how in this Last Day He is in His House, in His Church, in this Last Day; He is in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom. And it will reach such a degree —the manifestation of Jesus Christ in His House— that it will be filled with the glory of the Lord, the glory of Jesus Christ, His Church, His House; and the mighty manifestation of Christ promised for the Last Day will be seen in His House, in the Most Holy Place of His House, of His Temple, which is the Age of the Cornerstone.
Christ has already had His manifestation relevant to each age, and now He only needs the manifestation relevant to the Last Day; and we have seen the order for that manifestation.
And we have seen how He is already in the Age of the Cornerstone carrying out the work relevant to this Last Day, to have a manifestation in all His fullness worldwide, where the great promises of great wonders and miracles will be seen in the House of God; where? In the Most Holy Place; and this will be worldwide, and that is already very close to happen.
Now, in the meantime, the number of God’s elect that compose the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Jesus Christ is being completed; for the House of God can’t be filled with all the fullness of the Spirit of God until that House is complete.
Until Moses completed the construction of that house, of that tabernacle, it was not dedicated for the dwelling of God in that light of the Shekinah in Holy Spirit. And until Solomon completed the construction of the temple, it wasn’t dedicated to God, and God didn’t enter the temple to dwell in the most holy place there. And so it is in the House of God in this end time in which we are living.
Now we can see that the fullness of God will be manifested in the House of God, in the Most Holy Place, and will be carrying out great things that have been promised for this Last Day.
And that is where the Great Victory in Divine Love will be fulfilled, as promised by the Holy Spirit through the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ. It is there, in the House of God, that the Great Victory in Divine Love will be obtained. That is why the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is in the Age of Divine Love, because that is where the Victory in Divine Love will be obtained.
So let’s see where the glory of God will be seen in the House of God, in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. And notice, He already has a large part of those who make up that Most Holy Place; and those who are missing are being sought, they are being called and sought with the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom; and soon that number will be completed.
Therefore, soon the construction of the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Jesus Christ will be completed; and then the dead in Christ will rise first, in eternal bodies, and we who are alive will be transformed.
We have seen what is the mystery of the glory of God manifested in His Temple, in that spiritual Temple of Christ, in the Last Day, in the end time; because the tabernacle of Moses and the temple of Solomon are type and figure of the Temple that is in Heaven and of the spiritual Temple of Jesus Christ, which is His Church.
It has been a great privilege for me to be with you giving testimony of: “THE MYSTERY OF THE GLORY OF GOD MANIFESTED IN HIS TEMPLE.”
Thank you very much for your kind attention, and continue having a day filled with the blessings of Jesus Christ.
I leave with us again Reverend Miguel Bermudez Marin to continue and finish, and leave soon for the next place, which will be about an hour from here, right? (And at what time?, from…) Let’s see how it tells us here. The itinerary tells us that we will be there in Charcas at 1:00, so we will have to hurry a little bit to arrive on time.
We arrived here earlier than the time we were supposed to arrive; but everything we have done in advance, Miguel, we are going to see if we are not delayed, because in the evening, later on, we will have a radio broadcast, and we can’t be late, because everything that is going to be carried out on the radio has already been scheduled.
Well, may God continue blessing you, may God keep you; and with us Reverend Miguel Bermudez Marin.
God bless you.