Good evening, beloved friends and brethren present. It is a great blessing to be with you here in Campeche, in Mexico. It is truly a privilege to meet with you in this place, to share some moments of fellowship around the Divine Program pertaining to this Last Day.
Therefore, I want to read in Saint John chapter 6, verses 39 to 40, where Christ says:
“And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.
And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.”
To understand this mystery of the resurrection of the saints in Christ, which are the believers in Christ who—from age to age—have believed in Christ as their Savior, and have washed away their sins in the Blood of Jesus Christ, and have received His Holy Spirit, and therefore, they have been born again… as Christ said to Nicodemus, that one must be born again; in order to enter into the Kingdom of God, to see the Kingdom of God, well, one had to be born of Water and of the Spirit, to be able to enter into the Kingdom of God, in other words, to be able to enter into the mystical Body of Jesus Christ.
Because through the new birth, by believing in Christ as our Savior, washing our sins away in the Blood of Christ, and receiving His Holy Spirit, we enter into the mystical Body of Christ; because that is how the new birth of every person is brought forth. And that is where the person receives a theophanic spirit of the sixth dimension, and that is where that Divine Creation begins, that new Creation, which is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, of which Jesus Christ is the Head, He is the first; for Revelation chapter 3, verse 14, tells us that Christ is the beginning of the Creation of God.
And then, the continuation of the Creation of God is all of us. A new race, a Divine Seed that God is creating, and of which Jesus Christ is the first. And that is why the promise is that we will be in the image and likeness of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ.
And that is why just as Jesus had His theophanic body before He appeared on this Earth, and He had seen Abraham… Notice, Abraham had seen Him, Abraham had eaten with Jesus: back when Elohim appeared to him with His Archangels Gabriel and Michael, and He ate with Abraham.
Notice, that Elohim of the Old Testament is Jesus of the New Testament. That is why He could say: “Before Abraham was, I am,” and, “Abraham desired to see My day; he saw it and was glad.”1 He was glad on that occasion when Elohim was eating a calf with Abraham, a calf that Abraham prepared for Him, which Elohim and His Archangels ate with Abraham there.2
Now, notice how before He had His physical body, Christ was there in His theophanic body.
A theophanic body of the sixth dimension is a body similar to our body, but from another dimension.
That is why you find that, in the Old Testament, God appeared in the form of an Angel, of a Man, to the prophets of the Old Testament and to some people like Samson’s parents.
And now, notice, it was a body of the sixth dimension, a Man of the sixth dimension, which in the Scripture is called: Elohim, or Melchizedek, or Jehovah, or the Angel of the Lord.
And now, notice, that is the Word; because it’s the body of the Word, the body of the sixth dimension, in which God dwelt for millions of years. That is the theophanic body that God created for Himself, the Word (called the Word): “And in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the same was in the beginning with God. And all things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made,” says Saint John chapter 1, verse 1 to 18.
Notice, if we read up to verse 18, it tells us that He is the Light that enlightens every man. And it also teaches us that the true Light came into this world. And how did this true Light come into this world? It came in human flesh: “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,” and we knew Him by the Name of Jesus.
He was the Word that was with God and was God; He was the Angel of the Lord, the Angel of the Covenant, who visited the human race in a human body, as the Lamb of God, and that physical body died on Calvary’s Cross for the redemption of each one of you, and also for my redemption, and for the redemption of every son and daughter of God.
And now, animal sacrifices were no longer needed because a perfect Sacrifice: the Sacrifice of Christ, the Lamb of God, was already carried out on Calvary’s Cross. That is why, notice, the temple that the Hebrew people had was already destroyed, and another literal temple where sin offerings are made is no longer needed because Christ already offered His own body for the sin of us all.
And now, He has been building a new temple: a spiritual Temple, which is His Church, which we enter into as part of that mystical Body of believers, upon believing in Christ as our Savior and washing away our sins in the Blood of Jesus Christ, and receiving His Holy Spirit. And upon receiving His Holy Spirit, we have the theophanic body, just as Jesus had His theophanic body before coming to this Earth; and then He had His physical body.
And now, notice, He had a physical body without sin, therefore, a physical body that could continue living for all eternity.
Christ said: “Except a corn of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone;”3 it would abide alone, living for all eternity; but the rest of the human beings had to die the day that Jesus died on Calvary’s Cross, because it was the day of the Divine Judgment that fell upon the human race.
But since no sin was found in the human race, instead, all the sin was found in Christ—because He took our sins and became mortal—well, the Divine Judgment fell upon our beloved Lord Jesus Christ.
He died and had to go down to hell, to the fifth dimension; and there, He preached to the souls in prison who were disobedient in the time of Noah. That is what Saint Peter says in one of his Letters, let’s see in which of Saint Peter’s Letters he tells us this. In First Peter chapter 3, verse 18 and on, he says:
“For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:
By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison.”
“By which,” meaning, by the Spirit, His theophanic Spirit, His theophanic body, He went to hell and preached to the souls in prison, He went to the fifth dimension.
“Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.”
Now notice, few people were saved, and who were those people? The believers in God’s Message for that time, which was Noah and his family.
Now notice, some people think: “But God is Love, and God cannot bring the Divine Judgment, destruction, upon the human race.” He already brought it in Noah’s time; and although there were only eight people, He still brought it upon the human race.
Now, how many people will there be at this end time when He brings the Divine Judgment of fire (not of water anymore, but of fire) upon the human race? We don’t know how many people; but there will be a group of God’s elect who will escape the Divine Judgment, because they will be changed and raptured; and the dead in Christ will be raised, and they will also go with us from here to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
Now, notice how in Noah’s time, those souls that were disobedient to Noah and his Message (and therefore, were disobedient to God), went straight to hell, to the fifth dimension. That is what happens to those who disobey the Word of God for the time in which they are living.
And now, notice how Christ rose after that, for He had a battle there in hell, because afterwards He says that He has the keys of hell and of death.4 Therefore, He took the keys of hell and of death away from the devil, and then He rose; He went to Paradise, and then He rose on the third day, which was also the eight day, and it was also the first day of the week.
Now, why do we call it the third day? Well, on the third day, Christ said that He would rise, He said that He would rise on the third day.5 Resurrection Sunday is also the first day of the week, but if we add Sunday to the seven days of the week, then it’s the eighth day.
Now, notice how on the eight day and also the first day of the week and the third day, from the time Christ died until He rose: He died on Friday, it lasted Friday, Saturday, and on Sunday morning He rose.
Now, notice, it was also in the morning, meaning, in the fourth watch.
Notice how all of this has a meaning; and He is fulfilling all those things there, because that is how it had to happen, because that is how it will also happen for God’s elect of the Last Day.
Now, it will no longer be a literal day; rather, it will be Sunday: a type and figure of the Age of the Cornerstone, which is the eighth age. If we add to the seven ages, if we add one more, notice, if we added a new age to the seven ages, it would be number eight; but since it is also a new age, which doesn’t belong to any of these ages, then it would also be the first age, meaning, a new age.
And then, notice, that was on Sunday morning. On Sunday morning, that refers to the first hours of that day or that age. Since Sunday represents eternity, at the beginning of that Divine Cycle, at the beginning of the Age of the Cornerstone, which is an eternal age, notice, at some point… some years may go by, but since the Age of the Cornerstone is eternal, notice, any number of years can go by, and we are still at the beginning of that age.
And now, notice how Jesus Christ rose from among the dead on Sunday morning; He rose, and thus, He fulfilled His sacrifice on Calvary’s Cross, and His body was glorified, and He ascended to Heaven; notice, and He sat at the right hand of God,6 after appearing to His disciples for forty days.7
Christ, the Firstborn of God, notice, He followed everything, in type and figure, relevant to a firstborn son.
The Scripture, referring to the Hebrew people (which is also fulfilled in Jesus, and which is fulfilled in the Church of Jesus Christ), says:
“[I] called my son out of Egypt.”8
This applied to Christ when He was taken to Egypt, because Herod would be searching for the child Jesus to kill Him, and the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Joseph; and that same night (when He appeared to him in the dream), Joseph then he woke up, took the child and took Mary, and brought them to Egypt, and he was living there with Mary and the child Jesus until King Herod died.
And when King Herod died, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Joseph again, and told him: “Joseph, son of David, those who sought the young child’s life are dead; therefore, return to the land of Israel,” in other words, “return to your land.”9 And he returned to the land of Israel, but he did not go to Bethlehem of Judea, rather, he went to Nazareth, because Nazareth was where Joseph and Mary lived before they went to Bethlehem of Judea,10 although they were descendants of King David (both Joseph and the virgin Mary).
And now, notice, when Jesus was taken from Egypt to the land of Israel, the prophecy that says: “I called My son out of Egypt,” was fulfilled; just as God had called the Hebrew people (out of where?) out of Egypt, through the Prophet Moses, and had led them to the promised land.
And now, notice how Christ went from Egypt to the land of Israel, which is the promised land; because every firstborn goes through that process (every firstborn of God).
And now, when God calls each of His children at the time in which they are given to live, they are called out of the world to come to the mystical Body of Christ; therefore, they are called out of the spiritual Egypt, which is the world; because Egypt represents the world. And they are called out of the world to come into the mystical Body of Christ, so that by believing in Christ and receiving His Holy Spirit, they may be born into the Kingdom of God; and this is how one enters into the promise of the Holy Spirit, which is the Promised Land.
And now, notice how this Firstborn process was fulfilled in the Hebrew people, it was fulfilled in Jesus, and it is fulfilled in God’s elect, in the mystical Body of the Lord Jesus Christ; in each of us as individuals, and in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ as a mystical Body of believers.
And now, for the resurrection of Christ, notice how after He rose on the eighth day or first day of the week (the eighth day or the first day is Sunday), during the morning (meaning, in the fourth watch), we find that Christ rose victorious from among the dead, and then He was appearing to His disciples for forty days.
During those forty days… the Bible mentions eight occasion in which He appeared to them (we don’t know if it was more than eight times, but at least eight times are recorded in the Scripture); and He appeared showing them many signs, and performing many signs too, and speaking to them about the Kingdom of God.
And now, notice how this resurrection of Christ had been reflected in the Hebrew people too. When the Hebrew people came out of Egypt, God was resurrecting Israel there; notice how then they went through the wilderness for forty years, until they entered into the Promised Land.
And now, notice how Christ was appearing to His disciples for forty days, and then He ascended to Heaven, to God’s Temple which is in Heaven, until He reached the Holy of Holies, the Throne of Intercession. And there, as High Priest after the Order of Melchizedek, He entered with His own Sacrifice and His own Blood, to offer that Sacrifice for the sin of all the sons and daughters of God, for our reconciliation with God.
As the high priest did once a year, on the tenth day of the seventh month of every year11 when he brought the blood of the goat of the sin offering before the Presence of God, to the holy of holies, to the place of intercession, to that throne of intercession, which is the mercy seat, where the two cherubims of gold were, and where God’s presence was in that light of the Shekinah.
And now, notice how Christ went up to that place that was represented in the holy of holies of the tabernacle that Moses built and the temple that Solomon built.
And now, He went up to Heaven Itself; He didn’t have to go into the temple of Moses nor the temple of Solomon nor the temple that was there in that day, in that time, but rather, to Heaven Itself, to the Temple which is in Heaven, to carry out this Work of reconciling to God every son and daughter of God.
And He has been making Intercession in that place (as the high priest did) for every son and daughter of God. But just as the high priest then came out of the place of intercession, the holy of holies, at the end time, at the Last Day, Christ will come out of that place and become the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
Now, notice how Christ, by rising on the eighth day or first day of the week (which is Sunday in the fourth watch), is typifying the resurrection of the saints at the Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, and that Age of the Cornerstone is represented in Sunday; because it is the age that the number eight corresponds to, for the number eight represents infinity [∞] and eternity.
And now, for the saints who will rise according to the promise in which Christ said: “And I will raise him up at the last day.”12 The Last Day is the seventh millennium, where the Dispensation of the Kingdom opens up for all of God’s elect.
And now, Saint Paul, speaking to us about the resurrection of the dead in Christ, tells us in First Corinthians chapter 15, verse 49 and on… or, let’s see a bit before that, verse 45 and on says:
“And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.
Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.
The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven.
As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.
And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly,” (that image is the theophany or theophanic body),
“Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.”
In other words, while we are in these mortal bodies, we cannot continue to live eternally in this mortal body, which is [made] of flesh, which is corruptible; as the years go by, it has to grow old; until it reaches the time when it can’t continue living, it dies, and they bury it, and corruption sets into it; because we obtained this body through the union of our father and mother, and therefore, it is a body that is a descendant of the first Adam.
And because of sin, we find that the first Adam lost all the rights contained in the Title Deed, in the Lamb’s Book of Life; therefore, he lost the right to Eternal Life, he lost the right to eternal youth, he lost the right to Eternal Life, to the Eternal Kingdom, to eternal health, to everything eternal; and therefore, his end was death.
And now, Saint Paul goes on to tell us:
“Behold, I shew you a mystery,” (this is a mystery of the Kingdom of God, of the Kingdom of Heaven), “We shall not all sleep,” (meaning, we won’t all die), “but we shall all be changed…”
And when it says “we all,” those are all the members of the mystical Body of Christ, whether their bodies have died or whether they are alive; we will all be changed, we will all have a changed body, an eternal body, a glorious body; and thus, we will be in the image and likeness of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ.
“…We shall all be changed,
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.”
That is where death ends for the children of God. From that point on, we will live for all eternity in that glorified body, that eternal body we will have.
And now, notice how it says that it will be at the Last Trump, at the Last Trumpet. What is a trumpet and what is that Trumpet? In Revelation chapter 10, or rather, chapter 1, verses 10 to 11, let’s see here what the Trumpet of God or that Last Trumpet is. It says:
“I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day,” (says John the Apostle. On which day? On the Lord’s Day, in other words, in the seventh millennium), “and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,” (not a literal trumpet, but a Great Voice, as of a trumpet),
“Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last.”
Who is the Alpha and Omega? Who is the first and the last? Our beloved Lord Jesus Christ, it is the Voice of Jesus Christ, that is also the Last Trumpet, and that is the Great Voice of Trumpet.
That is the Trumpet that Saint Paul speaks to us about here in First Corinthians chapter 15, so that the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the transformation of us who are alive may then come. In other words, we will be hearing the Last Trumpet, meaning, the Voice of Christ giving us His Last Message; and His Last Message is the Gospel of the Kingdom, which is the Message of the Dispensation of the Kingdom, It is the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom for all of God’s sons and daughters who live on this Earth.
And at the time of the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom is when the resurrection of the dead in Christ must take place, and also the transformation of us who are alive; because the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom is for the Last Day, in other words, for the seventh millennium. The seventh millennium pertains to the Dispensation of the Kingdom.
And now, we have seen what the Last Trumpet or Great Voice of Trumpet is; which Christ also spoke to us about, in Saint Matthew chapter 24, verses 30 to 31, when He told us:
“And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect.”
With the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, the Great Voice of Trumpet, all of God’s elect are called and gathered at the Last Day, in the mystical Body of Christ, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, to be prepared to thus receive the transformation of their bodies, and for the dead in Christ to receive the resurrection in eternal bodies.
Now, notice how God’s elect at the Last Day would be called and gathered according to the Divine Program; and it says that He will send His Angels. In other words, it’s under the ministry of His Angels, and His Angels are the ministries of Moses and Elijah.
The ministries of Moses and Elijah will be present here, manifested in human flesh in the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, calling and gathering the elect with the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom.
Now, also in Thessalonians, First Thessalonians, chapter 4, verse 14 and on, Saint Paul tells us:
“For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
Now, notice how here it also tells us about that Trump of God, which is God’s Voice; it also tells us about the Voice of the Archangel, and it tells us about the Shout.
Notice, all of this speaks to us about the Voice of Christ speaking to His Church at the end time, and giving us His Last Message, which is the Voice of Christ speaking to us, revealing to us His Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, through His Angel-Messenger, to call and gather His elect, and prepare us to be changed and raptured.
That is the way that, at the Last Day, we would be hearing the Voice of Christ, that Great Voice of Trumpet, we would be hearing the Voice of Christ on the Lord’s Day, in the seventh millennium, as a Great Voice of Trumpet; in other words, we would be hearing the Voice of Christ in the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom.
The Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom is the Voice of Christ, the Message of Christ for His mystical Body of believers, to call and gather His elect in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom; and to prepare His elect to be changed and raptured.
The Voice of Christ is also represented in the Seven Thunders of Revelation chapter 10, which John heard when he saw a Mighty Angel come down from Heaven, which is Christ in His Coming, clothed with a cloud, with His face as the Sun and with a little Book opened in His hand, setting His right foot upon the sea, and His left on the Earth.
Now, that is in Revelation chapter 10, verse 1 to 11; and notice how, in that passage, John the Apostle hears the Voice of Christ as when a lion roars and Seven Thunders uttered their Voices. It tells us:
“And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.”
It is the Voice of Christ, the same Great Voice of Trumpet, it is the same Voice of Christ as a Lion and Seven Thunders uttering their Voices.
And now, we can see the whole Divine Program pertaining to the Last Day for the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the transformation of us who are alive.
And just as Christ was here on Earth for forty days after He rose, and then He ascended to Heaven… but in those forty days, He was working, He was carrying out a Work in which He showed many signs and performed many signs among His disciples, and He also preached the Gospel to them, He was speaking to them about the Kingdom.
And the Hebrew people also, notice how the Hebrew people were in the wilderness for forty years.
And now, notice how the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ has also gone through seven stages or seven ages during these two thousand years that have passed; that is typified in the Hebrew people’s forty years in the wilderness.
And now, at the Last Day, when the dead in Christ rise and we who are alive are changed, we will be on Earth for thirty to forty days too, and we will be doing a very important work during that period of time; where, notice, just like under the time that Christ was on Earth after He rose, He was preaching, in other words, teaching them, speaking to them about the Kingdom of God, and He was also performing numerous signs. That will be a very important time in the Divine Program, where great things will be happening.
If while the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ are still in their mortal bodies, great things, great miracles, and great signs have taken place during these seven stages, and the Gospel of Grace has been preached, how will it be during those thirty to forty days? There will be no limitations. But since that is still in the future, we will leave it alone as much as possible, so that no one tries to get ahead.
Now, notice that for the first time we will be in our new body, our glorified body, and it will work better than this body that we currently have. We are not going to have limitations, we are not going to have the problems that we have nowadays, rather, it will be without limitations.
Now, notice that in the time that we receive the new body, we will be dressed in the clothing, in the body that we need in order to reign with Christ a thousand years and then for all eternity; we will be well-dressed, with a new body, new clothing, in which we will not have limitations.
So, we can see what a great blessing is appointed, prophesied, for God’s elect who have departed during the past ages, and for us who are alive at this time.
By persevering in Christ in the age in which we have been given to live, we will be waiting for our transformation every day of our lives; and the dead in Christ in Paradise, well, they are waiting for the resurrection in eternal bodies. If one of our own goes, well, there is no problem: he will come back again with an eternal body, and he will be a witness of the resurrection.
Now, notice how also the Old Testament saints who rose with Christ appeared to many people in Jerusalem, it says that they appeared to their family members.13
Now, there will be a visit to the family members of the elect who will rise, and surely that will help those family members to remain loyal to God, to get in order, so that they give their lives for Christ during the Great Tribulation. So, something important is going to happen to the family members of God’s elect who are living at this end time; because all the elect have claimed their families unto Eternal Life.
Well, notice how these things are fulfilled in the Firstborn. In the Hebrew people as the firstborn nation or firstborn people of God, notice everything that was fulfilled; and now, in Jesus as the Firstborn of God, notice how these same things were fulfilled on a higher note or a higher phase.
And now, notice how in the Church of Jesus Christ, these things are also fulfilled on a level, or another level, or a higher level, or in another stage or age and dispensation.
And now, notice that for God’s elect who have departed, there is the promise of the resurrection in eternal bodies, and a temporary stay here on Earth in that eternal body, for thirty to forty days. And for us who are alive, there is the promise, if we remain alive until the dead in Christ rise, well, we have the promise of a transformation, in which we will obtain an eternal body. This body will be transformed, it will be changed in its atoms, it will be swallowed up—in and with the eternal body—of life; and thus, we will be immortal in terms of the physical and eternal body too.
Notice, many people, and scientists, seek eternal youth, they search for the fountain of youth, and look, the Fountain of Youth is in Christ. And at the Last Day, Christ will prove that this is the truth by raising the dead in Christ from past ages and some of our own who have departed, and changing our physical bodies, and giving us a glorified body, an eternal body, to live in for all eternity, and to reign with Christ a thousand years and then for all eternity.
It has been a great privilege to be with you, testifying to you about THE RESURRECTION AND THE FORTY DAYS.
Notice how they are reflected back in the Old Testament in the Hebrew people going through the wilderness for forty years; how they are reflected in Jesus when He rose and He was with His disciples for forty days; and at the Last Day, the dead in Christ will rise, we will be changed, and we will be here for thirty to forty days. And thirty or forty days that are well used produce many benefits. A lot gets done in thirty to forty days when those days are well used.
So, let’s be waiting for our transformation, because we are in the Age of the Cornerstone, the age represented in Sunday, the age represented in resurrection day, resurrection Sunday [Easter].
May the blessings of Jesus Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, our Savior, be upon each one of you and also upon me. And soon, may we all be changed, and be here for thirty to forty days, in that eternal body. And may God use us as He wishes to do so at that time. And then, may we go to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb with Christ, to the House of our Heavenly Father. In the Eternal Name of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Thank you very much for your kind attention, and continue having an evening filled with the blessings of Jesus Christ.
I will leave Rev. Miguel Bermúdez Marín with us to continue and conclude our participation by thanking Jesus Christ for His blessings and for these beautiful promises that He has for those who have departed and for us who are alive at this Last Day.
May God bless you, and have a good evening, everyone.
1 John 8:56-58
2 Genesis 18:1-8
3 John 12:24
4 Revelation 1:18
5 John 2:19
6 Mark 16:19; Romans 8:34; 1 Peter 3:22
7 Acts 1:3
8 Hosea 11:1
9 Matthew 2:13-20
10 Matthew 2:23
11 Leviticus 23:27, 16:29-34
12 John 6:40, 6:44, 6:54
13 Matthew 27:53