The mystery of the signs in heaven

Good afternoon, beloved friends and brethren present. It is a real great blessing for me to be with you on this occasion here in Ciudad Juarez, Mexican Republic.

For this occasion, today and tomorrow’s activity have been announced in the newspaper and in the media; and we have a very important topic here: “THE MYSTERY OF THE SIGN IN THE HEAVENS.”

And let’s see this mystery of the signs in the heavens in order to comprehend these signs that happen in heaven.

For that, let’s read in chapter 16 of Matthew, verse 1 to 4, where it says as follows:

“The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven (they came to Jesus).

He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red.

And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?

A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.”


It is very important to be able to understand the signs, the meaning of the signs in heaven, because our beloved Lord Jesus Christ spoke to us of signs in heaven that would be seen; but it would be of no use for us to see signs in heaven if we don’t understand the meaning of those signs.

See what our beloved Lord Jesus Christ says: in Luke, chapter 21, verse 25 and on, it says:

“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”

And now, see why it is so important to know these signs taking place in heaven. Christ tells us: “When you see these things taking place, lift up your heads to heaven, for your redemption is near (when you see these signs taking place in heaven).”

Now, see how important it is to understand the signs in heaven. And those signs in heaven have a mystery for human beings, but it is important to understand it.

You see, in the First Coming of Christ we find that there was an important sign in heaven; and see, in Matthew, chapter 2, verse 1 and on, it says what was seen in heaven. It says:

“Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,

Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.

When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.

And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born.

And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet (that is, around Micah, chapter 5, verse 2),

And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel.

Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared (that is, since when did they see that star appear in the sky; and according to what Herod then did, the star had been appearing for two years. And then it says).

And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also.

When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was.

When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.

And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh.

And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.”

Now, see how this sign in heaven, this Star —commonly called the Star of Bethlehem—, you see, the wise men saw it, they being there in the East, that is, in the orient, over there around Babylon; and they saw that Star over the land of Israel. And they went out of the land of Babylon into the land of Israel, and came to Jerusalem, and asked there for the child, for the King of Israel; and they said: “Where is the King of Israel, the King of the Jews, who is born? For we have seen His star in the east.” They saw a sign in heaven, and now they are looking for (what?) the meaning of that sign. Where are they looking for it? In heaven. Because God always shows in heaven what He does on Earth.

We find that you will find in heaven the signs of what Christ will be doing on Earth. That is why it also appears in Revelation, chapter 12: There in the book of Revelation speaks of that sign in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun in labor pains.

You see, a great sign was seen in heaven, there, by John the apostle in the book of Revelation; but all that he saw means something that will be fulfilled here on Earth. And, notice the importance of understanding the things, the signs that are seen in heaven, even in the visions or dreams that the prophets of God have had.

See how also the prophet and patriarch Joseph, even as a young boy (say, about 17 years old), also saw a great sign in heaven in his dreams – in a dream, and he saw the sun and the moon and eleven stars bowing down before him.

Now, that sign that he saw in a dream in heaven meant that his father Jacob and all his family (his brothers, his whole family) would bow down before Joseph1; and this was fulfilled when Joseph was in Egypt as a prince there, being second in Pharaoh’s empire.

And we find that when Joseph’s brothers, and Jacob, needed food, they went to Egypt and found food; but they didn’t know that this prince who was there, the administrator of Pharaoh’s business, they didn’t realize that he was their brother.2 He spoke… he was speaking gentile language, he was dressed like a gentile, and his clothes and his hair and his whole appearance was gentile, and even his language he spoke; and even his wife also, a gentile; and his children, well they appeared there as gentiles. But you see, his children were… on Joseph’s side they were Hebrews, and on Joseph’s wife’s side they were gentiles.

And now see, when they went they didn’t know that that prince there was their brother Joseph. But later they went back to fetch food, and there they left one of them in that they brought the younger, that is, Benjamin, because Joseph, the second on the throne, demanded it; that is, Zaphnathpaaneah, which was the name that Pharaoh had placed on Joseph.3

And then, when they return, we find that when Joseph sees his brother from father and mother, his heart was moved, his soul was filled with emotion, and he couldn’t hold in his emotion; he went out of the place where they were assembled, and went away to weep; then he washed his face, returned, but couldn’t endure emotion; and at the last moment he already commanded all the gentiles who were there to go out from his presence; and even Joseph’s wife with her children, were in the palace.4

And now, Joseph reveals himself to his brothers; and when Joseph reveals himself to his brothers (and they become very nervous, thinking that now Joseph was going to kill them for what they had done: for having sold him), Joseph tells them: “Don’t be sorry for what you did, because God was in the matter. It was all for the best, God directed it for the best, for the preservation of life.”5

And now, see how the death of Christ… because Joseph represents Jesus Christ in His First Coming and in His Second Coming. Now see what they did with Joseph: That they placed him in an empty cistern, and then they took him out of there and sold him for a certain amount of pieces of silver,6 and then that caused him to go to the gentiles; for preservation of life.

So it was in the case of Joseph, type and figure of Christ being rejected by the Hebrew people, being sold for a certain amount of pieces of silver by Judas Iscariot,7 and then being crucified, dying, being buried, and then being resurrected and ascending to Heaven, and sitting at the right hand of God in the Throne of God, where He received a new name.

And now, see how Jesus Christ has been carrying out a Work for the preservation of life: He has been interceding there at the Throne of the Father, in the Place of Intercession, with His precious Blood offered, placed, in the Mercy Seat of the Temple which is in Heaven; and Jesus Christ also, as High Priest, offering His own Blood, has been making intercession in Heaven in order to preserve the life of those who have their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

And now see how all that has been happening, which was typified in Joseph and what Joseph was doing there in Egypt.

And now, you see, when his brothers recognize him, because he reveals himself to them and says: “I am Joseph, your brother,” but they were seeing him there as Zaphnathpaaneah, the second in Pharaoh’s empire, the manager of Pharaoh’s business.

And now, Christ reveals Himself to His brothers among the gentiles. And see how the empire of Pharaoh, which is type and figure of the kingdom of the gentiles, of the gentiles…; see how Christ would be in the midst of the gentiles carrying out His Work relevant to the different stages of His gentile Church.

He began in Asia Minor with the first age, then He passed to the second age; and see how through each angel messenger He has been revealing Himself.

First through Saint Paul, then through Irenaeus, then, in the third age through Martin, in the fourth age through Columba, in the fifth age through Luther, in the sixth age through Wesley, and in the seventh age through the Reverend William Marrion Branham; during the seven stages or ages of the gentile Church.

And then, for the Age of the Cornerstone, Christ reveals Himself through His Angel Messenger and makes known to us all these things that must happen soon, in the Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom; and there Christ reveals Himself as King of kings and Lord of lords in His Reclaiming Work, in the Age of the Cornerstone and in the Dispensation of the Kingdom. And it is there in that age that Christ will make Himself known to the Hebrew people.

And now, everything that happened back then, when Christ made Himself known in type and figure in the case of Joseph; when Joseph made Himself known to his brothers, being type and figure of what will happen in this Last Day, where Christ will reveal Himself to the Hebrew people, will make Himself known; you will see, all this —being type and figure— shows us in the case of Joseph, in the life of Joseph, how his brothers (after Christ revealed Himself to them) bowed before him; thus fulfilling the prophetic dream that Joseph interpreted.

Because he knew what that meant; and his brothers also knew what that meant, and his father, too. His father Jacob or Israel knew what it meant. He says to Joseph: “Shall we bow down before you, your mother and I and your brothers?”8; but notice, thus it would happen in the Divine Program.

And now, we find that there in Egypt, among the gentiles, this dream of Joseph is fulfilled. Joseph believed it with all his soul; he knew that this was a prophecy to be fulfilled in him.

And now, notice how his brothers bowed down before Joseph9; and then, when Jacob came to Egypt, to stay in Egypt, to live in Egypt, we find that he also came before Joseph, he bowed down before Joseph; and thus was fulfilled the prophecy that Joseph had spoken of this dream that God had given him.

And now, the Scripture for the Last Day says that every knee shall bow; this is for the Second Coming of Christ: every knee shall bow down before Christ.10

And now, notice that when Joseph went out, a trumpet sounded. And for the Last Day, for the Second Coming of Christ, we find that we have the promise of the Last Trumpet or Great Voice of Trumpet, represented in that trumpet that sounded when Joseph went out, and every knee was to bow down before him; every person was to bow down before him and bend the knee.11

And now notice how for the Last Day, when Christ reveals Himself to the Hebrew people, we find that the Hebrew people will bow the knee before our Joseph, before Jesus Christ in His Second Coming; and what was a type and figure back then, of the Second Coming of Christ as King of kings and Lord of Lords, as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, will be fulfilled. But see that this was shown to Joseph in a dream, and he saw all this with these symbols of heaven: with the moon, the sun and eleven stars that bowed down before him.

And now notice the meaning of that being fulfilled in the life of Joseph when his brothers and his father bowed down before him; and that is type and figure, you see, of the Second Coming of Christ, where the Last Trumpet or Great Voice of Trumpet is sounded or blown, and the Hebrew people (144,000 Hebrews) will bow the knee before Jesus Christ our Joseph, in the Second Coming of Christ, when He reveals Himself, makes Himself known to the Hebrew people; which is very close.

Now, notice how important it is to know the meaning of THE SIGNS IN HEAVEN.

And now, notice how Christ said that there will be signs in heaven. In Matthew, chapter 24, it says so; and let’s start in verse 1, where it says:

“And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.

And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.”

He is prophesying of the destruction of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple, which was fulfilled in the year 70, when the Roman general Titus destroyed the temple and destroyed Jerusalem. The Scripture continues to say here:

“And as he sat upon the mount of Olives (that is, Jesus; Jesus sitting down), the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? (What things? These things He had told them of the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem) and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?”

Now, they want to know what will be the sign of the Coming of Christ for the Last Day and the sign of the end of the world.

“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.”

We have already seen two world wars, and we have been seeing rumors of a Third World War as well. And we have been seeing also, nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom, fighting wars on different continents. But we have had two world wars already.

And mankind is approaching a Third World War, which will be an atomic war, to fulfill “the great and terrible day of the Lord,”12 “the day that burns like an oven,” which “shall leave neither root nor branch to the wicked,” and “that day that cometh shall burn them up (burn them up), saith the Lord of hosts, and shall leave them (what?) neither root nor branch.”13

What is root? This tells us about the parents or the grandparents. And the stem, or the trunk and the stem, that tells us about the parents; and the branches: that tells us about the children.

We find that when John the Baptist and Jesus were speaking: “The axe is laid to the root of every tree, and the tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire,”14 what was he talking about? Of human beings.

Now notice how human beings are represented in trees; they are also represented in fish; they are also represented in stars; for God said to Abraham: “Look up to heaven (so it was a starry night) and see the stars, and count them if you can count them; so shall your seed be: as the stars of heaven.”15

Now notice how, when Abraham looked at those stars in the sky, they were a sign of Abraham’s offspring, who would be like the stars in the sky. He was showing him there, on that starry night, all those stars as a sign representing Abraham’s seed.

And now let’s continue seeing here all these things that would be happening [Matthew 24:7]:

“For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences (that is, illnesses), and earthquakes, in divers places.

All these are the beginning of sorrows.”

In other words, this happens before the glorious Millennial Kingdom of Christ; and even before the Coming of the Son of Man, these earthquakes and wars and all these things would be taking place; and pestilences, that is, diseases.

Notice, these terrible diseases that have struck the human race (which are quite a few), which have been appearing for centuries already; but in the twentieth century many new diseases also appeared.

And now, all of that, Christ says, is the beginning of sorrows. And if the beginnings of sorrows are like that, how will the strong sorrows during the great tribulation be, where an Earth prepared for the glorious Millennial Kingdom will be given birth? In other words, many things will happen during the great tribulation, which in the long run will prepare the planet Earth for the glorious Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

As it happens when a woman is going to give birth: pains begin , soft pains, the beginning of pains; then those pains increase. But when the pains are already strong and they are very close together, one after the other…, that is, they (the doctors) count: when the pains are or come every so many minutes, and they leave and then come back, the woman still has so many hours left to give birth; and when the pains are every so many minutes, she is already missing a certain amount; but when the pains are continuous and stronger, and they are every so many seconds, it is already time to give birth.

Now, we continue reading here; it says [Matthew 24:9]:

“Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.”

Now notice, this was fulfilled for the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ during the persecutions through which she has passed in past times. And also for the Hebrew people, notice how the Hebrew people have been abhorred by countless gentile nations. And Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and other dictators almost exterminated the Hebrew people as a nation.

But notice how —for Christ’s sake, for having rejected Christ and asked for His death, and fulfilling their desire— the Blood of Christ has been demanded from the Hebrew people for two thousand years; and it is still being demanded from the Hebrew people. But the Hebrew people is at a stage to be restored, and the Kingdom of God to be restored in the midst of the Hebrew people. And that is why it says: “But except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”16

And those days of tribulation for the Hebrew people, under Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and other dictators, were shortened because of 144,000 chosen ones who have to be in the midst of the Hebrew nation, because they are Hebrews. And for that the Hebrews had to come from the nations where they were enslaved, and where they were being persecuted and where they were oppressed; they have to come to their land —the land of Israel.

And that is what has been happening during the 20th century: The Hebrew people returning to their land. Because with their return the group of the elect, which is 144,000 Hebrews, 12,000 from each tribe comes to the land of Israel. And if the person returning is not one of those 144,000, it may be their son or grandson, and he will be born in the land of Israel.

Now notice why they have been coming to the land of Israel and are already there as a free and sovereign nation; and God shortened those days of tribulation that came upon the Hebrew people.

And notice, also for the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, the tribulations through which the Church has gone during past ages were also shortened, so that in the Last Day all the elect of God will be present to hear the Great Voice of Trumpet or Last Trumpet, the Trumpet of the Gospel of the Kingdom revealing the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, in His Reclaiming Work.

Now, notice how the Last Trumpet or Great Voice of Trumpet, in the Last Day being the Voice of Christ, as it appears in Revelation, chapter 1 and verses 1 to 11, would be speaking to His Church in the Last Day, in the Day of the Lord. It says Revelation, chapter 1, verse 10 to 11, thus says John:

“I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day (In what day was he? In the Lord’s Day, which is the seventh millennium; because one day before the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day), and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,

Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last:…”

Now, notice that John heard a great voice as of a trumpet, in other words, the voice of a person speaking in the Lord’s Day, speaking to His Church; because the apostle Saint John, in the apocalyptic revelation, represents the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ with the angel messengers of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And now, for the Last Day is that the Great Voice of Trumpet would be heard.

And who is the one speaking with that Great Voice of Trumpet? It said: “I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last.” And who is the Alpha and Omega? Who is the first and the last? Our beloved Lord Jesus Christ. It is our beloved Lord Jesus Christ speaking to His Church in the Last Day with the Message of the Great Voice of Trumpet of the Gospel of the Kingdom.

And that is how the Lord, in this Last Day in which we are living, would be speaking to us; and let’s see what things He will be speaking to us in the Lord’s Day, in the Last Day. Revelation, chapter 4, verse 1, it says:

“After this I looked (in other words, after the seven gentile Church ages) and, behold, a door was opened in heaven…”

Christ said: “I am the Door; he who enters through me will be saved and will find pasture.”17

And now, this Door is opened in Heaven. It is the Seventh Seal opened in Heaven, in Revelation, chapter 8 and verse 1. And it is Christ the Door opened in the heavenly age of the Age of the Cornerstone. It is the Second Coming of Christ opened in the Age of the Cornerstone, as the Seventh Seal was opened in Heaven.

When the Seventh Seal was opened in Heaven it caused silence for about half an hour, because no one in Heaven knew the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ. But that mystery was opened in Heaven, and all the heavenly hosts knew that mystery when it was opened in Revelation, chapter 8 and verse 1.

And now, notice that this is the mystery that here on Earth is then opened in a heavenly age: The Age of the Cornerstone. And that is how the elect in the Last Day will be able to see in the Age of the Cornerstone, that heavenly age, that open Door: The Second Coming of Christ open to all the elect of God: The Seventh Seal open to all the sons and daughters of God.

And now, notice what it says here:

“…and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.”

Now, Christ here promises to show His Church, represented in John the apostle, He promises to show all things that are to happen after the seven gentile Church ages. “Come up hither.” Where are we going up to? To the Age of the Cornerstone.

Just as the elect group of each age went up to the age in which they lived by hearing the Voice of Christ, the Trumpet of Christ, for the age in which each one lived. And the Voice of Christ was heard through the angel messenger of each age; and the elect of each age ascended to the age in which they lived, hearing the Voice of Christ through the angel messenger of each age.

And now, in order to ascend to the Age of the Cornerstone, one must listen to the Voice of Christ through the instrument that He has in the Age of the Cornerstone. Because just as for each age of the seven ages of the gentile Church He had a messenger, and there was a territory where He sent that messenger, and there was a people that received Him; for the Age of the Cornerstone there will be a territory where that age will be fulfilled, and there will be a messenger in which Jesus Christ will be manifested in Holy Spirit speaking to His Church with that Great Voice of Trumpet.

And the sheep of Christ will hear His Voice; they will be hearing the Voice of the Good Shepherd, as the elect of the seven ages of the gentile Church heard it. Christ said in John, chapter 10 and verses 14 to 16:

“I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.

As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep (‘And I lay down My life’ for whom? For the sheep).

And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: (that is, they are not of the Hebrew people, of the Hebrew fold) them also I must bring…”

And then, of what fold are these other sheep? They are of the gentiles, they are gentiles. But Christ says: “Those also I must bring.” He says He will bring them: The Good Shepherd will be calling them. He says:

“…and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.”

Now, through each angel messenger, Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit has been manifested, veiled and revealed, and has been speaking through each of those seven angel messengers in the seven ages of the gentile Church. And it is through those messengers that the sheep of Jesus Christ have heard the Voice of Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd. And He has called them and gathered them into His Fold, which is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is represented in this diagram, which was made and used by the Reverend William Marrion Branham in the messages: “The Stature of a Perfect Man” and “The Seven Gentile Church Ages”; and surely he used it in some other messages or made reference to this diagram.

And now, notice how from age to age the Voice of the Good Shepherd has been heard by the sheep of the Lord, and they have been placed in the age they have been allotted to live in the Mystical Body of the Lord Jesus Christ; that is, in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And now, after the manifestation of Christ in Holy Spirit through these seven angel messengers, what else does Christ have to carry out in His Church? Well, He has the Age of the Cornerstone, where He will be carrying out all His Program for the Last Day, and He will be speaking to His Church in the Age of the Cornerstone through the messenger that He has here in the Age of the Cornerstone.

And thus He will be calling and gathering His sheep, His elect, in the Last Day, and thus fulfilling the promise of Matthew, chapter 24, verse 31, where it says: “And He will send His Angels with a Great Voice of Trumpet and they will gather His elect.” His elect are His sheep.

And where are they going to be gathered?

Just as they have been gathered in past ages in the Mystical Body of Christ in every age of the gentile Church, in the Last Day God’s elect from among the gentiles will be gathered in the Mystical Body of Christ, in the age corresponding to the Last Day, which is the Age of the Cornerstone, where Christ will be manifested in the messenger of that age.

And now, notice in Revelation, chapter 22 and verse 6, the Voice of Christ there making known to us all these things that must happen soon, which He promised with that Voice of Trumpet in Revelation, chapter 4, when He said: “Come up hither.”

Where do we go up or are we going to go up? To the Age of the Cornerstone; where He in the Last Day will be manifested in the messenger of that age, and speaking through that messenger. Speaking of what things? The things that must shortly be done.

And now let’s see who is that instrument of Christ for the Last Day, through whom Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, will be calling and gathering His sheep at the Last Day. Revelation 22, verse 6, says:

“And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.”

Whom has He sent? His Angel Messenger. What for? To show His servants the things that must happen soon.

Who is the instrument of Jesus Christ, of the Good Shepherd, for the Good Shepherd to be speaking to His sheep in the Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone, and to be making known to them all these things that must shortly be done? The instrument of Christ is His Angel Messenger, the Angel Messenger of the Age of the Cornerstone; which John wanted to worship on two occasions, but that worship to the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ was forbidden18; because the Angel of Jesus Christ is not the Lord Jesus Christ; that Angel is the prophet messenger of Jesus Christ for the Age of the Cornerstone and for the Dispensation of the Kingdom in the Last Day; that is, in the Lord’s Day or seventh millennium.

For “one day before the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day,” says Second Peter, chapter 3 and verse 8; and Psalm 90, verse 4 (there the prophet Moses speaks to us).

Now, we have seen who is the instrument of Jesus Christ, to make known through him all these things that must happen soon, in the Lord’s Day, that is, in the seventh millennium, and in the Age of the Cornerstone, the age of the end time, where He calls and gathers His elect through His Angel Messenger. And through His Angel Messenger, making known to us all these things that must happen soon, revealing to us all these things, is that the call of the Great Voice of Trumpet comes for the elect of God.

The Great Voice of Trumpet is the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, with which are made known all these things that must shortly be done, in the Last Day; that is, in the seventh millennium and in the Age of the Cornerstone.

Now, we have seen who is the messenger —for the Age of the Cornerstone— of the Lord Jesus Christ. And Christ also testified in Revelation, chapter 22, verse 16, saying:

“I Jesus have sent mine angel (Whom does He say He has sent? His Angel Messenger) to testify unto you these things in the churches (Of what things? Of these things that must happen soon).”

And that is how Christ would be speaking to His Church, to all His elect, in this Last Day; and He would be gathering His elect according to His promise. Where would He be gathering them? Well, His elect are represented in the Lord’s sheep; in other words, they are represented in sheep. And He said that the sheep would be… they would hear the Voice of the Good Shepherd, and there would be one Flock and one Shepherd. He said: “Those also I must bring.”19 The sheep from among the gentiles must be called and gathered, each one in the age in which he is living.

And for this time in which we are living, the sheep will be called and gathered in the Age of the Cornerstone; and Christ will be making known to them, through His Angel Messenger, all these things that must come to pass in this end time.

Now, let’s see what Christ says in Matthew, chapter 16 and verse 27 to 28:

“For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.

Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.”

And then, six days later: “He took Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up a high mountain apart, and was transfigured before them (in Matthew, chapter 17), and His face shone like the sun, His garments became resplendent – His garments became resplendent.” He tells us: “…and his raiment was white as the light”; and Moses and Elijah appeared, one on each side.

There Christ is showing them the Coming of the Son of Man in His Kingdom, in this vision.

It is a prophetic vision of the Coming of the Son of Man, to be fulfilled in the Last Day; where the ministries of Moses and Elijah will be present, which are the ministries of the Two Olive Trees of Revelation, chapter 11 and verse 3 onwards, and Zechariah, chapter 4. Those ministries will be manifested on Earth in the end time, at the time of the Coming of the Son of Man with His Angels; because His Angels here are the Two Olive Trees, they are Moses and Elijah.

And now, in Matthew, chapter 24, verses 29 and on, it says:

“Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven (here He speaks of a sign that will be seen in heaven; the sign of the Son of Man is said to be seen in heaven): and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.”

The elect from among the gentiles shall be called and gathered, and then the elect of the Hebrew people, which are 144,000; but of the gentiles it doesn’t say the number. So when we are transformed, we will know the number.

Now, see how it tells us that the sign of the Son of Man will be seen in heaven, and see how it says that they will see the Son of Man coming where? In a cloud, or in the clouds, with power and great glory.

Mark also tells us that He will come “in the clouds” (that is in Mark, chapter 13); and in Luke, chapter 21, it tells us that He will come “in a cloud.” But is there any contradiction when it says “in the clouds” in Matthew and Mark, and in Luke it says “in a cloud”? There is no contradiction.

Also in the book of Acts, chapter 1 and verses 6 to 11, when Jesus Christ said goodbye His disciples and ascended or went up to Heaven, it says thus:

“When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? (That is, the Kingdom of David, in order for Christ to sit on the Throne of David as King of Israel. Christ says):

And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.”

It wasn’t for them to know that mystery, because that mystery was to be revealed in the Last Day, at the time when Christ comes as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, and as Son of Man and Son of David, to carry out His Reclaiming Work, and to claim the Throne of David (where He will sit), and to reclaim all that He has redeemed with His precious Blood.

“…But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.

And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel;

Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven?”

Let’s see what they were told:

“Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven…” What did he go in? In a cloud. And Jesus Himself says that the sign of the Son of Man will be seen in heaven, and then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven. Luke says: “Coming in a cloud.”

Now, notice that we have the promise of a sign in heaven. And it is very important to discern these signs corresponding to this time in which we live. The signs of the times, the signs of the end time, of the Last Day, it is very important to understand them.

And now, we have the promise that a cloud will appear, and there will be the Son of Man coming clothed in that cloud. Revelation, chapter 10, also tells us the same thing. And I want to read that passage to you, so that you have a clear picture of this mystery contained in these signs in the heavens, and so we can see THE MYSTERY OF THE SIGNS IN HEAVEN.

Revelation, chapter 10, verse 1 onwards, says:

“And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:”

How does this Mighty Angel from Heaven come? Clothed (in what?) in a cloud. It is the Coming of Christ, the Coming of the Son of Man, as Christ said in Matthew, chapter 24 and verse 30: The Son of Man coming in a cloud.

“…and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun…”

Why His face like the sun? Because the sun is the king star, and Christ comes here as King of kings and Lord of lords. In other words, the sun represents Christ as king.

“…and his face was as it were the sun and his feet as pillars of fire:

And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth,

And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.”

Now, notice how here He shows us the Coming of Christ, the Coming of the Mighty Angel, coming in the clouds or wrapped in a cloud, as our beloved Lord Jesus Christ had prophesied; but here He gives us more details of His Coming.

And now, He comes with a little Book open in His hand, He comes with the rainbow around His head, He comes with His eyes like a flame of fire and with His feet like pillars of fire, that is, like burnished bronze.

All these symbols must be understood by the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Last Day, must be understood by all the elect of God in this Last Day.

Now, notice the Coming of Christ here, coming clothed (in what?) in a cloud. And now, we have the promise that a cloud will appear in heaven, just as for the First Coming of Christ there was a sign in the sky, called today, or two thousand years ago, called the Star of Bethlehem; that was the sign in heaven that the Messiah was already on Earth, that the Messiah was born, and that they had to be looking for the First Coming of the Messiah already fulfilled on Earth.

But notice, the Messiah’s ministry wouldn’t begin yet; 29 and a half years would pass before the Messiah’s ministry as the Lamb of God would begin, to take away the sin of the world at the end of those three and a half years of ministry. But notice, 29 and a half years before the beginning of Christ’s ministry, we find the sign in heaven of the First Coming of Christ.

In the book of Numbers, chapter…, let’s see which chapter is where it tells us about a Star in the sky. It tells us that “a Star shall come out of Jacob,” it says in Numbers, chapter 24 and verse 17. It was a prophecy that had to be fulfilled, and a Star appeared in the sky; that was the sign of the Coming of the Messiah to the Earth. Therefore, the Hebrew people had to be looking for —upon noticing that sign in heaven— they had to be looking for what that sign represented. That sign represented the Messiah, because He is the bright and Morning Star.

And now, notice how the things that God will do here on Earth are represented in the things that are in the sky: in the sun, in the moon, in the stars, and so on.

And here we also have that the seven angel messengers in Revelation, chapter 1, chapter 2 and chapter 3, are also represented in stars; seven stars represent the seven angels of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And now notice how the things of heaven represent the things that God will be doing here on Earth. So you have to look for the equivalent of what you see in heaven, look for it here on Earth.

The Hebrew people had to be looking for that Star —after seeing it in heaven—, to be looking for it on Earth; not in the form of a literal star, but in the form of a little child being born in Bethlehem of Judea. But only a few people looked for that Star materialized in a little child born in Bethlehem of Judea.

And now, we have the promise that there will be a cloud in heaven: The sign of the Son of Man in heaven; and that will be giving testimony of the Coming of the Son of Man wrapped in a cloud in heaven, and then to be manifested on Earth in the fulfillment of the Second Coming of Christ, the Coming of the Son of Man with His Angels, calling and gathering His elect in this Last Day. With what? With the Great Voice of Trumpet, with that Last Trumpet, which is the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, with which Christ gives us —through His Angel Messenger— to know all these things that must come to pass soon, in the Last Day.

And now, we have seen that Christ will be manifested in His Angel Messenger in the Last Day, just as He was manifested in every angel messenger of every age of the gentile Church.

And now, seeing that in heaven a sign will appear, a cloud: the sign of the Son of Man in heaven, and in that cloud —clothed there in that cloud, placed there in that cloud— the Son of Man will be coming with power and great glory, to be manifested on Earth at the Last Day in human flesh.

And now notice, this mysterious cloud, which appeared on February 28, 1963 over the skies of Arizona,20 it appeared 26 miles high, where airplanes can’t fly. And at that time, airplanes couldn’t fly at that altitude, and there was no humidity, nor is there humidity, at that altitude; and there were no rockets sent at that time, on that day, that passed over that place; and science couldn’t discover the mystery of that cloud, which measured 30 miles wide by 50 miles long, approximately.

Now, what is the mystery of that cloud? Reverend William Marrion Branham, forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ, with the spirit and power of Elijah, coming in the 20th century, was hunting, hunting animals over the mountains of Tucson, Arizona, when seven angels appeared to him from Heaven, and took him to where that cloud was; in other words, he was caught up and was placed with those angels in that cloud formed by those angels.

This cloud is a mysterious cloud because it was formed by angels of God sent at that time. And the Reverend William Marrion Branham says that in that cloud are the seven angel messengers of the seven ages of the gentile Church (including Reverend William Marrion Branham, who was the messenger of the seventh age or stage of the gentile Church).

And then he says that there was another Angel there, different from the seven angel messengers of the seven ages, which was very different from the seven angel messengers of the seven ages; he was very different from those angels that were there, one of them was different. He says that he was more resplendent, and that he was flying from the West to the East, and that he had pointed wings. And here he is: it is this angel that appears here. Look here at his pointed wings; he is flying here. And here are the seven angel messenger of the seven ages of the gentile Church.

Now, the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ says that the mystery of this Angel is the mystery of the Seventh Seal. He says on page 469 of the book of The Seals in Spanish,21 preached by the Reverend William Marrion Branham, says: “This was the one that had the Seventh Seal”; and the Seventh Seal is the Second Coming of Christ.

And now, notice there the Coming of the Son of Man in Heaven, the Second Coming of Christ shown where? In Heaven. As it appears in Revelation, chapter 10; and as it appears in Matthew, chapter 24 and verse 30; and Luke, chapter 21; and Mark, chapter 13.

And notice: If we turn this picture to the right, you will see, formed by that cloud of angels, you will see the face of the Lord Jesus Christ; and you will see a brightness towards here, for there, notice, it is with that brightness as the sun; the face of the Lord is there shining.

And now, the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ says, the Reverend William Marrion Branham of America; he says: “The seven angels form the beard of the Lord Jesus Christ”; and he says that the Angel that was different from the others, forms the white hair of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And now, these are the symbols of Revelation, chapter 1: of the Son of Man, who appears there with His face like the sun, with His hair white as white wool, with His eyes like a flame of fire, with His feet like pillars of fire, in other words, like burnished bronze; and so on, He begins to narrate all these symbols of the Son of Man.

It says: “Out of His mouth went forth a sharp two-edged sword, that with it He might smite the nations.” In other words, this Sword that appears here in the mouth of the Son of Man in Revelation, chapter 1, appears later in Revelation, chapter 19, where He gives more details, gives more light, about that Sword and what He will do.

And now, all these are the symbols that Jesus Christ will be fulfilling in His Coming in the Last Day.

In other words, people will not notice the fulfillment of the Second Coming of Christ with a literal sword coming out of His mouth, because that would be what? It would be then Christ coming, no longer with a tongue, but… not with a tongue as He had, but with a tongue of metal, a sword.

But what is the two-edged Sword, what is the Sword of God? Saint Paul says, in the book of Hebrews, that the Word of God is like a two-edged sword, and sharper than any two-edged sword.22

And what comes out of the mouth of the Son of Man at His Coming? The two-edged Sword, the Word of God.

And the mouth of God has always been the prophets of God, because God places in the mouth of His prophets (what?) His Word. Deuteronomy, chapter 18, verses 15 to 19: “The Lord your God will raise you up a prophet from among you, like me; him shall you hear,” says the prophet Moses.

And why does He say that they should hear him? The Lord says: “A prophet from among your brethren, like you, I will raise them up from the midst of the people; and I will put my words in their mouth (Where does God put His words? In the mouth of the prophet whom He raises up from among the people of God), and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.”23

When people are seeing that two-edged Sword coming out of the mouth of the Son of Man at His Coming, what will they be seeing? They will be seeing the Word of God, the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, coming out of the mouth of the messenger of Jesus Christ, coming out of the mouth of the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and making known all these things that must happen soon.

“And He cometh with His eyes as a flame of fire.” It is not that He is coming with two balls of fire, but He is coming with the ministries of the Two Olive Trees, which are the ministries of Moses and Elijah, the ministries of His Angels. Because always ‘eyes’ in the Bible represent prophets.

And that is why the seven eyes of the Lord that run through the whole Earth were the seven angel messengers, where the Spirit of Christ was manifested during the seven stages of the gentile Church.24

And that is why the Lamb in Revelation, chapter 5, appears with seven horns, and seven eyes in the seven horns. The seven horns are the seven stages or ages of the gentile Church, and the seven eyes are the seven spirits of God manifested in each age. It was the Spirit of Christ in each angel messenger manifested, they were the seven seers or prophets of the seven ages of the gentile Church. That was the seven eyes of the Lord going through the whole earth: The Spirit of Christ in those seven messengers.

But now He comes with His two eyes, which are the ministries of Moses and Elijah.

And now, we have seen some of these symbols so that you can understand how in the Last Day the Coming of the Son of Man will be being fulfilled; and we will be seeing His Eyes as a flame of fire when we are seeing the ministries of Moses and Elijah manifested on Earth at the Coming of the Son of Man; and we will be seeing the Sword coming out of His mouth when we are seeing and hearing the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom being preached by Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit through His Angel Messenger.

Because it will be Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, who will be coming in human flesh through His Angel Messenger in the Last Day to His Church, and will be manifesting the ministries of Moses for the second time, of Elijah for the fifth time and of Jesus for the second time.

And so will Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit be visiting His Church in the Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, where the white hair of the Lord Jesus Christ is formed by the ministry of the Angel who was very different from the others, coming in human flesh in the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

That is the mystery of the Coming of the Son of Man for the Last Day, being revealed the Coming of the Son of Man to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; and thus the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ obtaining the knowledge of the mystery of the signs in the heavens, which will be giving testimony of the great prophecies pertaining to the Last Day, as the Coming of the Son of Man in a cloud.

Now, we have seen how that Angel has been manifested there in that cloud, that Angel that was very different from the others, that Angel that has the Seventh Seal, in other words, that has the Second Coming of Christ; to be manifested in human flesh in the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Angel Messenger of the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom.

The one that comes manifested in the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Age of the Cornerstone is this Angel Messenger, it is this Angel that was different from the others, which has the Seventh Seal.

And with His Coming the Seventh Seal will be opened to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Second Coming of Christ will be opened; and that mystery will be known by the elect of God in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom. And that is why He calls us to go up to the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom.

And just as there was a territory where each age of the gentile Church was fulfilled, there is a territory ordained, destined by God, to fulfill the Age of the Cornerstone, and to come the Son of Man manifested in human flesh, to come the Angel who was very different from the others, which has the Seventh Seal: to come in human flesh in the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, fulfilling His promises for the Last Day, and making known to us all these things that must shortly be done on Earth, in the Last Day.

Therefore, just as the ministry of each angel messenger of each age of the gentile Church, which appears here, was seen; that ministry was seen where? Here, from age to age, manifesting the ministry of Christ in each age through the messenger of each age.

And now, the ministry of this Angel that was different from the others has to be manifested on Earth in the midst of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, where? Up here, in the Age of the Cornerstone. And that is what we have to look for on Earth being materialized, after the sign of the Son of Man was seen in heaven, on February 28, 1963.

That prophecy is already history: It was already fulfilled in 1963, February 28, where the Son of Man was seen, this Angel who was different from the others, who had the Seventh Seal, to then be manifested on Earth in the Last Day, in the seventh millennium, and have His ministry corresponding to the Last Day, and make known to us through His Angel Messenger all these things that must happen soon, in this end time.

Notice, “THE MYSTERY OF THE SIGNS IN HEAVEN,” and above all, notice the mystery of this sign in heaven; and notice that this sign in heaven would have a fulfillment on Earth.

The ministry of these seven angels was already fulfilled in each age, and only the ministry of the Angel who was very different from the others was missing, to call and gather the elect of God in this Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone.

The white hair of the Lord Jesus Christ, formed by that Angel, is what will be materializing here on Earth in this Last Day. But it doesn’t mean that because two thousand years have passed from Christ until now He has white hair; rather that is the symbolism of experience, maturity and capacity to —as Judge of all the Earth— judge all human beings and also all nations. “For the Son of Man will come with His Angels, and then He will pay each one according to his works.”25 He is coming as Judge of all the Earth to judge and repay each one according to his works.

Now, we have seen: “THE MYSTERY OF THE SIGNS IN HEAVEN,” and especially the mystery of this sign in the sky, of this cloud, formed by eight angels on February 28, 1963.

We have seen that this that is here in heaven would be materialized on Earth on the Last Day, where the elect of God will be called and gathered by this Angel who is different from the others. For he is not an angel messenger of any of the seven ages of the gentile Church, but of the Age of the Cornerstone and of the Dispensation of the Kingdom; therefore, he comes with the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom. And Christ in Holy Spirit comes in him veiled and revealed, manifesting Himself, and speaking to His children, and calling them and gathering them into the Mystical Body of Christ, in the Age of the Cornerstone.

And the territory is Latin America and the Caribbean; as there was a territory during the seven ages for the fulfillment of those ages and manifestations of Christ through those seven angel messengers.

The seventh manifestation was in North America through the Reverend William Marrion Branham. And the manifestation of the Age of the Cornerstone is in Latin America and the Caribbean, among the Latin American and Caribbean people; therefore, Christ manifested through His Angel Messenger comes speaking to us in the main language of the Latin American and Caribbean people, which is Spanish.

And that is how the Voice of Christ, as when a lion roars and seven thunders utter their voices…, and those Seven Thunders speak to us in our own language: in Spanish, all these things that must shortly be done; and they reveal to us the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ, the Coming of this Angel who was very different from the others, being manifested on Earth in the Last Day. And Jesus Christ thus coming in Holy Spirit veiling Himself and revealing Himself in His Angel Messenger, and speaking all these things that must happen soon.

Speaking them through whom? Through His Angel Messenger. And thus giving us the revelation, the knowledge, of all these things that must come to pass in this end time; and thus revealing to us the mystery hidden under the Seventh Seal, the mystery hidden under the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, in His Reclaiming Work.

It has been a privilege to be with you tonight, giving you testimony of: “THE MYSTERY OF THE SIGNS IN HEAVEN.”

May God help us in this end time in which we live, so that we don’t miss these signs from heaven, and we may see here on Earth the fulfillment of what those signs in heaven mean; and we may see Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, veiled and revealed in His Angel Messenger, speaking to us with that Great Voice of Trumpet all these things that must happen soon.

And now, where are those who would hear the Voice of Christ through His Angel Messenger, making known to us all these things that must shortly come to pass? Here we are, in Latin America and the Caribbean, here in the Mexican Republic, and in every Latin American and Caribbean country.

Here we are, in Latin America and the Caribbean, listening to these things that must shortly come to pass, through the Voice of Christ through His Angel Messenger, and giving us the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, which is the Last Trumpet or Great Voice of Trumpet that would sound in this Last Day. Through the Trumpet of the Gospel we hear the Voice of Christ, and He reveals to us all these things that must happen soon, in this Last Day.

It has been my privilege to give you testimony of all these things which must shortly come to pass, in this Last Day; and to show you the fulfillment of those things which are already fulfilled, in “THE MYSTERY OF THE SIGNS IN HEAVEN.”

Thank you very much for your kind attention, beloved friends and brethren present, and viewers; and may God help us and bless us, and allow us to understand all these things that are promised to happen and that would be revealed to the sons and daughters of God in this Last Day.

Thank you very much for your kind attention, and continue having a night full of the blessings of Jesus Christ.

I leave with us again the person who presented me, Juan, to continue this activity tonight, and then end this activity at the appointed time.

May God bless you and keep you all. Amen and amen.


1 Genesis 37:5-11

2 Genesis 42

3 Genesis 41:45

4 Genesis 43, 44, 45

5 Genesis 45:5

6 Genesis 37:20-28

7 Matthew 26:14-15, Mark 14:10-11, Luke 22:3-6

8 Genesis 37:10

9 Genesis 42:6

10 Philippians 2:10; Isaiah 45:23, Romans 14:11

11 Genesis 41:43

12 Malachi 4:5

13 Malachi 4:1

14 Matthew 3:10, 7:19; Luke 3:9

15 Genesis 15:5

16 Matthew 24:22

17 John 10:9

18 Revelation 19:10, 22:8-9

19 John 10:16

20 The appearance of this cloud was made in two magazines: Science Magazine: Publication of April 19, 1963, volume 140, number 3564. Author: James E. McDonald /

LIFE Magazine: Publication of May 17, 1963. Title of article “… And a High Cloud – Ring of Mystery.” /

21 The Seals in English, page 558

22 Hebrews 4:12

23 Deuteronomy 18:18

24 Revelation 5:6

25 Matthew 16:27

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