The Victory of the Seventh Seal

Good morning, beloved friends and brethren present. It is a great blessing to be with you on this occasion, here at the Caetano de Campos Theater in Aclimação, São Paulo, Brazil.

May the blessings of Jesus Christ our Savior be upon all of you and upon myself as well, and may He speak directly to our souls on this occasion, and may He open the Scriptures to us and allow us to understand all these things that must come to pass at this end time according to the Divine Program. In the Eternal Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.

We read in Revelation, chapter 5, verses 1 to 7, and also Revelation, chapter 8, verse 1 to 5. First, let us read Revelation, chapter 5, verses 1 to 7, where it says:

“And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.

And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?

And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.

And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon.

And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.

And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.

And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne.

And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.

And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;

And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.”

And in chapter 8, verse 1 of Revelation, it says:

“And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.”

May God bless our souls with His Word and allow us to understand It. Our subject for this occasion is: “THE VICTORY OF THE SEVENTH SEAL.”

In order to be able to comprehend what the victory of the Seventh Seal will be, we need to know what the Seventh Seal is, and therefore, we need to know what the Seven Seals of Revelation, chapter 5, verse 1 and on are, which are at the right hand of God.

This is the Title Deed of the Heavens and the Earth; it is also called the Lamb’s Book of Life, it is also called the Book of Redemption; it is the Bible, it is Christ, the Word. All of this is the Title Deed, that Book sealed with Seven Seals.

When Adam fell at the Garden of Eden, he lost that Title Deed: When the Bible says that Adam was taken out of the Garden of Eden and cherubim with flaming swords were placed there to keep the way to the Tree of Life, so that neither Adam nor any other man could put forth his hand and eat of the fruit of the Tree of Life.

God placed cherubim there and a flaming sword that turned every way, to keep the way of the Tree of Life. That is in Genesis, chapter 3, verse 24, where it says this. Now notice what God says in chapter 3, verse 22:

“And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever.”

That is why He took him out of the Garden of Eden, to till the ground.

Now we can see that when the human being was in the Garden of Eden and had the Tree of Life there in the Garden of Eden, he had to wait for the Tree of Life (which is Christ) to be made flesh, and then the human being could eat of the Tree of Life, he could eat the fruit of the Tree of Life, he could eat the Word.

And now, notice how the human being did not wait and thus caused those who were born on Earth to come through sex, through intimate relations between mother and father. But the human being, notice, is to live eternally; but in order to appear on Earth with eternal life, in an eternal body, the human being must eat of the Tree of Life first; then the human being will be able to bring forth his seed through divine creation.

When Christ appeared on Earth, notice, He came through divine creation; that is why He could say: “No man takes my life from me, but I lay it down of myself, to take it again.1” Jesus is the example of what a person coming to existence on Earth through divine creation is like.

Now we can see that the human being is required to obtain that Word of eternal life, so that once the human being obtains that Word of eternal life and believes in Jesus Christ as our Savior and washes his sins in the Blood of Christ and receives His Spirit: he may have his theophanic body; and then, for this end time, he will receive the eternal body.

But that is why the Word is required to come incarnate again, just like in His First Coming in human flesh (which was the Word made flesh) He carried out the Work of Redemption to give us our theophanic body of the sixth dimension: and for the Last Day, in His Coming, He will give us the eternal and glorified and young body, in order to live in that body throughout eternity.

His Second Coming, which is the Seventh Seal, has the purpose of reclaiming everything He redeemed with His precious Blood. That is why at this end time, we will be eating of the Tree of Life, we will be eating of the Tree of Life made flesh in His Second Coming.

Just as we have eaten of the Tree of Life made flesh in His First Coming in order to obtain our theophanic body, for this end time, we will also eat of the Tree of Life made flesh in order to obtain our physical and eternal body, which He has promised all of us.

At this end time, He comes with the Title Deed, the Book of the Seven Seals, to bring it to His Church and give His Church that Title Deed; that Title Deed is to be eaten, that is why that Title Deed is brought by Christ in Revelation, chapter 10, verses 1 to 11.

And now, notice, what Adam would do in the Garden of Eden would impact the future of the seed of Adam.

And now, Christ in His First Coming and in His Second Coming (which is the Second Adam), what He does in His First Coming and His Second Coming impacts the future of His seed, the seed of Jesus Christ, the second Adam.

And now, since He is carrying out a Work of Restoration in which He is creating a new race…, in His First Coming, Christ carried out His Work of Redemption on Calvary’s Cross and for this end time, He reclaims everything He has redeemed with His precious Blood.

That is why each person whose name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life must hear the preaching of the Word of God and receive Christ as his Savior, and wash his sins in the Blood of Jesus Christ,  and receive the Spirit of Christ, and thus, obtain the new birth in the Kingdom of God, in the Church of Jesus Christ; and therefore, be born in the sixth dimension, the dimension of the Word; and that is how his theophanic body is born in the sixth dimension; and that is how he is placed in heavenly places in Christ Jesus2, to receive the new body at this end time, in other words, the physical eternal and glorified body, like the body of our Lord Jesus Christ.

For His Second Coming, He will give us that new body to us who are alive and to the dead in Christ; that is why He comes with the Title Deed, the Book of the Seven Seals, to bring it to His Church at the Last Day.

This Title Deed contains the things that would be happening in Christianity: We find that the Work of Christ is shown throughout the ages up until our age. In this Book of the Seven Seals, it also shows how the enemy of God, the devil, would rise against Jesus Christ and His Work that He would be carrying out throughout the ages; and it shows us how at this end time the enemy will rise against the Work of Christ relevant to the Coming of the Son of Man with His Angels.

Everything that would happen is condensed in the Book of the Seven Seals. That is why we find that the things in the Seven Seals are also mentioned in different chapters of the book of Revelation. It is like a code of law: it contains the laws, but then there is the explanation of those laws, meaning, the extent of those laws.

For example, God gave Moses the ten commandments, and Moses gave them to the Hebrew people; and then, in addition, we find the Word of God to Moses to give to the people, where we can see the entire scope of each one of those commandments in further explanations; in other words, the explanation of those commandments is in all the other laws and ordinances that Moses gave the Hebrew people, everything those ten commandments covered.

Likewise, we find in the book of Revelation the Book of the Seven Seals, that Book sealed with seven seals; and then, we find that throughout the book of Revelation that there are things that are the same as what is in the Seals. Why? Because we find there that it expands on what is in those Seven Seals.

In the book of the prophet Daniel, we also find more information about those Seven Seals and about everything in the book of Revelation; in the book of the prophet Isaiah we also have more information from God; and also in the book of the prophet Ezekiel and prophet Jeremiah, and in the Psalms, as well as in the Gospels.

Notice, throughout the different ages of the Church of Jesus Christ, these Seven Seals of Revelation, chapter 5, verse 1 and on, have been in fulfillment.

And now, notice how the history of those Seven Seals has been in fulfillment as the ages have passed, it has been in fulfillment in the midst of the different ages; and what is yet to be fulfilled will be fulfilled in the Age of the Cornerstone, where Christ will be manifested at this end time in the midst of His Church through His Angel Messenger, making known to us all these things that must happen soon and carrying out the Work relevant to this end time, just as He carried out the Work relevant to each age of His Church during those seven gentile Church ages.

Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit was manifested through each angel messenger carrying out the Work relevant to each age; and there was a great victory in each age, because the elect were called and gathered together, and they were sealed with the Seal of God unto the Day of Redemption, in other words, for the day of the redemption of our body: the day of the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the transformation of us who are alive. That is the Last Day or seventh millennium, in which we who are alive will be changed and the dead in Christ will be resurrected in eternal bodies.

We have seen the Work of Christ in the seven ages of the gentile Church, and we have also seen the devil’s work against the Divine Program in the seven stages or ages of the gentile Church.

And for this end time, the Fourth Seal and part of the Fifth Seal, and the Sixth Seal and the Seventh Seal of the Book of Redemption will be fulfilled.

Now notice, three seals were fulfilled in the seven ages of the gentile Church, and for this end time, four seals will be fulfilled: the Fourth Seal, the Fifth Seal (in other words, what remains of the Fifth Seal, which are 144,000 Hebrews), also the Sixth Seal (which are the ministries of Moses and Elijah calling and gathering together the elect of the Hebrew people)…

And what is the Sixth Seal? It is the seal of the divine judgment; and for the time of the divine judgment, the ministries of the Two Olive Trees will be manifested on Earth, which are the ministries of Moses and Elijah, which is the Word incarnate in a man, which is the ministries of Moses and Elijah manifested in a man of this end time. Who will manifest them? The Holy Spirit, who is the one that has ministries and operates ministries in human beings.

And the Seventh Seal is the Coming of the Lord.

Now, what the Seventh Seal is for the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, is the Seventh Trumpet for the Hebrew people.

Notice how in the Message of the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ, he speaks to us in the book of Quotations, page 47 (where we have an excerpt of the message “The Ten Virgins”, preached in the year 1960), here he speaks to us about the Final Trumpet or Great Voice of Trumpet, he also tells us about the resurrection of the dead in Christ and he tells us about our transformation and the catching away of the elect of God to Heaven; and he says the following3:

“‘For we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord (down here) shall not prevent or hinder those which are asleep.’ The precious ones that sealed their blood-sealed their testimony with their blood. ‘Not prevent (or hinder) those that are asleep, for the trumpet will sound.’ Something will take place, the Gospel something will sound, the announcing of His coming.”

What will that Trumpet, which is that “gospel something,” be sounding? What will it be proclaiming? His Coming. It is the announcing of His Coming that is proclaimed under the Great Voice of Trumpet or Final Trumpet.

He continues saying:

“‘And the dead in Christ shall rise first. And we which are alive and remain shall be changed.’ Standing, and feel a change come on, the gray hair go out, the wrinkles fall away, be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye. And we shall meet our loved ones first.”

Now, let us see how that “gospel something,” which is the Gospel of the Kingdom, will be proclaiming the Coming of the Lord, the Coming of the Lord as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, in His Reclaiming Work.

We have more information on page 130 of the book of Quotations, where we have excerpt 1164 (taken from the message “Broken Cisterns”, page 33); it says4:

“Remember, that, ‘They which are alive and remain shall not hinder those which are sleeping, for the Trump of God, that last Trumpet…’ The sixth one has just sounded.  And that last Trumpet, like the last Seal, will be the Coming of the Lord. ‘It shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first.’”

The Final Trumpet shall sound, that Great Voice of Trumpet. And what is that? The same thing as the Seventh Seal: it is the Coming of the Lord. That Final Trumpet, which is the Seventh Seal, the Coming of the Lord, sounds for the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the transformation of us who are alive.

And now, let us see page 138, verse 1236 (taken from the message “Questions and Answers #3”, page 199); he says5:

“And then shall he send his angels, and… gather together his elect from the four winds, and shall… and the utmost parts of the earth to be… and to the utmost parts of heaven.’ That’s talking of the resurrection, the translation, going up. He’ll send forth His angels to gather. Did you ever think what the angels are? Huh? Messengers. He’ll gather them together, congregate them together (see?), bringing them, bind them together from the utmost parts of the earth to the utmost parts of Heaven, the Word that was, been made manifest on earth. See? Get it? The Word’s been spoken; here It’s manifested.”

Now, notice that those who will resurrect are the people who were the Word made flesh relevant to the age in which they lived. Those are the messengers of the seven ages of the gentile Church along with the believers, the elect of God of those ages; they were the Word for the age in which they lived.

And for this end time, we who are alive and have received the Word of God for our age and dispensation, are the Word of God made manifest, we are the Word made manifest at this end time.

Our names are written in the Book of the Seven Seals, in the Lamb’s Book of Life; that is why we are manifested on Earth: to take our place in the Kingdom of God, in the age that pertains to us, with the messenger that pertains to us and with the Message that pertains to us. And that is how we are the Word of God manifested at this end time, along with the messenger of Jesus Christ pertaining to this end time.

The written Word says that He will call and gather together the elect6</a>; and once they have received that Word, they are identified as the elect of this end time. And since they are the Word, they were in the written Word, therefore, they are in the Book of the Seals and therefore, they must be manifested in human flesh here on Earth, so that we may take our place in the Kingdom of God, in the age that pertains to us and the dispensation that pertains to us.

Now, notice how these Seven Seals have been in fulfillment from age to age. And for this time, the things that are under the Seventh Seal are being fulfilled; and also the things that are under the Sixth Seal must be fulfilled at this end time; and the things that are under the Fourth Seal must be fulfilled at this end time as well; and part of the things that are in the Fifth Seal, such as the call of the elect of the Hebrew people, must also be fulfilled.

We find that that multitude of Hebrews who cried for vengeance received white robes, and they were told to rest a little while until their fellow servants are fulfilled, which are the 144,000 Hebrews, who will be martyred as the Hebrews were martyred under Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and other dictators.

Now we can see that these Seven Seals are being fulfilled as the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ continues to move forward throughout the different stages or ages, until the Age of the Cornerstone, in which the Divine Program under those Seals is fulfilled, relevant to this end time.

And when the elect that are under the Seventh Seal, in order to be called and gathered together by the Final Trumpet (which is also the Seventh Seal, that mystery being fulfilled and opened to the Church of Jesus Christ), we find that when the gathering of the elect from among the gentiles is fulfilled and the number is completed, then the dead in Christ will resurrect in eternal bodies and we which are alive will be changed. That is why it is so important to be hearing that Final Trumpet or Great Voice of Trumpet, which is also the Seventh Seal.

The Seventh Trumpet, like the Seventh Seal, is the Coming of the Lord. “It shall sound,” in other words, His Coming to the Church of Jesus Christ will be fulfilled and announced, and all the elect of God will be called and gathered together with the Message of the revelation of the Second Coming of Christ; and that is how the Work of the Seventh Seal, of the Angel who was different from the rest being manifested in human flesh through His Angel Messenger, is carried out.

That is the Coming of the white horse Rider of Revelation 19: The Word incarnate in a man of this end time, in the Work of the Seventh Seal, which will bring forth the great victory in Divine Love; the Work of the Seventh Seal will be a work in Divine Love, and the victory will be the Great Victory in Divine Love.

The Work that Jesus Christ does at this end time, is done in the Age of the Cornerstone, which is the Age of Divine Love; and the victory is the Victory of Divine Love promised to be obtained at this end time. And in that victory, the elect of God from among the gentiles, meaning the Church-Bride of Jesus Christ, will obtain the benefits; the foolish or sleeping virgins will also receive benefits; and many people who will do favors for the elect of God at this end time, that is, who help them, will also receive benefits; therefore, they will not lose their reward7.

All of this is under the Work of the Seventh Seal, which is a work in divine love to obtain the Victory in Divine Love.

We have seen that the Work of the Seventh Seal, which is in divine love, pertains to the Age of Divine Love, which is the Age of the Cornerstone.

The French language, is the language of what? The language of aristocracy. The English language, is the language of what? The language of business. And the Spanish language is? It is the language of love. And for the Great Victory in Divine Love promised for this Last Day, Christ will be using the Age of Divine Love, but He will also be using the language of love, which is the main language of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Now we can see that everything will be condensed in divine love.

And now, the French language, being the language of aristocracy, was manifested in Europe, and it is common for Europeans to speak French; and English has been manifested in England and then in North America.

And now, Spanish, which was manifested in Spain, is now manifested in Latin America and the Caribbean, which is the territory of the Age of the Cornerstone, the territory of divine love. Therefore, Latin America and the Caribbean is the territory of the manifestation of divine love at this end time: for the elect of God and for all the people of Latin America and the Caribbean.

We are at a very important time in the Divine Program, and we ask God to look upon Latin America and the Caribbean with that divine love, and to have mercy of Latin America and the Caribbean and its inhabitants, and allow Latin America and the Caribbean to enter the glorious Millennium Kingdom of Christ and live under the Reign of Christ, which will take place in Jerusalem during that glorious Millennium Kingdom; and may peace, prosperity and all the divine blessings that Jesus Christ will be giving under that glorious Millennium Kingdom, also be manifested in all of Latin America and the Caribbean. That is my desire for Latin America and the Caribbean with its inhabitants.

We have seen this mystery of divine love. In this mystery of divine love, the Word, the Angel who was different from the rest, will come manifested in human flesh in His Angel Messenger; it is a manifestation of divine love towards the Church of Jesus Christ to obtain the Victory in Divine Love at this end time.

Now, we have seen what the Seventh Seal is: It is the Coming of the Lord, the Coming of the Angel who was different from the rest, it is the Coming of the Word. The forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ said that he was forerunning the Word that was to come8.

Now, how would the Word come? In human flesh, in a man of this end time, in the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the prophet of the Dispensation of the Kingdom and of the Age of the Cornerstone. He is the Angel Messenger who has the ministry of divine love for this end time, to obtain the Great Victory in Divine Love along with his group of the Age of the Cornerstone; it will be Christ manifested in His Church at this end time and in His Angel Messenger in divine love, to obtain the Great Victory in Divine Love for us.

Now we can see this mystery of the Great Victory in Divine Love.

We are living at the time in which Jesus Christ is carrying out His Work relevant to this end time, which is under the Seventh Seal; and all the Work He carries out under that Seventh Seal covers the other seals that are not yet fulfilled.

We are living in the time in which the history of the Seventh Seal is being carried out, in other words, we are living what the history of the Seventh Seal will be; and the history of the Seventh Seal will be wonderful, with great blessings from God manifested under the fulfillment of the Seventh Seal, where all of the elect of God are called and gathered together at this end time.

And after that Work of the Seventh Seal finishes, at the end of the Seventh Seal, notice what the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ says; on page 464 and 465 of the book of The Seals, he says9:

“We must remember that this Seventh Seal is the end of time, of all things. That’s right. The things written in the Seven-Seal Book, sealed up, of the plan of redemption from before the foundation of the world, it every bit ends. It is the end; it is the end of the struggling world. It’s the end of struggling nature. It’s the end of everything. In there, it’s the end of the Trumpets. It’s the end of the Vials. It’s the end of the earth. It’s the… It’s even the end of time. Time runs out. The Bible said so. (…) Revelation, the 10th chapter and the… and 1 to the 7th verse. Time runs out. The Angel said, ‘Time will be no more,’ when that, in the days of this great thing to happen. (What great event? The event of the Seventh Seal, which is the great event of His Coming). Everything runs out.”

In other words, everything ends with the Seventh Seal, in the fulfillment of the Seventh Seal, everything ends.

“…At the end of this Seventh Seal. Notice. It’s the end of the church age. It’s the end of the Seventh Seal.”

If the Seventh Seal has an end, well it must have a beginning; just as the First Coming of Christ had a beginning by being born in Bethlehem of Judea and it had an end by dying on Calvary’s Cross, in Jerusalem, where He carried out the Work of Redemption. At the end of His First Coming He reached the culmination of His Work: our redemption through His precious Blood shed on Calvary’s Cross.

But notice, the end of His First Coming was in Jerusalem, but the beginning of His First Coming was in Bethlehem of Judea; and between the beginning and the end, how many years passed? 33 years. That was in the first century of the fifth millennium; even though He was born at the end of the fourth millennium in Bethlehem of Judea, but then between the 26th to 30th year of the fifth millennium, that was when Christ died on Calvary’s Cross, in other words, when the end of the First Coming of Christ was reached.

Now, the Second Coming of Christ, the fulfillment of the Seventh Seal has a beginning, just as the First Coming of Christ had a beginning and then it had an end.

And now, notice, the beginning of the First Coming of Christ was the beginning of His body here on Earth, and the end of the First Coming of Christ it was also the end of that body in which He died on Calvary’s Cross (His body later resurrected glorified).

And now, we find that the Second Coming of Christ will begin on Earth with the birth of the instrument in whom He will be made flesh at the Last Day. Now, will it begin with the birth of the veil of flesh? Or will it begin with the new birth of the instrument of Jesus Christ, the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ? Let us indicate two places where the Seventh Seal could have begun.

If it begins with the birth of the veil of flesh in whom the Word will be incarnate at the Last Day, then a long period of time will pass until the days of that instrument in that veil of flesh come to an end, meaning, until he receives his transformation and receives the new body; and when we are in the Millennial Kingdom, in the history of the Seventh Seal, of the Second Coming of Christ, we will have the exact time of the years that the Second Coming of Christ lasted fulfilled on Earth, just as we can say how many years the First Coming of Christ lasted fulfilled on Earth: 33 years, as commonly known.

During that time of the First Coming of Christ there were countless prophecies that had to be fulfilled; Christ was fulfilling prophecies all the time.

And now, from the beginning of the Seventh Seal until its end, prophecies will be fulfilled; but the beginning of the Seventh Seal…, like the beginning of the First Coming of Christ, was a secret and only Mary, Joseph, Zechariah the priest and his wife Elisabeth, and a very small group of people knew; the First Coming of Christ was a mystery, the First Coming of the Messiah already fulfilled in the midst of the Hebrew people.

All the signs of Heaven had already been shown; the star of Bethlehem had been shown as the sign of the Coming of the Messiah already fulfilled in the midst of the Hebrew people.

For the end time we have the promise of the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven. That sign was already fulfilled on February 28, 1963, when that mysterious cloud appeared over the Arizona skies, and was captured in photographs and published in North American magazines.

This cloud was formed by angels, and they formed the face of the Lord; and the seven angels of the seven ages appeared forming the beard of the Lord, and the Angel who was different from the rest appeared forming the white hair of the Lord. The entire Church of Jesus Christ is in that cloud, represented in its messengers.

Therefore, the Coming of that Angel who was different from the rest completes what was shown in this cloud. Without that Angel being manifested on Earth in human flesh, this cloud cannot have this white wig; it would be the face of the Lord Jesus Christ with a beard, but without hair; however, the hair is here, formed by that Angel who was different from the rest.

And the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is not complete without that Angel Messenger who was different from the rest, who is Christ coming at the Last Day, veiling Himself in human flesh in His Angel Messenger and with the ministry that pertains to the type, in other words, to the typology of the white hair of the Lord.

Without the ministry of the Angel who was different from the rest in human flesh, what was shown in the prophecies of Prophet Daniel and in the prophecies of Revelation regarding the white hair of the Son of Man cannot be fulfilled10.

The white hair represents wisdom, experience, knowledge, all these things that are needed at the Last Day, for Christ to be manifested as Judge of all the Earth.

In that manifestation of the Angel who was different from the rest, where Christ will be as the Judge of all the Earth, we will find all that experience and divine wisdom that has been manifested throughout the seven ages; at this end time, it will all be gathered, consolidated in the manifestation of Christ in human flesh in His Angel Messenger.

And now we can see why Christ will be able to be as Judge of all the Earth in His manifestation of the Last Day: because the knowledge of what happened in the past ages and the reason why it happened, and also the knowledge of what is happening at this end time, will be there.

That is why this Angel anointed with the Spirit of God will be able to testify all these things which must shortly come to pass at this Last Day, and thus he will be prophesying all the things that must happen and will be testifying of those that have already passed. Now, that is the manifestation of the Seventh Seal.

But notice what the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ said on page 472 of the book The Seals in Spanish11:

“Notice now, for the end-of-time Message, this Seal…”

What is the Message of the end of time? “This Seal,” the Seventh Seal; and the Seventh Seal is the Second Coming of Christ.

What is the Message of the Last Day, of the end of time? The Message of the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords in His Reclaiming Work.

“He has revealed all the six Seals, but He don’t say nothing about the Seventh. And the end-time Seal, when It starts, will be absolutely a total secret, according to the Bible.”

When it starts, it will be a secret, according to the Bible, but later on, that mystery will be opened to the Church of Jesus Christ, and then she will understand that the Seventh Seal was already on Earth for years; because the Seventh Seal is Jesus Christ, the Angel who was different from the rest, coming in human flesh in His Angel Messenger at the Last Day.

And now, if we count the beginning of the Seventh Seal since the Angel of Jesus Christ starts that ministry, then we have to find out the time when the Angel of Jesus Christ started that ministry.

And all of that ministry pertains to the Seventh Seal, to the ministry of the Seventh Seal; and notice, its beginning would be a secret, no one would know that it would be the Seventh Seal beginning; but then, a stage would come in which the mystery of the Seventh Seal manifested (and manifesting the mystery of the Seventh Seal: the ministry of Jesus for the second time), notice, once that mystery is opened, from that point on, the Church of Jesus Christ will know what the Seventh Seal is, and she is under that Seventh Seal receiving the Word of God relevant to this Last Day, which is represented in the Great Voice of Trumpet or Final Trumpet.

It is the Voice of Christ speaking to us at this end time, it is the Voice of the Seven Thunders of Revelation, chapter 10, which is the Voice of Christ crying out as when a lion roars; it is the Voice of Christ as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords in His Reclaiming Work.

At the end of the Seventh Seal, at the end of the manifestation of Christ through His Angel Messenger, the dead in Christ will be resurrected in eternal bodies, we which are alive will be changed, the Angel of Jesus Christ himself will also be changed, and we will reach the end of the Seventh Seal; and we will go to the House of our heavenly Father, to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

And now, let us see what he continues saying here:

“Before knowing That. And remember, Revelation 10:1-7, 1 to 7, chapter 10:1 to 7, ‘At the end of the seventh angel’s Message, all the mysteries of God would be known.’ We’re at the end time, the opening of the Seventh Seal.”

Now, notice how for that time they were living at the end of time, the opening of the Seventh Seal; but at that time, it was still a secret, a secret of what the Seventh Seal was in terms of its fulfillment: how, when, where and in whom. That was a secret for that time; but our brother Branham was seeing what that mystery was, that secret, but he was forbidden to disclose what that mystery was. He said what it would be. Notice, he says:

“The other day, last Sunday, a week ago today, when I was preaching on ‘Be humble! Be humble! Remember, God deals in little things.’ I didn’t realize what it really was talking about. And now I see it. It is in such a humble way! You would think that something like that would be revealed to the Vatican or… But It comes just like John the Baptist. It comes like the birth of our Lord, in a stable. Glory to God! So help me, the hour is at hand! Amen! We’re here. Oh, my!”

How does the Seventh Seal come? As John the Baptist came and as our Lord Jesus Christ came, like the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem of Judea, in a stable.

It comes like John the Baptist, because it comes with His Angels, and one of His Angels is Elijah and the other is Moses, and John came with the spirit and virtue of Elijah; therefore, the Seventh Seal also comes like John the Baptist, because it comes with Elijah, with the ministry of Elijah at the Last Day, and it also comes with the ministry of Moses, and it comes with the ministry of Jesus; that is why he says that it comes like the birth of Jesus in a stable, in other words, there in Bethlehem of Judea, because the Seventh Seal comes with the ministry of Jesus manifested in this end time.

And what will the Seventh Seal be? Page 256 of the book The Seals in Spanish (which is the Seventh Seal, the Coming of the white horse Rider of Revelation 19), notice how the Seventh Seal comes, notice how the white horse Rider of Revelation 19 comes12:

“But when our Lord appears here on earth, He’ll be riding on a snow-white horse. And He’ll be completely, fully, the Emmanuel, the Word of God incarnate in a Man.”

If we find that man in whom the Word will be incarnate, in whom the Word of God will be incarnate, in whom the Angel of the Covenant, the Angel of the Lord, the Angel who was different from the rest will be incarnate, then we will find the Seventh Seal fulfilled, opened at this end time, opened in terms of its fulfillment, and opened —in other words, made known— to the Church of Jesus Christ.

That is the greatest mystery in the entire Bible; but notice, the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ says that its fulfillment will be something simple, something simple, like the coming of John the Baptist and like the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem of Judea.

Now, let’s see what he continues saying on page 474 and 475 of the book The Seals</em>; referring to the Seventh Seal, he says:

“I don’t know who is going to…”

He is speaking of a man.

When John the Baptist was forerunning the First Coming of Christ, who was he speaking about? Of a man who would come after him: “After me comes a Man whose shoe’s latchet I am not worthy to unloose.” And when he saw Him, he said: “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” Whom did he refer to? A man, Jesus of Nazareth. He said: “He it is, whom I said was coming after me.13

Now notice, what did John the Baptist forerun? The coming of a man; but that man was the Word, the Word incarnate; it was the Coming of the Word in a man of that time, named Jesus of Nazareth.

And for the end time, the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ says that the Word comes, the Angel of the Covenant, He comes once again in human flesh at the Last Day; and that will be the Word incarnate in a man, in a man of this end time; and he will be the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

This will identify him as the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ: that he comes testifying the things that must happen soon, he comes speaking anointed by the Holy Spirit, anointed by the Word that will be incarnated in him.

“I don’t know who is going to…”

John also said that: “And I knew him not.”

They may have asked John: “Who is that man?” John may have said: “I don’t know who it is going to be, but when I see Him, I will know Him, because He that sent me to baptize gave me a sign to recognize Him: upon whom you see the Holy Spirit descending like a dove and remaining on Him, that is He.”

And when he saw Him, when he baptized Him, the Holy Spirit came upon Him, he saw It descend upon Jesus, and John the Baptist knew that this was the man for whom he was preparing the way. He could look into his family line and discover that the mother of John the Baptist was a relative of Mary (through whom Jesus came).

Now, notice that the ministry of the forerunner and the ministry of the one foreran stayed in the family. And you know something? The ministry of the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ, and the ministry of the one foreran will stay in the family.

How will it stay in the family? Because the forerunner is one of our brothers redeemed by the Blood of Christ, and the one foreran will be the Word incarnate in a man, in a man of this end time, redeemed by the Blood of Chris; and that makes him a brother of ours. The ministries of the forerunner and the foreran will stay between brothers; and the blessing of God for all the sons and daughters relevant to this end time will stay between brethren; and the resurrection and our transformation will also stay between brethren: it will take place in the brethren of the Lord Jesus Christ, His younger brethren, redeemed by Jesus Christ our older brother.

Now, the forerunner tells us:

“I don’t know who is going to…what’s going to take place. I do not know. I just know that those Seven Thunders holds that mystery. The Heavens was quiet.”

The mystery that caused there to be silence in Heaven, which was the opening of the Seventh Seal, the mystery of that Seventh Seal, which is the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ, is contained in the Thunders.

We must hear the Thunders to obtain the knowledge of the Seventh Seal, of the Second Coming of Christ; and the Thunders are the Voice of Christ in His Coming, the Voice of the Word, the Word incarnate in a man and speaking through a man of this end time.

And by hearing the Word, Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit speaking through a man of this end time anointed by the Holy Spirit, we will be hearing the Voice of Christ, that Voice of the Seven Thunders, which contain the mystery of the Seventh Seal. And that is very important for all the sons and daughters of God, because the Thunders are the ones that give the rapturing faith to the elect of God.

Page 128 of the book The Seals in Spanish says14:

“Oh, my! Seven Thunders, of Revelation, may He show the Bride how to prepare for the great translation faith!”

Without hearing the Seven Thunders, it is impossible to obtain the faith, the revelation to be changed and raptured at this end time; because that is the revelation of the Second Coming of Christ, that is the revelation of the Seventh Seal, that is the revelation of the Angel who was different from the rest.

And now, in Revelation, chapter 1, verse 1 to 3, who is the one who has the revelation of Jesus Christ? The Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, he is the one who has the revelation of Jesus Christ. It says:

“The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John.”

John tried to worship the Angel of Jesus Christ because he could see Jesus Christ veiled and revealed in His Angel Messenger.

The One who said with that Voice of Trumpet that He is the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, also said15: “Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter,” in other words, after the things that have already taken place in the seven ages of the gentile Church.

And now, Christ in Holy Spirit through human flesh through His Angel Messenger, makes known to us all the things which must shortly be done, in Revelation, chapter 22, verse 6.

John saw Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit in His Angel Messenger making known to us all these things that must happen soon; John saw the Coming of the Word, the Angel who was different from the rest, the Coming of the Word incarnate in a man; he saw Jesus Christ coming in Holy Spirit at the Last Day to a new age: the Age of the Cornerstone, and to a new dispensation: the Dispensation of the Kingdom; he saw Him coming in human flesh in His Angel Messenger at the Last Day, and he heard Him speaking to us and speaking to him all the things which must shortly be done.

And now, let us continue reading [Page 474]:

“…It may be time, it may be the hour now, that this great person that we’re expecting to rise on the scene may arise on the scene.”

Now, he is speaking about a person, because if he is the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ then he is referring to the Coming of Jesus Christ for the Last Day.

“Maybe this ministry, that I have tried to take people back to the Word, has laid a foundation; and if it has, I’ll be leaving you, for good. There won’t be two of us here the same time.”

In other words, the forerunner and the foreran will not both be here. But if they were, what would happen? Well, the same thing that happened when Jesus and John were on Earth… the forerunner: John the Baptist, and the foreran: Jesus.

They told John: “Look, the One of whom you bear witness, now baptizes more people than you, and more people follow Him than you.” And John says: “He must increase, but I must decrease.16

That is a source of joy to the forerunner, to see that the one he spoke of, increases in his work, his ministry increases, and the work of that ministry increases; and those who follow that ministry are benefited, because they are receiving the blessings of God.

It is a source of great joy for a forerunner to see that the one foreran increases; he rejoices and says: “He must increase and I must decrease.” That is what the forerunner of the First Coming of Christ said.

He continues:

“If it is, he’ll increase; I’ll decrease.”

He is speaking about another person, in whom the Word will be incarnate, in whom the fulfillment of the white horse Rider of Revelation 19 will take place, which is the Word incarnate in a man.

The forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ, notice, tells us that if they both were to be here, the forerunner and the one foreran (as they were two thousand years ago), then the forerunner will decrease and the one foreran will increase. He continues saying:

“I don’t know. But I have been privileged, by God, to look and see what It was, see, see unfold to that much.”

Further on, he says on page 475 (where we are reading):

“One of the mystery of that Seal, the reason It wasn’t revealed, It was Seven Thunders that uttered Their voices. And there It is, perfectly. Because, nothing knows anything about It. It wasn’t even written. So, we’re at the end time.”

Now, notice how brother Branham speaks to us about this Seventh Seal and tells us that at that time it was not open yet; but that mystery will be opened. He says on page 482 and 48317:

“He omitted the revelation of this Seventh Seal. And here, when the Seventh Seal, when He opened It, He also omitted It again, see. So we see that It is a complete mystery, therefore the hour is not yet for the mystery to be known. Therefore, we’re this far, and the rest of It will be known right around about the time that Jesus appears on earth again, for (to take) His Bride.”

Why is it when Jesus appears on Earth to take His Bride?

“And He’ll be completely, fully, the Emmanuel, the Word of God incarnate in a Man.”

In the time in which the Word will be incarnate in a man, through that man, Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit will be speaking to His Church; and the Seven Thunders will be the Voice of Christ speaking to us and making known to us all the things that must happen soon.

Notice what the Seven Thunders are: it is the Voice of Christ in His Coming, the Coming of Christ, the Coming of the Word, the Coming of the white horse Rider of Revelation 19, which is the Coming of the Word incarnate in a man, incarnate in the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, speaking to us through His Angel Messenger as when a lion roars and seven thunders uttering their voices; crying out as when a lion roars, because He comes as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, as the King of kings and Lord of lords.

That is why in Revelation 19, He has this name written on His vesture and on His thigh: “King of kings and Lord of lords.” It is the Son of Man and the Son of David who comes in human flesh, in a man of this Last Day, which is the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

But that man is not the Lord Jesus Christ; he is only the instrument of Jesus Christ for this powerful manifestation of Jesus Christ coming in Holy Spirit in human flesh in His Angel Messenger, speaking to us as when a lion cries out or as when a lion roars and seven thunders uttering their voices.

Christ speaking to us through His Angel Messenger all these things which must shortly come to pass, reveals to us the mystery of the Seventh Seal, the mystery of the Angel who was different from the rest, the mystery of that Angel and His Coming at this end time in human flesh, in the Angel Messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Angel of Jesus Christ will be anointed at the Last Day by the Holy Spirit, by the Angel who was different from the rest; and that is why the Word he will give us will be the Word of Christ, it will be the revelation of Christ for this end time, it will be the revelation of His Coming as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords in His Reclaiming Work. That is the revelation of Christ for the Dispensation of the Kingdom and for the Age of the Cornerstone.

Now, with His Coming in human flesh, veiled and revealed in human flesh in His Angel Messenger, we find that He will be carrying out the Work of the Seventh Seal.

Its beginning would be completely secret, but later on that secret will be opened and then we will be able to look and see some things that were fulfilled before that mystery was opened; and then we can see what is happening in the fulfillment of the Seventh Seal and we can see the Work that the Seventh Seal is carrying out at this end time; and we can see that it is a Work in divine love, it is the Work of Divine Love for the Age of the Cornerstone, the Age of Divine Love to obtain the Great Victory in Divine Love.

Now we are seeing how the Great Victory in Divine Love will be obtained in this Last Day: it is through the manifestation of the Angel who was different from the rest, the manifestation of the Angel of the Covenant, the manifestation of Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit coming in human flesh in His Angel Messenger at this end time; that is the Word incarnate in a man of this end time.

And now, at the end of the Seventh Seal, at the end of that manifestation of Jesus Christ in human flesh through His Angel Messenger, it will be the end of all things. On page 464 and 465 (where we were reading a few minutes ago) he tells us18:

“Time runs out. The Angel said, ‘Time will be no more,’ when that, in the days of this great thing to happen. Everything runs out, in this time, the end of the… at the end of this Seventh Seal. Notice. It’s the end of the church age. It’s the end of the Seventh Seal. It’s the end of the Trumpets. It’s the end of the Vials, and even end the ushering in of the Millennium. That’s on the Seventh Seal.”

The end of all things is contained in the Seventh Seal, it is contained in the Coming of Christ, it is contained in the Coming of the Word incarnate in a man. Everything is contained there: in the Coming of Christ in Holy Spirit veiled in human flesh in His Angel Messenger, testifying to us all these things which must shortly come to pass and carrying out His Work, the Work of Divine Love pertaining to the Age of Divine Love, the Age of the Cornerstone, to obtain the Great Victory of Divine Love and in Divine Love.

That is why we work with joy at this end time, knowing that it is prophesied that we will obtain victory at this end time; it will be the Victory in Divine Love. We work in divine love and in divine love we will obtain the Great Victory of Divine Love and in Divine Love.

Everything pertaining to this end time is contained in the Seventh Seal.

The Seventh Seal is seen from different perspectives or views. For example, the Seventh Seal, which is the Coming of the Lord, is seen in relation to the kingdom of the gentiles; the Second Coming of Christ is also seen in relation to the Hebrew people; and the Second Coming of Christ is seen in relation to the elect of God, to the Church of the firstborn of God, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; and the Second Coming of Christ is also seen in relation to the sleeping virgins or foolish virgins, and what He will do with them at this end time.

Now we can see that the Seventh Seal is also seen in relation to nature, the planet Earth, the stars and the entire Creation; and the Seventh Seal is also seen in relation to the glorious Millennial Kingdom of Christ that will be established on this planet Earth.

Now we can see that the Seventh Seal can be seen from different perspectives or views and the result or impact that the Second Coming of Christ will have on His Church, on the foolish virgins, on the Hebrew people, on the kingdom of the gentiles, on the planet Earth, on nature and on the universe; because the Seventh Seal covers everything, everything is contained in the Seventh Seal.

Now notice, the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ says that the Seventh Seal:

“It’s just like firing a rocket into the air. And that rocket explodes here, and it goes up and then explodes again. It puts out five stars. One of those stars explode and blows out five stars from it; and then one of them stars explodes and blows out five stars from it. See, it fades on out. That’s, what, the Seventh Seal. It just ends the time for the world. It ends the time for this. It ends the time for that. It ends the time for this.”

In other words, it is the end of all things; and it is also the end of this earthly body we have, to make way for the new body we will have.

The Seventh Seal marks the end of all things; but since we have the promise to be changed, the Seventh Seal will be marking the end of our stay in these mortal bodies and it will be marking the beginning of our stay in the eternal body; it also marks the end of the entrance into the Millennium. In other words, the Seventh Seal introduces the Millennium, the introduction to the Millennium is made by the Seventh Seal.

The Seventh Seal, notice, will be in the Millennium, in the seventh millennium, introducing that seventh millennium and proclaiming the mystery of the Seventh Seal, and proclaiming that the Kingdom of God is coming and that the Kingdom of God will be established on planet Earth in the midst the Hebrew people; and from there, He will rule over all nations.

“That’s, what, the Seventh Seal. It just ends the time for the world (and time ends for all things). (…) Everything just ended up on that Seventh Seal. Now, how is He going to do it? That’s what we don’t know.” Says our brother Branham in 1963.

But the elect of God have already gone on to the Age of the Cornerstone and they already know how God is doing it: It is through the Word incarnate in a man that the Seventh Seal is manifested on Earth, fulfilled on this planet Earth and carries out His Work. And when He finishes His Work, then the dead in Christ will resurrect in eternal bodies, and we who are alive will be changed; that is the end of the Work of the Seventh Seal.

“It’s even the time for all these things, and the ushering in of the Millennium.”

Now we can see the Millennium (or the seventh millennium) and the Millennial Kingdom of Christ and its relation with the Seventh Seal. The seventh millennium depends on the Seventh Seal, the establishment of the Kingdom of God on this planet Earth depends on the Seventh Seal.

We have reached the time in which the elect will understand all these things, we have reached the time in which the Work of the Seventh Seal is being carried out; and Christ, the Seventh Seal, is speaking to us as when a lion roars, and we are hearing the Seven Thunders, which is the Voice of Christ as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah; and we are hearing that He is making known to us the mystery of the Seventh Seal, the Coming of the Angel who was different from the rest, which is the Coming of the Word incarnate in a man, which is the Coming of the white horse Rider of Revelation 19, riding this ministerial trail or path once more.

The ministry of Jesus riding the ministerial path for the second time, the ministry of Moses riding the ministerial path for the second time and the ministry of Elijah riding the ministerial path for the fifth time. That is the mystery of the Seventh Seal being manifested in human flesh and this mystery being revealed to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We have seen the mystery of the Seventh Seal in order to comprehend the Work of the Seventh Seal, in order to comprehend the THE VICTORY OF THE SEVENTH SEAL that will be obtained at this end time.

In order to obtain victory, it must work, it must carry out a work: the Work pertaining to the Seventh Seal, which is the Work of Divine Love in the Age of the Cornerstone; and by that Work being carried out, the Great Victory in Divine Love will be obtained. That is THE VICTORY OF THE SEVENTH SEAL for this end time, for each one of you and for me, too.

Knowing that we will obtain victory, then we work with joy and with gratitude to Christ who has given us the opportunity to work in His Work in the time in which we are to obtain the Great Victory in Divine Love. We are also living in an age, which is the Age of Divine Love, the Age of the Cornerstone.

Let Christ manifest that divine love in you in your soul, and from there, may that manifestation of divine love be extended to your neighbor, towards your family, towards your friends, and towards your spiritual and physical brethren (physically as well) and towards every human being; and take them the Word of God relevant to this end time, because there is still an opportunity for salvation for those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and also in the other section of the Book of Life; because the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, the High Priest, is still in the Most Holy Place in the Temple that is in Heaven, until the last elect of God has entered and be placed in the Mystical Body of Christ, in the Age of the Cornerstone; and then, the Mystical Body of Christ will be complete, the number of God’s chosen ones, of the elect of God, will be completed; and then Jesus will leave the Throne of Intercession in Heaven.

And from that point on, the manifestation there will be on behalf of Jesus Christ in His Angel Messenger will be in all His fullness, because the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the transformation for us who are alive will come; and that manifestation in the Angel of Jesus Christ for that time will be fully as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords in His Reclaiming Work, and as the Judge of all Earth.

Now we can see what will be that glorious time in which we will have the new body; but first, the very last last elect of God must come in.

Our brother Branham told us on one occasion [Seals, page 47519]:

“I cannot tell you. I do not know (he is speaking about the Seventh Seal). But, one of these days, if we never meet again on this earth, we’re going to meet yonder at the judgment seat of Christ.”

The Throne of Judgment of Christ. The Throne, the human temple of God and His human throne two thousand years ago, was Jesus Christ, it was the First Coming of Christ fulfilled in human flesh; God was enthroned there, in a throne of mercy. For the Last Day, Jesus Christ will be in His human throne, and standing before that human throne will be the dead in Christ when they resurrect and we who are alive and will be changed.

While Christ is in the Place of Intercession in Heaven, making intercession, we find that during the seven ages of the gentile Church, just as Christ reflected Himself in each age of His gentile Church and manifested Himself through each angel messenger…; and they were thrones of mercy in each age, because Jesus Christ was enthroned in them, manifested, manifesting the mercy of the Throne that is in Heaven, manifesting it through those human thrones He had in His seven ages of the gentile Church.

For the Last Day, Jesus Christ will first be in His human throne in mercy, while He is on the Throne of Mercy, with His Blood applied upon the Mercy Seat; but later on, the Throne that is in Heaven will turn into a Throne of Judgment when the Blood is no longer applied there.

And then, the human throne of Jesus Christ, which will be a throne of mercy at the end time, while Christ is making intercession in Most Holy Place, mercy will be manifested from Heaven through that human throne, which is the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ; but when the Throne that is in Heaven changes from a Throne: from seat of mercy to a seat of judgment, there will also be a change in the human throne of mercy, in whom Jesus Christ will be manifested, and it will turn into a throne of judgment; and the divine judgment will be spoken from there, the day of vengeance of our God, the plagues, the divine judgments that will fall upon Earth.

Jesus Christ will make them known from that human throne, thus He will be making known the divine judgment that will be spoken by God from His Throne, which will no longer have the Blood of Atonement. Therefore, the Throne that is in Heaven will be a Throne of Judgment, and that divine judgment will be reflected in the human throne of Jesus Christ, in other words, it will be spoken; what God speaks from the Throne in Heaven will later be spoken from the throne of Jesus Christ, the human throne. In that human throne, which is His Angel Messenger, Christ will be speaking the divine judgments at that time the judgments that will be spoken in the Throne of Heaven; they will be transmitted through the throne of Jesus Christ here on Earth.

It is like a television station: what is being broadcasted, what is being done at that station, is a program being made there and it is broadcasted on television, what is being done there is later broadcasted and seen through the televisions people have in their homes.

And what will be carried out on the Throne that is in Heaven will be broadcasted by the television of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; and the television of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ will be the Angel Messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ, sent to testify all these things which must shortly come to pass. He will be testifying, showing all these things that must happen soon; that will be the television that the Church of Jesus Christ will have.

A prophet is a television, because he sees things that others cannot see. And notice, a television like the one we have at home captures the image through waves, it captures that image of what is being broadcasted by the television station. And such is a prophet of God: he captures what is being transmitted from the Throne of God in Heaven and he transmits it to the human beings on this Earth; he is connected to the wave that broadcasts what is happening in Heaven: he is connected with the sixth dimension; just like our televisions are connected to the fourth dimension when we switch them on, so that they can work and show us the image that is being broadcasted from the channel you wish to see.

Now, notice, we will also have the correct channel; it will be broadcasted on channel 8, which is the channel through which the entire Program of God will be broadcasted at this end time.

The Church of Jesus Christ had her first age; that was channel 1, and there she had God’s television: Saint Paul.

In the second stage, the Church had her second channel, through which they saw everything that was happening in Heaven for that stage; it was broadcasted to that age by the television, which was the messenger of the second age.

That is also how it was in the third age through the third channel, which was the third age, and through the third television, which was the third angel messenger.

That is how it was in the fourth age, where they tuned into channel 4, and everything that was being broadcasted was seen on channel 4, everything that was being carried out and broadcasted to human beings from the Throne of God.

That is also how it was in the fifth age, in the sixth age…

[Audio cuts out momentarily]

… Paradise.

And now we have God’s channel 8: The Eternal Age of the Church of Jesus Christ, the eighth age; the number 8 refers to eternity. And that channel 8 of the Church of Jesus Christ, through God’s television for His Church (which is the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ), that the Church can hear and see everything that is being broadcasted from Heaven, from the Temple that is in Heaven, from the Throne of God.

See how simple everything is? There is no other channel to tune into at this end time and be able to see the Program of God relevant to this end time. There is no other channel or television to be able to see the Seventh Seal. There is no other channel or television in and for the Church of Jesus Christ in order to be under the Seventh Seal, to obtain the Great Victory of the Seventh Seal in Divine Love.

We have seen that it is through channel 8 (which is the Age of the Cornerstone) and through God’s television (which is the Angel Messenger of Jesus Christ) that Jesus Christ’s broadcast of the Day of the Lord will be heard, speaking to us with that Great Voice of Trumpet all these things that must happen soon, and thus, be seeing the manifestation of Jesus Christ at this end time through that television.

That television, notice, is also a throne of mercy of Jesus Christ here on Earth, just as each angel messenger was a throne of mercy; but none of the seven angel messengers finished the mercy of God in Heaven, therefore, none of the seven angel messengers, as thrones of mercy, turned into thrones of judgment afterwards to convey the divine judgment from Heaven here on Earth.

But at the Last Day, the change that occurs in Heaven, in the Throne of God, from seat of mercy to seat or Throne of Judgment, will also be reflected in that throne of mercy, in that messenger; and then, that throne of mercy will be a throne of judgment.

That is also how it is in our age. Our age is a Throne of Mercy age, but when God’s mercy ends in Heaven, mercy and also judgment will come out of that Throne of Mercy; that Throne of the Age of the Cornerstone is where Christ will be.

As an age, the Age of the Cornerstone is the Throne of the Lord; as a messenger, the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ is the Throne of the Lord. And now we can see this heavenly mystery to be manifested here on Earth.

Further on, the Throne of David will also be occupied by Jesus Christ the Son of David, and He will be there as the Son of Man and the Son of David; and mercy and judgment for the human race will come out of there.

Now we can see how the Throne that is in Heaven will be reflected in those three thrones: The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Age of the Cornerstone, the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Throne of David. See how simple everything is? Everything is so simple that if we are not watchful, we will miss it. Everything is simple.

Now notice what the victory of the Seventh Seal is: it is the victory of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ in His Second Coming as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords in His Reclaiming Work; it is the victory of the Seventh Seal, of the Angel who was different from the rest, in His Coming and manifestation in human flesh through His Angel Messenger at this Last Day and in the Age of the Cornerstone.

But the one who does everything is Jesus Christ; His Angel is only His instrument. His instrument does not have anything of himself to glory in, and if he glories in something, he glories in Christ, and he gives all the glory to our beloved Lord Jesus Christ.

To Jesus Christ be the glory and honor forever and ever, henceforth and forevermore, for all of eternity.


We have seen what is the Victory in the Divine Love of Christ in His Coming with His Angels, veiled and revealed in His Angel Messenger, carrying out the Work pertaining to this end time, in the Age of the Cornerstone, for the Church of Jesus Christ, and also for the Hebrew people and for all nations.

May the blessings of Jesus Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, be upon each one of you and upon me as well in this time of the Work of the Divine Love of Jesus Christ; and soon, may all the elect who are yet to be called and gathered together receive the Message, may the Message reach them, and may they be called and gathered together, and the number of the elect of God be completed; and the dead in Christ be resurrected, and we which are alive be changed; and then, may we go to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, after that manifestation in eternal bodies, where we will be here on Earth from 30 to 40 days, in that full manifestation of God. In the Eternal Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.

It has been a great privilege to be with you on this occasion testifying to you about: “THE VICTORY OF THE SEVENTH SEAL.” That victory is promised.

May God continue to bless all of you; and enjoy your spiritual and physical food as well.

God bless you.


1 John 10:18

2 Ephesians 2:4-7

3 The ten virgins and the… – December 11, 1960m –

4 Broken Cisterns – July 26, 1964e –

5 Questions and Answers #3 – August 30, 1964m –

6 Matthew 24:31, Mark 13:27

7 Matthew 10:42

8 “How the Angel came to me, and His commission,” 1/17/55; “What was the Holy Ghost given for?,” 12/17/59; “Is this the sign of the end, sir?,” 12/30/62e –

9 The Seventh Seal – March 24, 1963e –

10 Daniel 7:9, Revelation 1:14

11 The Seventh Seal – March 24, 1963e –

12 The Fourth Seal – March 21, 1963 –

13 John 1:26-34

14 The First Seal – March 18, 1963 –

15 Revelation 4:1

16 John 3:22-30

17 The Seventh Seal – March 24, 1963e –

18 The Seventh Seal – March 24, 1963e –

19 The Seventh Seal – March 24, 1963e –

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