Good evening, fellow ministers in the Age of the Cornerstone, in the mystical Body of Christ. It is a great blessing to be with you on this occasion to share some moments of fellowship with you around the Word of God and His Program pertaining to this end time.
For this reason, we want to read in Judges chapter 6, verses 11 and on, where it says:
“And there came an angel of the Lord, and sat under an oak which was in Ophrah, that pertained unto Joash the Abiezrite: and his son Gideon threshed wheat by the winepress, to hide it from the Midianites.
And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him, and said unto him, The Lord is with thee, thou mighty man of valour.
And Gideon said unto him, Oh my Lord, if the Lord be with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where be all his miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt? but now the Lord hath forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.
And the Lord looked upon him, and said, Go in this thy might, and thou shalt save Israel from the hand of the Midianites: have not I sent thee?
And he said unto him, Oh my Lord, wherewith shall I save Israel? behold, my family is poor in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house.
And the Lord said unto him, Surely I will be with thee, and thou shalt smite the Midianites as one man.
And he said unto him, If now I have found grace in thy sight, then shew me a sign that thou talkest with me.
Depart not hence, I pray thee, until I come unto thee, and bring forth my present, and set it before thee. And he said, I will tarry until thou come again.
And Gideon went in, and made ready a kid, and unleavened cakes of an ephah of flour: the flesh he put in a basket, and he put the broth in a pot, and brought it out unto him under the oak, and presented it.
And the angel of God said unto him, Take the flesh and the unleavened cakes, and lay them upon this rock, and pour out the broth. And he did so.
Then the angel of the Lord put forth the end of the staff that was in his hand, and touched the flesh and the unleavened cakes; and there rose up fire out of the rock, and consumed the flesh and the unleavened cakes. Then the angel of the Lord departed out of his sight.
And when Gideon perceived that he was an angel of the Lord, Gideon said, Alas, O Lord God! for because I have seen an angel of the Lord face to face.
And the Lord said unto him, Peace be unto thee; fear not: thou shalt not die.
Then Gideon built an altar there unto the Lord, and called it Jehovahshalom: unto this day it is yet in Ophrah of the Abiezrites.”
Jehovahshalom, this was the name he gave that place and that altar.
On this occasion, our subject is: “THE MIGHTY MAN OF VALOR.”
Miguel, what does Jehovahshalom mean?
[Bro. Miguel: I believe it is ‘Jehovah-peace,’ I think, I think that’s what it is.]
For here He told him:
“And the Lord said unto him, Peace be unto thee; fear not: thou shalt not die.”
And now, that brought Gideon peace; because Gideon had read in the Scriptures what God had already said in Numbers chapter 33, to the prophet Moses. Numbers 33… Correction, Exodus 33, verses 18 to 23, says:
“And he said,” (Moses said to God), “I beseech thee, shew me thy glory.
And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy.
And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.”
See? God had already said: “Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.” And Gideon was seeing the Angel of the Lord’s face.
“And the Lord said, Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon a rock:
And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by:
And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen.”
If He says: “My face shall not be seen,” that is because He has a face; and if He says: “You shall see My back parts,” that is because He has back parts.
And when He passed by, then God took His hand away from Moses and then he was able to see God passing by, He saw God’s back parts, He saw God in His theophanic body, heavenly body.
Well, the subject is: “THE MIGHTY MAN OF VALOR.”
In God’s Program for each age and each dispensation, and each stage of the Divine Program, God always has a mighty man, who is the man sent by God for each time.
And here Gideon is the mighty man of God; he is the sixth judge of the judges that God established in the midst of the Hebrew people, each one in his time.
This mystery of the judges that the Hebrew people had is the mystery of the theocratic kingdom; and the theocracy was there among the Hebrew people, and God was ruling through those judges that He sent from stage to stage, God was reigning through them and He was protecting the people through those judges; of which we also find that Samson was one of them, and Samuel was the last of them.
When the Hebrew people rejected Samuel by asking for a king, Samuel was very sad and angry too; he was mad at the Hebrew people, and saddened; and he told God that they had rejected him. And God tells him: “They have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them;”1 because God was reigning over the Hebrew people through the judges. In those days of Samuel, God was reigning through Samuel, who was the last of the judges.
And now, we find that there we have the theocracy, which shows what the Millennial Kingdom will be like. That is why you can see that God has 24 thrones, and on the 24 thrones He has 24 elders: 12 of those elders are the 12 patriarchs, and the other 12 are the 12 apostles, whom Christ told in Saint Matthew chapter 19, verses 28 to 30, and Saint Luke chapter 22, verses 28 to 30, the following… Chapter 19 of Saint Matthew says… verse 28:
“And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration,” (that is in the Millennial Kingdom), “when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory,” (that is the Throne of David), “ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.”
Here, notice, Christ tells them: “… judging the twelve tribes of Israel;” because in the Millennial Kingdom God will be ruling over the Hebrew people, according to the order of theocracy, which is: God reigning, ruling, over the people.
And now, He will have judges—these judges, which are the apostles—to judge the 12 tribes of Israel… Where did the judges sit? At the entrance gate of the city.
And now, that is also why in Heaven we find the apostles on 12 thrones and the patriarchs on 12 thrones; and there, notice, in Heaven, they are present there for everything that happens.
Therefore, Christ has testified in Heaven (like Boaz did) to carry out that intercession; like Boaz did for Ruth, for which he had to redeem Naomi.2
And now, Christ has been testifying in Heaven, and the 24 elders are there.
And now, let’s read in chapter 22 of Saint Luke, where it says… verse 28 to 30:
“Ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations,” (see? If we suffer with Him, we shall reign with Him).3
“And I appoint unto you a kingdom,” (meaning, “I give you a kingdom”), “as my Father hath appointed unto me…” (“as My Father gave Me”).
And now, Christ makes the apostles joint-heirs of that Kingdom, and they have to do with the Hebrew people; with the Gentiles, well, the seven angel-messengers have to do with them; and with Gentiles and Hebrews, well, it’s the Angel of the Age of the Cornerstone, the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is why the ministries of Moses and Elijah and of the Son of Man have to do with Gentiles and with Hebrews.
It says:
“That ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.”
So, the apostles over there don’t have anything to do with the Gentiles, but rather with the Hebrew people.
Now, we can see that there is always a mighty man of valor whom God sends for God to carry out a Work through him; and thus, God fights the enemy, He fights the darkness, and brings the blessing for His people.
Now, we find that in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in Her stages among the Gentiles, Christ has sent faithful and wise servants, mighty men of valor, which are the angel-messengers of each age, who have a great blessing in the Kingdom of Christ.
Just like we have seen in the Scripture that Christ has promised 12 thrones for the 12 apostles, to rule, reign, and judge the 12 tribes of Israel; we find that the seven angel-messengers are placed as the princes of the group of elect of each age. And just like He has 12 tribes in the midst of the Hebrew people, He has seven ages of His Church among the Gentiles, and then the Age of the Cornerstone.
And now, when our Brother Branham, Rev. William Branham was in Paradise before his final departure, he was gathered with his people, in other words, the converts to Christ under his ministry; and they were all young, dressed in white, their hair was different colors (the young women and young men’s hair), and everyone said to him: “My precious Brother Branham!”
And they set him up in a high place; and he says: “Why are you doing this to me?” Then he was told: “It’s because on Earth you were a leader.” And then he says: “I want to see Jesus.” He wanted to see Jesus in the sixth dimension, but he was told: “You can’t see Him now because He is higher than this,” in other words, in the seventh dimension, because He is making intercession there in the seventh dimension; that is why He is higher, in the seventh dimension, making intercession for every person whose name has been written in Heaven, in the Lamb’s Book of Life, before the foundation of the world.
But they told him: “But He will come to you,” in other words: “Stay put here (meaning, in the sixth dimension); stay put, because He will come to you first,” (and he got really happy), “and He will judge you.” And that’s when things, well, it seems like… like that revelation he was given seems like a blow, because it was a revelation.
“He will come to you first and judge you; and if you go in, if it goes well for you, then we will go in as well; and we will go back to Earth with you, and we will obtain, we will receive, we will take up new bodies, and then we will eat. Because here we neither eat, nor sleep, nor drink, but when we go back to Earth then we will take up bodies,” (meaning, the glorified body; that is the resurrection), “and then we will eat.”4
And they said: “And we will be your subjects.” If they will be his subjects, then what is he? In a kingdom, the people is or are the subjects; and the one whose subjects those people are, is who? The king, the prince.
And now, notice how Christ has those seven princes; therefore, the seven angel-messengers are the ones who will have those important positions; and the messenger of their age will be in charge of the group of his age; therefore, during the Millennial Kingdom, well, each messenger will be in his territory with his group.
Notice, when Brother Branham was in Paradise, he didn’t say he saw the ones of Luther, nor the ones of Wesley, nor the ones of Saint Paul, rather, he was told: “These are your people, your persons, your converts.”
By now, surely he has already seen Saint Paul and the rest of the apostles, and the ones of – and the apostles as well; and surely he has seen the – other messengers, and also the people of the other messengers; surely, well, they’ve let him travel around Paradise, which is the sixth dimension.
And as we’ve seen in the accounts of Rev. William Branham when he was there, it’s like in this dimension: there are trees, there are animals, and there are lakes, and so on and so forth; there are also birds, and there are people there too; but it is in another dimension, and therefore, in another body, meaning, the theophanic body, the heavenly body, the body of the Word.
And now, these messengers have been the mighty men of their time.
But Christ asks on one occasion, in Saint Matthew chapter 24… Remember that those messengers were the faithful and wise servants of each age, they were the faithful and wise stewards, which Christ made rulers over His Household, over His Church in each stage of His Church. Chapter 24, verse 42 and on, says:
“Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.
Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.
Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?
Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.
Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods.”
And now, there will be a faithful and wise servant in the Household of God, in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, at the Last Day, in the time of the fulfillment of the Second Coming of Christ, of the Coming of the Son of Man; and what will he be doing? Giving them the spiritual Food of the Word revealed for that time. And he will have a greater blessing than the blessing that the angel-messengers of the seven ages have; it will be a blessing parallel to the blessing of Christ, of Jesus Christ.
And now, in the message “The Parallelism between Jesus Christ and His Angel,” there we will see that mystery of the Angel-Messenger of Jesus Christ in more detail.
And now, this faithful and wise servant who will be at the Last Day, in the time of the Second Coming of Christ, when Christ rises from the Father’s Throne once He has finished His Work of Intercession, that faithful and wise servant who will be on Earth won’t be the first angel-messenger, nor the second, nor the third, nor the fourth, nor the fifth, nor the sixth, nor the seventh, because they already left, and Christ is still on the Father’s Throne making intercession for those who have yet to come into the mystical Body of Christ.
And after the seven angel-messengers have gone, what do we have left? Well, we are left with the most important part of the Program of Christ in His Church: the part of the Age of the Cornerstone, where He has to put an angel-messenger with a dispensational Message, with which the people of Christ, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, will be fed at this end time; and that Message is the hidden Manna, It is the Divine revelation of the Seventh Seal, It is the Divine revelation of the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords in His Claiming Work.
That whole mystery will be contained and revealed in that Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, which revolves around the Second Coming of Christ; and therefore, that is the spiritual Food that the elect of the Last Day will be eating; and therefore, they will be well fed.
“Who is the faithful and wise servant, whom his Lord has made ruler over His Household, to give them Food in due season?” And now, at the Last Day, who will it be? Well, it will be the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Age of the Cornerstone, in the mystical Body of the Lord Jesus Christ; and he has to be a mighty man of valor. In other words, his work in the mystical Body of Christ won’t be easy, rather it will have to be – or it will be a work that takes effort; he will work with effort in the Work of Christ.
And he must be courageous, because he will face attacks from the enemy, the enemy using many people and many groups; but he will have to remain there as the Mighty Man of the Last Day, the messenger of Jesus Christ, to obtain from Christ the Great Victory in Love Divine. Christ is the One that will give him the victory. So, it will be the victory of Christ manifested in and through that mighty man of valor.
Therefore, just like the Angel of the Lord, which is Christ in His heavenly or theophanic body, told him: “With this might, deliver the people, go deliver them. I will be with you.”
And do you remember (page 163 and 164) in the dream that Rev. William Branham had, when he saw a young man in shackles? In other words, they had him chained or with those shackles on his feet, and do the shackles go on the hands too, Miguel? Or on the feet?
[Bro. Miguel: On the feet.]
On the feet; therefore, they had him imprisoned. And Brother Branham says that he saw that young man in shackles, and he saw him fighting to get out; and he managed to free himself! He managed to remove the shackles.
And when Brother Branham saw him, well, he felt happy, he said: “I’ll see what he does now;” because when a person is delivered he has to do something; because he doesn’t want to – he is not going to want to be free just to stand around doing nothing, he has to do something.
And he says: “And I saw that he was a nice fellow,” and so on. But he says that he also saw a woman from a church that he knew, he knew her, and he knew the church that she belonged to. And they had told Brother Branham, according to the dream: “Don’t have anything to do with those people. Those are horrible, horrendous people.” Let’s read it here so that… Page 163 to 164 of the book of Quotations; paragraph 1458 says [65-1126 – “Works Is Faith Expressed,” pp. 4-5]:
1458 – “24 I had a dream, the other morning. I don’t dream very often, I’m not a dreamer. But I—I dreamed that I seen a man, a young fellow in shackels, and he was trying to get out, and—and I said…Somebody told me, said, ‘Those are horrible people,’” (therefore, that is referring to that young man and those people who may have been there in shackles), “‘don’t have nothing to do with them.’
25 And I seen this young fellow getting out of his shackel so I just let him alone. I thought, ‘I’ll just see what he does.’ So when he got out, he was a nice fellow. And I seen others trying to get out.”
See? There were more people there. And they were all trying to get out, but one got out first; and if one gets out, then it’s possible for the rest to get out. And if he helps them, they’ll get out even faster. And the woman appears:
1458 – “30 And she said, ‘Brother Branham, deliver us from this.’ Said, ‘This is a house of hell.’ And said, ‘You’ve been misunderstood.’ And said, ‘These…And you—you misunderstood these people, too.’ Said, ‘These are fine people, but…’ And I looked over there, and like a great big cellar, or—or big walls, down beneath a great big cave; and great iron bars, eight or ten inches thick. And people, out of their mind, twisted arms and legs, beating their head like that. And she was crying, saying, ‘Deliver the people, Brother Branham.’ Said—said, ‘Help us, we’re in trouble.’ She herself, I know her, she belongs to the…I believe the church of Christ, or the Christian church, called Church of the Brethren. So she…
31 I looked around, and I said, ‘I wished I could.’ And go on, looking around; and I…my little, bitty body and—and them great, big iron bars; and those poor people in there. And you couldn’t get to them, them iron bars was setting close together. And I looked, and they were beating their head like they were out of their mind.
32 And I seen some lights flickering around in there. And I looked up, and there stood the Lord Jesus with a—a—a lights of rainbow around Him. He was looking right straight to me, said, ‘Deliver those people.’ And He went away.”
Now notice, with lights of a rainbow (what?) around. On the Throne in Heaven the lights were what? Of a rainbow, also around. He is seeing beforehand what will happen later on.
In Revelation chapter 10, and Revelation chapter 1, and Revelation chapter 19, we see Christ, the Son of Man, with a rainbow around His head, a rainbow light or lights around His head.
And now, he says:
1458 – “33 And I thought, ‘Well, how could I deliver them? I—I haven’t got strength enough in my arms to break those bars.’
34 So I said, ‘House of hell, give way to the Name of Jesus Christ.’
35 And all the creaking and popping, and—and rocks rolling, and—and bars falling; and people running, screaming, ‘Delivered!’ and screaming at the top of their voice, and was all delivered.
36 And I was screaming then, ‘Brother Roy Borders, where are you? Where are you? God is delivering,’” (freeing, or, delivering), “‘His people! Where are you, Brother Borders?’”
“Borders,” well, that is in English, and if we were reading it in Spanish, well, it would be Bordes.
And now, this shows what will be happening, where? Higher, in the stage of the Age of the Cornerstone.
And now, since God reflected Himself in the Old Testament through the Old Testament prophets, He reflected what the Messiah in His First and Second Coming would be; and when He came in His First Coming, what had been reflected in the Old Testament prophets we later saw in Jesus Christ.
Then, God has reflected in the apostles and in the seven angel-messengers what He will be doing at this end time.
Therefore, just like Isaiah in chapter 53 was speaking a prophetic Word there; and then when the eunuch read it, when he was in his chariot on his way back from Jerusalem to his land, he was reading Isaiah 53 and he wondered: “Who is the prophet Isaiah speaking about here? Is he speaking of himself or is he speaking of another person?” That was the inquiry, the question in the heart of the eunuch (was he Ethiopian?), the eunuch of Ethiopia, who was a very important person in the Ethiopian kingdom. And Candace was the queen? Candace.
And the Holy Spirit tells Philip: “Go, go near the eunuch’s chariot, that chariot going there.” Of course, it wasn’t a car like the ones we have nowadays, rather it was, what kind of chariot? Would it be a horse chariot, Miguel?
[Bro. Miguel: A chariot of horses or camels… of horses… it could have been of camels because that was the time, because camels also…] (they could carry, they could pull a chariot.)
And since he was a man with a high position he could come in a Cadillac, which would be a camel; pulled by… his chariot pulled by camels or elephants too, or horses. Since it doesn’t say, well, let’s leave it at that, and once we meet him, we will check with him.
Now, he comes near him, (was it Philip, Miguel?) Philip, who had been giving a great campaign in… (where was it?) Samaria; and now he comes near the eunuch, who had to take that route, and he tells him… because he’s reading, and they probably read out loud, some of them; others, well, they read in silence… what do they call that? Without… inaudibly, in their mind, they read to themselves.
Well, from what we can tell, what the eunuch was reading… or Philip saw what he was reading; and whether he heard it or when he saw what he was reading, well, he must have been asking himself: “What is the meaning of this, what I am reading?”
He probably did hear it, he heard what he was reading; because he asks him: “Do you understand what you’re reading?” And then the eunuch says to him: “Of whom does the prophet speak here, does he speak of himself or does he speak of someone else?”
So, he had already read the passage and Philip had already heard him; because he doesn’t say: “I’m going to read you this passage so that you explain to me who he is speaking about,” instead, he had already read it out loud, and Philip, who had come near, had heard him; and perhaps the chariot was moving, or it had stopped, and… the chariot was already moving, right?
He approaches him; and then he tells him: “Do you understand what you’re reading?” And the eunuch tells him: “Well how can I understand, if there is no one to explain it to me?” That is, he tells him: “Of whom does the prophet speak here, does he speak of himself or does he speak of someone else?”
Then Philip begins to explain to him the meaning of that passage, and he shows him that the prophet Isaiah is not speaking of himself, rather, he is speaking of someone else, but it was being reflected in the prophet Isaiah; and yet, the fulfillment was for someone else; it was a prophecy that would be fulfilled in the Messiah who would come to the Hebrew people.
We also find that in different prophets, such as David—a king and prophet—Christ was reflected; and he wept over Jerusalem;5 but that was then completely fulfilled in Jesus Christ when He wept over Jerusalem.6
It was also said: “They pierced my hands and my feet. I may tell all my bones.”7 Who said that, Miguel? David. And now, David is reflecting what is going to happen in Jesus Christ; because God’s prophet-messengers reflect what is later going to be completely fulfilled in the Anointed One, in the Messiah, who is to come.
That is why things of the First Coming and of the Second Coming were reflected in the Old Testament prophets; and the ones that weren’t fulfilled in Jesus, in His First Coming, will be fulfilled in His Second Coming.
And the apostles and the angel-messengers have also reflected what will be fulfilled in the Second Coming of Christ. Therefore, we find things among the messengers that were seemingly meant to be fulfilled in them, or were being fulfilled in them, but they were reflecting what would be fulfilled later on in the Coming of the One who will come after the forerunner.
And this dream speaks to us about what will happen after the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ; therefore—for its fulfillment—that pertains to the Age of the Cornerstone. And God will vindicate—that is, He will fulfill—that promise that was shown in dreams for the deliverance of the people who are there in that cave with those iron bars, and they are imprisoned there. And that cave with those bars represents, what? The denomination or denominationalism.
And now, we find that there will be a deliverance. That is why in Revelation chapter 15, it shows the deliverance of the foolish virgins, who didn’t have Oil, and they come out under the ministry of Moses, as says Rev. William Branham on page 51 of the book of Quotations. Let’s see if it’s here.
And they also appear in Revelation chapter 7, where the Angel who comes with the Seal of the living God to call and gather the elect of the Hebrew people, which are 144,000, 12,000 of each tribe, also under that ministry appear the multitude which no man could number, and who come with palms in their hands, which are the foolish virgins who didn’t have Oil in their lamps.
And therefore, the same ministry that Christ uses in the midst of His Church for the wise virgins, He will then be using for the deliverance of the foolish virgins and also for the deliverance of the 144,000 Hebrews.
And that will be in the adoption, in the manifestation of all the Divine power in all its fullness, in the fulfillment of the Third Pull, in the manifestation of the Divine power, where we will be adopted, and where the Third Pull will be for the world, the foolish or sleeping virgins (in other words, for the church), and for the Bride.
Now, we have the fact that the Third Pull, in terms of revealed Word, is the Third Pull revealing His Word.
God gave us a sample through Rev. William Branham revealing the Word. He also gave us a sample of God’s power carrying out miracles, when on five occasions… there were more, but he mentions five occasions where the mighty hand of God was manifested; and it was a sample of what God will do later on.
On page 119 as well… Let’s see, [page] 51, let’s see here first, paragraph 439 says [Quotations] [61-0108 – “Revelation, Chapter Four #3,” pp. 32-33]:
439 – “192 Now, in Revelation 15, the remnant of the woman’s Seed, which was the Tribulation saints that went through the Tribulation, was found (Look!).”
Now, whose remnant? The woman’s. And now, the woman here, we find that the woman is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament, just like the woman that was standing with the moon under her feet, and she was with the sun or in the sun, of Revelation chapter 12, notice… Now [Quotations]:
439 – “192 … the remnant of the woman’s Seed, which was the Tribulation saints that went through the Tribulation, was found (Look!) standing on this sea. And it was filled with fire, blood, red blazes licking forth, the fire of God. They had gotten the victory over the beast (Rome), over his number, over the letter of his name, and over his image (the Confederation of Churches), and had come out.”
See? That is the same thing as the deliverance that was shown in dreams to Rev. William Branham, where God will be delivering His people.
439 – “[192] … and had come out. And through the preaching of Moses and Elijah, those two prophets that will appear to Israel to pull out the…this group of people, those Tribulation Period saints, back in that time that’ll be brought in, was…
193 See, the Church is done raptured now, (…)” (meaning, the Bride-Church).
“[194] (… Do you see they was already in Glory?) And here’s the Tribulation saints, the sanctified ones that had…being it’s mine and your fault they had never heard the Word. If they heard It and rejected It, they went on to hell; they was cast out into outer darkness because they rejected the Word. But if they would never heard It, God is just, Tribulation Period comes to them.”
Further down, he says:
439 – “197 Now, see, they had never entered in, but they had heard the Word. They had heard the Word. Now, listen, see what kind of Doctrine they heard, see if it compares with the Church now.
And they sang the song of Moses the servant of God, (That’s, after Moses had crossed over.) and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; (Who is that Lamb?) Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.’
198 See what they recognized Him to be? Not no third person in a trinity, but ‘the Lord God Almighty, the King of Saints!’ Listen! Are you ready? 4th verse:
Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, (capital L-o-r-d, Elohim) and glorify…Who is it left that’ll not fear thee,…and glorify thy name?…
199 They was washed by the same waters that you’re being washed by now, hearing the Word, and the faith and power of Jesus Christ being the Almighty. It’s the whole Revelation at the beginning. The whole thing’s wrapped up in the Revelation of Who Jesus Christ is, ‘God made flesh among us!’”
That is the revelation that they will receive at the time appointed by God; but that revelation is first received by the elect; because the Third Pull is for the world, but It is also for the foolish, but It is also for the Bride.
And so, the greatest blessing is for whom? The Bride-Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, the wise virgins.
Page 119, paragraph 1057, says [Quotations] [63-1229E – “Look Away to Jesus,” pp. 5-7]:
1057 – “[38] … the thing that we have looked forward to…”
See? Looking at something, how? By looking forward.
[Bro. Miguel: This is the book that Brother William was looking for: “Shalom.”]
1057 – “[38] … the thing that we have looked forward to for so long (for at least many years, four or five years…)”
Thank you very much, God bless you. This is the same one… Yes, there’s another “Shalom,” preached in Jeffersonville, Indiana, which is the one we still need… This one, we already have this same one here, we still need the other one which is “Shalom” too, but it’s another one. Let’s continue here, he says:
1057 – “[38] … the thing that we have looked forward to for so long (for at least many years, four or five years, or maybe longer), the Third Pull, has now been vindicated, and I’m sure you all know what it is.
39 Now remember, there’ll never be an impersonation of that…”
Why will there “never be an impersonation of that?” When there was an impersonation of the First and Second Pull, it was because our Brother Branham showed those stages publicly, and then the impersonators came along.
If someone has a picture, a painting, and he doesn’t want anyone to make an imitation of it, a copy of it, then he can’t let anyone see it; because if another painter sees it, he will say: “I’m going to make a copy of this and I’ll make it even better, so it will look more real than the one he has.”
And since Brother Branham showed the First Pull, which was the sign in the hand… which would swell up when he would take the person by the hand and that is when he would detect the type of illness they had.
Then he also showed the Second Pull in public, and they made imitations as well; and people, preachers, came out doing the same thing our Brother Branham did. But our Brother Branham did it by the Spirit of Christ; it wasn’t an impersonation, rather it was something real. But later the imitators came along.
But now the Angel tells him later on, He shows him what the Third Pull is and tells him: “This, say nothing of it to anyone.” Why? So that the imitators can’t imitate what the Third Pull will be.
Let’s continue here, it says [Quotations]:
1057 – “[39] … there’ll never be an impersonation of that, ’cause it can’t be. See, it cannot be. Now it’s in existent. And I have…I am warned of this, that soon…Right at this time now it’s just happened, so it could identify its presence among you, see, but it will not be used in a great way until this Council begins to tighten up.”
In other words, what God is giving us through Rev. William Branham is the sample of what the Third Pull in all its power will be; therefore, He is reflecting in Rev. William Branham using something real, He is reflecting what the Third Pull will be in all its fullness, when He adopts the first man in His Church. That will already be under the adoption of the mighty man of valor.
1057 – “[39] And when it does, when that does…The Pentecostals, and so forth, can almost impersonate anything can be done. But when that time comes, when the squeeze comes down, then you’ll see, what you’ve seen temporarily, be manifested in the fullness of its power.”
And five examples were shown. When, for example… Everything was by the spoken Word. For example, when he spoke to the little fish, who had been dead for half an hour, and was raised; it was lying there dead in the water, but it was raised; a type and figure of the resurrection that Christ will carry out of the saints who have departed. Because if He can speak life into a little fish so that it rises, He will be able to raise the saints who have departed; because Christ is the Resurrection and the Life.8
Notice, on page 166, paragraph *1476, it says [Quotations] [65-1127E – “I Have Heard But Now I See,” p. 4]:
1476 – “[26] That—that gives us to know,” (in other words, lets us know), “if He’s interested to speak the Word of life into a little insignificant fish laying there dead, on the water for a half hour, He can certainly someday speak Life into His children. No matter if your body be no more than a spoonful of dust, He’ll speak, and we’ll answer Him someday.”
See? That miracle of the little fish being raised represents the saints who are going to be raised; because “the dead shall hear the Voice of the Son of God, and they will rise.” Saint John chapter (what?) 5, verses 21 to 29.
Now, notice, God is setting the symbolism of what God will do. Just like, notice, when Christ cursed the fig tree9: the fig tree represents the Hebrew people. And now here, the little fish that is raised represents the believers who have departed.
Any person may think: “But why would God use His power to raise a little fish?” Well, didn’t He use His power to curse the fig tree? Didn’t He use His power to turn the water into wine?10 And didn’t He use His power to multiply the loaves and the fishes?11 Therefore, He set the type and figure of what He would do when He did those things.
And now, we have seen all these things that are promised to happen. And now it says [Quotations] [63-1229E – “Look Away to Jesus,” pp. 5-7]:
1057 – “[39] … when that time comes, when the squeeze comes down, then you’ll see, what you’ve seen temporarily, be manifested in the fullness of its power.”
In other words, once the squeeze comes, someone will already be adopted, in order for God to manifest all His power; and for what was seen partially manifested to be seen manifested in all its power, under the manifestation of the Third Pull in terms of the manifestation of all its power.
1057 – “40 Now I must continue in evangelism. Just as I was commissioned, first, I must continue on…”
Until the squeeze comes, we must continue to evangelize, so that all the elect who are written in Heaven, in the Lamb’s Book of Life, may be called and gathered, and the mystical Body of the Lord may be completed.
1057 – “[40] Therefore, you’ve had the Word, and you know what to look for, how to stand.”
Then, further down, it says:
1057 – “[42] The Third is properly identified. See? We know where it is. So, the Third Pull is here.
43 It is so sacred, that, I mustn’t say much about it…”
Because in him, the Third Pull was giving us a sample of what God will do or would do later on, in a new age and in a dispensational overlap, and through a messenger that He will send. It says:
1057 – “[43] … that, I mustn’t say much about it. As He told me in the beginning, said, ‘This, say nothing of it.’ You remember that, years ago? It speaks for itself. See? But you… I’ve tried to explain the others,” (that is, the other Pulls), “and I made a mistake. This will be the thing, that, to my opinion… I don’t say the Lord tells me this. This will be a thing that will start the Rapturing faith, for the going away. See? See? And it…
44 I must lay quiet for just a little while. Now remember, and who is listening to this tape, you might see such a change in my ministry right away, dropping back, not going up; dropping back. We’re right at the age now, and it can’t be, can’t go any further.”
The ministry of our Brother Branham could not go any further than his age, it could not go any further than the time given to him. He was moved from the seventh age to that part between the seventh age and the Age of the Cornerstone, but he could not go any higher; because the higher ministry pertains to the faithful and wise servant that Jesus Christ sends to His Church at the Last Day, which is the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ; and Christ doesn’t have two major prophets ministering at the same time, in other words, He can’t have them in the same age.
And Brother Branham says: “And if it is, he’ll increase and I’ll decrease.” Page 552 of the book of The Seals. And this is when he is speaking about someone who will come after him, whom he says will be the Seventh Seal.
Now, notice, with this Third Pull, “when the squeeze comes down, this is what,” (he says), “will start or begin the Rapturing faith, for the going away.”
Remember that the Third Pull is the stage that gives all of God’s elect the faith to be changed and raptured; therefore, at that time comes the resurrection of the dead and the transformation of the elect who are living.
1057 – “44 I must lay quiet for just a little while.”
It says:
1057 – “[44] We have to wait just a minute until this happens over here, to catch up (…)
[49] And then when that time comes, and the press comes to a place to where you’re pressed out, then watch what I’m fixing to tell you in a few minutes. Watch the Third Pull then, see, and it’ll be absolutely to the total lost, but it—it will be for the Bride and the Church.”
In other words, that Third Pull will impact the world, the church (Christianity, the foolish virgins), and It will impact the Bride-Church, because with that Third Pull comes the transformation of the elect, when God’s power is manifested in all its fullness; that’s when the great miracles and wonders will take place.
In the meantime, He will be making known to us the mysteries of the things which must shortly come to pass; in other words, the Holy Spirit will be revealing His Word to us. And the Word being revealed is the Third Pull, but not performing great miracles, rather, revealing the Word.
Now, we have seen that there is a promise that was not fulfilled but was reflected in Rev. William Branham; therefore, it must be fulfilled according to how it is promised, and that will be the fulfillment of the Tent Vision.
Now, we are living in a time where we are receiving the revelation of the Word, receiving the revelation of the Seventh Seal, in order to receive the faith to be changed and raptured, which revolves around the Seventh Seal, around the Second Coming of Christ. Therefore, for our time He will have a man, a man of valor, working in the Work of Christ at this end time.
Now, God cannot adopt a person if he hasn’t worked first, if he hasn’t been – he hasn’t been strong and he hasn’t been courageous; because God cannot adopt the fearful, and God cannot give rewards to those who have not been strong.
Therefore, it must be a man of valor, a messenger of valor, who at this end time will be fulfilling the Program relevant to our time. He will be the instrument of Christ, and he will be speaking that Word, revealing those mysteries of the things which must come to pass; and Christ will be vindicating His promises pertaining to this end time in him and through him, just like He vindicated, in other words, made a reality, the promise of the deliverance of the Hebrew people through the prophet Moses, because the promised Word for that time was made flesh in Moses.
The promised Word must become flesh in order to bring forth what was said that God would do.
And now, in the mighty man of valor, Christ will be vindicating, confirming, fulfilling, what He has promised. That is why that man of valor will be the faithful and wise servant (or faithful and wise steward that Saint Luke speaks to us about,12 or the faithful and wise servant that Saint Matthew speaks to us about), whom his Lord when He comes, shall find so doing. What will He find him doing? Giving the Food in due season to the children of God. Where? In the Household of God, in the Age of the Cornerstone. And it says:
[Matthew 24:46] “Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.
Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods.”
In a government like the ones that exist nowadays, he would be the prime minister. In a kingdom, well, he would be the viceroy, is that it, Miguel? The viceroy; but the King is Christ. And so, he would be the one of whom Christ says: “To him that overcomes, will I give power over the nations, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron.”13 Why? Because He is making him ruler, placing him, over all His goods in His Kingdom.
And He also says: “To him that overcomes will I give to eat of the Tree of Life”14; therefore, he will be eating of the Tree of Life, of Christ.
And he, at the Last Day, after eating of the First Coming of Christ, the Tree of Life, and eating all that revelation, in order to obtain the new birth, to receive the Holy Spirit and obtain the new birth, and obtain the theophanic body; then he will also eat of the Second Coming of Christ, the Tree of Life in His Second Coming, in order to have, to receive, the eternal and glorified physical body.
Because if he eats of the Tree of Life, well, whoever eats of the Tree of Life will not die; he will live eternally. Therefore, one eats of the First Coming of Christ and one eats of the Second Coming of Christ.
And now, in Revelation chapter 3 — 2:17, it says:
“To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna…”
See? The hidden Manna is the revelation of the Second Coming of Christ. Then, it says, right there: “… and I will give him a white Stone, and in the Stone a New Name written, that no man knows, except he that receives It.”
He is going to receive the white Stone, the Second Coming of Christ, he is going to receive Christ in His Second Coming; and since He comes with a New Name, he is also going to receive that New Name.
Christ said in Revelation chapter 3, verse 12:
“Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God...”
In other words, he will be an important person in that Temple, which is the Church of Jesus Christ, and therefore, in the glorious Kingdom of Christ:
“… and I will write upon him the name of my God…”
In other words, that is YHWH, as it is said and read correctly; because back then they didn’t have the vowels, those were only consonants.
“… and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God…”
In other words, the New Jerusalem has a Name, and that is the Eternal Name of God. There is no better name for the City of our God than the Name of God.
“… which cometh down out of heaven from my God, and I will write upon him my new name.”
And with all those blessings that God will give him, notice, just as the Father did with Jesus… Jesus is the Angel of the Covenant, who in the entire Old Testament was the instrument of God, and He was in the midst of all those generations that served God, and He was in the midst of the Hebrew people, the Church of the Old Testament; and then He was made flesh, and dwelt among the Hebrew people, and He came in the Name of the One who sent Him, in the Name of the Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
And now, Christ says: “Glorify Thy Name”. And God says: “I have glorified It, and I will glorify It again.”15 He glorified It in His First Coming and He will glorify It in His Second Coming.
And now, because the Father was pleased by Christ and everything He did in obedience to the Father, then when He died: He rose, ascended to Heaven, and sat on the Throne of God.
And now, Christ in Revelation chapter 2, verse 26 to 27, says:
“And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:
And he shall rule them,” (govern them), “with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.”
And now, just as Christ received all that authority in Heaven and on Earth… for He said to His disciples, after He rose: “All power is given unto Me in Heaven and on Earth,”16 for He sat on the Throne of God. And in a kingdom, who is the one that has the authority over the whole kingdom? The one who is sitting on the throne.
And now, likewise, Christ grants the Overcomer power over the nations, authority on this planet Earth, to govern them, to rule them with a rod of iron.
And now, just as Christ overcame and ascended to Heaven victorious, and sat on the Throne of God, now Christ says: “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.” Revelation chapter 3, verse 21.
Just as Christ overcame and sat on the Father’s Throne, now Christ will do the same with the mighty man of valor of the Last Day. He is the one who will receive that blessing, because he is the faithful and wise servant, the faithful and wise steward, who will be present at the Last Day, and who will see and receive Christ in His Second Coming:
[Matthew 24:46] “Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.
Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods.”
He will be made prime minister, the administrator of all the Lord’s goods.
And since the 12 thrones were already given to the apostles, Christ says: “Well, I will grant him to sit with Me on My Throne.” And it’s a good thing that He has already given out the thrones, because the only one left is the Throne of David, to which Christ is heir, according to what was spoken by the Archangel, prophesied by the Archangel Gabriel in Saint Luke chapter 1, where it says… Chapter 1, verse 30 and on, says:
“And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God.
And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus.
He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:
And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.”
And now, that will be the Throne that will rule over the House of Israel, and therefore, that same Throne will be the one that will rule over the whole world. And therefore, the one who sits with Christ on that Throne will have his position over Gentiles and over Hebrews.
There is a great mystery there, but we already know that the blessing that James and John were seeking, when they asked to sit one at the right and the other at the left in the Kingdom of Christ,17 that is the position that Christ has for the mighty man of valor: “He will make him ruler over all His goods.”
And now, that blessing is the greatest of all the blessings that Christ has for His faithful and mighty servants: the apostles and the seven angel-messengers. But since the end of a thing is better than the beginning,18 well, the greatest blessing is for the end of Christ’s business in His Kingdom.
So, there will be an administration in that Millennial Kingdom. And notice, the Throne of Christ will rule over the Hebrew people, and He will have representatives there, which are the apostles, the 12 apostles; and He will rule over the Gentiles, and He will have representatives, which are the seven angel-messengers; and the mighty man of valor will be with Christ on His Throne.
Therefore, the greatest blessing is for this end time, where the messenger of the Last Day must have valor, he must be strong, and he must be courageous; he cannot be afraid of anything. Christ will be with him all the days of his life, and Christ will vindicate every promise that He has made for the mighty man of valor.
He will know that he will sit with Christ on His Throne, he will know that he will have power over all the nations; he will know that he will receive that Stone with the New Name; he will know that the Name of God, of the City of our God, and New Name of Jesus Christ, will be written upon him by Christ. He will know all these things and will be able to share those mysteries (to the extent that he can); although he will have to stay quiet about many things so that imitators don’t arise, because all of this is connected to the Third Pull.
Remember when Brother Branham was in the Tent Vision? The Angel said to him: “Remember that Name that you were looking for when you dreamed or when you had the Tent Vision, or when you dreamed about the Third Pull and the Tent Vision? Remember that Name you were looking for?”19
Then, on another occasion, Brother Branham says: “Maybe it’s…” that is, when he refers to the Tent Vision: “Maybe this is the time and the way in which God will begin to declare His Name in a new way.”20 The Name in a new way is the New Name. And now… That is on page 26 and page 40 of the book of Quotations, look for it there and you will find it.
Now, notice everything that the Tent Vision is connected to.
And then also in the book of Quotations, pages 136 and 138, he says: “The great miracles (the miracles, meaning, at an international level), that’s when Moses and Elijah.”21 So notice which ministry everything that is going to happen in the complete fulfillment of the Tent Vision is connected to.
Now, since all the other angel-messengers already left, the Tent Vision can no longer be fulfilled through any of them; but God will have in the midst of His Church a mighty man of valor working in the Work of Christ and feeding the children of God with the Food pertaining to this time, to the Age of the Cornerstone: giving them the hidden Manna, the revelation of the Seventh Seal, the revelation of the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords in His Claiming Work. And Christ will adopt him; Christ will adopt him and will completely fulfill everything that was shown in the Tent Vision.
But until that moment of the adoption comes, there must be – he must be working in the Work of Christ; because in order to be adopted, he must be working and he must have learned the labors of his Lord’s Work, so that the Holy Spirit then says: “Now he is ready,” and he gets adopted.
And now, every child comes in whom? In whose name? His Father’s. Well, isn’t Christ going to write His Father’s Name upon him? (So…) And isn’t He going to write the Name of the City of our God and His New Name? The three names mentioned there are the same Name.
And now, every check signed by someone who is adopted is as good – the signature is as good as his Father’s; because he is positioned and adopted to be fully administering his Lord’s business, to administer it in that new stage that will come. Therefore, every check that he issues will have funds; every creative Word that he speaks will not bounce, it will do what he will speak.
It will be God’s thoughts being placed in his heart and him speaking those Divine thoughts; and that is the creative Word of God being spoken; therefore, It will do what that Word will be spoken for. And It will not return void, but It will accomplish what It is sent for.22
And the whole world will be shaken, because that Third Pull is for the lost (for the world), It is for the Church (the foolish virgins) and It is for the Bride; therefore, It will do what It must do with the world; It will do what It must do with the foolish virgins; and It will do what It must do with the wise virgins. And Christ will fulfill what He has said He will do with the world, with the foolish virgins, and with His Bride-Church.
And let’s leave that alone there, because there is a great mystery there that must only be known by that mighty man of valor.
Perhaps in the message “The Parallelism between Christ and His Angel,” perhaps some things may come out there, which you can put together with what we have said on this occasion.
But for today, I believe we have come far enough, in order to know who is the mighty man of valor of the Last Day, and to be hand in hand with him in the Work that Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, the Angel of the Lord, will be carrying out through him at this end time.
Notice that Gideon (is it Gideon, Miguel?) was storing food, wheat, food for the family; and that is what the wise man of valor does: by placing the Food in the House of God at this Last Day, placing the hidden Manna, the Food for all of God’s elect of this end time.
Back then it was Gideon. At this end time… or in the ages it was each angel-messenger; and at this end time it will be the One sent by the Lord Jesus Christ, of whom he said:
“I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches.” (Revelation 22, verse 16).
And Revelation 22, verse 6, where it says:
“And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to (manifest) unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.”
And those are the things that Christ said He would reveal to His Church, He would reveal to those who would go up where He was, when He said in Revelation chapter 4, verse 1, with that Voice of Trumpet: “Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.”
We go up to the Age of the Cornerstone, and there, Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, the Angel of the Lord (who appeared to Gideon), will be speaking to us through the mighty man of valor, which is the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ; just as Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, the Angel of the Lord, would be in Gideon and would be using Gideon, to give him the victory against the enemies of the Hebrew people.
And in the same way, Christ will be in His Angel-Messenger for the deliverance of all the sons and daughters of God, and to give us the Great Victory in Love Divine, that victory promised for this end time. Therefore, the victory is already prophesied.
Therefore, we have to be strong and courageous, together with the mighty man, the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, whom He promised to have in His Church making known to us all these things which must shortly be done. Christ through His Angel will be revealing all these things to us, and He—Christ through His Angel—will be working in favor of His Church.
This Angel comes from many centuries ago. We find him with John the Apostle, revealing to him the book of Revelation; but we are going to stop there, to avoid discussing other occasions, but instead, leave it there.
We already know that Rev. William Branham said that Angel is a spirit of a prophet;23 therefore, the spirits of prophets must come to Earth in human flesh in order to have their ministries in the midst of the human race.
Now, let’s leave all of this alone here, because otherwise, we would have to trace the trajectory of the Angel of the Lord, His trajectory in the Old Testament, from Genesis to the First Coming of Christ, where He was made man, He was made flesh, in order to have His earthly ministry; and then we would have to trace the trajectory of the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and see the parallel or parallelism between the Angel of the Lord and the Angel of Jesus. And that parallelism may come out in “The Parallelism between Christ and His Angel.”
So, let’s leave that for the occasion when we will have – we will have that subject, which will be very soon, in… let’s see in which place that topic will be given; and as soon as it is preached, it will be available for all of you. (I don’t know…). That is for July 22nd, in Veracruz.
I don’t know to what extent Jesus Christ will allow me to speak about the parallelism between the Angel and Jesus Christ (the One who sends him). If He allows me to speak everything He has already shown me, we will have a message full of great revelations; but I don’t know to what extent He will allow me to speak, because there are many things there that are very outstanding, which are in the Scripture, they are promised, and whose fulfillment will be in the One sent by the Lord Jesus Christ. And it’s better for me to keep my mouth shut, because otherwise, I would be telling you more than what I should tell you on this occasion.
So, pray a lot for that message, which will be in Veracruz, so that God gives me everything I must speak on that date.
So, may God continue to bless you all, may God keep you.
And onward serving Christ, and working together with the mighty man of valor that Christ promised He would have in the midst of His Church, in whom Christ would be manifested in Holy Spirit, revealing all these things to us and preparing us to be changed at this end time.
May the blessings of Jesus Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, be upon all of you and also upon me; and soon may the number of God’s elect in His mystical Body of believers be complete; and soon may He reveal to us everything we must know; and soon may He raise the dead in Christ, and change us who are alive; and He – and may He manifest Himself in all His fullness, and completely fulfill the Tent Vision; and then take us with Him to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Heaven. In the Eternal Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.
As for the Tent Vision, Brother Branham says that… and as for the Third Pull manifested, he says that when the Third Pull is manifested, the doors will already be shut, and… and because the altar call and all these things that are seen in the Tent Vision… we will see that on another occasion in more detail, and we will see how simple everything is.
Since it is for the world, for the foolish virgins, and for the Church, perhaps later we will be able to see the details that have to do with the world (meaning, with the lost), the details that have to do with the foolish virgins, and the details that have to do with the Bride-Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Well, may God continue to bless you all, may God keep you. And with us again our friend and brother, Rev. Miguel Bermúdez Marín, to continue. I don’t know if it’s until 12:00 or 1:00 in the morning. Tomorrow we will have a service already.
Pray a lot for tomorrow’s service, God willing. And pray for my throat, so that God strengthens my throat a lot for tomorrow, God willing.
For tomorrow it’s regarding the Former and Latter Rain…: “THE MYSTERY OF THE FORMER RAIN AND OF THE LATTER RAIN.”
(Let’s see, Miguel, if among the things… Here is one, Miguel. If you don’t have one, you can make a copy of this one, Miguel. It’s getting creased, but I haven’t… I haven’t read it yet) (Oh, well, give it here before… before it gets mixed up with yours).
Well… It’s because Miguel and I always get along like that. God has allowed us to have good fellowship, and to never have fights between him and I, but instead, good fellowship; and so we treat each other like that, with appreciation and affection; and that is the best way, so that God can work through him and through me too.
And He has also placed him among you, to help all of you, and to have the ministers’ meetings, and so that the ministers stay very united; and then he invites me to your meetings, that you have with him; and then, well, with much appreciation and much affection, well, I am come with Miguel in the meetings that he has with you, to share with you what God gives me for you and for the whole mystical Body of Christ
So, Miguel is the one who prepares the activities for all the countries, and also regarding the ministers’ meetings; and he has established that on Saturdays (like today) we don’t have services at night with the whole congregation so that we aren’t limited.
What time is it already, Miguel?
[Bro. Miguel: It’s already… 10 going on 11:00.]
If you would have had a service today, I wouldn’t have even been with you, because I would have gone downstairs, to the service with everyone else, and then perhaps we couldn’t have spoken as clearly as we have spoken among you.
Well, may God continue to bless you all, may God keep you.
Pray a lot for Miguel, and pray a lot for me too, so that God may use us greatly in His Work at this end time.
May God bless you, and have a good evening, everyone.
I leave with you our friend and brother, Miguel Bermúdez Marín.
1 1 Samuel 8:4-7
2 Ruth 3:1-18, 4:1-12
3 2 Timothy 2:12
4 The Revelation Of The Seven Seals, “The Fifth Seal,” pp. 366-368, paras. 382-409
5 2 Samuel 15:30
6 Luke 19:41-44
7 Psalm 22:16-17
8 John 11:25
9 Matthew 21:18-19, Mark 11:12-14
10 John 2:1-12
11 Matthew 14:13-21, Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17, John 6:1-14
12 Luke 12:42-44
13 Revelation 2:26-28
14 Revelation 2:7
15 John 12:28
16 Matthew 28:18
17 Matthew 20:22-23, Mark 10:35-40
18 Ecclesiastes 7:8
19 Quotations, p. 40. para. 321: 56-0219 – “Being Led of the Holy Spirit,” pp. 2, 6, 7-9, paras. 4-5, 16, 20-26
20 Quotations, p. 26, para. 216: 58-1003 – “Looking At The Unseen,” pp. 1-2, paras. 4, 9
21 Quotations, p. 136, para. 1208: 64-0823M – “Questions and Answers #1,” p. 40-42 paras. 186, 197-198; Quotations, p. 138, para. 1236: 64-0830M – “Questions And Answers #3,” p. 52, paras. 261-262
22 Isaiah 55:10-11
23 The Revelation Of The Seven Seals, “The Fifth Seal,” p. 346, paras. 202-208