The Authority of the Son of God

Good evening, fellow ministers in the mystical Body of Christ in the Age of the Cornerstone. It is a great blessing to be with you on this occasion, to share some moments of fellowship with you around the Word of God and His Program pertaining to this end time.

For this reason, let’s read in Saint Matthew chapter 28, verse 16 and on… 16 to 20, where it says:

Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.

And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”

Our subject is: “THE AUTHORITY OF THE SON OF GOD,” in other words, of Jesus Christ.

On different occasions, many people wondered about Jesus, when He was in His earthly ministry, from where He had that authority and power for Him to act the way that He acted. And even when He drove the merchants out of the temple, the religious leaders asked Him: “By what authority do You do these things?”1 for He had not received authority from the high priest, nor from the Sanhedrin Council, to drive the merchants out of the temple, and He was casting them out.

And now, they ask Him: “By what authority are You doing this?” In other words: “Has the Sanhedrin Council, and therefore the high priest, allowed this to be done?” Those people sold doves, which they used for sacrifices; they sold animals, which they used for sacrifices; and now Jesus casts them out.

And now, notice, the high priest and the Council of the Hebrew religion had allowed all those things, and now Jesus doesn’t allow it: Jesus puts Himself above the Council of the Hebrew religion and above the highest leader, above the high priest, and shows by His action that what they are doing or consenting to is outside the will of God. And they didn’t accept Jesus correcting them, nor imposing upon them what they should do.

And now, they ask Him: “By what authority do You do these things?” There Christ tells them: “I will ask of you one question, and if you answer Me, then I will tell you by what authority I do these things.” He asks them: “The baptism of John, was it of men or was it from Heaven?”

They then speak among themselves, and say: “If we say it was from Heaven, He will say: ‘Then why did you not believe? Why didn’t you believe?’” (in other words, believe and be baptized). “And if we say, of men, the people will stone us, because the people believe that John the Baptist is a prophet of God.”

Now, they tell Him… they reach an agreement and say: “Let’s say that we don’t know.” And they tell Jesus: “We cannot tell.”

But they said and taught that It was not from Heaven; otherwise, they would have been baptized. They didn’t recognize the movement that God was carrying out through John the Baptist, they didn’t recognize it as a movement of God.

Now, in other Scriptures they say, Christ Himself: “John the Baptist came neither eating nor drinking,”2 that is, he didn’t eat or drink like other people, because he ate locusts (which are grasshoppers), and wild honey, honey from the fields or honey he found in the fields, and water, from wherever he found it. That was the way he ate, John the Baptist; quite strange for many people, but John was not working to go to the store and buy groceries to make food, nor did he have time for that either; he was very busy those days of his ministry (which were few), and he had to eat whatever he found.

Now, they say of John… because he ate that way, and Jesus says: “John – John came, who neither ate nor drank; and they said: He has devils.” That is, they didn’t believe the baptism of John was from Heaven, because they did not believe that John had been sent of God; they said he was a possessed man, they said: “He has devils.” And if they said he had devils, then they could not believe that the baptism of John was from Heaven. “And now the Son of man comes, who eats and drinks, and they say: This is a gluttonous man, a winebibber, and a friend of publicans and sinners.”

One way or another, when God sends a messenger, they will always say things against him to justify their unbelief; since they cannot believe, then they try to justify themselves by saying that man is not of God. But the ones who are not of God are the unbelievers, those who didn’t believe in Jesus and said: “If You are the Christ, tell us plainly, and don’t make us doubt.”

Notice, this is here in Saint John chapter 10 (and it is also in chapter 8)… chapter 10, verse 22 and on, says:

“And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter.

And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon’s porch.

Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly.

Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness of me.

But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you.

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.

I and my Father are one.”

Now notice, previously, in chapter 8, verse 56… chapter 8… Let’s leave this passage pending. We will look for other passages on another occasion.

Now notice, they didn’t believe that Jesus was the Messiah, that Jesus was the Christ, the King of Israel.

And now, even if Jesus told them plainly: “Yes, I am,” they wouldn’t believe. Why? Because they are not of the sheep that the Father gave Him to give them Eternal Life; they were not with Christ, and therefore they couldn’t come to Christ. But the sheep that the Father gave Him must come to Christ; and he that comes to Him, Christ will in no wise cast out,3 because that person is part of Christ before the foundation of the world.

And now, the authority with which Christ drove the merchant sellers out of the temple, He had not received it from the Council of the Hebrew religion, He had not received it from the high priest, He had not received it from some earthly government, rather He had it, from where? From Heaven: the authority that the Father gave Him to work. That is in chapter 5 of Saint John, verse 19 and on; it says:

“Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel.

For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom he will.

For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:

That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.

For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself;

And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man.”

And from where did Christ receive the authority He had? From the heavenly Father.

Now, the Father who gave the authority to Christ, was where? In Him; therefore, God’s authority was manifested through the veil of flesh in whom God was manifested. In other words, God the Father transfers His authority to His body: His heavenly body and His physical body in which He was dwelling.

That is why in the Old Testament God’s authority and power was where? In the Angel of the Lord, which is God’s heavenly body, which is Christ in His heavenly body, the Word that was with God and was God, and through which God created all things.4 And if He created all things through the Word, where was God’s authority and power? In the Word.

And now, we find that when the Word became flesh, where was God’s authority and power? In the Word made flesh called Jesus.

And now, we find that Christ has authority and power, the authority to use God’s power; because a person may have a lot of power, but if he doesn’t have authority to use it, he cannot use it. For example, He may have been granted many things, but if he has not been given the authority to use those things, he cannot use them.

Now, we find that authority is very important in order to use power.

And now, since Jesus Christ has the power and authority… “All power is given unto Me in Heaven and on Earth,” Christ says. And the Scripture also says that the Father, God, gave authority to Jesus. That is why He spoke with authority, because He had God’s authority to speak the way He spoke, because what He spoke was what God gave Him to speak; what He heard from the Father, that is what He spoke. He said: “I speak not of Myself.”5 He also said that the Son could do nothing of Himself.6 And since the Father was in Him, the Father was the One who did things and the One who spoke through Jesus Christ.

All the power and authority was in Jesus Christ, and God manifested that power through Jesus Christ. Just like it’s not your hands that do things; anyone may say: “That’s impossible.” Take the spirit and the soul out of the body, and tell it to do such-and-such a thing, and you’ll see that it won’t do it; because the body without the spirit is dead.7

Therefore, it is the person’s soul using that spirit, that spiritual body, doing things through the body of flesh: speaking and also working with his hands, and walking from one place to another. That is why before doing things, the person thinks in order to do things.

Now, we find that it’s you as a living soul speaking and working. It is not your body on its own that does things; though there are parts of the body that work without you thinking or telling certain parts of the body: “Do such-and-such a thing,” but it is receiving the orders from the brain. In other words, even if you are not fully conscious of what you are doing, despite that, the person’s soul through the spiritual body is the one that is doing those things. And when it comes to things that are done unconsciously, that pertains to the soul. See?

Now, we find that just as everything the person does is not done by the body itself, but it is the person’s soul that… (which is what the person actually is, which is a living soul); he is the one working through your spirit and your physical body. That is why the Divine Judgment will be for every person according to his works, but he will be judged according to the thoughts of his heart, of his soul, according to the intentions of his soul. Why? Because God judges the human being as a living soul, and He judges what that living soul has done through the body of flesh that was granted to him.

So, there is no way to escape and say it wasn’t like that, because God judges the heart, the soul of people directly. That is what God told the Prophet Samuel when he went to anoint David as king over the Hebrew people, and when he saw Jesse’s first son, he said: “I am before the presence of God’s Anointed One.” He was a man, a young man, who was tall; and since Saul, the king that God rejected, was also tall, well, Samuel said: “God removes one tall and good-looking king, and puts another tall and good-looking king.” But notice, the tall and good-looking one was useless.

Now, God tells him: “Look not at the appearance of his stature, don’t look at any of that.” It says: “God sees…” Let’s read it for clarity here, that is around 16, right, Miguel? Chapter 16 of First Samuel (here we have it), verse 6 and on, says:

“And it came to pass, when they were come, that he looked on Eliab, and said, Surely the Lord’s anointed is before him.”

Why before the Lord? Because God was in Samuel, and Eliab was in front of Samuel.

“… the Lord’s anointed is before him.

But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.”

That is why it is very important that there are no bad intentions in our hearts, that there are no bad things. God sees and judges according to what is in people’s hearts. That is why Saint Paul and all the apostles teach us that he who confesses the Name of God should depart from iniquity.8 Remember that Saint Paul says that the Lord will judge him, Saint Paul says: “God is my Judge.”9

Brother Branham didn’t know that Christ would carry out a judgment before the resurrection of the dead in Christ and, therefore, the transformation of us which are alive. And therefore, if they are going to be judged… and judgment begins where? At the House of God.10

Notice, before the coming of the judgment of the Great Tribulation to the world, a judgment comes in and to the House of God; for those who already departed: the messengers of each age will be judged there in Paradise, and therefore, the group will be under that judgment. And they told Rev. William Branham: “He’ll come to you first.”11 In other words, they are also waiting for the Coming of the Lord in Paradise.

And on other occasions he was also told that they were there waiting for the Coming of the Lord; because all those who are going to receive a new body, a glorified body, depend on the Coming of the Lord, the Second Coming of Christ.

And now, he said: “I want to see Jesus. He was my Savior on Earth.” And he was told: “You can’t see Him now. He is still higher.” And he says… speaking from where he was, he indicates that it is Paradise, the sixth dimension, and that the Lord Jesus Christ is still higher, meaning, in the seventh dimension.

But he was told: “He’ll come to you first and He will judge you.” And he was surprised, when they talked to him about a judgment he was surprised; but it was explained to him that because he is a leader, he had to be judged. And he asks… he asks then: “Does Saint Paul also have to be judged?” He was told: “He will also be judged.” In other words, each messenger will be judged for what he has preached, because he is the leader of his age.

Now, it is very important to be aware that before the transformation comes that judgment for those who are in Paradise, and that for those who are here on Earth, judgment begins at the House of God.

And let’s see if there is something like that established to be manifested in the midst of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. I will read you one and you can search for the rest; or let’s read at least two. On pages 22 and 23 of the book of Quotations, paragraph 183… paragraph 183 is where it says [58-0109 – “The Called-Out,” pp. 9-10]:

183 – “[24] The Son of man is now being revealed from heaven.”

Now, who is the One that has received authority? Here in the reading we had in Saint John chapter 5, let’s see who was the One that received authority; 22, verse 22, says:

“For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son…”

And now, verse 27 says… let’s see, 25 and on, says:

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.

For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself;

And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man.”

And now [Quotations, p. 22] [58-0109 – “The Called-Out,” pp. 9-10]:

183 – “[24] The Son of man is now being revealed from heaven.

Will it come after while, Brother Branham?’

It is now. And I hope I won’t have to make this so personal of this own meeting, but that your spirit within you that’s give you by God, can read what I’m talking about. The Son of man has already come from glory and is revealing Himself for the past few years to His Church in mercy, showing them His great Presence, doing the same things that He did when He was here on earth, revealing Himself like He did to Abraham, before the destruction. He has come now in mercy, revealing Himself to the Church. It’s being laughed at and scoffed at. The next time He reveals Hisself, it’ll be in judgment on the world and the nations that’s forgot God and sinned their way of grace—their day of grace, rather, away.”

“Their Day of Grace” is what? The Dispensation of Grace, the Day of the Dispensation of Grace, in other words, the Dispensation of Grace as a Day; because the Dispensation of Grace is the sixth dispensation.

And now, on page 171, it says, paragraph 1539 [Quotations] [65-1212 – “Communion,” p. 8]:

1539 – “60 You know, the hour will soon arise…”

He is speaking here in the month of December (meaning, the 12th month), the 12th day, of the year ‘65; and on the 24th day of that same month and that same year, Rev. William Branham departed.

1539 – “60 You know, the hour will soon arise when—when right among us will be…the Holy Spirit will speak out like It did in Ananias and Sapphira. Remember, see, that hour is arriving. See? And we are…Now, you just remember that, see, that God is going to dwell among His people.”

And there, by what authority will the matter of Ananias and Sapphira be repeated,12 which we saw manifested in the time of Saint Peter? Because just like Peter and Paul brought the Gospel to the Gentiles, the Gentiles will take It back to the Jews again, and that is through the Two Olive Trees, through Moses and Elijah.13

And now, let’s read on page 292, paragraph 179 says [The Seals]:

179 Now, we had him coming, last night, with his great sword, to kill…”

Let’s see what he is speaking to us about here… In other words, the antichrist, in the second part, where he rode the red horse…; let’s look in the book of Revelation, chapter 6, to give you the verse; yes. In the Third Seal is where he comes… or the Second Seal; in the Second Seal is where the antichrist comes on the red horse with a sword, he comes with a sword to kill.14

Now, we can see that he who kills with iron, with the sword, will die with the sword.15 That is according to the Law of retribution, which is also according to the Law of sowing and reaping.16 Let’s see here [The Seals, “The Fourth Seal,” p. 292]:

[178] He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword,” (meaning, by the sword). “Here is the patience and…faith of the saints.” (Revelation 13:1-10)

179 Now, we had him coming, last night, with his great sword, to kill.

180 We find out that he gets killed with the sword, too, the sword of the Word. God’s Word, sharp, two-edged sword, slays him, puts him right down. Wait till them Seven Thunders utter Their voices…”

Notice what the Sword that comes out of the mouth of Christ is related to here:

[180] Wait till them Seven Thunders utter Their voices to that group who really can take the Word of God and hand It there, It’ll slice and cut. And they can close the heavens. They can shut this, or do that, whatever they want to. Glory! He’ll be slayed by the Word that proceeds from His mouth, is sharper than a two-edged sword. They could call for a hundred billion tons of flies if they wanted to. Amen. Whatever they say, is going to happen, because It’s the Word of God coming from the mouth of God. Yeah. Amen. God, always, It’s His Word, but He always uses man to work It.

181 God could have called for them flies, down there in Egypt, but He said, ‘Moses, that’s your job. I’ll just tell you what to do, and you go do it.’ He fully done that. See? He—He could have chosen the—the sun to call them, He could cause the moon to call it, or the wind to call it. But, He—He said, ‘Moses.’ That—that’s…He chooses man.”

Now, notice how the Thunders are tied to that power and authority which is promised to be manifested at this end time.

And now, on page 424 it says [The Seals]:

“359 It’s time for the Sixth Seal, pretty soon, to be opening up. And when she does, oh, my, it ends! The Bride has done gone forth, she has done…the Queen has done went to take Her place; She has been married now, to the King, while this is going on. And Israel’s remnant is sealed and ready to go, and then nature lets go. Oh, what a time!

360 Notice the last verse of the Sixth Seal, opened. Those who had laughed at the preaching of the Word, of the vindicated Word of the living God; when them prophets had stood there and performed miracles, closed the sun, and everything else, and all down through the age. See, ‘They cried for the rocks and the mountains to hide them,’ see, to hide them from the Word that they had laughed at, ’cause they seen Him come. ‘Hide us from the wrath of the Lamb.’ He is the Word. See? They had laughed at the Word. And here the Word was, incarnate. And they had made fun of It; laughed at them, made fun of them. And the incarnate Word had dropped forth!”

When will the Word be incarnate, Christ, the Word? Under the ministry of whom? Of Moses and Elijah, under the ministry of the Two Olive Trees; and that is why God’s power and authority through Christ will be manifested in the ministries of the Two Olive Trees.

361 Why didn’t they repent? They couldn’t. It was too far, then. So, they knowed that, the punishment. They hear It. They had sat in meetings like this and knowed about It. And they knowed that the things of those prophets, had predicted.”

See? Before the judgment falls, the ministries of Moses and Elijah will be proclaiming the judgment that is to come, They will be preaching the Day of Vengeance of our God;17 which Christ didn’t preach in His First Coming.18

And wasn’t Christ the One who had to proclaim the Day of Vengeance of our God, and now the Two Olive Trees appear proclaiming the Divine Judgment, preaching the judgment that will come? Because the Son of man comes with His Angels;19 wherever the Son of man, Christ, is manifested, the Angels of the Son of man will be there.

God can’t have two major prophets ministering at the same time, but He can have two or three ministries operating at the same time in one man.

[361] And they knowed that the things of those prophets, had predicted, was looking them right in the face, the thing that they had rejected. They had spurned mercy for the last time.”

So, under the preaching of the ministries of Moses and Elijah speaking about the Divine Judgments that will come, in other words, preaching the Day of Vengeance of our God, there is a part where there is still mercy; and that is where mercy is preached for the last time: under the ministries of Moses and Elijah. But then, once the Divine Judgments are falling, then mercy will have ended.

Under the ministry of Moses and Elijah, mercy will be manifested for the last time; and then, under those same ministries, the Divine Judgment will begin. That is where the overlap takes place between judgment and mercy, and between the Dispensation of the Kingdom and the Dispensation of Grace.

“362 And when you spurn mercy, there is nothing left but judgment. When you spurn mercy; just think of it.

363 And there they was. They had no place to go, no retreat. And the Bible said here, ‘They called for the… Cried to the rocks and the mountains, to, “Fall on us, and hide us from the—from the face of the…and the wrath of the Lamb.”’ They tried to repent, but the Lamb had come to claim His Own, see. And they cried to the rocks and the mountain. Prayed, but the prayers were too late.”

Now, we can see that under these ministries there is something great, for the Church as well as for the Hebrew people, and for the world. It is so great that notice what Rev. William Branham says on page 114 of the book of Quotations, paragraph 1002; he says… almost in the middle of that paragraph, it says [63-1110M – “Souls That Are In Prison Now,” p. 30]:

1002 – “[205] … and there’s got to be a ministry preached to her. But remember, at that time, it’s all over. It’s done. It’s just a haunting.

206 There will be a ministry that will show great wonders, Joel said so, but there’ll be no time for redemption.”

And which is the ministry that will perform great wonders? Is it the ministry of Saint Paul? He performed great wonders at that time. But for the Last Day the only ministry promised is the ministry of the Two Olive Trees; for the Last Day, and therefore, for the 21st century, and for the third millennium from Christ until now and the seventh millennium from Adam until now. Because the Last Day is the last millennium, which is the seventh millennium; for one day before the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.20

It goes on to say:

1002 – “[206] It’s all over. The Lamb has done took His Book, and His redeemed is over. As Jesus first preached and was rejected, and then went and haunted those that were in there, preached to them that were in prison, could not repent, no time for salvation, that same ministry will have to repeat again. What if that could be the Third Pull? to the Eternal lost.”

And now, on page 119, paragraph 1057, it says [Quotations] [63-1229E – “Look Away to Jesus,” pp. 6-7]:

1057 – “[42] We know where it is. So, the Third Pull is here.

43 It is so sacred, that, I mustn’t say much about it. As He told me in the beginning, said, ‘(All) this, say nothing of it.’ You remember that, years ago? It speaks for itself,” (see? In other words, the fulfillment of this Pull speaks for itself). “See? But you… I’ve tried to explain the others, and I made a mistake. This will be the thing, that, to my opinion… I don’t say the Lord tells me this. This will be a thing that will start the Rapturing faith, for the going away. See? See? And it…

44 I must lay quiet for just a little while. Now remember, and who is listening to this tape, you might see such a change in my ministry right away, dropping back, not going up; dropping back.” (What did John the Baptist, the forerunner, say? “I must decrease and He must increase.”)21 “We’re right at the age now, and it can’t be, can’t go any further. We have to wait just a minute until this happens over here, to catch up (…).

[49] And then when that time comes, and the press comes to a place to where you’re pressed out, then watch what I’m fixing to tell you in a few minutes. Watch the Third Pull then, see, and it’ll be absolutely to the total lost, but it—it will be for the Bride and the Church.”

And now, that Third Pull, which we read in chapter – on page 114 that there will be a ministry that will show great wonders, that is under the Third Pull; and he asks if that will be the repetition of what happened when Christ died, was buried, and in His spiritual body went to hell and preached to the spirits that were in prison there.22

And now, what happened back then, because the battle was in the spiritual Kingdom, invisible; now, at the end time, since the invisible world, the fifth dimension, the kingdom of darkness, will be incarnate in the kingdom of the antichrist, of the beast, now notice, he doesn’t have to go there to hell, to the fifth dimension, because the fifth dimension, hell, will be open. In “Souls That Are In Prison Now,” he said that hell, the fifth dimension, will be on Earth;23 and what will be happening there is the same thing that happened in hell back then.

Not much can be explained about this to avoid interrupting the whole Program that there is here. But notice [Quotations] [63-1229E – “Look Away to Jesus,” pp. 6-7]:

1057 – “[49] Watch the Third Pull then, see, and it’ll be absolutely to the total lost,” (in other words, for the world, the lost, who are in the kingdom of darkness, and therefore, they are under a kingdom of the fifth dimension), “but it—it will be for the Bride and the Church,” (meaning, for Christianity).

Therefore, the Bride will still be here when that ministry begins to manifest great wonders and signs. But Christ says that once that happens, Christ will have already – He will have already risen up from the Father’s Throne, He will have taken the Title Deed (notice), and there will no longer be time for redemption, for salvation.

In this same chapter or verse 1057 of page 119 it says… in the beginning it says [Quotations] [63-1229E – “Look Away to Jesus,” pp. 5-6]:

1057 – “[38] … the thing that we have looked forward to for so long (for at least many years, four or five years, or maybe longer), the Third Pull, has now been vindicated, and I’m sure you all know what it is.

39 Now remember, there’ll never be an impersonation of that, ’cause it can’t be. See, it cannot be. Now it’s in existent.”

That Third Pull was in existence in Rev. William Branham: he would speak the Word and things would happen.

1057 – “[39] And I have… I am warned of this, that soon… Right at this time now it’s just happened, so it could identify its presence among you, see, but it will not be used in a great way until this Council begins to tighten up. And when it does, when that does…The Pentecostals, and so forth, can almost impersonate anything can be done. But when that time comes, when the squeeze comes down, then you’ll see, what you’ve seen temporarily, be manifested in the fullness of its power.”

What God gave us through Rev. William Branham was a sample, that is why he says: “Then you’ll see, what you’ve seen temporarily, be manifested,” (how will you see it then?) “in the,” (what?) “fullness of its power.” And that will be the power of God manifested in all His fullness with the authority of God.

He didn’t receive authority to use, in the fullness of its power, all – that entire Third Pull, it was only to give us a sample. When he wanted to go to Israel, he wasn’t allowed to go there,24 because he isn’t the one who has the fifth ministry of Elijah and second ministry of Moses, where there will be the fullness of its power with the authority from God for the fulfillment of this prophecy.

On page 136, it also tells us on paragraph 1208…; it’s a question, they ask him [Quotations] [64-0823M – “Questions and Answers #1,” pp. 40-42]:

1208 – “[186] [Question 253] Will the Bride—will the Bride before Jesus comes, will She have all power of Holy Ghost to perform miracles, raise dead, and so on as in the latter rain—or is this the latter rain for the hundred and forty-four thousand Jews? Will all ministers have this, are we, or, are we just waiting for the coming?”

Now the answer, he begins saying:

1208 – “197 Now, latter rain, a hundred and forty-four thousand Jews, no, that isn’t…that…they won’t…that’s—that’s when Elijah and Moses…There’s where the miracles take place.”

Where do the great miracles take place? With Moses and Elijah. And where are the great miracles promised to be carried out? In a big Tent. In the fulfillment of the Tent Vision there will be the fulfillment of these great miracles.

Rev. William Branham only saw one day out of an unknown number of days of the manifestation of that Third Pull under the ministry of the Holy Spirit. When we can see that he saw a vision, and he saw many people in a Tent, and he saw that there was preaching and there was prayer for the sick, and things happened,25 that isn’t the first day; it is a ministry that the Holy Spirit carries out, and he is shown beforehand a picture of what takes place there on one of the days of that service.

That is why he said that he wanted to set up a tent for many weeks, for a few weeks,26 because he knows that a ministry like that, which is the ministry in which the Third Pull will be manifested—that stage—for the world (for the lost), for the church (meaning, Christianity), and for the Bride (the elect), that isn’t a ministry to be manifested on one day, rather it entails many days.

And for a person to reach that level in that ministry, well, he must have started a long time before; because that ministry and that manifestation which he saw there pertains to a ministry and to a minister, a prophet, who is already adopted.

And now, we can see that the great miracles, Rev. William Branham says, are for whom? For Moses and Elijah; not for Elijah in his fourth manifestation, but for Elijah in his fifth manifestation and Moses in his second manifestation. And whose authority will be there? Jesus Christ our Savior’s; it will be there.

And the power of Jesus Christ will be there, who said: “All power is given unto Me in Heaven and on Earth.” That is the same power that He mentions in Revelation chapter 2, verses 26 to 27, when He says:

And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end…”

In other words, at the end time someone will be keeping the works of Christ. “And keepeth my works unto the end.” Therefore, the works of Christ will be manifested through that Overcomer.

…to him will I give power over the nations…”

See? And now, the authority that God gave Christ, now Christ gives it to the Overcomer; it is God’s authority. It is not an earthly authority, but a heavenly one, God’s authority through Christ being given to the Overcomer. And it is such a great authority that He says:

…to him will I give power over the nations:

And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.”

See? Just as Christ received it of the Father, now He transfers it to the Overcomer.

And I will give him the morning star.”

And in Revelation 22, verse 16, Christ says:

I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.”

Therefore, the Overcomer of the Last Day will receive the Bright and Morning Star, and the Bright and Morning Star will shine through the Overcomer: Christ will be shining through the Overcomer; therefore, the power of Christ and the authority of Christ will be under that ministry.

Now, we have seen in the trajectory of the authority of God how it goes from God to Christ; and then, from age to age, that authority of Christ and power of Christ has been manifested in His Church through the angel-messengers of each age; that is why they have been in the right hand of Christ. And therefore, the authority and the power that has been manifested in those messengers hasn’t been a human power nor a human authority, but the power and authority of Jesus Christ our Savior.

Now, we find that in Revelation chapter 1, John saw the Son of man, Christ, with a head to foot robe, and girt about the paps with a golden belt or girdle. Rev. William Branham says: “Christ isn’t there as High Priest, but as Judge.”27 In other words, that is when Christ finishes His Work of Intercession. That is why He appears with His hair white like wool.28

On page 48 of the book An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages, Rev. William Branham says, and in part of this paragraph on page 48, he says:

Now let’s get back to our Scripture. We know what the Lord’s Day is not. If it is not Saturday or Sunday, what is it? Well, let’s put it this way. Today is certainly not the Lord’s Day.”

In other words, if on this occasion he was speaking on a Saturday or a Sunday back then, he says it is not the Lord’s Day, which Rev. William Branham speaks about here, and which the Scripture speaks about as well.

And likewise, at the time in which Rev. William Branham is preaching: he is still in the sixth millennium, and therefore, he is also under the Dispensation of Grace; therefore, being in the sixth millennium, that isn’t the Lord’s Day either. He says:

This is man’s day. It is man’s doing, man’s work, man’s church, man’s idea of worship, man’s everything, for it is man’s world (cosmos). BUT THE DAY OF THE LORD IS COMING. Yes, it is. It is just that at this time of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, John was taken up by the Spirit and transported by the Spirit to that Great Day that is coming. The Lord’s Day is when the days of man are over. The kingdoms of this world will then become the kingdoms of our God. The day of the Lord is when the judgments fall, and after that comes the millennium.”

See? The Lord’s Day covers the Great Tribulation and Millennial Kingdom, because all of that takes place under the seventh millennium, which has already begun. But thank God that the Divine Judgments haven’t fallen upon the Earth yet, because Christ is still calling and gathering the last elect who are left to reach the mystical Body of Christ; therefore, there is still mercy.

Although we speak about the judgment that will come and we announce the judgment that will come; because all of that is under the Gospel of the Kingdom, we also speak about the mercy of Christ, we speak about salvation; because two dispensations are overlapping there: the Dispensation of the Kingdom and the Dispensation of Grace, and therefore, two Messages are overlapping: the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom and the Message of the Gospel of Grace; two Rains are overlapping: the Former Rain with the Latter Rain. And only one group in the Church of Jesus Christ would have the Latter Rain and the Former Rain: the group of the Last Day, which is the group of the Age of the Cornerstone.

But all of that had to be reflected in the seventh age of the Church, in the seventh angel-messenger of the seventh age, because by him being the seventh angel of the seventh age, he must reflect what the seventh Angel-Messenger of the seventh dispensation will be; and the seventh age must reflect what the seventh dispensation will be.

Now, we can see that the Lord’s Day covers that whole time; and all of that takes place in the seventh millennium, which has already begun, according to the Gregorian calendar, and it is the third year of that seventh millennium from Adam to now or third millennium from Christ to now, which is the Last Day before God, which is the last millennium to human beings.

Right now the world does what it wants to do with the Christian. They call him all manner of evil names, making fun of him,” (in other words, making fun of the Christian). “But there is coming that great and notable day when they will wail and howl, for the Lamb is coming in wrath to judge the world,” (who is the One that judges the world? Christ). “That is when the righteous will have their day with the Lord, for the wicked shall burn and the righteous will walk over their ashes into the millennium. Malachi 4:3, ‘And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts.’”

Now, we can see this mystery and the things that will be manifested at this time in which we are living.

And once the very last elect has been called, then comes that full manifestation of the Third Pull (called the Third Pull by Rev. William Branham), where the dispensational messenger of the end time, of the Last Day, of the seventh millennium, will be adopted; and then that stage will start, where great wonders will be performed literally, to the point that Rev. William Branham says that people’s missing body parts will be restored. That will be by the creative Word being spoken.

And now, on page 57, there it also tells us… and on page 241, it also tells us what will be happening. You can read those. From what I read to you, you already have enough, but if you want the passage from page 241, it says… I’m only going to read a short part here, later you can read the rest; it says [The Ages]:

“‘Bring these Mine enemies before Me and slay them.’ Then shall the righteous be with their Lord when His righteous indignation will fall upon the blasphemers. The righteous coming with Him in glory, shall destroy those who destroyed the earth and made havoc of the saints of God. This was the age of turning the cheek, of terrible distress; but a day is coming when truth shall prevail and who shall stand in its fire and be safe? Only the redeemed of the Lord.

And I will give him the morning star.’ According to Revelation 22:16, and II Peter 1:19…”

Now, notice that here Rev. William Branham quotes or speaks about Revelation 19, which is Christ coming on a white horse, who comes with a Sword that proceeds out of His mouth, and a mighty Army also on white horses comes with Him; and that mighty Army is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And further down he says:

“Jesus is the Morning Star. ‘I am the root and offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.’ ‘Until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts.’ The Spirit is, therefore, making a promise to the elect of the Dark Ages relative to Himself and then in the ages to come.

As we have already stated, Jesus identifies Himself with the messengers of each age. They receive from Him the revelation on the Word for each period. This Word revelation brings the elect of God out of the world.”

And now, how do the elect of God come out of the world, out of the kingdom of darkness? Through the revealed Word that Christ gives the messenger, and the messenger proclaims that Message, and the wonderful fellow workers that God puts beside that messenger make that Message reach every place, and reach the ears of the people so that they can hear It or read It; and then God speaks directly to their soul, to their heart, and the elect of God are called and gathered into the mystical Body of Christ.

Do you want to know if there are elect somewhere? Well, take the Message. Miguel wanted to know if there were elect in Africa, notice, and Tirzo went, and the surprise… It wasn’t a surprise, because we know that where there are elect, the Message must be taken, and where the Message is taken and there are elect, the people who are elect receive that Message without making an effort, without forcing them to believe; because it is a Message that is for the soul of human beings, it is a Message that comes directly from Heaven, from the heavenly Throne, from the Most Holy Place, to the most holy place of the human being, which is the soul of the human being.

And now, when Miguel then goes to Africa, he sees that… we already thought that almost all the elect were in, and now he sees that the door has also been opened for them over there in Africa; and now the work has multiplied.

The call of Christ has never stopped or ceased, and there have never ceased to be hundreds or thousands of people coming to Christ; notice, and thus the Work has been growing, thus the Church of Jesus Christ in the stage of the Cornerstone Age has been growing.

And which age and stage must increase? And which ages must decrease? The ones that have already passed. It’s like when a person dies, you will find that he doesn’t get bigger; he shrinks until he becomes nothing.

So, a young Bride-Church is the One that must increase. That is why when Rev. William Branham had the vision of the Bride,29 first he saw the stage of the time of the apostles, and then he saw the different Church ages; when the messenger left later on, then they became old women.

In God’s Program, though elderly people are also accepted to receive Christ, but it’s in God’s Program that everyone be young; and Christ is going to make everyone young to live eternally.

Now, when Brother Branham, Rev. William Branham, saw in the vision the Church passing from such an age, from such countries: the one from Germany, well, that is referring to Luther’s Church, Luther’s age; the one from England; and so on. And then when he sees the one from North America… and he was very sad, and he didn’t see anything else appearing.

But he also asks on one occasion: “Lord, will there be another revival?” In other words, because if there is another revival, there is another group. “Will there be another revival?” And then he says: “From the West will come a white-horse Rider. We’ll ride this trail again.”30

If Elijah rides again, then he rides it for the fifth time. “We’ll ride this trail again.” Therefore, Elijah is seeing that Moses is coming; and Elijah is going to ride the ministerial trail for the fifth time with Moses.

And he says it will be (from where?) from the West that this Rider on this white horse will rise. And that is consistent with Revelation chapter 19, verses 11 to 21; because if it’s not Scriptural, then the vision is wrong and the prophecy is wrong too. If there isn’t a promise in the Bible that a Rider on a white horse is coming, then the prophecy is wrong. But he says: “Soon as we get ready.” And he says: “It’s a promise.” If it’s a promise, it must be Scriptural.

The white-horse Rider of Revelation 19 appears, who also appears in chapter 17, verses 14 to 15; it is Christ in His final manifestation.

And now, page 128 and 129; page 128, paragraph 1143, says [Quotations] [64-0719M – “The Feast Of The Trumpets,” p. 20]:

1143 – “[155] Under the Seventh Trumpet, is to Israel the same as the Seventh Seal was to the Church.”

What is the Seventh Seal to the Church? The Second Coming of Christ. What is the Seventh Trumpet to Israel? Moses and Elijah.

Then, on page 129, paragraph 1150, it says [Quotations] [64-0719M – “The Feast Of The Trumpets,” p. 35]:

1150 – “[270] Now, as soon as this Church (the Bride) is drawed together, She is taken up; and that mystery of the Seventh Seal…”

If the mystery of the Seventh Seal is known, what is known? The mystery of the Second Coming of Christ; and the Thunders are the ones that reveal that mystery. It is Christ, the Voice of Christ speaking to His Church; and if He is going to speak to His Church, He must have an instrument, a mouth, a veil of flesh through whom Christ speaks.

1150 – “[270] … as soon as this Church (the Bride) is drawed together, She is taken up; and that mystery of the Seventh Seal, or the Seventh Seal, the mystery of going. And the Jews is called by the mystery of the Seventh Trumpet, which is two prophets, Elijah and Moses.”

What is the Seventh Trumpet of Revelation 11? Moses and Elijah. The call to the Jews comes through the Seventh Trumpet, which is Moses and Elijah with the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom calling the 144,000 Hebrews. But before that: the Seventh Seal to the Church: the Coming of the Lord, Christ in the midst of His Church calling and gathering His elect and doing the Work that He has promised to do in our time.

And what will be there? The authority of Jesus Christ, just as it was among His Church from age to age, in the messenger of each age; (and now…); just as the messenger of each age received the authority, not of man but of Jesus Christ, to use the power that was granted to each messenger, to the point that it was granted to him.

Rev. William Branham, who says that the Third Pull that has been seen in him won’t be fully used until the squeeze comes; in other words, although that power was in him, he didn’t have the authority to use it fully, in other words, to use it as he said here, [page] 119 [Quotations] [63-1229E – “Look Away to Jesus,” p. 6]:

1057 – “[39] … then you’ll see, what you’ve seen temporarily, be manifested in the fullness of its power.”

In other words, what God put in him temporarily, but didn’t give him the authority to use it in its fullness. That is, he was limited, like each angel-messenger, because they didn’t have the authority to use it totally; using that power in its fullness is for the ministry of the Last Day.

Now, we can see that those promises are for our time, those great blessings for us to receive great spiritual and material blessings as well.

Therefore, we are all called to have our lives in order, and to show our brethren in our congregations to have the lives in order; because when that manifestation of the Third Pull fully comes, then it will be time for the judgment to begin at the House of God, and the Ananiases and Sapphiras will no longer have time to repent.

The time to repent is this beautiful time that we have so far. But when the Church is completed and Christ leaves the Throne of the Father, the Throne of Intercession, then it will already be too late for those people to repent of their sins and fix their lives with Christ and for Christ to cleanse them from all sin.

Remember that the judgment will begin at the House of God, where the Ananiases and Sapphiras will appear, and many other people; that is, because the Third Pull will be for the lost, for the Church (in other words, for Christianity), and for the Bride.

So, the time to fix our lives is this time. When that stage comes, the judgment will come too; as it happened, so that it could be a type and figure of what will happen at this time, what happened in the ministry of the Holy Spirit through Saint Peter, where Ananias and Sapphira appeared, and where also in other moments there were great manifestations of miracles of the Holy Spirit through Saint Peter.

Rev. William Branham said that just as Peter and Paul brought the Gospel to the Gentiles, the Gentiles will take It to the Hebrews. Therefore, the ministries that will take the Gospel to the Hebrews will be the ministry of Elijah… it is already spoken there in the Scripture, and Rev. William Branham also testified of those ministries. And therefore, where will they be? Among the Gentiles, so that from among the Gentiles, they may take the Gospel to the Hebrews.

Now, we find that Peter and Paul are a type and figure of the Two Olive Trees, they are a type and figure of Moses and Elijah.

Now, we can see that there is a great blessing for the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in the stage of the Cornerstone Age, where there is still mercy, and the only place where there is mercy, and the only place where the Blood of Christ is available in the midst of the Church of Jesus Christ; because the other ages already died; if they died, the Spirit of Christ is not there. Because, when does a person die? When the spirit comes out of the person. And if they died, well, the Spirit isn’t there.

Where is It? It is in the Church, in the stage of the Cornerstone Age; that is the only living age and with people who are physically alive too; and it is the only age that has life, because She has the Holy Spirit among Her making known to us these things which must shortly come to pass at this end time.

Now, we have seen this mystery of whose authority? The authority… Let’s look at our subject to say it exactly as…: “THE AUTHORITY OF THE SON OF MAN,” in other words, the authority of Jesus Christ.

And now, the authority of the Son of man, Jesus Christ, has been beside His Church from age to age; and at this end time, where would it be? In the Age of the Cornerstone. And that is where the authority of Christ will be fully shown, fully using the power of God as well.

Now, the authority of Christ is fully using the power of God, giving us the revelation of His Word; because every Divine revelation comes through the power of the Holy Spirit. In other words, it isn’t by human knowledge but by the power of the Holy Spirit; the Holy Spirit manifesting His power in the Divine revelation that He gives from age to age; and for our time, in our stage.

We should read something here that is very important, so that you have a clear picture. Because whenever people hear mention of the power of God or the power of the Holy Spirit, they think about physical miracles right away and that physical miracles must be taking place, and they lose sight of the fact that there are different things that are done by the power of the Holy Spirit, by the power of God used by the Holy Spirit in the midst of the people of God. I want to find page 517 of the book The Revelation Of The Seven Seals, let’s see what it says. The paragraph begins on page 517 at the end, paragraph 45:

“45 Now, Heavenly Father,” (he is praying here), “as this go forward now to preach, or to teach on this great, mighty event that taken place in Glory, some two thousand years ago, and was given to the great beloved apostle, John. And tonight we’re to speak upon It. Let the Holy Spirit come forward now in His mighty Power of revelation, that He might reveal to us that thing which He wants us to know, as He has in the last few nights. We commit ourselves to You, with the Word, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

He is about to start “The Seventh Seal” here; in other words, after he begins here by speaking some things, then, when he is going to pray here, he commits himself to God and asks for the Holy Spirit to come in His mighty power of revelation.

Many people, when they see physical miracles, say: “God’s power is being manifested,” but they don’t realize that the power of the Holy Spirit is also manifested when It brings the revelation for each age. It has been by the power of the Holy Spirit that the revelation of Christ has come for each age, and it’s by the power of the Holy Spirit that the revelation of the Last Day has been coming to all of us, and also to the mystical Body of Christ, to the Church of Jesus Christ as the Church in the Age of the Cornerstone.

The Divine Revelation for the Age of the Cornerstone comes through the power of the Holy Spirit; it is the Holy Spirit manifested in power giving us the revelation of this Last Day in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the Age of the Cornerstone; because in other ages it can no longer give any revelation, because the revelation for each age must be given by the Holy Spirit through the messenger of each age.

Now, we have seen how the revelation of the Last Day would also come to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. And if it was said that the revelation of the Seventh Seal will be given by the Seven Thunders of Revelation 10, then He must have a messenger to whom the revelation comes; because all revelation must come to a prophet. That is on page 347, he says [The Seals]:

[209] Now…”

He is speaking about John the Apostle and the Angel who gave him the revelation, he is speaking there on page 346; and then he goes on to 347. He says:

“209 See? Now, the Book was so important, that, It is the Word of God. Now watch. And when the Word of God is brought forth, It’s got to be brought by the prophet, because that’s who the Word of God comes to.”

And now, page 148 says [The Seals]:

“[258] Oh, my! Seven Thunders, of Revelation, may He show the Bride how to prepare for the great translation faith!”

And how is He going to show it? Well, by bringing the revelation of the Seventh Seal through the Seven Thunders, which is the Voice of Christ, and He must have a prophet for that; because all revelation must come to a prophet.

Many people may get together and say: “Let’s study all the prophecies of the Bible, and let’s study all the messages of Rev. William Branham and look for all the prophecies, and we will discover everything that is going to happen; and we will discover everything He is going to do or is doing in our time, and we will obtain the rapturing revelation, the rapturing faith.” That doesn’t work. All revelation must come, not to a group but to a man, to a prophet. If it’s not that way, it won’t work.

Page 150, 151, 156, 157, 168 and 26 of the book of Quotations; you can look for the verse there, since there was a change there because of the computer… (let’s blame it on the computer). Now, if you don’t have the book of Quotations that I have, then it will take you a little more work to find it, because I stick with mine; because if I look for another one, it’s not annotated, and I already know this one well. So, Miguel over there can be in charge of finding those verses with you (he should have them), and that way, well…

And if you find a book of Quotations of the old kind, well, you can also hold on to it and keep it, because that way it will also be easy for you to study at home, so that what I read to you, you can see where it is. And if you have the other one that they made, some of which are very thin (it’s easy to travel with), but then you have to put, where the number is, at the top of the page, put below, or on top, or further above, in another color, the page number that is in the other book; and in the book (this other one) put the number of the one in the small book of Quotations; and then that way it’s easier for you.

If you put them all in the book, this new one they published of Quotations, and you annotate it all, all the pages, you can put the page number that’s in the other book just below or above, later on it will be easier for you to look for what you are being read, and that way you have no problem.

So, thank God that we now have everything written and recorded too. In the times of Saint Peter, Saint Paul, and all these messengers, back then it was on what? On papyrus or skins too, where they wrote. And Paul said: “Send me the parchments, the scrolls.”31

Were they made of: papyrus or skins? And to walk around with a Bible in that time, well, they needed a suitcase. Which was the book that the prophet – that he said? Was it the one of Isaiah, to send him?

[Brother Miguel: He told him that he would send him the parchments, but it doesn’t say…]

It doesn’t explain which book? [Brother Miguel: No.]

Well, when Jesus went to read, they gave Him the book of the Prophet Isaiah. One book of that time was bigger than a Bible, and we have everything here.

So, notice, God has facilitated everything for us in our time, why? Because He was going to give us all the Divine revelation of our time.

We are grateful to God for all this literature of the Old Testament and of the New Testament, and also the messages of Rev. William Branham; and we are grateful to God that He has used people to print all those messages. And we are grateful to the people who, with their printing departments and their congregations, have also labored in that work.

May God bless you greatly and use you more and more in His Work each day, and may your work reach all the elect who are yet to be reached. And onward, working in the Work of the Lord always; because our labor is not in vain in the Lord.32

If I tell you some things on some occasions it’s because I love you and I don’t want anyone to stay here in the Great Tribulation. That is why I tell you to have your lives fixed with Christ, because when we pass that stage where there is still grace, and we go on to the stage of judgment, then I won’t be able to tell you that the Blood of Christ will cleanse you from all sin.

Also, those who don’t fix it, will be good candidates to be the Ananiases and Sapphiras of that time; and no one wants their type and figure to be Ananias or Sapphira.

So, to avoid something like that happening to us, well, then what do we have to do? Be right before the Lord: with our faults, errors, and sins confessed to Christ and washed in the Blood of Christ our Savior; because the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. It cleanses us from all sin while He is there; once Christ leaves from there, there won’t be any more blood on the Throne of Intercession over there.

Also make these things known to your congregations, because we don’t want anyone to stay here on Earth to go through the Great Tribulation. We want all those who have received the Word, together with the ministers who are before those congregations, to all be changed, and for us to go with Christ to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

So, it is going to be a great blessing for me to see all of you with your congregations there in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

Well, we already have Miguel around here, it’s already… what time is it now, Miguel? Because he already looked at his watch. What time is it here? About 9:00 or 10:00. 9:30? We are finishing early today.

So, God bless you, God keep you.

And with us again our beloved friend and brother Miguel Bermúdez Marín.


1 Matthew 21:23-27, Mark 11:27-33, Luke 20:1-8

2 Matthew 11:18-19, Luke 7:33-34

3 John 6:37

4 John 1:1-10

5 John 12:49

6 John 5:30, 8:28-29

7 James 2:26

8 2 Timothy 2:19

9 1 Corinthians 4:4

10 1 Peter 4:17

11 The Revelation Of The Seven Seals, “The Fifth Seal,” pp. 367-368, paras. 389-409

12 Acts 5:1-11

13 An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages, “The Revelation Of Jesus Christ,” p. 36

14 Revelation 6:3-4

15 Matthew 26:52

16 Galatians 6:7

17 Isaiah 61:2

18 Luke 4:16-21

19 Matthew 16:27

20 Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8

21 John 3:30

22 1 Peter 3:18-20

23 63-1110M – “Souls That Are In Prison Now,” pp. 49, 51, paras. 370, 379

24 The Seventy Weeks Of Daniel, “Gabriel’s Instructions To Daniel,” pp. 30-32, paras. 152-157

25 Quotations, p. 10, para. 87: 56-0101 – “Why Are People So Tossed About?” pp. 6-7, paras. 39-45; Quotations, p. 14, para. 103: 56-0408A – “What Is A Vision?” pp. 16-17, paras. 101-109; Quotations, p. 39, para. 321: 56-0219 – “Being Led of the Holy Spirit,” pp. 2, 6, 7-9, paras. 4-5, 16, 20-26

26 Quotations, p. 142, para. 1270: 65-0219 – “This Day This Scripture Is Fulfilled,” pp. 2-3, para. 16; Quotations, p. 148, para. 1324: 65-0711 – “Ashamed,” p. 3, paras. 16-17; Quotations, p. 5-A, para. 44: 56-0304 – “Making A Way,” p. 4, paras. 25-26; Quotations, p. 12-A, para. 124: 63-1128M – “Testimony,” p. 4, para. 22; Quotations, p. 4-B, para. 33: 56-0428 – “God’s Covenant With Abraham,” p. 6, para. 17

27 An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages, “The Patmos Vision,” p. 53

28 Revelation 1:13-14

29 64-0705 – “The Masterpiece,” pp. 32-35, paras. 186-198

30 Quotations, p. 166, para. 1485: 65-1128M – “God’s Only Provided Place Of Worship,” p. 1, para. 6

31 2 Timothy 4:13

32 1 Corinthians 15:58

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