Fighting the Good Fight

Good evening, fellow ministers in the mystical Body of Christ in the stage of the Cornerstone Age. It is a great blessing to be with you on this occasion, to share some moments of fellowship with you around the Word of God His Program pertaining to this end time.

Let’s read in Second Timothy chapter 4, verses 4 to 8, where it says… Let’s start a bit before that: verse 1 and on, so we can have the whole picture; it says:

I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:

Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.”

May God bless our souls with His Word and allow us to understand It.

This Letter by Saint Paul was written before Saint Paul suffered martyrdom in Rome.

(Is Miguel around here?)

Now, Saint Paul teaches us to fight the good fight. He fought the good fight and so he teaches us to fight the good fight.

And now, how are we going to fight the good fight? We have to see how the good fight is fought as individual believers in Christ, and the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ as a mystical Body of believers.

Since it is a fight against the devil, it is fought the same way it was fought in Heaven by Christ against the devil.

And now, the battle is in the mind.

Now, for the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ as a mystical Body of believers, we find there is the battle of Christ through His Church against the devil, during the time of the apostles and during the time of the seven angel-messengers. All of that pertains to the time of the Holy Place of the mystical Body of the Lord Jesus Christ, of that spiritual Temple.

And the Mind of Christ working in the apostles and the angel-messengers, in that part of the Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ, won the battle in every moment.

But where is the last battle won? In the Age of the Cornerstone. And with that battle, the devil and his army are eliminated, and the Millennial Kingdom of Christ is established.

Now, since the human being has a body, spirit, and soul, we find that the different stages or ages of the Church are represented in the body itself: From the neck, including from the neck down, that pertains to the seven ages and to the gap between the seven ages, which is the age or stage where the Spirit of Christ – Christ, was put out of the Laodicean Age.

How was He put out? Well, He was manifested in His angel-messenger; and when they close the door on the angel, they have closed the door on Christ, who was in His angel, in His angel of the seventh age.

And then, we find a stage where the Holy Spirit moved in the seventh angel-messenger, outside of the denominational systems. And during that time was when the Seals were opened; it was made known, in advance, what God will do later on when Christ finishes His Work of Intercession in Heaven and rises up from the Father’s Throne, takes the Title Deed, opens It in Heaven, and makes His Claiming Work.

In other words, the reality: of Christ rising up from the Father’s Throne, taking the Title Deed, which is the Book of the Seven Seals, and opening It in Heaven, that hasn’t been fulfilled yet; but God is reflecting in Rev. William Branham what He will do later on.

That is why he had to speak about the seven ages and everything that happened in the seven ages. He had spoken in An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages when he preached that series, and later in The Revelation Of The Seven Seals he also expanded on everything that happened back then: on how the Spirit of God moved and how the spirit of the wicked one moved in those different stages.

Now, the Title Deed is still in the hand of the One who is sitting on the Throne. That is why Rev. William Branham said: “This is the way it will be when the last elect comes in and when Christ rises up from the Father’s Throne; but yet that lies in the future.”1

So, notice, although the Seals were opened, they are not open; the way it will be when Christ rises up from the Father’s Throne and opens the Title Deed in Heaven, and brings It to Earth and gives It to a Man; and thus, He will give the Title Deed to a Man (the Title Deed, Brother Branham says it is the Title Deed of what? Of the Heavens and the Earth), so that he eats It. And that is how the Title Deed is restored to the human race by the Second Adam, who is Jesus Christ, giving It to a Man who will be living on Earth.

Now, Christ knows all those whose names are written there; and that is why from age to age He has been calling and gathering them in His mystical Body of believers, and He has been carrying out the spiritual Work, from age to age. But we still need the physical part, which is our transformation, which is the adoption of all the sons and daughters of God.

Now, if we say that the Seals are not open yet, anyone who doesn’t understand this could even get upset with us and say: “They were already opened.” But we find that Rev. William Branham himself was the one who said they were not open; and when he spoke about the Seventh Seal, he said: “It isn’t open. That will happen later on.”

So, everything was a reflection: Christ reflecting Himself in Rev. William Branham, and showing in that reflection what He will do later on.

Therefore, we have to understand these things, because otherwise people would be totally confused.

Notice, on page 106 of this Book The Revelation Of The Seven Seals, he says:

[291] All the—the souls under the altar, when the Angels, when the elders, when the everything seen it, when this is done. It, yet, lays in the future. Tonight He’s a Mediator, but He is coming to this.”

And now, let’s go to another place, another place where he speaks about this [The Seals, page 111]:

[323] I—I, as Your servant, offer this prayer to the great Intercessor, Christ. As they pray, I offer my prayer with them, upon the ivory Throne of God, where the Bloody Sacrifice is setting there tonight. And most any time might step from the Throne, to come forth to claim His possession, then there is no more mercy left; it’s judgment.”

There we have a passage where he says that everything still lies in the future, that He is still on the Throne of Intercession.

Let’s see if we can find one more passage, to have three witnesses, three witnesses here. There is one passage, I’m not sure if Miguel has it… On page 109, he says:

311 Come, while the Mediator, as far as I know, is still on the Throne, making intercessions. Because, there will come a day when you’ll want to come, and there will be no Mediator.”

And when does Christ take the Title Deed? When He leaves the Throne of Intercession.

Then, on page 110, he says:

[319] … that it will now be turned loose!

320 And that the Lamb, that Bloody, holy Kinsman that come walking forth from the Throne, down through the mystic Lights of the corridors of God’s Throne, walked out to claim His inheritance!”

Here we’ve seen, in these passages we have mentioned, that everything lies in the future.

Now, notice how He, God, Christ reflected what He will do at the Last Day, He reflected it in Rev. William Branham; he says [The Seals, pages 107-108]:

299 Talk about a jubilee, talk about a time, when that Lamb walked forth! See, the Book is even sealed in Heaven, the mysteries are.

300 Say, ‘Is my name there?’ I don’t know. I hope it is. But, if it is, it was put on the Book before the foundation of the world.

301 But the first thing, that represented that redemption, come the Lamb that had been slain from the foundation of the world. And He took the Book, (glory!) opened the Book, and tore off the Seals; and sent It down to the earth, to His seventh angel, to reveal It to His people! There you are. Oh, my! What happened? The screams, the shouts, the hallelujahs, the anointed, the power, the glory, the manifestation!”

And now, since the seventh angel-messenger of the seventh age is the instrument where God is reflecting everything He will do when Christ finishes His Work of Intercession in Heaven, and opens the… takes the Title Deed and opens It in Heaven, and brings It to Earth and gives It to a Man; since the seventh angel-messenger of the seventh age is the instrument where God is reflecting all of that, well, he has to do what He will do later on.

That is why, notice, even though he was opening the Seals, in reality, the Seals, the Book of the Seven Seals, is still closed in Heaven, in the right hand of the One who is sitting on the Throne. That is why he couldn’t say… for example, the mystery of the Sixth Seal, which is Moses and Elijah, he couldn’t say the name they would have; and so on and so forth.

And now, we can see that there is a great mystery there.

And when He takes the Title Deed, notice, He will bring It open to Earth and He will give It to a Man; and then, in that Man, that Word fully becomes flesh, and he will receive the restoration to physical Eternal Life, which is the transformation of his body.

Because with the Title Deed returning to Earth, the human being is restored to physical Eternal Life; and that is why, just like It was given to a man: Adam, but since he failed and did what God told him not to do, the Title Deed was taken from Adam’s hand and It went back to the right hand of God. It is the Book of the right hand of God, of God’s power, so that the works of creation of God’s power may be carried out.

And where are the elect of God? In the right hand of God, they are the children of the right hand of God. That is why during the Millennial Kingdom, it’s by the children of God, through the children of God, that God will work; through Jesus Christ and His Church, who are the firstborn of God.

And it’s through them that He has been working from age to age: through Christ and His Church, from age to age, in the spiritual realm; and that is also how it will be in the physical realm, when we are restored to physical Eternal Life and we are in the glorious Millennial Kingdom with Christ.

Now, I told you that it’s one thing to fight, to be fighting the good fight, for the Church as a mystical Body of Christ, and it’s another thing for each person as individuals; but all of this runs parallel. This fight is carried out the same way, but from different aspects or angles, which the Church goes into, from stage to stage, and the children of God who are in the Church go into, from stage to stage.

Now, we are speaking to you about the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in: “FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT.”

Being that just as God is a soul, spirit, and body, the human being is also a soul (which is what he truly is), spirit (which is a body of another dimension), and physical body (of this dimension).

Now, we find that the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ as a mystical Body of believers, has the Old Testament saints, who were living in the type and figure; they were believers in Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, who hadn’t been made flesh yet to carry out His Work of Intercession.

But since the sacrifices offered to God by the people of the Old Testament who were believers in God had been a type and figure of Christ: they, those people, were believers in Christ in types and figures; therefore, they were believers in the Angel of the Lord, the Angel of the Covenant.

That part pertains to the Body; in other words, just like our body, there we have the Body, the part that pertains to the Outer Court.

The individual’s outer court is the physical body, the individual’s holy place is the spirit that is inside the person (which is a spiritual body of another dimension), and the person’s most holy place is the person’s soul.

Now, notice, that is also how it is in the Church: the Outer Court is the people of the Old Testament who were believers in God, and who offered the sacrifices ordained by God, which were a type and figure of Jesus Christ our Savior.

When Christ resurrected, the Old Testament saints resurrected with Christ2: the place of the Outer Court of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ resurrected, which pertained to the Old Testament, under the Law, under those ordinances and laws given by God to the Hebrew people; they were given by Christ, the Angel of the Covenant.

And now, the human body has a head, and in the head it has the brain.

Then, the human being has a spirit, and his emotions are in the spirit, they are a manifestation there in the spirit. With the spirit the person has affection, which is brotherly love, and other affections toward people or other things.

He has five senses, there in the spirit, just he has five senses in the physical body; which are five entrances or doors into the physical body, and five in the spirit. And those entrances go directly to the soul, but one communicates with the other and the other with the person’s soul.

And in the person’s soul, there is only one sense, which is free moral agency, to believe or not believe.

Now, we find that in the seven stages of the Church…

Notice, we have… for example, we have the fact that in the spirit, just like in the body there is a brain, in the spirit we have a mind (the mind that pertains to the spiritual body); and in the soul we also have a mind.

Scientists call the spirit “the conscious” and the soul “the subconscious.”

Therefore, in the conscious, well, you are conscious of the things that you think about; but in the soul are the things that are not conscious to you, but that gradually become conscious as they pass from the soul to the spirit.

For example, the case of Jesus Christ, when on one occasion the disciples tell Christ that they know that He knows all things; yet on one occasion Christ said, speaking about the Coming of the Son of man, about the Second Coming of Christ, He said that no man knew when the day and the hour would be: “Not even the angels;” and He even says, furthermore: “Not even the Son.”3

Why? Because God, the Father, had not made that mystery conscious to Jesus; but He would speak about the Coming of the Son of man and the signs that would be manifested, but the day and hour were not made known to Him while He was here on Earth in flesh.

But then, once He was glorified, He rose glorified and ascended to Heaven, then He did know all things; because from Him (from God) to Jesus, those things were then opened. They passed from the soul (which is God) to the Spirit (which is the Angel of the Lord), and therefore, they also passed on to the glorified body of Christ.

Well, our Brother Branham speaks to us about this on page 14, around there, of the Book An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages, when he tells us… Page 14 of the Book of The Ages, says: “Now I…” A bit before that, it says:

… and though it might be taught to you with eloquence, until God reveals to you that Jesus is the Christ, and that it is the blood that cleanses you, and that God is your Saviour, you will never have eternal life. It is the Spiritual revelation that does it.

Now I said that this Book of Revelation is the revelation of Jesus and what He is doing in the churches for those seven ages. It is a revelation because the disciples, themselves, didn’t know these recorded truths. It had not been previously revealed to them. You remember that they came to Jesus in the Book of Acts and asked Him, ‘Are You at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?’ And He said, ‘It is not for you to know the times or the seasons.’ Those men were still thinking of Jesus having an earthly kingdom. But it was a spiritual kingdom that He was going to build.” (See? To build a spiritual Kingdom. To build is to construct; to create a spiritual Kingdom.) “Even He could not tell them about His place in it, for the Father had not revealed it unto Him. But now after His death and resurrection, and at this particular time in His mediatorial ministry, He is able to set forth here in this revelation of Himself to John what His glory and presence in the church would mean and do.

In this revelation He tells us what the end of the devil is. He tells how He is going to deal with the devil and cast him into the lake of fire. He reveals the end of the wicked ones who follow Satan. And Satan hates that.”

Now, notice how Christ had not received the revelation of the day and of the hour of the Coming of the Son of man at the Last Day, nor had He received the revelation of the things that He would do in His Church throughout the different ages. It was something that was in the Mind of God; but it had not passed from the Mind of God to the Mind of Christ, the Angel of the Covenant.

And now, there are many things that were revealed in the seven Church ages; but there are others that did not pass to the seven ages of the Church, that did not pass to the Church, because they are things that pertain to the Age of the Cornerstone, and they can only be revealed in the Age of the Cornerstone.

What pertains to the Age of the Cornerstone cannot be revealed outside that age. The things that must come to pass after the seven ages cannot be revealed outside the Age of the Cornerstone.

That is why the Seventh Seal can’t be revealed in any of the seven ages, but in the Age of the Cornerstone. And where do the Thunders utter their Voices? In the Age of the Cornerstone.

Now, the One who came down from Heaven in Revelation 10, came with the little Book open in His hand, and set His right foot upon the sea and His left foot on the earth.

Miguel, in what place, which territory was the…? The territory, the territory where He set His left foot belonged to which place? It’s on the Isle of Patmos, that is where… and that was where the Angel gave the revelation to John the Apostle.

Now, notice how waters or the sea represent what? Nations, peoples, and tongues. And those are the feet of brass (right, Miguel?), the feet of brass are the ones He set there; and brass is the Divine Judgment, and the prophets are the Divine Judgment.

Now, let’s leave that alone there.

Brother Branham says that is the sevenfold glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And now, when He shows there what that mystery of the Son of man with the garment from head to foot, with the golden girdle around His chest, he says that He is no longer High Priest nor Lamb; because as High Priest He has to have the girdle where? On His waist. As Judge, He has it on His chest.

And notice, and kings, where do they put the girdle on kings as well? On the chest; for rulers, presidents, and so on.

Let’s see, page 48 of the Book of The Ages, says:

BUT THE DAY OF THE LORD IS COMING. Yes, it is. It is just that at this time of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, John was taken up by the Spirit and transported by the Spirit to that Great Day that is coming. The Lord’s Day is when the days of man are over. The kingdoms of this world will then become the kingdoms of our God. The day of the Lord is when the judgments fall, and after that comes the millennium. Right now the world does what it wants to do with the Christian. They call him all manner of evil names, making fun of him,” (or them). “But there is coming that great and notable day when they will wail and howl, for the Lamb is coming in wrath to judge the world. That is when the righteous will have their day with the Lord, for the wicked shall burn and the righteous will walk over their ashes into the millennium.”

And now…

(…) Revelation 1:10, ‘And heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet.’ John was in the Spirit, and when he was, he saw the great and wonderful day of the Lord Jesus and all His holy power. The future was about to unfold for God was about to teach him. John did not say it was a trumpet. It was like a trumpet. Now when a trumpet is blown it has an urgency about it. It is like the herald, the king’s messenger, coming to the people. He blows on a trumpet. It is an urgent call. The people gather to listen. (Israel was always assembled by the sounding of a trumpet.) Something important is at hand. ‘Listen to it.’ So this voice had the same urgency of appeal as did the trumpet. Clear and strong it was, startling and awakening. Oh, that we might hear the voice of God as a trumpet this day, for it is the ‘Gospel Trumpet’ sounding forth the ‘Word of Prophecy’ to make us aware of, and prepared for, what is coming upon the earth.”

And now, let’s turn to page 57… Let’s see if Miguel can find for me where Brother Branham explains the part about the girdle. Let’s see, to avoid reading too much… There is a passage around here at the beginning, Miguel… We were on 48, but it seems like we are going to have to… we are going to have to go a bit further back. Let’s look at 45 while Miguel finds the other one. It says [The Ages]:

Actually what had happened was that John was caught up in the Spirit and transported into the Lord’s Day, which is yet to come. The Bible speaks of the Day of the Lord which is to be in the future, and John is now seeing the things of that future day.”

[Brother Miguel: On page 53, it said there… There he is speaking about… on the Lord’s Day, how John sees Him standing no longer as Priest, but as Judge; the golden girdle is no longer girt around the waist.]

There… oh, well let’s read it there. On 53, let’s see [The Ages]:

There He stands, One like unto the Son of Man. As the jewel is beautified by the mounting of the ring, so He is glorified in the midst of the churches. It is the Lord’s Day; for John sees Him standing, not as a priest, but as the coming Judge. The golden girdle is no longer girt around the waist where the priest must wear it as he ministers to God in the Holiest Place, but it is now around His shoulders, for He is not now the priest but the JUDGE. Now has John 5:22 come to pass, ‘For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.’ His service has been rendered. The priesthood is over. The days of the prophecy are finished. He stands girded as the JUDGE.”

And now, let’s continue here, further down:

How deeply moving and inspiring was the appearing of Jesus to John, who was in exile for the cause of the Word, and behold, the Living WORD now stands before him. What an illuminating vision, for every descriptive attribute has a significance. What a revelation of His glorious Being.

1. His Hair as White as Snow

John first notices and mentions the whiteness of His hair. It was white, and as bright as snow. This was not because of His age. Oh, no. The brilliantly white hair does not signify age but experience, maturity, and wisdom. The Eternal One does not age. What is time to God? Time means little to God, but wisdom means much. It is as when Solomon called to God for wisdom to judge the people of Israel. Now He is coming, the Judge of all the earth. He will be crowned with wisdom. That is what the white and glistening hair signifies.”

Then on page 211 and 330 [in Spanish] he also speaks to us about the white wig (here) of the Lord, the white hair. There at the end, on this same page, page 54, he says:

There it is. Daniel saw Him with that white hair. He was the Judge opening the books and judging out of them. Daniel saw Him coming in clouds. That is exactly what John saw. They both saw Him exactly the same. They saw the Judge with His judgment girdle over His shoulders, standing pure and holy, full of wisdom, fully qualified to judge the world in righteousness. Hallelujah.

Even the world understands this symbology, for in ancient times the judge would appear and convene court, dressed in a white wig and a long robe that signified his complete authority (head to foot robe) to mete out justice.”

Now, we can see all of this that is mentioned there. And that is fulfilled when Christ finishes His Work of Intercession in Heaven and takes the Title Deed, opens It, and Christ, the Mighty Angel who comes down from Heaven, who is the Angel of the Lord, returns to Earth.

Now, Christ brings that Title Deed to His Church, that is why He gives It to a Man; and that Man will be the last prophet that Christ has in His Church, and he must be a dispensational prophet.

Notice, that Book can’t be given to a prophet of an age, but to a dispensational one. Do you want to see how simple it is?

Whom did God give It to? To Adam.

What was Adam? A dispensational prophet.

Then, when God takes It and keeps It in Heaven, when He gives It to a person again, whom does He give It to? To Jesus, a dispensational prophet.

And at this end time the prophets of ages have ended. And after the seven messengers of the seven ages, what kind of prophet is promised in Revelation chapter 11, and Revelation chapter 7? A dispensational prophet. See?

The Second Adam: Christ, takes It in Heaven and brings It to Earth, to a dispensational prophet, who will be His Angel-Messenger, the Faithful and Wise Servant, whom He will make ruler over all His goods; like God did with Adam, but Adam failed and the Book was taken from him, the right to have and to bring God’s sons and daughters as his descendants was taken from him.

But the Second Adam obtains the right, and is bringing God’s sons and daughters by Divine Creation: first in the sixth dimension by giving them a heavenly body, and then He will give us the physical and glorified body. He knows all the names that are in that Title Deed.

And then, once the Title Deed is given to the Angel-Messenger who will be on Earth at the Last Day, he will be the other one who will know all the names that are there. And when the rewards are being given out, notice, Brother Branham saw that it was an Angel, the Angel who was beside Christ, that read in the Book and could see whether or not the name was written there.4

Why? Because the Book, the Title Deed, the Book of the Seven Seals, which is the Lamb’s Book of Life, then passes from Christ to the Angel: the Angel eats It; and then the Angel will be—there in that judgment or in that giving of rewards—the secretary of Christ. Christ can tell him: “My secretary, tell Me which names are there.”

[Matthew 24:47] “… He shall make him ruler over all his goods.”

To make him ruler over all His goods, He has to give him what? The Title Deed. That is why it says:

And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:

And he shall rule them,” (what does it mean to rule? To govern), “with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.”

To receive that power and authority from the Father, He had to overcome.

Revelation also says… That was chapter 2, verses 26 to 27. And it also says that He will give him the Morning Star, which is Christ in His Second Coming. And chapter 3, verse 21, of Revelation also says:

To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.”

Therefore, that Overcomer will have to do with the earthly Kingdom of Christ, he will have to do with Gentiles and Hebrews; he could also be called: “the Viceroy.”

Now, throughout the Scripture, for the Church, we have different battles against the devil, the enemy of God; but Christ has been with His Church.

And in each age, the Church of Jesus Christ, while the angel-messenger of Its age has been present, has obtained the victory; because each angel-messenger is the instrument of Jesus Christ, and Christ in Holy Spirit has been in that angel-messenger. And the Church has been going from glory to glory, and It has also been going from battle to battle.

Remember that a war is not won in the first battle; there is a last battle.

Now, we find that for the Church the battle in each age has been in the mind of the Holy Place; that is why the Mind of Christ was working in those ages, and passing His revelation from the Mind of Christ to the mind of His messengers; and they were the mind of the Holy Place in the Church of Jesus Christ, the revelation of God came through them.

So, the mystical Body as a Church, as a Body of believers, notice, has an Outer Court, a Holy Place, and a Most Holy Place.

And now, we find that the Church has reached the Age of the Cornerstone, which is also the Age of the Head (as it is called by Rev. William Branham); and the Head is Christ; therefore, it is the age where Christ will manifest Himself in all His fullness. And the Mind of Christ will be in the Most Holy Place of the Church of Jesus Christ.

The Most Holy Place of the Church of Jesus Christ, therefore, is the soul of the Church, the heart of the Church; just like the most holy place of the tabernacle that Moses built and of the temple that King Solomon built is the heart of the temple of Solomon and of the tabernacle of Moses.

Just like the Most Holy Place of the heavenly Temple is the heart of the heavenly Temple; because God dwells where? In the heart, the soul, see? That is why that is the place of God’s Throne.

And now, Rev. William Branham tells us in different messages that… Let’s see; page 134 of the Book of Quotations says, paragraph 1197 [64-0816 – “Proving His Word,” pages 38-39]

1197 – “210 He proves all of His Words, all of His Words. Just think of it, all of His Words! And you were His Word. He was the Word, and you were part of His Word. And, that’s the reason you’re sent here, to confirm your place in life. I—I—I don’t think you got that. See, He is the Word. Now you get it?

211 He was in the feet, in Luther; in the thighs, in Wesley; in the shoulders, in Pentecost. See what I mean? He is the Head. You have a part that joins that together, this hour that we’re living now; not the feet part, not the thigh part, not the shoulder part, but the neck part.”

That was where Brother Branham positioned himself with his group. And he put the head for later on.

Now, on page 162, let’s see what it tells us… and 160; 160, paragraph 1420, says [65-0822M – “Christ Is Revealed In His Own Word,” pages 17-18]:

1420 – “[76] You mustn’t misinterpret the Bible.

For, Jesus Himself is the interpretation of the Bible, when He’s made manifest in the age that the part of His Body is being made manifest.”

When Christ manifests Himself in each age that begins, there the manifestation of Christ for that age is the interpretation of the Word promised for that age, and it always comes in the messenger of the age.

1420 – “[76] If it’s a hand age, it must be a hand…”

In other words, then it must bring forth hand cells, not foot cells; it must bring forth children pertaining to the hand. Therefore, the Message must have a life that reproduces, creates, hand cells, sons and daughters of God for that age. It can’t bring forth sons and daughters of God for a past age: the feet age, but the hand age.

1420 – “[76] If it’s a hand age, it must be a hand; it can’t be a head age. If it’s a voice age, well, then, it can’t be a foot age. See? And now we’re at the eye age. And now the next, is Him Hisself, to come. Seeing; prophetic!

77 See, down through the age, we started off from the foundation, from the first church age; when the Seed went in the ground, the complete Seed. Then it come out through the feet, Luther; come back out then through Wesley; then in to Pentecostals, the tongues, in the lips, see; now it’s in the eyes, prophetic, of Malachi 4, and so forth. And now there’s nothing else left for it to come but Him Himself to step into that, ’cause that’s the last thing there is.

The next is the intelligence, and we have no intelligence of our own; it’s His.”

And now, there is another passage, let’s see if we can find it… This is the one I was searching for, and it looks like I still don’t… I don’t have it yet, I don’t have it on hand yet. Let’s see… But let’s see using what we have. Let’s go to page 127, paragraph 1129, it says [64-0705 – “The Masterpiece,” page 13]:

1129 – “67 Finally, as He started way back in the days of Moses and come down through the prophets, to each one. And, finally, building up the body, coming closer all the time. And the greatest of all of them was John. The Bible said so. Jesus said it. ‘There is not a man, ever born of a woman, as great as John the Baptist,’ for he was the one that could introduce the Word.

68 And then come, finally, the great Head, the Head of all of it. The rest of the body just spoke of It. The foundation was laid by the patriarch; but the body was built by the Word, which was the prophets; and here comes the Head of all of it, Jesus came on the scene. There, when this Head piece was put upon it, we find in Him the entire handiwork of God. We find in Him the perfect reflection of the Word, for He was the Word, the fullness of the Word.”

Then, in [paragraph] 1134, it says [64-0705 – “The Masterpiece,” page 20]:

1134 – “108 Now, for nearly two thousand years, God has been again making Him a Masterpiece. Because, He struck Adam to get a ma-…a piece off of him, part of him, a rib to make a wife for him. And now that perfect Masterpiece that He struck at Calvary, He got a piece off of Him. It’s just the New Testament, that’s all. He fulfilled the Old Testament. Now it’s the New Testament, another piece to be fulfilled. See, the New and Old is husband and wife. See? And it taken the New to fore-…The Old to foreshow the New; Christ come, the Masterpiece, to fulfill that. Now His Bride will fulfill everything that’s in the New Testament. Another Masterpiece is in making.

109 As it taken Him four thousand years to make this Masterpiece; now He’s been, for nearly two thousand years making another Masterpiece, a Bride for Christ.”

A Work for Christ is what is being made by God.

(I took a moment of your time here to…) 1193, let’s see [Quotations, page 134] [64-0802 – “The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride,” pages 60-61]:

1193 – “501 Yes, become a part of the Word, a part of the Word of today. Can’t be a part of the Word of Moses’ day; that part is done made up, that was the feet.”

Now, notice how he puts the time of the feet as the time of Moses. In what we had first read, he puts the time of the feet as the time of whom? Of Luther.

1193 – “[501] We’re at the Head now. This is Christ. Not the arms time, back in Luther,” (now he puts the arms time in Luther; and that pertained to Wesley in the other passage, right?) “no. This is the Head time. Christ, the Headstone, comes to the Body. (…)

[506] And we see the great reformation of Luther, in that age; and of Wesley; and the Pentecostal. Now we’re looking for the Headstone of the City,” (meaning, the Head).

And where were they? In the neck, the closest thing to the Head.

And now, do you want to see what I was writing here? I read to you what Miguel gave me here:

1193 – “501 Yes, become a part of the Word, a part of the Word of today. Can’t be a part of the Word of Moses’ day…”

See? A part of the Word of today.

How does one become a part of the Word for the day in which one is given to live? By receiving the Word, the Message, for that day. It becomes flesh in the person, and now It is the Word for that age in the form of a believer, because the Message of that age is there, and therefore, one is a part of the Word of the age in which one is living.

Now, let’s see what I was writing down, which I didn’t want to read to you. Let’s see: page 127, verse 1135, says [64-0705 – “The Masterpiece,” page 29-30]:

1135 – “170 The Word has become flesh, exactly like He promised in Luke 17, Malachi 4, and all, see, that’s right, Revelation.

171 All true Life that was in the stalk, tassel, and husk, is now gathering in the Seed, ready for the resurrection, ready for the harvest. The Alpha has become Omega. Amen. The first come last, and the last is the first. The Seed, that went in, has come through a process and become the Seed again. (…)

[172] The Alpha and Omega is the same. (…) He said, ‘I am Alpha and Omega,’ He never said anything in between. Uh-huh. ‘I am Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last.’ Yes, sir.

173 The first ministry and the last ministry is the same. The first Message and the (second),” (Message) “last Message is the same thing.”

And now, when referring to a dispensational Message (see?): the first dispensational Message, beginning in the time of Christ and the apostles, is the Message of the Gospel of Grace; and the Message for the Last Day is the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom.

Christ: Alpha and Omega, bringing the Message that will complete the Work in which all the elect will obtain the faith, the revelation of the Second Coming of Christ, the revelation of the Seventh Seal, to be prepared to be changed and taken with Christ to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

And now, the first Message revolves around the First Coming of Christ, the second Message revolves around the Second Coming of Christ.

All of that was also reflected in Rev. William Branham; because in each angel-messenger, Christ reflected Himself and reflected His Second Coming; just like in the prophet-messengers of the Old Testament, Christ reflected His First Coming and His Second Coming as well.

That is why, to them, the First and Second Coming were not understood as two occasions in which the Coming of the Lord would be fulfilled: one as Lamb, and the other as Judge and as King and as Lion; the first as Lamb and as High Priest; and the second as Lion, and as King of kings and Lord of lords, and Judge of all the Earth.

Now notice, I told you how… what I had, what I was writing down; because I wasn’t sure if I had that passage marked there; it is «how to become the Word».

It also tells us something there on 108; let’s see if it is something related here… paragraph 938, says [63-0728 – “Christ Is The Mystery Of God Revealed,” page 50]:

938 – “[377] He is expressing Himself. That’s His purpose. That’s why He died. That’s the second fold of His threefold manifestation. First, to express Hisself in Christ, then express Hisself through the Church. And the same thing, Christ was the Word, and the Church becomes the Word when it lets the Word go through them. (…)

380 And in there, there would be a time come forth when He could express Himself in fullness of His Godhead, Deity, through His Church, have the preeminences in this Church. Oh, my! What? The anointed Man; now the anointed people; oh, my, to bring back the anointed Bride and the Bridegroom.”

There is another very important passage where it tells about this mystery. Let’s see if it is page 163… paragraph 1453, says [65-1125 – “The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ,” page 35]:

1453 – “268 Oh, that spiritual union of Christ and His Church now, when the flesh is becoming Word, and the Word is becoming flesh, manifested, vindicated.”

In other words, when the Word of God promised for an age is fulfilled by Christ to His Church: that promised Word, the Word of the promise for that age, is being vindicated; and when the people receive It: It becomes flesh in the people and the people become the Word made flesh for that age. And that is how the Word is made flesh in each age.

It becomes flesh in the Church: first in the messenger; and then in the Church, when the messenger gives that Message to the Church.

1453 – “[268] … manifested, vindicated. Just what the Bible said would happen in this day, it’s happening, day by day. Why, it’s cumulating so fast out there, in those deserts, and things taking place, that I couldn’t even keep up with it. We’re near the Coming of Jesus, to be united with His Church, where the Word becomes the Word.”

Now, we can see that in order for the Church to become the Word, She must receive the Word that is vindicated, promised for that time, being fulfilled and being revealed to the people.

When the Church in each age receives It (through the messenger of Her age): It becomes flesh; the promised Word of that age becomes flesh in the group of elect of that age, in the Church as a mystical Body of believers; that Word becomes flesh, because It is there; and It becomes flesh in each believer as an individual.

And now, we find that during the seven ages, all of this, in the Church as a mystical Body of believers, has been taking place in the Holy Place, which is the part that pertains to the spirit.

The person’s spirit is the holy place of the person as a spiritual temple of God.

And the holy place of the tabernacle that Moses built and the holy place of the tabernacle that Solomon built, is the place where the candlestick with the lamps was. And that is why in the seven ages there is the candlestick with its lamps, the seven lamps: the seven ages, with the burning wick, which is the messenger of each age, through whom Christ reflected Himself and gave Light.

See? That is why we find Christ in Holy Spirit reflecting Himself in the seventh angel-messenger and giving Light for that stage that he lived in: the seventh age of the Church, and then in that stage close to the Age of the Most Holy Place.

And now, we find that for the Church as a mystical Body of believers, the Age of the Cornerstone is the Most Holy Place; therefore, it is the place where the things that were kept hidden from the people of the seven Church ages are found.

The things that must come to pass after the seven ages were where? In the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ, of the Church of Jesus Christ; in that age is where Christ makes them known.

Now, we find that for past ages those things weren’t open, they couldn’t be understood. Just like in people’s subconscious there are things that the person hasn’t understood yet, they are in the subconscious; but if they pass to the conscious, then they are understood.

For example, the whole mystery of each one of you as children of God, that was in the subconscious, but Christ made it conscious: He passed it from the subconscious to the conscious when you received Him as your Savior; and there were still things left that were not made conscious to you, like you being a part of the group of elect of the Last Day, of the Age of the Cornerstone; but all of that was sealed inside you, in your soul, which comes from God, from the seventh dimension.

Now, we can see that the same thing it is for the Church, and it was for Christ, is what it is for the person as an individual; that is why now the things that were in the Church’s subconscious… because that age hadn’t arrived yet: the age of the intelligence, of the Mind of Christ in His Church, the Age of the Mind, of the subconscious, to make everything conscious to His Church.

Now, notice, the Seventh Seal is the mystery of which Christ mentioned that not even the Angels, nor anyone, nor the Son (Jesus Christ) knew when the day and the hour would be, the day and the hour of the Second Coming of Christ, the day and the hour of the Seventh Seal.

Now, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ didn’t know that mystery either, because all of that was in the subconscious. But now Christ knows it, why? Because after He died, resurrected, and ascended to Heaven glorified, all power in Heaven and on Earth was given to Him,5 and all revelation of every mystery; because the way between the Holy Place and the Most Holy place was left completely opened; therefore, the way was left completely opened between the heavenly body of Christ and God, who is the soul and the subconscious, in whom were all these Divine programs of redemption contained in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

And you were there and I was there too; and we were appointed for this time, that is why we are in this time. In other words, it’s not a mere coincidence that we are here at this time. And all the services we would be at were already determined.

So, we are not a coincidence here on Earth: we are the fulfillment of God’s Program, of what God thought for you and for me; that is why it is so important for us to stay (where?) in our place: in the mystical Body of Christ.

Those who didn’t stay in their place in the time of Moses, what happened to them? They journeyed through the wilderness for forty years and perished. But Joshua and Caleb remained steadfast, and they were the ones who said: “We can do it! We can inherit the land and conquer that land.”6 Why? Because God was with them.

Now, we find that Moses, because of certain things the people did, that caused Moses to be disappointed in the people and smite the rock twice.7

That second rock represents the Second Coming of Christ. And since it was in God’s Program that the Second Coming of Christ should not be smitten, that there should not be a second crucifixion…

Moses, by smiting the first rock,8 represented there, reflected what the First Coming of Christ would be; and It would be smitten to give the Water of Eternal Life, to give the Holy Spirit.

Because when Christ spoke of the Water that He would give…, which He spoke about to the Samaritan woman;9 and then He spoke in the Feast of the Tabernacles, on the last day of the feast, when He said: “If any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink.” “And this spake He of the Spirit, which they that believe on Him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet (what?) glorified.”10

Now notice, the Holy Spirit is that Water of Life, because the Holy Spirit is the Life of the Blood.

[John 1:4] “In him was life; and the life was the light of men.”

See? In the Word, the Angel of the Covenant, the Holy Spirit, is Life.

And now, in the First Coming of Christ, Christ had to be crucified. In His First Coming, He came as the Lamb of God and He came as the first Rock, for that first Rock to be smitten on Calvary’s Cross, and to be able to give the Water of the Holy Spirit, to give Eternal Life to the people who would believe in Him.

John the Baptist, speaking of the One who would come after him, said: “He is the One who will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire,”11 and He pointed to Jesus. Therefore, the baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire is only for the believers in Jesus Christ; not for John’s believers if they stayed with John and didn’t follow Jesus.

And now, the second rock represents the Second Coming of Christ. And Christ doesn’t have to be crucified in His Second Coming to give us the Water of the new, eternal, immortal, and glorified body; He doesn’t have to be crucified to give us the glorified body, like He had to be crucified to give us the theophanic body of the sixth dimension.

Now, Moses, angry, full of wrath against the people, because they were a stiffnecked people and he had already gotten tired of them, he smote the rock; he called the people a “rebellious people,” or something like that; he smote the rock…

That is in chapter 20 of the Book of Numbers, if you want to have it there exactly as it all happened. Notice, the people had gathered against Moses, and Moses had gone with Aaron to the temple. It says [verse 6]:

And Moses and Aaron went from the presence of the assembly unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and they fell upon their faces: and the glory of the Lord appeared unto them.

And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,

Take the rod, and gather thou the assembly together, thou, and Aaron thy brother, and speak ye unto the rock before their eyes,” (notice, he had to speak to the rock),

and it shall give forth his water, and thou shalt bring forth to them water out of the rock: so thou shalt give the congregation and their beasts drink.

And Moses took the rod from before the Lord, as he commanded him.

And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock, and he said unto them, Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock?

And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also.

And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron, Because ye believed me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them.

This is the water of Meribah; because the children of Israel strove with the Lord, and he was sanctified in them.”

Why is God now angry with Moses, if Moses made water come out of the second rock? Because Moses did it the way God didn’t tell him to. God said to him: “Speak unto the rock, and it shall give forth its water;” it was by the creative Word being spoken.

Just as it happened with the little fish that was caught by a friend of Brother Branham, and it was small; and when they pulled out the hook all its insides came out, and they threw it out on the water; he said to it… he told the little fish something like: “You shot your last wad,” something like how we would say: “Your day has come,” and they threw it out on the water.

But God had said to Brother Branham: “Today you shall see the glory of God manifested.” And Brother Branham had said that to the people who were with him: “God told me that today we will see the glory of God manifested;” and well, everyone was expecting something great to happen.

And about half an hour after Brother Branham’s friend threw the little fish into the water, and said those words…; which were not the best words to say to a little fish, which is part of God’s Creation, and especially not that one… Why that one? Because that one is a type of the believers in Christ that have departed, and primarily the ones of this time.

And they continued fishing… And remember that we are fishing: “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men,”12 said Jesus Christ our Savior.

So, since the death of that little fish, the fishing had not stopped, it continued; therefore, that means continuing to evangelize and to catch people, people for Christ, until the squeeze comes and the Third Pull comes.

In the Third Pull is when the glory of God will be manifested, and the resurrection will come, just like the resurrection of the little fish came; it was about a half hour later. There you have the half hour of silence; silence… fishing, but in silence.

When that time passed, Brother Branham sees the little fish floating around, and the Spirit tells him – the Holy Spirit tells him to give the little fish its life back: “Speak to it.” And Brother Branham stood up and said to the little fish: “Little fishy, I give you your life,” and the little fish resurrected, and it went on swimming.13

But is it a type and figure of the believers who have departed, who will be resurrected at the Last Day? Page 166, paragraph 1476, of the Book of Quotations, says [65-1127E – “I Have Heard But Now I See,” page 4]:

1476 – “[26] That—that gives us to know, if He’s interested to speak the Word of life into a little insignificant fish laying there dead, on the water for a half hour, He can certainly someday speak Life into His children. No matter if your body be no more than a spoonful of dust, He’ll speak, and we’ll answer Him someday.”

Notice how God’s glory was manifested, because It is being reflected in such a simple type and figure… that is making a symbol of what the resurrection of the dead in Christ will be, by the creative Word of whom? Of God. And I can’t explain the details about that too much, because I would be uncovering for you the mystery of that glorious moment.

Now, Moses broke the type and figure when he smote the rock twice; that is why God became angry with Moses: he broke the type and figure of the Second Coming of Christ, and he put there the type and figure that the Second Coming of Christ will be smitten.

Christ, the Rock, will be smitten in His Second Coming; but there can’t come a second crucifixion.

Therefore, in the Message “I indict this generation” or “The Indictment,” there Rev. William Branham speaks to us about a second spiritual crucifixion, where they will speak against the Second Coming of Christ;14 because Moses set the type and figure back then by smiting the rock twice. He smote the second rock twice, and that is why God became angry with Moses.

Now, let’s see something very important.

(Since this book is compiled in a certain way where each… there are a few books here, and each book starts from [page] 1 to the last number; and so that’s why… sometimes I’m looking for number 8, and I have to look for it in all of them to see which one of them it is, because I didn’t mark the paragraph number; some don’t have paragraphs.) But if you want to know what our Brother Branham said about Moses smiting the rock… Let’s see at the end, he says… (this isn’t it yet). He says the following15:

56 On up they come, into the smitten Rock. Notice when they come to the Rock, they had need. Now, Moses smote the Rock with the rod. That’s where we left last night. Smote the Rock with the rod, and the rod was God’s judgment rod. And he smote the Rock, and there was a cleft in the left side of the Rock,” (well, typifying the wound in Christ). “When the children of Israel got hungry, they went there. And a beehive, a bee had got in there and had made a hive, and they got honey out of the Rock. Everything they had need of was in the Rock. The Rock followed the church, and the Rock was Christ Jesus.”

And now, let’s search, let’s keep searching for 8… number 8 here, where it says “Israel And The Church #5,” paragraph 4916:

49 Moses was a type of the church organization…”

Notice how far Moses got because he acted that way. This is in Israel: Children in the Wilderness.

49 Moses was a type of the church organization, which, he was the law. And Moses glorified himself before the people, instead of glorifying God. And God turned from him.

50 And today the church has begin to glorify themselves in the stead of glorifying God.”

And further down, it says, paragraph 51:

51 Now notice, He condemned Moses because Moses glorified himself.

52 And you just watch today. These big churches, they’re all wanting you to come to their church and their organization.”

Let’s keep looking for page 8. (I’m going to have to number it consecutively on top, above this, to avoid all this trouble. But for us, while we search, we read and we benefit too).

Let’s see if we can find another one. Let’s turn to page 22 to see… (it takes some work this way, I’m going to have to correct this…) Let’s read this while we get to it [47-1123 – “The Children Of Israel,” pages 22-23]:

“[68] But He is God,” (referring to God). “And this Angel is Divine that’s sent from the throne of God. (…)

Well, that’s the song that the Angel of God likes.”

So that we learn that the Angel likes songs too, the Angel of the Lord that accompanied our Brother Branham. So… angels in Heaven, well, they sing for God.

Let’s see… let’s see here, see a little bit here… It’s a little difficult here… to find this… It was number 846 [in Spanish], I had told you. Let’s look at page 7, this is from the Message “Israel And The Church #4,”17 paragraph 47 and on says… 46 and on:

46 Faith is what you have in God. And that, in recognition of God, for your faith, gives you the Holy Ghost that circumcises the heart and ears. Is that right? Makes you a new creature.

47 Now, God getting ready to deliver. We found out that he was, Moses was taking his own son down, for to deliver the children of Israel, uncircumcised. And Zipporah took a sharp stone, cut the foreskin off her child, and throwed it before him, said, ‘Thou art a bloody husband to me.’

48 You know, did you ever study that right close? Moses had a temper, you know, that finally kept him out of the promised land, his temper.”

Because of their temper, some people have tantrums.

Remember that we once talked about how temper is like a horse, and one’s character is the rider. And if the rider, one’s character, doesn’t dominate the temper, the horse, then you will have a scene of a horse (what?) walking over the person, the horse walking over the person’s character; in other words, the person’s temper imposing itself against the person’s character. And that was Moses’ problem.

When he killed the Egyptian,18 there you can see that he had a strong temper. And he had 40 years to fix that temper, and to shape his character up, to dominate his temper.

That is the same thing as when sometimes, well, some people have moments like that, and they say: “I’m not going any further, it’s too much trouble!” Remember, that is the temper: the horse trying to ride the person, the person’s character. It says:

[48] Moses had a temper, you know, that finally kept him out of the promised land, his temper. And God had set him back out there and give him a little high-tempered wife, too.”

Did you notice when she circumcised her son? She threw the foreskin before him: “You are a bloody husband to me.”19 So she had a bad temper too. But God had given him that wife to refine the character, the temper – the character of Moses and make it dominate the temper that Moses had.

[48] I bet they had some trouble on the backside of that desert, don’t you? God knows how to tame you down,” (how to tame down that temper and how to make the person, well, humble, meek). “So, He fixed him back out there with a little woman, showed. She cut that foreskin off and throwed it before him, said, ‘You’re a bloody husband.’ My! He knowed how to fix him up, take that temper out of him. All right.”

See? So… Now, let’s… We will leave this for another occasion (right Miguel?), so that we don’t take up too much time here with this little part here about…

There is a… We see that when Moses let his temper ride over him, ride over his character, he became a type and figure, of what? Of organization. Moses glorified himself, therefore he became a type of the organization.

One cannot glorify oneself, rather, one is to glorify whom? God; that is what we have been put on this Earth for.

Therefore, by fulfilling the purpose for which God has sent us here, we are glorifying God and we are acting according to God’s will.

While trying to find this I… it’s not that I have something against Moses, but that this actually teaches us things we should know, and thus we can then learn and know how to behave; because if God didn’t forgive Moses for that, then He wouldn’t forgive us if we did the same; just like He will not forgive those who Moses represented when he glorified himself, He will not forgive them for a second crucifixion.

Who was it that asked for the crucifixion of Christ? The religious leaders of the organization of the Hebrew religion;20 that is why Peter accused them of crucifying Christ.21

Now, we have great promises from Christ.

Notice here, page 18, paragraph 44, of the part… of the subject “Speak To The Rock And It Shall Give Forth His Water;”22 paragraph 44, page 18:

[44] And after while he saw a Man…”

That is, Joshua, saw the Commander-in-Chief of the heavenly Hosts or of the Armies of the Lord.23 It says:

[44] And after while he saw a Man standing with His sword drawed. He said, ‘Who are You? Are you our enemy? Are you one of us?’

He said, ‘Nay, I am the Captain of the host of the LORD.’ And Joshua spoke to the Rock.” (Because the Rock is that Angel, it is Christ.) “And a shout went out, and the walls fell down, ’cause he spoke to the Rock.”

Here we finally found it: page 26, paragraphs 173 to 175 of the message “Israel And The Church #4”24:

173 But when he glorified himself down there, instead of God,” (in other words, instead of glorifying God or the place where God was), “before that Rock; when God told him, said, ‘Go, speak to the Rock. Don’t smite It. Speak to It.’ (The Rock was only smitten once.)

174 And Moses got his temper all up, and run down there and smote the Rock. It didn’t bring water. He smote It again, It brought water. Said, ‘You rebels, must we fetch you water out of this Rock?’ Like that, and brought forth the waters, ’cause God had to listen to that prophet because He had endued him with that power. And that broke the whole program of God’s Bible.

175 Christ was smitten once. We speak to the Rock now, and It brings forth Its water, see. It’s already been smitten. Just speak to It, and It brings forth Its water.”

See how Moses broke the type and figure? And that cost him his entrance into the promised land.

If you hear the message “The Indictment” or “I indict this generation for the second crucifixion of Christ,” if you read it, you will find that there will be a second crucifixion, but a spiritual one; and those people will be indicted (like the religious leaders of that time) at this end time, all the religious leaders that rebel against the Second Coming of Christ, and they won’t be able to enter the promised land of the new glorified body nor the Millennial Kingdom either, nor the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

Now, we can see that Moses glorified himself, and broke the type and figure by smiting the rock, the second rock, twice, which represents the Second Coming of Christ.

Now, speaking about the… “FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT” (going back to the subject); just as each angel-messenger and his group fought the good fight against the devil, in each age, the Church as a mystical Body of believers, therefore, fought the good fight in each age and obtained a temporary victory.

And now, each believer as an individual has been fighting the good fight in his age.

Now, in our time the good fight pertains to the Age of the Cornerstone, the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ; and therefore, it pertains to the most holy place of each individual, which is the person’s soul; where the person either believes and wins the fight, or he is an unbeliever to God’s Word of the Last Day and he loses the fight.

And now, the battle is in the soul, to believe or not believe; but everything enters through the part of the body: hearing and sight, and other senses, and it also goes through the senses of the spirit, until it reaches the soul.

With the soul you believe or doubt, and you do it through free moral agency, which is the sense of the soul, the door to the soul.

And now, in people as individuals, notice, in the soul: you either believe or don’t believe, using your free moral agency.

That is why we have never forced anyone to do such-and-such a thing, rather, we make known to them the truth of the Word of God; and each person, using free moral agency, either says: “I believe this with all my soul…” See? Because with the heart man believes, with the mouth confession is made.25

What he believes with his soul, with his heart, he confesses with his mouth: “I believe this Message, I believe It with all my heart.” And there he has taken sides with Christ, to obtain the Great Victory in Love Divine at this end time and obtain the transformation.

Now, it’s in the Age of the Most Holy Place of the Church of Jesus Christ, and therefore, it’s in the most holy place of the person (which is the person’s soul), that is where the battle is at this time; that is where the Mind of Christ in the Most Holy Place is manifested, the Intelligence of Christ, so that the Great Victory in Love Divine is obtained. And that is where the mind of the person’s soul, and the thoughts of the heart of the soul of the person, must be positive: believing the whole Word of God.

And there, in the time we are in, since it is the time of the Soul of the Church as an age: the Age of the Cornerstone, so that is also where, for people, the manifestation of their soul comes along, and the thoughts of the soul, of the heart of people, are manifested, and they declare themselves either believers or unbelievers; and they are identified either as unbelieving souls (which were not written in Heaven, in the Lamb’s Book of Life, which do not come from God), as tares, and not as wheat; but the believers are identified as wheat, as souls of God.

The seed of God is the soul of God. The person’s soul is the seed of God.

So… Notice, in a fruit, we find that there are also those different parts of the fruit.

Now, let’s leave that alone… For example (or go into it a little bit): in a mango or orange or whatever kind of fruit, there is the peel, there is the pulp, and there is also the seed: body, spirit, and soul. But in the seed itself you also find three parts: the shell that is on the seed, then the part of the what? Of the pulp; and then a little thing, which is the life.

In corn, well, what is it called? It is the little thing that you take out… the what? It has a name, someday I will tell you.

(What?) The germ. That is where the germ is, that germ; that is what sprouts. The rest dies; but that is what becomes a little plant. And the wheat too, and likewise, all seeds.

Now, we are in the most glorious stage of all stages, which is the stage of the Cornerstone Age, the stage of the Mind of the Lord Jesus Christ, the stage of the Brain of the Lord Jesus Christ in His Church.

We are no longer in the stage of the mouth. Later, look at how Brother Branham also typifies the rest of the ages in a person’s head: he typifies the Age of Laodicea in the stage of the tongue; and then he typifies that phase of the ministry of Brother Branham in the eyes; because eyes typify prophets, seers.

But then it says, he says: “Your mouth can move, your tongue, your lips too, your eyes can move, but when we get to the brain, you don’t see any movement there in the brain;” there we have silence. One doesn’t hear noise from the brain, one doesn’t see movement from the brain, nothing, but it is what controls the whole body.

And when the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ reaches the Age of the Cornerstone, it is a very calm age, it isn’t an age that makes a lot of noise; but everything that is done is done according to the Mind of Christ operating in the Age of the Cornerstone, and Him guiding His Church at this end time, in order to be changed at this end time and be taken with Christ to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. But that is where the battle is, that is where the fight is.

And according to the way that the Mind of Christ works, that is how all things will be materialized in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore, in our time we would all be led by the Mind of Christ, by the Holy Spirit working in His Church and making known to us all the things we must know. Therefore, it will be the thoughts of Christ being expressed in and to His Church and through His Church.

It is the most glorious stage; and because it is the stage where… In the seven ages, the seven virtues were manifested; but do you know that all the virtues are in Love Divine? The Age of Love Divine, here you have it.

If with one virtue manifested in each age they had the victory of their age, how will it be in the Age of the Cornerstones with all the virtues being manifested!

With those virtues of Christ being manifested in each age, each age came and the messenger of each age and the Message of each age came.

And with Love Divine comes all the Divine Revelation and the Message for the Age of the Cornerstone, to obtain the Great Victory in Love Divine in the fight that the Church of Jesus Christ would be fighting at this end time, and where every son and daughters of God would be fighting the last battle.

This last battle comes before being changed.

But remember that when Rev. William Branham spoke of this last battle, he spoke of the Great Victory in Love Divine; therefore, the Age of Love Divine has to be where the Church will obtain the Great Victory in Love Divine and where we will obtain our transformation.

That was where the manifestation of God, of Christ, was seen in His Church; and that was the age in which he desired to live, it was the stage that he desired to live in; but in whom was that stage reflected? It was reflected in him, in his ministry.

Now, let’s leave that alone, because we would be getting into things that would take us about one more hour to fully open; but let’s leave it there.

Notice, our subject is: “FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT.” The battle in the Church as a mystical Body of believers: we saw it from age to age, and now we see it in our time; and the battle in the believer as an individual.

And now, at this time there is the battle in the Age of the Cornerstone, which is the Mind of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, the most important age of all; and there is the battle in the person’s soul, to believe or not believe.

By believing, you then take sides with Christ, and you will obtain the Great Victory in Love Divine, and you will obtain your transformation.

Just like Christ obtained in Heaven (it shows us this in Revelation)26 the great victory against the devil; and He will obtain it again. He obtained it in the First Coming and He will obtain it in His Second Coming too; and He obtained it when He overthrew the devil, He cast him out of Heaven.

And now, Christ has always obtained the Great Victory in Love Divine, because He is God’s Love.

Therefore, we are fighting the good fight in our age: the Age of the Mind of Christ, in the Age of the Mind of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

That is why, notice something else, the angels that our Brother Branham spoke about on page 12 of the message: “Trying To Do God A Service Without It Being God’s Will”…27 Remember that through each angel Christ obtained the great victory in each age, and so did His Church, and each individual as well. Page 12, now let’s see… It says:

92 I thought,…”

When the Angel told him, the Lord said to him: “Turn the picture,” in other words: “Turn the picture to the right.” He had it shown this way and he was told to turn it, and the face formed by that cloud of the Lord’s angels appeared there. And now, it says:

“[91] Something said to me, ‘Turn it right.’

I thought, ‘I think I’m looking at it right.’

Said, ‘Turn it right.’ See?” (In other words, turn it to the right).

92 I thought, ‘Maybe that Voice means turn it to the right.’”

Because he was showing it like this and seeing it like this, he was looking at it like this; and when he turned it to the right, he saw the Lord’s face there being formed by that cloud formed by angels.

[92] “And when I did, you see what it is: Hofmann’s Head of Christ,” (he says; meaning, from Hofmann’s portrait, Hofmann’s painting), “at thirty-three. Here, look in here, see His black beard, His face, His eyes,” (See? His face, His eyes), “His nose, and everything else. See the part in His hair here coming up. And He’s wigged with that white Angel wig…”

Which is the Angel that forms the Lord’s wig, the white wig? Notice, the One that is up here; and that is the Angel who was different from the rest.

The rest, he says, form the beard. Although in other places he had said that they formed the full wig of the Lord, but now he gives more specific details and shows that the beard is formed by the seven angels, and the white wig, the white hair, is formed by the Angel who was different from the rest.

[92] And He’s wigged with that white Angel wig to show that the Message of Him being God is the Truth. He is the Supreme Judge of the universe, Supreme Judge of Heaven and earth. He is God, and nothing else but God. He is God expressed in human form called the Son of God, which the Son was the Man.”

And now, we are going to leave that alone, since we are out of time.

But remember that we are fighting the good fight. Where? Not here anymore, but over here.

Notice everything the white wig covers: it covers the whole forehead, and that includes the entire brain, everything there.

So, notice, where are we? In the great battle of the Last Day, fighting the fight; that is where the Church is fighting the good fight.

They may say: “Now… those ages have already passed, and look at what happened to them.” But Christ has already finished with them, those stages already died; now the one that is alive is the Age of the Cornerstone, the Age of the Mind of Christ, the Age of the Brain, which is Christ; and that is where Christ will obtain the Great Victory in Love Divine at this end time.

Therefore, as individuals we are also in that stage, which pertains to our soul.


It has been a great blessing for me to be with you on this occasion, testifying to you about the battle of this end time in the mystical Body of Christ, in the Age of the Cornerstone, and in the soul of every believer in Christ; where everyone, both the mystical Body of Christ and each individual as a person, is in this great battle.


On another occasion we will go more into detail to see this fight with – from other points of view, from other angles, and how to fight this fight.

Remember that we have to be clothed with the heavenly body, and all the virtues of the heavenly body, the virtue of Christ in the heavenly body, must be manifested in our lives. So, we have to be fully clothed with the whole Vesture of Christ.

May Christ our Savior pour out His blessings upon all of you and also upon me, and may He strengthen us, and give us the Great Victory in Love Divine at this end time (in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ…), and to everyone, to all our congregations, and to all our brethren as individuals, and to each one of us as individuals, and to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ as a mystical Body of believers, in the Age of the Cornerstone. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.

Well, may God continue to bless you all, may God keep you.

And I will leave our Brother Miguel with us again to conclude our participation tonight.

And tomorrow we will see each other in the public service we will have tomorrow, which is scheduled for – in the morning, for tomorrow morning; and its title is: “THE GREAT EVENTS OF MANKIND.”

God will help us there to shed light on the great events of mankind and their meaning according to the Scriptures.

Well, may God continue to bless you all, may God keep you; and with us now Miguel, our brother and friend Miguel Bermúdez Marín, to conclude or continue.

I don’t know if you have about two or three hours left here. So that I can speak with you without limits, it would have to be like a Friday, right, Miguel? And we would have a vigil; and it would be… and also in an appropriate place, with air conditioning, where the sound doesn’t go out. That is what air conditioning is for, so that the sound doesn’t go out and everything is enclosed.

And when we have a place like that, well, then we can have vigils on Fridays in places where you have a space like that; and then, well, you can drink your coffee at ease (those who want to drink coffee); although it’s best to drink water.

Sometimes we think coffee is the best, but water is the best; having your bottle of water, and every five minutes or every fifteen minutes drinking a little water; not the whole bottle, but a little bit; and that keeps the brain oxygenated, and that keeps you well to catch everything that is spoken.

We thought coffee was the best, right? But only one part of the coffee: the liquid part of the coffee, which is the water, is the best.

Well, may God continue to bless you all.

And well, we have our Brother Miguel here now to continue.

And remember that when Jesus would finish, the last part was always, what? The song of… thanking God as well, and the song; they used to sing the hymn (that’s what it says, right?)… it seems like they had a main hymn (was that it?).

So that is very important: singing too, at the end, and thanking Christ for the blessings He has given us in the service we have had.

At the beginning we ask for the blessing, but then we have to give thanks for the blessing that He gave us, and sing too.

Well, may God continue to bless you all; and with us our Brother Miguel Bermúdez Marín.

It seems like Miguel… Miguel seems to have had his water here. If he would have used it over there, well, it would have been more effective for him.

Well, now you know that water is more favorable than coffee. It’s not that it is forbidden to drink coffee… I also drank coffee today; it had been a long time since I drank black coffee, and they gave me good coffee twice, and I drank it, and it did me well too. But I have also been drinking water.

When one is studying, the best thing… to also drink water to oxygenate the brain; because water has oxygen too.

So, one learns these things; well, one passes them on to you too so that you learn them as well.

Well, may God continue to bless you all, may God keep you; and with us now our Brother Miguel.


1 The Revelation Of The Seven Seals, “The Breach Between The Seven Church Ages And The Seven Seals,” page 106, paragraph 291

2 Matthew 27:51-53

3 Mark 13:32

4 The Revelation Of The Seven Seals, “The Sixth Seal,” pages 436-437, paragraphs 452-468

5 Matthew 28:18

6 Numbers 14:6-8

7 Numbers 20:1-11

8 Exodus 17:1-6

9 John 4:1-15

10 John 7:37-39

11 Matthew 3:11; Mark 1:7-8; Luke 3:6

12 Matthew 4:19; Mark 1:17

13 65-1127E – “I Have Heard But Now I See,” pages 2-4, paragraphs 12-21

14 63-0707M – “The Indictment”

15 53-0328 – “Israel And The Church #4,” page 8, paragraph 56

16 53-0329 – “Israel And The Church #5,” page 8, paragraphs 49-52

17 53-0328 – “Israel And The Church #4,” page 7, paragraphs 46-48

18 Exodus 2:11-12

19 Exodus 4:24-26

20 Mark 15:6-14; Luke 23:13-24; John 19:4-7

21 Acts 2:22-24

22 60-0723 – “Speak To The Rock And It Shall Give Forth His Water,” page 18, paragraph 44

23 Joshua 5:13-15

24 53-0328 – “Israel And The Church #4,” page 26, paragraphs 173-175

25 Romans 10:10

26 Revelation 12:7-9

27 65-1127B – “Trying To Do God A Service Without It Being God’s Will,” page 12, paragraphs 91-92

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