God’s Last Blessing for This Generation

…and television viewers here in Potosí, Bolivia. It is a great privilege to be with you on this occasion to share with you these Divine blessings written and promised for this time in which we are living.

Tonight, I want to read in Saint Matthew, chapter 24, verse 1 to 3, and then the same 24th chapter, verses 30 to 31, and the Scripture says the following in Saint Matthew 24, verse 1 and on:

And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.

And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?”

Then in Saint Matthew 24, verses 30 to 31, it says:

And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.”

May God bless our hearts with His Word and allow us to understand It.

Our subject for this occasion is: “GOD’S LAST BLESSING FOR THIS GENERATION.” 

God has poured out blessings upon the human race since He created the human being. And from age to age and from dispensation to dispensation, God has had things to carry out in His Program, and He has made them known to the human race through His prophets, for the Prophet Amos, chapter 3, verse 7, says: “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, without first revealing His secrets unto His servants the prophets.”

And through God’s prophets we have obtained the written Word of God, called the Bible.

And now, Christ promises great blessings for people under the Divine Program pertaining to the New Testament; and from age to age He has been sending messengers, who have preached the Message, they have preached the Gospel, and through the ministry He has put in those messengers, millions of human beings have come to the knowledge of truth; and they have received Christ as their Savior.

Now notice how something that started back in the land of Israel, the coming of John the Baptist and the Coming of Jesus of Nazareth to this Earth, notice, the Hebrew people couldn’t understand who these two important people in the Divine Program were. And the leaders of the Hebrew religion stumbled over those two simple prophets and rejected them, and they were rejecting God’s blessing.

That is why Christ tells us: “He that receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward.”1 He becomes a friend of that prophet and will receive the blessings that God has given him to bring to all of God’s sons and daughters.

Now, whoever rejects a man sent by God is rejecting the One who sent him: God Himself; and that is why the Hebrew people were rejecting God Himself when they rejected Jesus of Nazareth.

And because God says that when He sends a prophet people are called to hear him, as it tells us in Deuteronomy chapter 18, verses 15 to 19, it says:

The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken…”

Whom does God say that people are called to hear? The prophet whom God sends. Because he comes sent by God, with God’s Message for that time. It says:

…According to all that thou desiredst of the Lord thy God in Horeb in the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not hear again the voice of the Lord my God, neither let me see this great fire any more, that I die not.

And the Lord said unto me, They have well spoken that which they have spoken.

I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth,” (where does God put His Words? In the mouth of the prophet He sends), “and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.”

What will the prophet that God sends be speaking? All that God commands him for the people.

That is why Jesus said: “I speak nothing of Myself, but what I hear the Father speak, that is what I speak.”2 “And the works that I do, I do them not of Myself, but as I see the Father do, that is what I do.”3 “And the Father that dwells in Me, He does the Work.”4

Now we can see what a prophet of God is: he is a man sent of God who has the Word of God in him for the time in which he is sent. He is a man with both consciouses together (the conscious and subconscious), and therefore, he can see in other dimensions; and he can hear the Voice in another dimension, and he can see in another dimension; and this way, he can have fellowship with God, he can speak with God and God can speak with him, and God can tell him what he must speak to the people.

And those who don’t hear him find themselves in a very, very difficult situation before God. It says:

And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.”

What will be of the people who don’t hear the prophet that God sends at the time in which he appears with God’s Message? God will require it of them.

Now, those who receive him, well, they receive God’s blessings.

Now, notice what happened to the people who rejected Christ in His First Coming; notice what happened to the city of Jerusalem and to the temple there in Jerusalem. Christ, knowing what would come upon Jerusalem, cried in that moment when He had His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Chapter 19 of Saint Luke, verses 41 to 44, says:

And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it,

Saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes.

For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side,

And shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation.”

“Because you didn’t know the time of your Visitation, all these things will come upon you,” Jesus Christ says to the city of Jerusalem.

And we find that in the year 70, Roman general Titus entered Jerusalem, surrounded it, and then destroyed it; he destroyed the buildings of the temple, he destroyed the temple, and they didn’t leave one stone upon another, and thus, the prophecy of Jesus Christ was fulfilled.

That was a prophecy that had to be fulfilled, and it was fulfilled; and it was a prophecy of Divine Judgment upon Jerusalem and upon the temple of Jerusalem, because they didn’t know the Visitation of God in human flesh in the Person of Jesus Christ the Prophet of Nazareth.

Now, we can see the responsibility that every person has before God when God sends a prophet to Earth; and we can see the great blessing there is for all human beings, because in that prophet comes the Word of God relevant to the time in which he has been sent; and through that prophet, God makes known to the people of that time the things that must happen.

Now, we have seen everything that has happened throughout the history of the human race, and how God has sent people prophets.

He has sent a prophet to the Hebrew people, and we have seen that most of them were rejected by the Hebrew people, they were rejected by the king and by the government, and also by the Hebrew religion; although the Hebrew religion is based on the revelation that God brought through the Prophet Moses, the revelation of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Now we can see that not everyone receives the one sent by God at the time in which he appears.

Now, the question is: how will we know the one sent by God for the time in which we are living? Because for each time, God has a man sent with God’s Message for that time.

Now, we have reached the end of time, the end of the world, and the end of the century; we have reached the time in which Jesus Christ said that the sign of the Son of man would be seen in heaven. And since this is the time for that time, God has promised to send His Angel-Messenger to testify these things which must shortly come to pass; for Christ in Revelation chapter 4, verse 1, with that Voice of Trumpet, says: “Come up hither, and I will show you things which must be hereafter.”

The things which must happen after the things that have already happened in past ages, Christ promises to make them known to everyone who hears His Voice and goes up to where He is at this end time.

From age to age, He has been in the relevant Divine cycle or age, and in the messenger pertaining to each age.

And now, which time are we in before God? Which age are we in before God? And which dispensation are we in before God? For that, we need to receive that knowledge through the Message of the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, the last prophet sent to Earth at this Last Day; because through His Message all these things which must shortly be done are made known.

Christ said: “Come up hither, and I will show you things which must be hereafter.” So, one must see and receive and hear the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ so that he makes known to us all these things which must be done, as it says in Revelation chapter 22, verse 6, (and I will read this Scripture); it says:

And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.”

Whom does it say that God has sent? His Angel. What for? To show His servants the things which must shortly be done. The things that must happen are made known to the people of God, to the children of God, through this Angel-Messenger.

This Angel-Messenger is the last prophet that God would send to Earth, and that is for the Last Day or end time. This Angel-Messenger is the Prophet-Messenger of the Dispensation of the Kingdom with the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, which revolves around the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords in His Claiming Work.

And all human beings who live on Earth need to know this Angel-Messenger and receive His Message in order to understand the things that will be happening at this end time.

Notice, Jesus Christ said that the sign of the Son of man would appear in heaven. And we find that because this is a great sign that Jesus Christ gave, this is the sign of the Son of man, being seen in heaven, that sign testifying that the Coming of the Son of man is a reality to human beings; it is a real promise that God has made to be fulfilled at this end time.

When the sign of the First Coming of Christ appeared in heaven, called the Star of Bethlehem, we find that not everyone understood what that light or that Star called the Star of Bethlehem meant; not the high priest, nor the doctors of the Law, nor the Pharisees, nor the Sadducees, nor the ministers of the synagogues, understood that this was a heavenly sign that the Messiah was on Earth, that the Messiah had already been born on Earth.

But the magi or wisemen who came from Babylon, who had seen that sign in the sky and had seen it over the territory of Israel (in other words, when they were looking from Babylon to the territory of Israel, they saw that Star); and they knew that the Messiah had already been born, because that is the Star of the Messiah, the sign of the Messiah, the sign of the Coming of the Son of man.

And they left Babylon to go to the land of Israel, they arrived in the land of Israel, they arrived in Jerusalem seeking the Messiah, they asked:

[Matthew 2:2] “Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east?” 

They had come with a caravan that accompanied them; and these caravans accompanied them, and they came looking for the Messiah. But they came to Jerusalem thinking that He had to be in Jerusalem because, since that was the place of David’s throne and that was the place of the temple, then the Messiah had to be there to sit on the throne of David, and He also had to be there to enter into the temple of God; but He was in another place, He was in Bethlehem of Judea.

King Herod summoned those wisemen, and he also summoned the doctors of the Law, the scribes, and all these persons among the Hebrew people, religious leaders and asked them where the Messiah had to be born, they told him: “He must be born in Bethlehem of Judea because it was written by the prophet.”5 In other words, the Prophet Micah, in chapter 5, verse 2, says where the Messiah would come from.

And Mary was a descendant of King David, and so was Joseph;6 therefore, with the king’s decree of the census, they had to go to Bethlehem of Judea and be taxed over there, and also to pay the necessary taxes, and thus, comply with the government law.

But it was time for her to give birth, and she gave birth. There was no room in the inn or the hotel or the lodging place, everything was full because of the census, and they went to the manger, where they keep animals and give them food there in the manger for them to spend the night there and eat until the night passes.7

And the child Jesus was born there in a manger, He was put there, in a manger, as the Archangel Gabriel told the shepherds, to whom he appeared and gave the good tidings or the good news of the birth of the Messiah, the King of Israel, the Savior of the world. And the shepherds went to Bethlehem of Judea and found the child in a manger and in swaddling clothes.8

But then when the wisemen went to Jerusalem looking for the Messiah, He was not there. Then, when the news came that He had to be born in Bethlehem (so, He had to be in Bethlehem), the king said to the wisemen: “Go to Bethlehem, look for the child, worship Him; and then come here, give me the information so that I may also go worship the child,”9 but the king’s purpose was to kill the child.

Now, the wise men arrived in Bethlehem of Judea following the star, and when they arrived in Bethlehem of Judea, the star stood there, indicating the house where the child Jesus was with Mary and Joseph; they went in the house and found the child there.10

Now, the shepherds found Him in a manger, and the wisemen found Him in a house. It seems like a contradiction, but there is none, for the shepherds found Him in a manger because He had been born that night; and the wisemen found Him in a house because it had already been about two years since the child Jesus had been born and they were already living in a house.

That’s the explanation, for the wisemen say that Star started being seen two years ago. That is why the king then commanded that all boys two years old and under be killed, according to the time that the star had begun to appear.11

So, the king said in his heart: “If the star began to appear two years ago, then the Messiah was born two years ago, surely He is already two years old. To make sure I don’t fail, I will kill all boys who are two years old and under, and the Messiah will die there.” But the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Joseph and said to him: “Take the child and his mother and go to Egypt because they will seek the child to destroy Him.”12 And the Archangel Gabriel had told the wisemen to go to their own country another way, and that is what they did.13

Now, we can see what all of this regarding the First Coming of the Messiah was like. Everything happened in such a simple way, in such a common way, that they missed, they overlooked, everything that was fulfilled in the First Coming of Christ, starting with the birth of Jesus.

Then, later on, when Jesus begins His ministry, He is about thirty years old, He begins His three-and-a-half year ministry, He has this powerful ministry fulfilling what is relevant to the first part of the seventieth week; and yet the high priest, the doctors of the Law, the ministers or priests of the synagogues, still hadn’t found the Messiah; surely they hadn’t looked for Him.

And now, when He appears again, He appears from Nazareth, and He appears as a young carpenter then preaching the Gospel, after being baptized by John the Baptist.

Now, everything happened in such a simple and common way, that they stumbled over the veil of flesh in which the prophecies of the First Coming of Christ were being fulfilled.

Now, we must take these things seriously, because just like they had the promise of the First Coming of Christ and they lost the blessing of the First Coming of Christ because they rejected It: we have the promise of the Second Coming of Christ, and we must have our eyes wide open, because the fulfillment of the Second Coming of Christ—everything will be so, so simple, that if we don’t watch, we will stumble over the fulfillment of the Second Coming of Christ, and we will think that the Second Coming of Christ hasn’t been fulfilled.

Now, the Hebrew people are still waiting for the Coming of Christ, the Coming of the Messiah, the Coming of the King of Israel, and He already came two thousand years ago and they didn’t know Him.

Now, Christ said that the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven. The disciples had asked Him, they had said to Him: “Tell us, what shall be the sign of Your Coming?” The sign of the Coming of the Son of man, Christ said, would be shown in heaven. “And it shall be seen… And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven;” the sign of the Son of man in heaven.

On February 28, 1963, this picture was taken, and it was published in Science magazine and Life magazine;14 and the report was published—in the report, that it was a mysterious cloud, because it was about twenty-six miles high,15 where planes don’t fly and where there are no clouds, there is no moisture to form clouds, and it was about thirty miles across by fifty miles long;16 it was a giant cloud. And they had no explanation for that mysterious cloud which was visible for twenty-eight minutes. In other words, that sign started to be seen in the sky after 6:00 in the evening. And science still has the question of what was that cloud that appeared in 1963, on February 28.

But do you know what the mystery of this cloud is? The mystery of this cloud is the following: On that occasion, the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ was on the mountains of Arizona, around the Tucson area, and he was caught up to heaven by seven angels who came and took him, and then they were there in heaven; and this picture was taken.

Now, this cloud was formed not by water, not by water vapor, not by fog, not by any of those things, rather, this is a cloud of glory, because it is a cloud formed by angels of God, messengers of God. The messengers of the seven Gentile Church ages are here captured in a picture, in their theophanic bodies, plus another Angel-Messenger who is different from the previous messengers.

This is the sign in heaven that was foretold by our beloved Lord Jesus Christ to appear. The sign of the Son of man in heaven has already been seen, and not all human beings have this information.

But you, friends and brethren who are hearing me, are obtaining this information tonight (for those who didn’t have this information): The sign of the Son of man in heaven was already seen in 1963, on February 28 of 1963.

And the promise is that He will send His Angels with a Great Sound of a Trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect.

Christ always spoke of the Coming of the Son of man with His Angels, His Angels of Glory; and at the end time the promise is that the Son of man comes with His Angels, to call, gather, and seal His elect, that is, the elect from among the Gentiles, and then the elect of the Hebrew people.

Among the Hebrew people there will be a group of one hundred and forty-four thousand Hebrews, twelve thousand of each tribe. And an Angel-Messenger with the Seal of the living God, who is the Prophet-Messenger of the Dispensation of the Kingdom, will be the Messenger to the Hebrew people, who with the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, with the Message of the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, will open their understanding, and one hundred and forty-four thousand Hebrews, twelve thousand of each tribe, will be turned to Christ. That is also a promise.

Because notice, God through Saint Paul showed us that the situation of the Hebrew people regarding the Gospel is a mystery to many people; but this has been because of the Divine Program for His Gentile Church.

When the Hebrew people rejected Christ, then the opportunity of salvation opened up for the Gentiles. And we have had a gap of two thousand years from Christ to the present, in which God has been dealing with the Gentiles, and He has been calling out a people for His Name from among the Gentiles,17 by Christ showing them the way of Eternal Life: believing in Jesus Christ as our Savior and receiving His Holy Spirit. Christ said: “He that hears My Word, and believes on Him that sent Me, has Everlasting Life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto Life.”18

So, we can see the great opportunity that God has given the Gentiles after the Hebrew people rejected Jesus Christ and crucified Him on Calvary’s Cross through the Roman Empire, through the Roman soldiers.

Now, Saint Paul, in Romans chapter 11, verses 25 and on, says:

For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in…”

Until the very last of the elect from among the Gentiles has come in. And once the last one has come in, and we who are alive are changed and the dead in Christ are raised, then the Hebrew people will have the opportunity.

Saint Paul goes on to say:

…And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:

For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.

As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the father’s sakes.”

Here we have the mystery of the Hebrew people. They rejected Christ. And we find that the Hebrew people as a nation have not received Christ, and they are waiting for the Coming of the Messiah.

Now, as a nation, they will be called, gathered, and turned to Christ at the Last Day, under the preaching of the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, which the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, the last prophet, the Prophet of the Dispensation of the Kingdom, has. And that is where the Hebrew people will recognize that the Messiah had come, He came two thousand years ago, and they rejected Him and asked for His death; for this reason, they will mourn, they will mourn for their sin, and be turned to God.

Now, we can see all these things that are appointed to happen at the Last Day.

The Last Day is the seventh millennium, in which Christ said, speaking of all those who believed in Him and would believe in Him later on, He says:

[John 6:40] “And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.”

The Last Day before God is the seventh millennium for us. And the Last Days are: the fifth millennium, the sixth millennium, and the seventh millennium.

In the days of Jesus Christ, they were living in the fifth millennium; meaning, at the beginning, in the first century of the fifth millennium, Jesus Christ had His ministry. And we find that from Christ to now, we have been living in the Last Days, that is, in the last three millenniums for human beings.

And if we add to the calendar the years it is behind, then two days before God have already passed, which are two millenniums; in other words, the fifth millennium and sixth millennium; and the seventh millennium has already started, and we are in the first century of the seventh millennium. That is if we add to the calendar the years it is behind. And so, before God, the human race is at the Last Day, in the seventh millennium, and some people don’t even know it.

It is for the seventh millennium, for the Last Day, that there are great blessings for all of God’s sons and daughters; and above all, the greatest blessing in which all the other blessings are contained is the Second Coming of Christ.

And for that great blessing, Christ said that the sign of the Son of man would be shown in heaven; and on February 28 of 1963, the sign of the Son of man was shown in heaven.

That is why all the elect of God are being called and gathered at this Last Day: because the ministries of the Angels of the Lord Jesus Christ, which are the ministries of Moses and Elijah, are being manifested on Earth in the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ; and all the elect of God are being called and gathered together, and the number of God’s elect, of the members of the mystical Body of believers of the Lord Jesus Christ, is being completed.

That is how, at the Last Day, the number of the members of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ will be completed; and then the dead in Christ will be raised, and we who are alive will be changed.

This is the time for which the Last Trumpet or Great Voice of Trumpet was promised, which is the Voice of Christ, the Last Message of Christ, through His Angel-Messenger; that is the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom for every person, for every human being. And “he that is of God, hears the Voice of God,”19 our beloved Savior Jesus Christ said.

Now, it is important to hear the Voice of Christ, the Voice of God. And we have already seen whom It will be in at this Last Day: It will be in the last prophet, in the Prophet of the Dispensation of the Kingdom, who will preaching the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom; and that Prophet is the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ sent to testify all these things which must shortly be done, at the Last Day in which we are living.

Now, we have seen that there is a very important Program from God for the human race. And just as the Divine Program of each time was fulfilled in each territory, in the territory that God appointed for that Program to be fulfilled, now the Divine Program pertaining to the end of time, to the Last Day, notice, pertains to Latin America and the Caribbean.

Latin America and the Caribbean is also represented in the temple that Solomon built and in the tabernacle that the Prophet Moses built, for there, the mysteries of God are put in those symbols contained in the temple that Solomon built and the tabernacle that Moses built.

And the temple has an outer court, it has a holy place, and it has a most holy place.

We find that the Holy Place pertains to the seven Gentile Church stages or ages; and then the Most Holy Place pertains to the Age of the Cornerstone, in a new dispensation.

And just as…

The construction of the spiritual Temple of Christ, the part of the Holy Place pertains to Asia Minor, Europe, and North America; and that was where God sent His seven angel-messengers, one in each place, one in each territory; and Christ spoke through each one of them in the language that each one spoke; and Christ carried out the Work pertaining to each of those stages, in the territory where the Work of each age is relevant.

And then, in the construction of the Temple of Christ, which is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, pertains the part of the Most Holy Place; and the territory where the construction of the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ is fulfilled is in Latin America and the Caribbean. And that is why I am here with you tonight, testifying to you about these things which must be done at the Last Day, of which many have already been fulfilled.

Notice how in Latin America and the Caribbean, Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit is calling and gathering His elect, and He is putting them in the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ, He is putting them in the Age of the Cornerstone and in the Dispensation of the Kingdom. Why? Because they are being put in the spiritual Temple of Christ, in the Church of Jesus Christ, which is the Temple of our Lord.

And the most important part of the temple is the most holy place, because it is God’s dwelling place. That is where the ark of the covenant is, inside it are the tables of the Law, Aaron’s rod which budded, and the manna which was put in a golden pot and which would not corrupt; and everything that was there is a type and figure of what is—of what would be in Latin America, being materialized in human flesh, in Latin American and Caribbean human beings.

The mercy seat is also there, which is the cover of the ark of the covenant, that mercy seat of pure gold, with two cherubims of pure gold as well, made of the same piece, (meaning that it is a monolithic work); and from between those two cherubims or between those two cherubims—there in the tabernacle Moses built and the temple Solomon built—was God’s Glory, the Shekinah. God in that Light, in that same Light which appeared to Moses there in that tree, in a bush,20 that same Light which delivered the Hebrew people, now where was it? It was in the temple, in the most holy place, upon the ark of the covenant, between the two cherubims of gold.

And in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Glory of Jesus Christ will be manifested in all Its fullness in the Most Holy Place of His spiritual Temple, among the Two Cherubims of Gold, which represent the ministries of Moses and Elijah, who at the Last Day would be in the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ; and from among those two ministries, by Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit operating them in His Angel-Messenger, God’s Glory would be manifested at the Last Day, in Latin America and the Caribbean.

In other words, the territory for the manifestation of God’s Glory at the Last Day is Latin America and the Caribbean; that is the territory along with its inhabitants, who will be witnesses of the Glory of Jesus Christ manifested at the Last Day.

So, notice the great blessing that the Latin American and Caribbean people have been given in the Divine Program. That is the greatest blessing for human beings in the entire Bible, and it has been given to Latin America and the Caribbean, to the continent… to that part of the continent of the Americas.

In the West of the temple was the most holy place; and now in the construction of the Temple of Jesus Christ… a construction which started in the land of Israel and continued through Asia Minor, and then the construction went on to Europe, then it went on to North America; and now it goes on to Latin America and the Caribbean.

Latin America and the Caribbean belong to the West; and in the West is where the Son of man would shine as the lightning.21

Now, we can see the blessings that God has promised in His Word to be fulfilled in Latin America and the Caribbean, with the Latin America and Caribbean people.

Christ has been building a spiritual Temple, a spiritual Temple out of human beings. In other words, we no longer need the tabernacle that Moses built, nor do we need the temple that was there in Jerusalem, instead, what we need is the spiritual Temple of Christ, which is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; which at this time is in the stage of the Most Holy Place, in the construction of that important part, so that the Glory of Jesus Christ may be manifested in that place, in the Most Holy Place of that spiritual Temple, with the Latin American and Caribbean people, at this Last Day.

That is why in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom has come forth; and the revelation of these mysteries of the Kingdom of God, of these things which must be done at the Last Day, in this end time, are being made known to the Latin American and Caribbean people.

And that is also why the Latin American and Caribbean people, there in the depths of their soul, of their heart, have something sealed there; and everyone knows that something has to happen at this end time, and that it has to be something from God.

And when people hear these things being made known, there is nothing else they can say except: “This is what I was waiting for. I knew God had something for Latin America and the Caribbean, I knew God had something for us.” It’s because God didn’t forget about the Latin American and Caribbean people, God didn’t forget about Latin America and the Caribbean.

Therefore, Latin America and the Caribbean has no reason to envy Europe, or North America, or any other continent, because Latin America is the territory that has God’s blessing of the Last Day; and then God’s blessing will also go on to the Hebrew people.

So, friends and brethren present and television viewers, we can see that God, in His Love Divine and mercy for the Latin American and Caribbean people, left the best part of His Program for us the Latin American and Caribbean people.

We are at the time in which the sign of the Son of man has been seen in heaven: since 1963; in other words, about thirty-four years have already passed, the sign of the Son of man in heaven, the sign of the Second Coming of Christ, has about thirty-four years of history.

The sign of the First Coming of the Son of man happened about two thousand years ago already, and there are some people who have not yet understood it.

But I ask God that He allows all Latin American and Caribbean people to understand that the sign of the Son of man was already shown in heaven on February 28 of 1963; and that the promise that Christ made: to make known to us all things which must shortly be done, He is also fulfilling it.

That is why at this time the wise will understand these things which must happen,22 because Jesus Christ says:

I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things.”

Which things? These things which must shortly be done. Revelation chapter 22, verse 16; and Revelation chapter 22, verse 6; there we have God’s promises to send His Angel-Messenger testifying these things which must shortly come to pass.

Now, the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ is not the Lord Jesus Christ. That Angel-Messenger is a Dispensational Prophet, the last Dispensational Prophet; that is the instrument of Jesus Christ for this Last Day; for Jesus Christ to manifest Himself through him and make known to us all these things, and give us the faith to be changed and raptured.

Christ said in Saint Luke 18, verse 8: “Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”

We are at the time appointed by God for the fulfillment of these promises. And the sign of the Son of man was already seen in heaven.

And everyone must have the faith in the Second and of the Second Coming of Christ, the faith, the revelation, of the Coming of the Son of man at this Last Day; because the ministry of Jesus Christ, of the Son of man, would be manifested in human flesh in His Angel-Messenger at the Last Day; and the ministry of Moses would be manifested in human flesh for the second time in the Angel-Messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ as well; and the ministry of the Prophet Elijah for the fifth time would be manifested on Earth again in human flesh in the Angel-Messenger of Jesus Christ.

So, these three ministries which have been promised to be manifested at the Last Day will be in the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ at the Last Day, and thus, they will be bringing the Divine Blessings for the Latin American and Caribbean people who are living at this end time or Last Day, in which we have been given to live.

None of you chose to live in this time, God chose for each one of you and for me as well to live in this time.

And thank God for that great privilege, because we have been chosen by God to live in this time, to see the sign of the Son of man fulfilled in heaven already, and to see the ministry of Jesus Christ, the Son of man, manifested in human flesh in His Angel-Messenger; and to see the ministry of Moses manifested for the second time in the Angel-Messenger of Jesus Christ; and to see the ministry of Elijah for the fifth time manifested in the Angel of Jesus Christ; and thus, He is giving us the blessings of the Almighty God, the blessings from Heaven, the blessings from our beloved Savior Jesus Christ.

Now, we have seen that the great event of the Last Day: the Second Coming of Jesus Christ our Lord with His Angels, is the event that brings all the Divine Blessings promised for His people, for the Last Day.


Notice, it is the Second Coming of Christ with His Angels in this end time.

And the sign of His Coming, the sign of the Coming of the Son of man, was seen in heaven on February 28, 1963; therefore, the ministries of Moses, Elijah, and Jesus, from that point on, had to be progressively manifesting on Earth, to give us the blessings from Heaven promised for this Last Day.

We have reached the end of time, the end of the century, the end of the world as well.

Notice, which is the sign of the end of the world? Christ said: “Let the wheat and the tares grow together until the time of harvest (or, reaping); and in the time of harvest, the Son of man will send (what?) His Angels.”23

The appearing of the ministry of His Angels, the appearing of the ministries of Moses and Elijah, is the sign of the harvest time, the time to gather all the elect of God; and also the time to gather the tares to be burned in the fire, in the Great Tribulation, where atomic fire will be unleashed.

The Prophet Malachi also says this when he speaks to us about what will happen with the tares (the tares represent the children of the wicked one). He says in chapter 4 of Malachi:

For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.”

It “shall burn them up,” it will burn them, because the atomic fire will be unleashed on Earth, and atomic fire burns human bodies. But what will happen to the believers in our beloved Lord Jesus Christ?

But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.

And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts.”

Now notice here, “Unto those who fear the Name of the Lord shall the Sun of Righteousness arise,” this means: the Second Coming of Christ will be fulfilled and they will see It; because the Coming of Christ is promised as the Sun shining, as the Sun of Righteousness rising.

When the sun comes up or rises, a new day has begun. And the Second Coming of Christ rising as the Sun shows that a new dispensation has begun; for the Coming of Christ as the sun is as King of kings and Lord of lords, because the sun represents Christ as King.

Now, we are living in the glorious time in which the sign of the Son of man has already been manifested in heaven; and the ministries of the Son of man, of Jesus Christ, of Moses and Elijah, had to begin since 1963, and continue here on Earth, making known to us all these things which must shortly be done, so that we may be called and gathered and prepared to be changed and raptured, and become in the image and likeness of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ; because we will be like Him.

We will be like Him: we will have an eternal body and we will remain young for all eternity, always representing eighteen to twenty-one years of age; that is how it will be in the new body, because it will be an eternal and glorious body.

That is what Christ has promised for His children, and that is also why He will raise those who have departed in past ages, but who had believed in Christ as their Savior and had been born again, had received His Holy Spirit, and therefore, they entered into the Kingdom of God, they entered into the mystical Body of Christ: the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Now, we have seen that we are in the right territory to receive God’s blessing, “GOD’S LAST BLESSING FOR THIS GENERATION.”

We are in the right territory: Latin America and the Caribbean, to receive the great event of the Last Day: the Second Coming of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ, which is the last blessing for this generation; and in His Coming, He will give us all the blessings He has promised in His Word for His Church.

It has been a great privilege to be with you, beloved friends and brethren present, television viewers and radio listeners.

All of you who are hearing me through the television or radio: we will give you the phone numbers and addresses so you can call or write and ask for literature completely free of charge, or videos with conferences similar to the one you have heard tonight, so that you obtain the knowledge of all these things which must shortly be done; and so that you are prepared to be changed and then raptured, and go to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

I will leave Missionary Rev. Miguel Bermúdez Marín with us again, to give you the phone numbers and addresses you can contact in order to obtain literature or magnetic tapes or videos with conferences like these completely free of charge.

May God continue to bless you all, friends and brethren present, and television viewers and radio listeners.

Thank you.


1 Matthew 10:41

2 John 12:49-50

3 John 5:19

4 John 14:10

5 Matthew 2:4-6

6 Matthew 1:1-16

7 Luke 2:1-7

8 Luke 2:8-18

9 Matthew 2:7-8

10 Matthew 2:9-11

11 Matthew 2:16

12 Matthew 2:13

13 Matthew 2:12

14 Science magazine: published 19 April 1963, Vol 140, Issue 3564. Author: James E. McDonald, https://www.science.org/toc/science/140/3564

Life magazine: published 17 May 1963. Article title: “…And a High Cloud – Ring of Mystery,” https://bit.ly/3ureXyD

15 26 mi = 41.8 km high

16 30 mi (wide) x 50 mi (long) = 48.3 km (wide) x 80.46 km (long)

17 Acts 15:14

18 John 5:24

19 John 8:47

20 Exodus 3:1-6

21 Matthew 24:27

22 Daniel 12:10

23 Matthew 13:30

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