God’s Partner of the Last Day

Good morning, beloved friends and brethren present, and television viewers. It is a great privilege to be with you on this occasion, here in Cayey, Puerto Rico, to share some moments of spiritual fellowship with you around God’s Word and His Program, and thus, to see the time in which we are living and what God is carrying out at this time in which, by the grace of God, we have been given to live.

For this reason, I want to read in First Corinthians, chapter 3, verses 5 to 17, where Saint Paul the Apostle tells us:

Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man?

I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.

Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.

For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.

According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.

For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble;

Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is.

If any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.

If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.

Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.”

Our subject for this occasion is: “GOD’S PARTNER (OR ASSOCIATE) OF THE LAST DAY.”

Throughout the history of the human race, we can see that God has put prophets on Earth. We find that the first man that God put on Earth, known in the Bible as Adam, was a prophet; and he wasn’t just the prophet of an age, but a dispensational prophet, which is the greatest type of prophet that God sends to Earth.

And we can see God associated with the human being, and we can see the human being associated with God. And we can see these prophets whom God has sent from dispensation to dispensation, associated with God and God associated with them.

Because God’s partner for each dispensation is the prophet-messenger of that dispensation; likewise, the prophet of each age, pertaining to each dispensation, is God’s partner for that age, he is God’s partner messenger for that age, just as the messenger of a dispensation is to God.

• Now, we can see, for example, Adam associated with God, because God’s partner here on Earth for the first dispensation was Adam.

• Then we can see Seth associated with God, because God’s messenger for that second dispensation was Seth.

• Then, later on, we can see Noah associated with God, because Noah was God’s partner for that third dispensation: the Dispensation of Human Government; just as Seth was for the Dispensation of Conscience, and just as Adam was for the first dispensation: the Dispensation of Innocence.

• And likewise, later on we find the Prophet and Patriarch Abraham associated with God, because that was God’s partner for the fourth dispensation: the Dispensation of Promise.

• Then, later on, we can see Moses associated with God, and God associated with Moses, because that was God’s partner for the fifth dispensation: the Dispensation of Law.

• Then we can see Jesus associated with God and God associated with Jesus, for God was manifested in all His fullness in Jesus.

It was the same God, the same One who had associated Himself with the Old Testament prophets, the prophets of the dispensations that had passed; now He comes in human flesh and appears as the veil of flesh where God was manifested to carry out the Work of Redemption on Calvary’s Cross. And that is why we can see God associated with Jesus and Jesus associated with God; and He was none other than the same God manifested in human flesh, associating Himself with the human race.

And now, we can see that Jesus appears at the end of the fifth dispensation (of Law), and He opens a new dispensation: the Dispensation of Grace; and we can see Jesus sitting at the right hand of God, carrying out the Work of God for the Dispensation of Grace. Because Jesus, as God’s partner, carries out God’s Work here on Earth; and He comes on the day of Pentecost in Holy Spirit to fulfill the Work of the construction of His Temple, of His Church.

And we find that for the seven stages or ages of the Gentile Church, Christ anointed seven angel-messengers, seven men, one for each age of His Gentile Church during the seven stages or ages of His Church; and those seven angel-messengers were the seven partners of Christ for the seven ages of the Gentile Church.

Saint Paul was the first, there in Asia Minor; then came five angel-messengers, who became five partners of God, five partners of the Lord Jesus Christ for the five stages or ages that were fulfilled in Europe; and then came the partner or associate of Jesus Christ for the seventh age of the Gentile Church: Rev. William Marrion Branham, in North America.

Now, notice how for each territory God has sent a partner in the construction of His spiritual Temple, of His Church, which is the House of God, which was reflected or represented in the tabernacle that Moses built and the temple that King Solomon built.

The wisdom hidden in both temples is the Divine Wisdom, which contains the secret of the construction of the spiritual Temple of God, which is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

So, the mystery of the temple of Solomon and of the tabernacle that Moses built, is greater than human beings can imagine; for the Temple which is in Heaven was represented there, which would materialize on Earth in and with human beings, who would become the members of the mystical Body of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Now, we can see that for each of these seven stages of the Gentile Church, Christ has had a partner or an associate; and it was the angel-messenger of each age, in whom the Spirit of Christ or the Holy Spirit was.

And through those seven angel-messengers, Christ has gone around the world seven times; just like Jericho was marched around seven times and the walls fell down.1

Now, the world is represented in Jericho; Jericho represents the Gentile kingdoms. And through the manifestation of Christ in Holy Spirit in these seven angel-messengers, He has already been around the Gentile kingdom seven times.

Now, we can see that the seventh angel-messenger of the seventh age of the Gentile Church also says on one occasion: “I’ve been seven times around the world already.”2

And now, we can see that after the seventh time, Jericho, the walls of Jericho fell, and the kingdom of Jericho fell. Therefore, after this journey of seven stages or seven ages, the kingdom or kingdoms of this world will fall, and become the kingdoms of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ.

We are also told about this in Revelation chapter 11, where it tells us (from verse 15 and on):

And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” 

Now, we can see here that the kingdoms will become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, of His Anointed One, in the glorious seventh millennium.

We find that the seventh millennium is when Christ has promised to carry out the resurrection of the dead in Christ of the past ages and of some of our own who have departed, and the transformation of us who are alive. For Christ said: “And I will raise him up at the Last Day;”3 and the Last Day is the seventh millennium.

Now, the Coming of Christ is also promised for the Last Day, in other words, for the seventh millennium. And if we add to the calendar the years it is behind, we are already in the seventh millennium. And that is why Christ said we should be watching, praying, and taking heed (for what?) for the Coming of Christ;4 for the Coming of the Lord of His House, meaning, of His Temple, of His Church, which is promised for the Last Day.

Now, we have seen that these dispensations have passed and their messengers have brought the Message for each of those dispensations.

Then we have also seen that seven stages or seven ages pertaining to the Dispensation of Grace have already passed, just like (in the days of Jesus) seven ages of the Dispensation of Law had passed.

And John the Baptist, the forerunner of the First Coming of Christ, was the seventh angel-messenger of the seventh age of the Hebrew Church under the Law.

And now, we have seen that the seventh angel-messenger of the seventh age of the Gentile Church of the Lord Jesus Christ came, brought his Message, and left; and that was the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ.

Now, John the Baptist, the forerunner of the First Coming of Christ, said: “I am not Him, He comes after me.” In other words, John the Baptist was announcing that after him would come a Man, greater than him, who would be a dispensational Messenger, and in whom the fullness of God would dwell; and that Messenger would be the One that would baptize them with the Holy Spirit and Fire.5

But that would have a Program to be carried out; and to thus obtain that baptism of the Holy Spirit: for that to happen, Christ had to carry out the Work of Redemption on Calvary’s Cross, and then He could fill all His believers with His Holy Spirit.

In other words, first He had to carry out the Work of His First Coming as the Lamb of God on Calvary’s Cross; and then His believers could receive His Holy Spirit, and this way, the new birth could be brought forth in them, and thus, they could obtain their theophanic body.

For the Second Coming of Christ, as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, He comes to carry out His Claiming Work and to bring forth the transformation of our bodies for us who are alive, and to produce the resurrection of the dead in Christ in eternal bodies. That is brought forth in the Claiming Work of Christ in His Second Coming as the Lion of the tribe of Judah.

Now, we find that John the Baptist said: “After me comes a Man;” in other words, John the Baptist was announcing a Man, a Prophet who would come after him and would be greater than him.

John the Baptist was the prophet of an age: of the seventh age of the Hebrew Church under the Law; but after him would come a dispensational Prophet, which was our beloved Lord Jesus Christ. And a dispensational prophet is greater than a prophet of an age.

And now, the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ has said that after him comes One greater than him, and he says, like John the Baptist: “He must increase, and I must decrease.”6 That is how it was with John the Baptist.

Because when a dispensational prophet comes, the prophet of the age that is ending should decrease, so that the prophet of the dispensation that is beginning may increase; and thus, so that the new dispensation is established, the new Message is established, the new messenger is established; and those who are ordained by God, written in the Lamb’s Book of Life before the foundation of the world, enter into that new dispensation; and thus the Program of the new dispensation is fulfilled.

Now, there is always a struggle when an age comes to an end and the messenger of a new age appears; there is always a struggle, a religious battle, that takes place: those who stay in the past age start to criticize and fight against the new messenger who is sent for a new age; and the people who receive that new messenger are criticized, persecuted, and singled out by the unbelievers; they are branded as heretics, most of the time.

Weren’t those who believed in Jesus of Nazareth accused of being heretics? Didn’t they say that that was a way of heresy?7 Didn’t they persecute Jesus and kill Him? And didn’t they persecute the disciples, the apostles, and kill all of them except John the Apostle?

Because the Hebrew religion under the Law said that Jesus was a heretic, and that His apostles were too, and that His teachings were as well; and that this new religion, this new way, “new religious sect,” was heresy; and they fought to exterminate all the followers of that new way.

But Saint Paul, who was a one of the persecutors and who killed believers in Christ (he persecuted them to death),8 later believed;9 for he was an elect of God, even though he was persecuting the Way of God. For the Way of God is the Program of God pertaining to each age and to each dispensation.

Moses told God to show him His Way.10 And when a person wants God to show him the way, well, what he is asking Him is that He shows him the age and dispensation in which he is living, and the Program that God is carrying out in that age and in that dispensation, and the messenger pertaining to that age and that dispensation, and the Message pertaining to that age and that dispensation.

And when God shows a person the way, His Way: then the person comes to know, he obtains the knowledge—by Divine Revelation—of who is the messenger for that age and dispensation, and which is the Message of that age and dispensation, and which is the age pertaining to that time, and which is the dispensation pertaining to that time. And the person is put in that age and in that dispensation, and he receives God’s blessings.

Now, we can see how it was in the time of John the Baptist and of Jesus of Nazareth: it was like in the time of Moses, like in the time of Abraham, like in the time of Noah, like in the time of Seth, and like in the time of Adam.

And Christ also said that is how it would be in the Coming of the Son of man at the Last Day; for Christ said that the Coming of the Son of man would be as it was in the days of Noah and as it was in the days of Lot.11

The days of Lot were the days of Abraham. In the time of Lot there was a dispensational prophet, whom we know by the name of the Patriarch Abraham; he was the messenger of the Dispensation of Promise, to whom God appeared on different occasions and He revealed Himself to him.

Abraham had the Message for that dispensation; just like Noah had the Message for the Dispensation of Human Government, and Seth did for the Dispensation of Conscience, and Adam did for the Dispensation of Innocence.

Now, we can see that Christ tells us the Coming of the Son of man would be as it was in the days of Noah and as it was in the days of Lot. The days of Lot are the days of Abraham.

And the Coming of the Son of man is also as it was in the days of Moses: for Egypt represents the world, and Canaan represents the promised land of the glorious Millennial Kingdom, which we will enter into; and it also represents, for God’s elect, the new birth; it also represents, for God’s elect, the entrance into the new body; although the entrance into the new body is represented in our entrance into eternity after the glorious Millennial Kingdom.

But we go into eternity before the Great Tribulation begins. Therefore, we will be reflecting what will be after the Millennial Kingdom, in other words, we will be reflecting the entrance into eternity that will come after the Millennial Kingdom; in other words, this planet Earth will come into eternity after the Millennial Kingdom.

And those who will live eternally but will not come into eternity before the Great Tribulation begins, and did not come into eternity when Christ rose two thousand years ago, and will not come into eternity when the one hundred and forty-four thousand rise to enter into the glorious Millennial Kingdom, those people who will not come into eternity in any of those stages in which [people] go into eternity, but will live eternally: they will come into eternity after the Millennial Kingdom and after Judgment Day; because they will do well on Judgment Day and they will enter into eternity.

But notice, God’s elect, the members of the mystical Body of Christ, which are the ones who have been born again of Water and of the Spirit in the age and dispensation in which they have been given to live, in terms of their theophanic body or spirit, they come into eternity when they are born again; but in terms of the physical part, they will enter into eternity when they receive the new body, in other words, when the dead in Christ are raised in eternal bodies and we who are alive are changed.

Now, we can see that from age to age and from dispensation to dispensation, there is a partner of and with God, to be God’s instrument and God’s representative on Earth at that time, in that age or in that dispensation.

And those who have stood hand-in-hand with that messenger of God, have been recognized by God as laborers together with God; as Saint Paul tells us in his Letter to the Corinthians: First Corinthians, chapter 3, verse *9, where he tells us:

For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.”

Now, the laborers together with God, notice, they work with God in His Program pertaining to the age and dispensation in which they have been given to live; and the greatest fellow laborer of God is God’s partner, in other words, God’s associate.

We have seen throughout Biblical history who have been God’s partners of the dispensations that have already passed. The first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth, whose messengers, whose prophets are:

• Adam, the prophet of the Dispensation of Innocence, the first dispensation.

• Seth, the second dispensational prophet, of the Dispensation of Conscience; the prophet of the Dispensation of Conscience, which was Seth.

• And Noah, the prophet of the Dispensation of Human Government, which is the third dispensation.

• Then Abraham, the prophet of the Dispensation of Promise, which is the fourth dispensation.

• Moses, the prophet of the Dispensation of Law, which is the fifth dispensation.

• Jesus, the Prophet of the Dispensation of Grace, which is the sixth dispensation.

Notice how these fellow laborers of God, these partners of God, these associates of God, carried out the work of God pertaining to each dispensation; it was God in each one of them, carrying out that work.

And then we have also seen the messengers of each age of the Gentile Church, and we have also seen the messengers of the seven stages or ages of the Hebrew Church under the Law.

Saint John the Baptist was the seventh messenger of the seventh age of the Hebrew Church under the Law, and William Marrion Branham was the seventh messenger of the seventh age of the Gentile Church under the Dispensation of Grace. Both John the Baptist and William Marrion Branham were the forerunners of the Coming of Christ: John the Baptist of the First Coming of Christ and William Marrion Branham of the Second Coming of Christ.

Now notice, when John the Baptist appeared announcing that after him would come another Prophet, another Messenger, when that promised Prophet came, that promised Messenger, it was the Prophet of a new dispensation: the Prophet of the next dispensation that would begin; in whom God was, the Angel of the Covenant, the Lord—which is the Angel of the Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—manifested in human flesh.

And when He manifested Himself in human flesh, we knew Him by the Name of Jesus. That was the Angel of the Covenant, the Angel of the Lord, manifested in human flesh in the Messenger of the Dispensation of Grace, who came as the Lamb of God.

The Angel of the Covenant, the Angel of the Lord, came manifested in human flesh as the Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world: giving His physical body as a living Sacrifice on Calvary’s Cross; and thus, bearing our sins in His body and paying for our sins. For the wages of sin is death;12 that is why the body where our sins were found had to die, for He took our sins.

That is why God doesn’t see our sins: because Christ bore them and covered us with His precious Blood. Every sin confessed to Christ is cast in the Blood of Christ; and it isn’t even seen by God, because it has been taken away from the person.

Now, we can see how God’s Work on Earth has been carried out from age to age and from dispensation to dispensation; and we have seen how there has always been a prophet, a man on Earth, who has been God’s associate: he has been God’s partner for God’s Work relevant to each age and to each dispensation; and he has been the veil of flesh in whom the Angel of the Lord, the Angel of the Covenant, has manifested Himself in human flesh in the portion relevant to that age or that dispensation.

And now, after seeing the history of everything God has carried out in past ages and dispensations, we ask ourselves: “And for our time, who is God’s associate? Who is God’s partner?”

After the seventh angel-messenger of the seventh Gentile Church age would come God’s partner for the seventh dispensation: the Dispensation of the Kingdom, and for a new age: the Age of the Cornerstone.

And Christ would send His associate, His partner; and Jesus says:

[Revelation 22:16] “I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches.

That is Jesus Christ’s associate, that is God’s partner for the Last Day.

That is why in Revelation chapter 4, Christ says: “Come up hither, and I will show you things which must be hereafter.” That is what Christ says with that Great Voice of Trumpet or with that Trumpet in Revelation chapter 4.

John also heard It in Revelation chapter 1, verses 10 to 11, on the Lord’s Day; he heard that Voice, that Great Voice of Trumpet, which is the Voice of Christ, the Voice of the Alpha and Omega.

And then, in Revelation, chapter 22, verse 6, the things that Christ promised to make known are made known by the One sent by Jesus Christ, which is the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ. And notice, it says the following:

And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.

What Christ promised, to make known these things which must shortly be done, now He sends (whom?) His associate, He sends His partner. Why? Because Christ comes in His associate in Holy Spirit, making known these things which must shortly be done. And He must use His associate, His partner, who is His Angel-Messenger, and put in the mouth and the heart of His Angel-Messenger the Divine Revelation of these things which must shortly be done, and they must be spoken by the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

But these are not human words, but the Words of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ, being spoken by the associate of Jesus Christ, being spoken by the partner of God, the partner of Jesus Christ, at the Last Day.

Now we have seen who God’s partner of the Last Day is: we have seen that it is the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, in whom at the Last Day Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit would be manifested; in whom the Seal of the living God, which is the Holy Spirit, would be.

…Grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.”

What have we been sealed with? With the Holy Spirit. That is in Ephesians chapter 4, verse 30; and Ephesians chapter 1, verse 11 to 13.

But in Revelation chapter 7, an Angel with the Seal of the living God appears.

Now, I told you Ephesians chapter 1, verse… Let’s just read verses 13 to 14, it says:

In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.”

And in Revelation chapter 7, notice, comes an Angel with the Seal of the living God. Revelation chapter 7, verse 2, says:

And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God,” (in other words, having the Holy Spirit), “and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,

Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.

And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel,” (and it lists twelve thousand sealed of each tribe).

Now, this Angel who comes with the Seal of the living God, meaning that he comes with the Holy Spirit, is the One who has the ministry of the Last Day; he is none other than God’s associate, meaning, God’s partner of the Last Day. That is the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, that is God’s associate of the Last Day.

That is why the ministries of the Two Olive Trees, the ministries of Moses and Elijah, are manifested by the Holy Spirit that is manifested in him; those ministries are operated by the Holy Spirit at the Last Day, in and through His partner, in other words, through the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

That is why those ministries come with the Message of the Great Voice of Trumpet, in other words, with the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, making known the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, in His Claiming Work.

And thus, He comes opening the mystery of the Seventh Seal, that is, the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ; of the Coming of Christ, of the Coming of the Holy Spirit at the Last Day, in a new age: the Age of the Cornerstone, and in a new dispensation: the Dispensation of the Kingdom.

Now, we can see that the Coming of Christ is the Coming of the Angel of the Covenant, the Coming of the Holy Spirit at the Last Day, being manifested at the Last Day; and through His Angel-Messenger, making known to us these things which must shortly be done; and thus, calling and gathering all of God’s elect, and thus, completing the mystical Body of Christ in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom.

Now, the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ is not the Lord Jesus Christ; the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ is a member of the mystical Body of Christ; in other words, someone redeemed by the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, who would be here on Earth at the Last Day making known to us these things which must shortly be done; and thus, being the Anointed with the Seal of the living God, the Anointed with the Holy Spirit; and therefore, being the partner of Christ, the partner of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ at the Last Day, in the mystical Body of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And that is why he will be working in the mystical Body of Christ, in the construction of the most important part of the spiritual Temple of Jesus Christ; he will be working in the construction of the Holy of Holies of the spiritual Temple of Jesus Christ.

And just like each angel-messenger of each age, in the construction of the spiritual Temple of Christ, was sent to the territory that had the living stones that would be put in the mystical body of Christ, in other words, in that spiritual Temple; likewise, the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, being God’s partner, Jesus Christ’s partner of the Last Day, to be sent to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Work of the construction of that Temple, is sent to the territory where we find the living stones that would become part of the Holy of Holies of the spiritual Temple of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In other words, he is sent to Latin America and the Caribbean, where Christ would have the living stones that would complete the construction of the spiritual Temple of the Lord Jesus Christ; a construction that is completed and crowned with the Age of the Cornerstone, which is the age where God’s elect of the Last Day are called and gathered together, so that the construction of the spiritual Temple of Jesus Christ is completed.

That Age of the Cornerstone is the Holy of Holies of that spiritual Temple.

A temple without a holy of holies cannot be dedicated to God; a temple without a holy of holies doesn’t have a place where God can dwell in all His fullness. Because God dwelt in all His fullness (where?) in the holy of holies of the tabernacle Moses made and the temple Solomon made; and He dwelt in all His fullness in Jesus Christ.

And now, He has promised to dwell in all His fullness in His spiritual Temple. In which part of the Temple? In the Holy of Holies, which is the Age of the Cornerstone. And that age pertains to the Last Day, and it is an eternal age; and the seventh millennium and all of eternity will be in that age.

And the elect of the Last Day will be in that age; and God’s associate or partner will be there, the partner of Jesus Christ for the Last Day, with the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom.

The Age of the Cornerstone is where a new dispensation opens, and where the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords in His Claiming Work, opens.

In the Age of the Cornerstone is where the Seven Thunders of Revelation chapter 10 utter their Voices and reveal the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ, of the Coming of the Angel of the Covenant, of the Coming of Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit in a new age and in a new dispensation, veiling Himself and revealing Himself in His Angel-Messenger, and carrying out the Work pertaining to the Last Day, the Work pertaining to the Age of the Cornerstone and to the Dispensation of the Kingdom; so that the dead in Christ can rise and we who are alive can be changed.

That is what the Work of Christ is for at the Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone and in the Dispensation of the Kingdom, through His partner of the Last Day.


Now we have seen who God’s partner of the Last Day is. The Bible tells us who he is in Revelation:

I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches.”

All revelation must come through a prophet. And all revelation relevant to the past came through each prophet that God sent for each age and for each dispensation; in other words, the Divine Revelation came through the prophet of each age or of each dispensation, for each age or for each dispensation.

And the revelation of Jesus Christ for the Last Day, for the Age of the Cornerstone and for the Dispensation of the Kingdom and for the Last Day, must also come through a prophet; and it must be through a dispensational prophet at the Last Day, because it is the Divine Revelation for a new dispensation. And that Prophet is the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ; and that is Jesus Christ’s partner of the Last Day.

And all those who will be working with him at the Last Day will be found by God, by Jesus Christ, to be laborers together with Christ, with God; and also His (God’s) husbandry; and God’s building, in other words, members of the mystical Body of the Lord Jesus Christ.

GOD’S PARTNER OF THE LAST DAY.” That is the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, that is His associate.

It has been a great privilege to be with you on this occasion, testifying to you about: “GOD’S PARTNER OF THE LAST DAY;” in other words, Jesus Christ’s partner of the Last Day, of the seventh millennium.

May the blessings of Jesus Christ promised for the Last Day be upon each of you and also upon me; and soon may we all be changed and raptured, and thus, may we have the eternal body, and may we all come into eternity physically as well.

We will continue in the afternoon, at 3:00 in the afternoon we will continue; that is, we will start a bit earlier if possible; if not, then at 3:00 in the afternoon, and… 3:00 in the afternoon is our official [meeting] time.

And we trust that God will speak His Word to us, that He will put His Word in my mouth for you, so that we are edified in our souls by the Word of God; and so that we can understand who we are, where we have come from, what we are doing here, and where we are going in the Divine Program.

Again, thank you very much for your kind attention; and have or continue having a day filled with the blessings of Jesus Christ.

May God continue to bless you all. Amen.


1 Joshua 6:15-20

2 64-0410 “Scriptural Signs Of The Time,” page 10, paragraph 37

3 John 6:39, 6:44, 6:54

4 Matthew 24:42-44; Mark 13:33-37

5 Matthew 3:11-12; Mark 1:7-8; Luke 3:15-17; John 1:19-27

6 John 3:30 / The Revelation Of The Seven Seals – “The Seventh Seal,” pages 552-553, paragraphs 326-330

7 Acts 24:14

8 Acts 8:3

9 Acts 9:1-18

10 Exodus 33:13

11 Matthew 24: 37-39; Luke 17:26-30

12 Romans 6:23

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