Good evening, beloved brethren and friends present here in Cayey, Puerto Rico; and if any of you are via telephone line, greetings to each one of you as well; and may God bless us greatly tonight and allow us to understand His Word.
I want to read a Scripture in Joshua, chapter 3, and it says as follows:
“And Joshua rose early in the morning; and they removed from Shittim, and came to Jordan, he and all the children of Israel, and lodged there before they passed over.
And it came to pass after three days, that the officers went through the host;
And they commanded the people, saying, When ye see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and the priests the Levites bearing it, then ye shall remove from your place, and go after it.
Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measure: come not near unto it, that ye may know the way by which ye must go: for ye have not passed this way heretofore.”
And in Exodus, chapter 4, verse 22, it says as follows:
“And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the Lord, Israel is my son, even my firstborn.”
May God bless His Word in our hearts and allow us to understand It.
God said to Moses: “You shall say to Pharaoh: Israel is my son, my firstborn,” and when the people are about to enter the promised land, God tells them: “When you see the ark and the priests who carry it, when you see all this, you will rise from your places, you will leave your places, and you will follow the ark; you will march after it.” It says:
“When ye see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and the priests the Levites bearing it, then ye shall remove from your place, and go after it.”
Who would march after the ark of the Lord to pass into the promised land? Israel, and God said of Israel: “Israel is my son, even my firstborn.” Who would enter the promised land? Israel, the firstborn of God.
And the entrance into the promised land meant the greatest thing for the Hebrew people, because in the promised land are all the promises of God’s Birthright for the people.
So for the Hebrew people the entrance to the promised land was the most important thing, because there they would receive and enjoy the blessings of the birthright; and they would live peacefully, in peace, with God’s blessing.
With Moses, the Hebrew people set out there in Egypt, and left Egypt towards the promised land. And when they arrived near the Jordan, there was a change there and the people received a new messenger, because they had already spent forty years in the wilderness; and those forty years were forty years of trials, of problems, of sufferings, of all these things; and God says: “And all this was for a cause”; God says that it was so that everything that was in the heart of the people would come out. He says [Deuteronomy 8:2]:
“And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no.
And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live.
Thy raiment waxed not old upon thee, neither did thy foot swell, these forty years.
Thou shalt also consider in thine heart, that, as a man chasteneth his son, so the Lord thy God chasteneth thee.
Therefore thou shalt keep the commandments of the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, and to fear him.
For the Lord thy God bringeth thee into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills…”
Now, look at all the afflictions and problems through which the Hebrew people passed; and it says: “And He made you hungry and all these things, to test you, to see whether or not you would keep the commandments of God,” the Word of God; because when things in the earthly life, humanly speaking, are all good, many people thank God, and say: “I serve God because He blesses me with these earthly blessings.”
But God allowed the Hebrew people to go through good and bad stages, so that in the good and in the bad, all the good and all the love for God that was in them would come out from within the heart of the people, so that the people could really manifest themselves in all the stages of life and serve God.
Now, there are people (like the Hebrew people) who in good times serve God, but when some problems, some needs occur, they rebel against God.
We can see that they rebelled against Moses when they had nothing to eat, when they lacked water also, and on different occasions. All those unpleasant things came out of their hearts in the presence of God, when good things should have come out of their hearts toward Moses, their messenger, and toward God, the one who had sent him.
Now, all that they thought and spoke against Moses wasn’t counted as speaking against Moses, but as speaking against God; for he who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet, receives a prophet’s mercy1; but he who rejects him is rejecting Him who sent him.
That is why Jesus said: “He that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me; but he that rejecteth me rejecteth him that sent me.”2
So the people, when they were rejecting Moses and criticizing Moses, they were rejecting and criticizing God for the Divine Program that was being carried out.
And although Israel was the son of God, the firstborn of God, the Hebrew people had many problems and lost many blessings from God during those forty years; and when they lost those blessings then they received divine judgment. And of those who left Egypt to the promised land, only Joshua and Caleb entered the promised land, because God said that they wouldn’t enter the promised land because they rebelled against God.
Now, the exodus to the promised land is THE MARCH OF THE FIRSTBORN out of Egypt to the land of Canaan or Israel; and this represents, for the children of God from among the gentiles, the march of the firstborn from the ancient times that they went out there in the beginning, from the Day of Pentecost, and then from the time of the apostle Saint Paul, they went out to receive a blessing from God.
And seven stages or ages of the gentile Church have passed, which are also represented in the forty years of the Hebrew people in the wilderness. And we find in our time that we have already passed all those stages of the forty years there in the seven ages of the gentile Church, and we find ourselves today under the ministry of the Holy Spirit that was typified in Joshua, who had the mission, the commission, to pass the Hebrew people into the promised land.
Joshua was anointed to carry out that work3; and he said: “When you see the priests bearing the ark, you shall arise and go after the ark; for you do not know this path by which you are to pass into the promised land, you have not known it before; therefore it is a new path for you. And on that new road you will march after the ark. Each of you will not march as you wish to march, but after the ark. Everyone of you shall not choose his own way, but the way of the ark,” because it says that the Angel would go with them, the Lord would go before them, and they would enter the promised land.
Now, we can see that they had something to overcome in order to pass into the promised land. The Jordan was in front of them, in front of them in order for them to pass the promised land. To pass into the promised land they had to pass through the Jordan, and the Jordan at that time was overflowing; therefore, it was a dangerous passage. No one could swim across the Jordan, let alone with two million people (or more), and children and women. Therefore, crossing to the promised land had many dangers.
The Jordan represents death. And for the end of time, the firstborn there (which is the Hebrew people) represent the firstborn in the midst of the gentiles, first of all, and then the firstborn of the Hebrew people, which are 144,000 chosen ones of the Hebrew people.
Now, in this end time, the Jordan, which represents death, will be at this time manifesting itself to prevent the passage of the people. In Revelation, chapter 6, verse 7 and 8, it says:
“And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell (that is, Hades) followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”
Here we have the spiritual Jordan. We have the spiritual Jordan: death, in the end time, to prevent the passage of God’s firstborn, the passage to the promised land. The firstborn of God are the chosen of God from among the gentiles, who will pass into the promised land of the eternal body and into the promised land of the glorious Millennial Kingdom.
Now, we in this end time are in the Age of the Cornerstone, the age of the passage to the promised land. This is the age in which we will pass into the promised land under the leadership of our Joshua, who is the Holy Spirit in His last manifestation.
And we shall pass into the promised land because we shall go after the Ark, which is Christ, the Word. Christ, the Word, will go before us; and we will follow after Christ, the Word, and we will pass into the promised land; and we will receive all the birthright blessings that are ours.
So the Jordan, death, in its final manifestation under the Fourth Seal, where he will manifest himself in the antichrist, although he will try to prevent us from passing into the promised land, he will not succeed in preventing us from passing into the promised land.
We will pass into the promised land on dry land, and that means that we will pass into the promised land without seeing death. The group of the elect predestined to pass into the promised land without seeing death, to be transformed, will pass without seeing death; death will open up and we will pass on dry land.
So we have risen and set out for the promised land, we have set out to cross the Jordan; it is the march of the firstborn in the Age of the Cornerstone.
In this march of the firstborn in the Age of the Cornerstone, we may have some struggles, some problems, some difficulties; but we will overcome in the Name of the Lord, because we have the Age of Divine Love.
In this Age of Divine Love, with the manifestation of divine love in our hearts, we will be loving one another with divine love. And as the Lord Jesus Christ said: “By this they will know that you are my disciples, that you love one another (one another, with the love with which Christ loved us).”4 And with what love did He love us? With divine love.
So, with that divine love manifested in each one of us, we will not be fighting, arguing or quarreling with each other, but walking, marching, towards the promised land in harmony.
And if at any time some difficulties arise, some misunderstandings, let us fix the misunderstandings and let us march in divine love to the promised land; because this is not the march of some religion or religious sect of this earthly world, but it is THE MARCH OF THE FIRSTBORN written in the Lamb’s Book of Life in Heaven, it is the march of the firstborn to receive all the blessings of the Birthright that He has promised for each of the firstborn of God.
Just as the Hebrew people as a nation is the firstborn son of God, each one of us as the heavenly Israel are the firstborn of God, the heavenly firstborn, the firstborn people, the group of the firstborn written in Heaven according to the divine promise. That is why Saint Paul says, in Hebrews chapter 12, verse 23; he says:
“…To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven…”
The congregation of the firstborn written in the Heavens, in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
We are at the end of time, in the Age of the Cornerstone, where all the firstborn written in the Heavens are congregating, to receive the Birthright Blessing and pass on to the glorious promised land. All the blessings are there for each one of us.
Just as the Hebrew people heard all the blessings they would receive in the promised land and then materialized in the promised land, we in our time, as God’s firstborn on the move, are hearing all the blessings of God, we are hearing the blessings of the Birthright that He is speaking to us in our time, that each of us will inherit as God’s firstborn, heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ Jesus, our Lord.
So we are in THE MARCH OF THE FIRSTBORN in the Age of the Cornerstone; to pass into the promised land and there to have all the blessings of God, the blessings pertaining to the firstborn of God; among them, the eternal body is one of the great blessings for the firstborn of God, and for that the transformation of our bodies is required, and for the transformation the Great Voice of Trumpet, the Message of the Last Trumpet, the Gospel of the Kingdom, is required.
And the ministry of His Angels is required to receive the Gospel of the Kingdom: The ministry of the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ with the double ministry of Moses and Elijah in this end time, bringing us the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, the Message of the Dispensation of the Kingdom, so that we all march after the Ark, after the Word, after Christ, and pass to the promised land of the new body, of the eternal body, and to the promised land, then, of the glorious Millennial Kingdom.
There is nothing more important on this Earth than the Birthright Blessing for every child of God. That is why in this end time the firstborn are being called and gathered with the Great Voice of Trumpet in the Age of the Cornerstone, which is the age of passing into the promised land, it is the age that passes into the promised land of the new body and into the promised land of the glorious Millennial Kingdom.
Therefore, we will all pass over to the promised land; and for that cause we are on the march, in THE MARCH OF THE FIRSTBORN to the promised land; in this march represented following the ark, when Joshua with the priests walked forward and the people followed them following the ark.
So we are following the Ark, the Ark of God, the Ark of the Covenant, the Word, Christ, in this end time, in the Age of the Cornerstone. We are not walking blindly; we are walking after the Ark, the Ark of God.
And the Ark of God will guide us, because God will be and will go before us; therefore, He will be preparing the way for us to pass through that way that He is preparing.
No man shall go ahead of us, for no man knows the way, but the Lord. So He will go before us, He will lead us, and we will reach the promised land; we will reach the promised land because we are on “THE MARCH OF THE FIRSTBORN.”
That march to the promised land was the march of the firstborn, the march of Israel, of whom God said: “Israel is my firstborn.” So the promised land is for the firstborn. And we, as the firstborn of God, have the promises of a promised land, of a new body and a new Kingdom: The Millennial Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, where all the blessings relevant to the Birthright Blessing will be.
There is nothing on this Earth, nor in Heaven, of more blessing than the Birthright Blessing, for in the Birthright Blessing is every blessing from God that you can desire.
There are more blessings from God than you can imagine and than you can desire, because they are the blessings that God has established for His firstborn children.
Therefore, onward always in the march of the firstborn! Let no one turn you away from the march of the firstborn. Don’t let yourself be turned away from the march of the firstborn to the promised land by anyone, or by anything. No matter what it is: continue forward in the march of the firstborn.
Nothing on this Earth, however great it may be, will turn you away from the march of the firstborn; for however great you may think there is something or something happening on this Earth, and you think that is a reason for you to turn away from the march of the firstborn, understand that on this Earth all things, however great you may see them, or someone else may see them, are all very small compared to the Birthright Blessing.
You see, anyone can say: “But what has happened to me is so great and so terrible that I can’t go forward in the march of the firstborn.” I am going to ask you a question: What will take you to the promised land: the problem that has arisen for you?, or Christ, the Ark on the march to the land of the Birthright, to the land of the blessing, to the land of the promises in this final hour following the Ark. What will take you to the promised land? Following the Ark. Following the Ark, which goes before us to the promised land.
Following the problem or difficulty that has befallen you will not take you to the promised land, no matter how great it is, and no matter how much you want to justify yourself that what happened to you is so great that it is a reason for you not to follow in the march of the firstborn.
Who is the one who loses? Just as Esau sold the birthright for a plate of lentils,5 you sell the Birthright with all the blessings that are in the Birthright because of a problem; and then you want to justify yourself. No one justifies himself before God. Esau wanted to justify himself, Esau wanted to repent and seek the birthright afterwards, and the blessings of the birthright, and it didn’t take place.
Never depart from the Birthright Blessing, never depart from the march of the firstborn; because outside of that march of the firstborn following the Ark of the Covenant towards the promised land, outside of that march there are no promises of transformation for our bodies, nor of resurrection for those who died in the past; because that is the Divine Program for our time: to march after the Word, the Ark, the Final Message of God for our time.
The Final Message of God, the Gospel of the Kingdom, is Christ in the form of Word, of Message. That is why the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom shows what? What does it present? The Lord Jesus Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, in His Reclaiming Work: Of reclaiming all that He redeemed with His precious Blood, to pass on to the promised land all that He redeemed with His precious Blood.
That is why we can say on this occasion: “We are on the march! In the march of the firstborn, the march of the firstborn towards the promised land!”
This is THE MARCH OF THE FIRSTBORN, marching after the Ark, after the Word, after Christ in this final hour and in this final manifestation of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Age of the Cornerstone. The Age of the Cornerstone is the age of the march of the elect to the promised land.
So we have understood what “THE MARCH OF THE FIRSTBORN” is.
And I say to you: I am on the march of the firstborn in this end time, and I am following the Ark of the Covenant, and I will not depart from the Ark of the Covenant, and I will not stop looking at the Ark of the Covenant wherever it goes. I am in the march of the firstborn, and you?
It is a blessing for me to be with each one of you, because we are all in the march of the firstborn, the march of the firstborn following the Ark of the Covenant.
This is THE MARCH OF THE FIRSTBORN, which we are seeing with our own eyes, which we are experiencing in our own flesh, and we are hearing the blessings that He has in the Birthright Blessing for each firstborn of God.
So as we are walking in this march of the firstborn, we are hearing the spoken Word, which speaks to us each of the blessings pertaining to the Birthright Blessing. Everything that the Hebrew people were to receive in the promised land, was first spoken to the Hebrew people, and then materialized in the promised land.
So all the blessings that we have heard, to live eternally in one body, and to be kings and priests in the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ: all this and many other things, many other blessings, are going to materialize when we have entered the promised land of the new body and the promised land of the glorious Millennial Kingdom.
So it pays to be marching in the march of the firstborn!
For many soldiers, for many military men, it is a privilege to march in an important army; and for us it is the greatest privilege: to march in the glorious Army of the Lord Jesus Christ, and to be in the most important march of all marches: In the march of the firstborn of God.
“THE MARCH OF THE FIRSTBORN.” Marching in order, in the corresponding order for this third dispensation.
We thank God for being predestined since before the foundation of the world to be in the march of the firstborn, occupying our position, our place, as God’s firstborn.
May God continue to bless us all in the march of the firstborn.
May you all have a good evening, and may God bless you all here in Puerto Rico, and also all in the different countries of Latin America, the Caribbean and also in different parts of North America.
May God continue to bless us with all the blessings that are in the Birthright Blessing.
With us again I leave Felix, so that he takes care of the rest of this activity tonight. And thanking God, I walk forward towards the goal: the promised land, on the march of the firstborn in this final hour. From that march no one shall turn me away. And I will continue with each firstborn marching towards the promised land.
With us again Felix Caro. May you all have a wonderful evening, and it will be until Sunday morning, and then I believe that in the evening you will also have activity. Our brother Felix will announce the rest of the activities, and I will be here again with each one of you.
God bless you and God keep you all.
1 Matthew 10:41
2 Luke 10:16
3 Joshua 1:1-9
4 John 13:34-35
5 Genesis 25:27-34