Good afternoon, beloved brethren and friends present, and viewers. It is a great blessing for me to be with you on this occasion, to have a few moments of spiritual fellowship around the Word of God; and thus to have a better understanding of the whole Divine Program for this Last Day.
I want to read in Revelation, chapter 22, verse 16 to 17, where it says as follows:
“I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.”
May God bless in our souls His Word and bless our souls with His Word, and allow us to understand It.
Here in Revelation, chapter 22, verse 17, we find the call of the Bridegroom and also the call of the Bride. The call of the Bridegroom is the call of the Holy Spirit, and the call of the Bride is the call of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Now, see how here:
“And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.”
Here we have the call of Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit through His Angel Messenger in the Last Day, just as the call of Christ in Holy Spirit in each age was the call of Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit through each angel messenger, calling and gathering the elect of each age, in the territory where each age was fulfilled.
The elect of God were in that territory, the firstborn of God, who would hear the Voice of Christ and would receive His Message, and would become part of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; in other words, they would become part of the Fold of the Lord Jesus Christ, where Christ, through the angel messenger in every age, would be shepherding His sheep.
Christ in John, chapter 10, verse 14 to 16, says:
“I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.
As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold (in other words, they are not of the Hebrew fold): them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.”
See how the sheep of the gentile flock or fold heard the Voice of Christ, which would be called and gathered and placed in the Fold of Christ, where Christ would be shepherding His sheep.
This has been happening from age to age, through every angel messenger, through whom Christ has been speaking and calling and gathering His sheep.
Where has He been gathering them? In His Fold, that is, in the Fold of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is His Church; which, from age to age has been growing as Christ has been calling and gathering His sheep from age to age.
Now, see how from age to age Christ was in each angel messenger calling and gathering His sheep in each age, in the territory where each age was fulfilled; and when the seven stages or ages of the gentile Church have ended, Christ still has sheep here on Earth among the gentiles, which He must also bring; and they will hear His Voice, and there will be one Flock and one Shepherd.
This flock —as we have already seen— is the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; and in the Last Day the last sheep of the Lord are called to be placed in the Fold of the Lord; and they are placed here, in the Age of the Cornerstone, in the Fold of the Lord, that is, in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And in the Age of the Cornerstone, the Work of Christ, the call of Christ through His Angel Messenger, will be being carried out in the territory of Latin America and the Caribbean; where the sheep that will become part of the Age of the Cornerstone in the Dispensation of the Kingdom will be, and thus they will be in the Fold of the Lord, in the most important part of that Fold, which is the Age of the Cornerstone, which is also the Age of the Most Holy Place of that spiritual Temple, which is the Mystical Body of Christ, in other words, the Church-Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And that same call is given by the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ, to all who are thirsty as well: to come and drink of the Water of eternal life freely; and thus Latin American and Caribbean people have the opportunity to listen both to the Spirit of Christ through His Angel Messenger, and to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ anointed by the Holy Spirit, making the call to every human being.
First the elect are called through the Voice of Christ through His Angel Messenger; and then, we find that there is an opportunity for all Latin American and Caribbean people, to hear the Voice of Christ in the Last Day and have the opportunity to enter the glorious Kingdom of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ; and thus to also have an opportunity to receive eternal life from the Lord Jesus Christ, believing in our beloved Lord Jesus Christ and His Work pertaining to the Last Day, where also the Work of Christ in His First Coming is made known, so that everyone may know that Christ already paid for our redemption there on Calvary’s Cross, and washed us with His precious Blood there on Calvary’s Cross.
And all that remains is for the human being to receive that Work of Christ performed on Calvary’s Cross, to thus wash away his sins in the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the person to be justified, and then to be sanctified; and the elect to receive the Spirit of Christ, and the new birth to be carried out in them.
Now, notice how Christ would be in the Last Day in Holy Spirit making the final call and giving an opportunity to the human beings in and from Latin America and the Caribbean; that is where the Spirit and the Voice of the Spirit is heard in the Last Day, and also the Voice of the Bride, because:
“And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will (because the person has free will), let him take the water of life freely (receive the Word of God in this Last Day for eternal life).”
In Amos, chapter 8, verse 1, it tells us that there will be a famine on Earth; not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the Word of the Lord, the Word of God; because, just as our physical body feels hunger for natural food, physical food, our soul also feels hunger for spiritual food, it feels hunger for the Word of God; for “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God,” God tells us in Deuteronomy, chapter 8 and verse 3; and our Lord Jesus Christ repeats it in Matthew, chapter 4, verse 4, and also Luke, chapter 4, verse 4.
In other words, in those places we find Christ saying again: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God”: The Word that comes from the mouth of God, the Word that comes from the angel messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ from age to age, from Saint Paul to the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ. In every age there was a hunger to hear the Word of God that came through the mouth of God, through the messenger of God in every age.
And now, for the Last Day, the hunger that there is, to hear the Word of God, is to hear the Word of God that comes out of the mouth of God: of the Angel Messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the mouth of God, the mouth of Jesus Christ in the Last Day; just as the mouth of Jesus Christ in every age was the angel messenger of every age.
That is why in Deuteronomy, chapter 18, verse 15 and on, it tells us as follows:
“The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee (Moses is saying here), of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken…”
Why does he say: “…him ye shall hearken”? Because the prophet that God raises up in every age and in every dispensation is the mouth of God for that age or for that dispensation; and there is the Word of God for the people. Therefore: “Hear ye him.” Hearing him, you will be hearing what? The Voice of God for that time.
Now, it says:
“… According to all that thou desiredst of the Lord thy God in Horeb in the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not hear again the voice of the Lord my God, neither let me see this great fire any more, that I die not.
And the Lord said unto me, They have well spoken that which they have spoken.
I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee (that is, like Moses), and will put my words in his mouth…”
Where does God place His words? In the mouth of the prophet He sends among the people.
Many people want to hear the Voice of God, but they haven’t understood that the Voice of God is in the mouth of the prophet messenger that God sends for the time in which they are living.
To hear the Voice of God, then what we have to do is to find the angel messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ for the age in which the person is living, and listen to that angel messenger; and thus we will be hearing the Voice of God, the Voice of Jesus Christ, speaking to us the things that we should understand in the time we have been allotted to live.
Everything that God has to say to us He says through His mouth, through the prophet that He sends for the time in which every son and daughter of God has is allotted to live in.
And now, see how He continues here saying; He says:
“…and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.”
What will that prophet speak? Everything that God sends him to speak to the people; in other words, he will be speaking the Message relevant to that time and making known to them all the things that God wants to make known to His people at that time.
And what does he continue to say, for those who say that they are not interested in hearing the voice of that prophet, the Message of that prophet? Well, those who are not interested in hearing the voice, the Message of that prophet, well, they are not interested in hearing the Voice of Christ, the Word of God put in the mouth of that prophet.
And what are the consequences for those people? It says:
“And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.”
In other words, he will have to give an account before God at some time.
And in the book of Acts, chapter 3, verse 18 to 23, it says: “And whosoever will not hear that prophet (but whosoever will not hear my words which he shall speak in My Name), I will uproot him from the people,” in other words, he loses the right to belong to the people of God, and —consequently— he loses the right to eternal life, he loses the opportunity that God gave him to live eternally; because he who doesn’t hear the Voice of God has no right to live eternally.
That is why Christ said: “My words are spirit and are life.”1 “And he that heareth my Word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life; and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life.”2
Do you see how important it is to hear the Voice of God, the Voice of Christ, the Word of Jesus Christ?
It is also said, on one occasion when Jesus Christ was preaching and a woman stood up in the midst of the group, in the midst of the congregation, in the midst of the listeners, and said: “Blessed are the breasts that you have sucked,” and Christ said: “But blessed are those who hear the Word of God.”3
For there is the blessedness, there is the blessing of God for eternal life of all those who hear the Voice of God, and receive Christ as their Savior, and wash their sins in the Blood of the Lamb, and receive the Spirit of Jesus Christ: and are born again, according to how Christ said it had to happen in the life of a person to enter the Kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven, to become part of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Because a person can’t say: “I am going to join the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.” That doesn’t work. The person has to be born in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Water and the Spirit.
Just as for you to belong to the family you belong to, you had to be born into that family through your father and mother; and so, to belong to the Family of God, to the sons and daughters of God, to the House of God, you have to be born again of the Water and the Spirit, you have to believe the preaching of the Gospel and receive Christ as your Savior, and wash your sins in the Blood of Jesus Christ, and receive His Holy Spirit; and that is how you enter the House of God, the Family of God, to be manifested as a son or daughter of God in the Kingdom of God, in the House of God, in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Now, we have seen this mystery of how the person enters the House of God, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
David the psalmist said that his desire was to be in the House of God all the days of his life,4 and he said that he desired to be in the outer courts of the House of God5; and now, you see, he belonged to the stage of the Outer Court of the House of God.
Then, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ during these two thousand years that have been passing, and the Dispensation of Grace, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ has been in the Holy Place of the House of God, of the Mystical Body of Christ; and the desire for all of the seven stages of the gentile Church during the Dispensation of Grace was to be in the House of God, in the Holy Place.
But now, the desire of the elect in the Age of the Cornerstone was to be in the House of God, but in the Most Holy Place of the House of God; and that is where all the elect are being called and gathered in this Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, by our beloved Lord Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit through His Angel Messenger, calling and gathering His elect with the Great Voice of Trumpet, and placing them in the Most Holy Place of His spiritual Temple.
This is the Work that is being carried out in Latin America and the Caribbean, which is the territory chosen by God to —with Latin American and Caribbean people— carry out the construction of the Most Holy Place of His spiritual Temple.
So Latin America and the Caribbean have the elect that in the Last Day would be called and gathered, and placed in the Age of the Cornerstone, in the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ.
It is the Latin American and Caribbean people who would be hearing in the Last Day the Voice of Jesus Christ as a Great Voice of Trumpet through His Angel Messenger, calling and gathering His elect, and making known to them all these things that must happen soon, in this Last Day.
That is why in Revelation, chapter 1, verse 10 to 11, the Voice of Christ in the Last Day, that is, in the Lord’s Day, is heard as a Great Voice of Trumpet. It says:
“I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day (Saint John tells us), and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,
Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last.”
Who is the Alpha and Omega, who is the first and the last? Our beloved Lord Jesus Christ. It is in the Last Day, in the Lord’s Day, which is the seventh millennium, where the Voice of Christ is heard as a Great Voice of Trumpet; in other words, the Voice of Christ is heard as the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom; that is the Great Voice of Trumpet. And the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom revolves around the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, in His Reclaiming Work.
It is the Gospel of the Kingdom which contains the divine revelation of the Coming of the Son of Man with His Angels, calling and gathering all His elect with a Great Voice of Trumpet in the Last Day, in Latin America and the Caribbean, and placing them in the Age of the Cornerstone and in the Dispensation of the Kingdom.
That is why, notice, the call of Christ in the Last Day, in which we live, is in the House of God, it is in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the stage of the Age of the Cornerstone, in the stage of the Most Holy Place of the Mystical Body of Christ, of that spiritual Temple.
It is there where Jesus Christ would be in the Last Day, just as He was in His House, in His Church, in the past ages, in each age, in each stage of His Church; and He was manifested in each angel messenger, making the call of each age; and therefore, the Voice of Christ was heard in each age, the Trumpet of God for each age.
And now IN THE LAST DAY the Last Trumpet is heard, that Great Voice of Trumpet, the Voice of Christ through His Angel Messenger in the Age of the Cornerstone, calling and gathering all His elect, and making known to them all these things that must shortly be done, in this Last Day.
See that it is IN THE HOUSE OF GOD that the call of Christ is made, with that Great Voice of Trumpet, through His Angel Messenger. It is in the House of God, in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the stage of the Most Holy Place, where Christ would be manifested, where the Son of Man with His Angels would be manifested.
This is Christ in Holy Spirit manifesting the ministry of Jesus, and manifesting the ministry of Moses for the second time, and the ministry of Elijah for the fifth time, in His Angel Messenger, in this Last Day.
And through His Angel Messenger: Calling and gathering His elect with the Great Voice of Trumpet, in other words, with the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom; because the Great Voice of Trumpet is the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom.
It is the Trumpet of the Gospel of the Kingdom calling and gathering all His elect in this Last Day, in Latin America and the Caribbean, according to the Divine Program appointed for this Last Day.
You see, the ministry of the calling of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Bride, is the ministry of Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit through His Angel Messenger, in whom He operates the ministry of Jesus for the second time, the ministry of Moses for the second time and the ministry of Elijah for the fifth time.
These are the three ministries that would be manifested on the Last Day, at the Coming of the Son of Man with His Angels, to call and gather His elect in the House of God, in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the Most Holy Place of that spiritual Temple, which is the Age of the Cornerstone; and this is how the call of Christ, of the Holy Spirit, through His Angel Messenger would be heard In the Last Day.
“And the Spirit and the bride (the Spirit: through his Angel Messenger; and the Bride: that is, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ) say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.”
There is Water of eternal life in the Age of the Cornerstone, there is Water of eternal life in the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of the Lord Jesus Christ; just as in the New Jerusalem we find that from the Throne comes out a river of clear water, of Water of Life. It says Revelation, chapter 22, verse 1 and on, says:
“And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.”
Where does the river of the Water of Life come from? From the Throne of God.
And now, that is reflected in the Age of the Cornerstone, which is the Age of the Throne of the Lord Jesus Christ in His Church, in His spiritual Temple; and it is from there, from the Throne of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Place of His spiritual Temple, that a river of Water of eternal Life comes out for all the elect of God.
That is where Jesus Christ would be in Holy Spirit, at the Last Day, giving us the Water of eternal life, so that every human being would have the opportunity in this end time to receive eternal life also, as in other past ages.
And now, we are in the most glorious time of all times, in the time when the elect of God will receive the fullness of the Spirit of God according to the promise of Christ.
Now, notice, the elect of God, when they believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior, then they receive His Holy Spirit, and thus they are born again, born of the Water and the Spirit; and thus they enter the Kingdom of God. And for the Last Day they will receive the fullness of the Spirit of God, which will be manifested in the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ, for from the Throne of God comes out a river of Water of eternal life; and in the spiritual Temple of Christ, there will come out a river of Water of eternal life, which represents the river of Water of eternal life that will be in the New Jerusalem.
Now, we can see how the Age of the Cornerstone reflects everything that will be there in the Throne of the Lord Jesus Christ in the New Jerusalem, and reflects everything that is in the Throne of God in Heaven.
And now, the Age of the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ has fallen in Latin America and the Caribbean, where the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ is being built with living stones, with Latin American and Caribbean human beings, who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life since before the foundation of the world; and they are predestined, they are ordained, to be part of that Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of the Lord Jesus Christ in this Last Day.
That is why in this Last Day they will hear the Voice of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Voice of the Holy Spirit, calling them and gathering them; that Great Voice of Trumpet under the ministry of Jesus Christ through His Angel Messenger, where He operates the ministries of Moses for the second time, of Elijah for the fifth time and of Jesus for the second time.
And this is how THE MINISTRY OF THE CALL OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND HIS BRIDE, FROM HIS HOUSE, IN THE LAST DAY is carried out, and the number of the elect of God is completed, the number of the members of the Mystical Body of the Lord Jesus Christ is completed.
We are still in the call of the Great Voice of Trumpet, because the number of the elect of God hasn’t yet been completed; but the call continues to reach the ears and hearts of the Latin American and Caribbean people in this end time, for those who have their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, to receive that call in their souls and enter the Mystical Body of Christ, the Age of the Cornerstone and the Dispensation of the Kingdom; to the Age of the Most Holy Place of that spiritual Temple of Jesus Christ, which is His Church.
And thus THE MINISTRY, or THE MYSTERY OF THE CALL OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND HIS BRIDE, FROM HIS HOUSE, IN THE LAST DAY is carried out, and this mystery is made known to the elect of God in the Age of the Cornerstone.
See, how many knew…?
• that the call of the Spirit and the Bride in the Last Day would be the call of the Holy Spirit through His Angel Messenger in the Last Day and in the midst of the Lamb’s Wife;
• where this call would be extended, and the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, with the Spirit of Christ, would be the instrument of Christ in the Last Day for this call;
• and this call would be extended through videos, tapes and printed booklets; and different forms that would be used in this Last Day, so that this call would reach all the elect of God in all Latin America and the Caribbean. And if any of them are outside the Latin American and Caribbean continent, but have their name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, this call will also reach them wherever they are.
We have reached the Last Day, we have arrived at the time of the call of the Holy Spirit and the Bride of the Lamb.
“And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life (of eternal life) freely.”
That is the opportunity that God is giving to all Latin American and Caribbean people in this Last Day in which we are living.
We have seen THE MYSTERY OF THE CALL OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND OF THE LAMB’S BRIDE, of the Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ; in other words, of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Where? AT THE HOUSE OF GOD, IN THE LAST DAY. And this is happening where? In Latin America and the Caribbean, in this Last Day.
We are in the time when the mystery of the call of the Holy Spirit, of the call of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Bride, is being fulfilled in the House of God, that is, in the Mystical Body of Christ, in the Latin American and Caribbean stage, in this Last Day.
It has been a great privilege for me to be with you this afternoon, giving testimony of: “THE MYSTERY OF THE CALL OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND HIS BRIDE FROM HIS HOUSE IN THE LAST DAY.”
And who would hear this call and respond and enter the Fold of the Lord, the Mystical Body of Christ? Where are those people? Here we are! We are here, in Latin America and the Caribbean, responding to the call of Jesus Christ in this Last Day, and entering the Mystical Body of Christ, the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom.
We have heard the call of Jesus Christ, the call of the Holy Spirit through His Angel Messenger. And that is the Message, the call, that the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, in this Age of the Cornerstone, takes to all Latin American and Caribbean people in this Last Day.
That is the Message of the Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ, of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, in this Last Day; because that is the Message of the Lord Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit through His Angel Messenger, calling and gathering all His elect in this Last Day.
That is the Great Voice of Trumpet, and that is the Last Trumpet; that is the Trumpet of God, which in the Last Day would be calling and gathering all the elect of God, and then come the resurrection of the dead in Christ and then the transformation of us who are alive.
So, beloved friends and brethren, being in the time of the call of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Last Day: Let us continue listening to His Voice.
And as we are hearing His Voice: all the mysteries of the Kingdom of God pertaining to the Last Day, which are all these things that must come to pass in the Last Day, will be made known, will be opened to you; and you will understand them as Christ —through His Angel Messenger in this Last Day— is making them known to us in the Mystical Body of Christ, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, and Age of the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of the Lord Jesus Christ.
To be listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ through His Angel Messenger in this Last Day, is to be listening to the Great Voice of Trumpet or Last Trumpet that was promised to sound in this Last Day, and call and gather all the elect of God. And that is happening in Latin America and the Caribbean.
In other words, the call is emerging in Latin America and the Caribbean, in the Latin American and Caribbean language, which is Spanish; because for the most part, Latin Americans in all nations, speak Spanish, except for some nations, such as Brazil and some other Caribbean nations; but the main Latin American and Caribbean language is Spanish. And in that language the Voice of Jesus Christ would be heard in this end time, calling and gathering His elect.
That is the Voice of Christ, the Great Voice of Trumpet or Last Trumpet, it is the Voice of the Bridegroom, of the Holy Spirit in the Last Day in the midst of the Latin American and Caribbean people, making known to us all these things that must happen soon, in this Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom.
It has been a great blessing for me to be with you, giving testimony of: “THE MYSTERY OF THE CALL OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND HIS BRIDE, FROM HIS HOUSE, IN THE LAST DAY.”
May Jesus Christ from His House, from the Most Holy Place of His House, bless us all with the blessings promised for this Last Day for His elect; and soon, all the elect that are yet to come to His House, to the House of Christ, hear the Voice of Christ calling them; and come to the House of Christ, to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; and the number of the elect of God be completed. And soon, and very soon, all of us elect of God be transformed and taken to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Heaven, in the House of our heavenly Father. In the Eternal Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.
May the blessings of Jesus Christ be upon each of you.
Thank you very much for your kind attention, and continue to have a day or evening filled with the blessings of Jesus Christ.
For those who will be in the evening, at 6:00 p.m. at the next place that… at 7:30 p.m. at the next place, there in the group of Cañada Blanca, we will meet there again to continue listening to the Voice of the Bridegroom, the Voice of the Holy Spirit in this Last Day.
So may God continue to bless you all, God keep you; and with us again Reverend Roberto Monsibaez to continue.
May God continue to bless you all.
1 John 6:63
2 John 5:24
3 Luke 11:27-28
4 Psalms 27:4
5 Psalms 84:10