The Mystery of the Good Ground That Is Blessed

Good evening, beloved friends and brethren present in Ariquemes, Rondônia, Brazil. It is a great blessing to be with you on this occasion, to share some moments with you around the Divine Program pertaining to this end time.

Tonight, I want to read a Scripture where it speaks to us about our subject: “THE MYSTERY OF THE GOOD GROUND THAT IS BLESSED.”

Let’s read in Saint Matthew chapter 13, verses 16 and on, where Jesus Christ explains the parable of the sower. The Scripture says the following in Saint Matthew chapter 13, verse 16 and on:

But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.

For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.

Hear ye therefore the parable of the sower.

When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side.

But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it;

Yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended.

He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful.

But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.


This parable of the sower reveals the human race, everyone who hears the preaching of the Gospel, who are divided into four groups according to this parable. It’s not just a matter of hearing the preaching, but hearing It and understanding It.

Now, the one sown by the wayside is he who hears the preaching of the Gospel and doesn’t understand It; and then the devil comes and snatches away from the person’s heart what was sown there in the heart, he snatches away that Word which was sown in the heart. When the person heard the preaching of the Word: It entered through his ears, went on to his spirit, and then reached his soul; but that person did not understand, he did not comprehend the Word; and then the enemy, the devil, roots up what was sown in the person’s heart.

But then there are those who hear the Word and with joy receive It. But, what happens? It has no roots; in other words, they don’t concern themselves with the things of God, with studying the Word, with delving into the Word to understand the whole Divine Program correctly. And they are people who only go to church, but who don’t delve into the things of God; they are (what we would call) Christians who only go to church, but don’t concern themselves with obtaining the complete knowledge of God’s entire Program; and that is not right.

Every person should understand the Word of God for the time in which he is given to live, because otherwise, he only endures for a while; in other words, he receives the Word, he goes to church for some time, but then he walks away. What happened? Well, what Jesus said happened: after a short time, afflictions, persecutions come, problems arise even in his own house and his family sometimes criticizes him; and so on, the person begins to go through different trials as a Christian, and then he walks away.

Sometimes they say: “But I didn’t expect my family to criticize me because I want to seek God. I didn’t expect to be criticized at my job because I am seeking God. I didn’t expect my friends to criticize me or turn away from me because I am seeking God.

And thus, the person begins a stage of trials; and if he doesn’t have roots, if he isn’t well rooted in the Word of God and in His Program, then what happens? He distances himself, temptations come, all those things of the world come to try to conquer him, and he goes after the things of the world or some other things, or because of the trials he says: “I am not going to continue with the things of God,” and he loses God’s blessing. Who is the one that loses? Well, the person, because he loses the right to Eternal Life.

And what is a man profited if he gains the whole world, and loses his soul? That was what Jesus asked in Saint Matthew chapter 16, verses 25 and on: “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Living on this Earth has been of no use to him.

Why has it been of no use to him? Because the person has been a person who has not considered that on this Earth one normally lives for seventy to a hundred years, and then this body dies. And if the person didn’t secure his Eternal Life with Jesus Christ (who is the only One that gives Eternal Life), he has to go accompany the rich man of the parable of Jesus Christ;1 in other words, the person can’t go to Paradise to live in a theophanic body of the sixth dimension.

But if the person worked out his salvation, then if his physical body dies, he goes on to live in Paradise, which is the sixth dimension, in the theophanic body he received when he believed in Christ as his Savior, washed away his sins in the Blood of Christ, and received the Spirit of Christ; and thus, received a theophanic spirit of the sixth dimension, which is a body similar to ours, but from another dimension.

That is the body in which God appeared to many prophets in the Old Testament, like Abraham. On one occasion He appeared to him as Melchizedek: it was God in His theophanic body,2 and He also appeared to him as Elohim: it was God in His theophanic body.3 The Archangels Gabriel and Michael also appeared in their theophanic bodies.

And now, every born-again child of God also has a theophanic body, a heavenly body of the sixth dimension. And when he dies, he goes on to live in that sixth dimension in that body of the sixth dimension called the theophany; he goes on to live in a place where there are trees, birds, flowers, and people, but in other bodies, meaning, bodies of another dimension.

Because the believer in Christ does not die, only his physical body dies; but the person continues to live for all eternity. Christ said:

He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

Saint John chapter 5, verse 24.

And Jesus Christ also told in Saint John chapter 6, verse 39 to 40:

And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.

And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.

See how the believer in Christ doesn’t die? He just goes on to live in the sixth dimension in his theophanic body; if the days of his physical body end here on Earth and that physical body dies, the person continues to live.

We are living souls with Eternal Life upon believing in Jesus Christ and washing away our sins in the Blood of Christ, and receiving His Holy Spirit. This is how we are restored to Eternal Life, which we have come from.

But since we have come to a fallen world, to a fallen generation, to a fallen race, we enter into death; but through Christ, we return to Eternal Life and obtain the eternal body of the sixth dimension.

And then, at the Last Day or seventh millennium, we will receive the eternal physical body in the resurrection of the dead in eternal bodies; and if we are alive, then [we will receive it] in the transformation of us who are alive.

Now we can see how important it is to remain steadfast in Christ, understanding His Word; because those who don’t do so, and who will only endure for a while, lose the right to Eternal Life.

Now notice, enduring only for a while: these are the ones who start, last a period of time, and then leave; they lose God’s blessing. “He who puts his hand to the plough, and looks back, is not fit for the Kingdom of God;”4 he loses the blessing of Eternal Life.

And now we have the group represented in stony places. That is the group that is very busy with the cares of the world they live in, the time they live in, and the deceitfulness of riches; because they think that life here on Earth is to make money; but God has given life here on Earth so that we seek God, so that we come in contact with Jesus Christ, the Eternal Life, and so that we are restored to Eternal Life.

Christ said: “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; all other things shall be added unto you.”5 There are people who are more concerned about the additions of life than Eternal Life, than the Kingdom of God, but the most important thing is the Kingdom of God.

The most important thing is to believe in Christ as our Savior, wash away our sins in the Blood of Christ, and receive His Holy Spirit, and thus be born again, be born into the Kingdom of God, be born into the mystical Body of Christ, be born into the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the age in which we live.

And for the Church of Jesus Christ, we find that God has ordained children in the different times. We find that from age to age, God’s sons and daughters have been called and gathered in the different territories on the Earth where God has put His children.

His children are also represented in the good seed.

Notice, the seed is the Word, in the parable of the sower it’s the Word of the Kingdom;6 and in the parable of the wheat and the tares, the good seed, meaning the wheat, are the children of the Kingdom.7

Now, how can we understand this? Let’s see: The good ground in the parable of the sower is God’s sons and daughters, who hear the Word of God and understand It, hear the Gospel and understand It; and they obtain the forgiveness of their sins by believing in Christ as their Savior and washing away their sins in the Blood of Christ, and receiving the Spirit of Jesus Christ; and this way they are born again, they are born into the Kingdom of God; and thus, they obtain the blessing of being part of the mystical Body of Christ, because they have been born into the mystical Body of Christ.

And those people have been put there and they have a theophanic body of the sixth dimension. Those people hear the Word and understand It; those people delve into the Word of God, into the Divine Program pertaining to the time in which they are living; and they are represented in the good ground, where the Word of the Gospel has been sown.

Notice, the good ground is human beings, it is God’s sons and daughters, the members of the mystical Body of Christ who have been born again.

Jesus Christ said to Nicodemus, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee: Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.”8 Nicodemus thought this meant being born again through his mother; and if she was already an elderly woman, it was very difficult; and if she had already died, it was impossible for Nicodemus to be born again.

And Nicodemus was already well stricken in age: “Can a man enter into his mother’s womb and be born when he is old?” Nicodemus asks Jesus; he is testifying that he (Nicodemus) was already old, he was already an old man.

Now, Jesus says to him: “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of Water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God,” in other words, he cannot be part of the Church of Jesus Christ; because the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is made up of the believers in Christ who have washed away their sins in the Blood of Christ and received the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ. One is born into the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

A person cannot say: I am going to enter into the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. He can only enter into the Church of Jesus Christ by believing in Christ, washing away his sins in the Blood of Christ, and receiving His Holy Spirit; and thus, he is born again. And he is born where? He is born into the Kingdom of God; he is born into the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; and those people are the good ground: who hear the Word and understand It, and bear fruit, some a hundredfold, sixtyfold, and thirtyfold.

Now, we find this good ground hearing the Word of God from age to age; and we also find the land that is by the wayside; we also find the land that is not favorable, in other words, the stony land; and we also find the land of thorns.

That land which is full of thorns, we also find that land throughout the history of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. But the most glorious thing is that we also find the good land, the good ground, which are God’s sons and daughters who become part of the mystical Body of the Lord Jesus Christ in the age they were given to live.

Now, in order to understand how these people represented in the good ground have arisen, which are the ones who hear the Word of God and understand It in the age in which they are given to live, here we have a diagram of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the form of a mountain or pyramid, which Rev. William Branham used in the message: “The Stature Of A Perfect Man,”9 and he also referred to this diagram in other conferences.

The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ has been appearing from stage to stage, and among the Gentiles She has had seven very important stages, which pertain to the Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ; that spiritual Temple of Christ represented in the tabernacle of Moses and the temple of Solomon.

And now, notice, in the time of Saint Paul, God sent him to the Gentiles, he went to Asia Minor; and through Saint Paul, Jesus Christ called and gathered God’s elect. Saint Paul said: “I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me;”10 and Christ in Saint Paul was calling and gathering all the elect with His Word, with His Word of the Gospel. This happened in this first stage or age of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

At that time appeared the ones represented by the wayside, who heard but did not understand. We find that Saint Paul also preached to kings11 and to very important people who heard, but did not understand.

We also find those who are represented in the land full of stones, where the Word cannot go deep: they receive It with joy, and then walk away. There were those kinds of people in Saint Paul’s time too.

And there were people who were very busy with the cares of the world in Saint Paul’s time, and also busy with riches; and the Word couldn’t bear fruit in those people the way It should have.

But there were also the believers in Christ represented in the good ground: who believed, who received Christ, who washed away their sins in the Blood of Christ, and received the Spirit of Christ; and those people had time to serve Christ; those people delved into the Gospel, the Word of Christ; and they bore fruit in abundance in Saint Paul’s time. Those were the believers of the first Gentile Church age, there in Asia Minor.

Then came the second stage or age of the Gentile Church, in France, where God sent Irenaeus. This second stage or age came along, which was fulfilled in France; and all of God’s elect were also called and gathered there: the good ground, which are human beings, people whose names have been written in the Lamb’s Book of Life before the foundation of the world.

There were also people who heard the Word, but the enemy snatched away from their heart what was sown, because they didn’t understand that Word, they didn’t understand the Gospel.

And there were also those represented in stony places, who had no root, they didn’t delve into the Word, and then walked away.

And there are also those who were very busy with the riches and cares of the world, but they heard the Word; but due to material possessions, to the cares of the world and its riches, they didn’t bear fruit, the fruit they should have brought forth as sons and daughters of God.

But there were also those represented in the good ground, who brought forth the fruit pertaining to the second age, which was fulfilled in France, there in Europe.

Then came the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth [ages], also in Europe, in different places in the European continent: France, Ireland, Scotland, Hungary, Germany and England. In those places, those ages pertaining to Europe were fulfilled (to those five ages that were fulfilled in Europe); the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth ages were fulfilled in the European continent.

And then we find that it was Jesus Christ through each one of those angel-messengers the One who was calling and gathering His elect from age to age.

And now, we ask ourselves: “And after Europe, where did Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit go?” To North America, to fulfill the seventh age of His Gentile Church, where He sent the seventh angel-messenger: Rev. William Branham; and through that messenger, He called and gathered His children in the seventh age of the Gentile Church; and there were also the four groups, the four types of people.

And after Jesus Christ finishes the seventh Gentile Church age, where has Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit gone to call and gather His elect of the Last Day, of the seventh millennium, and of the twenty-first century? (Because we have the promise that the Son of man will send His Angels with a Great Sound of a Trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect).

Where will He be gathering together His elect at this Last Day, in this seventh millennium that has begun if we add to the calendar the years it is behind? Where has Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit traveled at this end time to call and gather His elect, the children of the Kingdom, the good ground of the end time? He has traveled from North America to Latin America and the Caribbean; because in Latin America and the Caribbean, Jesus Christ has the good ground, where the Word of God, the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, will be sown, and It will bear fruit, some a hundredfold, sixtyfold, and thirtyfold.

In other words, in Latin America and the Caribbean is where the people represented in the good ground would be present at the Last Day, where the Word of the Gospel of the Kingdom, the Word of God, would be sown, and bear fruit in abundance.

The good ground is In Latin America and the Caribbean: the people who would hear the Word of God, the Gospel of the Kingdom, being preached, and who would understand; “because the wise will understand,” God said through the Prophet Daniel in chapter 12.

And now, where would the wise at the Last Day be hearing the Voice of Jesus Christ? Here we are in Latin America and the Caribbean, hearing the Word of God pertaining to this end time, and understanding It. And that identifies the Latin American and Caribbean people who hear the Word of God, the Gospel of the Kingdom at this Last Day, and they receive It and understand It: It identifies them as the good ground of the Last Day.

And now, we have seen the good ground as individuals. Which is the good ground as individuals at this Last Day? Where is it? Who are those people represented in the good ground at this Last Day? Here we are, receiving the Word of the Kingdom, and understanding It.

Where are we in the mystical Body of Christ at this time? In the Age of the Cornerstone. How many have understood It? We have all understood It.

We are living at the time when the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom is being proclaimed at this Last Day. We are living in the Age of the Cornerstone and in the Dispensation of the Kingdom, which has opened up at this Last Day; and we are hearing the Message of the Great Voice of Trumpet or Last Trumpet, which is the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, with which God’s elect, the good ground, are being called and gathered in the mystical Body of Christ in the Age of the Cornerstone; and in a new dispensation: the Dispensation of the Kingdom, which is opening up in Latin America and the Caribbean.

And just as Jesus Christ was speaking through each angel-messenger in the seven stages or ages of the Gentile Church, at this Last Day He would speak directly to our soul, to our heart, with His Message of the Great Voice of Trumpet; and He would call us and gather us in His mystical Body of believers, in His Church, in the Age of the Cornerstone.

We would be hearing the Voice of Christ represented in the Great Voice of Trumpet or Last Trumpet, in order to be called and gathered at the Last Day. Jesus Christ said in Saint Matthew chapter 24, verse 31:

And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect…

These Angels are the ministries of Moses and Elijah being repeated at the Last Day in the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ. These ministries will be manifesting at this Last Day; and through these ministries will come the Message of the Great Voice of Trumpet, which is the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom.

And now, in Revelation chapter 1, verses 10 to 11, John was transported in the Spirit to the Lord’s Day; and it says the following:

I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day…

John the Apostle was on which day (in the Spirit)? He was on the Lord’s Day. He was in the flesh in the decade of the ‘90s, but notice, in the decade of the ‘90s of the first century of the Christian Era; but John was transported to the Lord’s Day; and the Lord’s Day is the Last Day, which is the seventh millennium. He was transported to the Lord’s Day, to the seventh millennium; for “one day before the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”12

And what did John hear? And what did John see there? Let’s see:

…And heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,” (a Great Voice, as of a trumpet. It was not a literal trumpet, instead, it was the Voice of a person speaking at the Last Day), “saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last.”

Who is the Alpha and Who is the Omega? Our Lord Jesus Christ; and He is the first and the last.13

It is the Voice of Jesus Christ our Savior at the Last Day, speaking among His Church in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, speaking to His Church at the Last Day, in the seventh millennium. And speaking with a Great Voice of Trumpet: this means speaking with the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, and making known to us all the things which must shortly come to pass; for that is the promise of Christ in Revelation chapter 4, verse 1, when He tells us:

“…And the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

The Voice of Christ is no longer in the first, nor in the second, nor in the third, nor in the fourth, nor in the fifth, nor in the sixth, nor in the seventh age; because the Voice of Christ was in each of those ages in the messenger of each age, and the messengers of the seven ages have already gone. Christ was speaking through them in each age. In order to hear the Voice of Christ in each age, one had to go up to the age where the messenger through whom Christ was speaking was.

And now, the seven Gentile Church ages have already passed, and the seven angel-messengers, the Lord’s seven stars of the seven Gentile Church ages have already gone; and now, He tells us: “Come up hither,” (where? To the Age of the Cornerstone), “and I will show thee things which must be hereafter,” in other words, after these things which have already happened in the seven ages.

And how will Christ be making known to us all these things which must shortly come to pass at the Last Day and in the Age of the Cornerstone? Let’s see. Because wherever He is and whomever He is manifested and speaking through, He will be making known to us all these things which must shortly come to pass; which He promised that He would make known to us in the Age of the Cornerstone, to all those who come up to the Age of the Cornerstone.

In Revelation chapter 22, verse 6, He tells us through whom He will be making known to us all these things He promised He would make known to us. Revelation chapter 22, verse 6 says the following:

And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.

Whom does He send? His Angel-Messenger. What for? To show the children of God, the elect of God, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, the things which must shortly be done.

There is no other way to be able to understand the things which must happen at the time of the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom except through the Angel of Jesus Christ, in whom Jesus Christ at the Last Day would be veiled and revealed, speaking to His Church through His Angel-Messenger all these things which must shortly be done; just as He spoke through Saint Paul and the other messengers of the seven Gentile Church ages.

Now in these Last Days He would speak to us through His Angel-Messenger all these things which must shortly be done.

And the good ground will hear the Voice of Christ through His Angel-Messenger and will understand the Word of Jesus Christ for this Last Day, and will bear fruit in abundance. He will delve into the Divine Program, into the Word of God, and he will be well rooted in God’s Program; every person will be well rooted in the mystical Body of Christ, every person will be well rooted in Jesus Christ.

And no matter the trials, the sufferings, and all the problems that come, he will remain because he is well rooted in Christ Jesus in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom.

But the ones who are like those by the wayside: are the ones who hear the Word, but don’t understand It; then the enemy comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart; and nothing else happens until they are judged in the Divine Judgment because they did not remain in the Word of God serving Jesus Christ. Those people lose the blessing of Eternal Life.

Those who were sown in stony places receive the Word with joy; but after some time, when the trials come, they walk away. We also have those kinds of people in each age, and also in our age you will find that those people have also been present, who are the ones that heard the Word, stayed for a while, and then walked away.

And there are also those who, the cares of this Earth, of this world, and the riches of this world, choke that Word, and they always say that they don’t have time for anything. But they do have time; what happens is that they use their time for the things of this world and for the riches of this world, to make wealth so that their earthly business grow, and they forget about God’s Plan, about God’s Program for their time; and they want to have Eternal Life by concerning themselves with earthly things instead of concerning themselves with the Kingdom of God first. Those people also lose God’s blessing

But there are those represented in the good ground: who are the ones that hear the Word and understand It. And where are those people? Here we are at this Last Day, hearing the Word of God, the Gospel of the Kingdom, receiving It in our soul, and bearing fruit in abundance at this Last Day.

Now we can see the good ground as individuals. In the parable of the wheat and the tares, we can also see the seed, which are the children of the Kingdom.

Now, notice, in the parable of the sower, the seed that is sown, that good seed is the Word of the Kingdom, and it is sown in the hearts of the human beings and in the good ground, which are God’s elect, it produces fruit in abundance.

And now, the good seed in the parable of the wheat and tares are the children of the Kingdom. Now notice, the Word of the Kingdom in the parable of the sower is sown in the good ground.

And now, in the parable of the wheat and tares, the good seed, which is the Word of God and which are the children of the Kingdom (in the parable of the wheat and tares), the children of the Kingdom are sown in this world.

Now, there are territories like those by the wayside, where what is sown is lost; because the birds of heaven devour them up. That represents the devil with all his instruments destroying the Work of God, what was sown in people’s hearts, destroying God’s sons and daughters.

And now, the ground of stony places, full of stones, is not a very good ground in which to sow the children of the Kingdom; because the good seed in the parable of the wheat and tares are the children of the Kingdom; and if the children of the Kingdom are sown in a bad territory, they serve God there for a while and then they walk away.

And there is also the land represented—full of thorns, which is the ground where the cares of this life and the riches of this life prevent the good seed, the children of the Kingdom, from bearing fruit in abundance.

But there is also the good ground as a territory, where God puts His children in each age. In each age, the good ground as a territory is the territory where each age of the Church of the Lord is fulfilled. At the time in which it is fulfilled, that territory is good ground, later it may become bad ground; but at the time when God put His children in that territory it’s a good ground.

Now notice, the ages in each stage are also the good ground where God puts His children, where God puts that seed, meaning, the children of the Kingdom.

And now let’s look at the good ground as an age and the good ground as a territory:

• The good ground as an age is Asia Minor for the first age; in other words, for the first age, the good ground is the first age of the Church of the Lord, which was fulfilled in Asia Minor.

• The good ground as an age for the second age of the Church of the Lord is the second age, which was fulfilled in France; and so on, we continue to see the good ground as an age.

• For the third stage of the Church of the Lord, the good ground was the third age, which was fulfilled in France, and also in [Hungary].

• Then, for the fourth age or stage of the Church of the Lord, the good ground was the fourth age, which was fulfilled in [Ireland] and in Scotland, where God sent His messenger Columba.

• Then, for the fifth age, the good ground was the fifth age, which was fulfilled in Germany.

• Then, for the sixth age, the good ground was the sixth age: the Age of Philadelphia, represented in the church of Philadelphia; and the territory was England, where that sixth age was fulfilled.

• Then, for the seventh stage of the Church of the Lord among the Gentiles, the good ground as an age was the seventh age, represented in Laodicea, which was fulfilled in North America.

Now, notice that once the Divine Program is already fulfilled in each age, that territory is no longer a good ground for the next age; that is what happens with each age and with each territory where each age is fulfilled.

And now, which is the good ground where God will have the good seed sown, (meaning, the children of the Kingdom, God’s elect)? As an age, it is the Age of the Cornerstone, where God sows, where God puts the good seed, which are the children of the Kingdom; here is where He puts the children of the Kingdom at this Last Day. And the territory is Latin America and the Caribbean; as a territory, the good ground is Latin America and the Caribbean.


From age to age, God’s blessing has been in the good ground, which has been the age relevant to each time, in the territory where each age was fulfilled.

And currently, the good ground as an age is the Age of the Cornerstone; and as a territory it is the Latin American and Caribbean territory; and as individuals, the good ground is God’s elect, God’s sons and daughters.

And the good seed are the children of the Kingdom, God’s elect at this end time; just like in each age the good seed as individuals were God’s elect.


Where is the good ground that is blessed as individuals at this end time? Who are they? Well, it is us: Latin American and Caribbean people in the mystical Body of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And which is the good ground as an age? The Age of the Cornerstone. That is the good ground that is blessed, that is the age that is blessed at this end time; the other ages had their blessing in the time when they were in effect before God.

And now, notice, the good ground that bears good fruit is the one that obtains God’s blessing, as Saint Paul the Apostle tells us in his Letter to the Hebrews, in chapter 6, verses 7 to 8, where he says:

For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God.

Which is the ground that receives blessing from God? The ground that brings forth good herbs. The ground that brings forth the good seed, God’s wheat, God’s sons and daughters, is the one that receives God’s blessing.

That is how it has been from age to age: God’s blessing has always been in the territory where the children of God have been manifested in each age. That has been the territory that has had God’s blessing, when the good ground as a territory has had those children of God in each of those ages.

And the good ground as an individual has been there, which are God’s sons and daughters; and the good seed as individuals have also been there, which are the children of the Kingdom, the children of God; and the good seed as a Message has been there, which is the Word of God for the relevant time.

And now, where is the good ground? Which is the good ground that is blessed at this end time? As an age: the Age of the Cornerstone; as individuals: God’s sons and daughters, God’s elect in the Age of the Cornerstone; and as a territory: well, Latin America and the Caribbean. That is the good ground that is bringing forth God’s sons and daughters at this Last Day.

Latin American and Caribbean people are God’s elect who at this Last Day are being called and gathered in the mystical Body of Christ in the Age of the Cornerstone, the age of the good ground of the Last Day.

Now, we have seen the good ground as individuals, which are God’s sons and daughters, the children of the Kingdom. We have seen the good ground as an age, which are each of the ages in the relevant time in which they were manifested.

We have seen which is the good ground as an age at this Last Day: the Age of the Cornerstone.

We have seen the good ground as a territory, which has been the first territory: Asia Minor; the second territory: France; the third territory: France and [Hungary]; the fourth territory: [Ireland] and Scotland; the fifth territory: Germany; the sixth territory: England; the seventh territory: North America; the eighth territory: Latin America and the Caribbean. Now we have seen the good ground as a territory.

God’s blessing is in Latin America and the Caribbean, because this is the good ground that is blessed at this Last Day; where Jesus Christ is pouring out His blessings and is giving us His Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, and He is calling and gathering all His elect with the Great Voice of Trumpet of the Gospel of the Kingdom, and putting us in the Age of the Cornerstone, and preparing us to be changed and raptured at this Last Day.

Now we have seen: “THE GOOD SEED THAT IS BLESSED.”

And now, what will happen to the bad ground? Saint Paul goes on to say in Hebrews chapter 6, verse 8, he says:

“…But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned.”

The Divine Judgment of the Great Tribulation, where the wicked will be burned, notice, has to do with this Word of Saint Paul the Apostle. We find that God’s elect of the Last Day will not be in those territories; therefore, that is not a good ground before God, to bring forth sons and daughters of God for the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom.

Therefore, the fire promised for the tares in the Great Tribulation… because the tares, which are the children of the wicked one, in other words, the children of the devil, Christ says the tares will be bound in bundles and cast into the furnace of fire, where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Where will the tares be? In the bad ground. Where will the wheat be (which will be put in God’s Garner)? In the good ground.

That is why the Divine Judgment prophesied by the Prophet Malachi in chapter 4, verse 1, will come upon the ground that bears thorns and bears bad herbs, bears briers; it says that ground is nigh unto cursing, and its end is to be burned. And Malachi 4, verse 1, says:

For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.”

Why? Because they will be in the territory represented in the bad ground that bears briers and thorns.

But the good ground that bears good seed, that bears the wheat, that brings forth God’s sons and daughters of the Last Day, is soon to be blessed by God; that ground is soon to receive the blessing of coming into the glorious Millennial Kingdom of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ, to have God’s blessings and belong to the glorious Millennial Kingdom of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ.

That is why the Latin American and Caribbean continent is the continent that will have the most prosperity and blessing from God during the Millennial Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ: because it is the territory that brings forth the good seed, God’s sons and daughters of the Last Day, who are called and gathered at this end time.

Now we can see what a great blessing Latin America and the Caribbean have as the territory that is bringing forth God’s elect, that is bringing forth the good seed, God’s sons and daughters of the Last Day, of the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom. And we as individuals are also the good ground, and we are also the good seed.

Now, as the good ground, we receive God’s blessing, as the good ground we have God’s seed in us: a soul of God; we are souls of God; the soul that comes from God, from the seventh dimension; and that is why He also gives us a body of the sixth dimension. And we are soon to be blessed with a new body, with an eternal body that He has promised for each one of us.

We are at the most glorious time of all times.

We have seen: “THE MYSTERY OF THE GOOD GROUND THAT IS BLESSED;” we have seen it—the good ground—as a territory, as an age, and as individuals.

And we have seen the good seed as God’s Word, as a Message; we have also seen the good seed as God’s sons and daughters. And we have seen where God has sown the good seed of God’s sons and daughters: it has been in the good ground, which is soon to be blessed.

Latin America and the Caribbean as the good ground is soon to be blessed by its entrance into the glorious Millennial Kingdom of God. And the Latin American and Caribbean people, as the good ground, as God’s elect, are soon to be changed and have an eternal body.

That is why we are being called and gathered at this Last Day by Jesus Christ through His Angel-Messenger, with the Message of the Great Voice of Trumpet, which is the Great Voice of Trumpet of the Gospel of the Kingdom, with which He makes known to us all these things which must shortly come to pass at this end time.

We have reached the most glorious time of all times: the time in which we are living in the good ground that is blessed at this Last Day, in the Latin American and Caribbean territory; and as individuals, we are the good ground who will be changed and raptured at this Last Day.

We will soon have that blessing of God: the transformation of our bodies, to have an eternal body, and live with Christ as kings and priests, in that glorious Millennial Kingdom of Christ, and to reign with Christ a thousand years and then for all eternity. This is how it is because we are the good ground that is blessed.

We have seen the reason for God’s blessing upon each one of you and also upon me in Latin America and the Caribbean. We have seen where God’s blessing is: in the good Latin American and Caribbean ground, and in the good ground of Latin American and Caribbean people.

It has been a great privilege to be with you on this occasion, testifying to you about:


May the blessings of Jesus Christ our Savior be upon each one of you and also upon me at this Last Day. In the Eternal Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. And soon may we all be changed and taken to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

Have a good evening, everyone; and I leave Rev. Gian del Corto with us again to continue and conclude our participation this evening by thanking God for His blessings and for being the good ground as a continent and the good ground as individuals.

Have a good evening everyone, and God bless you all.


1 Luke 16:19-31

2 Genesis 14:17-20; Hebrews 7:1-10

3 Genesis 18:1-8

4 Luke 9:62

5 Matthew 6:33

6 Luke 8:11

7 Matthew 13:24-30, 13:38

8 John 3:1-15

9 The pyramid diagram can be seen at the following link:

10 Galatians 2:20

11 Acts 25:13-27, 26:1-32

12 2 Peter 3:8; Psalm 90:4

13 Isaiah 44:6

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