The mystery of the Great Voice as of a trumpet in the Last Day

Good afternoon, friends and brethren present and also listeners, here in the City of Mante, where we are on this occasion to know “THE MYSTERY OF THE GREAT VOICE AS OF A TRUMPET IN THE LAST DAY.”

In order to understand this mystery of the Great Voice of Trumpet in the Last Day, I want to read in Revelation, chapter 1, verse 10 to 11, where the apostle Saint John tells us the following; he says:

“I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,

Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last…”

Here John tells us about his experience on the Lord’s Day and tells us that he heard a great voice as of a trumpet.

Let’s, on this occasion, look at the mystery of the Great Voice of Trumpet in the Last Day: “THE MYSTERY OF THE GREAT VOICE AS OF A TRUMPET ON THE LAST DAY.”

This was the Voice that John heard on the Lord’s Day, when he was transported in the book of Revelation, in chapter 1 and verse 10, where he tells us his experience.

Now, he says that this Voice said to him: “I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last.” Who is the Alpha and Omega? Who is the first and the last? Our beloved Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Alpha and Omega, He is the first and the last.

And Jesus Christ is the one who in the Last Day, in the Lord’s Day, will be speaking with that Voice as of a trumpet, and will be calling and gathering all His elect, as He has promised.

We find that of this Voice or Great Voice of Trumpet was that Christ spoke in Matthew, chapter 24 and verse 31, when He said:

“And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.”

Here we have the Great Voice of Trumpet again, to carry out a work. That Great Voice of Trumpet, the Voice of Christ, will be in the ministries of the Angels of the Lord, which will be sent in the Last Day, what for? To call and gather all the elect with that Great Voice of Trumpet; in other words, with the Voice of Christ the elect will be called and gathered in the Last Day.

And what will the Voice of Christ be speaking at the Last Day under the ministry of the Angels of the Lord, which are the ministries of the Two Olive Trees, these ministries promised in Revelation, chapter 11, and Zechariah, chapter 4? Let’s see what in Revelation, chapter 4, verse 1, Christ tells us that what that Voice of Trumpet will be making known; it says…, John says:

“After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet (here John is again hearing that Voice as of a trumpet; he says) talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.”

Now, here we have more light about the things that this Voice as of a trumpet will be speaking on the Lord’s Day, that is, in the Last Day.

Now, the question is: And where do we have to go up to hear that Voice as of a trumpet, that Great Voice of Trumpet, calling and gathering His elect, and making known to us all these things that must shortly be done?

The Voice of Christ has been on Earth speaking to His elect from age to age, as He promised in John, chapter 10, verse 14 to 16, when He said:

“I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.

As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.

And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold (that is, they are not from the Hebrew fold): them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.”

Now, here Christ says that those sheep that He has, which are not of the Hebrew people, but of the gentile people, Christ says that it is convenient for Him to bring those sheep. Where to? To the Fold. “And they shall hear my Voice (says Christ); and there shall be one Flock and one Shepherd.” They will hear the Voice of Christ, and they will be called and gathered into one fold: Into the Fold of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, from age to age has been growing as Christ has been from age to age speaking through the angel messenger of each age.

Through each messenger of each age is that Jesus Christ has been calling and gathering His sheep in His Fold, in other words, in the Mystical Body of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; where they are born through the new birth, by believing in Christ as their Savior, and receiving the Spirit of Christ, they are born again, they are born in the Kingdom of God. And what Christ said to Nicodemus is fulfilled:1 that it was necessary to be born again, born of Water and the Spirit, in order to enter the Kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven, which is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And from age to age millions of human beings have been listening to the Voice of Christ through the messenger of each age; and that Voice of Christ has been the Trumpet of the Gospel —through the messenger of each age— that has sounded and has called and has gathered the elect in each age.

And when the seven stages of the gentile Church, which are in this diagram,2 then we arrive at the Age of the Cornerstone, where Christ calls and gathers His elect. It is here where He calls us to come up: “Come up hither,” why? Because He is no longer here, nor here, nor here, nor here, nor down here either; in other words, He is no longer in any of the seven stages or ages of the gentile Church, but He is in the Age of the Cornerstone, which is the Eighth Age, the Eternal Age of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. And therefore, the Voice of Christ is here, in the Age of the Cornerstone, through His Angel Messenger, which is also the Angel Messenger of the Dispensation of the Kingdom.

And now, let’s see in Revelation, chapter 22 and verse 6, how Christ will be making these things known through His Angel Messenger, for Christ said:3 “Come up hither, and I will show thee the things which must shortly come to pass after these things.” Therefore, He must have a veil of flesh, a prophet, in the Last Day, to make known to His Church through that prophet all these things that must happen soon, in the Last Day.

Let’s see who is that prophet messenger sent by Jesus Christ, for Christ in Holy Spirit to be manifested in that prophet messenger, and through that prophet messenger come the Voice of Christ, the Voice of God, that Great Voice of Trumpet, making known all these things that must happen soon; and thus, with that Message of the Great Voice of Trumpet, with that Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, to call and gather His elect in the Mystical Body of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the Age of the Cornerstone, which is the Eternal Age of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Now, let’s see in Revelation 22 [verse 6], how all these things that must happen soon are made known, in the Last Day and in the Age of the Cornerstone. See how they are made known, it says:

“And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.”

Who has Jesus Christ sent? His Angel Messenger. What for? To make known these things that must shortly be done; which are the things that Jesus Christ, with that Voice of Trumpet in Revelation, chapter 4, said: “Come up hither, and I will show you the things which must come to pass after these.”

And why in Revelation 22 is the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ the one that makes them known? Because that is the instrument of Jesus Christ, the veil of flesh of Jesus Christ, where Jesus Christ would be manifested in Holy Spirit; and through that prophet messenger, of His Angel Messenger, would be speaking to His people and making known to them all these things that must happen soon, in the Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom.

Now, notice how the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in this Last Day would be hearing the Great Voice as of a trumpet, in the Last Day.

We can see what is the mystery of this Great Voice as of a trumpet in the Last Day; the mystery is: that it is the Voice of Jesus Christ, which will be in the Last Day in Holy Spirit veiled and revealed in His Angel Messenger, and speaking through His Angel Messenger all these things that must happen soon, in this end time. And to be hearing the Message of the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ in this Last Day, making known all these things which must happen soon, is to be hearing the Great Voice as of a trumpet in the Last Day.

Now, we have seen the mystery of this Great Voice as of a trumpet: It is the Voice of Christ in His Angel Messenger speaking directly to our heart, to our soul, all these things that must come to pass in this end time, in the Last Day.

The Last Day is the seventh millennium. For “one day before the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day”; Saint Peter tells us so in Second Peter, chapter 3, verse 8; and he tells us that this is something that we can’t ignore. Because every person who ignores this, will not be able to understand what the Last Day is and what the last days are; that is why he tells us like this:

“But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”

Also the prophet Moses in Psalm 90, verse 4, tells us the same thing; because one day before the Lord, for human beings, is a thousand years. And when he speaks of the last days, he is speaking of the last millennia; that just as the last days of the week are Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the last days before God are the fifth millennium, the sixth millennium and the seventh millennium.

That is why the apostle Saint Paul, in his letter to the Hebrews, thus could say [1:1]:

“God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,

Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds…”

Now, see how Saint Paul tells us that God…, the Almighty God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who spoke through the prophets to the Hebrew people; he says: “…Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son,” that is, through Jesus Christ.

And now, see that two thousand years have already passed from the time of Jesus Christ, and we are still living in the last days. For the last days before God are the fifth millennium, the sixth millennium and the seventh millennium. And in the days when Jesus Christ was 4 to 7 years old the last days began; because the fifth millennium began when Jesus was 4 to 7 years old; and that is why Saint Paul tells us that God spoke through Jesus Christ in the last days.

Also, we find that the great apostle Saint Peter spoke of the last days or end time or last times; and he tells us thus in First Peter, chapter 1, verse 18 to 20; he says…, speaking about the way in which we have been rescued, he says:

“…Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers;

But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:

Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world…”

Since when was Christ’s death on Calvary’s Cross destined by God? Since before the foundation of the world. Since before the foundation of the world God predestined, destined, the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, to die on Calvary’s Cross, to die for each one of you and for me too, and for every son and daughter of God who would come to live in this world in human flesh.

Now we can see that when God destined the death of Christ on Calvary’s Cross since before the foundation of the world, He also saw us, for whom Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, would die on Calvary’s Cross.

“… but was manifest in these last times for you (and for love of me too).”

For love of all of us, the death of Christ on Calvary’s Cross, destined since before the foundation of the world, was carried out, materialized, became a reality here on planet Earth, in the last times or last days. In other words, the fulfillment of the First Coming of Christ and also of the Second Coming of Christ would be in the last three millennia.

For the first of the last days, which was the fifth millennium, Jesus Christ appeared on Earth; when He was already 4 to 7 years old, the fifth millennium began. And then, when Jesus was about 30 years old, He began His ministry, and the seventieth week of Daniel’s prophecy began there.

But the Messiah’s ministry would be for three and a half years, because Daniel’s prophecy said that in the middle of the week the Messiah’s life would be taken away4; therefore, the Messiah, since He began His ministry: when He was baptized by John the Baptist, and then went into the wilderness and fasted for forty days and forty nights,5 and then began His ministry; we find that only three and a half years would last that ministry; because at three and a half years of ministry, the Messiah had to die on Calvary’s Cross, to bear our sins, and thus wash us with His precious Blood, and cleanse us from all sin.

Now, notice that all this was already destined by God since before the foundation of the world; and even our names being written in the Lamb’s Book of Life since before the foundation of the world.

And now, notice how the First Coming of Christ as the Lamb of God dying on Calvary’s Cross was manifested: back in the fifth millennium, in the first century of the fifth millennium and the first third century in the fifth millennium; in other words, Jesus Christ had His ministry in the first century of the fifth millennium, and carried out the Work of the Lamb of God dying on Calvary’s Cross. All this was taking place in the last days, which had begun in the days of Jesus Christ.

And during these two thousand years that have passed, what has been happening in the Divine Program? Christ has been calling and gathering His elect of every age; calling His elect, speaking to His elect, through every messenger of every age.

And for the Last Day, what will Jesus Christ be doing? He will be calling and gathering His elect in the Age of the Cornerstone, through the Angel Messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is through the Angel of Jesus Christ that we will be hearing the Voice of Jesus Christ making known to us all these things that must soon come to pass; and thus He will be —with that Message— giving us the revelation of all those divine mysteries that have to be fulfilled in this end time.

The Voice of Jesus Christ speaking to us through His Angel Messenger will be revealing to us all these mysteries; and that Message that He will be giving us through His Angel Messenger, is the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom for the Dispensation of the Kingdom, which revolves around the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, in His Reclaiming Work.

Now we can see more clearly the mystery of the Great Voice of Trumpet, this MYSTERY OF THE GREAT VOICE AS OF A TRUMPET IN THE LAST DAY.

We have seen that this Great Voice as of a trumpet is the Voice of Jesus Christ speaking to us through His Angel Messenger all these things that must shortly be done.

That Great Voice as of a trumpet was represented in different forms in the Scripture, for the fulfillment of that promise of the Great Voice of Trumpet calling and gathering the elect, to be fulfilled in this Last Day; where Christ, Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit, would be in His Angel Messenger in Holy Spirit manifested, veiled and revealed, speaking to His Church these things that must happen soon.

And to be hearing these things that must happen soon, through the Angel Messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ, is to be hearing the Great Voice as of a trumpet in the Last Day.

We have reached the Last Day, if we add to the calendar the years of delay that it has; if we add to the calendar the years of delay that it has, we are already in the seventh millennium.

And the seventh millennium is the Lord’s Day, it is the Last Day, in which Jesus Christ through His Angel Messenger would speak to us with this Great Voice as of a trumpet all these things that must shortly be done; and thus He would call us and place us in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, in the Mystical Body of the Lord Jesus Christ; and He would prepare us to be transformed and raptured in this Last Day, and to be taken to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Heaven, in the House of our heavenly Father.

We have reached the Last Day, and we have seen that it is the seventh millennium, if we add to the calendar the years of delay that it has. If we leave the calendar as it is, then the Last Day, that is, the seventh millennium, is three years away.

But is God’s calendar behind schedule, as human beings are? I don’t think so (do you?). And if God’s calendar hasn’t been delayed, then we are already in the Last Day, in the seventh millennium, for human beings; for what? To hear the Great Voice as of a trumpet speaking to us all these things that must come to pass soon, in this time in which we are living. That is why we are here.

“And he that hath ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches” in this Last Day: Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit speaking through His Angel Messenger all these things which must shortly come to pass; that is what the Holy Spirit says to the churches in this Last Day through His Angel Messenger.

Just as in past ages, the Scripture says: “He who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” And what was it that the Holy Spirit was saying in each age (“he who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says”)? Well, what the Spirit was saying was what He was speaking through each angel messenger of each age.

And now, what is the Holy Spirit saying to the churches? Well, what He would be speaking through His Angel Messenger: all these things that must shortly come to pass, in this Last Day. And thus He would be revealing to His Church the mystery of the Seventh Seal, which caused silence in Heaven for almost half an hour when the Seventh Seal was opened in Heaven, in Revelation, chapter 8 and verse 1.

Now, the mystery contained in the Seventh Seal is the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, in His Reclaiming Work. That is the mystery that Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit through His Angel Messenger would be making known to His Church and to all churches in this Last Day; speaking through His Angel Messenger to all human beings, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom.


That is the Great Voice of Trumpet of which the apostle Saint Paul also speaks in his letter to the Corinthians, in chapter 15 and verse 51 and on, where he says as follows:

“Behold, I shew you a mystery (See? It’s a mystery); We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.”

Here we have the promise of the Last Trumpet, which is the Great Voice of Trumpet, which is the Voice of Christ making known to us all these things that must shortly be done, making them known through His Angel Messenger. And this Trumpet is the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom being proclaimed by the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, anointed by the Spirit of Jesus Christ in this Last Day.

And this is how the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ will be hearing the Last Trumpet so that, after the dead in Christ are resurrected, we who are alive will be transformed; and we will be caught up to Heaven to go to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb with our beloved Lord Jesus Christ.

Saint Paul also spoke to us about this in his letter of Thessalonians. First Thessalonians, chapter 4, verse 14 and on, where he says as follows (and I want to read):

“For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep (that is to say, those whose bodies have died) in Jesus will God bring with him.”

So also God will bring with Him, who, whom? Those who have fallen asleep in Him.

“For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

This is the divine promise for the sons and daughters of God who would be living in this Last Day, in the Lord’s Day, which is the seventh millennium; in which we are already living if we add to the calendar the years of delay it has.

And for what are we living in the Last Day? To be listening to the Great Voice as of a trumpet making known to us all these things that must shortly come to pass, in this Last Day and in this end time, and in the Age of the Cornerstone and in the Dispensation of the Kingdom.

We have reached the time of the fulfillment of the mystery of the Great Voice as of a trumpet in the Last Day, making known to us all these things that must shortly come to pass, in this time in which we are living.

We have seen what is “THE MYSTERY OF THE GREAT VOICE AS OF A TRUMPET IN THE LAST DAY”: it is the Voice of Jesus Christ through His Angel Messenger, in which Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit would be manifested in the Last Day making known to us all these things. And we have come to the time of the fulfillment of the mystery of the Great Voice as of a trumpet in the Last Day.

And where would this Great Voice be, as of a trumpet speaking to His people, to His Church, to His elect, and calling them and gathering them, and making known to them all these things that must shortly come to pass?

Just as the Voice of Christ was in every age manifested, speaking to His people through each angel messenger in the territory where that prophet messenger was; in this Last Day the Voice of Christ would also be in a certain territory, which is the territory of Latin America and the Caribbean, speaking these things that must shortly come to pass, to all His Latin American and Caribbean children. The Voice of Christ would be through His Angel Messenger speaking to us in Spanish all these things that must come to pass soon, in this end time, in the Last Day and Age of the Cornerstone.

And that is how the Great Voice of Trumpet would be in the Last Day speaking to Latin American and Caribbean people all these things that must happen soon; and it would be placing us in the Age of the Cornerstone, above, on the top of the Mount of God, on the top of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; and it would be preparing us to be transformed and raptured in this end time.

See the simple way in which this Great Voice of Trumpet of Revelation, chapter 1, verse 10 to 11; and Revelation, chapter 4, verse 1; and Matthew, chapter 24, verse 31; would be sounding, would be speaking, and would be making known to us all these things that must happen soon; and thus would be calling and gathering all the elect of God in Latin America and the Caribbean, in this end time in which we are living.

It is Latin America and the Caribbean where the Great Voice of Trumpet, the Voice of Christ, would be calling and gathering Latin American and Caribbean people; therefore, he would be speaking to us in Spanish. And the majority of the elect (90 or 99%), the elect of the Last Day, who would hear the Great Voice of Trumpet calling and gathering the elect of God, would be Latin American and Caribbean people.

And now, the question is: Where are those elect of God in Latin America and the Caribbean listening to the Voice of Christ, the Great Voice of Trumpet, through His Angel Messenger, and being gathered, gathered together, in this Last Day? Where are they? Here we are, in Latin America and the Caribbean, listening to the Voice of Jesus Christ, that Great Voice as of a trumpet in this Last Day, calling us and gathering us, and making known to us all these things that must come to pass soon, in this Last Day.

And this is how He shows us His Coming to His Church, to the Age of the Cornerstone: veiled and revealed in His Angel Messenger, speaking to us with that Voice as of a trumpet and making known to us all these things.

Notice this mystery of the Coming of Christ to the Latin American and Caribbean people through His Angel Messenger, making known to them —to the Latin American and Caribbean people— all these things that must soon come to pass. Why? Because among the Latin American and Caribbean people will be the elect of God, who would be called and gathered with the Great Voice of Trumpet through the ministry of the Angels, which are the ministries of the Two Olive Trees, the ministries of Moses and Elijah, manifested by Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit through His Angel Messenger.

And this is how the Work of Jesus Christ in the Last Day is carried out in the midst of the Latin American and Caribbean people; and this is how the chosen Latin American and Caribbean people of the Last Day are called and gathered; and they are prepared to be transformed and to be raptured and taken to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Heaven, in the House of our heavenly Father.


May God continue to speak to us, may Jesus Christ continue to speak to us with that Great Voice as of a trumpet, with that Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom; and may He continue to make known to us all these things that must shortly be done, in this Last Day, in the seventh millennium, which is the Lord’s Day, in which we are living; and prepare us to be transformed and raptured.

And those who have not yet heard the Voice of Christ, the Voice – the Great Voice as of a trumpet, let the Message of the Great Voice as of a trumpet, the Voice of Christ, reach them and let it reach the depths of their soul; and let them respond to the call of Christ; and let them be gathered into the Fold of the Lord, in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the Age of the Cornerstone and in the Dispensation of the Kingdom; and let them also be prepared to be transformed and raptured in this Last Day.

It has been a very great privilege to be with you tonight, giving you testimony of the Great Voice as of a trumpet in the Last Day.


Onward all the days of our life, listening to this Great Voice as of a trumpet in this Last Day, and for all eternity.

Thank you very much for your kind attention, friends and brethren present and listeners. And I leave with you the Reverend Miguel Bermudez Marin, to give each one of you, listener friends, the addresses and telephone numbers to which you can communicate to ask for completely free literature with conferences similar to this one; and also to be able to attend activities like these, where you can listen through videos conferences similar to these, so you can continue listening to this Great Voice like a trumpet in this Last Day, which is the Voice of Jesus Christ making known to us all these things that must happen soon, in this end time.

So I leave with you the Reverend Miguel Bermudez Marin, to give you the telephone numbers and addresses to which you can communicate to obtain literature completely free of charge; and continue listening to the Great Voice as of a trumpet making known to us all these things.

In other words, through that Voice as of a trumpet —which is the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom through His Angel Messenger—, we all will obtain the knowledge of all these things that have to happen in this end time in which we are living.

We will have Reverend Miguel Bermudez Marin give the addresses immediately to each one of you, listener friends.

God bless you and God keep you all.


1 John 3:3-5

2 The diagram of the pyramid can be seen in the last page of the message ENG62-1014M “The stature of a perfect man” /

3 Revelation 4:1

4 Daniel 9:26

5 Matthew 1:1-11, Mark 1:112-13, Luke 4:1-2

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