Good evening, beloved friends and brethren present. It is a very great privilege to be with you on this occasion, to share a few moments of fellowship around the Word of God, and see this topic that we have announced for tonight, announced in the newspaper:
For this, we are going to read in Luke, chapter 21, where the Word of God tells as follows. Luke, chapter 21, is the reading for these moments; it says, verse 25 to 28:
“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”
May God bless our hearts with His Word, and reveal His Word to us on this occasion, and allow us to understand It. In the Eternal Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.
The signs in heaven have a meaning of things that on Earth God will carry out. For example, we have the occasion when a very important sign appeared in the sky, and it was the Star of Bethlehem; some wise men, some wise men there in the East, around the area of Babylon, were observing in the sky and they saw that Star.1
And these wise men had the prophecies of the prophet Daniel and the prophecies of the prophet Moses, they had all the prophecies of the Old Testament regarding the Coming of the Messiah.
In Daniel’s prophecy the Coming of the Messiah had been seen as the Stone not cut with hands that came; and also in Daniel’s prophecy, in different places, it spoke of the Coming of the Messiah to have His ministry in the seventieth week of Daniel’s prophecy, and in the middle of that week the Messiah would die.
Now, all those prophecies that spoke of the Coming of the Messiah; as well as those of the prophet Isaiah that said that a virgin would conceive and give birth to a son, a child, and His name would be called Immanuel,2 which translated is: God with us3; all those prophecies were known to these wise men (except, very few). And they were expecting the Coming of the Messiah; therefore, they knew that a child had to be born on Earth, in whom the Coming of the Messiah would be fulfilled.
But that child, when He was born on Earth, we find that He wouldn’t begin His ministry at birth, He wouldn’t begin His ministry at the age of a little child, nor at the age of a teenager, nor at the age of a young man, but at an adult age: at the age of about 30 years old.
And notice, to begin His ministry at the age of almost 30 years old, He had to be born on Earth, that is, He had to go through certain stages that every adult person goes through. Before reaching the age of adulthood He first went through his youth age, and before that He went through His adolescent age, and before that He went through his child age, and before that He went through His age or stage of a baby, and before that He went through his stage there in His mother’s womb.
Now, notice, the one who would have the ministry of the seventieth week would go through all those stages; and in the middle of that week He would give His life, He would die, His life would be taken away from the Messiah; which would have, of the seventieth week (which consists of seven years), He would have three and a half years of ministry; and the other three and a half years correspond to the time of the great tribulation, where the Messiah, Christ, will be revealing Himself to the Hebrew people, and 144,000 Hebrews will be receiving Him, believing in Him with all their souls, and receiving the blessings of God.
Now, to get to that stage of calling and gathering the elect of the Hebrew people, notice, the veil of flesh has to pass through the previous stages where all that ministry to the Hebrew people will be manifested.
And now, so that we have a clear picture, let’s see that by the time Jesus was born, there was a very important sign in heaven, called the Star of Bethlehem.
The wise men saw that sign in heaven, and they understood, they knew, that this sign meant that the Messiah was already on Earth; and it was the sign of the Coming of the Messiah. But anyone could think: “But the seventieth week has not arrived yet.” But it is that before the seventieth week arrived, the Messiah had to be born, be a baby, be a little boy, be a young man, a teenager, a young man, a young man, a full young man, and then to reach the age of almost 30 years old to begin His ministry.
Now, there was one person who saw all those stages, and that was the virgin Mary. And if there was any other person, notice, perhaps the mother of John the Baptist saw part of it; she was an elderly lady, and it is not known at how many years after John the Baptist was born, Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist died, and then Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, died.
And now, notice, the one who knew all this trajectory of Jesus’ life was the virgin Mary; and she kept all these things (where?) in her heart, in her soul.4 When we say “in her heart,” we are talking about the soul, because the soul is also called the heart.
And now, you see how the Messiah would go through all these stages; but when the Messiah already began His ministry, the sign of the birth of the Messiah had already been seen 29 and a half years ago, and it was for about two years appearing in heaven. In other words, that sign of the Coming of the Messiah, of the birth of the Messiah, appeared in heaven testifying that the Messiah was on Earth and was (where?) in Bethlehem of Judea, according to the prophecy of Micah, chapter 5, verse 2, which says that it would be from Bethlehem of Judea that the Messiah would come.
In Matthew, chapter 2 and verse 3 onwards… Let’s see, verse 1 onwards, of Matthew, chapter 2, it says:
“Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,
Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.
When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.”
For this great event, which was prophesied in the Old Testament, of the Coming of the Messiah, was —the fulfillment of this great event— a surprise for the Hebrew religion with its leaders; for they didn’t know that the Messiah had been born; and wise men come from so far away to Jerusalem to say that the Messiah is already on Earth, and they ask for Him: “Where is He? We have come to worship Him, and we have seen His Star in heaven.”
And now, King Herod could think anything; King Herod could think: “These priests, with the High Priest and the Sanhedrin, surely have the Messiah hidden so that I don’t kill Him”; or he could think: “We must look for the Messiah because He is already born, and I have to find Him to kill Him”; because that was the intention of King Herod’s heart, because he didn’t want another king to arise on Earth in the midst of the Hebrew people, so that the kingdom would remain in his hands (in the hands of Herod and Herod’s sons and Herod’s grandsons).
Now, notice that Herod wasn’t interested in the Coming of the Messiah and the Kingdom of the Messiah, but he was interested in knowing where He was and who He was to kill Him.
Now look at the heart that King Herod had: to kill a child, because that would be the King of Israel. To kill a child, that is a very great crime; and that shows that his feelings were bestial, and that shows that the kingdom of iron legs would be looking for the Messiah to kill Him.
And now, King Herod was the most interested one in the Coming of the Messiah. You see, [the priests] didn’t go to Bethlehem of Judea to look for the Messiah, they didn’t believe that the Messiah was born on Earth, and they didn’t believe that that sign in the sky was the sign of the Coming of the Messiah; and the Bible spoke that a Star would come out of Jacob: that is in the book of Numbers, in the book of Numbers we find that prophecy, in chapter 24 and verse 17.
So notice that that Star represented the Messiah. Doesn’t Christ say in Revelation 22, verse 16, doesn’t He say: “I am the root of David”? And what else? Let’s read it directly here, the words expressed here by Christ. He says:
“I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.”
Here the bright and Morning Star, who is He? Our beloved Lord Jesus Christ, the same who is the root and offspring of David. Being the root and the offspring of David, for He comes by descent from King David; and therefore, He is the Son of David, who will sit on the Throne of David, as the Archangel Gabriel says in chapter 1 of Luke, and verses (let’s read them)… verses 31 onwards says… and now he says, the Archangel Gabriel to Mary, he says to her:
“And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus.
He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:
And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.”
Here we have the promise that He will sit on the Throne of David His father, that is why He comes as Son of David, by the offspring of David.
And now, Christ says here: “I am the root and the offspring of David…,” and He is also the bright and Morning Star. And that is why that Star that those wise men saw represented the Messiah; and when that sign appeared in the sky, the Messiah was on Earth. And the people were called to be looking for the Messiah on Earth, being born in Bethlehem of Judea, and you see, the Hebrew people didn’t look for Him there. The Hebrew people, the priests, the high priest and the Council of Sanhedrin were not looking for the Messiah in Bethlehem of Judea at His birth.
Also the prophecy said that the Lord would come to His Temple, therefore, they could take hold of that Scripture and say: “But it says here that He will come to His Temple, so we are waiting for Him here.”
But notice, He came to His Temple, God came to His Temple, the Angel of the Covenant came to His Temple: His human Temple, which is Jesus, the young carpenter from Nazareth.
When John the Baptist baptized Jesus: The Holy Spirit came and dwelt in Jesus in all His fullness; and He also came to the temple that was in Jerusalem, preaching there in the temple, and they didn’t believe in Him either. So there is no way to understand the unbelievers, because if God doesn’t fulfill what they are expecting… Being something that is for the end and God doesn’t fulfill it; and He fulfills what is for the beginning; they don’t accept it. And when He fulfills what is for the end, in the end; they don’t believe it either. For the unbeliever is an unbeliever, therefore, he can’t believe.
Christ said, for those kind of people, in John, chapter 10, verses 22 and and on; He says:
“And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter.
And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon’s porch.
Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly.
Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness of me.
But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you.”
See? They were not of Christ’s sheep, therefore, they couldn’t believe the Good Shepherd; for those who believe the Shepherd are His sheep. His sheep know the Voice of their Shepherd, and they hear His Voice, and follow it; and they don’t follow the stranger. Christ says:
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.
I and my Father are one.”
“I and the Father are one,” says our beloved Lord Jesus Christ, for where was the Father? In Jesus, in His Sent One.
And now, you see, those people who said: “If you are the Christ, the Messiah, tell us now, tell us openly.” Jesus says to them: “I have said it before, and you have not believed.” And they wanted Jesus to repeat the same thing to them, what for? So that they wouldn’t believe either.
And now, see that Jesus tells them that He had already told them that He was the Messiah; but look, all this talk about Him telling them if He is the Messiah, what for? To not believe. And notice how, when Christ tells them that He had already told them before, and then He speaks to them all these things, notice what happens… the Jews then (what happens?) tell Him, they talk to Him:
“Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.”
See? When Christ says: “The Father and I are one, we are one.”
“Then the Jews took up stones again to (to what?) stone him.
Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?
The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.”
In saying: “My Father and I are one,” for them that is Jesus becoming God, saying that He and God are the same person. But notice, He wasn’t becoming God; God had become man, God had become flesh: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. This was in the beginning with God. By Him all things were made, and without Him nothing was made that has been made.” John, chapter 1, verse 1 and on.
And in verse 14, it says: “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (and we saw His glory, as the glory of the only Begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth.” And when the Word, who was with God and was God, became flesh, and dwelt among human beings, He was known by the name of Jesus of Nazareth.
See it was God clothed in a human body, it was God clothed in human flesh called —His veil of flesh— Jesus. It was God visiting the human race to carry out His Work of Redemption on Calvary’s Cross in the middle of the seventieth week; and for that He had to die on Calvary’s Cross.
And now, notice what it says here:
“Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came (this is, to the prophets, to whom the Word came), and the scripture cannot be broken;
Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?
If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.
But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.
Therefore they sought again to take him: but he escaped out of their hand…”
Notice how many persecutions and problems were caused to our beloved Lord Jesus Christ, who fulfilled the promise of the First Coming of the Messiah as the Lamb of God in His Work of Redemption.
How will it be for the fulfillment of the Second Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords? Will they cause problems to the veil of flesh in whom that promise will be fulfilled on the Last Day? Of course they will; but remember, it will be fulfilled as the Coming of the Lord is promised.
And now, how will it be? He sent a forerunner, called Reverend William Marrion Branham. And the Reverend William Marrion Branham on page 256 of the book of The Seals in Spanish, said:5
“196. But when our Lord appears here on earth, He’ll be riding on a snow-white horse. And He’ll be completely, fully, the Emmanuel, the Word of God incarnate in a Man”
That is what he was forerunning: he was forerunning the Coming of the Word incarnate in a man. And to see the Coming of the Word, to see the Coming of the Word in the Last Day, to see the Coming of the white horse Rider of Revelation, chapter 19, verse 11 to 21, we have to see His Coming in human flesh, we have to see the Coming of the white horse Rider of Revelation, chapter 19, which is the Coming of Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit in human flesh, in the veil of flesh in whom His Coming will be fulfilled in the Last Day; and that will be the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ for the Last Day. In other words, that will be identifying Him as the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ of Revelation, chapter 1, verse 1 to 3; and Revelation, chapter 22, verse 6; and Revelation, chapter 22, verse 16.
In chapter 22, verse 16, Christ says about His Angel Messenger:
“I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches.”
Who does Jesus Christ send? His Angel Messenger. Who is the Sent One of Jesus Christ? His Angel Messenger. And in whom will Christ come manifested? In His Sent One.
Just as the Father came manifested in His Sent One: Jesus, now Jesus will come in His Sent One: in His Angel, in the Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom. And He will come in the midst of the heavenly Israel, which is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, and then He will be in the midst of the earthly Israel, which is the Hebrew people.
Now, look how for the Last Day we have these great promises, which are parallel to the fulfilled promises of the First Coming of Christ in the person of Jesus.
And now, notice how the promises of the Coming of the Messiah for the Last Day, of the Coming of the Anointed One, of Christ, of Jesus Christ, will be fulfilled in the midst of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the heavenly and spiritual Israel.
And now, will He be born in Bethlehem of Judea and will the Coming of the Messiah be fulfilled by being born in Bethlehem of Judea? Yes, of course; but in Bethlehem of Judea of the heavenly Israel.
And now, notice what Bethlehem means: Bethlehem means ‘the House of the Bread of God’; and Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem of Judea, because Jesus Christ is the House of the Bread of God.
And now, all those born in Bethlehem of Judea in ancient times, were born in the same place where the Messiah, the Son of David, was born. And now, all those who have been born of the Water and the Spirit, believing in Jesus Christ as their Savior and receiving the Spirit of Christ: they are born in Christ, which is Bethlehem, the House of the Bread of God.
So one of those who will be born in the House of the Bread of God, one of those who will be born in Christ and in the Mystical Body of Christ, which is His Church (which is also the House of the Bread of God as Mystical Body of Christ, because that is where the Bread of God, the Word of God, has been, from age to age), one of those who will be born there will be the one who will fulfill or in whom will be fulfilled the Coming of Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit in human flesh, in the fulfillment of the Coming of the white horse Rider of Revelation, who will be the Word of God incarnate (in what?) in a man.
That was what the Reverend William Marrion Branham foreran with his Message in the 20th century, according to how he himself said the Angel told him his ministry would be: It would be a ministry like that of John the Baptist, which was a forerunner ministry.
John’s ministry was the forerunner ministry of the First Coming of Christ, of the Coming of the Word, of the Word in human flesh; and the ministry of William Branham was the forerunner ministry of the Second Coming of Christ, of the Coming of the Angel of the Covenant, of the Angel of the Lord, in human flesh again, in one born in the House of the Bread of God, one born in the spiritual Bethlehem, which is Christ, our Bethlehem, the House of the Bread of God.
And now, notice how simple this whole Program is; and notice how the prophecy is repeated in an updated form and in a magnified form. For which is greater: to be born in a city which means ‘the House of the Bread of God,’ or to be born in Christ, who is the House of the Bread of God? To be born in Christ is greater than to be born in Bethlehem of Judea; for in Bethlehem of Judea Christ was born, the House of the Bread of God; He had to be born in the place that represented Him.
And now the veil of flesh in which Jesus Christ will be in Holy Spirit manifested in the Last Day, has to be born in the House of the Bread of God, in Christ, in the spiritual Bethlehem. And how can that be possible, how can that be possible? Because that will not have to do with his natural birth according to the flesh, but it will have to do with his new birth; and through the new birth he will be born in Bethlehem of Judea, which is the House of the Bread of God, Jesus Christ.
And Jesus Christ, being the House of the Bread of God, in the end time will have one born in Him and through Him, in whom Christ will be manifested as the white horse Rider of Revelation, chapter 19, which will be the Word, the Word, becoming incarnate in that one who will be born in Christ, who will be born in our spiritual and heavenly Bethlehem; in, also, the Mystical Body of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ, in the House of God, which is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; for the House of God, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, is the Body of Christ; and He is the head of that Body.
And now, notice that the fulfillment of the Coming of Christ in Holy Spirit manifesting Himself in human flesh in the Last Day, must be through one born in the House of God, in the Mystical Body of Christ, in that new birth that comes through Jesus Christ.
And now, notice this mystery of the prophecy of Bethlehem of Judea, obtaining the birth of the veil or the messenger in whom the Coming of Christ in Holy Spirit for the Last Day will be fulfilled, as Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords; see how simple it is for His fulfillment.
And now, we have to understand these things, because otherwise we will not understand the promises pertaining to the Last Day.
Now, what is the Last Day? The Last Day is the seventh millennium; “for one day before the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” And the last days, what are they? Well, the last days are the fifth millennium, the sixth millennium and the seventh millennium; for one day before the Lord, for human beings, is as a thousand years. This is what Saint Peter testified to us of in his second letter, chapter 3, verse 8, and the prophet Moses in Psalm 90 and verse 4.
And now, we can understand why Saint Paul said in his letter to the Hebrews as follows: Speaking of the last days he says:
“God, who at sundry times and in divers manners…”
Chapter 1 of his letter to the Hebrews says:
“God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets…”
Through whom did He speak to the Hebrew people? Through the prophets, because that is God’s way of speaking to His people. To His people: to the earthly Israel and to the heavenly Israel as well. Now, he goes on to say:
“Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things…”
You see, God spoke through His Son, Jesus Christ, and Saint Paul says that it was in “the last days”; and two thousand years have already passed.
And why was it in “the last days” and two thousand years have passed? Because the last days began when Jesus was 4 to 7 years old; therefore, when the ministry of Christ began and God was speaking through His Son, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ was already about 30 years old and had a ministry of three and a half years, He was in the first of the last days, He was around the year 25 or so; in other words, He was from the year (we would say)… from the year 20 to the year 27 of the first century of the seventh millennium; and He fulfilled the promises of the First Coming of the Messiah.
But look, those who were waiting for Him, the priests, the high priest, the Council of the Hebrew religion, the Council of the Sanhedrin, composed of the seventy wise men that they always had to have in that Council; who were great men, important men of the Hebrew people, Hebrew wise men, doctors in divinity, in theology; you see, they couldn’t see that the First Coming of the Messiah, the Coming of the King of Israel, the Coming of the Anointed of God… because what Christ and Messiah mean is ‘Anointed One.’
And now, they couldn’t understand that the Anointed One of God, the Messiah, the Christ, the King of Israel, was that young carpenter from Nazareth.
Christ, when He read the prophecy of Isaiah, which is a messianic prophecy; in chapter 61, verse 1 and on, He read it; and this is found in chapter 4 of Luke, verse 14 and on, where it says:
“And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about.
And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all.
And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.
And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written,
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor…”
Here when it says: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,” and He says: “because he hath anointed me” He is identifying Himself as whom? As the Anointed One of God, the Anointed One with the Spirit of whom? God’s.
Therefore, since Anointed One means ‘Christ’ and means ‘Messiah,’ He is identifying Himself as the Christ, as the Messiah, as the Anointed One with the Spirit of God.
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him.
And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.”
He is testifying to them that this prophetic Scripture, this Messianic Scripture, this Scripture of the Coming of the Messiah, is being fulfilled before the people, in whom? In human flesh, in the person of Jesus. In other words, He Himself is identifying Himself as the fulfillment of the Messiah in the midst of the Hebrew people; and they didn’t receive Him.
If we read further on, we will find that He preached a short Message to them and they didn’t like it. And He was sent to preach, to preach the year of the good will of the Lord, or the acceptable year of the Lord. And look, Christ begins to preach, after they were all glad, he says:
“And all bare him witness, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth (now they begin to look for things or reasons why this couldn’t be the Messiah, why Jesus couldn’t be the Anointed One of God, the Messiah they were expecting). And they said, Is not this Joseph’s son? (In other words, is not this the son of Joseph, and now he is telling us that he is the Messiah?)
And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country.
And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.”
That is the saying which we all commonly know as: “No one is a prophet in his own land,” that is what this saying means.
“But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land;
But unto none of them was Elias sent, save unto Sarepta, a city of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow.”
In other words, in a territory where He couldn’t go. A blessing as great as that, and it was that blessing there; but the Hebrew people were going through the divine judgments under the ministry of Elijah the prophet; therefore, Elijah the prophet was sent to a woman in Zarephath of Sidon, to a distant territory, and to feed Elijah the prophet.6
Now, we ask ourselves: who fed whom? Because when Elijah arrived there, and this widow was leaving her house to look for two pieces of wood, two branches, to light a fire and prepare some cakes of wheat flour…; because she only had flour left to make that meal, and then they would have no more food; therefore, they would eat, they would lie down to sleep, without the hope of another meal; therefore, what would come next would be death, for this widow with her son.
But notice, at the most difficult moment for this woman, where she had no more food, the Messenger of God arrived. And is there anything impossible for God? Well, there is not, so the one who was going to feed Elijah had only one meal left; and when Elijah arrives hungry and thirsty, he tells her to give him a morsel of food.
She says to him: “I was going out at this time to look for two branches, two pieces of wood, to place them, to make a fire and prepare a cake (or as you would say, ‘a tortilla,’ here in Mexico), to eat it myself and my son, and then to lie down and die; for after this meal there is no more food for us.”
The prophet Elijah says to her: “Well, go first, do all that you say, get the wood, prepare the fire and start cooking; but first make me a small cake or tortilla.”
So, from the cake that this widow was going to make, which would be small, now the one she was going to make for her and her son would be smaller, because she had to make one for a third person who had arrived there. And that one had nothing in his hand; but in his mouth and in his heart he had the creative Word of God; and the one who created all things with His Word, was coming in that man.
And now the one who gave bread in the wilderness, manna in the wilderness, to the Hebrew people for 40 years, was coming in another man, in Elijah; therefore, the problem was solved for the widow, but she didn’t know it.
So Elijah the prophet saw that this widow who was going to feed him, would receive the food that he was going to give to Elijah the prophet through the spoken Word of Elijah. And Elijah told her to go and do as she had said, but to prepare for him one first.
First is the prophet, first is the Word of God which is in the prophet; and by feeding the prophet the prophet wouldn’t die; and the Word of God would remain in the prophet for the widow and for every human being. And the widow represents the Church-Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And now, notice how for the end time there is no spiritual food for anyone; but for the Church-Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ, by the creative Word of God spoken for the Last Day, for the Age of the Cornerstone: there is spiritual food in abundance.
The spiritual food of each age has already been eaten by the people of each age; and there are some who are still eating of the spiritual food of the seventh angel messenger, which is very good; but the spiritual food for the Age of the Cornerstone is the Food that comes by the creative Word of God in the Last Day, through the messenger of the Age of the Cornerstone, in which Christ would be in the Last Day giving us that Word of eternal life, the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, which is the spiritual food for the soul of all the elect of God.
And now, notice how, when she was going to prepare that small cake for Elijah or small tortilla for Elijah, he said to her: “And you also bring me water,” and she had very little water too; but there was no problem, there was the Rock that gave water to the Hebrew people, manifested in the prophet Elijah; and there was the one that gave bread, manna from heaven, in the wilderness, and the one that gave meat also to the Hebrew people for 40 years. Therefore, every problem of food for the widow and her son was solved there, and also for the prophet.
And all spiritual food for the soul of the elect of God and for the messenger of God, is solved in the Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone; because Jesus Christ, the Word, the Word, comes in the Last Day manifested in His Angel Messenger, and gives us the spiritual food; and in the House of God He places His faithful and wise servant, to give the Food on time to all the children of God, in the House of God, that is, in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
That faithful and wise servant in the Last Day is the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving us the Word, the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, the spiritual food for our soul.
Now, Christ in this passage that we are reading, tells you about the prophet Elijah and the famine for three and a half years. And now, it says that Elijah was sent only to a widow woman in Zarephath of Sidon. What else does it say? [Luke 4:27]
“And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Eliseus the prophet…”
That is, in the time of the second Elijah, in the time of the second manifestation of the spirit and power of Elijah, of the ministry of Elijah in human flesh in another man, called Elisha.
“And many lepers were in Israel in (that) time of Eliseus the prophet; and none of them was cleansed (of their leprosy), saving Naaman the Syrian.”
That Syrian general who came to Elisha the prophet to be healed of leprosy. And notice how he was healed: Elisha said to him: “Go to the Jordan, and in the Jordan go into the water…” Second Kings, chapter 5, verse 1 and on. Let’s see. “You go into the water this many times, and you will be healed.” Second Kings, chapter 5, verse 1 to 14, it says:
“Now Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master (that is, of his king), and honourable, because by him the Lord had given deliverance unto Syria: he was also a mighty man in valour, but he was a leper.”
Now, notice that the Scripture says that God had given salvation to whom? To Syria. “Jehovah had given salvation to Syria.”
“And the Syrians had gone out by companies, and had brought away captive out of the land of Israel a little maid; and she waited on Naaman’s wife.”
You see, this young Hebrew woman, even though she had been taken to a territory that wasn’t her own, there she was serving God; for she was bearing witness to the God of Israel.
No matter where you go: bear witness to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who is our God, who has called us and gathered us in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom.
In other words, if you go somewhere, it is not to be eating, drinking and sleeping, and working; but the main thing is to bear witness of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, which is the Lord Jesus Christ, who in this Last Day has called us and gathered us in the Age of the Cornerstone.
Now, this young woman was a true believer in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And now, notice what this young woman says:
“And she (in other words, this young woman) said unto her mistress (who was his lady, that is, his housekeeper, who was the wife of the Syrian general Naaman; he says this to her), Would God my lord were with the prophet that is in Samaria! for he would recover him of his leprosy.”
See this young woman believed in God’s prophet, and she knew that God was manifested in that prophet, she knew that the spirit of Elijah had rested (in whom?) in Elisha:
“And one went in, and told his lord, saying, Thus and thus said the maid that is of the land of Israel.”
So Naaman’s wife immediately told him; because no woman wants a leprous husband; she prefers him to be healthy and not leprous, sleeping next to her; because if he is leprous, he will surely go to sleep in another room over there, and he will have a life a little distant from his wife and children.
So the one who was most interested in Naaman’s healing was his own wife, who loved him with all her heart, with all her soul, and wanted God’s blessing upon Naaman; and she already had the cure to Naaman’s problem, because there is nothing impossible for God.
And now, she tells her husband, and her husband Naaman tells the king, so that the king authorizes him to go there to the land of Israel to seek the prophet Elisha, to pray for him and be healed.
But look, sometimes people think that these prophets of God, when someone went to receive healing, they would kneel down and begin to pray for them, and ask God. And notice, what they did was that in some occasions they would say: “You are healed”; in other occasions they would say: “Go and do this”; and in other occasions we see Jesus that He says to some people: “Your faith has healed you”7; on other occasions, He spits on the ground and makes mud and smears it on his eyes and says: “Now go and wash there in the pool of Siloam (which means ‘sent’)”8; why? Because Jesus Christ, the Sent One, had sent him to wash there, and by being washed there he received his sight; why? Because the Sent One spoke thus and did thus, did that miracle in that way.
We find on other occasions… See, when He was in front of Lazarus’ tomb to resurrect Lazarus, Jesus didn’t begin to pray and say: “Father, resurrect Lazarus.” He said:9 “Lazarus, come out!,” and Lazarus came out.
On other occasions we find that He said to some who were dead (as to their bodies), he said to them: “Arise!”10, and they arose. In other words, He spoke to the spirit of the person, and the spirit of the person entered the body, and arose; it wasn’t yet time to leave, but it had already left the body and had to return.
Therefore Jesus said: “He is asleep.”11 And just as a man awakens a person who is asleep, so Jesus came and awakened the son of the widow of Nain,12 and awakened the daughter of Jairus,13 and awakened Lazarus as well.
Because of Lazarus, Jesus said to His disciples, being far from the place where Lazarus lived, He said: “Lazarus our friend sleeps,” and the disciples said: “Well, if he sleeps, then he is well”; because when a person lies down to sleep he is very well, he is resting and is recovering from all the tiredness he got during the day of work. But Jesus was speaking to them of rest, of physical death, of the death of the body, and they had not understood it; but then He spoke to them in terms that they would understand, and He said to them: “Lazarus our friend is dead,” and there they understood.
And Jesus says: “But I rejoice that I was not there.” And how can a person rejoice that he was not there, at that moment when Lazarus needed him? Jesus says: “For this is for the glory of God to be revealed.”14
And the departure of the elect of God from age to age has been for the glory of God, the glory of Jesus Christ to be manifested in the Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom; because all the dead will hear the Voice of the Son of God in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, that Great Voice of Trumpet calling in the Last Day; and will call all the elect, and will call the elect that will be living here in this dimension, but also the elect that are in the sixth dimension; and they will hear the Voice of the Son of God, and will arise.15
So the Voice of Christ for the Last Day, will not only be heard in this earthly dimension but also in Heaven. Just as the Voice of Christ in His First Coming was heard in this earthly dimension, but it was also heard in the sixth dimension, and the Old Testament saints arose when Christ was resurrected.
Now, notice that this case of Lazarus is a type and figure of the New Testament saints that will be resurrected at the Last Day, in the manifestation of the Son of Man at His Coming; because the Lord Himself will descend from Heaven with a Shout, in other words, Voice of Command (and with what else? ), with the Voice of the Archangel and with the Trumpet of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first or resurrect first, they shall resurrect in eternal bodies, then we who are alive shall be changed, and shall be raptured, or caught up in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so we will always be with the Lord.16 For we will go to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and will never be separated from Him again; and we will be in the image and likeness of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ.
Now, look why the Second Coming of Christ is so important, look at all the things that will be happening in the Second Coming of Christ, in the Coming of the Lord in the Last Day, where Jesus Christ will be revealing Himself in the Last Day. Just as He revealed Himself in each age through the messenger of each age, Jesus Christ will be revealing Himself through His Angel Messenger in the Last Day, and He will be speaking to His Church through His Angel Messenger in the Last Day.
And His Church will be hearing that Great Voice of Trumpet or Trumpet of God through the Angel Messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ; because in him the Lord Jesus Christ will be veiled and revealed. And the signs in heaven in the Last Day will be testifying of the Coming of the Son of Man with His Angels, of the Coming of the Son of Man veiled and revealed through His Angel Messenger.
And now, let’s see here in Luke, to finish this passage here. It says [Luke 4:27]:
“And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Eliseus the prophet; and none of them was cleansed, saving Naaman the Syrian.”
And we were reading the story here, in Second Kings, chapter 5, verses 1 through 14:
“And the king of Syria said (to Naaman, his army general), Go to, go, and I will send a letter unto the king of Israel. And he departed (Naaman), and took with him ten talents of silver, and six thousand pieces of gold, and ten changes of raiment.
And he brought the letter to the king of Israel, saying, Now when this letter is come unto thee, behold, I have therewith sent Naaman my servant to thee, that thou mayest recover him of his leprosy (now he sends them to the king!).
And it came to pass, when the king of Israel had read the letter…”
The king had a huge problem: he had to heal the general of the Syrian army. And how could the king of Israel do it if he was not a prophet?
“…that he rent his clothes, and said, Am I God, to kill and to make alive, that this man doth send unto me to recover a man of his leprosy? wherefore consider, I pray you, and see how he seeketh a quarrel against me.”
In other words, he thought he was looking for an occasion to make war against the king of Israel.
It is like some people, they ask for something from a person, and if they don’t get it, they form a fight; and sometimes, they say: “I am going to do it like this; I want him to give me such and such a thing, because I know he is not going to give me what I am going to ask for, and then I form the fight, and then I get that fight, that struggle that I wanted to have with him.” In other words, because of…
Before, the children also put a straw over their ears; and then, each one of them would put a straw, or they would put a straw on one of them, and they would say: “Knock the little straw down. If he knocks it down, if you are so tough, knock it down”; and then the other one, not to say that he was a coward, and so that they wouldn’t say that he was a coward, would go and knock it down, and a fight would break out.
So you notice that in order to form a fight there are always many tricks, as they say, there are many techniques. As also nations, they have many ways to form a war; and they use those techniques to form a war; as also they have many ways to form a good season without wars.
But when they need a war for benefits for their nations, they form it, and they get those benefits; but mothers and fathers pay the consequences, because it is their children who die. Before, at least, when they formed a war, the king also went to the battle front; but nowadays the kings of the Earth hide themselves well hidden, so that not even the smell of gunpowder reaches them.
Well, let’s see what the Scripture continues to say here. The king is very afraid, the king of Israel is very afraid, and he says:
“I pray you, and see how he seeketh a quarrel against me.
And it was so, when Elisha the man of God had heard that the king of Israel had rent his clothes, that he sent to the king, saying, Wherefore hast thou rent thy clothes?”
And they cost him so much; for a king’s garments, a king’s clothing is very expensive, his royal robe is very expensive, and the rest of the garment is very expensive; so it is not known whether he kept his robe apart and tore the rest of the garment, but the thing is that he tore his garments. And Elisha asks:
“Wherefore hast thou rent thy clothes? let him come now to me, and he shall know that there is a prophet in Israel.”
Naaman, where he wanted to go was to Elisha, but the king of Syria wanted to do it with a lot of protocol; and when a lot of protocol is used, in these cases it doesn’t work, because there is no faith working there.
And now, notice, they go to the king, and what the king did was to be frightened when a leprous general comes to him, sent by the king of Syria to heal him.
And now, look, during the Millennial Kingdom you can go to the King and you can send to the King —there in Jerusalem— a leper or any person who is sick, and the King will be able to heal him; because by that time, the King there in Israel on the Throne of David will be Christ.
Christ will be there manifested in human flesh, and therefore He will be King and He will be prophet also, He will be King and prophet; and that is the best combination there is for a nation, for a continent, for a kingdom, for an empire, like that glorious Empire of the Messiah for the Millennial Kingdom.
Now, let’s see here what happens next:
“So Naaman came with his horses and with his chariot, and stood at the door of the house of Elisha.
And Elisha sent a messenger unto him, saying, Go…”
He didn’t even receive him. When the king received the general, you know the way I told you, the way of protocol: he received him and couldn’t do anything. And now when he arrives, Elisha doesn’t even receive him; rather he sends him to tell his servant what to do. So Naaman felt, perhaps, kind of offended. And see here:
“And Elisha sent a messenger unto him, saying, Go and wash in Jordan seven times, and thy flesh shall come again to thee, and thou shalt be clean.”
And now, for the Age of the Cornerstone, we have something very important: To be immersed in the Word of God of the Age of the Cornerstone seven times: the Seven Thunders. People have to be immersed in the Seven Thunders, which is what gives them the faith to be transformed and raptured; and if not, there is no healing for this mortal, temporary and corruptible body.
But immersed in the Seven Thunders of Revelation, that is, immersing seven times in the Waters of the Word…:
Dipping the first time, that is in the first Thunder; dipped into the Voice of the first Thunder, and the Voice of the first Thunder dipped into the soul of the person, and into his whole being; covered inside and out.
And then, still not enough: A second time under the second Thunder, under the Voice of Christ in that second Thunder. And so on consecutively for seven times, for the Seven Thunders.
It is not hearing and receiving only one part, but the whole Voice of Christ, represented in those Seven Thunders of Revelation. And our flesh —which was contaminated with the leprosy of sin— will be cleansed: we will be transformed, we will have a new body, new flesh, new bones and new blood.
But look, all this happened there under the ministry of Elijah in his second manifestation; in human flesh, through another prophet, but in whom was the ministry of Elijah. And for the Last Day it will be in the fifth manifestation of Elijah, in another veil of flesh, which is the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Now, see how here the prophet, when sending this message to the Syrian general Naaman, he didn’t respect this message, he thought it was pure nonsense; because he thought that in order to be healed, the prophet had to come before Naaman or Naaman had to come before him, and the prophet had to come with some animal sacrifices, and with many prayers, and with a lot of things; but he didn’t think or believe that it would be in such a simple way; and Naaman couldn’t believe what the prophet Elisha sent him to say.
“But Naaman was wroth (big problem, because he got angry with whom? With the prophet of God), and went away, and said, Behold, I thought, He will surely come out to me, and stand, and call on the name of the Lord his God…”
See? A lot of ritualism, a lot of religious ceremony, a religious act with a lot of pomp; but look, none of that; something simple. What he needed was to bathe; but a good bath in the right place; not to bathe by pouring water, but by immersing himself; because going down means ‘death,’ and going up speaks of ‘resurrection,’ of a new life.
And so, notice, for seven times; after those seven times, his skin, his flesh, everything would be clean, and he would have new skin, new flesh; and his wife would welcome him, and would tell him: “Tonight you will not stay over there sleeping in another room, because I knew you were going to come back healthy; and I have already fumigated that room, so that the plague of leprosy dies over there, and that is already out of the way over there, and I burned the bedclothes of that room. And I have prepared my room well for you to sleep here tonight.”
She believed so, she believed that he would come healthy. And the young Hebrew girl who worked there in the house also knew that he would be healed. And she surely spoke to her mistress (that is, to her mistress), she said: “Naaman, your husband, will soon come healthy; and he will come very beautiful, very nice”; and so she surely encouraged her, until Naaman came healthy.
But look how Naaman couldn’t believe that the way the prophet Elisha told him was the right way; because Naaman had already made a diagram in his mind of how the prophet would do it. But it was not up to him to think or say how the prophet was going to do; it was up to the prophet to do that part, and it was up to Naaman to do what the prophet told him to do.
Now, Naaman was thinking:
“Behold, I thought, He will surely come out to me, and stand, and call on the name of the Lord his God, and strike his hand over the place, and recover the leper.”
And now when he sees, Naaman, that the prophet wouldn’t even see him, what happens? He didn’t do what the prophet told him. He went away very angry. And now, says Naaman:
“Are not Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel?”
There he was acting with nationalism, as we sometimes do: “But aren’t there better rivers in our nation than those in other places? Isn’t this better in our nation than in another nation?” And that is what Naaman is doing here:
“Are not Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? (Not only the Jordan, but all the waters of Israel). may I not wash in them, and be clean?”
Well, he wouldn’t be clean, because it wasn’t there that the prophet ordered him to go and bathe, to wash. Now, he says:
“may I not wash in them…”
For he thought it was to wash himself; but the prophet said to him: “To plunge”; that is, to go down and come up seven times; that is to go down: to go in full, to come out, to go back and go in and come out, seven times. And if he had specified: “Go walking, go into the waters completely, up to the head with all your head and hair (if you have any), and then go out to the shore, to where there is no water, and then come back again,” notice.
And now, Naaman says: “Well, if that is the way it is, if my problem can be solved by getting into the water of a river, then I’ll go there to my land; there are rivers there too.” So apparently he already knew the secret; but he didn’t know any secret; because the secret was in the creative Word spoken by the prophet Elisha; and it had to be a thing, a work of faith, that is, believing that Word in his soul.
Because it is in the soul and with the soul that the person believes, that is where faith is. “With the heart one believes unto righteousness, but with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”17 Now, it says:
“…So he turned and went away in a rage.
And his servants came near, and spake unto him, and said, My father, if the prophet had bid thee do some great thing, wouldest thou not have done it? how much rather then, when he saith to thee, Wash, and be clean?”
Look, if the prophet told him to do a great thing, his servants would say to him: “Wouldn’t you do it? Of course you would!, you would do it”; but that would be what? To be earning merits for himself; because he would say: “Yes, but to be healed he told me that I had to go on my knees going up that hill, and look how my knees are all scabbed; so I had to earn my healing.”
But look, God’s blessing is not by human merit, but by faith the person obtains that blessing; and it is given by grace, freely, because the gift of God is not bought with money18; it is by grace given to the believer.
Now, notice, this man had wise people, who were wiser than the general himself. In other words, he was a wise man in matters of wars, of armies, but in spiritual things he was ignorant, and he was also conceited, because he went away angry; and he was ungrateful, because he went away angry, because he was told that what he had to do was something very simple.
And people always want to do very difficult things, big things, so that God will bless them; and yet, you see, God through the prophet Elisha told him to do something simple; but notice, in that simple thing that he was going to do, there was a symbolism for every human being.
“And his servants came near, and spake unto him, and said, My father, if the prophet had bid thee do some great thing, wouldest thou not have done it? how much rather then, when he saith to thee, Wash, and be clean?
Then went he down, and dipped himself seven times in Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God: and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.”
In other words, his skin was so rejuvenated and so restored that it was like the skin of a child; in other words, it didn’t have the wrinkles that a person of the age of that general could have, and even less with the leprosy that had already healed, they were not wrinkles, but worse marks; but now he had the skin of a child.
Now, how would his wife receive him when she saw him with such beautiful skin? Well, she received him with great joy. And they became believers in the God of Israel and in his prophet Elisha.
Elisha did well to ask for a double portion of the spirit that was in Elijah.19 Look, without Elisha the prophet going to the person who needed the benefit, he commanded him to say: “Do this and this, and you will be well,” and Naaman was healed. Well, let’s leave it there.
“And he returned to the man of God, he and all his company, and came, and stood before him: and he said, Behold, now I know that there is no God in all the earth, but in Israel: now therefore, I pray thee, take a blessing of thy servant.
But he said (Elisha), As the Lord liveth, before whom I stand, I will receive none. And he urged him to take it; but he refused.
And Naaman said, Shall there not then, I pray thee, be given to thy servant two mules’ burden of earth?”
That is: “From the land of Israel will they not give me the burden of a pair of mules?” that is, what one mule carried. Now: “Shall they not give me the burden to carry two mules, from the land here of Israel, from where you are?”
“for thy servant will henceforth offer neither burnt offering nor sacrifice unto other gods, but unto the Lord.
In this thing the Lord pardon thy servant, that when my master goeth into the house of Rimmon to worship there, and he leaneth on my hand, and I bow myself in the house of Rimmon: when I bow down myself in the house of Rimmon, the Lord pardon thy servant in this thing.
And he said unto him, Go in peace. So he departed from him a little way.” Let’s leave it there.
And now, see, of which Christ is quoting to you there in Nazareth in that synagogue [Luke 4:28]:
“…when they heard these things…”
See, a good message, speaking to them about the prophet Elisha; He had also spoken to them about the prophet Elijah. In other words, He spoke to them about the two Elijahs that came consecutively (the first one: Elijah the Tishbite; and the second one: Elisha), a message of the first two Elijah.
“And all they in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath…”
Instead of being overjoyed, that they were listening to Christ’s preaching about the prophet Elisha and the prophet Elijah.
“And rose up, and thrust him out of the city, and led him unto the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might cast him down headlong.
But he passing through the midst of them went his way…”
Now, notice that they didn’t like the preaching of Jesus Christ. They wanted Jesus Christ to do many miracles and signs, and what He did was to preach to them about Elijah, about the ministry of Elijah the Tishbite and Elisha, preach to them about two prophets.
And for the Last Day, notice, Christ will be preaching about two prophets: Of the Two Olive Trees, Moses and Elijah. Well, I told you I was going to leave that alone, but something always came out.
Now, see that not all people are very happy when God fulfills His promises.
And now, for the revelation of Jesus Christ in the Last Day through His Angel Messenger, not every person will be very happy; because the fulfillment of this promise will not be according to how some people have thought that the Coming and revelation of the Son of Man with His Angels in the Last Day will be.
But that doesn’t matter. Christ fulfills His promise, even if it is not in the way some people imagined the fulfillment of that promise to be; for He doesn’t have to please any person. What He has to do is to fulfill what He promised in the way God intended or predestined or ordained since before the foundation of the world.
And the signs in heaven in the end time will be giving testimony of this great mystery that will be manifested in the Last Day. And those signs will have a hidden mystery, and it will be the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ; for in heaven, the Son of Man would be seen wrapped in a cloud, according to Revelation, chapter 10, verse 1 onwards.
And also Matthew, chapter 24 and verse 30 to 31, as Jesus Christ said when He said: “And the sign of the Son of Man shall appear in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with power and great glory.” See, it tells us of a sign in heaven, a mysterious cloud, coming in the clouds with power and glory.
And now, being that it is promised throughout the Scripture the sign in heaven, of the Coming of the Son of Man in a cloud or in the clouds…
Matthew, in chapter 24, verse 30 to 31, speaks of that; also Mark, in chapter 13, speaks of those clouds or that cloud, and the Son of Man in that cloud; and also Luke, chapter 21, verse 27 and on, also speaks of the Son of Man coming in a cloud; and Revelation, chapter 10, verse 1 and on, speaks of the Mighty Angel coming wrapped in a cloud; and also the prophet Daniel, in chapter 7, speaks of the Son of Man coming in the clouds.
It is a mysterious cloud that will appear in the sky, where the Son of Man will be. And on February 28, 1963 a mysterious cloud appeared in the sky, which was taken in pictures, and it was published20 in Science magazine and in Life magazine, as a mysterious cloud, which measured… about 30 miles wide by 50 miles long.21
And it was published as a mysterious cloud, because it appeared at an altitude of 26 miles high, 26 miles; where clouds can’t form because there is no humidity, and where airplanes don’t fly; therefore, there is no possibility for a cloud to form.
The mystery hidden in this cloud is the following: It was a cloud formed by angels of God: by the seven angel messengers of the seven ages and another Angel who was very different from the others.
That Angel who was very different from the others was the one who had the Seventh Seal, that is, the one who had the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ. It was the Son of Man there in heaven, wrapped in that cloud formed by angels; and the seven angel messengers of the seven ages appear here, and the Angel that was very different from the others.
And if we turn this cloud to the right, we will find that the seven angel messengers of the seven ages form the beard of the Lord Jesus Christ; and the Angel who was very different from the others, which is the Son of Man, forms the white hair of the Lord in this cloud.
And the seven angel messengers that appear here, to have their ministries on Earth, in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, had to be manifested in human flesh; here they are in their theophanic bodies, but they had their ministries in human flesh, each one in the age in which he lived.
And now, for the Last Day, the Angel that was very different from the others, the Son of Man, has to come in human flesh in His Angel Messenger to have His ministry corresponding to the Last Day; and thus, what the white hair of the Lord means (in Revelation, chapter 1, verse 12 to 16; and Revelation, chapter 10, verse 1 to 11; and other places, such as Daniel, chapter 7), what that white hair means: which speaks of maturity, experience, wisdom and righteousness, to judge with justice all nations and every human being; we find that under the ministry of this Angel who was very different from the others, manifested in human flesh in His Angel Messenger, all those qualities will be there for that work of the Last Day.
And we will be seeing, under the ministry of Christ, of the Mighty Angel, of the Son of Man through His Angel Messenger, the white hair of the Lord Jesus Christ, of the Son of Man; being fulfilled that symbolism in the midst of the Church of the Lord.
Remember that the white hair is a symbolism that has to be fulfilled: of experience, maturity and wisdom, to be as Judge of all the Earth in the Last Day. Just as the face shining like the sun: it is the symbolism of Christ as King; because the sun is the sun king, and Christ is the Light of the world, and is the King of kings and Lord of lords.
And seeing the Mighty Angel, the Angel who was very different from the others, in the Last Day, in human flesh in His Angel Messenger manifested, we will be seeing the symbolism of the shining sun, the face of Christ as the sun, converted into a reality, because we will be seeing Him as King of kings and Lord of lords; that is to see Him with His face like the sun.
And also all the other symbolisms that are presented in the Son of Man, in chapter 1 of Revelation, and also in chapter 10, and chapter 19, are fulfilled in the Last Day, in the manifestation of the Son of Man through His Angel Messenger.
For example, a Sword comes out of his mouth: The Sword is the Word of God, and the mouth is the prophet messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ, because the mouth of God has always been the prophets of God. And to see the Word of God, the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, coming out of the mouth of the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, that is to see the two-edged Sword coming out of the mouth of Christ; because the mouth of Christ is His Angel Messenger in the Last Day, as every prophet in every age was the mouth of God in the age in which each one was sent.
This sign that appeared in heaven testifies of what Christ would be doing on Earth, in His manifestation in human flesh through His Angel Messenger; and it also testifies of what He did in the seven ages of the gentile Church through each of these angel messengers, which are the seven angels of the seven ages of the gentile Church.
The whole Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is represented there in that cloud, from its beginning to its end.
And our age, notice where it is represented: it is represented here, in the Angel who was very different from the others; because our age is represented in Christ manifested through His Angel Messenger in the Last Day, revealed as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, and as King of kings and Lord of lords, in His Reclaiming Work. That sign in heaven bears witness to Christ revealed in His Church through His Angel Messenger on the Last Day.
Do you see the mystery of the signs in heaven? Do you see that when a sign appears in heaven it means something important in the Divine Program, which is carried out here on Earth? As it happened with the Star of Bethlehem: it represented the First Coming of Christ being born in Bethlehem of Judea.
And now this sign in heaven testifies of the revelation of Jesus Christ for the Last Day through His Angel Messenger, in the midst of His gentile Church. And there is the Name of God; because the Name of God would be in His Church manifested, revealed, in and to His Church in the Last Day.
In other words, the things that Christ will do in this Last Day, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, are there in this cloud, in this sign in heaven, they are represented; and this is the sign of the Son of Man in heaven.
There is this Angel who was very different from the others, which is the Son of Man, which is the Angel of the Covenant, Jesus Christ, there manifested with His seven angel messengers of the seven ages of the gentile Church in their theophanic bodies.
And for the Last Day, the Angel who is different from the others, has to come to Earth and be on Earth in human flesh in His Angel Messenger, where He will be revealing His mystery of His Coming to His Church in the Age of the Cornerstone, as Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, in His Reclaiming Work.
Now, the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ is not the Lord Jesus Christ. That is why when John wanted to worship Him (in Revelation, chapter 19, verse 9 to 10; and Revelation 22, verse 7 to 9), the Angel told him not to do so; because that Angel is not the Lord Jesus Christ, but He is the prophet of the Dispensation of the Kingdom and of the Age of the Cornerstone; but in that Angel will be Jesus Christ veiled and revealed in the Last Day, Jesus Christ will be manifesting Himself as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, in His Reclaiming Work.
And that mystery was revealed and was represented in that mysterious sign that appeared in heaven, on February 28, 1963. Here we have the main photo, and here we have other photos that were taken at different times, and from different positions, and from different territories, both from one city and from another city, where this cloud was seen in heaven.
Now, we have seen the mystery of this sign in heaven, which gives testimony of what God did during the seven ages of the gentile Church; and it gives testimony of what God will do in this Last Day, in the revelation of Jesus Christ through His Angel Messenger in His Church, in the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, in the Latin American and Caribbean territory.
It has been for me a great privilege to be with you, giving testimony of: “THE MYSTERY OF THE SIGNS IN HEAVEN REVEALING THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IN THE LAST DAY.”
And where are the people who would see the fulfillment of this that was represented in heaven? Here we are: in Latin America and the Caribbean, seeing: “THE MYSTERY OF THE SIGNS IN HEAVEN REVEALING THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IN THE LAST DAY.”
May the blessings of Jesus Christ revealed on the Last Day, be upon each of you and upon me as well; and may we all soon be transformed and taken to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Heaven, in our heavenly Father’s House. In the Eternal Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.
And may you all have a very good evening. With us again your pastor here, present to continue.
May God help us —is my petition— here in Latin America and the Caribbean.
I leave with us, your pastor, to continue and then we will come to the end of this activity, where we have been seeing: “THE MYSTERY OF THE SIGNS IN HEAVEN REVEALING THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IN THE LAST DAY.”
With us your pastor. God bless you.
1 Matthew 2:2, Numbers 24:17
2 Isaiah 7:14
3 Matthew 1:23
4 Luke 2:19
5 The Seals in English, page 303
6 1 Kings 17:8-16
7 Mark 5:34, 10:52
8 John 9:6-7
9 John 11:43
10 Luke 7:14, John 5:8
11 John 11:11, Luke 8:52
12 Luke 7:11-17
13 Mark 5:21-43
14 John 11:14-15
15 John 5:25
16 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
17 Romans 10:10
18 Acts 8:20
19 2 Kings 2:9
20 LIFE Magazine: Published May 17, 1963. Title of article “…And a High Cloud – Ring of Mystery” –
SCIENCE Magazine: Published April 19, 1963, volume 140, number 3564. Author: James E. McDonald –
21 30 miles (wide) x 50 miles (long) = 48.3 km (wide) x 80.46 km (long)