Good morning, kind friends and brethren present, and those who are in other nations, and ministers and churches. May the blessings of Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, be upon all of you and also upon me; and may He open our understanding so that we understand the Word, the Scriptures, on this occasion. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
In Saint Matthew chapter 11, verses 25 to 27, it tells us:
“At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.
Even so, Father: for so it seemed good in thy sight.
All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.”
Throughout Biblical history, we can see that God always works in simplicity, in a simple way; and God always does everything in a simple way; therefore, anyone who wishes to see God working must seek Him working the great things of God in a simple way.
For example, we find in the time of Adam and Eve, in their fall, that God came to their rescue; there was a judgment there, Adam was brought to judgment, so was Eve, and so was the serpent (the three who were involved in the problem); and a sentence fell upon each of them.1
And then, to cover their sin, of Adam and Eve, God gave the skins of an animal to cover Adam and Eve’s nakedness;2 which there was a sacrifice for, because of sin. Because of their sin, an animal had to die to cover their sins, for animal blood doesn’t take away sins, it only covers them; and those skins that were put on Adam and Eve were bloody; therefore, there we find the beginning of the sacrifices of animals in place of the human being, taking the sinner’s place to cover the human being’s sins.
Then we find Abel carrying out the sacrifice of a sheep, of a lamb, sacrificing it for his sins,3 and obtaining the forgiveness of his sins and his sins being covered by the blood of that animal; for “without shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.”4
Cain didn’t understand that; and he saw the sacrifice, the offering that Abel brought, as something repugnant: an animal killed and offered to God as a sacrifice; he had never agreed with those sacrifices that Adam carried out and that later Abel carried out as well. And he brought as a gift before God, as an offering to God, some of the fruits of the field; he was a farmer.5 Let’s say that he brought apples, as some people think, that the sin was because a literal apple was eaten; others say that it was an apricot, and others say it was something else.
And that’s how Cain was or how he thought: that an offering of fruits of the field, apples, grapes, and other fruits of the field, pleased God; it was clean, and he surely washed them very well; and it didn’t look all bloody like Abel’s offering.
But God hadn’t demanded an offering, a gift to God, of fruits of the field, but rather a sacrifice for sin; that’s what God instituted when He gave Adam and Eve the skins of an animal to cover their nakedness.
And thus, the human being would continue offering animal sacrifices for sin, to cover their sins, because God forgives them but they remain there; because animal blood can’t take away the human being’s sin; because animals don’t have a soul, and the animal’s spirit can’t come to the person.
Therefore, the human being would continue to offer those sacrifices until a perfect Sacrifice came along; not one that would cover sins, but would take them away; and that would be the Sacrifice of the Messiah in His Coming, who would come as the Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world.
In what Abel offered to God, his sacrifice of an animal, of a lamb, of a sheep, was the typology of the Sacrifice of Christ that He would carry out in His First Coming; but in the offering that Cain brought, it didn’t say anything, it didn’t typify anything related to the First Coming of Christ; therefore, God didn’t have respect unto Cain’s offering. He was doing God a service outside of God’s will, he was doing it according to his own will and not according to God’s will, God’s Program.
Likewise, there are people who say that they believe in God and that they serve God; but they want – they say: “I serve God my way.” It can’t be the person’s way, but God’s way, as God has established; and therefore, it must be through Christ our Savior.
Cain was a religious person, as was Abel; but notice, anyone who says that they believe in God and that they serve God, that doesn’t mean he is doing it right; because things must be done for God as He has established for the time in which the person is living. And God’s Program always looks simple, and human beings themselves are the ones who complicate God’s Program and invent their own way, their own type of program, and claim that it’s to serve God.
But God cannot be served according to the program that a person makes, but rather the Program that God has made, what God has established for the human being to serve God.
God’s Program always looks very simple, it looks very humble; and whenever God sends a messenger to Earth it’s because God is going to carry out a Work, a labor, according to what He has promised for that time.
And when God appears working at that time, fulfilling what He has promised, people look and they can’t believe it; they can’t grasp that what is happening, which is being carried out by a simple person, is God through that person carrying out what He promised for that time. And what happens is what it says here in this passage that we read: that God has hidden these things from the wise and prudent, and has revealed them unto children, to simple people.
Therefore, in order to serve God, the person must have the revelation of God, of God’s Program, for the time in which he is living. Just like in the time of Jesus in His earthly ministry, He asks His disciples on one occasion: “Whom do men say that I the Son of Man am?” They all start to say: “Some say that You are John the Baptist who has resurrected, others say that You are Jeremiah, others say that You are Elijah,” and so on.
That was the opinion of many people, of many religious people, and even of religious leaders; but now Christ wanted to know what they thought, what they believed, what they understood that He, Jesus, the Son of Man, was; and He asks: “But whom do you say the Son of Man is?”
Peter says to Him: “You: You are the Christ, the Son of the living God!” Christ tells him: “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, for flesh and blood has not revealed it unto you, but My Father which is in Heaven.”6
In other words, he hadn’t received that revelation in the synagogue; in the synagogue they didn’t teach that Jesus was the Son of God, in the synagogue the rabbis didn’t teach that Jesus was the Christ, the Messiah. That revelation came from God, from the Holy Spirit to Saint Peter.
That is the revelation that all the believers in Christ receive: Who the Son of Man is: Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who has come to the world to die on Calvary’s Cross and take away our sins. Without that revelation, a person can’t obtain salvation and Eternal Life, he can’t obtain forgiveness of his sins, he can’t approach God.
Christ Himself said: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; and no man comes to the Father but by Me.”
Every person needs to have the revelation of Christ in order to approach God the right way, which is through Jesus Christ. Whoever doesn’t have that revelation will try to approach God like Cain: through his own religious concept, of an offering of fruits of the field or another religious way or method that the person may have or may have obtained from a religion; but the right way to approach God in the Dispensation of Grace is through Jesus Christ, who said: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; and no man…” Therefore, anyone who says that he approached God and that God spoke to him, if it wasn’t through Christ, he is wrong. “And no man comes to the Father but by Me.” Saint John chapter 14, verse 6.
And the Scripture also says: “Whatever you do, whether in words or deeds, do all in the Name of Jesus Christ,” in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Saint Paul tells us.7
And Christ also says: “And everything you ask the Father in My Name, that will I do.”8
It’s important to know that in the Dispensation of Grace we approach God through Christ, and we pray to God and ask God in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ; therefore, the revelation of God, of the Father, is required to approach God, to pray to God, and to obtain the forgiveness of sins, and be cleansed from all sin and be baptized with the Holy Spirit, and obtain the new birth; and then to serve Christ, God through Christ, in the Kingdom of God, all the days of our earthly life.
God’s entire Program for the human being to approach God and serve Him, is simple. Even Jesus Christ Himself was the simplest person there was in His time; He was so simple, a simple carpenter from Nazareth, and it was none other than God visiting His people, Emmanuel, which means: God with us,9 God clothed in a body of flesh called Jesus; that is the physical likeness of God. And the image of God is the heavenly body of God called the Angel of the Covenant, also called the Holy Spirit; because a spirit is a body from another dimension, a spiritual body, similar to our body but from another dimension.
And every believer in Christ also has his angel, his heavenly body, his spiritual body.
Christ said that “the angels of these little ones behold the face of My Father every day;” therefore, if they see the heavenly Father’s face every day… That’s in Saint Matthew chapter 18, verse 10:
“Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.”
Christ says that; therefore, the believers in Christ also have their angel, their heavenly body; and therefore, just like God also has His Angel, which is His heavenly body, Christ in a heavenly body… which is why He could say: “Before Abraham was, I am.” Saint John chapter 8, verses 56 to 58.
And notice, a person who comes from eternity and who goes through the different stages of Creation, and through whom God Himself spoke and created all things, now when He appears here on Earth clothed in a body of flesh that He created for Himself, now He appears in such a simple way: not with a profession, but with a carpenter trade; and that’s why they would say: “How does this Man have such wisdom if He wasn’t educated?”10 It was God’s Wisdom.
We find that the Scripture says that many saw God in the Old Testament; but then in Saint John chapter 1, verse 18, it says: “No man hath seen God at any time.” This seems to contradict what other men of God, like Abraham, even like Adam, even like Abel, even like Noah too, like Abraham as well, who ate with Elohim and His two Angels Gabriel and Michael11… and also from what Jacob says, when he wrestled with the Angel of God, and he didn’t let Him go until the Angel blessed him by changing his name.
Then he says: “I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved,” and he called it Peniel (which means: ‘the face of God’), the place where he had that encounter with the Angel of God. Chapter 32, verses 24 to 32, of Genesis.
And also in Judges chapter 13, we find Manoah and his wife, who met the Angel of God and didn’t know it was the Angel of God, the Angel of the Lord, who is Christ in His heavenly body, the Word that was with God; and they didn’t know until Manoah offered his offering of a goat or lamb to God. Because he had offered the Angel a meal, but the Angel told him: “I will not eat of your bread, but if you want to offer a sacrifice, sacrifice it to God,” (Judges is after Joshua). And Manoah didn’t know who he was speaking with and who was speaking with him.
Notice, in a simple way, the most important Angel came: the Angel of God, the Lord Jesus Christ in His heavenly body, the Word that was with God and through whom God spoke all of Creation into existence.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”12 It was God in (which body?) His heavenly body, His theophanic body.
It says in verse… Chapter 13, verse 13 and on… or verse 17 and on, says… and part of 16 [Judges]:
“And the angel of the Lord said unto Manoah, Though thou detain me, I will not eat of thy bread: and if thou wilt offer a burnt offering, thou must offer it unto the Lord. For Manoah knew not that he was an angel of the Lord.”
He didn’t know that it was the Angel of God; in other words, he didn’t know that it was the theophanic body, the heavenly body of God, that it was the image of the living God; in other words, he didn’t know that it was the Holy Spirit, the Angel of the Covenant.
“And Manoah said unto the angel of the Lord, What is thy name, that when thy sayings come to pass we may do thee honour?
And the angel of the Lord said unto him, Why askest thou thus after my name, seeing it is secret?
So Manoah took a kid with a meat offering, and offered it upon a rock unto the Lord: and the angel did wonderously; and Manoah and his wife looked on.
For it came to pass, when the flame went up toward heaven from off the altar, that the angel of the Lord ascended in the flame of the altar. And Manoah and his wife looked on it, and fell on their faces to the ground.
But the angel of the Lord did no more appear to Manoah and to his wife. Then Manoah knew that he was an angel of the Lord,” (whom we already know is Christ in His heavenly body).
“And Manoah said unto his wife, We shall surely die, because we have seen God.”
Because the manifestation of God has always been in and through the Angel of the Lord, the Angel of the Covenant, His heavenly body, which is the image of the living God, which is Christ, the image of the living God.
That is why the Scripture tells us that Christ is the image of God,13 in other words, the heavenly body of God, the theophanic body of God, the Angel of the Covenant, the Holy Spirit.
That’s why the Lord later tells His disciples in Saint Matthew chapter 28, verse 20: “I will be with you always, even unto the end of the world.” Saint Matthew chapter 28, verse 20. And in chapter 18, verse 20, it says, of Saint Matthew: “Where two or three are gathered together in My Name, I will be there.”
And how would Christ be there? In Holy Spirit; because Christ in His heavenly body is the Holy Spirit.
And now, we find that since Christ is the image of the living God and also the physical likeness of God: Jesus Christ is God’s heavenly body and Jesus Christ is God’s body of flesh, which is already glorified, in which God dwells in all His fullness; in other words, in that body of flesh that is already glorified dwells the Holy Spirit, the Angel of the Covenant, the heavenly body of God, and God the Father dwells there.
The fullness of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is in Jesus Christ our Savior. That’s why Christ said: “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.”14
Therefore, the works that Christ did, He didn’t do them of Himself: it was the Angel of the Covenant, through whom the Father performed those miracles through Jesus; He would show Christ the things that God was going to do, and then Jesus would go and do them; but it was God through Jesus doing all those things.
Christ said: “I do nothing of Myself. The Father, that is, My Father that dwells in Me, He does the works.”15
And He also said that He didn’t speak anything of Himself, but rather as He heard the Father speak, that is what He did and that is what He spoke.16 Therefore, it was the Voice of God speaking through human lips when Christ would speak. Those preachings were God speaking to the people through human flesh.
And everything was in simplicity: a young carpenter without an academic education, without a doctorate, without a profession; just a carpenter trade. And yet that was the Messiah, the Anointed One; Anointed of God, the Messiah of God; the Anointed One of God, the Christ of God. Anointed One, Messiah, and Christ, are the same thing.
And they would look at Him and He was so simple; but it was God working through that simple veil of flesh.
Because God veils Himself, He goes into a simple veil of flesh; and then, through that simple veil of flesh, He reveals Himself to the people; that is the revelation of God for each time in which God veils Himself.
In other words, He goes into an instrument that He chooses, He goes into him, and God is hidden there; and people see a simple person, but they don’t see the One who is in that person: God.
And God begins to work, to do what God is promised to do for that time; but He does it through a simple person. Therefore, He veils Himself in a simple instrument, and He reveals Himself through that simple instrument, in what He has promised to carry out at that time.
God always works in a simple way and through simple instruments; and that’s what the wise and prudent stumble over; because they think that if God is going to manifest Himself, God being so great, then He must do it through a great, important man; but He does it through a simple, humble person; and then that is the Work of God for that time. And many people overlook it.
It is hidden from the wise and prudent, but revealed to children: simple people who are able to see what God is doing in a simple way and through a simple instrument; they can recognize Him, God, who is the great One, the One who is doing those things that He promised, and they can believe it.
“You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent, and have revealed them to children; for so it seemed good in Your sight,”17 Christ says. That’s what pleased God.
God is pleased to veil Himself, to go into a simple person, and then reveal Himself through that simple person, fulfilling what He promised for that time.
Notice, the Dispensation of Grace… Notice, the Sacrifice of Atonement for human being’s sin, to redeem the human being, was through a simple instrument called Jesus; the greatest Work carried out on Earth by God, the Work of Redemption on Calvary’s Cross.
And then the beginning of the Church was started by Christ in Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost with simple people as well: fishermen, farmers, housewives as well, one hundred and twenty believers in Christ with whom the Church was born on the Day of Pentecost;18 and then He continued adding unto His Church thousands of simple people; and some who had some education became simple people as well.
Whoever wants to see God veiled and revealed, fulfilling what He has promised for the time in which the person lives, must seek Him in a simple way; otherwise, he won’t find Him. God in simplicity veiling Himself and revealing Himself to His people.
“No man has seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him.”
See, in plain words: no one has ever seen God the Father. Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, has declared Him; He declared Him through Abraham, Adam, Abel, Seth, through all these men of God, through Noah, through Abraham, through Moses, through the prophets, the judges and the prophets, Elijah… and yet, Elijah, the story of Elijah isn’t even well known, who his parents were, whether he was educated or not; but God was inside Elijah, veiled in the prophet Elijah and revealed through the prophet Elijah.
Then Elisha with a double portion; we find God inside him, being God’s veil of flesh for that time, to veil Himself and reveal Himself through the prophet Elisha. And likewise, we find God’s simple way of veiling Himself and revealing Himself to human beings.
That is how it has always been and that’s how it will be at this end time.
It will be God through Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, always veiling Himself in a human being; and always making known the things that will come to pass, making them known beforehand. “Surely the Lord God will do nothing without first revealing His secrets to His servants His prophets.” Amos chapter 3, verse 7.
Also Amos chapter 8, verse 11 to 12, tells us that there will be famine and thirst; not a famine and thirst of bread and water, but of hearing the Word of the Lord; and the Word of the Lord always comes through human lips, through a prophet, through a man, in whom God veils Himself, and reveals Himself through him and speaks to the people.
On one occasion, the prophet Elijah, in chapter 17 of First Kings, says: “There shall be no rain nor even dew upon the earth, but according to my word.”
It’s because the word of Elijah wasn’t his, rather it was the Word of God, God speaking by His Spirit through the prophet Elijah, who would show the prophet Elijah in visions the things that God would do; and Elijah had – was the instrument for God to carry them out through him.
That’s why when he carries out the whole preparation of the altar and of the bullock or calf, the bullock, in pieces on the altar, to offer it to God, he asked God to answer by fire and that he had done everything as God had shown him.19
In other words, we find the prophets working according to the vision that God gives them for each occasion. They reserve the right to make known whether God showed it to them or not, and how He showed it to them; that way they avoid impersonators arising.
We have seen God’s way of working, we have seen God’s way of fulfilling what He has promised for each time, and we have seen God’s way of speaking to the people: God always speaks by His Spirit through the prophets. Zechariah chapter 7, verses 11 to 12, tells us:
“But they refused to hearken, and pulled away the shoulder, and stopped their ears, that they should not hear.
Yea, they made their hearts as an adamant stone, lest they should hear the law, and the words which the Lord of hosts hath sent in his spirit…”
How did God send His Word to His people? By His Spirit through a prophet. And in Hebrews chapter 1, it tells us:
“God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets…”
Through whom did He speak in times past? Through the prophets. That is always God’s way of speaking to His people, whether in the Old Testament, Old Covenant, or in the New Covenant, New Testament: through human beings.
“Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son,” (meaning, through Jesus Christ), “whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds…”
Who is the heir of all Creation? Jesus Christ. And the believers in Christ are joint-heirs with Christ. And through whom did God create all things? Through Jesus Christ.
“… whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds…”
There you have the origin of the universe. It’s been in the Bible for thousands of years.
“Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person,” (see? Christ is the express image of God), “and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high…”
Who upholds all things by the Word of His power? Christ. Or in plain words: God through Christ, because God is in Christ in all His fullness; that’s why He is at the right hand of God, at the right hand of God’s power.
This is why He said: “All power is given unto Me in Heaven and on Earth.” (Saint Matthew chapter 28, verses 16 to 20). It’s because all of God’s power, God manifests it through Jesus Christ.
Saint Paul also tells us, in Colossians chapter 2, verses 2 to 3, he says:
“That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;
In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”
And also in Colossians chapter 1, verse 12 and on, it says:
“Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:
Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness,” (meaning, from the kingdom of darkness), “and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:
In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins…”
We have been translated, taken out of the kingdom of darkness, and placed where? In the Kingdom of God’s dear Son, Jesus Christ; and therefore, we are called to live according to the laws of the Kingdom of Christ.
“Who is the image of the invisible God…”
Speaking to us about Christ, it says: “[He] is the image.” The image is the heavenly body, the Holy Spirit, the theophanic body, the Word that was with God, who created all things.
“Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature…”
In Saint John chapter 1, verse 18, it says: “No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son…” Now, it says: “The only begotten.” And when it says “the only begotten,” then there are no other children. But there are more children of God, but they come through Christ, the Second Adam. That’s the way for the rest of the children of God, who were in God’s mind, to come.
“For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him…”
And if everything was created by Him, by Christ (the Angel of the Covenant, the Holy Spirit, the heavenly body of God, theophanic body of God, the Word that was with God and was God): there is nothing created that hasn’t been created by Christ, the Word that was with God and was God.
And who says that there is nothing – there is not anything created that hasn’t been created by Christ, by the Word? The Scripture Itself. Saint John chapter 1, verse 1 and on, says:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by him,” (all things what? Were made by Him); “and without him was not any thing made that was made,” (without Him nothing was made, nothing was created without Him; everything was created by Him and for Him).
“In him was life; and the life was the light of men.”
And therefore, everything was brought to life through Him, because in Him was life.
Now, it goes on to say here… This was… we read here in Saint John chapter 1, verse 1… we read up to verse 4. And now let’s continue reading in Colossians chapter 1, verse 17, it says, from that point on… and the last part of verse 16, says:
“… all things were created by him, and for him:
And he is before all things,” (and He was the One who gave origin to all of Creation, the One who originated all of Creation)…
And he is before all things,” (that’s why He would say: “Before Abraham was, I am”), “and by him all things consist.
And he is the head of the body, the church…”
And now, the head of the Church, the Bridegroom or Husband of the Church, is Jesus Christ; and the Church is His Wife, His Bride. Christ is the Second Adam and the believers in Christ are… who form the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is the second Eve, which has —Christ through Her has— many sons and daughters of God.
In the ascending genealogy of Christ, it leads to: “Adam, the son of God.”20 And in the descending genealogy of Christ… think about it. Who are the ones of the last generation, the ones of the Last Day? I belong to that last generation. And who else? Each one of you as well.
The generations of Jesus Christ. We will speak about that on some occasion, but we won’t be able to openly speak about many things contained there that are very, very important. And remember that everything is reflected, represented, in the generations prior to Christ.
Those generations are the generations of the first Adam, all of those generations until Christ; the generations that came after are represented there, which would come from Christ until now, the generations of the Second Adam. And there is a lot there to be made known and for our soul to be fed, and to obtain a lot of knowledge, even about why we are here on Earth and what our past before coming to Earth, our present and our future is.
Therefore, we will have that subject on some occasion; and then we will open up this subject as much as God allows us to make it known; because under that subject there are things that must be left alone in order to avoid imitations.
David reflected Christ a lot: the First Coming of Christ and the Second Coming of Christ were reflected in David, all of it in simplicity.
Notice, David was a simple man, a shepherd of sheep, a man after God’s own heart. And a man after God’s own heart is simple, he is humble, no matter how high God lifts him up later on.
God still reminded him, and David still remembered what he was before he became a king: a simple shepherd of sheep. And for a simple shepherd of sheep to rise up to the position of being the king of all Israel, that is just a Divine miracle. Let’s leave it at that, let’s leave that alone, because Jesse, David’s father, had more children. We will see then (if God allows us to speak a little) the sons of Jesse and the type and figure that they are for the Dispensation of Grace; because they are the shadow, the type and figure, where God reflected things that are relevant to the Dispensation of Grace.
Do you want to know more? Wait until the day we have that subject; because if I speak to you now, then I wouldn’t have to speak on and about that subject to you later on. We’ll leave it for another time. But you study about that subject in the Bible and in the messages of Reverend William Branham. Study in the messages of the Reverend William Marrion Branham, like the message “Why Little Bethlehem”21 and other messages; “Shalom”22 as well, “Why It Had To Be Shepherd”23 as well. And in the Bible: around Samuel, First Samuel chapter 16, you can have that to study until we address that subject. And I hope it’s addressed from here, so don’t put it in another country. Let’s save that subject for here, where, if God allows us – we’ll go as far as God allows us to go.
The life of David reflected the First Coming of Christ and what would happen in the First Coming of Christ; and it also reflects the Second Coming of Christ and what will be happening in the Second Coming of Christ.
So, let’s see if in a single message or in a series of messages we can touch on the subject of David, of Isaí24 or Jesse, and Jesse’s sons, who are David’s brothers.
If God allows us to speak a lot about that subject, I hope the Seventh Seal isn’t opened ahead of time; because everything is tied to the Seventh Seal, because the Seventh Seal is the Second Coming of Christ; and David reflected – in David, God reflected the First Coming of Christ and the sufferings that He would go through, and then He also reflected the glory that would follow, and He reflected the Second Coming of Christ; the First as Lamb and the Second as Lion. Let’s stop there.
And remember that everything will be in simplicity, everything will be simple; and the simple will understand. Those are the children: the simple ones. Remember that simple people… others say: “Those are a bunch of children,” well, those are the children that Christ spoke of: simple people.
May God help us to be ready for the Second Coming of Christ, which will be in simplicity; and He will come to His Church.
First He will deal with His Church and then with Israel. That is the Mighty Angel who comes down from Heaven in Revelation 10, Christ the Mighty Angel coming to His People; and everything will be in simplicity.
And Eternal Life in His Kingdom, when He comes and resurrects the dead in Christ in glorified bodies, and transforms those who are alive, Eternal Life with Him in His Kingdom physically will be in young bodies, which will represent 18 to 21 years of age, and immortal bodies, incorruptible bodies, glorified bodies just like the glorified body that Jesus Christ our Savior has, who is just as young as when He ascended to Heaven.
In that body a person doesn’t grow old, or have gray hairs, nor wrinkles, nor weaknesses, nor the aches and pains of old age; (therefore…); and they have all the power of God. That is the type of body that He has for me, and for whom else? For each one of you as well.
May God bless you greatly, and prosper you all spiritually and materially; and may He use you greatly in His Work at this end time. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Continue having a happy afternoon, filled with the blessings of Jesus Christ our Savior.
1 Genesis 3:1-19
2 Genesis 3:21
3 Genesis 4:4
4 Hebrews 9:22
5 Genesis 4:2-5
6 Matthew 16:13-17
7 Colossians 3:17
8 John 14:13
9 Matthew 1:23
10 Matthew 13:53-57, Mark 6:1-3
11 Genesis 18:1-8
12 John 1:1
13 2 Corinthians 4:4, Colossians 1:15, Hebrews 1:2-3
14 John 14:9
15 John 14:10
16 John 5:19-20, 8:28
17 Luke 10:21
18 Acts 1:15, 2:1-4
19 1 Kings 18:30-38
20 Luke 3:38
21 58-1228 – “Why Little Bethlehem”
22 64-0112 / 64-0119 – “Shalom”
23 64-1221 – “Why It Had To Be Shepherd”
24 Isaí is the name ‘Jesse’ in the Bible in Spanish