Good morning, beloved friends and brethren present, and those who are in different nations, ministers and churches; may the blessings of Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, be upon all of you and also upon me. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
It is a great blessing for me to be with you on this occasion, to share some moments of fellowship with you around the Word of God and His Program relevant to this end time.
For this occasion, let’s read the Scripture in Saint Matthew chapter 22 and chapter 25. Let’s read chapter 25 of Saint Matthew, verse 1 and on. It is a parable that is well known to Christianity, where Jesus speaks about two kinds of believers in Him; and chapter 25 of Saint Matthew, verse 1 and on, says:
“Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:
But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.
And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.
But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.
And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.”
May God bless our souls with His Word and allow us to understand It. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
We find, in this parable that we read, ten virgins that represent Christianity: five of them wise and five foolish. The difference between the two was that some had oil in their lamps, which represents the Holy Spirit, and thus had obtained the new birth; and the others did not have the Holy Spirit, and therefore they had not been born again, and thus they were only professing believers in Christ, but they didn’t have the oil of the Holy Spirit; but those foolish virgins were believers in Christ, and they were good people too, people who proclaimed Christ and proclaimed to love Christ and serve Christ.
Now, at midnight there was a cry made: “Behold, the Bridegroom is coming, go out to meet Him!”
This is like in the time of John the Baptist, who was sent to forerun the First Coming of Christ, and he was preaching; that was a cry for that time, crying out so that the people would be prepared to receive the Lord in His Coming. And John the Baptist knew who he was. Notice, in Isaiah chapter 40, verse 6 and on, it says:
“The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field:
The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: because the spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it: surely the people is grass.”
In other words, the people are typified in grass; that is why individuals, just like grass sprouts, lives and then dies, so does the human being.
“The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.
O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!
Behold, the Lord God will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.”
This prophecy has been fulfilled in the time of John the Baptist and it will also be fulfilled at the end time. The Voice that had to cry out at that time was the voice of the forerunner of the First Coming of Christ, which was John the Baptist, who came announcing that the Coming of the Lord was near.
And on one occasion he said: “Among you is One greater than me, who will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire. I knew Him not, but He that sent me to baptize said to me: Upon whom you see the Spirit rest upon Him and remain upon Him, He was the One who would baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire.”1
And he says: “And I saw It.” And he starts to say that he saw the Holy Spirit descending upon Him like a dove. That is what the Scripture says happened when John the Baptist baptized Jesus; as He came up out of the baptismal waters, the Holy Spirit descended like a dove upon Jesus.2 Perhaps other people didn’t see the Holy Spirit, but John did see It, and he testified that he saw It.
John the Baptist came at the end of the seventh age of the Hebrew Church under the Law, to forerun the Coming of the Lord; and that is what he did: prepare the people. And at this end time the Holy Spirit came manifested in Rev. William Branham, anointing him; and through him came that midnight cry: “Behold, the Bridegroom is coming; go out to meet Him!”
Then wise virgins and foolish or sleeping virgins come out; in other words, all of Christianity is impacted during the time of Rev. William Branham; and God gave a spiritual revival, a spiritual awakening to Christianity, under the ministry of Rev. William Branham.
After that, the wise virgins and the foolish virgins are called to have their lamps on Fire with the Holy Spirit in the midst of Christianity.
While the foolish virgins went to buy oil, the Bridegroom came; in other words, they didn’t notice His Coming. And those who were ready, the wise virgins, went in with Him to the Marriage; they did realize and they went in with Him to the Marriage. And the door was shut.
Then come the foolish, and it doesn’t say that they got oil; they come to knock at the door, but the door was already shut. They knock at the door saying: “Lord, Lord, open to us!” That is about to be fulfilled at the end time.
When Christ resurrects the dead believers in Him into glorified bodies, and transforms those who are alive, from that point on that promise, that prophecy, will be fulfilled.
The Bride-Church will already be with Her Lord, and She will be with Her Lord from the moment that the dead believers in Christ are resurrected in glorified bodies, and the living believers in Christ are changed; which will be the ones represented by the five wise virgins.
They will be with Christ on Earth, just like Christ was with His disciples after He rose, He spent about 40 days appearing to them on different occasions, about eight times;3 in other words, every Sunday, most likely; because the first time that He appeared to them was a Sunday, and the second time that He appeared to them was a Sunday as well.4
That is why in the midst of Christianity, most religious groups have Sunday as the main day of the week to serve Christ: going to church, and worshiping God through Christ, and hearing the preaching of the Gospel, and also having Bible school on Sundays; and most churches, then have an evening service where the pastor brings his evening message.
We find that Sunday was a very important day, because it was the day that Jesus Christ resurrected, on a Sunday, very early in the morning. It’s also a day that people wake up early to get ready to go to church. And no one should miss a Sunday service. You shouldn’t go fishing or do business or anything else, but dedicate it to being at the Church, worshiping God through Christ, and carrying out and being present at the Sunday services.
It’s important―for all Christians―not to leave the congregation, the Church, but rather to be at Church on Sundays. It’s important… in the Scripture it says that the Christians, the apostles and all the believers gathered on Sundays. On a Sunday was when Christ resurrected and appeared to His disciples, and then the next Sunday, of the following week, He appeared to them as well, on the first day of the week, which is Sunday.
Sunday speaks to us of eternity. We have to be aware of that, that just as the Jews were commanded to keep the Sabbath (in other words, to dedicate it to the things of God: going to the synagogue, being at the synagogue service, and so on), Christianity has Sunday, which also represents the Day of Pentecost, because Sunday was a feast day, the Day of Pentecost was also on a Sunday. (We will verify that later with all the necessary documentation. We will confirm that to you next Sunday).
It’s important to understand these things and to remember that the Year of Jubilee is also on a Sunday year, a Sunday year; it is the fiftieth year, just like the Day of Pentecost was the fiftieth day, because Pentecost means fifty.
The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, just like the believers in Christ of the time of Jesus, after the departure of Jesus, were in the upper room for ten days, and on the fiftieth day the Holy Spirit came upon the believers in Christ who were waiting for the Coming of the Holy Spirit…5 and that was the Coming of the Lord in Holy Spirit to be with all the believers in Him and in all the believers in Him.
Christ said: “Where two or three are gathered together in My Name, I will be there.” Saint Matthew chapter 18, verse 20.
And in Saint Matthew chapter 28, verse 20, it tells us: “I will be with you always, even unto the end of the world.”
Christ has been and is with His Church and in the midst of His Church, which is a spiritual Temple for God to dwell in Holy Spirit; and in the believers in Christ, who are also a spiritual temple as individuals. And He dwells in the soul, in the heart of every believer who has the oil of the Holy Spirit in him, who has Christ in Holy Spirit dwelling in his soul.
The person’s soul is the cornerstone as an individual, it is the most important thing, which the person is; the person’s spirit is a spiritual body of another dimension, similar to our physical body, but of another dimension; and the physical body of flesh that we have is to live on this Earth. But the spirit of the person and the physical body are both bodies; but the soul that is in that body is the greatest thing, which is what the individual, what the person, actually is: a living soul.
And the Church as a Mystical Body of believers has also been built the same way, created the same way: the physical body is the outer court of the person, the spirit is the holy place, and the soul is the most holy place. Here in the soul is where the person believes or doubts; he is either a believer or an unbeliever; because the person has free moral agency to believe or not believe.
And in the Mystical Body of Christ we find the Outer Court: the time before the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ was born on the Day of Pentecost. Everything before the Day of Pentecost pertains to the Outer Court. In the outer court was where the sacrifices were carried out; and the Sacrifice of Christ was also carried out in the place that pertains to the Outer Court of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And then, the high priest had to take the blood all the way to the most holy place, the atoning blood; and first it had to go through the holy place, which pertains to the seven stages or ages of the Church, including the time of the apostles. So, the Blood of Christ has been the only instrument to cleanse from all sin every person who receives Him as his Savior.
But the Blood has to reach the Most Holy Place of the spiritual Temple of Christ, just as It reached the Most Holy Place of the heavenly Temple, where Christ is High Priest making Intercession with His own Blood for every believer in Christ, for every person who receives Him as his Savior, who has been written in Heaven, in the Lamb’s Book of Life, before the foundation of the world.
After the seven Church ages, Christ in Holy Spirit goes on to the stage of the Cornerstone Age, where the Blood of Christ must also be; and the believers in Christ must receive, and therefore, have, the oil of the Spirit, which is the Holy Spirit; and that is the Life of the Blood. Whoever has the Holy Spirit has the Blood of Christ applied in his life.
After the ministry of John the Baptist, the Messiah would present Himself. Even in the days of John the Baptist He was introduced by John the Baptist; John the Baptist introduced Him with his Message.
Rev. William Branham said, as the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ, that if he were not here in the time of the Coming of the Lord, his Message would introduce Him; because he said that he was told: “Your Message will forerun the Second Coming of Christ.”6 It is because the Message and the messenger are one,7 because the Message is in the messenger.
Therefore, the Second Coming of Christ will be according to the prophetic Word, to what was promised, and to what was forerun by Rev. William Branham, who was the Elijah forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ.
And since the Second Coming of Christ pertains to the stage of the Cornerstone Age, as it was in the days of Jesus, the Church goes up to the stage of Cornerstone Age to receive Christ, the Husband, the Bridegroom, and to obtain the faith to be transformed and taken with Christ to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
After Christ takes His Church (the wise virgins, His Bride-Church), the foolish virgins will remain on Earth to go through the Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation will purge the Earth with earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves, tsunamis; the Earth will be purged by all those problems that it will go through, and by a nuclear World War III.
They will also go through what is called the Great Tribulation, the foolish virgins, who had no oil in their lamps, and therefore didn’t have the Blood of Christ applied; even if they said that they had It, they needed to have the Blood Life, which is the Holy Spirit; and therefore they have to go through the Great Tribulation, to be purged.
The 144,000 Hebrews, 12,000 of each tribe (of Revelation chapter 7), will also go through the Great Tribulation to be purged during that time period of three and a half years that will be the second part of the seventieth week of the prophecy of Daniel chapter 9, verses 21 to 27; and of Revelation chapter 11, verses 1 to 19.
In chapter 19 of Revelation it shows us what will be taking place on Earth… Correction, chapter 11, verses 15 to 19, where it says:
“And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God,
Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.
And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come…”
Remember that during the Great Tribulation is when God’s wrath comes, it is poured out upon the Earth.
“And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come…”
The nations are full of anger, wars and rumors of wars, violence throughout the Earth, as it was in the days of Noah. Chapter 5 and chapter 6 of Genesis shows us how it was at that time; and Christ said that the Coming of the Son of Man will be like in the days of Noah,8 and He also says it will be like in the days of Lot,9 the same condition in both times. That will also be the condition of this end time:
“… and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth,” (meaning that God’s wrath will be poured out upon those who destroy the Earth).
“And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.”
That is what will happen during the time of the Great Tribulation; that is why the Angel who comes with the everlasting Gospel… It says in chapter 14 of Revelation, verses 6 to 7:
“And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come,” (the hour of the Divine Judgment), “and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.”
In chapter 6 of Revelation, verses 12 to 17, it shows us how it will be and how people will be during that period of the Great Tribulation, which will last three and a half years, and which will be the second half of the seventieth week of Daniel’s prophecy, which will also be the time for God to deal with Israel. Chapter 6, verses 12 to 17, of Revelation, says:
“And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal…”
Remember that the Great Tribulation will be the manifestation of the Sixth Seal. The Sixth Seal encompasses everything that will happen in the Great Tribulation.
“And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake…”
In other words, the Great Tribulation will begin with a great earthquake; and most likely it will be the earthquake of the resurrection, or another earthquake that will come before that, but most likely it is the earthquake for the resurrection and of the resurrection.
“… and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;” (the same thing that happened when Jesus died)
“And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.”
Don’t worry when you read that every island fled away; unless islands go away first, because there are tidal waves and earthquakes. But we pray to God that Puerto Rico doesn’t go away, doesn’t disappear; and if it has to disappear, then it will be with the earthquake of the Sixth Seal, for the beginning of the materialization of the Sixth Seal, for the beginning of the Great Tribulation, where the wise virgins will no longer be here.
We love Puerto Rico very much, and if it’s in God’s plan, we want Puerto Rico to enter into the Millennial Kingdom; and we want all of Latin America to be spared as well, and not be destroyed before we are transformed, because there is a lot of danger for all the coasts on the Pacific. It is already scientifically proven. Only the Hand of God can stop the things that will happen on the Pacific coast.
California is on the list, it is the first on that list. But we hope that when that happens, it is with the earthquake of the resurrection; but not before that. Until we are transformed, it is not convenient for that to happen.
We are aware of the reality, but with our faith in Christ, always asking God for His people and the territory where His people live: May God protect it. We don’t want the judgments of the Great Tribulation yet; but signs are taking place that allow us to see that those divine judgments are very close.
What is currently happening is just the birth pains that precede the delivery of a baby; and as they – they become faster, at short intervals with less time in between, that indicates that the birth is very close. And all these earthquakes, tidal waves, tsunamis and volcanoes starting to erupt, are the labor pains of the planet Earth; because a renewed Earth is going to be born for the Messiah and His Kingdom, and His people.
The Great Tribulation will be a time of purification, to prepare everything for the Kingdom of the Messiah and to remove the wicked; it will remove the Gentile kingdom for the Kingdom of God to be established.
Malachi chapter 4, tells us:
“For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven;” (in other words, the temperature will be so high that it will burn many people, let’s see), “and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch,” (many nations will disappear).
“But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings…”
The salvation for the wise virgins will be the Coming of the Sun of Righteousness, which is the Coming of the Lord, who said: “I am the Light of the world.” Saint John chapter 8, verse 12.
“… and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet…”
When Christ returns to Earth with His Church: He returns from the seventh dimension, from the dimension of God, of the heavenly Father, where the Bride-Church, the wise virgins, will be, with Christ, the Bridegroom, in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
“… for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet,” (it’s because the wicked will already be burned, turned into ashes), “in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts.
Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.
Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet…”
We have the promise of one sent by God: the prophet Elijah, who will be a man, another man, in whom the Holy Spirit will be operating the ministry of Elijah.
We had Elijah the Tishbite, in whom the Spirit of God was; we have Elisha, in whom there was a double portion of the Spirit that was in Elijah, he was the second Elijah, and his name was Elisha; and we have John the Baptist, of whom Christ says: “This is Elijah, which was to come.” Saint Matthew chapter 11; and also Saint Matthew chapter 17, verses 10 to 13. In chapter 11, Christ says, verse 9 and on, says:
“But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet.
For this is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.
Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.”
The least of the Mystical Body of believers, the least of the wise virgins, is greater than John the Baptist. Any person may wonder: “How can a simple born-again believer in Christ (who belongs to the wise virgins) be greater than John the Baptist, who was such a great prophet?”
Simple: What is greater in a family: a servant or a son? A son is greater than a servant. The servant is not an heir of the father of the family, but the son is heir to everything the Father has.
Likewise, God’s servants are the Hebrew people, it’s the Hebrew people as a people; and the members of the Hebrew people who have not received Christ as Savior, are still God’s servants; and the believers in Christ, whether Jews or Gentiles, are God’s sons and daughters, the heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ Jesus our Lord, as Saint Paul tells us in Romans chapter 8, verses 14 to 39.
The children are the heirs, the children are the sons and daughters of God; and they are kings and priests and judges of the Order of Melchizedek, of the heavenly Order. And they will be kings, priests, and judges here on Earth, in the Kingdom of Messiah.
Everything that Christ is heir to, the believers in Christ, represented in the five wise virgins, are also heirs to. They will not go through the Great Tribulation because the Blood of Christ has cleansed them from all sin; and therefore, there is no reason for them to have to go through the Great Tribulation to be purged, the Blood of Christ has already purged them.
“And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.
For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John.”
All the prophets and the Law, under the Dispensation of Law, prophesied until John the Baptist. John was the last of the prophets of the Dispensation of Law.
If John was the greatest and the last, what about Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ was greater than all the prophets, and He is the One who heads and brings in the new dispensation, the Dispensation of Grace.
The Dispensation of Grace is based on the Sacrifice of Christ in His First Coming, there on Calvary’s Cross.
Then there are also prophets for the Dispensation of Grace. Those of the Law ended with John the Baptist, and those of Grace, we find that they begin there with Christ, the apostles… Since the Day of Pentecost, we find that God raised many prophets in the midst of Christianity; and that is how it has been throughout the different times.
And the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ was also a prophet, a prophet like Saint Paul, like Saint Peter, like the prophet Elijah, and so on; a man with both consciouses together sent by God to His people, to His Church. It was Elijah, the ministry of Elijah being repeated in another man, being repeated for the fourth time.
And it is promised that this ministry will be repeated for the fifth time, and the ministry of Moses will also be repeated at this end time: the Two Olive Trees of Revelation chapter 11, verse 1 to 14; and Zechariah chapter 4, verse 1 to 14; those are the ministries of Moses and Elijah being repeated at this end time.
Those are the ministries that open the Sixth Seal, those are the ministries that will impact the Hebrew people; that is why God will send Elijah to them before the coming of “the great and dreadful day of the Lord;” before the Great Tribulation comes, those ministries will be here.
And therefore, there will be a veil of flesh for those ministries; and therefore, the veil of flesh must be born beforehand, for God to operate the ministry of the Sixth Seal in favor of Israel. They will do the same things that were done by Moses and the same things that were done by the prophet Elijah; because it’s their ministries being repeated; and they have to do with the Hebrew people.
But what is… Notice here, verse 13 to 14 of chapter 11 of Saint Matthew:
“For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John.
And if ye will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come.
He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.”
He that has ears to hear what? To hear the Voice of God, the Word of Christ, let him hear.
John the Baptist was the Elijah who was to come at that time forerunning the First Coming of Christ, just like Rev. William Branham was the one who had to come forerunning the Second Coming of Christ. And the ministry of Elijah for the fourth time. And for the fifth time… we’ll leave that alone. But remember one thing: before John the Baptist… even before the Spirit of God came upon Elijah for the ministry that He operated in him, he had to be born on Earth, he had to grow up, and reach the time when the ministry of Elijah, of the Holy Spirit, was operated in Elijah.
And in order for Elisha to receive the double portion of the Spirit that was in Elijah, and for God to operate the ministry of Elijah in Elisha, he had to have been born, have grown, and been instructed in the relevant Word; he was a disciple of Elijah, Elisha, the one who had the double portion: Elisha.
John the Baptist was also a believer in the Word of God. He was announced by the Angel Gabriel to his father Zacharias, in chapter 1 of Saint Luke, and he was told that he would come before the Lord; and also in Malachi chapter 3.
Then, notice, the fourth Elijah, or the ministry of Elijah being repeated for the fourth time; in order for the ministry of Elijah to come being operated by the Holy Spirit in Rev. William Branham, he had to be born on Earth (he must already be elected before the foundation of the world for that purpose), and he had to be with the people, be born among the people in which that ministry would be operated. He was born in the midst of Christianity, that is, among the Gentiles, and then he received Christ as his Savior; a believer in Christ, one of the wise virgins.
And we can see how God has had great men, like the apostles Saint Peter and other apostles, and Saint Paul, and also the messengers of each age; God raised important men (who made them important? God). And in the midst of Christianity we have the Holy Spirit operating the ministry of Elijah for the fourth time.
Rev. William Branham says that the Gentiles will take the Gospel to the Jews as the Jews brought It to the Gentiles. And what does that indicate? If Moses and Elijah are the ones who will go with the Word to the Jews, and the Gentiles will take It to the Jews, then these ministries will appear in the midst of Christianity first, even if we don’t identify them… but the wise virgins, remember, will identify those ministries.
Even if the foolish virgins don’t identify it… Although there will be a blessing for the foolish virgins with the opening of the Seventh Seal in the manifestation of the Third Pull that Rev. William Branham spoke of.
Now, the ministry of Elijah and Moses are the ones that will take the Gospel to the Jews. How will the Gospel of the Kingdom be for the Jews? That is something that will be left alone for the moment, so that they are not visited by people who may divert them from the Divine Program.
The Jews will recognize Moses and Elijah, they will recognize the Two Olive Trees, they will recognize these ministries. They will know that it won’t literally be Moses, but a prophet like Moses, a dispensational prophet, a major prophet. And the ministry of Elijah will be – and Elijah coming for the fifth time will be a prophet like Elijah, where God through His Holy Spirit will operate the ministry of Elijah at the Last Day.
And the Seventh Seal will be the same way. Just as the Sixth Seal is Moses and Elijah, the Two Olive Trees, the Seventh Seal is the Coming of the Lord to His Church. And we won’t explain anything about that until the Third Pull, until the Third Pull comes in the fulfillment of the Tent Vision. That is where the whole mystery will be completely opened, and Christ through His Spirit will carry out in the midst of His Church everything that has been promised.
But so that you have a clear picture… I know that, when that time comes, some will say: “But that is what I believed, I knew that!” The words for that person will be the same ones that Christ said to Peter: “Flesh and blood have not revealed it to you, but My Father which is in Heaven.”10
It was said that… Rev. William Branham also said: “I am building a platform for somebody else to come and step on.”11 He also said: “I’m building a platform for my Lord.”12
If he is the forerunner, the One forerun will stand on the platform that he prepared for Him, the Biblical platform. Everything he said regarding the Coming of the Lord while preparing the way for Him, it will be based on what the forerunner said there, and all the Scriptures of the Bible will be present there, based on everything the Bible says, which is what the Holy Spirit said through Rev. William Branham, the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ, and which, the Holy Spirit shed more light on those promises of the Second Coming of Christ.
Page 130 of the book of Quotations, paragraph 1164, says [64-0726E – “Broken Cisterns,” p. 30, para. 158]:
1164 – “[158] ‘… for the Trump of God, that last Trumpet…’ The sixth one has just sounded. And that last Trumpet, like the last Seal, will be the Coming of the Lord. ‘It shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first.’”
The Seventh Trumpet is the One that God sounds through these ministries. Page 128, paragraph 1143, says [Quotations] [64-0719M – “The Feast Of The Trumpets,” p. 20, para. 155]:
1143 – “[155] Under the Seventh Trumpet, is to Israel,” (remember, the Seventh Trumpet to Israel), “the same as the Seventh Seal was to the Church.”
In plain words, since the Son of Man, Christ, comes with His Angels… and His Angels are the Two Olive Trees. And those Two Olives Trees are the ministries of Moses and Elijah being repeated at the Last Day.
What the Seventh Seal, the Coming of the Lord, will be to the Bride-Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the wise virgins; to the Jews it will be the Seventh Trumpet: Moses and Elijah.
When the Church becomes aware of, knows the mystery of the Seventh Seal, the mystery of the Coming of the Lord, She will be able to say: “I also know the mystery of the Seventh Trumpet, the mystery of the Two Olive Trees.”
Just as it was on Mount Transfiguration,13 where Christ was showing the order of His Second Coming. They appear there: Christ glorified, and Moses on one side and Elijah on the other side; that is the order of the Second Coming of Christ. He comes with His Angels, which are Moses and Elijah, the ministries of Moses and Elijah being repeated.
On another occasion, we will speak more clearly about this subject, since Rev. William Branham said that it was best not to speak… He was told not to speak certain things about the Third Pull and what he saw in the little room. And this is because the enemy tries to copy everything that the Bride-Church carries out. That is why sometimes you will find that people come out trying to imitate what God has promised to do. And the enemy does all of that to deceive people, so that when the real thing takes place, people say: “That is the same thing.”
But Rev. William Branham said: “There will be no mimics of this, there will be no impersonation of this.”14 There can only be an imitation when people already know what is promised and they start trying to imitate what will come. But the enemy doesn’t know this mystery of the Seventh Seal.
The wise virgins will know it fully at the relevant time: in the fulfillment of the Vision of the Great Tent Cathedral that Rev. William Branham saw, where the Holy Spirit will be working, the Pillar of Fire will be there, the Angel who accompanied Rev. William Branham will also be there; and not only Rev. William Branham, surely the messengers of the different ages will also come; but above all, Rev. William Branham will be there.
It’s because for the complete fulfillment of the Third Pull, the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the transformation of the living will have to take place, will take place.
How long will The Great Tent Cathedral that Rev. William Branham saw be functioning until the resurrection of the dead and the transformation of the living take place? We don’t know. But however long it is, compared to eternity, it will be very short, and compared to the time since Christ until now, it will also be very short. But what has been promised by the Lord will take place.
It is up to us to be prepared, and to prepare for the Lord the things that He asked us to have ready for His Coming: the people, and what He needs to have physically for His manifestation.
Notice, the Scripture said that the Messiah would come on a little donkey, on a colt the foal of a donkey.15 The one who bred that colt, who had a female donkey and that colt, that little donkey, was born… perhaps all those who had donkeys also wanted to have little donkeys, a female donkey, and male donkeys, thinking: “When the Messiah comes, I want to have a colt for Him, a little donkey, that no one has ever sat on.” Just like all the Jewish mothers desired to be an instrument to give birth to the Messiah. And notice, God provided Himself that donkey by using a man who had that animal, and that animal’s mother; the Lord needed it and there it was available for Him.
For the Last Day, according to what Rev. William Branham saw… Remember, everyone desires and believes (and it’s normal) that Christ in Holy Spirit is in their church, in their congregation; and that’s right. And at the Last Day there will be a Great Tent Cathedral, in which Christ will be manifested and will give us the faith to be transformed and raptured.
And no matter what country people are in: they will see that through satellites, through the internet, through the television; and they will receive, wherever they are, the faith to be transformed and raptured. They won’t have to go to the place where The Great Tent Cathedral that Rev. William Branham saw will be. Those who are from that place will be there and some who will be visiting on some occasions, and those whom God continues to call to give them salvation and Eternal Life.
But those who are in other countries will be able to stay in the country where they live; and from there perhaps they will see everything that is happening in that place very clearly, through the television screen.
Therefore, there’s no need to worry. If people live in another nation, don’t be thinking: “I’m going to the place where the Third Pull is being fulfilled, in the fulfillment of the Tent Vision.”
It is important to understand these things in order to not lose the line of the Divine revelation, because the person who loses the line of the Divine revelation goes into fanaticism; and instead of helping, what he does is harm; and no one is interested in having a person or people who are interrupting the Divine Program, who are causing problems. Therefore, it is important to understand these things and to know that each person stays in their place, and there he will see everything that God is doing at that time.
Each minister is responsible for having the best equipment possible for them so that they see everything that will be happening. So, every pastor, every minister is called to have the best for his congregation.
We are at a time of great expectation as to what God has promised, and in what God has promised.
We know that the Great Tribulation is near, which will be the time period of three and a half years, which pertains to the second part of the seventieth week of the prophecy of Daniel chapter 9, verses 21 to 27; but there’s no need to be afraid of the Great Tribulation.
When the Great Tribulation is taking place, the believers in Christ, the wise virgins, will be at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb with Christ, in God’s dimension, the heavenly Father’s House: the seventh dimension. So, there’s no need to be afraid of the Great Tribulation.
The ones who will go through the Great Tribulation are the foolish virgins, the 144,000 Hebrews, 12,000 of each tribe, and also the Jews who are not in the Mystical Body of believers, of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ as wise virgins. They, the Jews, also don’t know that there will be a transformation for the living, where they will have glorified bodies, and a resurrection of the believers in Christ in glorified bodies, and a rapture or catching away to go to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
There in Jeremiah chapter 30, it shows Jacob’s trouble, which Israel will go through. The Jews will go through the Great Tribulation. The foolish virgins, believers in Christ without the Holy Spirit, will also go through the Great Tribulation to be purged. The Earth will also be purged during the Great Tribulation.
But for the purification of the wise virgins, Christ died on Calvary’s Cross, He shed His Blood, and with His Blood He cleansed us from all sin, He purged us; therefore, the born-again believers in Christ have already been purged, that is why they go with Christ in glorified bodies, to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb: the greatest, most important feast that has ever taken place in Heaven. And I will be there. And who else? Each one of you as well.
Therefore, let’s not be dismayed at any moment. Steadfast and onward [Onward, Christian soldiers], as the hymn says. Every day, more steadfast in Christ.
There is no other hope for human beings, only the Coming of the Lord; because He comes to transform us and take us with Him to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. That is the only thing that will deliver us from going through the Great Tribulation.
Five of them to the Great Tribulation, and five of them (the wise) to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
And don’t be afraid of the Great Tribulation. We won’t be here on Earth during that time. Be calm and prepared for our transformation and catching away to Heaven; and prepared to receive Christ in His Coming.
May God continue to bless you all.
1 Matthew 3:11, Mark 1:7-8, Luke 3:15-16, John 1:29-34
2 Matthew 3:16, Mark 1:10, Luke 3:21-22
3 Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 16:14-18, Luke 24:36-49, John 21:1-14
4 John 20:19-29
5 Acts 2:1-4
6 Quotations, p. 80, para. 683: 62-1230M – “Absolute,” p. 30, paras. 225-226; Quotations, p. 81, para. 687: 62-1230E – “Is This The Sign Of The End, Sir?” p. 13, paras. 96-98; Quotations, p. 119, para. 1058: 63-1229E – “Look Away To Jesus,” p. 7, paras. 50-52
7 Quotations, p. 151, para. 1350: 65-0718E – “Spiritual Food In Due Season,” p. 11, paras. 66-70
8 Matthew 24:37-39; Luke 17:26-27
9 Luke 17:28-30
10 Matthew 16:17
11 Quotations, p. 119, para. 1058: 63-1229E – “Look Away To Jesus,” p. 7, paras. 50-52
12 64-0719E – “Going Beyond The Camp,” p. 27, para. 161
13 Matthew 17:1-8, Mark 9:2-8, Luke 9:28-36
14 The Revelation Of The Seven Seals, “The Seventh Seal,” p. 543, paras. 259-261
15 Zechariah 9:9, Matthew 21:5, John 12:15