Time to see

Good morning, beloved friends and brethren present and those who are in different nations. May the blessings of Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, be with each one of you and also with me. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

On this occasion, let’s read in Saint *Matthew, chapter *13, verses 10 to 17, where it tells us the following… This was a conversation between Christ and His disciples, where His disciples came to Him. It says:

And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?

He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.

Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.

And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:

For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.

But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.

For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.”

May God bless our souls with His Word and allow us to understand It. Our subject for this occasion is: “TIME TO SEE.”

Every day of his life, the human being is looking and seeing, unless he is blind. But the most important thing a person must see is the Divine Program pertaining to the time in which the person is living, because that is what unites him with and places him in Eternal Life.

The human being has physical eyes to see, and therefore, he also has ears to hear, that is why the Scripture also says: “He that has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.”1

We find human beings having eyes to see and ears to hear; and the majority use them to see and hear things that harm their soul.

All human beings are called to see and hear what God is carrying out and what God is speaking at the time in which the person is living. And what He will be speaking and doing will be what is promised in the Word of God. Therefore, every person is called to search the Scriptures, “for in them you think you have Eternal Life, and they are they which testify of Me,” said Christ.2 “And they are they which testify of Me,” in other words, they testify of Christ.

Therefore, we have the written testimony of what Christ would be doing at all times, what He would be doing and what He would be speaking; for which we need to have eyes to see and ears to hear: to see the things of God and to hear the Voice of God at the time in which the person is living; where God will be quickening, bringing to fulfillment what He has promised to do at the time in which that person is living.

That is what the person must see and must hear in order to receive God’s blessing, to be placed in the mystical Body of Christ, and to confirm his place in Eternal Life with Christ in His Eternal Kingdom.

In the times of Jesus in human flesh here on Earth, people had to be seeing what God was fulfilling at that time, which was the Coming of the Messiah. And they had to be listening to the Voice of God through the Messiah, through Jesus. It was time to see and hear what was promised in the Scripture for God to carry out in those days.

The disciples ask: “Why do You speak to them in parables?” when He is speaking to them about the sower and then He speaks to them about the wheat and the tares, in chapter 13 of Saint Matthew. After speaking to them about the sower, they ask Him: “Why do You speak to them in parables?” Christ tells them: “Because it is not given unto them to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God.”

And if it is not given unto them to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, for that reason they would be blind in the spiritual realm. That is why Jesus says to His disciples to leave the doctors of the Law, the Pharisees and Sadducees, alone. He said to them: “They are blind, leaders of the blind.”3

But Christ was and is and will be the Light, the Light that enlightens the soul and the spirit of the human being to see God’s Program relevant to the time in which a person is living.

Christ said: “I am the Light of the world; he that follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of Life.” In order to not walk in spiritual darkness, we are required to follow Christ, the Light of the world. This is what He said in Saint John chapter 8, verse 12.

And every person who wants to approach God, pray to God, speak to God, make a petition to God or express gratitude to God, Christ said: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man comes to the Father, but by Me.”4 There is no other way to reach God; it is through Jesus Christ, the only Way to God. Christ said: “No man comes to the Father, but by Me.” This has been already established by Christ Himself, so that we know how to reach God.

It is important to see: that He who has eyes to see, sees what God has promised in the Scripture, and sees the fulfillment for the time in which the person is living.

We must have spiritual eyes in order to see and understand, and hear God’s Voice, which is God’s Message relevant to the time in which a person is living: “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.”

“Blessed are your eyes, for they see,” (He tells His disciples), “and your ears, for they hear. For many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which you see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which you hear, and have not heard them.”

And what were the disciples seeing? And what did the prophets and righteous men desire to see? They desired to see the Coming of the Messiah, the Coming of the Lord, which the disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ were seeing, they were seeing It among them. What they were seeing was simple, but it was the fulfillment of the Messianic promise for that time.

Christ Himself said: “If I don’t do the works of God, don’t believe Me; but if I do them, then believe.”5 The works that were prophesied, which the Messiah would carry out in those days, in His First Coming; He would come as the Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world, represented in the paschal lamb that every father of a household sacrificed there in Egypt (every Hebrew family there in Egypt) to preserve the life of the firstborn, which, on Passover night, God would pass through smiting all the firstborn that were in Egypt; and only those who would be in the homes where the blood of the lamb was applied on the lintel and posts of the door to those homes were the ones who would preserve their lives; but the rest, who were in a house that did not have the blood of the paschal lamb applied, the firstborn (whether one or many) who were in that house would die.6

Pharaoh and the rest of the Egyptian families did not have the knowledge of what was going to happen and how the firstborn could escape death. It was not revealed to them, but to the Hebrews. That revelation was for the Hebrews, for the people who were descendants of Abraham, to know how to spare the lives of the firstborn on the night of Passover.

Just as it says here [Matthew 13:11]: “Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.”

That is how it was there in Egypt. The Hebrews were given to know the whole mystery of the preservation of the lives of the firstborn, having the sacrifice of the paschal lamb that every father of a household had to carry out; which is why God commanded the people that every father of a household should take a one-year-old lamb and keep it alive for four days, and sacrifice it on the fourteenth day, and apply the blood on the lintel and posts of the door to each home, to their home, to preserve the life of the firstborn, whether one or many, who were in that house.

Because the son could be a firstborn, but the father could also be a firstborn; and so, they had to preserve their lives on Passover night, which would be from the fourteenth to the fifteenth day, because Passover would begin at sundown; let’s say, at 6:00 in the evening of the fourteenth day (because days begin in the evening). As the fourteenth day ended in the evening, the fifteenth day would begin on the same evening that the fourteenth day ended; and therefore, during the night of the fifteenth day (because for the Hebrews the night comes first and then the day), and during Passover night, when they were to be eating the paschal lamb, death would come upon all the firstborn that were in Egypt; death would even come upon the firstborn of the animals, except the firstborn of the animals of the Hebrews.

One is required to see God’s Program pertaining to the time in which the person is living, in order to receive God’s blessings and avoid the problems that will come upon the people who will not have the knowledge of God’s Program.

Blessed are those unto whom it is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven for the time in which they are living; because those people will see what is being fulfilled by God, which is in the Word of God, and they will be hearing God’s Message for that time which will be proclaiming, making known, what God will be carrying out at that time.

Therefore, those people who will be given to see, understand, and hear: will be the blessed ones of that time. They will be the firstborn written in Heaven, in the Lamb’s Book of Life, who would form the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ throughout the different stages that the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ would go through.

Just as it was for the different past stages of the Church, it will be for this time. There will be people on this Earth who will be given to know, to understand, to see, what is promised in the Word; and to see, to understand, the fulfillment of those promises, as they are being made a reality by the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit, in the midst of His Church, in the midst of His people; and they will be hearing the Voice of Christ, the Voice of God, the Voice of the Holy Spirit, making known to us all these things which must take place.

And as they will be happening, He will be making known to us all those things that God, through His Spirit, will be carrying out at this end time; and that will give us the faith to be changed and taken with Christ to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

The Lord Jesus Christ, in His days of His flesh, in the days when He was in a body of human flesh, He said: “If I don’t do the works of the One who sent Me (of the Father), don’t believe Me; but if I do them, then believe.”

The Lord Jesus Christ also said: “Search the Scriptures; for in them you think you have Eternal Life, and they are they which testify of Me.” They testify of the Messiah in His First Coming, fulfilling the promise of the Coming of the Messiah and of the things that the Messiah would be carrying out.

That is why when John the Baptist sends for Jesus to be asked: “Are You He that should come? Or should we look for another?” And John the Baptist had said: “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.7 He had said: “This is the One who comes after me,” in Saint John chapter 1, verse 27 and on, and in other places of the Gospel.8 But now, when he is in prison, from the prison he sends two of his disciples to ask Jesus if He is the Person who had to come or if they should look for another.

Jesus doesn’t tell him it is Him. Jesus instead says… after healing the sick who were there, opening the eyes of the blind, healing the paralyzed, casting out devils, and so forth, He tells John’s disciples to go to John and tell him what they have been seeing, to tell him that they have seen what Jesus has done,9 because that was what was promised for the Messiah to carry out, according to Isaiah chapter 61, verse 1 and on, where it says:

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;

To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord…”

And in Saint Luke chapter 4, He had also read what Isaiah said about what He would carry out in His Coming; which is why He had to perform those miracles for the glory of God, for God to be glorified.

That is what God said that He would do through the Messiah; because the Messiah would be Emmanuel, that is: God with us,10 in a body of human flesh, which would be Emmanuel, the Word made flesh. “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.”11 And God was in that veil of flesh, carrying out what He promised for the time of the Coming of the Messiah, where all those promises would be fulfilled. We must be aware of these things because history always repeats itself.

Christianity has been waiting for the Second Coming of Christ for about two thousand years; and therefore, it is important what things are promised to be carried out by the Messiah in His Second Coming.

Of the seven Hebrew feasts, four have been fulfilled in the First Coming of Christ; and the other three pertain to His Second Coming.

That is why in Isaiah chapter 61, verse 1 to 3, when Christ read: “To preach, to proclaim, to preach the Acceptable Year of the Lord,” (that is, of the Eternal One, of the Lord),12 He stopped there, because what it said next was: “And to proclaim the Day of Vengeance of our God.”

The Day of Vengeance of our God will be proclaimed, preached, in the Second Coming of Christ. It is Christ in His Second Coming proclaiming the Day of Vengeance of our God, preaching the coming judgment that will fall upon mankind during the time of the Great Tribulation, in that time period of three and a half years that the Great Tribulation will last.

It is important to know, understand the Scriptures pertaining to the First Coming of Christ and the things He would do, and to see how He carried them out; and then to see the things that are promised to be done by the Messiah in His Second Coming; and to have our eyes open, and our ears wide open, to see and hear all these things for the time in which we live, to watch for their fulfillment at this end time. Things which must be fulfilled at this end time.

Remember that the Second Coming of Christ to take His Church, is to His Church, which is His spiritual Temple, where the Glory of God, the Glory of Christ will be seen; just like in the time in which Moses dedicated the tabernacle to God, God’s Glory descended upon the tabernacle, and dwelt there: in the most holy place of that tabernacle, between the two cherubims of gold, upon the mercy seat (which is the cover of the ark of the covenant), where God appeared in that Pillar of Fire, in that Bright Cloud.13

Then also when King Solomon built the temple there in Jerusalem (a temple for God and for the Name of God, a house for the Name of God), we find that when he dedicated the temple, God’s Glory descended upon the temple, the Pillar of Fire, that Bright Cloud, descended and positioned Itself in the most holy place; and the whole house, the whole temple, was filled with God’s Glory, to the extent that the priests could not minister.14

And now, for the Last Day we have the promise of the Coming of the Lord to the House of the Lord, which is His Church, where the Lord’s Glory, the Lord’s Coming to His Church, will fill His Church, His House with Glory; and that is where the manifestation of the Glory of the Lord will be at the Last Day.

It is important to be aware, seeing the process that and through which the Church of the Lord will go until receiving the full manifestation of Christ, the Coming of Christ in Glory to His Church, where we will be seeing fulfilled in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ the promised Works that Christ will do in His Coming.

And all of that is tied to the Seventh Seal, which, when It was opened in Heaven, there was silence in Heaven for about half an hour. That mystery is then going to be opened to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ at this end time.

Therefore, let’s have our spiritual eyes wide open and our ears wide open, to hear the Voice of Christ speaking to us at this end time in and from His Church, His spiritual Temple. We have to be aware and know from which part of the Temple He will be speaking to us.

He will not be speaking to us from the Outer Court, nor from the Holy Place, but He will be speaking to us from the Most Holy Place; because that is the place where He will come and manifest Himself at the Last Day; it is the place where we will see Him and where we will hear Him speaking directly to our hearts.

It is important to know, to understand the promises there are for this end time. There, in that part of the spiritual Temple, is where He will give us the faith to be changed and taken with Christ to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb; “because it will be given unto you to know these mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven.”

These mysteries will be made known to those who are going to be changed; who will be in that spiritual Temple of Christ, in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the Most Holy Place of that spiritual Temple, which is the golden stage of the Church, the Age of the Cornerstone. There and from there… and that is where we will see Him there fulfilling what He has promised, and we will hear Him giving us His Message of Love, to give us the faith to be changed and taken with Christ to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

That is the place where He was seen when Moses dedicated the temple or tabernacle to God, and that is the place where He was seen when Solomon dedicated the temple to God. They saw that He descended upon the temple and back then upon the tabernacle; but where did He position Himself? In the most holy place, upon the ark of the covenant, above the mercy seat, between the two cherubims of gold; because that is the dwelling place of God, of the Lord, in the tabernacle that Moses built and in the temple that King Solomon built, and in the spiritual Temple of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is His Church.

And the latter glory will be greater than the former;15 and the latter glory in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ will be with a double portion; therefore, it will be greater than what they received on the day of Pentecost, it will be greater than what the apostles had there in the beginning; because here He shall also come and bring the physical transformation—which is the glorification—for Christ’s believers who will be living at the Last Day. Those who remain alive until that moment will be changed, and those who died will be raised, glorified in glorified, eternal, immortal and young bodies for all eternity.


Time to see the things that are promised for this end time, and to see what He will be doing, their fulfillment as they are fulfilled by the Lord in the Divine process, until they are all fulfilled, and we have the Seventh Seal completely fulfilled, which is the Coming of the Lord to His Church. This is what will bring the faith for the transformation of the believers in Christ at the Last Day, and the resurrection of the dead believers in Christ will also come.

Therefore, it is important to know that we are in the time to see: to see the things that God will be carrying out at this time. And first we must see them in the Scripture; because if you don’t know, if you don’t see them in the Scripture, then you won’t understand what you will be physically seeing, because you will not understand that this is what has been promised that God will do at this end time in the midst of His Church and with His Church. And it would happen as it did with the people of that time, those who did not understand, because they did not see the Scripture: what was promised for that time.

That is why Jesus directed them to the Scripture: “Search the Scriptures; for in them you think you have Eternal Life, and they are they which testify of Me.” The Scripture is what testifies of Christ and what He will be doing in each time.

He will do nothing other than what is promised in the Scripture. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path,the Scripture says.16 Therefore, we must heed the Word of the Lord, we must know It, in order to know and identify what God will be doing at this end time.

That is also how it was for each stage of the Church: they had to see and hear what God was doing, and what He was speaking in each age through the messenger of each age. That is why Revelation says: “He that has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.”

What the Holy Spirit was saying, Christ in Holy Spirit among His Church, what He was saying through each messenger, and what He was doing through each messenger, was the Work of Christ for each age among His Church. And those who had ears to hear and eyes to see, saw and heard the Voice of the Holy Spirit through the messenger of each time; and they were thus called and gathered in the mystical Body of Christ, and became part of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ at the time in which they were given to live. They were the blessed people of each time.

And who are they? And where are the blessed people of this time? We are here, hearing the Voice of God, the Voice of the Scripture, and seeing how God fulfills what He has promised for this end time; just as we study, we see, what He fulfilled according to His promise for each stage of the Church and also what God did in the time of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and of the patriarchs, of Moses, of the judges, of the prophets; and so forth, what He did according to what He promised for each time.

And He will also fulfill what He has promised for our time. For this reason, we have to keep our spiritual eyes wide open, and our spiritual ears wide open, to hear and see what God has promised, and how He will be carrying it out at this end time.

This is a time to see, to see what God has promised and what God, therefore, will be doing, will be fulfilling at this end time. We cannot overlook what God has promised, and therefore what God will be doing at this time in which we are living.

And what God will be doing will be in accordance with the Word; it will be what He has promised for the Last Day. For example, He will carry out the resurrection according to His promise. Regarding the believers in Christ, He said: “I will raise him up,” (when?) “at the Last Day.” Saint John chapter 6, verses 39 and on.

Therefore, let’s have our eyes open and our ears wide open, hearing and seeing the hand of the Lord carrying out the things He has promised to do in His Church at this Last Day.

We are blessed to live at this end time; the time when God will do great things, the time when God’s Glory will be manifested in His Church, the time when the mystical Body of Christ will be preparing Itself to go with Christ to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

This is the greatest time of all times, this is the time that the prophets of the past, the righteous, the saints, the apostles and the different messengers of the Church, of past ages, desired to see and live in. This is the most glorious time of all.

And we have been given to live at this time in which all these things that are promised must be fulfilled.


On one occasion, when he came to Puerto Rico, Rev. William Branham preached about blind Bartimaeus,17 who cried out as Jesus passed by.18 He heard a lot of noise, many voices, and he asked: “What is going on? Who is passing by there?” And they told him it was Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews. And he began to cry out: “Jesus, King of the Jews, have mercy on me!” As a Jew he had the right to acknowledge Him as the King of the Jews and to ask of Him, to make Him a petition; and He would respond as the King of the Jews.

And the disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ tried to keep him quiet, but Jesus heard, and He says to His disciples: “Bring that man here.”

They bring him to Jesus, and Jesus asks him: “What do you want Me to do unto you?” And Bartimaeus says to Him: “That I may see!” For what else can a blind man who is crying out for mercy say? Well, that he may see.

And when Jesus hears those words, He tells him that his petition, to see, has been granted to him; his petition is granted. And when his eyes were opened, he saw the greatest thing a person can see: he saw the One to whom he cried out: “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” He saw the King of Israel.

What greater thing can you see than the King of Israel, when you cry for your eyes to be opened?!

At the Last Day, the Second Coming of Christ will be the Coming of the King of Israel, which the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ will see, to go with Christ to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. In other words, at the Last Day, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, when Christ finishes His Work as High Priest in the heavenly Temple, He will leave the Most Holy Place, of Intercession, and become the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the King of kings and Lord of lords; as it says in Revelation 5, when John wept much because there was no one worthy to take the Book and open Its Seals.

Then the elder tells John (in chapter 5 of Revelation): “Weep not; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, who has prevailed to take the Book and to open Its Seals.” When John looked, he saw a Lamb, as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God that run to and fro throughout the whole Earth. And the elder had said that it was the Lion.

Well, John did not see a lion or a lamb either; he saw Jesus Christ presenting Himself as Lion, presenting Himself as King, for as the Lion, He is the King (because the lion is the king of the animals, they call it the “king of the jungle”).

And the eyes of the Lord are the same seven stars. The horns, the seven horns and seven eyes, are the seven ages, seven stages of the Church with Her seven messengers. In other words, something great is about to happen in Heaven.

And His Coming to Earth, to His Church (in Revelation 10), when He descends He cries as when what? As when a lion roars, and Seven Thunders utter their Voices; and He comes with the little Book, the Title Deed open in His hand, to give It to His Church.

John the Apostle represents His Church and the instrument that God will have in His Church at the Last Day. All of that is tied to the Divine Program pertaining to this end time.

Therefore, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ at the Last Day will be receiving the Title Deed in the Claiming Work of Christ as Lion of the Tribe of Judah, for the restoration of God’s children to physical Eternal Life, with eternal bodies, glorified bodies, to go with Christ to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

Therefore, we are at the TIME TO SEE: to see what is promised and see God’s process for the fulfillment of all those promises. Some are already fulfilled, and others are in the process of being fulfilled, and others will be fulfilled further on. That is why we remain steadfast in the mystical Body of Christ, in the stage in which we are given to live: the golden stage of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The other ages have already passed, and now we are in the Golden Age of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; that age is parallel to the stage or age in which He was here on Earth in His First Coming; and that age is parallel to the time of Noah and to the time of Lot. That was what Christ showed when He said that the Coming of the Son of man will be as it was in the days of Noah and as in the days of Lot.19

So, there are great blessings for the believers in Christ at this end time, great blessings for all the believers in Christ, in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; because it is time, the time to see all these promises, and to see how God will be materializing and bringing to life all those promises.

For this reason, let’s be steadfast in Christ, serving Him all the days of our life, laboring in His Work, and expressing our love and gratitude to Christ; glorifying Him and worshiping Him, worshiping God in Spirit and in truth, in the Name of the Lord, through Christ. And preparing ourselves for His Coming and for our transformation, with our eyes wide open.

My petition to Christ is the same as blind Bartimaeus: Lord, that I may see; may I see, and may all of you see Christ in His promises pertaining to this end time; may we see Him working, manifesting Himself in what He has promised. And when He finishes His Work of Intercession and becomes the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, may we see Him, the King of Israel, the King of kings and Lord of lords, coming to His Church to change us and take us with Him to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. We will also see Him as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, as the Son of David, as the Heir to the Throne of David. That is also how Israel will see him.

May the blessings of Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, be upon all of you; and we will see each other next Sunday, God willing.

I will leave the minister, Rev. José Benjamín Pérez, with you to continue and conclude on this occasion.

Until next Sunday, God willing, when I will be here with you.


1 Revelation 2:7, 2:11, 2:17, 2:29, 3:6, 3:13, 3:22

2 John 5:39

3 Matthew 15:14

4 John 14:6

5 John 10:37-38

6 Exodus 12:1-30

7 John 1:29

8 John 1:15, 1:30

9 Matthew 11:1-6; Luke 7:18-23

10 Matthew 1:23

11 John 1:14

12 Luke 4:16-19

13 Exodus 40:34-35

14 1 Kings 8:10-11; 2 Chronicles 5:11-14

15 Haggai 2:9

16 Psalm 119:105

17 ENG59-0208 “Blind Bartimaeus”

18 Matthew 20:29-34; Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18:35-43

19 Matthew 24:37; Luke 17:26-29

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